Robust Face Recognition Using Wavelets and Neural Networks
Robust Face Recognition Using Wavelets and Neural Networks
Robust Face Recognition Using Wavelets and Neural Networks
Yesenia Sánchez Loredo Rubén Machucho Cadena
Polytechnic University of Victoria Polytechnic University of Victoria
Victoria, Tamaulipas, México. Victoria, Tamaulipas, México.
[email protected] [email protected]
A. Feature extraction
Below is the algorithm proposed in the feature extraction
V. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS Results also allow to validate that the proposed neural network
The proposed methodology was implemented in a desktop architecture provides recognition rates comparable to those
computer with an Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz, 12 GB of RAM and obtained with the use of fully-connected multilayer networks;
operating system Windows 8, 64-bit. The development typically used in face recognition research, but with the
platform used was MATLAB. advantage that the number of weights to adjust in the proposed
The tests were performed by taking 300 images of network is lower, which reduces the computing burden
Faces94 database corresponding to 15 different people, each necessary for training the net.
person has 20 shots; where 16 samples were used for training
and the remaining 4 to measure the generalization capability Finally, it is worth mentioning that results obtained with
of the network. the proposed methodology enable testing with other faces
Experiments using different decomposition levels, databases, and the use of various classifiers with the purpose
wavelet basis and neurons in layers 1, 2, 3 and 4 were of comparing the recognition rates offered by each of these.
performed. The results obtained are shown in Table I, where
we can observe that the best results were obtained using the REFERENCES
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