Introduction To FPC

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Fleet Production and Cost Analysis (FPC) is a software tool which provides
an estimate of hauling fleet productivity and cost

FPC allows users to evaluate multiple loader / hauler fleets as well as haul
road profiles to estimate the production, cost, and time required to complete
the job. From this initial estimate, the user can then evaluate the effects of
changes in production volume or cycle times to drive toward minimizing the
total cost of operation, and/or maximizing production.

Minimize Total Cost

Maximize Production and Productivity

1 FPC Version 4.1 Feb 2012

By comparing the results of each scenario, the user can quickly determine
areas for improvement, and provide an estimate of the corresponding benefit.

For each factor, a 5% change typically translates into the following reductions in Cost per Tonne…

Elements of Fleet Production and Cost

FPC utilizes actual machine performance data, haul road profiles, cycle times,
loader / hauler / crusher capacities as well as equipment and operator costs, to
estimate the production capability and total cost per tonne of material moved.

Hauler Exchange / Loader Fill Factors Payloads Haul Road Speeds Maneuver & Dump
Cycle Times and Cycle Times and Cycle Times Cycle Times

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Production Capability

For each study, FPC calculates the theoretical production capability of the fleet.

The following de-rate factors can be modified within FPC to obtain the expected
production capability for the fleet.

• Fleet Match – The optimum # of

haulers matched to the loading tool
• Bunching – Haulers queued at the
load, crusher or dump areas
• Operator Efficiency / Skill Level
• Fleet Availability
• Bucket Fill Factor


The productivity of the fleet determines the

duration of the project.

The total cost of the operation is

determined by the duration of the project
and the cost per hour for each piece of
equipment. The cost per tonne is also
calculated for each fleet.

Support equipment can be included in all or

part of the project. Examples of support
equipment include:
- Water truck
- Motor grader
- Wheel dozer

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Fleet Size
With each fleet and course combination, FPC can calculate the optimum number of
haulers matched to the loading tool to achieve one of the following:

• Targeted Hourly Production

• Maximum Production
• Shortest Project Duration
• Lowest Project Cost
• Lowest Cost per Tonne

Fleet Match
To achieve maximum productivity, it is critical to
match the loader and hauling fleet capacities.

< 1.0 = Loading exceeds hauling capacity

> 1.0 = Hauling exceeds loading capacity

FPC calculates the theoretical Fleet Match as:

[Cycle Time of Loader (Load with Exchange) X (# of Haulers)]

Potential Cycle Time of Hauler

Fleet Match = 1.33

Mismatch Efficiency = 75%

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Productivity can be further impacted by bunching of haulers, typically at the loader

or dump area. Sometimes bunching can occur due to travel restrictions on the
haul road. FPC provides the ability to select Minimum, Average, Maximum or
No Bunching to evaluate the effect on production.

Fleet match of 1.00 could lose 15% production due to bunching

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Operator Efficiency / Skill Level

Another important factor for productivity is

operator efficiency. FPC utilizes a proven
correlation of haul distance to operator
efficiency as shown in the table. Alternately, a
fixed value for operator efficiency can be used,
allowing a comparison between skilled and
unskilled operators.

Fleet Availability
FPC calculates fleet availability based on the quantity and mechanical
availability of the individual loading and hauling units. Fleet availability not
only effects productivity, but also the amount of fuel consumed per scheduled

Fleet availability also improves as fleet match exceeds 1, since hauling

capacity exceeds loading capacity. The operation then becomes dependant
on loader or crusher availability.

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Bucket Capacity and Fill Factor

Maximizing the amount of material delivered per

bucket load is another key to maximizing
production. Thus accurately estimating the
bucket capacity and fill factor is essential to
achieving an accurate production estimate
using FPC.

Bucket capacity is measured either in terms of

“struck” or “heaped”.

Struck capacity is that volume contained in a

bucket after a load is leveled by drawing a
straight edge resting on the cutting edge and
the back of the bucket.

Heaped capacity is a struck capacity plus that

additional material that would heap on the
struck load at a 2:1 angle of repose with the
struck line parallel to the ground.

Typical Bucket Fill Factors:

Blasted Rock
Well blasted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-95%
Average. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-90%
Poor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-75%
Rock dirt mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-120%
Moist loam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100-110%
Soil, boulders, roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80-100%
Cemented materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-95%

NOTE: Fill factors on wheel loaders are affected by bucket penetration, breakout force,
rack back angle, bucket profile and ground engaging tools such as bucket teeth or
bolt-on replaceable cutting edges.

