Ybco Aplm
Ybco Aplm
Ybco Aplm
Applications of REBCO coated conductors are now being developed for a very
wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields and it is not yet clear whether
vortex pinning strategies aimed for high temperature, low field operation are equally
valid at lower temperatures and higher fields. A detailed characterization of the
superconducting properties of a 15 mol. % Zr-added REBCO thin film made by metal
organic chemical vapor deposition, from 4.2 to 77 K under magnetic fields up to 31 T
is presented in this article. Even at a such high level of Zr addition, Tc depression has
been avoided (Tc = 91 K), while at the same time an exceptionally high irreversibility
field Hirr ≈ 14.8 T at 77 K and a remarkably high vortex pinning force density
Fp ≈ 1.7 TN/m3 at 4.2 K have been achieved. We ascribe the excellent pinning
performance at high temperatures to the high density (equivalent vortex matching
field ∼7 T) of self-assembled BZO nanorods, while the low temperature pinning
force is enhanced by large additional pinning which we ascribe to strain-induced
point defects induced in the REBCO matrix by the BZO nanorods. Our results
suggest even more room for further performance enhancement of commercial
REBCO coated conductors and point the way to REBCO coil applications at liquid
nitrogen temperatures since the critical current density Jc (H//c) characteristic at 77 K
are now almost identical to those of fully optimized Nb-Ti at 4 K. © 2014 Author(s).
All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4872060]
Thanks to its high critical temperature Tc , high critical current density Jc , high irreversibility
field Hirr , and moderate anisotropy parameter γ , REBa2 Cu3 Ox (REBCO, where RE = rare earth)
thin films grown on flexible and mechanically strong substrates can exceed the temperature and field
application limits of the Nb-based low temperature superconductors, and enable superconducting ap-
plications in a broad temperature and magnetic field regime now exceeding 35 T at 4 K.1–3 However,
further Jc and Hirr enhancement and anisotropy reduction are strongly desirable for compelling, cost-
effective applications, and especially to enable multi-Tesla fields in a temperature regime of 30–77
K.4–6 Enhanced vortex pinning is needed both to raise higher temperature irreversibility fields and to
raise Jc so that overall conductor current density JE can reach the required high values of the order of
500 A/mm2 . Adding higher densities of nanoscale defects with strong vortex pinning properties
is the most efficient strategy.7, 8 REBCO superconducting films with BaZrO3 (BZO) nanocolumns
have long been shown to be very effective for raising the bulk vortex pinning force density Fp (= Jc
× B) at high temperatures.9–11 Recently, their effectiveness has been observed at low temperatures
too, where it appears that the large strain induced by lattice mismatch between BZO and the REBCO
matrix induces a high density of point defects that pin strongly below 20–30 K, doubling Fp at 4.2 K by
7.5 mol. % Zr-doping.12–14 However, BZO nanorods are often detrimental to the critical temperature
Tc , and any such Tc loss seriously impedes high temperature applications and blurs pinning mecha-
nism study.11, 15–17 Recently, by modifying the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)
growth process, we successfully incorporated a high density of BZO nanorods into REBCO thin
films grown on standard commercial ion-beam assisted deposited (IBAD) templates without any Tc
loss, a high Tc ∼ 91 K persisting up to 20 mol. % Zr-doping.18
In our previous studies on the 7.5 mol. % Zr-doped MOCVD thin film, we observed that Hirr
was enhanced from 8.8 to 10.2 T at 77 K, and Fp was doubled from 0.45 to 0.9 TN/m3 at 4.2 K.12
We ascribed this excellent performance to the strong correlated pinning at high temperatures and to
a high density of weak point pins at low temperatures, assigning both to the c-axis self-assembled
BZO nanorods. Here, we report further enhancements at both high and low temperatures with a
15 mol. % Zr-doped MOCVD REBCO thin film. The principal goal of this work is to investigate the
pinning properties of higher BZO nanorod concentrations in REBCO thin films when introduced
without any Tc loss in order to assess the feasibility of further enhancing Jc and reducing the Jc
anisotropy. In fact, we observed an extraordinary 45% increase in Hirr (77 K) to ∼14.8 T, and an
