WHFB - Supplement Storm of Magic 1.0

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The document discusses an expansion to Warhammer Fantasy Battles that allows players to harness greater magical powers during storms of magic.

Arcane Fulcrums are mystical sites that provide Wizards control over the winds of magic, allowing more powerful spells. They are important objectives in battles.

Scrolls of Binding can be used to summon monstrous creatures and units from factions like Daemons, Undead, and Tomb Kings to aid armies.

Welcome to Storm of Magic, a brand new way of playing Warhammer, the game of fantasy battles.

This is
an expansion to the Warhammer rulebook, and it allows you to take your collection of Citadel miniatures
to battle within the maelstrom of a magical tempest.
Storms of magic are cataclysmic events that unleash arcane energies in boundless proportions. As the
Winds of Magic rise to gale force, armies of every realm march out to seize the unbridled power, or at the
very least, to deny their foes from doing the same. A Storm of Magic game allows players to:


A storm of magic unleashes untold volumes of raw power, and Wizards can corral such energies to fuel
their spells. Indeed, so great is the influx of the Winds of Magic that a range of new and especially
devastating spells can be attempted. Spells of titanic force will blaze across the battlefield like never

When the Winds of Magic rise, monsters are stirred to action, slithering out of darksome lairs or soaring
from rocky eyries. With the abundance of magical energy during such storms, Wizards can summon
monsters to the battlefield, mystically forcing them to fight alongside any army. Some prefer a darker path
still, sealing pacts with Undead and Daemonic forces.


Some magic items draw their strength from the Winds of Magic - waxing and waning with the flux of that
unpredictable source. During a storm of magic, some powerful items become infused with outrageous
powers - able to split mountainsides or single-handedly smite entire regiments.


The best place for a Wizard to tap into the power unleashed by a storm of magic is from atop an Arcane
Fulcrum – one of the mystic pylons summoned forth by the raging tempest. A Wizard who controls an
Arcane Fulcrum can shift the Winds of Magic to ensure his lore is in ascendancy, thereby gaining ever
greater power. Claiming the fulcrums is the ultimate goal of the battle, as the winner of the game is the
side that can claim the majority of the monuments.
Of course, if you use the power provided by the Arcane Fulcrums to annihilate every enemy model
during the course of the battle, you won't have to worry about the end of game victory conditions, but it's
still worth bearing in mind.

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A battle fought during a storm of magic is unlike anything you will have seen before. Arcane Fulcrums
burst out of the ground or simply appear from nowhere. Each fulcrum is a mystical focus that allows a
Wizard to gain a small measure of control over the winds of magical energy that rage across the
battlefield. Claiming the fulcrums allows the Wizard to cast cataclysmically powerful spells that previously
would have been impossible for him to use.
Vast magical energies swirl round fulcrums during a storm of magic and trigger latent powers in magical
artefacts that are nearby, making already powerful items even more destructive and dangerous. It is only
at such times that the magical Scrolls of Binding, created by the great sorcerer Kadon, can be used,
allowing Wizards to bind monstrous creatures to their will and use them to defeat their foes in battle.
The fulcrums offer immense power to anyone who controls them, and because of this it is very common
for huge battles to be fought over them. Mighty armies will converge at locations where fulcrums have
burst or flickered into existence, and soon the ground will run red with blood as each side seeks to drive
the opposing army from the field.
The rules that follow will allow you to include all of these things and more in the Warhammer battles that
you fight. First of all we describe the Storm of Magic scenario, which you can use instead of the Pitched
Battles that appear in the Warhammer rulebook. The Storm of Magic scenario is based on a battle
between two armies who are vying to control several arcane fulcrums. It describes how to set up the
battlefield, which special rules you need to use, and how to determine the winner.
After the scenario are several new rules sections, which explain how to use Arcane Fulcrums, Mythic
Artefacts, Cataclysm spells and bound monsters in a Storm of Magic battle. Each rules section adds
exciting new elements to your games of Warhammer, allowing you to field new unit and take spells or
magic items more powerful than any you have ever used before.
All in all, Storm of Magic takes your games of Warhammer to a whole new level. You will find your skills
as an army general challenged as never before in a battle that will see the powerful magic’s and monstrous
creatures of the Warhammer world unleashed in all their fury. Will you be able to weather the storm?


The Storm of Magic Scenario:
Find out how to set up and play Storm of Magic games. This section also covers the monsters and magic
items you can field to augment your mighty army.
Magical Flux:
Here you'll find additional rules concerning how to bend the recalcitrant Winds of Magic to your will, and
ensure that your spell lore’s are ascendant.
Wild Magic:
This section presents rules to represent the instability of the Winds of Magic.
Arcane Fulcrums:
Here you'll find full rules covering Arcane Fulcrums, as well as the benefits and perils they bring to your
Learn additional spells that your Wizards can use in a Storm of Magic game.

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Each player chooses his force using the army list from a Warhammer army book, to an equal points value
agreed before the game. In addition, each player can spend an extra 25% of that value again on Scrolls of
Binding, Pacts and Mythic Artefacts that are unique to games of Storm of Magic - this is sometimes
referred to as the Monsters and Magic allowance.
For example, if you've agreed to play a 2,000 point game, both players have an extra 500 points to spend
on bound monsters, Pacts and Mythic Artefacts; if you’ve agreed to play a 2,500 point game, both players
have an extra 625 points to spend on 'monsters and magic', and so on.

Mythic Artefacts
All races and realms have hordes of magical items. Most such artefacts are enchanted to work in the
everyday levels of magic that permeate the Warhammer world, but some are so powerful that they don’t
come to life until a storm of magic takes place – only Wild Magic can animate them. In a standard sized
army, you can take a maximum of one such mythic Artefact. In a grand army you can take a maximum of
two Mythic Artefacts.

Scrolls of Binding are used to summon and control monsters and other savage creatures. They are
incredibly powerful, but the magic’s used to bind them are incredibly rare and difficult to duplicate. In a
standard army you can take a maximum of two of each Scroll of Binding. In a grand army you can take a
maximum of four of each Scroll of Binding.

A Pact is a magical treaty a Wizard forms with an army of magical creatures, allowing him to call upon
Undead or Daemonic allies. Each army and grand army can only take one Pact.

Set up the battlefield as described in the Warhammer rulebook. When this has been done, divide the table
into four quarters by drawing one imaginary line between the midpoints of the short table edges and
another between the midpoints of the long table edges.
The players then place four Arcane Fulcrums. Roll off to see which player places the first one. No more
than one Arcane Fulcrum can be placed in each table quarter. Arcane Fulcrums must be positioned at
least 18" apart, and no closer than 6" to any table edge or the centre point of the board. Arcane Fulcrums
cannot be placed in impassable terrain.
There's No Room!
Depending on how the first three Arcane Fulcrums are placed, you might find it impossible to place the
fourth whilst observing the minimum distances set out above. Where this happens, you may move the
other Arcane Fulcrums by the minimum distance necessary to ensure that the last one can be placed. It
goes without saying that this caveat is intended to make the impossible possible, and shouldn't be
employed in order to gain an advantage over your opponent.

The Whites of Their Eyes...

Don't want to get charged in the first tum? Then place your half of the fulcrums to maximise the distance between your units
and those of the enemy. This will give you a little more time to shatter the foe with sorcery before the real cut and thrust of
battle begins.

