Study of Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postpartum Depression

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Desai Nimisha D1, Mehta Ritambhara Y2, Ganjiwale Jaishree3
1Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, GMERS Medical College & General Hospital Gotri, Vadodara 2Professor & Head,
Psychiatry, Govt. medical College & New Civil Hospital , Surat 3Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, P S
Medical college, Karamsad

Dr Nimisha Desai
Psychiatry OPD, GMERS Medical College & General Hospital Gotri,Vadodara-390021
Email: [email protected], Mobile No.:9427118451

Background: The burden of postpartum depression is significant because it remains unrecognized and it not only
affects the mother adversely but also has a negative consequence on the family life and the development of the
Aim: The present study aims to study the prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among mothers
attending the well baby clinic for vaccination of their
Methods: Around 200 Gujarati women of postpartum period, up to 1year, were randomly selected and assessed
using the semi structured proforma including DSM-IV TR diagnostic criteria for depression and predictive index of
postnatal depression, to find out risk factors.
Results: The prevalence rate of postpartum depression was 12.5%. Women who delivered a girl child were
observed to have higher odds of getting PPD [OR 5.487, CI ( 1.563,19.258)], also multigravida [OR 5.391, CI
(1.17,24.849)], women having past history of miscarriage [OR 4.613 ,CI(1.299,16.385)], women feeling tense during
pregnancy [OR11.716, CI (2.729,50.293)],women who could not confide in partner [10.43 ,CI (3.642,28.219] and
absence of someone other than mother and partner in whom the woman could confide [OR 8.909,
CI(1.869,42.473)] were found to be the strongest predictors for developing postpartum depression.
Conclusion: A significant proportion of Gujarati women had postpartum depression and many psychosocial factors
are associated with it.

Key Words: Postpartum depression, Risk factors, Prevalence

INTRODUCTION The first step in preventing postpartum depression is

the identification of women who are at risk for
Postpartum depression is a nonpsychotic depressive
developing it. 1
episode of mild to moderate severity, beginning in or
extending into the first postnatal year. Beck described it A recent review of literature found that the following
as a thief that steals motherhood 1. A Meta analysis of risks factors are the strongest predictors of postpartum
studies mainly based in the developed world found the depression (in decreasing order of effect): depression
incidence of postpartum depression to be 12-13 % 2; during pregnancy, anxiety during pregnancy, experience
with higher incidence in developing countries 3, 4. of stressful life events during pregnancy, low levels of
social support and previous history of depression 6. An
Postpartum depression is an important public health
earlier Meta analysis of the research had also found the
problem, having a significant impact on the mother, the
following variables to be predictors of postpartum
family, her partner, mother-infant interaction and on
depression: Prenatal depression, self-esteem, child care
the long term emotional and cognitive development of
stress, prenatal anxiety, marital relationship, infant
the baby 1. Indian studies also show post partum
temperament, marital status, low social support,
depression as a cause of significant psychiatric
socioeconomic status and unplanned/unwanted
morbidity in mothers 3 and malnutrition in infants 5.
pregnancy 7. Limited research has been conducted in
Hence preventive measures, early intervention and India so far. In a cohort study from rural area of
identification can alleviate sufferings of the mother and Tamilnadu, Low income, birth of a daughter when a
minimize its potential harmful effects on the newborn. son was desired, relationship difficulties with mother in