almost doubled and very high Fp (4 K) ∼1.7 TN/m3 plateau extending from 8 T up to at least
31.2 T, values far beyond those shown by any other superconducting materials.19–23
The ∼0.9 μm thick (Gd, Y)BaCuO film was grown on a standard buffered IBAD Hastelloy
substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition.24 A ∼2 μm thick silver layer was deposited
on the REBCO film as protection and current contact layer. Such process and structure have been
scaled up to produce kilometer-long superconducting coated conductors.24 To introduce c-axis
aligned BZO nanorods, 15 mol. % Zr tetramethyl heptanedionate (thd) was added into the standard
precursor solution so as to yield a (Gd0.6 Y0.6 )Ba2 Cu2.3 Ox film with BZO. The 4.2 K and high field
four-probe critical current measurements were performed on a ∼1 × 10 mm bridge in a 52 mm
warm bore 31 T Bitter magnet fitted with a 38 mm bore liquid He cryostat at the National High
Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), while the 77 K measurements were carried out on a laser-cut
∼50 × 500 μm link in a 16 T Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS). The 30 K Jc
measurement was conducted on a ∼1 × 10 mm bridge in a 9 T cryocooler-driven superconducting
magnet with a variable temperature insert (VTI). For the angular dependent Jc (θ ) measurements, the
sample was always rotated with respect to the external magnetic field around the axis parallel to the
current direction in a maximum Lorentz force configuration, defining θ = 0 as the applied magnetic
field perpendicular to the tape plane. The critical temperature Tc is defined as the temperature where
resistance R ≈ 0, and the irreversibility field Hirr was determined from the field-dependent Jc with
the criterion Jc ≈ 100 A/cm2 . Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic resolution high
angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning TEM (STEM) imaging were carried out in a JEOL
Figure 1 presents representative cross-sectional and planar TEM images. Interestingly, as shown
in the cross-sectional TEM [Fig. 1(a)], we observed a double-layer microstructure in which the lower
half of the REBCO matrix has dense thin c-axis aligned BZO nanorods whereas the top half has a
fatter and sparser BZO distribution. Figure 1(a) also shows the ∼200 nm thick BZO nanorod free zone
near the interface with the buffers, which is commonly seen in MOCVD BZO-added REBCO films.
Figure 1(b) and the HAADF image in (c) show that the average diameter of BZO nanorods in the upper
layer is ∼9 nm, close to the vortex diameter 2ξ ∼ 8 nm at 77 K, suggesting why BZO nanorods are
such strong pinning centers at this temperature. The corresponding matching field Bϕ = 0 /a2 is ∼3.2
T, where 0 ≈ 2.07 × 10−15 Wb is the flux quantum, and a ≈ 25 nm is the average spacing between
these BZO nanorods. The TEM image of the lower part of the film shows the BZO diameter to be
∼6 nm and the BZO spacing to be ∼17 nm with the corresponding Bϕ of ∼6.9 T. We also observed
ab-plane aligned defects throughout the entire thickness, generally RE2 O3 precipitates and stacking
faults, which are also effective pins, especially along the ab-plane.
Figure 2 shows the temperature-dependent resistivity ρ(T) and the superconducting transi-
tions of both 7.5 and 15 mol. % Zr-doped films, whose room temperature resistivities (340.0 and
382.3 μ cm, respectively) are both higher than ∼300 μ cm found for nominally pure REBCO
046111-3 Xu et al. APL Mater. 2, 046111 (2014)
FIG. 1. (a) Cross-sectional and (b) planar TEM images of 15% Zr-doped (Gd, Y)BaCuO thin film. Interestingly, this high
performance thin film exhibits the double-layer microstructure along the thickness: fat and sparse BZO nanorods at the top
part, and dense thin BZO nanorods at the bottom part. The planar TEM image in (b) was taken in the top layer, the averaging
spacing of BZO nanorods is ∼25 nm. The average diameter is ∼9 nm as seen in (c) which shows the typical cross section of
a BZO nanorod. At the bottom part, the BZO spacing is ∼17 nm, and the diameter is ∼6 nm.
FIG. 2. Temperature-dependent resistivity ρ(T) from 300 down to 72 K (solid line). Also included is ρ(T) for 7.5% Zr thin
film (dashed line). The inset focuses on Tc transitions. Due to the insulating nature of BZO nanorods, the 15% Zr thin film
shows higher resistivity above Tc . The high Tc , ∼91 K and sharp Tc transition are distinct from Tc loss commonly observed
in BZO-doped REBCO thin films made by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD).
