P8 List The Main Components of An Organisational Disaster Recovery Plan

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P8 List the main components of an organisational disaster recovery plan, justifying the

reasons for inclusion. [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

What is business continuity?

- Business continuity is the ability of an organization to maintain essential functions during and
after a disaster. This is the planning and preparation in advance to ensure that an organization
will be able to operate its important business functions during emergency events. Business
continuity planning establishes risk management processes and processes to prevent
disruptions to critical services and to quickly and smoothly reorganize the organization's full
functionality. as much as possible .. It is important to remember that they should plan and
prepare not only for events that will completely stop functionality but also for events that could
also adversely affect services or function.

- Popular technology services designed for business continuity include cloud data backup, cloud-

based disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) for infrastructure incidents and plans. Security is

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managed to protect against increasingly sophisticated network attacks.

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The disaster recovery strategy ensures that when business data matters, IT systems and

networks are interrupted, there is a process to verify that businesses are available in an
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emergency situation. The disaster recovery process should be documented in the official
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Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) which outlines actions to be taken during and after the disaster.
This step-by-step plan comprises precautionary measures to minimize the effects of disasters so
that organizations can continue to operate or quickly continue mission-critical functions. Prior to

generating detailed plans, an organization often conducts business impact analysis (BIA) and risk
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analysis (RA), and sets target recovery time (RTO) and target recovery point (RPO).
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Components of the disaster recovery plan of the organization

• Create a disaster recovery team:

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This team is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the Disaster Recovery
Plan. The Disaster Recovery Plan needs to identify team members, determine the
responsibilities of each member, and provide their contact information. The Disaster Recovery

Plan should also identify who should be contacted in the event of a disaster or anxiety. All

employees should be informed and understand the Disaster Recovery Plan and their
responsibilities in the event of a disaster. The Disaster Recovery Plan determines who, how,
where, when, and how the potential of the disaster. In other words, your team will know exactly
what to do, which is responsible for what and how the order is. And at the end of the day, the

ability to take precise action is invaluable and during a data disaster, your business has a better
chance of maintaining its professional reputation and maintaining customer relationships

• Determining responsibility:

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Your disaster recovery plan should detail who is responsible for what tasks in the event of a
disaster. Identify key roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone knows who responds to the
issue. This also helps improve communication and reduce pressure for everyone involved in the
recovery process. If a third-party provider is responsible for your disaster recovery, it is
important that you both know the responsibility of each party. This must be documented in a
disaster recovery plan with so clearly ownership. so, when the disasters happened, the team
would not have been mistaken to define and assign their respective duties. Because before the
disaster, the role has been given and when the disaster occurs each can perform their duties as
the role they have been given.

• Document recovery:

In the event of a fire, you may lose your company's key documents in an instant. When there is
water damage, the documents begin to decline within a few hours. Without proper planning
and recovery, the loss of documents can be a disaster. Fortunately, there is a way to handle

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- Store important documents (which will affect operations if lost) in a secure location
protected against water and fire damage, such as safes, inboxes, or files.

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Save copies of important documents at safe offsite locations, such as safety deposit
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- Make digital copies of all company records and store them in a cloud-based system that
you can access from off-site locations. Many companies offer secure scan services and

can provide systems that automatically upload and store scanned documents.
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- Store critical documents at the top of the building instead of a basement or street floor.
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- Has contact information for a document recovery company that will recover damaged
documents, including movies, books, photos, and other records. Polygon specializes in
cleaning and recovering documents using the latest and most secure techniques. Our
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security processes and facilities ensure the protection of your most sensitive
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information, so you do not have to worry about sacrificing specific details.


• Communication plan and role assignments.


