Tax 2 Flexible Obtl Midyear 2021
Tax 2 Flexible Obtl Midyear 2021
Tax 2 Flexible Obtl Midyear 2021
VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.
Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education
ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
Towards this end, TSU shall:
1. Provide high quality instruction trough qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support
MISSION staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and
strengthening collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and
E - xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness
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Program Goals
To produce competent and ethical professional accountants, with an attitude of “learning to learn,” capable of adapting to change, and providing relevant contributions to the profession
and society in which they work.
Program Outcomes
GRADUATE should be able to:
1. Resolve business issues and problems with a global and strategic perspective using knowledge and technical proficiency in the areas of financial accounting and reporting, cost
accounting and management, accounting and control, taxation, and accounting information systems;
2. Conduct Accountancy/Accounting Information System research through independent studies of relevant literature and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies;
3. Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions;
4. Apply knowledge and skills to successfully respond to various type of assessments; and (including professional licensure and certifications); and
5. Confidently maintain a commitment to good corporate citizenship, social responsibility and ethical practice in performing functions as an accountant.
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application for test measurements (if face to face is not allowed). To achieve the
outcomes expected from the accounting graduates, the formative and summative
assessments can be done in multiple choice questions, true or false, essay, problem
solving, creating financial statements, working papers or reports, and the likes.
1. Demonstrate mastery of Unit 1. Introduction to Transfer Taxation The 1987 Philippine Constitution Use of online Poll Internet Week
the concepts of transfer lecture (Slides, Questioning connection 1
taxes Chapter 1: Transfer Taxation RA 8424 The Tax Reform Act of Videos and Online during Lecture
1997 (also known as Tax Code) discussion) Discussion
i. Concept and Types of Transfers Electronic device
2. Comprehend and discuss
the nature and rationale of ii. Bilateral, Unilateral, and Complex RA 10963 TRAIN Law Use of poll Oral
transfer taxation Transfers questioning during Exercises LMS and other
iii. Rationale of Transfer Taxation Relevant Revenue Regulations, lecture discussion educational
3. Enumerate and classify iv. Nature and Comparison of Transfer Taxes Memorandum Circulars, Portfolio platforms (MS
the types of income v. Classification of Transfer Taxpayers Memorandum Order, and Use of scheduled Journal for Teams, Zoom,
taxpayers. vi. Situs of Transfer Rulings from the Bureau of and unannounced work Facebook, etc.)
vii. Other Concepts in Transfer taxation Internal Revenue oral exercises exercises
4. Enumerate the rules of
Portfolio Journal
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situs and reciprocity clause. Banggawan, Business and Use of work Formative
Transfer Taxation 2019e exercises Examinations Module /
5. Enumerate and explain Reading
the sources of transfer tax Tabag, Garcia, Transfer and Summative
laws. Business Taxation with Special Examinations
Topics 2019e
Video Links /
Ballada, Ballada, Transfer and Slides
Business Taxation Made Easy
2019e Case Study and
related articles
Ampongan, Transfer, Business,
and Local Taxation 2019e
Flexible Teaching
Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Assessment Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter and Learning
(DLOs) References of Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Activities (FTLAs)
1. Demonstrate mastery of the Unit 2. Estate Taxation The 1987 Philippine Use of online Poll Internet Week
concepts of succession. Constitution lecture (Slides, Questioning connection 2
Chapter 2: Concept of Taxation and Estate Tax Videos and Online during Lecture
2. Enumerate and explain the i. Succession and Its Types RA 8424 The Tax discussion) Discussion Electronic
types and elements of succession ii. Nature and Elements of Succession Reform Act of 1997 device
and nature estate tax. iii. Intestate Succession (Heirs and Basic Partition (also known as Tax Use of poll Oral Exercises
Procedures) Code) questioning during LMS and other
3. Enumerate the types of iv. Testamentary Succession (Heirs, Legitime, lecture discussion Portfolio educational
decedents and explain the Disinheritance and Repudiation) RA 10963 TRAIN Journal for platforms (MS
taxation rules applicable to each v. Estate Taxation and Nature of Estate Tax Law Use of scheduled work exercises Teams, Zoom,
type. vi. Classification of Estate Taxpayers and unannounced Facebook, etc.)
