Lab Manual 3

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using Python 3.7

Prepared By:
Mr. Muhammad Ahsan Naeem
Ms. Qurat ul Ain Masud

©Department of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, University of Engineering and

Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
We will start this lab session with the practice of the things we covered in the last lab session:
[1] Write a program that will take two integers as input and will display first integer as a percentage
of other.
Sample output is:

Enter 1st integer: 20

Enter 2nd integer: 30
20 is 66.66666666666666% of 30.
[2] Write a program that will take a floating input from the user and will display the integer and the
fractional part separately. (Use floor division to get the integer part and then subtract it from the
original number to get the fractional part)
Sample output is:

Enter a floating number: 2.34

Integer part is: 2.0
Fractional part is: 0.33999999999999986
Yes, there is little problem with the output that instead of 0.34, it is 0.33999999999999986 which
is because of hardware limitation of computer. We will explore the solution for this in future.
Secondly it is also better to have integer as 2 instead of 2.0. We will consider this in coming section
of this lab manual.
[3] Write a program that will take a three-digit number as input and will display three digits
separately in a column and also show their sum. (At present we can assume that user is sensible
enough to actually enter a three-digits number. Later on, in coming lab sessions we will see how
to check if user has actually entered valid input and ask to re-enter if it is invalid)
Sample output is:

Enter a 3-digit number: 564


5 + 6 + 4 = 15
How to do this:
Whenever you are given any program to write, firstly break that problem into simple parts and
then try implementing each part. For example, in the above case first of all just think about how
to take input from user. It’s very simple as here:

x=eval(input('Enter a 3-digit number: '))
Now think about getting the three digits out of the 3-digit number stored in x. It's always better
to consider some test value e.g. 597 is entered by user and is stored in x. We have to get 5, 9 and
7 separately in three other variables. The modulus or remainder division is helpful here. If we

you will get the unit digit in variable a i.e. 7 in case x=597. After the above line we have x=597
and a=7.

Now to get the middle digit i.e. 9 first we have to get rid of 7 from x and that can be done as:

x gets updated to 59 after the above line. Again, using the remainder division and simple division
we can separate 5 and 9 from x=59. Once you get all three digits, use the print function to display
the output in the format shown in sample output. It is suggested to use single line print function
with escape sequences to display the output.
For example, if a, b and c variable are for unit, tenth and hundredth digit, this can be a single
print command:


Comments in Program:
We can add comments to the lines of the program code. Comments are used to describe the logic you
are applying there. Comments are important as in case of large program involving complex logic, it might
be difficult for anyone or even yourself to understand the code later.
In Python comments are added using # symbol. Anything written after # is a comment and Python
interpreter will simply ignore it. For example, you can see different comments are added in the last lab
task code:

#A program for Lab Task

print('This program calculates area and volume of the sphere.')
r=eval(input('Enter the Radius: ')) #Taking input
A=4*22/7*r**2 #Formula for Area
V=4/3*22/7*r**3 #Formula for Volume
print('Area of the sphere is A: ',A)
print('Volume of the sphere is V: ',V)
It is not required to add comments on most of the lines. These are added on selective lines to explain
the logic to the reader.
There is also a possibility to add multiline comments using three quotation marks (single or double) at
beginning and ending as shown here:

These lines
are ignored
by the interpreter
The multiline comments come in very handy in at least these two situations:

• To add multiline description of your program, usually at the start of the program as shown here:

Program: Lab 3 Task 2
Author: Ahmad Hassan
Date: 14/08/2019
• Often you will want to modify your program but don’t want to delete your old code in case your
changes don’t work. You can comment out the old code so that it is still there if you need it, and
it will be ignored when your new program is running.

Numbers in Python:
We have used numbers data type in previous task. Here we will explore few more features in Python
related to numbers.
Different Types of Numbers:
Numbers can be of different types. Python supports three different numerical types:

• int
• float
• complex
int is for integers both positive and negative e.g. 5, 3 or -20; float is for the floating real value both
positive and negative e.g. 5.2, -2.3 and the complex is for the complex number e.g. 2+3j etc.
In most of the programming languages, it is required to specify the data type of the variable for example
as int x=10 rather than simply x=10. Moreover, within int they have different types for different
ranges e.g. short, int, long int, long long int etc. Luckily, in Python we do not need to worry
about all this. All we need is to assign the value to a variable and Python interpreter sets its data type all
by itself depending upon the value entered. So, if we write:

The Python interpreter will declare x as int internally. And for the case:

the Python interpreter will declare y as float internally.
We will explore complex numbers soon in coming lab sessions.

Data Type Casting/Conversion:
Number Castings:
Some time it is required to convert one type of number into other e.g. converting float to int. This
can be done using Type Conversion functions as shown here:

y=int(10.23)#Or we could write y=int(x)
print (x)
The output of the above code is as:

The y is changed to an integer because of int() function. Likewise, we have float() function to
convert a number into float as shown here:

The output of the above code is as:


In Task 2 of this lab session now you can use int() function to get a proper integer value.