thin films, indicating that BZO is effectively incorporated inside the REBCO matrix. It is desirable to
enhance pinning performance over a wide range of temperatures. In this respect, it is striking that the
15% Zr-doped thin film shows almost the same Tc ∼ 91 K as pure and 7.5% Zr films, moreover with
a sharp superconducting transition width of only ∼1.5 K. This finding suggests a high crystalline
quality of this 15% Zr-doped REBCO film, which is also supported by 2D X-ray diffraction analysis
using a general area-detector diffractometer system (GADDS).18
Figure 3 displays Jc (H) at 77 K for H parallel to the c-axis, and the corresponding pinning
force density. In comparison with the earlier-studied 7.5% Zr-doped films, 15% Zr-doping results
in much less field sensitivity of Jc (H//c). Actually, Jc is lower at low magnetic fields, for example,
2.1 MA/cm2 at self-field, but significantly enhanced at higher fields. With respect to Jc at self-field,
the retained Jc at 3 T is ∼19.5%, and ∼13.4% at 5 T, values much higher than the values of 10.9% at
3 T and 3.4% at 5 T measured in the 7.5% Zr-doped film. Jc remains above 0.1 MA/cm2 , a threshold
value for applications,4 up to 8 T. Meanwhile, Jc of the 15% Zr-doped thin film exceeds that of
Au-ion irradiated YBCO films at field above 2 T,25 and the recently reported Jc of proton-irradiated
metal organic deposited (MOD) thin films above 6.5 T.26 Another impressive feature shown by this
046111-4 Xu et al. APL Mater. 2, 046111 (2014)
FIG. 3. (a) Jc (H//c) and (b) the corresponding Fp (H//c) at 77 K and H up to 15 T for both 7.5 and 15 mol. % Zr-doped films.
The dotted line plots Fp (H) at 4.2 K for optimized Nb-Ti wire.21 Ultra strong pinning of BZO nanorods is evidenced by high
Jc above 0.1 MA/cm2 up to 8 T. Correspondingly, Fp max ∼ 14 GN/m3 is reached at 5 T, which is comparable to the value of
∼17 GN/m3 shown by Nb-Ti at 4.2 K. Hirr ∼ 14.8 T is even higher than that of NbTi at 4.2 K. The inset shows Jc (θ ) at 77 K
and 3 T. The huge Jc c-axis peak manifests the strong c-axis correlated pinning provided by BZO nanorods.
sample is its extremely high Hirr (77 K) ≈ 14.8 T, about 45% higher than that of the 7.5% Zr-doped
film, and much higher than ∼9 T shown by nominally pure films.
The maximum pinning force density Fp max reaches 14 GN/m3 at 5 T, about 18% higher than
that of the 7.5% film (11.9 GN/m3 ), whose maximum occurred only at 2 T. Also included in
Fig. 3(b) is Fp (H) for optimized Nb-48 wt. %Ti wires, in which α-Ti precipitates yield significant
pinning enhancement.21 Fp (H//c) for the 15% Zr-doped film at 77 K is comparable to that of
optimized Nb-Ti at 4.2 K, which is ∼16.9 GN/m3 at ∼5 T. Strikingly, Hirr (77 K) ∼14.8 T for the
15% thin film is even higher than the Hirr ∼ 11 T of Nb-Ti at 4.2 K. An earlier work using BaSnO3
and BZO has achieved Fp (H//c) > 25 GN/m3 but peaking at somewhat lower field and without any
Hirr (T) measurement.16
Jc (H//c) at 4.2 K and H up to 31.2 T of both 7.5 and 15 mol. % Zr-doped films is shown in
Figure 4(a). Similar to other REBCO MOCVD thin films, Jc (H//c) of the 15 mol. % Zr-doped film
follows a power function over a wide field range, in this case from 8 to 31 T. However, the power
exponent α is almost 1, much higher than the ∼0.5 observed in BZO-free samples and ∼0.7 in
7.5% Zr-doped samples,12, 14 as shown in the inset of Fig. 4(a). The strongly varying exponent,
coupled to the fact that Zr strongly enhances Jc (4 K), is consistent with the presence of dense,
weak pinning centers in Zr-doped films that can strongly enhance Jc at temperatures less than
046111-5 Xu et al. APL Mater. 2, 046111 (2014)
FIG. 4. (a) Jc (H//c) (b) and Fp (H//c) at 4.2 K under H up to 31.2 T for both 7.5 and 15 mol. % Zr-doped films. In the inset,
Jc (H//c) is plotted in double logarithmic scale to emphasize the power function. The exponent α for this power function is
0.99 for 15% Zr-doped thin film, much higher than ∼0.50 shown by BZO-free film and ∼0.73 for 7.5% Zr-doped thin film.
In (b), ultra high Fp ∼ 1.7 TN/m3 , more than twice that of 7.5% Zr-doped film in the whole-studied field range, displays a
plateau extending from 8 T at least up to 31.2 T.
FIG. 5. Jc (H//c) at 30 K in double logarithmic scale. Jc follows power-law dependence at field above ∼4.5 T with α ≈ 0.97.
The inset shows Jc (θ ) at 30 K and 3 T. In contrast to 77 K, Jc (θ ) renders to Ginzburg-Landau (GL)-like behavior while the
c-axis peak is diminished.
