265 F11 PT2 ASolns

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Math 265 (Butler)

Practice Midterm II — A (Solutions)

1. Find the directional derivative of f (x, y, z) = xz 2 − 3xy + 2xyz − 3x + 5y − 17

from the point (2, −6, 3) in the direction of the origin.

To find a directional derivative we note that Du f = ∇f · u. So we need to

find u and ∇f . Since we are going from the point (2, −6, 3) towards (0, 0, 0)
√ direction is√h−2, 6, −3i. This is not
then a vector pointing in the appropriate
a unit vector since kh−2, 6, −3ik = 4 + 36 + 9 = 49 = 7, but by scaling
we can make it a unit vector so that u = 17 h−2, 6, −3i. The gradient is

∇f (x, y, z) = hz 2 − 3y + 2yz − 3, −3x + 2xz + 5, 2xz + 2xyi.

Evaluating at the point (2, −6, 3) we have

∇f (2, −6, 3)
= h32 − 3·(−6) + 2·(−6)·3 − 3, −3·2 + 2·2·3 + 5, 2·2·3 + 2·2·(−6)i
= h−12, 11, −12i.

Therefore the desired directional derivative will be given by

1 24 + 66 + 36 126
∇f · u = h−12, 11, −12i · h−2, 6, −3i = = = 18.
7 7 7
∂f ∂f
2. Find (0, 1) and (0, 1) for
∂x ∂y

f (x, y) = sin x + y 2 cos x + y 4 arctan x(y 2 − 1) + ln(2esin x − 1) sec(xy) tan(y − 1).

(Hint: ∂f /∂x (a, b) = g 0 (a) where g(x) = f (x, b), similarly for ∂f /∂y (a, b).)

Interpreting the hint it says that whatever variable we are not differentiating
with respect to we can first plug in the value, simplify and then differentiate.
We have,
g(x) = f (x, 1) = sin x + cos x
(the rest of the terms are 0). Now differentiating with respect to x we have

g 0 (x) = cos x − sin x

and so
(0, 1) = g 0 (0) = 1.
h(y) = f (0, y) = y 2
(the rest of the terms are 0). Now differentiating with respect to y we have

h0 (y) = 2y

and so
(0, 1) = h0 (1) = 2.
3. Evaluate the following limits or show that they do not exist. Briefly(!) justify
your answer.
x sin x
(a) lim =
(x,y)→(0,0) x2 + y 4

Initially when we plug in (0, 0) we get 0/0 so this means that we have work
to do! Let us see what happens as we approach along different axis. Along
the x-axis (i.e., y = 0) we have
x sin x sin x
lim 2 4
= lim = 1.
(x,0)→(0,0) x + 0 x→0 x

(One of our favorite limits of all time! If we didn’t remember it we could also
have used L’Hospital’s rule.)
Along the y-axis (i.e., x = 0) we have
0 sin 0
lim = lim 0 = 0.
(0,y)→(0,0) 02 + y 4 y→0

These don’t match! Therefore the limit does not exist.

x |y| sin x
(b) lim =
(x,y)→(1,1) x2 + y 4

This looks similarpto the first limit. But there is an important difference,
and it is not the |y|, it is that we are going to (1, 1). In particular, this
function is made up of continuous parts and the denominator is not zero at
(1, 1) and so to evaluate the limit all we need to do is plug in (1, 1), so that
x |y| sin x sin 1
lim 2 4
= .
(x,y)→(1,1) x +y 2

(On a side note the limit of this function

p at the origin does exist since we
can bound this above and below by ± |y|. But this has nothing to do with
the problem.)
4. Let f (x, y) = x3 − 8xy + 2y 2 − 3x + 4y − 23.
(a) Find the two critical points for f (x, y).

To find the critical points we solve

= 3x2 − 8y − 3 = 0
= −8x + 4y + 4 = 0
Taking the second equation and solving for y we have y = 2x − 1, which if
we substitute into the first equation we have

3x2 − 8(2x − 1) − 3 = 3x2 − 16x + 5 = (3x − 1)(x − 5) = 0.

So that x = 1/3 or x = 5. Now using y = 2x − 1 we get that our two critical

points are at  
1 1 
,− and 5, 9 .
3 3

(b) Determine if these points are maximums, minimums or neither.

Calculating the second derivatives we have fxx = 6x, fyy = 4 and fxy = −8,
so that 2
D(x, y) = fxx fyy − fxy = 24x − 64.
Plugging in we have
1 1 1 1
D , − = −56 < 0 so ,− is a saddle, and
3 3 3 3

D(5, 9) = 56 > 0 and fxx (5, 9) = 30 > 0 so 5, 9 is a minimum.
5. Find the tangent plane to f (x, y) = x3 y − 3xy 2 at (2, 1).

The equation for the tangent plane is given by

∂f ∂f
z = f (a, b) + (a, b)(x − a) + (a, b)(y − b).
∂x ∂y

We already know that (a, b) = (2, 1) and that f (2, 1) = 2 so we need the
partial derivatives. We have
(x, y) = 3x2 y − 3y 2 , and
(x, y) = x3 − 6xy,
so that
(2, 1) = 9, and
(2, 1) = −4.
Substituting all of the values in we get our tangent plane

z = 2 + 9(x − 2) − 4(y − 1) or z = 9x − 4y − 12

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