Volume 2 Issue 2 Apr – June 2012 print ISSN: 2249 4995 eISSN: 2277 8810 Page 194

law and parents, adverse life events during pregnancy Inclusion criterion: All Gujarati postpartum women
and lack of physical help were risk factors for the onset who visited the well baby clinic for the vaccination of
of post partum depression 4. Another qualitative study their child in the age range of 18-35 years up to
in the community from rural south india shows that the postpartum period of 1 year.
following factors were associated with postpartum
Statistical Analysis
depression: age less than 20 or over 30 years, schooling
less than five years, thoughts of aborting current The Prevalence of post partum depression was
pregnancy, unhappy marriage, physical abuse during calculated. The frequency distribution of the socio
current pregnancy and after childbirth, husband’s use demographic variables was made in order to describe
of alcohol, girl child delivered in the absence of living the data.
boys and a preference for a boy, low birth weight and a
family history of depression 8. A study of mothers in The predictive index for postpartum depression was
goa shows economic deprivation, poor marital specifically noted, to assess the predictors of post
relationship, the gender of infant as important risk partum depression.
factors for occurrence of postpartum depression 3. First the univariate analysis was performed to find the
According to Sichel and Driscoll’s ‘EARTHQUAKE association of various predictive factors from the
MODEL’, these risk factors can repeatedly weaken a predictive index with the depression as per DSM-IV
mother’s fault line placing her in a dangerous position TR gold standard.
for an emotional earthquake, such as post partum
depression 9. For the purpose of analysis certain of the predictive
variables had to be redefined by clubbing some of its
This study examines the predictors of postpartum categories into one, as the frequencies earlier were not
depression in Gujarati postpartum women so that early sufficient for any analysis. The univariate analysis was
detection is possible and intervention can be planned repeated using the clubbed variables and then the
well in advance. logistic regression analysis was done using only the
independent variables that were significant at the
univariate level finally.
The logistic regression test was applied using backward
The present cross sectional study was conducted at Likelihood Ratio method, with p values of 0.05 for
Well-baby clinic of pediatrics department, New Civil entry and 0.1 for the removal of the variable from the
Hospital, Surat. 200 Gujarati postpartum women above model, taking depression by DSM as the dichotomous
18 years of age, up to postpartum period of 1 year were dependent variable and "gravida, previous miscarriage,
randomly selected and requested to participate in the literacy, any previous termination, any previous still
study. After a brief introductory phase explaining the birth, no. of children (one or more), help ever sought
nature and purpose of the study, an informed consent for covering, whether the last pregnancy was planned ,
was taken from the participants. feelings on learning of pregnancy, whether pregnancy
was a positive experience , were there any
All women were interviewed using semi-structured
complications in the pregnancy, did the female feel
Proforma based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for
miserable during her pregnancy, was the female
major depression 10 and predictive index for postnatal
generally tense during the pregnancy, time with current
depression, were specifically inquired to assess the risk
partner, can she confide in partner, how were her
factors 11.
relations with the partner in recent times, was there any
Following tools were utilized for data collection. bereavement in her life with respect to her parents,
participants' relationship with her mother currently, sex
1) Semi structured proforma including socio-
of child, can the participant confide in anyone else
demographic and clinical detail
apart from her partner and mother " as the
2) DSM IV-TR Diagnostic criteria for Major depressive independent variables. The classification table of the
disorder 10 model built finally was able to correctly classify the
sample for depression 92.5% times.
3) Predictive index for postpartum depression: It was
specifically inquired to assess the risk factors. It was All the statistical analysis was done using the software
developed by P.J.Cooper et al in 1996 consisting of 40 Statistical Package for the Social Sciences-version 14
item questionnaire designed to detect the presence of [SPSS 14].
factors that were likely to increase the risk of
postpartum depression. The list of questionnaire covers
37 items; the remaining three concerned the RESULTS
participant’s age and occupation and her partner’s
200 Gujarati women were studied for their depression
occupation. Although the sensitivity and specificity of
status and risk factors during their well baby visits. The
the predictive index is limited, the index offers a system
age ranged from 18-35 years with mean age 23.84 years.
for the prediction of postpartum depression that could
All women were married at the time of interview.
be of use in both research and clinical purpose. 11
Majority of the women (85%) were Hindu. Around