Jc reaches 12.2 MA/cm2 at 3 T and 7.0 MA/cm2 at 6 T, and the corresponding Ic values for 12 mm
wide tape are 1.4 kA at 3 T and 0.8 kA at 6 T.
Given the more than 300% Jc improvement at 4 K, 200% enhanced Jc at 30 K, and very high
Hirr approaching 15 T at 77 K, we conclude that 15 mol. % Zr-doping is a very attractive route to
high performance REBCO coated conductors with outstanding properties over the whole range of
temperatures from 4 K up to 77 K under fields up to at least 31 T. The TEM images confirm the
presence of self-assembled c-axis BZO nanorods. The huge Jc c-axis peak at 77 K and 3 T, as shown
in the inset of Fig. 2, reveals the strong correlated pinning from the BZO nanorods, while the much
higher exponent for power law dependent Jc , and the diminished Jc c-axis peak at 30 K and 3 T,
as shown in the inset of Fig. 5, discloses the strong additional role of weak uncorrelated pinning
stemming from strain induced by these nanorods.
The highly enhanced Hirr at 77 K surpasses any reported value so far for REBCO thin films
regardless of the growth process.19, 30, 31 Such a high value is close and slightly higher than the
Hirr limit ≈14 T proposed by Figueras et al. from the point of thermodynamic fluctuations of the
order parameter.32 We ascribe this ultra-high Hirr to the synergetic effects of being able to introduce
a high density of BZO nanorods without losing the starting Tc of ≈91 K. We should note that
Muraldihar et al. observed a similar Hirr (H//c) on a melt-processed (Nd0.33 Eu0.38 Gd0.28 )Ba2 Cu3 Oy
at 77 K. However, this bulk had a much higher Tc ∼ 95 K. Similarly to us, they ascribed the strongly
improved Hirr to dense pinning centers, in their case nanoscale lamellae of rare earth rich clusters.33
It seems clear that there are multiple routes to obtaining good pinning properties in REBCO. What
is novel in this paper is that we are able to use an industry-standard process, MOCVD on IBAD, to
generate a very high Jc over an exceptionally broad range of H, T space with exceptional properties
both at 4 K and at 77 K.
At present stage, we do not yet have a measure of the point pins. Llordés et al. proposed that
the core pinning from strain-induced Cooper pair suppression dominates Jc in MOD REBCO thin
films, and this mechanism explains well the observed pinning enhancement at 77 K.34 In PLD
thin films, by atomic-resolution Z-contrast imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy, Cantoni
et al. showed that the local strain between BZO nanorods and YBCO induces oxygen deficiencies
surrounding BZO nanorods, and this is related to the observed Tc reduction.35 Distinct from MOD
and PLD films, in our MOCVD samples, our work has shown that the point defects, acting as weak
uncorrelated pinning, are effective pins only at low temperatures below ∼30 K,12 and no Tc reduction
was observed. REBCO exhibits extremely high flexibility to pinning defects.8, 36 Other than BZO
nanorods, Harrington et al. reported excellent pinning performance at 77 K by the incorporation of
046111-7 Xu et al. APL Mater. 2, 046111 (2014)
Ra3 TaO7 nanorods, and high Tc ∼ 91 K was also preserved.37 Feldmann et al. successfully added
a high density of double perovskite Ba2 YNbO6 nanorods into PLD thin films, and substantially
enhanced pinning was achieved at 65 and 77 K.38 So far, the low temperature and high field pinning
properties of these high performance samples have not yet been reported.
In summary, 15 mol. % added Zr in a MOCVD REBCO thin film has resulted in an increase
of Jc by ∼4 times at 4.2 K. By growing such films without any Tc depression, very strong pinning
properties were demonstrated at 77 K and the maximum Fp was pushed to 5 T, making Jc (H)
very comparable to optimized Nb-Ti at 4.2 K. These results demonstrate the immense potential for
REBCO coated conductors for use at higher temperatures, perhaps even to supersede Nb-Ti and
its liquid helium requirement. The enhanced performance is ascribed to the contribution of BZO
nanorods to strong pinning at all temperatures, and also to a dense but weak pinning below ∼30 K.
We anticipate that even higher performance could be achieved with higher Zr contents.
We are grateful to Jianyi Jiang, Goran Majkic, Eduard Galstyan, Michael Santos, Van Griffin,
and Ying Gao for discussions and experimental help. The work at the University of Houston was
partially funded by Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) award DE-AR0000196.
A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is
supported by NSF Cooperative Agreement No. DMR-1157490 and by the state of Florida.
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