Educ 98 Measures of Variability

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Math 105-topic 5


Measures of Variability or Dispersion are measures of the average distance of each observation from the
center of the distribution. They measure the homogeneity or heterogeneity of a particular group.

A small measure of variability would indicate that the data are

1. Clustered closely around the mean;
2. More homogeneous;
3. Less variable;
4. More consistent and;
5. More uniformly distributed.
Consider the following sets of grades in Mathematics of two groups of 5 students each:
Male Group Female Group
Vincent Troy:70 Marianne Joy: 82
Kensly Kyle:95 Kwenn Anne: 80
Patrick:60 Patricia: 83
Gabriel: 80 Olivia: 81
Jerod: 100 Lurice: 79
Mean: 81 Mean: 81
The mean grade of both groups is 81. By just looking at their mean grade, we can only conclude that both
groups performed equally well in the said test, but this does not explain how far apart the grades are from
one another. Let us picture the position of each grade in a number line.


! ! ! ! ! !
60 70 80 90 95 100

! ! ! ! !
60 70 80 90 100
Notice that the grades of the males are far apart from each other, while the grades of the female are more
compressed or clustered together. Thus the measure of the center of the distribution is of little help in
describing and comparing these two sets of data. By getting the average distance of each item from the
center of the distribution, the group can be described more completely and, likewise, similarities and
differences can be easily identified.


1. RANGE 1. Interquartile Range

3. STANDARD DEVIATION Interquartile Range
4. VARIANCE 3. The 10-90 Percentile Range

The range refers to the difference between the highest and the lowest score. If the highest score is
25 and the lowest score in a distribution is 10, then the range is equal to 25-10 = 15. This range is
specifically called as the exclusive range. If the difference between the exact lower limit of the lowest
score and the exact upper limit of the highest score is solved, the result is called the inclusive range. Using
the same example, we get 16 from 25.5-9.5. The inclusive range is simply determined by adding 1 to the
exclusive range. Generally, the exclusive range is used for ungrouped data while the inclusive range is used
for grouped data.
The range is the easiest and simplest to determine among the measures of variability because it
depends only on the pair of extreme values. However, it is also the most unstable because its value easily
fluctuates with the change in either of the highest or lowest scores. It is also considered the most
unreliable because it does not give the dispersion or spread of the scores in between the two extreme
values. A more reliable measure should involve all the values in a distribution to provide us an adequate
spread of all the scores from the average.

Example 1. Find the range of the grades in Math of the two groups of students in the preceding example.
Male: 100-60 = 40
Female: 83-79=4
The range of grades of the male group is 40 while that of female group is 4. This shows that the grades of
the males are scattered while the grades of the female group are close to each other. It shows further that
females are more homogeneous than the males in their math ability.

Uses of the Range

The range may be computed and used when
1. The spread or scatter of the scores is all that is wanted;
2. The scores are very few;
3. There are extremely low and extremely high scores that there are big gaps between the scores; and
4. A rough comparison of the variability of two or more groups is desired. A group whose range is
smaller is more homogeneous than a group with a bigger range.


The interquartile range is the distance between the quartiles Q1 and Q3. It includes the middle
50% of the scores. But it is the semi-interquartile range called quartile deviation which is more commonly
used as a measure of dispersion or variability.
IQR = Q3- Q1 SIQR =
The class frequency distribution of test scores in Math 2.

Class Interval f <cf

95 – 99 2 50
90 - 94 4 48
85 - 89 7 44
80 - 84 9 37
75 - 79 10 28
70 - 74 8 18
65 - 69 6 10
60 – 64 3 4
55 - 59 1 1
Solve for Q1: Solve for Q3:
xn/4 = 1(50) / 4 = 12.5 xn/4 = 3(50) / 4 = 37.5
<cf = 10 <cf = 37
f =8 f =7
i =5 i =5
lb = 69.5 lb = 84.5

Substitute the values in the formula: Substitute the values in the formula:
xn xn

Q1 = lb + 4
−¿ cf
f )i
= 69.5 + (12.5−10
5 ) (
Q3 = lb + 4
f )
−¿ cf
i (
= 84.5 +
7 ) 5

= 69.5 + 1.56 = 71.06 = 84.5 + 0.36 = 84.86

Solve for IQR:

IQR = Q3 – Q1 = 84.86 – 71.06 = 13.8

Solve for SIQR:

Q3−Q1 84 . 86−71. 06
SIQR = = = 6.9
2 2


The quartile deviation/semi-interquartile range may be computed and used under the following
1. When the measure of central tendency is the median. The quartile deviation is used with the
median when classifying students.
2. When the homogeneity or heterogeneity of a group is to be determined. When quartile deviation
is small the group is more or less homogeneous but when the quartile deviation is large the group is
more or less heterogeneous.
3. When there are extremely high and low scores especially when there are big gaps between scores.
This is because other measures of variability, especially the standard deviation, are seriously
disproportionate under this condition.
4. When the main concern is the concentration of the middle 50% of the scores around the median.


Mean Absolute Deviation is the average of the summation of the absolute deviation of each
observation from the mean.
Σ/x-x́/ x is a value or score from the raw data
MAD = ----------, where x́ is the mean
N N is the total number of scores
Example 1. A. Find the mean absolute deviation of the male group in example 1.
Solution: The mean of the male group is 81.
Score Mean /x-x́ /
x x́
70 81 11
95 81 14
60 81 21
80 81 1
100 81 19
Σx=405 Σ/x-x́ /=66

Σ/x-x́ / 66
MAD= ----------- = ------------- = 13.2
n 5

B. Find the mean absolute deviation of the female group.

Solution: The mean of the female group is 81.
Score Mean /x-x́ /
x x́
82 81 1
80 81 1
83 81 2
81 81 0
79 81 2
Σx=405 Σ/x-x́ /=6

Σ/x-x́ / 6
M AD= ----------- = ------ = 1.2
n 5

The male group has a MAD of 13.2 while the female group has 1.2. These results confirm our earlier
findings using the range that the female group is more homogeneous than the male group.