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Effect of Fill Factor on Production:

Using the optimum number of passes (4) for the 988H / 775B fleet, and by filling
the bucket to achieve the optimal hauler payload (50 tonnes), production for this
job increased 11% per year.

Load Tool Specifications 988H 988H 988H

Bucket size yd³ 9 9 9
Bucket fill factor % 95% 90% 85%
Load cycle 0.6 0.6 0.6
First bucket dump 0.1 0.1 0.1
Material Density = lbs / lcy 3,000 3,000 3,000
Number of Passes 4 4 4
Tons per pass 12.83 12.15 11.475
Hauler Specifications 773B 773B 773B
Hauler Payload 51.3 48.6 45.9
Hauler exchange time 1.75 1.75 1.75
Dump and maneuver time 3.5 3.5 3.5
Load with Exchange 3.65 3.65 3.65
Haul 2.38 2.32 2.24
Dump and Manuever 3.5 3.5 3.5
Return 1.67 1.67 1.67
Potential Cycle Time 11.2 11.14 11.06
Wait to Load 1.85 1.88 1.91
Total Cycle Time 13.05 13.02 12.97
Haul Distance Feet 2125 2125 2125
Avg. Haul Speed MPH 10.15 10.41 10.78
Return Distance Feet 2125 2125 2125

Operator Efficiency 85.41% 85.41% 85.41%

Fleet Availability 93.10% 93.10% 93.10%

1 988H 1 988H 1 988H

3 773B 3 773B 3 773B
Potential Production: Hours Tons Hours Tons Hours Tons
Tons / Hour 562.65 534.26 506.53
Tons / Shift 8 4,501.19 8 4,274.11 8 4,052.23
Tons / Week 40 22,505.97 40 21,370.57 40 20,261.13
Tons / Year 2080 1,170,310.49 2080 1,111,269.84 2080 1,053,578.63

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Proper Truck Loading

FPC can only quantify the effects of under

or overloading the haulers in terms of
production capability of the fleet. Special
attention should be given to match the
loader bucket fill factor to the optimal
number of passes and hauling capacity of
the fleet.

Under Loading
- Decreased Production
- Higher Cost per Ton

Over Loading
- Can Cause Spillage on Haul Road
- Premature Tire Failure Due to Heat or Cuts
- Excessive Brake and Transmission Wear
- Decreased Frame and Component Life
- Increased Fuel Consumption

• Note: Side boards and tailgates are for load retention and do not increase hauler
capacity. In fact they decrease hauler capacity due to their extra weight.

 10-10-20 Rule --- No loads more than 10% over, 10% of the time, and no single
load more then 20% over

Hauler Gross Weight – Empty Weight = Target Payload

Target Payload / Loose Material Density = Volume
Volume / 0.87 = SAE volume required to get payload
Shot rock = 87% of SAE 2 to 1 rating

Refer to the Performance

Handbook for machine weights
and hauling capacities

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FPC considers both tire rolling resistance

and TKPH / TMPH limits when calculating
production capability.

Consult the Performance Handbook or the

tire manufacturer for TKPH / TMPH limits to
be entered into FPC.

TKPH / TMPH = Average tire load x Average speed for shift

 Average tire load = empty tire load + loaded tire load
 Average speed for shift = round trip in kilometers x the number of trips

Rolling resistance is a measure of the

vehicle’s ease of travel over the roadway

It equates to the force necessary to

overcome resistance and move the
machine, in terms of a percent of the total
machine weight.

FPC has the capability to estimate rolling resistance given a designated

speed-trap on a known haul road. However, rolling resistance is typically
estimated based on the amount of tire penetration.

• 1.5% for a hard, well-maintained, permanent haul road

• 3% for a well-maintained haul road with little tire penetration
• 4% for a haul road with 25 mm (1 in) of tire penetration
• 5% for a haul road with 50 mm (2 in) of tire penetration
• 8% for a haul with 100 mm (4 in) of tire penetration
• 14% for a haul road with 200 mm (8 in) tire penetration

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Haul Roads / Courses

A course in FPC
consists of a single
haul route between
the load and dump
areas, as well as a
single return route
from the dump area
back to the load area.
To simplify data entry,
the haul route can be
mirrored to create the
return route.

GPS Haul Roads / Courses

To aid course creation, GPS coordinates can be imported into FPC, and displayed in
either 2D (plan view) or 3D format.

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Defining Courses

Each course in FPC consists of a series of individual segments, with each segment
defined with travel distance, rolling resistance, percent grade and speed limit
(if applicable).