Multiple Assignment of Variables

Python allows range of options for multiple assignments to variable. Such options are generally not
available in most of the languages. For example, if you want to assign a value say 5 to three variables,
you can do it like:

The output shows that 5 is assigned to all three variables as shown here:

5 5 5
Now consider this case:


Here the value of x will be assigned to the other three variable and their previous values will be
overwritten by the new. The output is shown here:

5 5 5
There is also the possibility of assigning different values to different variables in one line as shown here:

The output is:

100 200
Even we can assign values of different data types using above method as shown here:

So here x and y are of integer data type and z is string. The output is:

100 200 Pakistan

Swapping the values of two variables:

Suppose two variables are defined as:

If you want to swap the values of the two variables, a common mistake is using the following logic:

This will not swap the values. In first line value of b is assigned to a making it -100 and the value of b
itself remain unchanged to -100. So, both variables have value -100 and in second line value of a i.e.
-100 is assigned to b so effectively both variables have value -100 after above code.

The solution is to use another variable to store the copy of a before the first line of the code as shown

x=a # x gets the value 50

a=b # a gets the value -100
b=x # b gets the value 50
This is what we usually do in any programming language. But Python offers an amazing solution for this
assignment as shown here:

a,b=b,a # values swapped

Run the following code to see the effect:

print('Before Swapping')
a,b=b,a # values swapped
print('After Swapping')
Not just swapping between two variables, in Python we can swap multiple variable as shown here:


Multiple Inputs from user:

We can take multiple inputs from user using multiple input statements but Python also allows to take
multiple inputs in single statement. Taking multiple strings inputs will be considered later and at present
we will consider multiple numeric input only. Here is the code to take in two variables x and y from user
in single statement:

x,y=eval(input("Enter x and y: "))

print("x =",x,"y =",y)
The sample output is:

Enter x and y: 456,2.3

x = 456 y = 2.3
Carefully note the way two inputs are entered. A better approach will be to guide the user about the
format to enter multiple values as:

x,y=eval(input("Enter x and y separated by commas: "))


Math Module:
We have used the functions print(), input(), eval() etc. There are many other built-in functions
of Python and their use will be covered as we proceed in the course. The list can be checked here:
Other than built-in functions we may require more for different functionality that is not available as built-
in. For example, we may require to calculate square-root, logarithm, or trigonometric function of some
number and we don’t have any built-in function for them. For that, we will use Math Module.
What is Module:
Module can be considered as a code library in the form of a file containing a set of functions you want
to include in your application. In coming lab sessions, we will be creating our own modules as well but
at this moment we will see how to include and use available modules. For example, we have Math
Module that contains numerous math functions. To see the list of functions available in Math Module,
you can write the code on Python Shell as:

>>>import math
As Python program you can write:

import math
This gives a list of all the functions and variables in the math module. You can ignore all of the ones that
start with double-underscores. To get help on a specific function, say the sqrt function, you can type:
Typing help(math) will give you help for everything in the math module. The detail is given in Python

Let's see how to use square root function of Math Module:

from math import sqrt

x=eval(input("Enter a number: "))
print("The Square root of",x,"is",sqrt(x))

What if you want to use two or more functions from one module?
Let's see if we want to display square root and the exponent 𝑒 𝑥 for the input number x. The function for
exponent in math module is exp().

from math import sqrt,exp

x=eval(input("Enter a number: "))
print("The Square root of",x,"is",sqrt(x))
print("The Exponent of of",x,"is",exp(x))
There is also the possibility to import whole module and then you can any of the functions in that
moduleas required. The syntax is a bit different as shown here:

import math
x=eval(input("Enter a number: "))
print("The Square root of",x,"is",math.sqrt(x))
print("The Exponent of of",x,"is",math.exp(x))
print("The SINE of of",x,"is",math.sin(x))
See carefully how sqrt is used now. Instead to sqrt(x) now we have to write math.sqrt(x).

[4] A Cultural Musical Concert is being held in Al-hamra Complex. There are three seating categories in
the hall. Class A gallery seats cost Rs. 1000, Class B gallery seats cost Rs. 700 and Class C gallery seats
cost Rs. 500. Write a program that asks how many tickets for each class of seats were sold, then
displays the amount of income generated from ticket sales.
Sample output is:

How many tickets sold for class A: 16

How many tickets sold for class B: 21
How many tickets sold for class C: 27

Total income generated from tickets is: 44200

[5] Write a program that will take three sides of the triangle as input and will display the area of the
triangle at the output using hero’s formula. If a, b and c are sides of triangle, area of the triangle is:

𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = √𝑠(𝑠 − 𝑎)(𝑠 − 𝑏)(𝑠 − 𝑐)

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ∶ 𝑠 = 2

We will assume that user will enter the sides of valid triangle. A triangle is valid if sum of any of its
two sides is greater than the third side. Later, we will see how to handle the case if entered triangle
is invalid.

Sample output is:

Enter the three sides of triangle (separated by commas): 4,3,2

The area of entered triangle is: 2.9047375096555625


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