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Now, roll off to see which player picks the half of the table he will deploy in. The player places a Wizard
(or Runesmith or Runelord) on each fulcrum in his table half His opponent then does the same in the
opposite half. If either player has insufficient Wizards to occupy the fulcrums in his table half, he must
choose which fulcrum(s) to occupy.
The remainder of the armies are then deployed using the rules for alternating deployment – roll off once
again to see who starts. Units can be placed anywhere on the table as long as all models are completely
within 12" of their board edge, or 6" of an Arcane Fulcrum occupied by a friendly Wizard. Any units that
cannot be placed enter play following the rules for reinforcements, arriving during the first turn in which
there is sufficient space.

Magical Mystery
When you’re deploying your forces, think carefully about which parts of your army will defend your fulcrums and which will
attack those held by the enemy. Different units excel in different roles, and their initial placement can prove crucial to success.

A World of Possibilities
You'll notice that the rules governing the Storm of Magic scenario are split into several different sections, with each governing
a different facet, such as the Arcane Fulcrums, Magical Flux and so on.

This makes it easy for you to increase the magical influence on other scenarios (such as the ones in the Warhammer
rulebook) by using one or more Storm of Magic special rules alongside any others that the scenario might already have. For
example, applying the Wild Magic special rule increases the number of power and dispel dice available to Wizards – a
simple tweak that will nonetheless have a profound effect

Roll off after deployment to see which player takes the first turn. The player that finished deploying his
army first adds +1 to the roll.

The battle will last for six game turns, or until a time limit agreed by the players is reached, whichever
comes first.

At the end of the game, the player who controls the most Arcane Fulcrums wins the battle If both players
control the same number of Arcane Fulcrums, use Victory Points (as described in the Warhammer
rulebook) to break the tie.


Magical Flux, Arcane Fulcrums, Wild Magic, Cantrips, Cataclysm spells.


The battlefield setup rules presented earlier assume that you're fighting over a battlefield between 5'x3'and
6'x4' in size.

You can easily play games of Storm of Magic on larger or smaller playing areas. In fact, doing so opens up
all kinds of strategies, challenges and opportunities to vanquish your foe.

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Small Battlefields (less than 5'x 3')
On playing areas of less than 5' x 3', only two Arcane Fulcrums are used. Divide the battlefield in two by
drawing an imaginary in between the centre of the two shortest board edges (or any two opposite edges if
you’re playing on a square board). One Arcane Fulcrum must be placed in each half of the board. In
games of this size, the fulcrums must be at least 9" apart, and 3" away from the battlefield edge.

Large Battlefields (larger than 6'x 4')

If playing on a larger battlefield, more fulcrums are used. To work out the number of fulcrums you need
to set up, look up the length of the longest battlefield edge on the table below:

Obviously, with so many fulcrums, you'll have to place more than one in some of the table quarters.
When playing a large-scale game) you cannot place more than one fulcrum in a single table quarter until
there is at least one fulcrum in all four table quarters. You then cannot place a third fulcrum in a table
quarter until all four quarters have at least two fulcrums, and so on. Furthermore, each long-edged half of
the table must have an equal number of Arcane Fulcrums in it once they have all been placed.

Start Slow, Build Big

The Storm of Magic scenario already provides quite a few special rules and some truly titanic new spells to try, so players will
already have a lot on their minds. Adding further variety can make for really enjoyable (and crazily memorable) battles, but
be careful not to bog your game down with too many additional rules.

A few simple twists to existing scenarios, or a new battle themed around the terrain or armies you have (or are aiming to
build) will give the best results.

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When a storm of magic sweeps the Warhammer world, the Winds of Magic become more unpredictable than ever. They will
be wrathful and strong one moment, only to fade almost to nothingness within seconds. Such unpredictability can be a
Wizards greatest enemy and ally both - if he can time his spells correctly, he can harness the rage of an ascendant wind to
unleash unbelievably powerful spells.


Magical Flux is resolved at the start of each Magic phase, before any other actions. To
Resolve Magical Flux, Roll a D8 and look to see which lores that turn are ascendant.

If a spell lore is ascendant, Wizards receive a bonus to cast spells from that lore, though the bonus varies
depending on the type of spell 1ore.

Wizards receive:
A +5 bonus to cast spells from an ascendant Battle Magic lore.
A +4 bonus to cast spells from any ascendant secondary lore (this excludes Dark and High Magic)
A +3 bonus to cast spells from ascendant Dark Magic or ascendant High Magic.

These bonuses last until the end of the Magic phase. You'll notice when looking at the Wheel of Magic
that secondary lores are always tied to two Battle Magic lores so, although they receive less benefit from
ascendancy, they have a greater chance of being ascendant. Similarly, regardless of which Battle Magic
lore is ascendant, either Dark or High Magic will always be ascendant.

For example: The Wheel of Magic shows the Lore of Metal to be ascendant. Spells from the Lore of
Metal therefore receive +5 to cast. Spells from the other lore’s in that segment (High Magic, the Lore of
Tzeentch, and the Lore of the Vampires) also receive casting bonuses.


If your side controls one or more Arcane Fulcrums, your Wizards can tap into the eldritch energies of the
awesome edifices and thus influence the Magical F1ux. You may declare that you're going to manipulate
the Magical Flux directly after using the Wheel of Magic; declare a direction – either up or down. Then
roll a D3, and move up or down the chart in the direction you have nominated. If you get to the bottom
of the chart, continue moving down from the top of the chart and vice versa.


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1 Lore of Life (+5 to Cast) 5 Lore of Fire (+5 to Cast)
Spells of Plague & Ruin (+4 to Cast) Big & Little Waagh! (+4 to Cast)
Dark Magic (+3 to Cast) Dark Magic (+3 to Cast)
Lores of Nurgle (+4 to Cast) Spells of Plague & Ruin (+4 to Cast)

2 Lore of Heavens (+5 to Cast) 6 Lore of Beasts (+5 to Cast)

Big & Little Waagh! (+4 to Cast) Lore of the Great Maw (+4 to Cast)
High Magic (+3 to Cast) High Magic (+3 to Cast)
Lores of Chaos (+4 to Cast) Lore of the Wild (+4 to Cast)

3 Lore of Shadow (+5 to Cast) 7 Lore of Light (+5 to Cast)

Lore of the Wild (+4 to Cast) Lore of Nehekhara (+4 to Cast)
Dark Magic (+3 to Cast) Dark Magic (+3 to Cast)
Lores of Slaanesh (+4 to Cast) Lore of the Great Maw (+4 to Cast)

4 Lore of Death (+5 to Cast) 8 Lore of Metal (+5 to Cast)

Lore of Nehekhara (+4 to Cast) Lore of the Vampires (+4 to Cast)
High Magic (+3 to Cast) High Magic (+3 to Cast)
Lore of the Vampires (+4 to Cast) Lores of Tzeentch (+4 to Cast)

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To represent the heightened flow of sorcerous energy, roll 4D6 to determine the Winds of Magic, rather
than the usual 2D6 - the casting player receives the sum of all the scores as power dice, the dispelling
player receives the sum of the two highest scores as dispel dice.

Furthermore, because Wild Magic saturates the ground itself, Wizards can use the bedrock of the
battlefield as a magic battery, vastly increasing the power they can draw upon. As a result, the limit on the
number of dice allowed in the power and dispel dice pools is increased to 24.

For the Wizards of the Warhammer world, Arcane Fulcrums are terrible, complex and eldritch monoliths whose nature and
function have puzzled the finest minds for millennia. Happily for us, their rules are a lot more straightforward.

Any piece of suitable-looking sorcerous terrain can be an Arcane Fulcrum, so long as there's space to
place a model atop it. Agree with your opponent which pieces of terrain in your collection will be used to
represent them, before you set up the batt1efield. By default, it's best to ignore any special rules those
terrain pieces ordinarily have, assuming them to be replaced by the Arcane Fulcrum rules instead.
However, feel free to use both sets of rules if you wish!

