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Dereje-Dejene EngdashetCV - March 15-2011

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Curriculum Vitae

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc.

P.O. Box 5580, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Tel: 251-11-54-44107 (off), 251-911-374837(Mobile) 251-11-8601-002 (Rs).
E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]

Full name: Dereje Dejene Engdashet
Sex: Male
Nationality: Ethiopian
Date and place of birth: January 12, 1964 (G.C.), Ambo - Boda, Ethiopia
Marital status: Married and father of 4 sons


Mr Dereje Dejene is a high profile professional holding Masters Degree in Development
Evaluation and Management with Great Distinction, B.Sc. Degree with honor, in Agricultural
Economics and two postgraduate diplomas- in ‘Development and Management of Small
Business’, and ‘Research Methods and Data Interpretation’. He has over 20 years of
experience in development research, program/project management and development
Evaluations. He has worked as socio-economic researcher, Project Officer, Project Manager,
National Back-stopper, Program Manager, and Organizational Development and Capacity
Building Advisor, Programme Director, Team Leader -with Government, Non-government
international organizations, Private Sector and UNDP. He is simply one of the most skillful
persons in planning and managing Integrated Development Projects. He has extensive
experience in Results Based Management, Strategic Planning, Development Research and
Evaluation, and Rights Based Approach to Development. He has formulated and successfully
implemented a number of projects, which has national and/or local significance and
transformed the lives of community. Currently, as a Team Leader of Poverty Reduction and
MDG Programme- with UNDP Ethiopia, he is overseeing the implementation of about 20
projects in the areas of Economic Development, Food Security and recovery, Natural
Resource Management, Climate Change, Mine Action, etc; with a total budget of about US$
20 million . He has also conducted several studies and evaluation of projects, and produced a
number of research and study/evaluation reports, manuals, and project proposals.



1. Oct. 2003: MA Degree with Great Distinction in Development Evaluation

& Management from Institute of Development Policy and Management,
University of Antwerp, Belgium.
2. Nov. 1995: Diploma in Development and Management of Small
Businesses and Industries from Galilee College, Israel.
3. April 1990: Diploma in Field Survey, Research Planning & Data
Interpretation CIMMYT, Mexico City
4. July 1987: B.Sc. Degree with Honor in Agricultural Economics- Alemaya
University, Ethiopia.
Curriculum Vitae
5.August 1983: Certificate of Ethiopian School Leaving Examination (Grade
12) with Great Distinction in General Science from Ambo Comprehensive
Secondary School, Ethiopia.
6.June 1979: Certificate of Ethiopian National Exam. of Grade 8 from Ginchi
Junior Secondary School, Ethiopia.
7.June 1977: Certificate of Ethiopian National Exam. of Grade 6 from Boda
Primary School, Ethiopia.


1. Poverty Mapping: Small Area Estimation (19-30 October 2009), Geo Informatics Center
(GIC) of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand.
2. The Gender Journey: Thinking Outside of the Box, Oct 2009, an online training course of
3. Communication for Development, 22-23 April, 2009, organized by UNDP-Ethiopia in
collaboration with UNDP Sub-Regional Office for East and Southern Africa, in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia.
4. How to Work with the European Commission: Spet 222, 2009, a Workshop organized by
UNDP Ethiopia in collaboration with the UNDP Brussels Liaison office, in Addis Ababa.
5. Ethics Training Assessment, Dec 2008, an online course of UNDP
6. Basic Security in the Field- Staff Safety, Health and Welfare, Nov 2008, an online course
7. Working with Stata and its Application to House Hold Modeling” March 5-10, 2007,
Organized by Ethiopian Economic Association and Ethiopian Economic Policy
Research Institute, Addis Ababa
8. Training Workshop on ‘Modeling Approaches and Economic Policy
Evaluation’- Nov 28 Dec. 2, 2005; Organized by Ethiopian Economic
Association and Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute, Addis Ababa
9. Trainers course on Action Research, Dec 6-10,2004; Organized by CRDA
(Christian Relief & Development Association), Addis Ababa.
10. Organizational Development and Strategic Planning, Nov. 17-28, 2003;
Organized by CRDA, Addis Ababa.
11. Good Governance and Ethical Practices, July 1-5,2002, Organized by
CRDA at Ethiopian Management Institute Training Center, Debre Ziet.
12. International Management Development Programme Aug 21-25, 2000
London Management Center, at Ethiopian Management Institute Training
Center, Debre Ziet.
13. Monitoring and Evaluations in Development Projects, Oct. 05-16, 1998.
German Foundation for International Development (DSE), Berlin, Germany
14. Results Based Management, Training Workshop Organized for Africa and
Middle East Branch by CIDA, Feb 5-6, 1998, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
15. Project Cycle Management; Seven weeks training, intermittently
Organized by GTZ, between Feb. 1996 to Oct, 1997.
16. Regional Managers Course in Rural Development; Aug. 18-30, 1996.
Kiboswa Development Training Center, Kisumu Kenya.
17. Participatory Rural Appraisal, Sept. 20 - Oct. 6. 1994, GhoaTsion,
18. Gender and Development Training Workshop, May 16 - 20, 1994, Jarso,
19. Survey, Experimental and other Data Analysis Training Workshop for
Social scientists, Nov. 10-30, 1991. Egerton University, Kenya.

