Lesson 12 - Bio-Diversity

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Grade 9 – Sussex College - Wennappuwa

Lesson 12 – Bio- diversity

Introduction to bio-diversity
Biodiversity is the variety of living species on Earth – plants, animals and microorganisms – and
the ecosystems they form.

An ecosystem is the name given to all living species that live together in a stable community,
interacting with one another and their physical environment.

Biodiversity includes the diversity within species and between different species within terrestrial,
freshwater and marine ecosystems. Ecosystems need a balanced and diverse number of
species to exist.

A system that includes all living organisms (biotic factors) in an area as well as
its physical environment (abiotic factors) interacting with one another as a unit is
known as an ecosystem.

Marine ecosystem

Green house ecosystem (

Desert ecosystem artificial_)

There are different types of ecosystems( marine ecosystem, fresh water ecosystem,
forest ecosystem) on Earth. Different types of animals and plants live there in
according to the climatic factors and physical environment.
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The diversity among different ecosystems is known as ecosystem diversity.

In ecosystems there are many species of animals and plants as well as many species
of micro-organisms. With regard to these species, there is a great variety of
characteristics in the body shape, size, nutritional patterns and reproduction.

The diversity among the species is known as species diversity.

Species diversity

Even within the same species there are many differences. The diversity differences of a
certain species is genetic diversity
The starfish , they are belong to the same
group of animals but within them ,there are
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Modern man belongs to the species

Homo sapiens sapiens. even within the same
species there are differences among
the individuals.

The reason for these differences of a

certain species is genetic diversity.
You will learn about genes in grade

Therefore, Bio-diversity is a combination of ecosystem diversity, species

diversity and genetic diversity.

Importance of bio-diversity
Biodiversity is important to humans for many reasons. Bio diversity has economical , medicinal,
agricultural and ecological importance.


 Both large and small creatures as well as higher bio diversity in an ecosystem play a an
important role in maintaining the equilibrium( balance) of the certain ecosystem.

 The beauty of the environment increases due to bio-diversity. We know that Sri
Lanka is a country with a rich bio-diversity. Sri Lanka has been named as the country with
the highest density( number of organisms per unit area ) of flowering plants, reptiles,
amphibians, and mammals in the Asian region. Rich bio-diversity is a strong reason for
tourist attraction.

 Bio-diversity has reduced the competition between the species. Organisms are
always in a competition for their needs( like food, space, mates ). When considering
the plant world, they are competing for the light, space, water and air.

 When considering the animal world, animals are competing for requirements such as
habitat, food, security and choice of partners. Bio-diversity helps to minimize this
competition among living organisms because when there many organisms there is many
choices for food. So it reduces the competition for food among them.

 We know that the beaks of different bird species are of different shapes. This is
important to reduce the competition for food. Various birds depend on various
foods and their beaks are shaped according to their diet
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 When considering the plant world, how trees try to minimize the competition for
water. The roots of different trees are adapted to take water from different levels
in the soil

 “The wild types” of most plants and animals used in agriculture are found
in natural ecosystems. Genes that are resistant to pests, adverse
environmental conditions and illnesses, are available in these “wild types”.
Because of bio-diversity it is possible to use this genetic materials in a
favourable manner in agriculture.

 Due to bio-diversity some species are endemic to each region. Species

that can be seen only in one geographical region or country are known as
endemic species. Humans conserve these endemic species due to this rich

Threats to bio-diversity

Natural reasons Human activities

Bio-diversity has been affected by the impact Scientists carry on many research about
of various natural activities. producing new organisms. Hence,
 Collapsing meteors  Introduction of genetically modified
 volcanic explosions new organisms into the environment
 Tsunami cause adverse impact on bio-
 earth slides diversity.
 floods .
are some of these natural reasons.
 Climatic changes due to
Examples: It is considered that a meteor environmental problems such as
collapse caused for the extinction of ozone layer depletion and global
dinosaurs. warming will affect the bio-diversity.
These threats cause degradation of bio
There is an argument that natural global diversity worldwide.
warming was the reason for the
extinction of mammoth Because of this , some some
species of organisms are in a threat of
extinction from the Earth. Therefore,
bio-diversity should be conserved. The
regions of higher density of living organisms
are called hotspots. To be considered as a
bio-diversity hotspot, a country or a region
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should be rich with high proportion of

indigenous species and species with
more threats. As Sri Lanka belongs to a
hotspot region, it is our duty to
for the conservation of bio-diversity.