An Arcane Fulcrum is treated as a building, with the following exceptions and additions:

 Only one model can occupy an Arcane Fulcrum, and that model must be a Wizard (or a
Runesmith or Runelord). If a model occupies the fulcrum, place him on top of it. Unlike other
buildings, a model of any troop type, or with any type of mount, can occupy the Arcane Fulcrum,
provided he can fit on top. Whilst the model occupies the fulcrum he is considered to 'control' it.
 The Arcane Fulcrum is protected by powerful enchantments. Except where explicitly stated, a
fulcrum can never be destroyed. Furthermore, a model occupying an Arcane Fulcrum benefits
from the same protections as the fulcrum itself, accordingly, he receives a 3+ ward save and has
the Stubborn and Immune to Psychology special rules, and is immune to the Multiple Wounds
special rule. The model receives additional protection too, as described in the buildings rules in
the Warhammer rulebook.
 If the Arcane Fulcrum is charged, the occupying model must fight. However, due to the raging
sorceries and protective wards of the fulcrum, only one model (of any troop type) from the
attacking unit can fight.
 A model who controls an Arcane Fulcrum cannot be targeted by Stomps or Thunderstomps (he's
too high up to be easily trod upon).
 A Wizard who miscasts whilst controlling an Arcane Fulcrum is tempting fate in a very serious
way indeed. As a result, he must not only roll on the standard Miscast table in the Warhammer
rulebook but, after he has done so, must also roll on the Arcane Fulcrum Miscast table. Other
Wizards use the standard Miscast table as normal.
If the Wizard dies as part of the spell's effect, you do not roll on the Miscast table. Similarly, if
the Wizard dies as a result of the first Miscast result, you do not roll on the Arcane Fulcrum
Miscast table.
 A Runesmith or Runelord on an Arcane Fulcrum counts as a Wizard for the purposes of
resolving results on the Arcane Fulcrum Miscast table.

 Finally, control of Arcane Fulcrums empowers Cataclysm spells and certain Mythic Artefacts,
dramatically increasing their effectiveness.

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Over the centuries, wizards have learned the importance of Arcane Fulcrums and so have
perfected spells that can only be employed in their presence.

Every wizard knows intrinsically that Arcane Fulcrums hold the keys to true magical domination. If magic
is a fickle mistress in times of calm, then it is doub11, s6 during a supernatural storm. Once a Wizard has
claimed a fulcrum, he can command sorceries of such terrible potency that the very earth shakes at each
syl1ab1e of his invocation. Etheric entities whisper subtle words of encouragement in his ear, goading
him to ever greater feats of sorcery, or distracting him with dark promises. For if his spell goes awry, the
consequences will be dire indeed, and the wizard's very soul could be forfeit. So it is that Arcane
Fulcrums are all at once a great prize, a fuel for the mightiest sorceries, and a curse for the unwary.

All Wizards in a game of Storm of Magic know the following spells, or 'Cantrips'. Unlike regular spells,
Cantrips can never be forgotten or destroyed for any reason.

Magical Duel Cast on 3+

The wizard engages his foe in a magical duel, hoping to drive him from the font of power

Magical Duel is a direct damage spell. It targets an enemy Wizard occupying an Arcane Fulcrum within
24". Both caster and target roll 2D6 and add their own unmodified Leadership value. The Wizard with
the highest Wizard level adds +1 to his total. A Runesmith or Runelord counts his level as 0. If the caster
has the highest score, or the scores are drawn, the target must immediately abandon his Arcane Fulcrum,
as described for leaving buildings, and then suffers a single Strength 10 hit. Additionally, if the caster has
the highest score, he can immediately occupy the now vacant Arcane Fulcrum (as long as he fits!). If the
target has the highest score) nothing happens.

Transagar's Transportation Cast on 3+

Intoning four words of teleportation, the wizard vanishes from the battlefield, reappearing to steal a fulcrum from beneath, the
foe's nose.

Transagar's Transportation is an augment spell that can only be cast by a Wizard occupying an Arcane
Fulcrum and can only target himself. Remove the Wizard from the battlefield and replace him on any
unoccupied Arcane Fulcrum. If this effect causes a unit to now be assaulting an empty fulcrum, simply
nudge the assaulting unit 1" backwards from the fulcrum.

Unbind Monster Cast on 3+

Binding spells are powerful and complicated things, but a student of the arcane can disrupt them with cantrips of his own.

Unbind Monster is a hex spell that targets a single bound monster, or unit of bound monsters within 24"
Roll a D6 on the following table to see how the target reacts:

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1. I Would Have Done It Anyway! The target momentarily snaps free of is bindings... and doesn't care!
Nothing happens.

2. Yum! Food. Though momentary nonplussed, the target soon remembers all of the tasty snacks-on-legs running
around nearby, and returns to the serious business of reaping the bounty.
The target gains the Frenzy special rule, and can never lose its Frenzy.

3. Confused but Willing. The target is suddenly free to think for itself but decides to keep fighting (albeit dull-
wittedly) for its unintended master.
The target fights on as normal, but is now subject to the rules for Stupidity for the remainder of
the battle.

4. Glimmerings of Awareness. The target doesn't quite break free, but becomes aware that the creatures it
previously thought its friends probably aren't anything of the sort.
The target cannot benefit from Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground for the rest of the

5. This Not Nog's Home! Nog Go Home Now. The target takes one look at the carnage around it and
decides to leave the little two legged things to their own devices and go home.
Remove the target from play as a casualty

6. Maddened and Berserk. The target descends into a state of fury, lashing out at everyone nearby.
The target gains the Frenzy; Hatred and Unbreakable special rules. Also, for the remainder of the
game, the target has the Random Movement (2D6) special rule - models with the Swiftstride
special rule instead have Random Movement (3D6) special rule.

Furthermore, the target always moves towards the closest unit (friend or foe). If it moves into
contact with a unit, it counts as charging, as described for Random Movement in the
Warhammer rulebook, and will fight the unit in close combat. If the other unit breaks from
combat, the target will always pursue. Both sides now treat the target as an 'enemy unit' that acts
in its original owner's turn.