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 2

Curriculum Vitae
20. On-farm Trials Methodologies: phase I from Sept. 5-14, 1988 and phase II
from Oct. 3-7,1988. ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research
in Dry Areas) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
21. Farming Systems Research program, On-farm research Workshop,
Experimental phase, Aug. 29- Sept. 9, 1988. Harare, University of
22. Farming Systems Research Program, On-farm Research Workshop,
Diagnostic phase, February 8 - 26 , 1988. Harare, University of Zimbabwe.

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 3

Curriculum Vitae
A. Professional Studies and Evaluations Carried out
1. Baseline Survey of Health Sector Financing Reform for USAID (2007),
with SuDCA Development Consultants
2. Baseline Survey of Private Sector Involvement in Provision of Health Care for
PSP-One (2007) with SuDCA Development Consultants
3. Review of Good Governance South Wollo Program: Phase-I for Helvetas
Ethiopia (2007);. with SuDCA Development Consultants
4. Mid-Term Evaluation of Local Development Project (LDP) North Gondar Zone,
Amhara National Regional State, for UNCDF and MoFED (2007), in association
with ECI Africa
5. Final Evaluation of Civil Service Reform Strategy and Implementation Plan for
Decentralized Service Delivery in the Emerging Regions of Ethiopia for UNDP/
MOFED/ MoFA (2007) in association with ECI Africa
6. Situation Analysis of Children In Hamer Woreda, South Omo Zone, SNNPRG
(2006) together with Sustainable Development Consultants Associates for Save
the Children Norway.
7. Mid-Term Review/ Evaluation of Basic Education for Children; North Shewa
Zone, Oromia Region (2006) for Save the Children Denmark (SCD)
8. Baseline Survey on Situation of Orphan & Vulnerable Children across Seven
Selected Urban Centers of Ethiopia; together with Sustainable Development
Consultants Associates (2005)
9. Med- Term Review/Evaluation of Gidan Integrated Child Development Program
for Save the Children Denmark (SCD); together with Sustainable Development
Consultants Associates (2005)
10.Training Need Assessment of Marketable Skills in Amhara Region for Amhara
Development Association (ADA); together with Ethio-Forest Agricultural Consulting
Services Center. (2002)
11.‘Food Security Baseline Study of Guba Lafto Woreda', for Organization for Relief
and Development in Amhara (ORDA) to conduct: together with Ethio-Forest
Agricultural Consulting Services Center (2002)
12. 'Private nursery rehabilitation and private-nursery-entrepreneur promotion
projects in 11 Woredas of Arsi and Bale zones': for UNOPS, together with Ethio-
Forest Agricultural Consulting Services Center. (2001-2002)
13.Adolescent Reproductive Health Baseline Survey for SYG/ DSW (1999)
14.'Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation schemes' and Health and
Education Facilities for ESRDF; together with Ethio-Forest Agricultural
Consulting Services Center. (1999)
15.Income Generation and Market Potential Studies of Dalanta Dawunt Woreda,
North Wollo, Ethiopia, for OXFAM-UK/I. (1998)
16. ‘Participatory Technology Development for Food Security’- A field based
Training; on behalf of German Agro-Action (GAA) for ORDA and MoA staff,
Amhara Region. (1998)
17.Conducted Phase in and Phase out Assessment of Selale Integrated Rural
Development Project and developed initial Phase out and Phase in Strategies for
18.Conducted ‘Socio-economic Impacts Assessment of Trypanosomisis & Its
Control Measures’ in Ghibe valley.(1993/4)
19.Conducted ‘Analysis of the Performance of Agrarian Institutions in Ethiopia, the
case of Ghibe Valley.(1993/4)
20.Conducted ‘Economic Evaluation of Alternative Weed Control Methods and
Potential Benefit of Herbicidal Weed Control for Wheat Production’ in peasant
farming systems of South-Eastern Ethiopia.(1991/2)
Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 4
Curriculum Vitae
21.Conducted ‘Performance Evaluation of Bread Wheat Varieties Under Two Weed
Management Levels’ in Sinana Area of Bale Highlands.(1990/1)
22.Conducted study on ‘Comparative advantages of Small-scale wheat Production
Technologies’ for Bale Highlands. (1990/1)
23.Conducted ‘Diagnostic Farming Systems and Socio-economic Surveys’ for
Genale Awraja, Bale Region.(1990/1)
24.Conducted ‘Diagnostic Farming Systems and Socio-economic Surveys’ for
Sinana Woreda, Bale Region.(1989/90)

