Multiple Choice Questions FULL

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Engineering Graphics MCQ

1. A short break line is used to indicate a

(a) Broken part (b) part to be broken (c) long part of uniform cross section (d) short
part of non-uniform cross section

2. The type of line used to indicate a cutting plane is

(a) Dashed (b) long dashed dotted (c) long dashed double dotted (d) continuous freehand

3. The size of the drawing drawn to scale 2:1 will be ____________ the actual size.
(a) Same as (b) twice of (c) half of (d) none of a,b, and c

4. If an area of Y2 is represented by an area of X2 on a drawing, then the RF is equal to

(a) X/Y (b) X2/Y2 (c) √X / √Y (d) √X2 / √Y2

5. Boyle’s law, PV = constant generates a curve which is a

(a) Hyperbola (b) rectangular hyperbola (c) parabola (d) rectangular parabola

6. The gear tooth profile is in the form of

(a) Parabola (b) involute (c) spiral (d) helix

7. The line joining any point on an Archimedean spiral with the pole is called the
(a) Shortest radius (b) radius vector (c) vectorial angle (d) convolution

8. In the orthographic projections, F.V. is projected on

(a) H.P. (b) V.P. (c) XY (d) GL

9. The top view of a rectangular shaped room will show

(a) Length and height (b) length and width (c) width and height (d) height only

10. If ϴ + Ø = 900, then which of the following statements is CORRECT?

(a) α = β = 90o (b) side view = TL (c) FV is perpendicular to XY (d) All of the above

11. To obtain the true shape of the section of a solid, the auxiliary plane is set
(a) Inclined at 45o to cutting plane (b) perpendicular to the cutting plane (c) parallel to
cutting plane (d) parallel to XY

12. Compare to actual diameter, the isometric diameter of the sphere is

(a) Equal (b) smaller (c) greater (d) none

13. The height of the tetrahedron of 40 mm sides will be _________ 40 mm.

(a) Equal to (b) less than (c) greater than (d) half of

14. In Isometric projection, the length or width of the object is drawn at _________ to
the horizontal reference line.
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 90o (d) 120o
15. A French curve is used to draw
a) Circles b) orthographic projections c) Right circular cone d) Smooth freeform

16. When the drawing are drawn smaller than the actual size of object then scale is
known as
a) Enlarged Scale b) Reduced Scale c) Full Scale d) Standard scale

17. A curved traced out by a point which moves uniformly both about the Centre and at
the same time away or towards the Centre is known as
a) Involute b) Cycloid c) Archimedean spiral d) Ellipse

18. If the object lies in the fourth quadrant, its position with respect to reference plane
will be
a) In front of V.P. and above H.P. b) Behind V.P. and below H.P.
c) In front of V.P. and below H.P. d) Behind V.P. and above H.P.

19. 10 mm Length of line in Isometric projection will be equal to

a) 10 mm b) 8.15 mm c) 12.26 mm d) 7.07 mm

20. When a right regular cone is cut by a plane parallel to base the shape of section
obtained is.
a) Ellipse b) Parabola c) Triangle d) Circle

21. A line having length of L is resting on HP on one end and other end is in VP and
parallel to profile plan then summation of angle made by line with HP and VP is
a) 60ᵒ b) 90ᵒ c) 30ᵒ d) 45ᵒ

22. A circular plane with negligible thickness is inclined to HP & perpendicular to VP

its plan appears as
Ans. Ellipse

23. Why second and fourth angle method of projection is not used in orthographic
Ans. HP & VP Overlapped

24. What is representative factor?

Ans. Ratio of size or dimension of element or part in drawing to the size of same element
or part of the actual object.

25. A sphere having radius R mm is lying on the table top at height H mm then sphere
Centre is marked at H+(R/2) mm above the table top Centre in isometric projection.

26. The curve traced by a point keeping its distance fixed from a fixed point in a plane
is Circle

27. A pentagonal pyramid is resting on HP on one of its edge of the base and inclined to
HP by 30º and cut by the plane parallel to HP and bisecting the axis then its true shape
can be obtain in TOP view.
28. When a surface of an object is inclined to a plane of projection, it will appear
_________________ in the view.
a. foreshortened b. in true size and shape c. as a line d. as a point

29. A sphere can be described in how many views?

a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1

30. If point C is below HP and behind VP then in which quadrant point C lies?
a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth

31. A cone base diameter 40 mm and axis 60 mm is cut by a plane parallel to the base
then the true shape will be
a. Parabola b. Circle c. Isosceles Triangle d. Regular Triangle

32. Representative fraction is ratio of

a. Maximum length/Minimum length b. Actual length of object/Length of object in drawing
c. Length of object in drawing/Actual length of object d. All of these