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2-3 Earth-shattering Kaboom! The Arcane Fulcrum explodes ii a shower of rock, energy and solidified magic.
All units within D6" of the Arcane Fulcrum the Wizard is on suffer 2D6 Strength l0 hits. Remove the Wizard (and
his Arcane Fulcrum) from play
4 Magical Eclipse. A thick, magical darkness descends on the battlefield.
Roll 4D6 to determine the limit of vision. Units can no longer declare charges at, shoot at, cast spells at or otherwise
target enemies that are more than this distance, in inches, away. Essentially, all ranges of special rules, weapons,
spells and so on, with ranges longer than the distance rolled are reduced to the distance rolled. Magical Vortexes
spells, special rules that do not have a range, or affect the entire battlefield, are unaffected by the eclipse. At the start
of each subsequent Magic phase, roll 4D6. If any double is rolled, the magical eclipse clears and the limit of vision
returns to normal - Otherwise this roll is the new limit of vision. The magical eclipse will also automatically clear if
another miscast is rolled (although the miscast result might call for it to be replaced by another magical eclipse).
5 I Think I'm Feeling a Little Odd... An amazing transformation has occurred.
All wizards on the battlefield (friendly and enemy,) are immediately transformed into frogs. Whilst transformed, a
model cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and other equipment (armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily
stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for his Wounds, which are unaffected). At the
start of each subsequent Magic phase, the controlling player can roll a D6 for each model thus transformed; the
effect dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the model returns to his normal form. Mounts are unaffected.
6 Spatial Displacement. The wizard's Arcane fulcrum blinks out of existence, only to reappear elsewhere.
The Arcane Fulcrum scatters 6D6" in a random direction. If this would cause the fulcrum to be placed on, or within
1" of a unit, a terrain feature other than a hill, in impassable terrain, or off the board then increase or decrease the
scatter distance along its displacement vector by the smallest amount necessary so that it doesn't.
7 Vwoorp! The Wizard's Arcane Fulcrum inexplicably swaps places with another.
Randomly select another Arcane Fulcrum on the battlefield and remove it (and any Wizard controlling it) from
play, replacing it with the miscasting Wizard and his fulcrum. Then, return the removed Arcane Fulcrum (and its
Wizard) to play in the exact spot just vacated. If this effect causes a unit to now be assaulting a fulcrum controlled
by a unit on the same side, or an empty fulcrum simply nudge the assaulting unit 1 " backwards from the fulcrum.
However if the two fulcrums are so wildly different in size that one or both cannot fit in the other's footprint,
simply swap the Wizards over rather than moving the fulcrums.
8 Raaaaarrgh! The wizard is transformed into a rampaging monster!
The Wizard takes an altered state in which he can no longer use magic items, cast spells, channel or make dispel
attempts, nor can he control an Arcane Fulcrum, so he must immediately - exit the fulcrum as if it were the
Movement phase. If he is unable to leave, remove him as a casualty. However, due to his magic-fuelled state, the
Wizard increases all of his characteristics by D3, except for Attacks (which stays the same) and Leadership (which
drops to 1). Make one roll and apply the result to all characteristics. He also gains the Frenzy, Hatred, Unbreakable,
Unstable and Random Attacks (D6+3) special rules. As part of the process, the Wizard's mount (if any) is,
unfortunately. reduced to a fine red mist and removed as a casualty Roll a D6 at the start of each subsequent Magic
phase to see if the energy has bled away - on a roll of 6, the Wizard returns to normal (though any mount he had is
still dead. . . ). Any wounds suffered in his transformative state arc carried over (and this may kill him). This miscast
result is infinitely more entertaining if you swap the Wizard model for one a 'size category' larger (an infantry or war
beast model should be swapped for a monstrous model of the same type whilst a monstrous model should be
swapped for a monster model - Wizards that are already monsters are out of luck). If you do this then the Wizard
counts as the larger troop type for as long as he remains transformed, so he will get Stomps or Thunderstomps as
appropriate, etc.
9 Power Siphon. An enemy wizard harnesses a portion of the magical power and uses it to fuel one of his own spells.
Your opponent immediately nominates one of his Wizards (if he has one). That Wizard can immediately cast one of
his own spells with a casting value of up to 4D6 (roll, then choose from the eligible spells). The spell is automatically
cast, with no dispel attempt allowed. A Runesmith can attempt to empower a rune with 4D6
10 Did the World Move, or was it Just Me? Reality flickers for a moment, and suddenly everything is different...
Remove all Wizards occupying Arcane Fulcrums from play. Then, choose a Wizard (friendly or enemy) removed in
this fashion and randomly select an Arcane Fulcrum, returning the Wizard to play controlling the selected fulcrum.
Then choose another such Wizard and return him to play controlling a fulcrum randomly selected from those that
remain unoccupied, and so on, until all Wizards removed from play have been returned to play. If this effect causes
any units to be assaulting an unoccupied fulcrum or one controlled by a friendly unit, simply, nudge the assaulting
unit 1 " backwards.
11-12 Really Wild Magic! The magic snaps free of the casters control!
Add 2D6 dice to both your power pool and the opponent's dispel pool (roll separately for each).
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Cataclysm spells are the mightiest spells in existence - so mighty indeed that only the wild energies of a
storm of magic enable them to be cast.
In a game of Storm of Magic, Wizards know Cataclysm spells in addition to their normal allocation.
Regardless of type, Cataclysm spells cannot be exchanged for other spells in the same lore. Furthermore,
Cataclysm spells cannot be forgotten, erased or otherwise destroyed over the course of a game. If a rule
calls for a Cataclysm spell to be destroyed in this manner, simply ignore the effect - some knowledge
simply cannot be unlearned.
Most Cataclysm spel1s are extensions to the existing spell lore’s, and benefit from the lore attribute of
their parent lore in the usual manner. Any Wizard who generates one or more of their spells from the lore
in question will also know any Cataclysm spells associated with that lore. Others, and these are clearly
marked, are not associated with particular spell lore, but rather with races and realms and, by extension,
the armies that fight for those races and realms (these spells can be found on page 49). Unless otherwise
stated, all Wizards chosen from the relevant Warhammer army book know all of the spells associated with
that army. Furthermore, all Wizards know the Seven Secret Sigils of Summoning spell, presented
For the most part, Cataclysm spells function exactly like normal spells - they have a casting value, a range
and so on. Most of them will also have a spell type. However, Cataclysm spells require your army to
control one or more Arcane Fulcrums - only with this extra influx of eldritch energy can such mighty
magic’s be brought to bear.
Presence level spells are the weakest of all Cataclysm spells, but even they are much more powerful than
the ordinary run of magic. Presence levels spells can only be cast if you control one or more Arcane
Next in power are the Equilibrium level spells. These can summon destructive vortices, raise mountains
from the bare earth or summon armies of the dead. Equilibrium level spells can only be cast if you
control at least one Arcane Fulcrum and your opponent controls no more than you do.
Finally, Dominance level spells are the most powerful of all. They can bring units back from the dead or
destroy them utterly, create loops of time, summon Dragons or call upon the rage of the gods themselves.
Dominance spells can only be cast if you control at least one Arcane Fulcrum, and control more than
your opponent does.
Due to the massive and complex energies involved, Cataclysm spells can never be cast with irresistible
force - Wizard must always equal or beat the casting value. That said, a roll of two or more 6s will still
cause a miscast as, if anything, Cataclysm spells are slightly more unstable than other sorceries.
For much the same reason, magic items and special rules that automatically dispel – Dispel Scrolls are the
most common example, but there are many more throughout Warhammer - cannot be used against
Cataclysm spe1ls. You must dispel such sorceries through conventional means: by equalling or beating
the casting result with your dispel attempt. Note that other magic items and special rules used in place of
a dispel attempt (such as Sivejir's Hex Scroll, for example) function as normal.
Naturally, Dwarfs do not have access to any Cataclysm spells. That is not to say that they are entirely
without ability during a storm of magic.

Indeed, it is only at these dire times that their fabled Ancestor Runes can be unleashed - you'll find more
about these on pages later.

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Summoning spells create allies or constructs from the stuff of magic itself, or else draw creatures from
magical dimensions and bind them to the caster's will.
Summoning spells always target a point on the battlefield, and that point need not lie in the caster's line of
sight or forward arc. It should go without saying that if you don't have the appropriate models for the
Summoning spell, then you can't cast the spell
Summoned Units
When placing a summoned unit, it must be wholly within the spell's range and must be at .east 1" away
from impassable terrain and other units. It can be placed facing in any direction, and in any formation.
The unit's front rank must contain at least five models, unless the troop type is monstrous infantry beasts
or cavalry, in which case it must contain at least three models. If insufficient models are summoned, make
the front rank as large as possible. Summoned units are normally created with only their default
equipment and count as having moved in the turn they arrive. Note that summoned units cannot be
dispelled – once they've arrived, you have to kill them! Likewise, if the summoned unit cannot be placed
because there is not enough room, it is immediately removed from play as a casualty.
Summoned Terrain Features
Some spells summon woods, hil1s or other terrain features. Unlike summoned units, summoned terrain
features can be placed within 1" of, or even on top of, other units – simply place the units in (or on) the
terrain feature without changing their facing or formation.
Summoned terrain features can be placed on other terrain features, but not if this would look silly - a
tower on top of a hill should be fine, as would some obstacles in a newly created wood, but a hill on top
of a tower would look ridiculous, and is therefore not allowed. Terrain features cannot hang off the edge
of the tabletop or be balanced in a precarious fashion. As usual, a little common sense goes a long way. If
the summoned feature cannot be suitably placed, it is destroyed and has no effect on the game.