B. Project Planning and Monitoring Systems Design Works

1. Developed Community Based Resource Management Project Proposal, for
Selale area, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region.
2. Developed Project Proposal for Participatory Research and Development in a
Marginal Environment of Northern Ethiopia.
3. Spearhead rural development planning for Jarso Woreda, North Shewa Zone,
Oromia Region.
4. Developed concepts and strategic document for implementation of Jarso Village
Level Resource Management Project, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region.
5. Developed monitoring systems for Jarso Village Level Resource Management
Project, North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region.
6. Developed CPAR-Ethiopia monitoring systems and reporting formats for the
whole interventions.
7. Developed A Project Proposal On Strengthening Community - Based Peace
Building Initiatives In Metekel Zone, Benishangul - Gumuz Region.
8. Developed A Project Proposal:- 'Promotion Of Community Based Rural
Development Initiatives In Dibate Wereda, Metekel Zone, Benishangul -Gumuz
9. Developed A Project Proposal:- 'Community Based Clean Water Supply for Lai-
Gayint Woreda, Amhara Region'.
10.Developed A Project Proposal:- 'Community Based Resource Management and
Education for Girar Jarso, and Yaya Gullele-Debre Libanos Woredas, North
Shewa Zone, Oromia Region'.
11. Developed A Project Proposal:- 'Community Based Food Security Programs in
Lai-Gayint Woreda, Amhara Regional State.'
12. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Shashemene
Woreda .
13. Developed A Project Proposal:- 'Integrated Child and Family Project in Addis
Ababa City Administration'.
14. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in Amhara National Regional State, North Showa Zone, Basona
Worana Woreda .
15. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Dugda Bora
Woreda .
16. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Boset Woreda .
17. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Fantale Woreda .
18. Developed A Project Proposal - "Integrated Child and Family Development
Project in SNNP Regional State, Gurage Zone, Sodo Woreda .
19. Developed A Project Proposal - Community Based Food Security Project in
Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Boset Woreda.'
Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 5
Curriculum Vitae
20. Developed A Project Proposal - Community Based Food Security Project in
Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone, Shashemene Woreda.'
21. Developed A Project Proposal - Community Based Food Security Project in
SNNP Regional State, Gurage Zone, Sodo Woreda
22. Developed A Project Proposal - Community Based Food Security Project in
Amhara Regional State, North Shewa Zone, Basona Worena Woreda
23. Developed A Project Proposal - 'Girl Child Education Promotion Project' in SNNP
Regional State, Gurage Zone, Silti Woreda.
24. Developed A Project Proposal - Development of Potable Water Supply to the
Community of Borchota, in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone,
Boset Woreda.
25. Developed A Project Proposal - HIV/AIDS 'Prevention, Care and Support Project,
in Oromia National Regional State, East Showa Zone: Metehara, Wolenchiti,
and Meki areas.
26. Developed a Project Proposal:- 'Street Children Rehabilitation project in Addis
Ababa City Administration.
27.Developed a Project Proposal:- “Community Based Potable Water Supply
Initiative For Gudo-Beret And Mush Communities, Basona Worena Woreda,
North Shewa Zone, Ethiopia’. Submitted to and funded by DCI, NGO Co-
Financing Scheme
C. Strategic Planning:
1. Spearhead and significantly contributed in developing strategic plan (2006) for
CCF Ethiopia
2. Spearhead and significantly contributed in developing strategic plan (2000) for
CCF Ethiopia
3. Participated and significantly contributed in developing strategic plan (1999) for
4. Participated in developing strategic plan for HUNDEE -Indigenous NGO- Ethiopia