The inputs for each course in FPC are:

• Material

• Rolling Resistance

• Grade

• Speed Limits

• Retarding

• Stops

• Switchbacks and Turns


• The loose material density is used in the calculation of the weight of

material moved for each loader cycle

• The bank material density and total material to be moved are used to
determine the duration of the project

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• Used to calculate resistance (or assistance) to the acceleration of the


• Represents how much rise exists as a

ratio of the horizontal distance traveled;
e.g., a 5% grade means the vehicle is
rising 5m for each 100m of horizontal

Grade can be represented in either percent slope or degrees in FPC.

Percent slope is typically used as it provides finer divisions than degrees

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Speed Limits

Speed limits can be entered for any segment of the course. FPC uses either the
value of the speed limit, or the calculated speed for that segment, whichever is lower.

FPC ensures:

• Maximum speeds within a segment of a

haul or return road will not exceed the
speed limit

• The hauler enters a segment at the

segment's speed, even if deceleration is
required in the previous segment

FPC selects the proper retarding curve for each downhill segment based on the
following conditions:

• FPC sums the distance of all downhill segments that are negative
(Grade + RR is negative), then selects the appropriate distance
retarding performance chart

• Before Acceleration or Travel Time Calculations are Made:

– FPC checks to ensure that

sufficient distance is available
to brake down to the final
speed or down to any other
speed limits for any segment.
Starting with the last segment
and working backwards for
each segment

– If the distances are too short,

FPC automatically sets speed
limits for any segment to
ensure that the specified
speed limits may be met.

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A stop can be entered in FPC between any two haul or return segments.

Typically stops are used to control traffic flow on the haul road,
or to provide time for tires to cool, in the event the TKPH / TMPH
limit has been exceeded.

Each stop must includes a duration in minutes

Switchbacks and Turns

FPC does not recognize switchbacks or turns as special haul road segments.
Thus it is necessary to enter each as a linear course segment with a speed
limit, approximating the speed around the curve.

Switchbacks: add a segment 90º Turns: add a segment

– 60 meters long – 30 meters long
– 15 kph speed limit – 15 kph speed limit
– normal rolling resistance – normal rolling resistance
– normal grade – normal grade

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Cycle Times

FPC requires that cycle times be entered for:

• Loading
• Hauler Exchange (and maneuvering under the loader)
• Hauler Dump & Maneuver (at the crusher or dump area)

Loader Cycle Time

Basic loader cycle time includes:

– Loading the Bucket

– Moving to the Hauler
– Dumping the Bucket
– Returning to the Face

FPC assumes the loader is positioned with a full load when the hauler is
maneuvering under it. For the first pass, FPC uses a first bucket dump
time (0.10 minutes or 6 seconds), rather than the full loader cycle time.

Hauler Exchange Time

• The amount of time that elapses after the last bucket is dumped and then for
that hauler to leave and an empty hauler to be spotted under the loader. FPC
defaults to 0.70 minutes or 42 seconds for Hauler Exchange

• If haulers can be positioned quicker than a loader cycle, then the exchange
time should be the basic cycle time less the first bucket dump time

• In no case can the exchange time be less than the average cycle time less the
first bucket dump time

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Total Load with Exchange Time

The total cycle time required for loading a hauler

• Example Calculation:
– 5 Passes to load a truck
– 0.10 Minutes (6 seconds) for First Bucket Dump
– 0.70 Minutes (42 seconds) for Average Loader Cycle Time
– 0.70 Minutes (42 seconds) for Hauler Exchange Time

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Hauler Dump & Maneuver Time

Once the hauler has entered the

dump area, this is the total cycle time
required for maneuvering to the dump
site, dumping the load, and returning
to the start of the dump area to begin
the return segment.

Calculation of Production Capability

Production = Payload divided by Cycle Time

• Production Cycle Times

– Load with Exchange
– Haul & Return
– Dump

• Plus Wait Time to Load or Dump

– Calculated Using Fleet Match Calculation
– Calculated Using Bunching

• De-rated by:
– Fleet Availability
– Bucket Fill Factor
– Operator Efficiency

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Getting Started
Before beginning an FPC study, determine the following:

• The goal of the study

• Volume of material to be moved
• Material density
• Tonnage requirements
• Crushing / processing capacity per hour
• Scheduled hours of operation
• Equipment costs per hour
• Current or planned haul road profiles
• Bucket capacity
• Hauler capacity
• Machine availability

Run some comparisons and have fun!

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A contractor has been invited to submit a tender for the removal of waste from an
open-cut mine, at 4.5 million BCM per year. The contractor currently utilises the
following equipment:

• Caterpillar 992G Wheel Loader; and

• Caterpillar 777D Off-Highway Trucks.