33. Scale used when the lengths are required in three consecutive units is
a. Plain b. Vertical c. Diagonal d. Vernier

34. In first angle projection system, plan is drawn

a) Above Elevation b) Below Elevation c) Left of the Elevation d) Right of the Elevation

35. Dashed line is used to draw

a) Outer Edges b) Projections c) Center & Center axis d) Hidden faces

36. A solid is said to be a right solid if-

a. Axis is perpendicular to its base b. Parallel to its base c. Inclined to its base d. All of

37. If the value of Eccentricity is equal to 1 curve will be

a) Ellipse b) Parabola c) Hyperbola d) Circle

38. Second angle projection is not used because

(a) Plan is above xy (b) both views overlap each other (c) Elevation is above xy (d) views
are small in size

39. When a cone is cut by a plane perpendicular to base passing through the apex “the
shape of section obtained is.
(a) Ellipse (b) parabola (c) hyperbola (d) triangle

40. In the third angle projection method, the view seen from left is placed on
(a) Left of the Front View (b) Right of Front View
(c) Right of Top View (d) Below Front View

41. When the diameter of the directing circle is twice the diameter of rolling circle the
hypo cycloid obtained is a
(a) Circle (b) Straight line (c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola
42. The angle between isometric axis is
(a) 30º (b) 90º (c) 120o (d) 180º

43. Which one of the following is not a reduction scale?

(a) 1:1 (b) 1:200 (c) 5/320 (d) 5:6

44. When the plane cuts the cone parallel to one of the generator, the curve trace out by
section is
(a) Ellipse (b) Parabola (c) Hyperbola (d) Involute

45. In first angle projection method The Left hand side view is placed on
(a) Above elevation (b) below elevation (c) Right side of elevation (d) Left side of

46. If line is inclined to vertical plane and parallel to Horizontal plane, then which one
of the following is always correct?
(a) True length = Plan length (b) True length = Elevation length (c) True length ≠ Plan
length (d) none of the above

47. A square plane is inclined to HP & perpendicular to VP its elevation appears as

(a) Rhombus (b) Square (c) Straight line (d) Rectangle

48. Length (L) of line in Isometric view will be equal to

(a) 0.707 L (b) 0.815 L (c) True length L (d) 0.866 L

49. For scale, which one is not correct?

(a) 1:2 (b) 1:20 (c) 1:1/2 (d) 1/2

50. In Isometric view length, Width, and Height are inclined at

(a) 300 (b) 600 (c) 900 (d) 1200

51. When a point is below HP & in Front of VP it is in

(a) First quadrant (c) Second quadrant
(b) Third quadrant (d) Fourth quadrant

52. In orthographic view the lines Perpendicular to arrow X are drawn as

(1) Parallel to XY in Plan (2) Parallel to XY in elevation (3) Perpendicular to XY in
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1&2

53. Name the solid formed by revolving right angle triangle with one of its
perpendicular side fixed.
(a) Cone (b) Cylinder (c) Tetrahedron (d) Octahedron

54. To draw the leader line, which type of the following line is used?
(a) Continuous thick line (c) Long chain thin line
(b) Continuous thin wavy line (d) Continuous thin line
55. If the object lies in the second quadrant, its position with respect to reference plane
will be
(a) In front of V.P. and above H.P. (c) In front of V.P. and below H.P.
(b) Behind V.P. and below H.P. (d) Behind V.P. and above H.P.

56. When the drawing are drawn smaller than the actual size of object then scale is
known as
(a) Reduced Scale (b) Enlarged Scale (c) Full Scale (d) None of Above

57. A curved traced out by a point which moves uniformly both about the centre and at
the same time away or towards the centre is known as
(a) Involute (b) Archimedean spiral (c) Cycloid (d) None of above

58. The isometric view of a vertical line is represented at an angle of ____ in front view
and having a length _________ the original length of line.
(a) 30o, Same as (b) 30o, Less than (c) 90o, Same as (d) 90o, Less

59. In a third angle projection method, right hand side view of an object is drawn
___________ front view.
(a) Left side of (c) Right side of (b) Rear side of (d) None of above

60. If the 10 m length is represented as 1 mm on the map then representative fraction is

(a) 1/100 (c) 1/1000 (b) 1/10 (d) None of above

61. Fourth angle projection is not used because

(a) Front view is above reference line and top view is below reference line
(b) Top view is above reference line and front view is below reference line
(c) Front view and top view both overlap on each other and below reference line
(d) Front view and top view both overlap on each other and above the reference line

62. When the cone, resting on base on V.P., is cut by section plane parallel to V.P. then
the true shape is __________ and can be seen in __________ view.
(a) Circle, Front (b) Ellipse, Front (c) Ellipse, Top (d) Circle, Top