Jan 2008- to date
Name of employer: UNDP-Ethiopia
Position: Team leader, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Ensure formulation of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction programme is relevant

and responsive to changes in the country context. Operationalization of UNDAF/CPAP in
collaboration with main partners and other UN agencies. Ensure Development of monitoring
system/plan and its effective implementation throughout the year. Ensure NEX audit follow-
up action plans effectively followed up as per the management response. Contribute to the
development and implementation of the CO partnership and resources mobilization strategies
. Analysis of information on donors and preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of
cooperation. Promote identification of lessons learnt from the country programme for
organizational sharing and learning. Draft policy/issues briefing papers related to Economic
Growth and Poverty Reduction to provide development/policy advisory services for CO
and partners. Sound contribution to knowledge networks and communities of practices.
Organization and facilitation of training for CO and partner staff on Economic Growth and
Poverty Reduction related issues.

Dec. 2006- Dec 2007

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 6

Curriculum Vitae
Name of employer: SuDCA Development Consultant PLC
Position: Program Director

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Lead the technical team of the firm. Prepare technical proposals. Ensure all consultancy
reports are up to the required professional standards. Participated as a team leader in various
consultancy assignments in tool preparation, field data collection, data analysis and report
production. Liaising with clients and government bodies at various levels to facilitate the
project execution.

Oct 20, 2003 - No. 2006

Name of employer: Christian Children’s Fund-East Africa Regional Office,
Position: Advisor , Organizational Development and Capacity

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Conducting organizational diagnosis (identity, aspirations, capacities,
performance, motivation, etc.) and assess the environment (Social, political
Economic, technological) within which the agency operates and advising the
country offices in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda) on strategic
directions to follow, and actions to be taken to be effective and efficient.
Adapting and developing organizational development and capacity building
guidelines and handbooks. Organizing and conducting training for the National
Offices (Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda) senior staff and Project staff on concepts
and techniques of effective leadership, child poverty/ill-being assessment,
formulation of ‘Area Strategic Plan, Integrated (Child) Development, Right Based
Approach. Evaluate and re-formulate system of service delivery. Developing
methodology, tools and techniques of identifying, documenting and
communicating best practices within and outside of the organization.

May1, 1999- Sept 2002

Name of employer: Christian Children’s Fund Inc-Ethiopia National Office.
Position: Program Manager

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control program activities carried out by
the organization in the country. Responsible for ascertaining project proposals,
approving annual plans & designs of infrastructure supported by CCF. Follow up
and supervise project activities. Prepare/ appraise projects and other proposals
and package it for funding. Provide technical and professional advice to project
promoters in the areas of project identification, proposal preparation,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Prepare the annual work plan and
budget of CCF Inc. Ethiopia. Represent the organization and liaison with external
bodies (government, international offices and other donors, etc.)

April, 1997 –April 1999

Name of employer: Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR),
International NGO
Position: National Back-stopper/ Rural Development

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Co-ordinate the overall rural development activities of CPAR supported projects.
Co-ordinate and participate in the formulation and analysis of proposals,
monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects. Develop methods and
Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 7
Curriculum Vitae
formats for monitoring of rural development projects. Develop methods and train
staff on project formulation and monitoring. Represent and liaison the
organization with external bodies (government, donors, etc.)

March 94-Apr. 97
Name of employer: Canadian Physicians For Aid and Relief (CPAR)
Position: Project Manager, Jarso/Selale Integrated Rural Development

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Plans, organizes and controls the overall activities of the project for optimum use of
human, financial and material resources. Coordinate and lead the preparation of
community based development programs/projects proposals. Follow up and
supervise project activities. Provide technical and professional advice to project
officers and Local development agent in the areas of project implementation,
monitoring and evaluation. Prepare detailed annual work plan and budget of
project. Represent the organization and liaison with external bodies
(government, etc.).

January 1993.-March 1994

Name of employer: International Livestock center for Africa (ILCA), now ILRI.