Variance is the average of the squared deviation from the mean. Formulas for finding the variance
for ungrouped data are shown below:
Σ/x-x́ /2 Σ/x-x́ /2
Population Variance : Vp= ---------- Sample Variance: Vs = ---------
N n-1

Standard Deviation is the square root of the average deviation from the mean, or simply the square
root of the variance.
Population Standard Deviation: SDp= Σ ¿ x−x́ /¿ ¿

¿ x−x́ /¿2
√ N
Sample Standard Deviation: SD s =

√ Σ

Example 4. Find the variance and the standard deviation of male groups in Example 1.

Male group:
x x́ x-x́ (x-x́ )2
70 81 -11 121
95 81 14 196
60 81 -21 441
80 81 -1 1
100 81 19 361
Σx=405 Σ (x-x́ )2= 1120

a. Treating the data as population, the variance and the standard deviation is
Σ/x-x́ /2 1120
Vp = ------------- = -------- = 224 square units SD p = √ 224 = 14.97 units
N 5
b. Treating the data as sample, the variance and the standard deviation is:
Σ/x-x́ /2 1120 1120
Vs = ----------- = --------- = -------- = 280 square units SD s = √ 280 = 16.73 units
n-1 5-1 4

 Find the variance and the standard deviation of the female group.
An equivalent formula gives another way of computing the standard deviation. It does away
with computing for the mean and the deviation of the scores. We can use the equivalent
formula below.

(Σ x)

SDs = Σx −
n– 1

Male Group:
x X2
70 4900
95 9025
60 3600
80 6400
100 10,000
Σx=405 Σx2= 33925

2 2
( Σx) 164025❑

√ √ √
Σ x 2− 33925− 33925− 33925−32805 1120
SDs =
n –1
n =
5 =
5 =
√ 4
√ 4

√ 280 = 16.73 units

variance = 280, standard deviation = 16.73


Σf (d ' )2 Σf d ' 2
SD = i
√ n

n ( )
Example: The grouped data which gives the wages per day of the laborers in a certain construction.
Wages No. of Laborers (f) d’ fd’ f(d’)2 or d’(fd’)
80-84 8 2 16 32
75-79 12 1 12 12
70-74 16 0 0 0
65-69 13 -1 -13 13
60-64 9 -2 -18 36

Σf= 58 Σfd = -3 Σf(d’)2= 93
Σf (d ' )2 Σf d ' 2
SD = i
√ n
– ( )
√ 1.603−0.003

93 −3
SD = 5
√ 58
− ( )
= 5 √ 1.6

= 5√ 1.603−(−0.052 )2 = 5 (1.265) SD= 6.325

Another formula:
SDp = Σ f x−x́
Vp = Σf (x-x́ )2 / N and
√ N
SDs = Σf x− x́
Vs= Σf (x-x)2 / n-1 and

Example: The grouped data which gives the wages per day of the laborers in a certain construction.
Wages No. of Mean x-x́ f(x-x́ )2
Laborers (f) X fX x́ (x-x́ )2
80-84 8 82 656 71.74 10.26 105.2676 842.1408
75-79 12 77 924 71.74 5.26 27.6676 332.0112
70-74 16 72 1152 71.74 0.26 0.0676 1.0816
65-69 13 67 871 71.74 -4.74 22.4676 292.0788
60-64 9 62 558 71.74 -9.74 94.8676 853.8084
Σf= 58 fx=4161 2321.1208
Mean = Σfx/ N =4161/58=71.74

Population Variance Population Standard Deviation

SDp = Σf x− x́ =√ 40.02=6.326
Vp = Σf (x-x́ )2 / N
= 2321.1208/ 58 = 40.02
√ N

Sample Variance Sample Standard Deviation

SDs = Σ f x−x́
Vs= Σf (x-x́ )2 / n-1
= 2321.1208 / 57 = 40.72
√ n−1
= √ 40.72=6 .38

1. The IQ’s of 5 members of the family are 108, 112, 127, 118 and 113.
Find the
a. Range b.. Variance c. Standard Deviation
2. Below is a frequency distribution showing the result of an IQ test of a group of students in a
certain college.
Classes f
80-85 2
86-91 8
92-97 19
98-103 21
104-109 25
110-115 52
116-121 12
122-127 11
Find: a. Range b .Mean Absolute Deviation
c. Population Variance d. Population Standard Deviation
3. For 108 randomly selected high school students, the following IQ frequency distributions were obtained.
Class limits frequency
90-98 8
99-107 22
108-116 43
117-125 28
126-134 9
Find the population variance and population standard deviation.

To relate the measure of dispersion to its average and to convert it to percent form, the
standard deviation is divided by the arithmetic mean. Stating this measure in percentage
form solves the problem presented by differing units. The resulting measure developed by
Pearson is known as the Coefficient of variation.
CV= (SD/mean)100%

Other comparative coefficient of dispersion may be computed when using the other
measures of dispersion:

Quartile Coefficient of Dispersion

CVq= (Q3- Q1) / (Q1+Q3) x 100%

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