Volume 2 Issue 2 Apr – June 2012 print ISSN: 2249 4995 eISSN: 2277 8810 Page 195

30% women were illiterate, 50% of women belonged to The odds of multi gravida getting depression are seen
joint families, 65.5% had urban background, 62% of to be 5.391 times higher than the primigravida. If there
the women had monthly income less than 3000 rupees is any previous history of miscarriage, the odds that
and majority (89.5%) were unemployed (housewives). such a female gets depressed is 4.613 times higher than
(Table 1) a female without any miscarriage.
If a woman is tense during her pregnancy, she has
11.716 times higher odds of getting depressed than the
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics non tense women.
Characteristic Depressed Non- Total The poor relationship with mother although significant
n=25 (%) depressed n = 200 at univariate level, was not observed to be a significant
n=175 (%) (%) contributor for developing PPD in the logistic model
Age after removing the effects of the confounders. It could
< 20 years 1 (4) 5 (2.8) 6 (3) be because the females having bad relation with mother
20-24 years 12 (48) 101 (57.8) 113 (56.5) were observed to have warm relations with the partner
25-29 years 10 (40) 49 (28) 59 (29.5) and also they could confide in the partner very well.
30-34 years 2 (8) 18 (10.3) 20 (10) The relationship with the partner and whether the
> 35 years 0 2 (1.1) 2 (1) woman could confide in her partner were highly
Education associated variables, hence only one of them i.e. can the
No Education 9(36) 50(28.5) 59(29.5) woman confide in her partner was taken in the model
1-7 standard 10(40) 48(27) 58(29) finally. The women who could not confide in their
Higher secondary 6(24) 61(34.5) 67(33.5) partners were observed to be having odds 10.43 times
Further qualification 0 6(3.5) 6(3) higher of having PPD than those who could confide.
(Courses after 10th )
Degree/Graduate 0 7(4) 7(3.5) The females who had a girl child are seen to have 5.487
Higher Degree 0 3(1.5) 3(1.5) times higher odds of getting depression than those
Domicile having boy child.
Urban 15 (60) 116 (66.3) 131 (65.5) If a female does not have anyone, other than her
Rural 10 (40) 59 (33.7) 69 (34.5) mother and husband to confide in, the female has
Religion 8.909 times higher odds of getting depression as
Hindu 19 (76) 151 (86.3) 170 (85) compared to a female who has someone else to confide
Muslim 6 (24) 22 (12.6) 28 (14) in.
Others 0 2 (1.1) 2 (1)
Joint 12 (48) 88 (50.3) 100 (50) DISCUSSION
Nuclear 13 (52) 87 (49.7) 100 (50)
Monthly income All the women in this study were recruited while
< 1000 0 2 (1.1) 2 (1) attending the well baby clinic when they had come for
1000-2000 4 (16) 48 (27.5) 52 (26) vaccination of their child. They were not aware about
2000-3000 14 (56) 56 (32) 70 (35) their mental health status. Majority of women (78.5%)
> 3000 7 (28) 69 (39.4) 76 (38) were within their first 6 months of postpartum period.
Employment In this study we found that the prevalence rate of
Unemployed 22(88) 157(89.7) 179 (89.5) depression was 12.5% through a structured clinical
Employed 3(12) 18(10.3) 21 (10.5) interview which included DSM-IV TR diagnostic
criteria. O’ Hara and Swain [1996] did meta-analysis of
The prevalence of postpartum depression was 12.5% 59 studies and estimated that the average prevalence
(25/200) through a structured clinical interview which rate of post natal depression was 13% 2.
included DSM-IV diagnostic criteria of depression. The
women in their first postpartum year were interviewed. Risk factors:
157 (78.5%) women interviewed were within their first Predictive index for postnatal depression was applied
6 months postpartum period, of which 19 were found, to identify predictors of postpartum depression which
depressed. From remaining 43 (21.5%) women is already validated tool that could be used in research
interviewed, 6 were found depressed. Past history of and clinical practice 11. After doing logistic regression
depression was present in 2 cases, of which 1 was analysis strongest predictors identified were pregnancy
depressed during interview and the other was not and related factors like multigravida, history of miscarriage,
the family history of depression was present in only 4 feeling tense during pregnancy, having girl child
cases, of which 2were depressed during interview and 2 ,women not able to confide in their partner and ,
were not. absence of person other than mother and partner who
The results of the logistic regression analysis gives the can be confided in.
independent effect of the parameters on the outcome
i.e. depression. (Table 2)