Seven Secret Sigils of Summoning Cast on 25+

Presence. The wizard creates a portal to elsewhere in the world, drawing through fresh troops to fight his foe. These
reinforcements are seldom summoned by consent, but part of the spell artifice binds them to the caster's will. At least for a
while. . .
The Seven Secret Sigils of Summoning is a summoning spell with a range of 12". It summons a single
unit, the size of which depends upon whether you have Presence, Equilibrium or Dominance. Presence
allows you a unit of up to 75 points, Equilibrium allows you a unit of up to 150 points, and Dominance
allows you a unit of up to 300 points. Unlike most summoning spells, this unit can take any upgrades to
which it is normally entitled, save for magic items. Special characters summoned this way will arrive with
their normal equipment, including any magic items they have as default.
Summoned unit can be of any unit type save for Monster or Unique, and is chosen from one of the
following Warhammer army books: Beastmen, Bretonnia, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Empire , High Elves,
Lizardmen, Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Warriors of Chaos and Wood Elves.
Units bound by this spe1l are particularly vulnerable to the Lore of Light, whose magic’s somehow
destabilise the arcane bonds. Any unit brought into play by the Seven Secret Signs of Summoning that is
successfully targeted by a spell cast from the Lore of Light (even those cast by friendly Wizards) suffers
2D6 Wounds, resolved in addition to and before other effects. These Wounds do not necessarily
represent physical damage, but rather members of the target unit 'snapping back' to wherever it was they
were summoned from.
Players should also note the following:
 Whilst you can choose your summoned unit before the spell is cast, it's a good idea to prepare a
shortlist of pre-calculated candidates before the game begins.
 Characters summoned by this spell cannot join other units.
 Units summoned via this spell do not follow the rules for allies - they are a loyal (if unwitting)
part of your army for as long as they remain.
 Units summoned via this spell do not award victory points under any circumstances.
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Fireball Barrage Cast on 20+
Presence. A storm of blazing missiles erupts from the wizard's outstretched hands, unerringly seeking his chosen enemy.
Fireball Barrage is a magic missile with a range of 48”. It causes 6D6 Strength 4 hits.

Withering Heat Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. With a triumphant gesture, the Wizard sets a curse of desiccation upon his foes flesh.
Remains in play. Withering Heat is a hex spell that targets all enemy units on the battlefield. For the
duration of the spell, whenever a target unit charges, pursues or flees, it rolls an extra dice and discards
the highest result. In addition, all target units 'have the Flammable special rule for the duration of the
spell, and all Flaming Attacks re-roll failed To Wound rolls against target units.

Magma Storm Cast on 25+

Dominance. The wizard sets a fire in the very rock itself causing the ground to splinter and the raging lifeblood of the
world to gush forth and engulf its foes.
Remains in play. Magma Storm is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which the Magma Storm will move. Roll an
artillery dice and multiply the result by 2 - this is how far the template moves) in inches. If the result on
the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The template then
moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol).

Any model under or passed over by the template suffers a Strength 10 hit. Furthermore, if the dice roll
for movement (in either of the cases above) is 2 or 4, then at the end of the Magma Storm's move, centre
D3 small round templates on it to represent eruptions - these then each scatter 2D6" (roll separately for
each). Models under the final position of these templates suffer a Strength 4 hit. The small templates do
not remain in p1ay.

In subsequent turns, the Magma Storm travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal
to the roll on an artillery dice (which can possibly generate eruptions). If a misfire is rolled in subsequent
turns, the Magma Storm collapses in upon itself and is removed.

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A Murder of Crows Cast on 15+
Presence. Calling upon Corvus the Crowlord, the wizard summons a voracious flock of carrion birds to tear flesh from
Remains in play. A Murder of Crows is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which, A Murder of Crows will move. To
determine how far the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 3.

If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The
template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit!

Any model under or passed over by the template suffers a Strength 3 hit.

In subsequent Magic phases, A Murder of Crows travels in a random direction and moves a number of
inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, A Murder of Crows
collapses in upon itself and is removed.

Hunter's Moons Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. The wizard howls and the moons glow red as blood, their ruddy rays lending fresh fortitude to those that
battle below.
Hunter's Moons is an augment spell that targets all friendly units on the battlefield. Until the start of the
caster's next Magic phase, all targeted units receive + 1 Strength and Toughness, and gains the Swiftstride
special rule.

Merciw's Monstrous Regiment Cast on 25+

Dominance. The wizard calls upon the strength of the wild world and bestows it upon its chosen allies.
Remains in play. Merciw’s Monstrous Regiment is an augment spell with a range of 24". For the duration
of the spell, all non-character models in the target unit double their Strength, Toughness and Attacks
characteristics (to a maximum of 10).

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Enlightenment Cast on 20+
Presence. The light of truth is a powerful thing strengthening the righteous and banishing the unholy.
Enlightenment is a hex spell against Forces of Destruction units and an augment spell against Forces of
Order units. It targets all units within 12" of the caster (including the caster himself). Target Order units
have the Unbreakable special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. For target Destruction
units, roll ,4D6. For each point by which the roll exceeds the target's Leadership, the unit suffers 1
Wound. Target Non-Aligned units are unaffected.

Time Amok Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. The wizard reaches into the tapestry of fate, altering the flow of time to suit his allies' needs.
Time Amok is a spell that targets the entire battlefield. This turn, there is either an extra Shooting phase
or an extra Close Combat phase (you choose which each time the spell is cast). The extra phase(s) occurs
immediately after the first.

Assault of Stone Cast on 25+

Dominance. Connecting his will with the dormant strands of earthbound Light Magic, the wizard reshapes the battlefield
to his desires, crushing those unfortunate enough to be caught in the way of progress.
Assault of Stone is a summoning spell. Place a Citadel Gaming hill (or a hill of similar size) anywhere
within 24" of the caster. The hill cannot be placed over any kind of terrain other than obstacles (any
obstacle partially or completely under the hill is destroyed). Models that would be under the hill are now
placed on top of it, without changing formation, facing etc. Each unit that has had one or more models
moved in this way must take an Initiative test. If the test is failed, each model in the unit that is on the hill
takes a Strength 10 hit. If the test is passed, each model in the unit that is on the hill takes a Strength 5 hit.

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Meteoric Ironclad Cast on 10+
Presence. Casting charms of silver and iron, the wizard creates suits of enchanted armour that no weapon can breach.
Meteoric Ironclad is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit has a 2+ ward save until the
start of the caster's next Magic phase.

Quicksilver Swords Cast on l5+

Equilibrium. At the wizard's command, his allies blades flow like water, seeping through gaps in armour and hide to
pierce vulnerable flesh within.
Quicksilver Swords is an augment spell with a range of 24". Until the start of the caster's next Magic
phase, the target unit's close combat attacks wound automatically and armour saves cannot be taken
against these Wounds.

