HM106 Module 2.1 Receive and Process Reservations

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Course Code HM106

Course Title Front Office Procedures

Units 3
Module Title Front Office Procedures: Unit of
College for Research & Technology of Cabanatuan


Welcome to the module in course subject HM106 Front

Office Procedures. This module contains training materials and
activities for you to complete this module.

The topic in this module “Receive and Process

Reservations” covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required as part of the curriculum to complete so as to qualify
in the requirement of the course program for Bachelor of
Science in Hospitality Management and Bachelor of Science in
Tourism Management.

You are required to go through a series of learning

activities in order to complete each learning outcome of the
module. Each of the learning outcomes is provided with
Modules. Follow these activities on your own and answer the
self-check at the end of each learning outcome. You may
remove a blank answer sheet at the end of each module (or
get the answer sheets from the online facilitator) to write the
answers for each self-check. If you have questions, don’t
hesitate to ask your facilitator for assistance.

This module was prepared to help you achieve the required

competency in HM106 Front Office Procedures. This will be the
source of Information for you to acquire knowledge and skill in
this particular trade independently and at your own pace, with
minimum supervision of help from your instructor.

Date Developed: Document No. 001-2021

HM106 Front February 2021
Office Date Revised: Issued by:
Procedures --- CRT Page 2
Developed by:
Module 2 Ara Venise C. Ocampo
 Talk to your online facilitator and agree on how you will
both organize the Training of this unit. Read each through
the module carefully. It is divided into sections, which
cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully
complete this module.
 Work through all the information and complete the
activities in each section. Read Modules and complete self-
check. Suggested references are included to supplement
the materials provided in this module.
 Most probably your facilitator will be your supervisor or
manager. Your online facilitator will support and correct
 Your online facilitator will tell you about the important
things you need consider when you are completing
activities and it is important that you listen and take
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions
and practice on the job. Make sure you practice new skills
during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both
your speed and memory and also your confidence.
 Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their
 Kindly the self-check questions at the LMS (EDMODO) to
test your own progress.
 When you are ready, ask your online facilitator to watch
you online via Zoom or Google Meet to perform the
activities outlined in this module.
 Ask your online facilitator work through the activities: ask
for written feedback on your progress. Your online
facilitator keeps feedback/pre-assessment reports for this
reason. When you have successfully completed each
element, ask the facilitator to mark on the reports that
you are ready for assessment.
 When you have completed this module and passed all the
necessary requirements then you’ll earn 3 units from this
course subject.


Contents of this Learning Module

No. Module Title Topic Code
1 Introduction to Front Introduction to Module
Office Front Office 1.1
2 Front Office Receive And Module
Procedures: Unit Process 2.1
of Competency#1 Reservations
3 Front Office Operate Module
Procedures: Unit of Computerized 3.1
Competency#2 Reservations System
4 Front Office Provide Module
Procedures: Unit of Accommodation 4.1
Competency#3 Reception Services

5 Front Office Provide Club Module

Procedures: Unit of Reception Services 5.1
6 Front Office Conduct Night Audit Module
Procedures: Unit of 6.1
7 Front Office Provide Concierge Module
Procedures: Unit of And Bell Services 7.1
8 Front Office Provide Cashiering Module
Procedures: Unit of Services 8.1

MODULE TITLE : Front Office Procedures: Unit of

This module and unit of competency deals with the skills,
knowledge and attitude required in receiving and processing
reservations for a tourism or hospitality product or service
offered for sale through agents or direct to the consumer

Number of Hours: 3 hours (1 week)

Duration: February 22-27, 2021

At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Demonstrate skills in receiving and processing
reservations for multiple product booking according to
property standards
2. Demonstrate ability to offer alternatives according to
guest needs
LEARNING OUTCOME#1 Virtual Laboratory Simulation

1. Elements and Range of Variables
2. Sequence of Front Office Service
3. Sequence of Hotel Reservation through Telephone
4. Sources or Avenues for Room Reservations
5. Basic Procedures in Taking Reservations
Assessment Criteria:

1. Virtual laboratory simulation should follow the necessary

2. Virtual laboratory simulation it should be conforming to
industry standard.
3. The student should wear proper uniform such as corporate

The students must be provided with the following:
1. Hard copy or soft copy of the module
2. Laptop or gadget
3. Social Media accounts

Assessment Method:
Virtual Laboratory Simulation

Learning Activities (Study Guide)

1. Using EDMODO app on your phone or the website on
your laptop, kindly go to the HM106 Front Office
Procedures class.
2. Click on the FOLDERS section (on menu bar)
3. Click the folder MODULE 2: Receive And Process
Reservations. The digitized Modules Self-Check and
Job Sheets are available in this folder.
4. All the Self-Checks are contained in the folder MY

Learning Outcome #1

1. Virtual Laboratory Simulation

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Module No. 2.1 Contained in the Module 2: Receive
(Front Office Procedures: And Process Reservations folder
Unit of Competency#1) in EDMODO (Module 2.1)
2. Answer self-check 2.1 The self-checks are available thru the
folder SELF CHECKS. The activity is
timed (15 minutes). The results will
be immediately be available after
clicking SUBMIT and the system will
run through the items incorrectly
answered (and show the correct


Learning Objective:
After reading this MODULE, you should be able to:
1. Reiterate the elements of reservation and range of tourism
2. Discuss the sequence of front office service.
3. Sources or avenues for room reservations.


This unit of competency deals with the skills, knowledge

and attitude required to receive and process reservations for a
tourism or hospitality product or service offered for sale
through agents or direct to the consumer.


1. Receive reservation request

2. Record details of reservation

3. Update reservations

4. Advise others on reservation details

Range of variables---1. Reservation

May include:

1.1 Reservations may be received and processed by a range of

tourism sectors such as:

• Tour operators

• Travel agencies

• Transportation

• Accommodation

• Food and beverage

• Events

• Tourism attractions

1.2 Reservation systems may be:

• Manual

• Computerized

1.3 Reservations may be made


• · Telephone

• · Facsimile

• · Snail Mail/ Postal

• · E-mail

• · Face-to-face
• · Global Distribution System

• · Internet

1.4 Reservations may be for:

· Individuals

· Groups

· Corporate

· Government Agencies

· VIP’s

· Conference delegates

1.5 Completed reservation includes:

• Documents issued which may include:

 Credit notes

 Invoices

 Confirmation letter

 Confirmation number

 Receipts

 Vouchers

• Deposits attained from customers

• Form of settlement

May include:

2.1 Customer maybe:

• Individuals

• Groups

• Corporate

• Government Agencies

• VIP’s

• Conference delegates

2.2 Customer records may be:

• · Computer files (Soft and hard copies)

• · Manual files

2.3 Customer profiles, if available, may include:

• Full name and title/company name

• Address

• Phone, fax, email and other contact details

• Special requirements/request:
 Timing details
 Special needs
 Payment arrangements
 Details of other services to be used
 Form of Settlement

1. Welcoming and greeting the guests, opening the door

of his vehicle; unloading of luggage.
2. Receiving and processing and documenting guest
3. Attending to Guest Registration
4. Settlement of Guest Bill
5. Escorting the guest to his room, carrying his luggage,
introducing the room facilities.
6. Updating room status and preparing guest folio
7. Attending to all service requests of guests, extending
various forms of assistance like wake-up, delivery
8. Updating guest accounts, preparing billing statement
and settlement of balance
9. Assisting guest for check-out
10. Settling bills, giving clearance for check-out
11. Bidding goodbye, thanking the guest for patronage.
Reservations may be received through:

1. Letters- this letter may be opened and handled by the room

reservations manager or whoever heads the reservation
2. E-mail or Internet Access- patrons can now easily place
their reservations by e-mail. Most hotels have their own
websites that can easily be accessed by patrons.
3. Fax- the fax machine has the advantage of being able to
accept instant bookings even when there is no clerk available
to get the reservations.
4. Telephone- incoming telephone calls concerning
reservations will be announced by the sales or reservations
office or the front desk.
5. In-person- booking parties may personally contact the
room sales or reservation office to make reservations or to
inquire about the rates and terms.
6. Computer terminals- it can be operated through the
6.1. Call centers- this computerized reservation system is
used by large hotel chain and is often linked to a call
center. Reservations for all properties may be
centralized in this center with call center attendants
attending inquiries and bookings.
6.2. Global Distribution System (GDS)- is operated by a
consortia of the hotels and airlines. These system
terminals are installed in various countries accepting
bookings for their member companies.
7. Via Central Booking Office- group of hotels usually have
central booking office, handling bookings for all their
properties. They are connected by a free phone or local


1. Greet the client and offer assistance.
2. Once request for reservations is received, find out from
the inquiring party the dates and the type of room
required. Then check if there is an available room
corresponding to the room type preferred.
3. Inform the guest if a room is available, if the requested
room type is not available, offer alternative room if ever
there is available.
4. Once room availability is confirmed get detailed
information as outlines below. Then enter these details on
a reservation card.
5. All pertinent information regarding the reservations shall
be indicated in the room reservations card to include:
a. Name/s of incoming guests (The last name must be
written, first followed by the first name and middle
name then the title.) Example: Johnson, Andrew M. Mr.
If the party is a man and wife, the title should be
written M/M which stands for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,
Andrew M/M.
b. Number of persons arriving
c. Arrival date and time
d. Information/time of arrival ( The name of airline,
numerical designation of the carrier and the place of
origin must be taken whenever available. The time of
arrival in the hotel is taken in case the guest is arriving
via another mode of transportation.
e. Departure time
f. The number of nights the guest is expected to stay in
the hotel (Example: Arrival-December 10 ; Departure:
December 15---Number of nights: 5 Nights)
g. The number of quantity, type of room and type of bed
h. Room rate (The client must be informed of the rate of
the room reserved. If he is a repeat guest, the hotel
may refer to the guest history card and apply the rate
which the guest enjoyed in his previous visits.
i. Billing arrangement
a. Pax account- abbreviated as PA (Personal Account of
Guest) is written when the guest will pay to the hotel
b. Company account- abbreviated as CA is indicated
when bills will be charged to the company. This
payment arrangement is acceptable only if the
guarantee is in writing and the company has good
credit status.
j. Remarks –the clerk must take down notes special
requests or arrangements e.g. VIP commissionable, w/
extra bed, fruit basket, special amenities, status of
reservation must be indicated here e.g. Confirmed,
Tentative or Guaranteed.
k. Booked by- the name of the person making the
reservations, his telephone number must be recorded
for reference purpose.
l. Accepted by- reservation clerk who accepted the
reservation must initial the form for record purpose.
m. Date of acceptance of reservation


1. Greet the caller and offer assistance.
2. Get the details and input them or write in the reservation
3. If the preferred room type is not available on the date
mentioned, informed the guest and suggest other options.
4. If the caller wants her bill to be paid by the company,
check the credit list if the company is among those in
commercial credit account.
 If the company is in the credit line, the guest is
allowed to sign for charges and be sent to the
 If the company has no credit line, the company shall
be asked to make a pre-payment on a letter of
5. Confirm the reservation and validate all the information
6. Inform the caller about the 6-o’clock policy (if it is
applicable in the hotel and this does not apply for pre-paid
guaranteed booking.
 6-o’clock policy means that the guest with reservation is
required to arrive not later than 6:00 PM on the arrival
 If he does not show up within this cut-off time, the
hotel has the right to give away the room to other
guest who wished to book a room.
 However, some hotels consider late arrivals if they are
informed earlier.
 If the room is pre-paid or guaranteed, the 6 o’clock
policy is not applied.

Disclaimer: The material and information found in this

module is for educational information purposes only. The
module is not intended to replace books made by other
publishing companies and authors. However, the references
are cited in the module.
1. Training Regulations
2. Training Manual
3. Introduction to Hotel & Front Office Operations. Amelia S.
Roldan. AR Skills Development and Management Services,
Incorporated, 2014

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