vii. Estate Tax Model Relevant Revenue oral exercises Formative
4. Explain the computation model Regulations, Examinations Portfolio
of estate taxation. Chapter 3: Gross Estate – Common Rules Memorandum Use of case study, Journal
i. Concept and Rules on Inclusion in Gross Estate Circulars, and related articles Summative
5. Explain the concept of gross ii. Composition, Valuation, and Establishment of Memorandum Order, Examinations Module /
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estate and discuss the procedures Gross Estate (Exempt and Taxable Transfers) and Rulings from the Use of work Reading
in determining gross estate. Bureau of Internal exercises such as Materials
Chapter 4: Gross Estate – Special Rules for Married Revenue theoretical
6. Differentiate taxable from Decedents application and Video Links /
exempt transfers. i. Gross Estate of Married Decedents Banggawan, problem solving Slides
ii. Property Regimes Business and
7. Explain and illustrate the iii. Determination of Property Interest Transfer Taxation Use of offline BIR Case Study
presentation of gross estate of a 2019e Forms and related
married decedent. Chapter 5: Deductions from Gross Estate articles
i. Concept and General Principles of Deductions Tabag, Garcia,
8. Demonstrate mastery of the Against Gross Estate Transfer and Offline BIR
various property regimes and their ii. Classification of and Rules on Deductions Business Taxation Form
nature. - Losses, Indebtedness and Taxes with Special Topics
- Claims Against Insolvent Person 2019e
9. Discuss the general principles - Claims Against the Estate
of deductions against gross - Transfer for Public Use Ballada, Ballada,
estate. - Vanishing Deductions Transfer and
- Family Home Business taxation
10. Enumerate the classification - Standard Deductions Made Easy 2019e
and deduction rules on deductions - Benefits under RA 4917
and the list of items of ordinary - Share of Surviving Spouse Ampongan, Transfer,
and special deductions. iii. Rules on Claimable Deductions of Residents, Business, and Local
Citizens, and Non-Resident Aliens Taxation 2019e
11. Explain the computational
procedures of the share of Chapter 6: Estate Tax Payable
surviving spouse and net taxable i. Determination of Net Taxable Estate
estate ii. Administrative Provisions (Estate Tax
Requirements, Filing and Payment)
12. Prepare the applicable BIR iii. Presentation of Gross Estate and Deductions in
Form and enumerate attachment the Estate Tax Return
required for estate tax return.
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Flexible Teaching
Desired Learning Outcomes Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References and Learning
(DLOs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Activities (FTLAs)
1. Explain the rationale and Unit 3. Donor’s Taxation The 1987 Philippine Constitution Use of online lecture Poll Questioning Internet Week
purpose of donor’s tax. (Slides, Videos and during Lecture connection 3
Chapter 7: Introduction to Donation and RA 8424 The Tax Reform Act of Online discussion) Discussion
2. Enumerate the types of Donor’s Tax Payable 1997 (also known as Tax Code) Electronic device
donors and their tax rules. i. The Concept of Donation Use of poll Oral Exercises
ii. Nature and Rationale of Donor’s RA 10963 TRAIN Law questioning during LMS and other
3. Discuss the treatment of Taxation lecture discussion Portfolio Journal educational
donation of common iii. Requisites of a Valid Donation Relevant Revenue Regulations, for work platforms (MS
properties and donations to iv. Classification of Donor’s Taxpayers Memorandum Circulars, Use of scheduled and exercises Teams, Zoom,
joint or several donees. v. Taxable and Exempt Donations Memorandum Order, and unannounced oral Facebook, etc.)
iv. Determination of Gross Gifts Rulings from the Bureau of exercises Formative
4. Enumerate the list of vi. Timing and Valuation of Gross Gifts Internal Revenue Examinations Portfolio Journal
exempt donations and their v. Foreign Tax Credit Use of case study,
sources. vi. Administrative Provisions (Donor’s Banggawan, Business and and related articles Summative Module /
Tax Requirements, Filing and Transfer Taxation 2019e Examinations Reading
5. Demonstrate mastery on Payment) Use of work exercises Materials
the concept of net gift. vii. Presentation of Gross Gift and Tabag, Garcia, Transfer and such as theoretical
Deductions in the Donor’s Tax Business Taxation with Special application and Video Links /
6. Prepare the applicable BIR Return Topics 2019e problem solving Slides
Form and enumerate
attachment required for estate Ballada, Ballada, Transfer and Use of offline BIR Case Study and
tax return. Business taxation Made Easy Forms related articles
Offline BIR Form
Ampongan, Transfer, Business,
and Local Taxation 2019e
Form No.: TSU-VPA-SF-55 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: May 19, 2020 Page 7 of 13
Flexible Teaching
Desired Learning Outcomes Textbook/ Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter and Learning
(DLOs) References Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Activities (FTLAs)
1. Define and explain- the Unit 4. Introduction to Consumption Taxes: Vat on The 1987 Philippine Use of online Poll Questioning Internet Week
concept of consumption taxes Importation and Business Taxation Constitution lecture (Slides, during Lecture connection 4
as it applies to VAT and Videos and Online
percentage tax. Chapter 8: Introduction to Consumption Taxes Discussion Electronic device
RA 8424 The Tax discussion)
i. The Concept of Consumption and Consumption Reform Act of 1997 Oral Exercises LMS and other
2. Identify and differentiate the tax Use of poll
(also known as Tax educational
tax treatment of a transaction ii. Types of Consumption questioning during Work exercises
Code) platforms
if it is subject to VAT, iii. Consumption Tax on Domestic Sales lecture discussion
percentage tax or exempt iv. Consumption Tax on Importation Formative
RA 10963 TRAIN (MS Teams,
from consumption tax. v. Types of Domestic Consumption as to Taxability Use of scheduled Examinations
Law Zoom,
vi. Exempt Consumption and unannounced
Summative Facebook, etc.)