63. The eccentricity of which of the following curve is greater than one?
(a) Ellipse (b) Parabola (c) Hyperbola (d) None of above

64. The isometric projection of 90 mm line is ___________ mm.

(a) 30*(6)(1/2) (b) 30*(3)(1/2) (c) 30*(2)(1/2) (d) None of above

65. For the third angle projection method, which of the following is correct?
(a) Observer – Object – Plane (c) (a) and (b) both (b) Observer – Plane – Object (d)
None of above

66. When the front view of line having a length less than the original length then which
of the following is correct?
(a) Line is inclined to H.P. (c) Line is inclined to both H.P. and V.P.
(b) Line is inclined to V.P. (d) (b) and (c) both
67. When the plane cuts the cone parallel to the generator, the curve traced out is
(a) Ellipse (b) parabola (c) hyperbola (d) triangle

68. When a line is inclined to VP and parallel to HP, the front view will be _______ to
(a) Parallel (b) perpendicular (c) inclined at angle φ (d) none of these

69. A square plate of negligible thickness is inclined to HP. The front view will appear
(a) Rhombus (b) square (c) line (d) rectangle

70. Name the solid formed by four equilateral triangles

(a) Square pyramid (b) Triangular pyramid (c) Tetrahedron (d) Square

71. A cylinder standing on the HP is cut by a vertical plane parallel to the axis and away
from it. The shape of the section will be
(a) Rectangle (b) Circle (c) Ellipse (d) Hyperbola

72. Two lines inclined at 90º in the orthographic view appear in isometric view to be
inclined at
(a) 60º (b) 90º (c) 120O (d) 180º

73. When the axis of the solid is parallel to both HP and VP the view which reveals the
true shape of the base is
(a) Front view (b) Top view (c) Side view (d) None of these

74. Length of a line ‘L’ in isometric drawing or view will be

(a) 0.707 L (b) 0.815 L (c) 0.866 L (d) equal to length L

75. If D is the diameter of sphere, its value in isometric projection will be equal to
(a) √(3/2 )D (b) √(2/3) D (c) D (d) none of these

76. For drawing of small instruments, watches etc. the scale used is
(a) Reduced scale (b) Full scale (c) Enlarged scale (d) none of these

77. Second angle projection is not used because

(a) Plan is above xy (b) both views overlap each other
(c) Elevation is above xy (d) views are small in size

78. If the object lies in third quadrant, its position with respect to reference planes will
(a) In front of VP, above HP (b) Behind VP, above HP
(c) Behind VP, below HP (d) In front of VP, below HP

79. In the game of cricket, a ball is thrown from the boundary and reaches the gloves of
the wicket keeper, the curve traced out will be
(a) Hyperbola (b) Involute (c) Parabola (d) Cycloid
80. In isometric projection/drawing the ellipse is normally drawn by which method
(a) Arc of circle method (b) Concentric circle method
(c) Four centre method (d) Oblong method

81. In the first angle projection method, the view seen from left is placed on
(a) Above Front View (b) Right of Front View (b) Above Top View (d) Below Front

82. While drawing the isometric view of the sphere, its diameter is taken as
(a) Equal to actual diameter (b) 11/9 times of the actual diameter
(b) 21/9 times of the actual diameter (d) none of the above

83. Which one of the following is not a reduction scale?

(a) 1:1 (b) 1:200 (c) 5/320 (d) 5:6

84. If the generating point is on the generating circle and the generating circle is outside
the directing circle, the curve obtained is:
(a) Inferior hypotrochoid (b) epicycloids (c) hypocycloid (d) superior

85. To obtain the true shape of the section of solid, an auxiliary plane is set
(a) Inclined at an angle of 45o to a cutting plane (b) parallel to XY
(b) Parallel to a cutting plane (d) perpendicular to a cutting plane

86. If a line is inclined to the Vertical Plane and parallel to Horizontal Plane, then which
of the following statements is always CORRECT?
(a) True Length = Plan Length (b) True Length ≠ Plan Length
(c) True Length > Elevation Length (d) True Length = Elevation Length

87. Dashed lines are used to show outlines of the adjacent part. Ans. False

88. Measurement of the distances is simpler in a diagonal scale than a vernier scale. Ans.

89. If front view of a line is parallel to XY, its Top View gives True Length.Ans. True

90. The eccentricity of parabola is less than the eccentricity of a hyperbola. Ans. True

91. A horizontal section plane will create a sectional Front View. Ans. False

92. If a point is in the Vertical Plane, its Front View is seen on XY. Ans. False

93. A tetrahedron has four equal square faces. Ans. False

94. The internal angle of regular pentagon is ___ degree.

a. 72 b. 108 c. 120 d. 150

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