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Technical Data Sheet - Freshgard 210 GZ (Guazatine)

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Freshgard® 210 GZ

Liquid Concentrate Fungicide

Freshgard 210 GZ is a liquid concentrate fungicide for the
1. Handle fruit carefully to minimize potential infection
control of post-harvest decay in citrus.
sites caused by injury.
NOTE: This product should not be used on commodities 2. Ensure diseased fruit is promptly removed from the
exporting into the European Union. field and packing house and is destroyed.
3. Before dip application with Freshgard® 210 GZ, it is
recommended that fruit are first washed and
Active Ingredient: Guazatine, 210 g/L disinfected in a dip tank containing Chlorine
Physical State: Liquid containing disinfectant.
Color: Yellow-Brown
Active Ingredient Concentration: 19.95% – 22.05% (w/v)
DIRECTIONS FOR USE:  Packaging: 5 Liter and 20 Liter Containers.
1. Shake container before use.  Shelf-Life: in a closed container, two years from
2. Agitate the solution during the dipping/drenching process. the date of manufacture.
3. Dip ingredients must not be mixed together in concentrated  Storage Condition: not less than 5°C or above
form. Add separately to the full volume of water in the dip 35°C.
tank according to label recommendations.
4. To restore the original volume of water in the dip tank, add
required water then the appropriate amount of Freshgard®
5. Maintain the concentration (1000 ppm) of the solution by
using the titration and relevant calculation method. Storage:
6. Dip/drench should be replaced when dirt begins to Protect container from heat, freezing, & physical damage.
APPLICATION RATES (Post-Harvest Treatments): Waste Disposal:
Citrus (Post-Harvest decay caused by Penicillium digtatum Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be
(green mold) and Penicillium italicum (blue mold) and disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility
Geotrichum Citri-aurantii (sour rot): Dosage = 4,8 liters per in accordance with all country-specific environmental
1000 liters water (1000ppm). Dip/drench freshly washed citrus regulations. Because regulations vary by location and may
for not less than 40/120 seconds. change, the appropriate agencies should be contacted
before disposal.
 Although Freshgard® 210 GZ is extensively tested and Container Disposal:
regarded as crop-safe it must be tested on new cultivars Triple rinse empty container with clean water equal to 30%
before use. of the volume of the container and add rinsing to the spray
 Do not apply Freshgard® 210 GZ to sensitive citrus fruit, tank. Puncture the container so it cannot be reused.
since it may result in Phytotoxicity of the rind. Various Recycle container and do not use for any other purpose.
stress factors can lead to sensitive fruit, such as drought,
water logged soil, nutrient deficiency, frost or extreme cold
For additional uses and further information about JBT
conditions, extreme fluctuations in temperatures in period
Corporation products, please contact your JBT Corporation
before harvest, etc. Representative.
 After treatment, citrus fruit must not stay wet for long
periods since it can result in rind damage.
 Fruit must be dried after treatment or ensure adequate Florida, USA: +1 863 683 5411
ventilation for drying and avoid excessively moist California, USA: +1 951 222 2300
conditions. Valencia, Spain: +34 628 766 151
Capetown, South Africa: +27 21 982 1130
Shanghai, China: +86 21 6341 1616

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