Volume 2 Issue 2 Apr – June 2012 print ISSN: 2249 4995 eISSN: 2277 8810 Page 196

Table: 2 Predictive index factors associated with post partum depression

Variable Depressed Not Crude OR (95% Adjusted OR P value
depressed CI) (95% CI) (adj OR)
Is it the first pregnancy?
yes 5 69 1 1
no 20 106 2.6(0.89-9.26) 5.391(1.17-24.85) 0.031
Any previous miscarriage
no 14 153 1 1
yes 11 22 5.46(1.96-4.74) 4.613(1.30-16.38) 0.018
Feeling tense during
no 14 160 1 1
yes 11 15 8.38(2.86-23.83) 11.716(2.73-50.29) 0.008
Sex of the child
male 8 110 1 1
female 17 65 3.6(1.37-10.13) 5.487(1.56-19.26) 0.008
Anyone apart from mother
and partner who can be
confided in
yes 4 89 1 1
no 21 86 5.43(1.72-22.50) 8.909(1.87-42.47) 0.006
Can confide in partner
yes 19 167 1 1
no 6 8 6.59(1.87-7.84) 10.43(3.64-28.22) 0.015
The unadjusted OR(CI) were calculated using WinPepi software.

In this study if there is any previous history of Robertson 6 had reported a high level of anxiety during
miscarriage, the odds that such a female gets depressed pregnancy as predictive of post partum depression.
is 4.613 times higher than a female without a
Relationship related risk factors:
miscarriage. This result was comparable to similar
finding of the previous study by Playfair and Gower In this study, poor relationship with one’s spouse /
(1981) but no such association was noticed by Kumar partner, absence of other person (except mother and
and Robson (1984) 12. partner) in whom they could confided were found to
be significant predictors statistically. If the women
The females who had a girl child are seen to have 5.487
could not confide in partner she has 10.43 times higher
times higher odds of getting depression than those
odds of getting depression compared to those who
having boy child. A similar finding was noted by
could confide.
Vikram Patel 3, M.Chandran 4and R.J.S.Savarimuthu 8.
Vikram Patel 3 and Beck 1, 7 had found that poor
Culturally, in our male dominated Indian society, male
marital relationship preceded post partum depression.
children are preferred and this male-bias is deeply
rooted. When a girl child is delivered, the mother may If a female does not have anyone other than mother
be subjected to antipathy, criticism and even hostility and husband to confide in, the female has 8.909 times
from her spouse and extended family, leading her to higher odds of getting depression as compared to a
major depression. If the father is dissatisfied with the female who has someone else to confide in. O’Hara et
girl child, post natal depression is more likely to occur. al (1983) and Paykel et al (1980) found that lack of an
Women who already had a girl child face greater stress adequate confidant or lower level of social support
because of social and family pressure to give birth to a from a confidant are associated with postpartum
male child and if the child is a girl again the risk of post depression. 12
partum depression is greater. Such gender bias and the
limited control, a woman had over her reproductive Robertson 6 and Beck 1, 7 found that inadequate social
health may make pregnancy a stressful experience for support is linked to depression in mothers during
her and ultimately lead to post partum depression. This pregnancy and post partum period.
response is a cogent reminder that child birth is more 84% of depressed women had no other person to
than a biological event, and that the personal confide in (except their mother or partner) compared
experience of child birth is deeply embodied in the with 48% of non depressed women. (Who confided in
socio-moral values of the local culture. a friend / other family member). Thus relationship
In this study feeling tense during pregnancy was also with one’s mother / partner and the presence of
identified as predictor of post partum depression. If a another person with whom a woman could share their
female is tense during her pregnancy, she has 11.716 problems / worries were most important to a woman’s
times higher odds of getting depressed. Beck 1, 7 emotional and mental well-being. A good emotional

Volume 2 Issue 2 Apr – June 2012 print ISSN: 2249 4995 eISSN: 2277 8810 Page 197

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4. Chandran M, Tharyan P, Muliyil J, Abraham S. Post partum
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