3. Classify and present the vii. Comparison of VAT on Importation and Business oral exercises
applicable tax treatment of the Tax Relevant Revenue Examinations
various business transactions. viii. Structure of the VAT on Importation and Business Regulations, Use of case study,
Tax Memorandum and related articles
4. Understand and apply the Circulars, Video Links
Use of work
various concepts and Chapter 9: The Value Added Tax on Importation Memorandum exercises or Slides
principles in taxation to i. Importation and Types of Tax on Importation Order, and Rulings examples such as
illustrative examples and ii. Exempt Importation from the Bureau of theoretical Case Study and
actual scenarios. iii. Quasi-Importation Internal Revenue application and related articles
iv. Importation Exempt Under Special Laws or
problem solving
5. Prepare and report the Treaties
Banggawan, Offline BIR Form
applicable BIR Form for the v. The VAT on Importation and Landed Cost
Business and Use of offline BIR
business tax imposed by the vi. Import of Services
Transfer Taxation Forms
NIRC. vii. Final Withholding VAT and VAT Exempt Import of
Services 2019e
viii. Import of Service Specifically Subject to
Percentage Tax Tabag, Garcia,
Transfer and
Chapter 10: Introduction to Business Taxation Business Taxation
i. Nature and Types of Business Tax with Special Topics
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Flexible Teaching
Desired Learning Outcomes Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References and Learning
(DLOs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Activities (FTLAs)
1. Define and explain- the Unit 5. Exempt Sales of Goods, Properties The 1987 Philippine Use of online Poll Questioning Internet Week
concept of exempt sales and and Services and Percentage Tax Constitution lecture (Slides, during Lecture connection 4-5
percentage tax. Videos and Online
Chapter 11: Exempt Sales Discussion Electronic
RA 8424 The Tax Reform Act discussion)
2. Identify and differentiate the i. Exempt Sales of Good or Properties device
of 1997 (also known as Tax Oral Exercises
tax treatment of a transaction (SECRET Tax-free Gold) Use of poll
Code) LMS and other
if it is an exempt sale or ii. Exempt Sales of Services SEARCH2 questioning during Work exercises
subject to specific percentage VA TRIPS) educational
lecture discussion
RA 10963 TRAIN Law Formative platforms
tax. iii. Other Exempt Sales of Goods or
Services Use of scheduled Examinations
Relevant Revenue (MS Teams,
3. Classify and present the and unannounced
Regulations, Memorandum Summative Zoom,
applicable tax treatment of the Chapter 12: The Percentage Tax oral exercises
various business transactions i. The Scope of Percentage Tax Circulars, Memorandum Examinations Facebook,
(various tax rates for services ii. List of Services Specifically Subject to Order, and Rulings from the Use of case study, etc.)