A system that includes all living organisms (biotic factors) in an area as well as
its physical environment (abiotic factors) interacting with one another as a unit is
known as an ecosystem

Important features of ecosystems

The environment contains living organisms (animals and plants) and non-living components.

All living organisms in a community and the physical environment interacting

with them considered together as an ecosystem.

e.g. :- A pond, a forest, decaying log, coral reef environment, a grassland

Features of an ecosystem

Every Ecosystem has common features .

1. Interaction occur between living components as well as between non-living

Living - living relationships, Living - non living relationships, Non living - non living relationships

2. The energy flows through one way stream

The solar energy which is used by green plants in photosynthesis, is stored in the food
produced during this process. The energy flows from lower consumer levels to the higher
consumer levels through food chains or food webs.

3. Recycling of materials
The materials that the organisms receive from the environment continue to be
back to the environment( animals get food from plant , when animals die, their bodies decays
and add to the soil, plant take those nutrients to grow ) . The continuous exchange of materials
between the organisms and the environment is an important feature of an ecosystem.

4. An independent Unit
Since there are constant interactions within the ecosystem it has ensured the
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existence in biosphere( all the ecosystems together ) .

Living - living relationships in an ecosystem

The interactions between the living organisms are known as living-living relationships.
These interactions are to meet the following needs.
 Food
 Security ( protection from predator/ shelter)
 Reproduction

Following are some such interactions. ( animal-animal or animal – plant realationships)

 Animals consuming plants as food
 Some predators consuming other animals
 Certain micro-organisms depending on other living organisms
 Some animals use trees as their habitat
 Animals hiding among plants for protection
 Some plants use animals to spread their species
 Some plants fulfill their nitrogenous requirements from insects(insectivorous plants)
 producing new creatures through reproduction for the continuous existence of

Living - non living relationships

The interactions between the living organisms and non-living components are
known living-non living relationships.

The organisms interact with their habitat to get non-living components such as water, air and
 The plants use solar energy for photosynthesis
 Plants absorb water from soil
 Plants and animals use atmospheric oxygen for respiration
 Plants use atmospheric carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
 Plants release oxygen to the atmosphere as a result of photosynthesis
 The living creatures are also adjusted to match the specific environmental conditions
of their habitats. This is known as adaptation(e.g. Adaptations of plants to minimize
transpiration in dry environment)

Non living - non living relationships

The interactions between non living components are known as non living - non
living relationships.
 Soil erosion by water
 Rock weathering due to water and solar heat
Grade 9 – Sussex College - Wennappuwa

Natural ecosystems and built environment

Sri Lanka is a country with a rich bio-diversity. Various ecosystems are found due
to the location of Sri Lanka as an island and the location of the central hill country.
The location of different ecosystems is a major cause for a higher bio-diversity.
A sketch of the ecosystem classification in Sri Lanka is given below.