Position: Research Assistant, Ghibe Research Project (Socioeconomic and

Ecological Impact Studies of Trypanosomiasis and Its Control

Major Duties and Responsibilities (summary):

Conducting diagnostic field surveys for the Socioeconomic and Ecological impact
studies of Trypanosomiasis and Its Control Measures. Structure and translate
questionnaire in to different languages. Train and supervise enumerators. Analyze
and summarize data using different computer soft wares. Report writing

September 1987 - December 1992

Name of employer: Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR)

Last Position: Head and Research Officer, Division of Agricultural

Economics and Farming Systems Research, Sinana and
Awasa Research Centers.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

Formulate and coordinate activities of Division of Agricultural Economics and
Farming Systems Research. Conducting diagnostic surveys and adoption studies.
Identify production constraints and agricultural policy issues. Develop and/or
evaluate appropriate technologies for small- scale farmers. Test and demonstrate
potential technologies on farmers' field. Participate in management and
administrative matters (Chairperson/member of various committees such as
employee hiring committee, employee promotion committee, social committee,
etc.).Representative of IDRC- FSR project, etc.,

A. Dissertation
1. Dereje Dejene (2003): Determinants of Child Well being: -The Impact of
Macroeconomic Performance, Poverty and Foreign Finance on Child Well-being
in Developing Countries: Lessons from World Summit for Children; MA
Dissertation Submitted to University of Antwerp, Belgium, and rated

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 8

Curriculum Vitae
B. Articles in Scientific Journal and Proceedings
1. Swallow B.M and Dereje Dejene: 1994. Analyzing the Performance of Agrarian
Institutions in Ethiopia, paper presented at the 1994 AAEA Annual Meeting,
August 7-10, 1994, San Diego, California.
2. Tanner D.G., S. Giraf, and D. Dereje 1991. Potential benefits of herbicidal weed
control for wheat production in peasant farming systems of Southeastern
Ethiopia. Trop. Agric. (Trinidad) Vol.70 No.3.
3. Dereje D., D.G. Tanner and W. Mwangi. 1989. Comparative advantages of small-
scale wheat production technologies. In: Tanner D.G., M. Van Ginkel, W. Mwangi
(eds). Sixth regional wheat workshop for Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa.
Mexico, D.F: CIMMYT.

C. Technical papers:
1. Dereje Dejene (2010) Determinants of MDG Achievements in Developing
Countries: Lessons form World Summit for children (1990-2000) and progress
during the decade (2000-2010), Analytical paper posted on UNDP Knowledge
sharing plat form.
2. Dereje Dejene (2008) The Effect of Aid/Foreign Finance in developing Countries
and Role of UN in Enhancing aid Effectiveness- Paper presented on UNDP
knowledge Exchange Forum Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
3. Dereje Dejene (2003) The Micro-Institutional Dimension of Development & Its
Importance for the Action of People. A paper presented at Institute of
Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
4. Dereje Dejene (2003) The Role and Limitation of Participatory Approaches in
Development. A paper presented at Institute of Development Policy and
Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
5. Dereje Dejene (2003) An Analysis of Financial Liberalization & the Problem of
Expanding the Financial Frontier in Ethiopia. A paper presented at Institute of
Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
6. Dereje Dejene (2003) Public policy & the Performance of Micro finance
Institutions in Ethiopia. A paper presented at Institute of Development Policy and
Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
7. Dereje Dejene (2003) A profile of Aid to Ethiopia: 1960-2000. A paper presented
at Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp,
8. Dereje D., H. Mohammed 1992. Economics of alternative weed control methods
for wheat production. Paper presented at the 10th conference of Ethiopian Weed
Science Society.
9. Dereje D., H. Mohammed 1992. Performance evaluation of bread wheat varieties
under two weed management levels in Sinana area of Bale highlands, paper
presented at the annual meeting of IAR Agricultural Economists.

D. Study Reports:
1. Dereje Dejene (2007): End Term Review of Good Governance Program in South
Wollo- Ethiopia: Phase-I, Review Report submitted to Helvetas (Swiss Association
for International Cooperation).
2. Hans Olsen, Dereje Dejene and Haile Yohansis (2007) Local Development Project
(LDP) North Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Mid-Term Evaluation
Report Submitted to UNCDF and MoFED
3. Mike Myer and Dereje Dejene (2007): Civil Service Reform Strategy and
Implementation Plan for Decentralized Service Delivery in the Emerging
Regions- Terminal Evaluation Report Submitted to UNDP , MoFED and MoFA

