Bankruptcy Final Review

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Bankruptcy Final Exam

Chapter 8

1. Any party in interest may move to convert the debtor’s case in the following
examples, except:

a. A Chapter 7 case to Chapter 12

b. A Chapter 12 case to Chapter 7
c. A Chapter 13 case to Chapter 7
d. Both A and B

Chapter 9

1. To obtain and keep the full benefit of California's exemptions for a homeowner's
equity, a debtor is best protected by:

a. Electing the dwelling house exemption provided for by the California

Code of Civil Procedure.
b. Recording a declaration of homestead before the bankruptcy petition is
filed and declaring the homestead exempt under California law.
c. Elect federal exemptions only.
d. None of the above.

2. If a lien against exempt property impairs the debtor's right to the benefit of an
exemption, such lien may be avoided if the lien is:

a. A judgment lien.
b. A non-possessory, non-purchase money security interest in personal,
family or household goods.
c. A deed of trust.
d. “a” and “b” above.

3. The catch-all provision of 11 U.S.C. Section 522(d)(5):

a. Can only be in real property.

b. Cannot be claimed by debtors in a joint case.
c. Is $3,750.00.
d. Can be for $10,825.00 plus $1,150.00 worth of any property of the debtor
Chapter 10

1. A trustee's compensation is:

a. Solely within the discretion of the Bankruptcy Judge without any limits.
b. Has a maximum limitation provided by the Bankruptcy Code.
c. Is fixed at an hourly rate following fee applications made to the
Bankruptcy Court.
d. None of the above.

2. Among the Trustee's duties are:

a. Accounting for all property received.

b. Disbursing money.
c. Filing a final report and accounting.
d. All of the above.

3. A Chapter 7 Trustee may operate the debtor's business:

a. For a limited period of time with court approval.

b. When the case is converted to a Chapter 13.
c. Will never operate a debtor's business.
d. Until the case is closed.

Chapter 11

1. The automatic stay goes into effect when:

a. The debtor appears at the meeting of creditors.

b. Following a notice and a hearing.
c. When the petition is filed.
d. When a motion for relief from stay is filed.

2. The following is not subject to the automatic stay.

a. Criminal action.
b. Action to collect a judgment.
c. Mailing past due notices to the debtor.
d. A non-judicial foreclosure sale.
3. Grounds for relief from the automatic stay are:

a. Filing a bankruptcy petition.

b. Cause, including lack of adequate protection.
c. Filing a motion.
d. All of the above.

4. If a creditor files a motion for relief from stay and a hearing is requested, she is
normally entitled to a hearing within:

a. 30 days from the filing of the motion.

b. 60 days from the filing of the motion.
c. 90 days from the filing of the motion.
d. 120 days from the filing of the motion.

5. The automatic stay remains in effect as to property of the estate until:

a. The case is closed.

b. The case is dismissed.
c. In the Chapter 7 of an individual, until the debtor receives a discharge,
except in certain serial filing situations.
d. All of the above.

6. A debtor opposing a relief from stay motion may be able to provide adequate
protection of a secured creditor's interest by showing:

a. That the value of the creditor's collateral is substantially more than the
creditor is owed.
b. That the value of the creditor's collateral is worth substantially less than
what the creditor is owed.
c. That the bankruptcy petition is filed.
d. All of the above.

7. In a relief from stay motion, the:

a. Creditor has the burden of proof on the issue of adequate protection.

b. The debtor has the burden of proof on the issue of equity.
c. The debtor has the burden of proof on all issues.
d. None of the above.
8. A form of “adequate protection” of a secured creditor's interest in collateral can

a. Cash payments.
b. Additional collateral.
c. Replacement collateral.
d. All of the above.

Chapter 12

1. In a Chapter 7 case an individual debtor will not receive a discharge if she:

a. Has received a discharge in a case filed within the past eight years.
b. Has not paid all priority claims in full.
c. Fails to object to improperly filed claims of creditors.
d. If she moves before the case is closed.

2. A Chapter 7 debtor may be denied a discharge for any of the following reasons

a. Failing to file all tax returns

b. Failing to attend a Financial Management course
c. Filing 2 or more bankruptcy cases in the last year
d. Having received a Chapter 7 discharge 6 years ago

Chapter 13

1. Which of the following is not true?

a. A Chapter 7 debtor’s postpetition wages are not property of the estate.

b. The automatic stay applies to the enforcement of alimony or support
c. Exemptions do not apply to the collection of alimony or support
d. A nondebtor spouse may object to the dischargeability of obligations
arising from marital property settlement agreements.