In bidding for the waste removal contract, the contractor must determine how many
trucks and loaders are required to meet the production target and the cost of
production. The contractor is also unsure whether to continue with the same
equipment or upgrade to larger equipment.

In this workshop we will configure the required FPC components so this analysis can
be undertaken.

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Scheduled Hours = 6,500 hours per year Material

Operator Efficiency = 90% Description = Decomposed Rock
Shift Efficiency = 95% Bank Density = 2,790 kg/BCM
Fuel Cost = $0.65 per litre Swell Factor = 42%
Dump & Manoeuvre Time = 1.2 minutes
Bunching = Average
Site Speed Limit = 40kph
** Contractor supplied course data in
Excel spreadsheet.


Haulers Haulers
6 x 777D’s 789C’s
Availability = 85% Availability = 90%
Hourly Cost = $80 per hour Hourly Cost = $135 per hour
TKPH Rating = 480 TKPH Rating = 848

Loader Loader
2 x 992G’s 994F HL
Bucket Type = 11.47m3 spade bucket Bucket Type = 17.2m3 rock bucket
Fill Factor = 95% Fill Factor = 95%
Availability = 85% Availability = 90%
Hourly Cost = $171 per hour Hourly Cost = $228 per hour

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1) What is the “Wait to Load Time”? ___________________________________

2) What is the “Total Cycle Time” for a 777D on the haul cycle? _____________
3) What is the total time for the 777D haul segment (loaded)? _______________
4) Will the retarding speed for any of the downhill segment affect the cycle time
for the course? _________________________________________________
5) Will the current fleet operate at an optimum fleet match? _________________
6) What is the optimal number of system passes per 777D hauler when loaded
by the contractor’s 992G? _________________________________________
7) What are the “Percent TKPH Limits” for both front and rear wheels under the
specified conditions and efficiencies? ________________________________
8) What is the estimated hourly fuel consumption for the current fleet?
9) What is the maximum speed of a fully loaded 777D on the main ramp
segment? ______________________________________________________
10) How many trucks and loaders are required to meet the production target with
the current fleet? ________________________________________________
11) What is the cost of production with the current fleet? ____________________
12) Could the contractor meet the production target with only one 992G loader?

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1) What is the “Wait to Load Time”?

2) What is the “Total Cycle Time” for a 789C on the haul cycle?
3) What is the total time for the 789C haul segment (loaded)?
4) Will the retarding speed for any of the downhill segment affect the cycle time
for the course? _________________________________________________
5) Will the current fleet operate at an optimum fleet match? _________________
6) What is the optimal number of system passes per 789C hauler when loaded
by a 994F HL? __________________________________________________
7) What are the “Percent TKPH Limits” for both front and rear wheels under the
specified conditions and efficiencies? ________________________________
8) What is the estimated hourly fuel consumption for the new larger fleet?
9) How many trucks and loaders are required to meet the production target with
the new larger fleet? _____________________________________________
10) What is the cost of production with the new larger fleet? _________________
11) Would you recommend that the contractor upgrade to larger equipment and
why? _________________________________________________________

23 FPC Version 4.1 Feb 2012


Distance meters Rolling Resistance % % Grade Speed Limit (kph) Comment

50 3 0 40 Load Area
100 2 3 40
60 2 3 15 Switchback 1
50 2 2 40
60 2 2 15 Switchback 2
55 2 7 40
60 2 7 15 Switchback 3
210 2 9 40 Main Ramp
60 2 9 15 Switchback 4
37 2 0 40
50 3 0 40 Dump Area
Total Length: 2598.42

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1) What does FPC do? List 3 things.

2) What is the main limitation of FPC? _________________________________
3) List 3 types of analysis that can be performed using FPC.
4) True/False. The Caterpillar Database is view only and cannot be changed.
5) True/False. Machine information can be imported and exported from the User
6) True/False. FPC can simulate fleets with mixed loading tools?
7) When simulating a load and carry job with a wheel loader, is the wheel loader
entered as the loader or the hauler? _________________________________
8) Where can information on TKPH ratings for tyres be found? ______________
9) What is rolling resistance?
10) True/False. Retarding rimpull force is a positive number whereas propulsion
rimpull force is a negative number.
11) How can a stop be simulated on a course in FPC? _____________________
12) How can a switchback be simulated on a course in FPC? ________________
13) Describe a basic loader cycle.
14) What is hauler exchange time? _____________________________________
15) True/False. A fleet match >1 means the loader is theoretically 100% efficient.

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