Gehenna's Golden Globe Cast on 25+

Dominance. Speaking the three sacred syllables of transformation, the wizard hurls a brilliant golden sphere, towards the
foe. Those it touches are transmuted into gleaming statues, adding a glorious lustre
Their otherwise insignificant lives.
Remains in play. Gehenna's Golden Globe is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once
the template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which Gehenna's Golden Globe will
move. To determine how far the template moves, roll an artillery dice and move it that far in inches. If
the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The
template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit use the little arrow shown on the Hit

Any character or monster under or passed over by the template is removed as a casualty on a D6 roll of
5+. Any other type of model is removed as a casualty on a D6, roll of 3+.

In subsequent Magic phases, Gehenna's Golden Globe travels in a random direction and moves a
number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, Gehenna's
Golden Globe collapses in upon itself and is removed.

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The Gardeners Warcry Cast on 10+
Presence. The wizard casts a handful of bloodseeds upon the wind, nourishing them with raw magic until angry life bursts
The Gardeners Warcry is a summoning spell. Place a Blood Forest within 48" of the caster - use a
Citadel Wood or other suitable terrain piece of similar size. Any models under the Blood Forest are
placed within it. This does not count as casting a spe1l on the newly created Blood Forest, but the Blood
Forest immediately inflicts 2D6 Strength 4 hits.

Storm of Renewal Cast on l5+

Equilibrium. Raw life energy flows across the battlefield, mending wounds and restoring the fallen to fresh vigour
Remains in play. Storm of Renewal is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which Storm of Renewal will move. To
determine how far the template moves, roll an artillery dice, multiply the result by 2 and move it that
many inches. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a
scatter dice. The template then moves D5" in the direction shown (if you ro11 a Hit! use the little arrow
shown on the Hit symbol).

Any unit under or passed over by the template immediately regains 2D6+ 1 Wounds' worth of models.
These Wounds are regained as described in the Lore of Life's Regrowth spell. In subsequent turns, Storm
of Renewal travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery
dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, Storm of Renewal collapses in upon itself and is removed.

Verdant Apotheosis Cast on 30+

Dominance. To a skilled practitioner of Life Magic, death is a temporary state – and one to be manipulated if the need
Verdant Apotheosis is an augment spell with unlimited range. You can target a unit on the table, or a
unit that has been destroyed. If it targets a unit on the battlefield, all models in the unit are healed to full
Wounds and previously slain non-character models from that unit are immediately returned to life at full
Wounds. They are placed back in the unit as described in the Lore of Life's Regrowth spell. If the spell
targets a destroyed unit, immediately return that unit to play, minus any characters, and place it in any
formation anywhere within 24" of the caster, provided that no model is within 1" of another unit or
impassable terrain.

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Let the Four Winds Blow! Cast on 15+
Presence. Calling upon the spirits of air the wizard sends mighty winds howling across the battlefield.
Let the Four Winds Blow! is a magic missile with a range of 48" that targets up to four magical vortices
or enemy units in any combination. Resolve in whatever order you wish. Each target in range is 'pushed'
2D6" directly away from the caster (it does not change facing). If a target unit comes into contact with
impassable terrain, it stops and suffers 2D6 Strength 3 hits. If a target unit comes into contact with
another unit, it stops 1" away and both units suffer 2D6 Strength 3 hits. If a magical vortex is pushed into
a unit, that unit will suffer the usual effects for the vortex in question. If a vortex ends up in the middle of
a unit, place it beyond the unit just as you would had the vortex moved there under its own power.

Fantastic Foresight Cast on 10+

Equilibrium. The wizard's mortal form seems to shimmer and fade as he links his allies to the prophecies of the stars.
Remains in play. Fantastic Foresight is an augment spell that targets all friendly Wizards. For the
duration of the spell, targets re-roll failed casting, dispel and channelling attempts.

Thorsen's Thunderstorm Cast on 20+

Dominance. The wizard hurls a tiny stone hammer across the battlefield, and the heavens vent their fury in its wake.
Remains in play. Thorsen's Thunderstorm is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once
the template is in place, the player then nominates the direction in which Thorsen's Thunderstorm will
move. To determine how far the template moves, roll an artillery dice, multiply the result by 2, and move
that many inches. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a
scatter dice. The template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit use the little arrow
shown on the Hit symbol).

Any model under or moved over by the template suffers a Strength 6 hit.

Once any hits have been resolved, each unit hit is 'pushed' 2D6" in a random direction, but otherwise as
described for Let the Four Winds Blow! In subsequent turns, Thorsen's Thunderstorm moves a number
of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice in a random direction. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent
turns, Thorsen’s Thunderstorm collapses in upon itself and is removed

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Ribauld’s Retroactive Illusion Cast on 10+
Presence. A Shadow Wizard of sufficient guile can stretch his illusions into the past, deceiving the enemy long before the
When Ribauld’s Retroactive Illusion is successfully cast, choose a non-impassable, non-hill terrain feature
within 24" of the caster. The wizard can then move that terrain feature to a new location on the
battlefield anywhere within 24" of the Wizard and at least 1" away from any unit or terrain feature. If the
terrain feature is a building, any unit inside is also moved. If it is any other type of terrain feature, any
models within it are left behind (in exactly the same formation, facing, etc.)

Bridge of Shadows Cast on l5+

Equilibrium. At the wizard's command, a bridge of shadow and spite whisks his allies across the battlefield.
Bridge of Shadows is an augment spell with a range of 24". The target unit is immediately removed from
the table and replaced anywhere on the battlefield visible to the Wizard, provided that no model from the
unit is within l" of another unit or impassable terrain. The unit can be returned to play facing any
direction, but must retain the same formation. This spell can be used to remove friendly units from
combat - any enemy units left without an opponent can immediately reform.

The Dance of Despair Cast on 25+

Dominance. The wizard produces a stringless fiddle and plays a haunting dirge that drives all sense of hope and urgency
from his enemies' minds.
Remains in play. The Dance of Despair is a hex spell that targets all enemy units on the battlefield. Target
units are reduced to Movement, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative and Leadership I for the duration
of the spell. Wizards targeted by the Dance of Despair cannot cast spells.

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The Choking Foe Cast on 10+
Presence. Purple energy oozes from the caster's eyes, ears, nose and mouth to form a suffocating mass that flows over the
Remains in play. The Choking Foe is a hex spell with a range of 48". At the end of the Magic phase, the
target must take a Leadership test with a -3 penalty, suffering a Wound for every point by which the test
is failed, with no armour saves allowed. The target must test again at the end of each Magic phase whilst
the spell remains in play, with each subsequent test subject to a further -1 penalty. The second test will
therefore have a -4 pena1ry the third a -5 penalty, and so on.

Ashes and Dust Cast on l5+

Equilibrium. A choking dust cloud erupts from the wizard's fingertips, suffocating all in its path.
Remains in play. Ashes and Dust is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which, Ashes and Dust will move. To
determine how far the template moves, roll an artillery dice, multiply the result by 2, and move it that far
in inches. If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter
dice. The template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit use the little arrow shown on
the Hit! symbol).

Any model under or moved over by the template suffers a Strength 2 hit with no armour saves allowed.

In subsequent turns, Ashes and Dust moves in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal
to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, Ashes and Dust collapses in upon
itself and is removed.

Crystal Maze Cast on 25+

Dominance. The wizard reaches into the magical realms, drawing forth a portion of that great crystal labyrinth of legend
to bind the foe.
Remains in play. Crystal Maze is a direct damage spell with a range of 24”. For the duration of the spell,
the target cannot take any actions whatsoever, including moving, shooting, channelling, using magic items
and so on. It cannot be made to flee, be harmed or moved in any way. At the start of each subsequent
Magic phase, roll a D6. On a score of 5-6 the trapped unit has become lost in the maze forever - remove
it from play as a casualty. On a score of 3-4, the unit is still wandering through the maze - roll again next
turn. On a score of a 1 or 2, the unit manages to escape - the spell is dispelled.