Natural aquatic environments

Natural aquatic environments can be categorized into three groups

fresh water environment marine environments brackish water

Rivers Ocean environments
Most rivers start from the Marine areas that covers most Estuary
catchment areas of the central of the Earth’s surface is known A place where a river falls to
highlands and flow to the sea. as ocean. the sea is known as an
The water level of rivers A large living community such
fluctuate with the rainfall in the as algae, polyps, oysters and As marine water and fresh
regions. fish live in water are mixed at estuary,
the oceans. e.g. - Indian water becomes brackish.
Some rivers confine to a ocean, Atlantic ocean
small stream during the dry Importance Various organisms live in
season. Rich bio-diversity brackish
Ocean water is used to water.
Different species of plants produce salt
and animals are living from The deposition of mud and
the head wall up to the For fishing industry sand in river water cause
estuary. Generates electricity by triangular islands known as a
e.g. 'Mahaweli' river, 'Kelani' ocean waves. Delta.
river e.g. Estuary of 'Mahaweli' –
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Importance A place of tourist attraction opens to 'Koddiyar' Bay and
Fulfill the water needs for 'Thambalagam' Bay
agriculture Importance
Prevents the mixing of marine
Generating hydro power water and fresh water

For transportation Abundance of fish species

with economic importance
For human consumption (
drinking, washing ) Rich in bio-diversity
………………………………….. ………………………………….. ………………………………….
Inland water reservoirs Lagoon
Naturally formed lakes and A lagoon is a shallow body of
ponds belong to inland water brackish water permanently
reservoirs. separated from the sea
by barriers of sand or reefs,
Man-made tanks are also but connected with the sea at
considered inland water one time during the year.
e.g. Negombo lagoon,
They can be seen in both wet Batticaloa lagoon,
zone and dry zone and are Puttalam lagoon
fresh water environments. Importance
Used for fishing purposes
Plants such as Lotus, Lilly, because prawns, crabs,
'Kekatiya'/'Kotti' and animals oysters are available in these
such as fish, frogs, Places
snakes, otters and aquatic
birds can be seen in this The mangrove plants
environment common on lagoons prevent
sea erosion.
e.g. 'Parakrama samudraya', A place of tourist attraction
'Kala wewa' because of scenery beauty.

Used for inland fishery


Provides water for agriculture

Riverine environment
The environment on either
sides of the river from starting
point of the river to the point
where it flows to the sea is
known as the riverine

Flood plains, sandy lands,

marshy lands belong to this
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'Villu' is a wet land in riverine

Due to over flow of a river

during the rainy season flood
plains are created.

e.g. 'Mahaweli' flood plain at

Used for inland fishing

The soil is very fertile in flood

plains as silt flowing along the
river is deposited in these
areas. So, this soil is used for
agriculture as well as for tile
and brick
Wet lands
Marshy lands that are
covered with water during a
long period of time in the year
are known as wet lands.
There are fresh water wet
lands, marine
wet lands and man-made wet
e.g. - Anawilundawa,
Wet lands are important to
control flood, maintain the
stability of reservoirs,
minimize climatic changes,
make ground water nutritious
and maintain the biodiversity.
Used for different industries
and tourism industry
Grade 9 – Sussex College - Wennappuwa

Natural terrestrial environments( environment relevant with land)

A vast bio-diversity can be observed in natural terrestrial environments in Sri Lanka.