specifically subject to Percentage Tax (BICAP FLOW) Bureau of Internal Revenue and related articles
percentage tax) iii. Withholding of Percentage Tax at
Use of work Materials
Source Banggawan, Business and exercises or
4. Understand and apply the iv. Exemption from Percentage Tax Transfer Taxation 2019e examples such as
Form No.: TSU-VPA-SF-55 Revision No.: 00 Effectivity Date: May 19, 2020 Page 9 of 13
Flexible Teaching
Desired Learning Textbook/ Assessment of Resource Time
Course Content/Subject Matter and Learning
Outcomes (DLOs) References Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Activities (FTLAs)
1. Define and explain- Unit 6. Value Added Tax The 1987 Philippine Use of online lecture Poll Questioning Internet Week
the concept of Value Constitution (Slides, Videos and during Lecture connection 5-6
Added Tax. Chapter 13: Introduction to the Value Added Tax Online discussion)
i. Scope of VAT on Sales Discussion Electronic
RA 8424 The Tax
2. Identify and ii. The VAT Threshold and VAT Model Use of poll device
Reform Act of 1997 Oral Exercises
differentiate the tax iii. VAT Reporting and Accounting Entries questioning during
(also known as Tax LMS and other
treatment of a iv. Zero-Rated Sales lecture discussion Work exercises
Code) educational
transaction if it is v. Exempts Sales
subject to VAT. Use of scheduled and Formative platforms
vi. Classification of Sales or Receipts for VAT Purposes RA 10963 TRAIN unannounced oral Examinations
Law exercises (MS Teams,
3. Classify and present
Chapter 14: Output VAT- Regular Sales Summative Zoom,
the applicable tax
treatment of the i. Sources of Regular Output VAT Relevant Revenue Use of case study, Examinations Facebook,
various business ii. Sale of Vatable Goods, Vatable Services, Vatable Regulations, and related articles etc.)
transactions ( VAT, Properties Memorandum Use of work exercises Lecture
zero-rated, percentage iii. Transactions Deemed Sales Circulars, or examples such as Materials
tax or exempt) iv. Invoicing Requirements on Deemed Sales Memorandum theoretical application
v. Billing Requirement on Output VAT
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4. Understand and Order, and Rulings and problem solving Video Links
apply the various Chapter 15: Output VAT- Zero-Rated Sales from the Bureau of
concepts and i. Zero-Rated Sales and Its Benefits Use of offline BIR Slides
Internal Revenue
principles in taxation to ii. Zero-Rated Sales of Goods Forms Case Study
illustrative examples iii. Export Sales Banggawan, and related
and actual scenarios. iv. Effectively Zero-Rated Sales Business and articles
v. Zero- Rated Sales of Services
Transfer Taxation
5. Prepare and report Offline BIR
the applicable BIR 2019e
Chapter 16: Input VAT Form
Form for the business i. Determination of Input VAT
tax imposed by the ii. Creditable Input VAT Tabag, Garcia,
NIRC. iii. Types of Input VAT Transfer and
iv. Rules on Claim for Credit of Input VAT Business Taxation
v. Computation and Presentation of Allowable Input VAT with Special Topics
Chapter 17: VAT Payable and Other Requirements
i. Determination of VAT Payable Ballada, Ballada,
ii. VAT Payments in the Monthly Returns Transfer and
iii. Final Withholding VAT Business taxation
ii. Advanced VAT Made Easy 2019e
iii. Overpayment
iv. Alternative Treatment on Certain Overpayments
v. Input VAT on Zero-Rated Sales
Transfer, Business,
vi. Unutilized Advanced VAT
and Local Taxation
vii. Compliance Requirements
viii. Invoicing Requirement
ix. Filing of VAT Return
x. Quarterly Summary Lists
xi. RELIEF System
xii. Final Withholding by GOCCs
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Grading System STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Weight Grade Equivale Description Remark Grade Equivalence Description Remarks
nce s
Attendance, Poll Questioning and Oral 10% 1.00 98-100 Excellent Passed 3.00 75% Passing Passed
Exercises %
Work exercises (Activity/ Seatwork) 10% 1.25 95-97 Excellent Passed 3.50 75-78% C. Failure C. Failure
Formative Examinations 40% 1.50 92-94 Very Good Passed 4.00 71-74% C. Failure C. Failure
Summative Examinations 40% 1.75 89-91 Very Good Passed 5.00 Failed Failure Failed
TOTAL 100% 2.00 86-89 Good Passed DRP Dropped Dropped Dropped
Credit Grade (Final Grade) = (Midterm Grade + Final Term 2.25 83-85 Good Passed INC Incomplete Incomplete Incomplete
Grade) / 2, or cumulative
2.50 80-81 Good Passed UD Unofficially Failure Failed
Abide by the BSA Retention Policy to qualify for BS Dropped
Accountancy Program. 2.75 78-79 Satisfactory Passed
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1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned
application. Just go to and login using your account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your
enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger,
Telegram and the like.
3. There are specific periods or schedules wherein synchronous learning shall be required. The student shall be ready as such to attend the said
scheduled meeting and make the necessary adjustments to be able to attend and be present.
4. Plagiarism in case of copyrighted articles is strictly prohibited and direct copying of classmates’ work will be sanctioned by not accumulating any
points, both on the part of the two or more parties involved.
5. Students are encouraged to submit their assignments and activities on time. Ample considerations will be given to those students who don't have
internet access.
Recommending Approval:
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