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Coruscation of Finreir Cast on 20+
Presence. Drawing upon the magical waystone conduits, the Mage summons an Arcane Fulcrum from the bedrock.
Coruscation of Finreir is a summoning spell. Place an Arcane Fulcrum within 6" of the caster and at
least 1" away from any other model or terrain feature. The caster is then immediately moved to occupy
the new fulcrum. If this removes the caster from combat, any enemy units left without an opponent can
immediately make a reform.

Deadlock Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. Such is their mastery in magic; High Elf Mages can mystically nullify the flow of a foes sorcerous powers.
Remains in play. Deadlock is a hex spell that targets an Arcane Fulcrum anywhere on the battlefield.
Whilst the spel1 is in play, the targeted Arcane Fulcrum cannot be used to manipulate Magical F1ux, nor
does it count towards working out Presence, Equilibrium or Dominance.

Oblivion Cast on 25+
Equilibrium. To a Dark Elf Sorceress, an Arcane Fulcrum is more than a conduit of power; it is unparalleled
destruction, just waiting to be unleashed.
Nominate an Arcane Fulcrum within 3" of the caster. Oblivion targets all models (friendly and enemy,
including the caster) within 12" of the nominated Arcane Fulcrum. Each target suffers a Strength 10 hit.
Once damage has been resolved, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, the Arcane Fulcrum (and any Wizard
occupying it) are blown to smithereens – remove them from play.

Arnizipal's Dimensional Door Cast on 30+

Dominance. Scattering a vial of innocent blood upon the churned ground, the Sorceress opens a doorway to the realms
beyond. Drawn to the mortal plane, unspeakable creatures reach forth their tendrils to claim what victims they can before the
gateway collapses.
Remains in play. Arnizipal's Dimensional Door is a magical vortex that uses the large round template.
Once the template is placed, the player nominates the direction in which it will move. Roll an artillery dice
and multiply the result by 2 - this is the distance the template moves, in inches.

If the result on the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The
template then moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit!

Any model under or passed over by the template must pass a Strength test, re-rolling successes) or be
removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed.

In subsequent turns, Arnizipal's Dimensional Door moves in a random direction, a number of inches
equal to the roll on an artillery dice. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, Arnizipal's Dimensional
Door collapses in upon itself and is removed.

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Djedra's Incantation of the Eternal Dead Cast on 10+
Presence. The Liche Priest stirs the spirits of the land, inciting them to violent deeds against the living.
Remains in play. For the duration of the spell, the Restless Dead lore attribute restores D6+2 Wounds
worth of models instead of the normal amount. All other restrictions apply.

Return of the Golden Age Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. The Liche Priest focuses his incantations and restores to the army the vigour and might they enjoyed whilst
still alive.
Remains in play. Return of the Golden Age is an augment spell that targets all friendly Tomb Kings units
on the battlefield. For the duration of the spell, targets receive bonuses to their Weapon Skill, Strength
and Initiative. The size of the bonus varies by troop type as follows:
 Tomb Kings and Tomb Princes: +3
 Other Characters: +2
 Tomb Guard and Necropolis Knights: +2
 Other units: +1


Malediction of Nagash Cast on 20+
Presence. At the Necromancer’s command, its enemies feel the looming shadow of undeath fall across them, sapping their
strength and endurance.
Malediction of Nagash is a hex spell that targets all enemy units within 24". All targets halve their
Strength until the start of the casters next Magic phase.

The Army of Doom Keep Cast on 25+

Dominance. The legendary Elf Mage Anareth could not forever destroy the dread army of Doom Keep, so he sealed it
away in a pocket of magic. Alas, this prison could not remain secret forever and, little by little, accursed Necromancers have
begun to draw the wight-host into the mortal world once more.
The Army of Doom Keep is a summoning spell with a range of 36” It summons a unit consisting of one
Wight King and 4D6 Grave Guard


Primal Onslaught Cast on 20+
Presence. With a guttural roar that shakes the roots of the world, the Bray Shaman feeds the rage of the beasts near him.
Remains in play. Primal Onslaught is an augment spell that targets all Beastmen units on the battlefield
(friendly or enemy). For the duration of the spell, target units automatically pass their Primal Fury rolls as
if they had rolled a double 1, and I they re-roll failed To Wound rolls in close combat.

Ruiner of the Wrought Cast on 30+

Equilibrium. Slamming his staff into the ground, the Bray Shaman unshackles stock and stone from their bonding’s of
artifice, unmaking the enemy’s weapons of war
Ruiner of the Wrought targets all buildings and war machines on the battlefield. War machines suffer D6
Strength 10 hits (roll separately for each); buildings collapse and are removed from play on a roll of 2+. A
unit garrisoning a building removed in this way is placed occupying the same space as its dear, departed
structure, and suffers 4D6 Strength 6 hits from the falling rubble. If the survivors cannot be placed
without the unit lying within 1" of other units or impassable terrain, they are all removed as casualties.
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Feast of the Fallen Cast on 15+
Presence. The Butcher smears his cleaver with a mixture of his own blood and that of a foeman, ensuring that one will
feed the other whilst the magic lasts.
Remains in play. This is an augment spell that targets all friendly Ogre Kingdoms units on the battlefield.
For the duration of the spell, at the end of each Close Combat phase, target units regain a number of lost
Wounds equal to the number of unsaved Wounds they caused that phase. Wounds are regained as for the
Lore of Life's Regrowth spell.

The Great Maw Awakens Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. The Butcher joins his own hunger to the Great Maw's, conjuring a bloody whirlpool of rock that sweeps
across the battlefield swallowing enemies whole.
Remains in play. The Great Maw Awakens is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once
the template is placed, the player nominates the direction in which The Great Maw Awakens will move.
Roll an artillery dice and multiply the result by 2 - the template moves that far in inches. Any model under
or passed over by the template must pass an Initiative test or be swallowed whole and removed as a
casualty with no saves of any kind allowed.

In subsequent turns, The Great Maw Awakens moves a number of inches equal to the roll of an artillery
dice multiplied by 2, in a random direction.

If a misfire is rolled at any point, The Great Maw Awakens decides the Butcher is a more tempting meal -
centre the template over the caster instead. Once damage is resolved, remove The Great Maw Awakens
from play.

All Bretonnian Wizards know the following spell. This spell is considered to be a Lore of Life spell.

The Curse of the Lady Cast on 20+

Equilibrium. Casting aside spoiled tokens of virtue and nobility, the Damsel calls down the Lady's greatest punishment
on all those champions who would oppose noble Bretonnia.
The Curse of the Lady is a hex spell that targets all characters on the battlefield. Each target must
immediately pass a Leadership test with a -3 penalty or be transformed into a toad. Models from the
Forces of Destruction must re-roll successful tests and Bretonnian models can re-roll failures.

Whilst transformed, the model cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and other equipment
armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for
his wounds which are unaffected).

The model's controlling player can roll a D6 at the start of each of his subsequent Magic phases; the spell
dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the model returns to his normal form. Mounts are unaffected.

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Raise Great Idol Cast on 15+
Presence. Straining and grimacing the Shaman wills an Idol of Gork (or possibly Mork) to rise out of the ground. Under
the stony gaze of such an idol, greenskins are inspired to further acts of extreme violence.
Raise Great Idol is a summoning spell. Place an Idol of Gork (or possibly Mork) within 18" of the
caster. The effigy uses the Idol of Gork rules from the Warhammer rulebook. Additionally, all friendly
Orc & Goblin units within 12" of the Great Idol re-roll failed To Hit rolls.