Tropical rain forests Montane forests Dry-mixed evergreen

(Tropical lowland Located in areas above 900 forests /
m from the sea level
rain forests/ Wet Monsoon forests
evergreen forests) Can be seen in dry zone but
Annual rainfall is about 4000
There is a warm-wet climate not much arid
with a rainfall throughout the
year. Annual rain fall is about 1200
As there is heavy wind the
Receives over 2000 mm of mm-1900 mm
trees are stunted. Also
annual rainfall. they are with twisted stems
May to September is a long
and smaller leaves. The
Mineral are cycling drought season
tops of the trees have become
Located in areas with an flat.
elevation up to 900 m Evergreen and deciduous
The trees with a higher plants are present
Plant species such as
economic value such as e.g. Wasgamuwa, Yala,
'Walsapu',' Veralu'/'Veralikkai',
'Hora'/'Ennai', Willpaththu
'Mihiriya', 'Dan'/'Kirampu',
'Keena'/'Punnai', 'Keena' and animal
'Milla'/'Kattamanakku', Importance
species such as monkeys,
'Halmilla'/'Chavandalai' and A lot of economically valuable
loris, giant squirrel, stag
Teak are common in these plants such as
can be seen.
forests. 'Palu'/'Pasippayaru',
e.g. 'Haggala', upper part of
Vegetation reach about 40 m 'Weera'/'Veerai', 'Koan'/'Kula',
of height and grow densely. Ebony,
Endemic plant and animal
A canopy structure can be 'Kolong'/'Manchal-kadampa',
species are common
seen. Epiphytes and climbers 'Kalumadiriya',
are common on trees. 'Halmilla', Neem are common.
Act as catchment areas and
protects many water sources
e.g. 'Sinharaja', 'Kanneliya', ²Also animals such as deer,
Minimize soil erosion
'Dediyagala', 'Nakiadeniya' monkeys, leopards, bears,
forests giant squirrel and elephants
can be seen in these forests.
Endemic plants and animal Act as catchment areas for
species are very common reservoirs in dry zone

Can be considered as a
special environment that
protects the water resources
of a country

Acts as a catchment area

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Given below are some information about the grasslands in different climatic zones of
Sri Lanka.

'Wet patana'
Located in areas of over 2000 m altitude. There is heavy rainfall in these areas. Normally
located near forests. In addition to grass there are also trees grown alone. 'Maharathmal' plant
is prominent among them. 'Usnia' lichens grow on these trees. The fern 'Pteridium' also can be
seen in these grasslands.

e.g. Horton plains, 'Bopaththalawa', 'Bagawanthalawa

Dry patana'
Widely spread than wet Patana. The grass 'Mana'/'Narippul' is very common. Apart from small
forests in the valley and hills, other areas are covered with grass only. Usually grass is burnt
during the drought season. Soil gets eroded during the rainy seasons.
e.g. 'Rakwana', 'Uva Basin'

This is a type of grassland in the abandoned chena cultivation ('Hena') areas in the low country
dry zone. Grasses such as 'Mana', 'Illuk'/'Tharppaipul', 'Bata' and trees such as wood apple,
'Palu', 'Myla'/'Aththi', 'Madan'/'Perunaval' are common in these areas.

This is the most preferred area of the elephants.

e.g. 'Wilpaththu', 'Maduru oya', 'Walikanda

A type of a grassland formed as a result of chena cultivation in low country wet zone.

e.g. Located in 'Kalutara' District, 'Haldummulla', 'Matara' District


Man-made ecosystems in Sri Lanka

The man-made ecosystems in Sri Lanka can be categorized into 3 groups.

Agricultural environments
Industrial environments
Settlement environments

Agricultural environments
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An ecosystem designed for cultivation of crops and animal husbandry to meet the food
requirement is called an agricultural environment. Occasions where humans have taken
into their control of certain plants and animals that were distributed in natural
environment are found in agricultural environments.
In this case when the grasslands are regularly grazed, the plants do not exist. Hence the
biodiversity is limited.

Industrial environments
An ecosystem that has been built up by machines, raw materials and energy resources required
for a product is called an industrial environment. When a community is being developed many
productions (food, medicine, clothes, furniture, electrical equipment, sanitary materials) are
produced, by many industries for betterment of living conditions of the citizens in a certain
Even though these industrial products are useful to human they also have adverse
Effects Some of the adverse effects are,
Heavy noise in the industrial environment² Releasing poisonous gases and smokes
Release of excessive heat and contamination of water bodies
Harmful chemicals, released to the environment

Settlement environments
A rural or urban environment where man has established his habitat is known as settlement
environments. Migration to cities on a variety of needs and urbanization in cities have
resulted more urban settlements. Many problems have arisen due to improper human
Reduce the space
Not enough light
Less ventilation
Diseases become to epidemic situation
Insufficient sanitary facilities
Difficulty in removing household garbage
Damages from emergency fires
Cultural and social issues

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