"Would You Rather" Questions

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“Would you rather” questions

• Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors or go way in the future
and meet your great grandchildren?
• Would you rather chase your career or get married and start a family?
• Would you rather get a dream vacation for two weeks or spend five days with anyone in
the world, but you must say in your hometown?
• Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes music forever?
• Would you rather date a celebrity or a person you know?
• Would you rather have all your dreams come true be completely average with nothing
special about you?
• Would you rather be a one hit wonder or be an average singer for as long as you want?
• Would you rather be weird or average?
• Would you rather own a big dog or a small dog?
• Would you rather be able to speak and write in every language or be able to read and
listen in every language?
• Would you rather have piercings or tattoos?
• Would you rather be immortal or the richest person on the planet?
• Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or your funeral?
• Would you rather be fluent in all languages or a master of every musical instrument?
• Would you rather live in Harry Potter’s world or live in the life of fame and wealth?
• Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
• Would you rather be the smartest person or the hottest person?
• Would you rather buy a Mac or a PC?
• Would you rather live in a retirement home or live in a mental institution where
everyone is hot?
• Would you rather eat at a buffet or a restaurant where you order a meal?
• Would you rather have invisibility and teleportation or ability to read minds and fly?
• Would you rather live in a world where there were no problems or live in a world where
you rule?
• Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or have a pause button in your life?
• Would you rather have your mind serve as an iPod so you can listen to music anytime
or be able to watch your dreams on the TV?
• Would you rather know everything there is to know or rule everything there is to rule?
• Would you rather be famous or be the best friend of someone famous?
• Would you rather find true love or $10,000,000 dollars?
• Would you rather be able to talk with animals or be able to speak all foreign languages?
• Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
• Would you rather go to heaven or live on earth forever?
• Would you rather listen to older music or today’s music?

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