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 9

Curriculum Vitae
4. Dereje Dejene, Eshetu Alemu and Yimegnushal Tekele (2006) Situation Analysis
of Children In Hamer Woreda, South Omo Zone, SNNPRG; Submitted to Save the
Children Norway.
5. Dereje Dejene and Alemayehu Debebe (2006) Mid-Term Review/ Evaluation of
Basic Education for Children; North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Submitted to
Save the Children Denmark (SCD)
6. Dereje Dejene, Yared Abera, Eshetu Alemu and Gemachu Degefa, (2005)
Baseline Survey on Situation of Orphan & Vulnerable Children Across Seven
Selected Urban Centers of Ethiopia. Consultancy Report Submitted to Save the
Children USA.
7. Dereje Dejene and Alemayehu Debebe (2005) Med- Term Review/Evaluation of
Gidan Integrated Child Development Program, Submitted to Save the Children
Denmark (SCD)
8. Azene Bekele-Tessema, Dereje Dejene and Getahun Shibru (2000): Training
Needs in Marketable Basic Skills in Amhara Regional State: Consultancy Report
Submitted to ADA, Ethiopia
9. Azene Bekele-Tesemma, Dereje Dejene, Dereje Ashagari, Getahun Shibru, Yonas
Yemishew (2000): Baseline Study of Food security Constraints and Adptive
Strategies for Guba Lafto Woreda.: Consultancy Report Submitted to ORDA,
10. Azene Bekele-Tessema, Yonas Yemishew, Andargachew Tesfaye, Siyom
Tatichaf, Getahun Shibru, Teshome Workie, Dereje Dejene: (1999)
'Environmental Impact Assessment of Health and Education facilities and
Irrigation': Consultancy Report Submitted to Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and
Development Fund (ESRDF)
11. Dereje Dejene (1999) Adolescents Sexuality and Reproductive Health
Knowledge Attitude and Practice Survey of Addis Ababa, Debre-Ziet and
Nazareth Cities. Consultancy report submitted to SYGA/ DSW
12. Dereje Dejene and Tsehainesh Misganew 1998. Income Generation and
Market Potential Study; Actions and Strategies to Raise Household income in
Delanta Dawunt, North Wallo, Ethiopia. Consultancy report submitted to
13. Dereje D. and H. Mohammed: 1992. Diagnostic farming systems survey of
Sinana mixed farming zone, Bale region. IAR Research Report
14. Dereje D. and H. Mohammed: 1992. Initial results of informal farming
systems survey of Genale Awraja, Bale region. IAR working paper

E. Manuals
1. Dereje Dejene (2001). A Guide to Designing Result Oriented Project Proposal:
Concept, Methods, and Processes
2. Dereje Dejene (2000). Participatory Need Assessment: Concept, Methods,
Processes and Procedures.


Able to set up and run perfectly more than 15 computer programs (software)
• Word processors: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect .
• Data Management: dBASE, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Lotus, Foxpro,
• Analytical Packages: SPSS, MSTAT, STATISCA, LIMDEP, etc.
• Graphics/ Presentation software: PowerPoint, Harvard Graphics, Corel Flow,
• Very good in using Internet and E-mails service
Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 10
Curriculum Vitae

Using computer since 1987 for the analysis and presentation of Survey,
Experimental and other data, in the fields of Socioeconomic and Agronomy
Research, Project Planning and Monitoring. And also good in developing tailor’s
made database program using Visual dBASE and Foxpro.


1. Member of Ethiopian Economic Association, since 1999.
2. Founding member and Vice President of Association of Ambo Alumni, an
association of over 1000 people who attended Ambo Secondary School, and
functional since 2008.
3. Member and Chairperson (1998 to date) of Boda Abo Self-support Welfare
Association, an association of people attended Boda Primary School, and
functional since 1983.
4. Founding member and Chairperson (up to Sept. 2002) of Bulbula Residence
Housing Cooperative, a Cooperative formed in 1999 to build residence house in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
5. Member of HUNDEE, local NGO in Ethiopia.


Excellent written command and very good in speaking English.
Fluent in the two widely spoken languages in Ethiopia (Amharic and
Oromiffa) and
some knowledge of Somali language.


Driving, 3rd grad driving license – 1988, Good in photography,


1. Mrs. Christie Musisi; Deputy Country Director, UNDP Ethiopia Tel: 251-911-
202711, E-mail [email protected]
2. Mr Andualem Taye, General Manager, SuDCA Development Consultants PLC,
Tel: 251-911-242403, e-mail, [email protected], [email protected]
3. Prof. Nathalie Holvoet, IDPM, University of Antwerp, Belgium. Tel +32-3-265-
5653, e-mail [email protected]
4. Berhanu Adenew (PhD), Senior Research Fellow, Ethiopia Economic association,
Addis Ababa, e-mail [email protected]
5. Beyene Tadesse (PhD), former Lecture of Addis Ababa University Currently
Private Consultant e-mail, [email protected] ,

XI. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Date: 15/03/2011

[Signature] Day/Month/Year

Dereje Dejene Engdashet MA, Dip, B Sc 11

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