2. The policy behind the trustee's “avoiding powers” is:

a. To give the debtor the right to favor one creditor over another.
b. To keep bankruptcy filings down.
c. To give the debtor maximum benefit of exemptions.
d. To provide the most equitable distribution to creditors of a debtor's assets.
3. Property of the estate in a Chapter 7 case does not include:

a. The principal assets of a valid “spendthrift” trust.

b. Wages earned by a debtor after the filing of a petition.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

4. Property of the estate includes:

a. Property held by the debtor for a third person.

b. Property in which the debtor has any legal or equitable interest.
c. Wages of a Chapter 7 debtor.
d. None of the above.

Chapter 14

1. A fraudulent conveyance that a trustee may set aside includes a transfer of

property of the debtor:

a. For or on account of an antecedent debt.

b. A contemporaneous exchange of property of the debtor for new value
given by the creditor.
c. That renders the debtor insolvent and is a transfer for less than reasonably
equivalent value.
d. None of the above.

2. One element of an avoidable preference is that:

a. The transfer must be made within 90 days prior to the filing of the
bankruptcy petition if the transferee is not an insider.
b. The creditor must give new value to the debtor.
c. The debtor must pay by check.
d. The creditor must receive money.

Chapter 15

1. In order to assume an unexpired lease, the trustee or debtor-in-possession must:

a. Cure all defaults.

b. Assign the lease.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.
2. Which of the following clause or clauses in a lease is/are unenforceable against a
trustee in a bankruptcy case.

a. A termination clause conditioned on the insolvency of a tenant.

b. A termination clause conditioned on the tenant's change in designated use of the
c. A clause in a lease prohibiting a chapter 7 and 11 trustee from damaging the
d. All of the above.

3. A bankruptcy trustee may invest cash of the estate:

a. In a savings account or certificate of deposit only.

b. However she wants.
c. In trust deeds, mutual funds, savings accounts or certificates of deposit.
d. In a manner best designed to increase the estate while minimizing the risk
of loss to the creditors.

Chapter 16

1. A proof of claim:

a. Creates a presumption that a claim is valid.

b. Is filed with the trustee.
c. Is always needed for secured claims.
d. Is always requested of creditors in a chapter 7 case.

2. A landlord's claim is limited to:

a. Any unpaid rent payable when the petition is filed.

b. The greater of one year's rent reserved under the lease or 15 percent of
three years rent under the lease and rent unpaid at the time of filing.
c. Recovery of the premises and unpaid rent payable when the petition is
d. None of the above.

3. When a debtor intends to retain a secured motor vehicle in a Chapter 13 case, the
vehicle’s value is most commonly determined by:

a. The liquidation value of the vehicle;

b. The replacement value of the vehicle;
c. The low blue book value of the vehicle;
d. The Court after a valuation hearing.
4. A Statement of Intention is required in which of the following cases?
a. Chapter 11 for a corporation;
b. Chapter 13;
c. Chapter 7 consumer cases;
d. Only in involuntary cases where the debtor intends to permit the case to

5. The most common order of distribution in Chapter 7 cases is:

a. Unsecured (timely filed) claims, unsecured (untimely filed) claims,

interest on claims, debtor.
b. Administrative claims, priority, unsecured claims, secured claims, debtor.
c. Secured claims, administrative claims, priority claims, unsecured claims,
d. None of the above.

Chapter 17

1. In a Chapter 13, unlike Chapter 11:

a. Only the trustee can propose a plan.

b. The debtor may not continue to operate the business.
c. The corporate shareholders of the debtor may not get paid under the plan.
d. A trustee is always appointed.

2. In a Chapter 13, property of the estate includes:

a. Pre-petition exempt property.

b. Post-Petition earnings of the debtor.
c. None of the above.
d. All of the above.

3. A Chapter 13 plan:

a. Must provide for payment of all debts in full or it is not proposed in good
b. May not cure a default in payment of a home mortgage where the lender
(secured creditor home mortgagee) has accelerated payment of the loan
due date because of default.
c. Requires payment of all delinquencies owing to secured creditors in full at
d. Must provide for the submission to the trustee of necessary future income
of the debtors to make payments under the plan.

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