When it comes to a disaster, communication is of the essence. A plan is essential because it puts
all employees on the same page and ensures clearly outlines all communication. Your
employees have an important role in rebuilding after the disaster. But, if employees do not

know how to prepare and restore, the plan is useless. A good way to start worker training on
disaster recovery plans is to have at least one individual from each department, including top
management, involved in the planning committee. Documents should have all updated
employee contact information and employees should understand exactly what their role is in
the days following the disaster. When you involve your employees in disaster planning, make

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sure more than one employee knows the important actions that need to be taken. In this way,
smart plans will not collapse because you cannot access the most familiar individuals with their

• Assets inventory:

Your business will not recover completely if you have no clear idea of its assets. In the recovery
plan, enter a list of the company's physical assets and related details (e.g. make, model, serial
number, date of purchase, and purchase price). Assets into the list include computers, tablets,
mobile phones, scanners, printers, cameras, software, office furniture, and other items used
daily. Include workspace photos prior to emergency preparedness, after emergency
preparedness (to indicate that the company is diligent to obtain equipment in response to the
warning), and after the disaster. The business recovery effort is simply the setup that goes into
the sustainability plan. After making a disaster recovery plan, test the effectiveness of the
training. Review the plan at least once a year to ensure that it reflects the latest information and

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• Documentation:

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Disaster recovery documentation needs to list all the key components of your IT infrastructure -
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both hardware and software, a responsible team, as well as the sequential steps, are taken to
resume business operations. Documentation needs to be kept current and up to date to comply
with all changes that occur in your IT infrastructure. A sophisticated and comprehensive

disaster recovery documentation enables a shorter recovery time since the only thing you need
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to do in the event of a disaster is to follow a set of predetermined actions.

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• Data backup:

Make sure that your backup is running and include running an additional full local backup on all
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servers and data in your disaster preparation plan. Businesses generate large amounts of data
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and data files change throughout the day. Data may be lost, damaged, compromised, or stolen
through hardware failures, human errors, hacking, and malware. Loss or corruption of data may
result in significant business interruption. Data backup and recovery should be part of a

business continuity plan and information technology disaster recovery plan. Developing a data

backup strategy starts with identifying the data to be backed up, choosing and implementing
hardware and software backup procedures, scheduling and running a backup, and validating
periodically the data has been properly supported. why data needs to be supported as quickly
as necessary to ensure that, if the data is lost, it cannot be accepted by the business and the

impact of data loss or corruption from hardware failure, human error, hacking or malicious
software may be important.

• Normal test:

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There are some things to do to develop a plan if you will not test it regularly. When a business
grows and technology changes will be your disaster recovery plan. Disaster recovery plans need
to be tested at least quarterly to ensure they are maintained and updated to validate optimum
performance when disaster strikes. There is a new risk that is introduced every year, so your
plan should reflect on how you are at this new risk.

• Recovery time:

Every second charge in the business to ensure the critical system can be recovered as quickly as
possible is the key. Determine an acceptable recovery time that data must be recovered after a
disaster provides the maximum time that must be resolved by the disaster. Conducting business
impact analysis will help you address any gaps in your recovery model and identify the essential
elements of your IT infrastructure. This means you can make the right recovery timeline for your

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• Setting up RTOs and RPOs:

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Recovery goals are metrics that are closely related to recovery. The RTO determines how long
your business can run without a specific VM, system, or application. The RPO determines how

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many business data you can lose without hurting your business operations. In the perfect world,
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the RTO and RPO must be as close to zero as possible. However, for many businesses, this is an
expensive luxury that may not allow itself. The good news is that depending on how critical VM
is specifically for your business, you can set different RTOs and RPOs for each, setting the most

restrictive objectives only to the most important ones. Therefore, applications encountered by
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VM residential customers will not tolerate lost or long-lost data and must be set to zero goals;
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while VM with the administrative application can withstand some loss of time or data loss.

• Plan continuity system:

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When you create a disaster recovery plan, you want to explore exactly what your business
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needs. You need to understand exactly what your organization needs, operations, finance,
supply, and communications. Whether you are a large business user who needs to meet
shipping and communicating with customers about small businesses or sending businesses to

various business organizations you should document your requirements so you can plan for

proposals, business continuity and have a complete understanding of the needs and logistics
which includes the plan.

Some business continuity policy


- Open to all current and future activities, and new opportunities including those related to
entities controlled by JCU;

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- Emphasize the importance of robust business continuity management arrangements that are
being developed and applied to all major activities / services based on the disruption risks that
may affect them;

- Include evaluation and identification of key suppliers of goods and services to the University, as
well as partners or stakeholders where business disruptions may have an upstream or
downstream impact on with the University's activities or processes; and

- Ensure systems, processes and documentation are established for employees to use when
developing and implementing business continuity plans within their Division and / or business

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