Game Variant Designed by Filip Murmak
Game Variant Designed by Filip Murmak
Game Variant Designed by Filip Murmak
by Filip Murmak
Setup is the same as in a 2-player game, with the following exceptions:
• Set up the achievement board as in a 3-player game, but do not use Higher Level Masteries
(so you will need only 9 achievement tiles).
• You can play with any character. Ignore the Starting Bonuses table and gain 1 random potion instead.
Shuffle the Demon Lord deck and the fury deck. Put some fury cards on top of the Demon Lord deck to build a face-down challenge
deck. The number of fury cards on top determines the difficulty of the game:
• Leisurely: all 18 fury cards on top of all 33 Demon Lord cards.
• Steady: 12 random fury cards on top of all 33 Demon Lord cards.
• Hectic: 6 random fury cards on top of all 33 Demon Lord cards.
• Rushed: only the 33 Demon Lord cards.
Because this is a 1-player game, divine intervention tiles will always have only 1 die on them.
• For each demon killed, choose either to gain levels or to flip the card and gain the respective item – you do
not gain both. (Note: It is more thematic to decide before you see the item. But if you like to have more control
over the game, you can look first and decide after.)
• When resting (including A Brief Respite), count the number of skills you have gained so far
and draw that many challenge cards. (Or, if you have 0 skills, draw 1 card.) Do not look at the
challenge cards.
At first, you will draw fury cards. These are simply placed face down on the fury deck,
where they will wait for the end of the game. Once all fury cards are gone from the top
of your challenge deck, you will draw Demon Lord cards. Place them face down in the
upper right corner of your board to form your Final Battle deck.
If you empty the challenge deck, then you can ignore this rule when you Rest. But
you don’t want to be in that position, because that would mean your Final Battle
deck has all 33 Demon Lord cards. A bigger Final Battle deck will be harder to
overcome when you face the Demon Lord.
• At the end of each act, you must remove certain achievements you have not
yet gained:
– After opening the chest in Act I: remove any tiles left in the 1st row.
– After opening the chest in Act III: remove any tiles left in the 2nd row.
– After A Brief Respite in Act V: remove any tiles left in the 3rd row.
Acts V and VI
Play through Act V as usual up to the phase Breaching the Walls. Skip The Demon Lord Appears step for now. Call to Arms won’t happen
because you are the only player. Go directly to A Brief Respite. (Don’t forget that this counts as a Rest, so you will draw challenge cards.)
After this last Rest, it is time to set up the battle with the Demon Lord. This is different from the standard game:
Check to be sure you have at
least 5 cards left in your
challenge deck. If not, return 10 14
some from your Final Battle
deck so you have 5. Set the
challenge deck aside for
now. 6 9 13
3 5 8 12
Now the Demon Lord attacks you with the cards at the cathedral, one at a time, similar to the Act V step The Demon Lord’s Answer.
If you survive this, set up your battle board as usual. For the Demon Lord cards, use 5 of those that were left in your challenge deck.
The fury cards come from your fury deck, as usual. (Depending on the difficulty of the game, this may or may not include fury cards
that were once part of your challenge deck – it doesn’t matter, because you did not look at them.)
Except for the fact that your Demon Lord Roars pyramid is set up ahead of time, the Final Battle follows the usual rules. Good luck!
(You will need it.) If you survive, you win!