Wallopin Great Krunch Cast on 25+

Equilibrium. While scowling a Shaman smacks one hammy fist into his open palm and then points deliberately at an
enemy unit. Even if the enormous green foot that descends from the clouds doesn't flatten foes, the shockwaves that emanate
outwards from the great krunch might.
Wallopin Great Krunch is a direct damage spell with unlimited range. Place the Foot of Gork template
down on the target enemy unit. It then scatters D6" maintaining the same facing. All models hit by the
template suffer a Strength 9 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. Additionally, any other
models within D6" of the template suffer a single Strength 3 hit.

The Evil Sun Cast on 25+

Dominance. Fuelled with vast power an Orc Shaman can will into existence a burning core of energy. With great tusks
and a leering face, this evil sun descends upon the battlefield to smash all before it...
The Evil Sun is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the template is placed, the
player then nominates the direction in which The Evil Sun will move.

To determine how many inches the template moves, roll an artillery dice and multiply it by the number of
Orc units (of any kind) within 6" of the template's original position. If the result on the artillery dice is a
misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The template then moves D6" in the
direction shown (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit symbol).

Any model under or passed over by the template suffers a Strength 4 hit. In subsequent turns, The Evil
Sun travels in a random direction and moves a number of inches equal to the roll on an artillery dice
multiplied by the number of Orc units (of any kind) within 6" of the template. If a misfire is rolled in
subsequent turns, The Evil Sun swallows itself and is removed.

Slaan Mage Priests from Warhammer: Lizardmen know this Cataclysm spell (Skink Shamans are not
adept enough to master the complex sorceries.) This spell is considered to be a High Magic spell.

The Great Leveller Cast on 35+

Dominance. Gathering together the energies of his brother Slann the world over, the Mage-Priest sacrifices himself to
conjure a final mighty spell that will see the battlefield changed once and for all.
The Great Leveller targets all enemy units on the tabletop. When the spell is successfully cast,
immediately remove the Mage-Priest from play as a casualty - ignore any miscasts or other penalties
incurred by the casting. If the enemy has more units than you, he must immediately remove sufficient
units as casualties until you each have an equal number of units. Then, if he has more characters than you,
he must remove sufficient characters as casualties until you each have an equal number of characters.

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Sneaky Distraction Cast on 10+
Presence. The caster cackles maniacally and prances with even more energy than usual. Phrases such as ‘Ooooo, lookit
over there,' or 'Can yer believe da size of that 'un?' are screeched shrilly while the Shaman gesticulates madly and points with
more than wild abandon.
Sneaky Distraction is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit suffers a -1 penalty on all To Hit
rolls both in shooting and combat until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. Additionally, if the
target unit is not engaged in close combat, the casting player can rotate the unit to face any direction he
chooses (although he cannot rotate the unit so that its final position is within 1" of another unit or
impassable terrain).

Sneaky Distraction Cast on 15+

Equilibrium. The Sharman conjures a pair of great green hands, one of which binds the chosen enemy in a vice-like grip,
whilst the other rifles through the victims possessions in search of anything shiny enough to be worth stealing.
Nikkit! Nikkit! is a direct damage spell that targets a single enemy character within 24”. The target
suffers a number of Wounds equal to D6 minus his own Toughness - armour saves cannot be taken.
Regardless of whether or not the target is slain, the caster steals one magic item of his choice from the
target. If the caster does not already have a magic item of this type he can now use it, otherwise it is

The Great Green Spite Cast on 20+

Dominance. The caster brings to focus all the spite of nearby greenskins. This, naturally, manifests itself into quite a
nasty curse.
The Great Green Spite is a hex spell that targets all enemy units within 24". The targets are hit
automatically by all close combat attacks until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

All Wood Elf Wizards know the following spell. This spell is considered to be a High Magic spell.

Madrigal of Greening Cast on 10+

Presence. The Spellweaver casts acorns of the ages across the battlefield. As each acorn strikes the ground, a mighty tree
springs up - an outpost of Athel Loren in this foreign land.
Madrigal of Greening is a summoning spell with a range of 48". Place D3-1 mysterious forests (to a
minimum of 1) within the spell's maximum range - use a Citadel Wood or other suitable terrain piece of
similar size. Any models under these forests are placed within them (in the same formation, facing, etc.)

Verdurous Harmony Cast on 25+

Equilibrium. At a simple word of command, spring comes again to the Wood Elves, and with it renewal.
Verdurous Harmony is an augment spell that targets all friendly units within 72" of a wood. Roll 2D6 -
all targets immediately recover that many Wounds worth of models, as described for the Regrowth spell
in the Lore of Life.

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Air of Pestilence Cast on 20+
Presence. The caster hacks out a cloud that magically spreads and befilths a wide area. All who breathe in is pestilent
airs seem to shrivel and weaken, their bodies sagging.
Air of Pestilence is a hex spell that targets all enemy units within 24". All targets halve their Toughness
(rounding fractions up) until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
Weeping World Sores Cast on 25+
Equilibrium. At the Plague Priest’s wretched word, the world itself begins to bubble and boil with toxic pas.
Weeping World Sores is a summoning spell.  Place a marsh, no more than 6" in diameter, anywhere
within 24" of the caster. Models that would be under the marsh are now placed on top of it, without
changing formation, facing etc. Any model moved in this way must pass a Toughness test or be removed
as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed. Furthermore, at the end of every subsequent Magic phase,
any model in the marsh must pass a Toughness test or be removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind
The Great Red Pox Cast on 30+
Dominance. The caster vomits forth a crimson mist that rapidly spreads across the battlefield, causing an instantaneous
eruption of fist-sized boils and then a most painful death.
The Great Red Pox targets all units within 24" of the caster. Friendly and enemy units are normally
affected on a D6 roll of 4+, but Clan Pestilens units (friendly or enemy) are affected on a 5+. Each model
in each affected unit must pass a Toughness test or be removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind

Warpstorm Cast on 20+
Presence. Clouds roil overhead angrily discharging greenish-black bolts of warp lightning.
Warpstorm targets all units (friends and enemies) within 24" of the caster, excluding the caster and his
unit (if any). Roll a D6 for each targeted unit, with enemy units affected on a 4+ and friendly units
affected on a 6+. A1l affected units suffer D6 Strength 5 hits.
Pit of the Underworld Cast on 20+
Equilibrium. The caster strains his mind to open a great rent in the earth. The target site begins to shake until the
ground gives way to a vast pit that drops into blackness below.
Pit of the Underworld causes a great pit to open anywhere on the battlefield. Place a suitable marker over
the exact spot affected - a coin is ideal. Roll a D6 at the start of each subsequent Magic phase. On a score
of 5+, the pit opens. The large template is, centred over the marker. Any unit touched by the template
must pass an Initiative test or be removed as a casualty. Any buildings touched will collapse as described
in the Rainer of the Wrought. Finally, remove the template and marker.
Verminous Ruin Cast on 25+
Dominance. The caster summons a living tide of voracious rats that scurry forth across the battlefield.
Remains in play. Verminous Ruin is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player nominates the direction in which the Verminous Ruin will move. Roll 3D6 -
the template moves that far, in inches. If the result of the 3D6 roll contains two or more 1s, instead
centre the template on the caster. The template then moves D5" in the direction shown on the roll of a
scatter dice (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol).
Any model under or moved over by the template suffers a Strength 3 hit.
In subsequent turns, Verminous Ruin moves 3D6" in a random direction. If two or more ls are rolled,
then the vermin scatter and the template is removed from play. If, at any point when the template moves,
a total of 13 is rolled on the dice, the template is removed from play after it has completed its move and a
Vermin Lord is summoned within 13" of the final resting spot of the template.

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None revel in the unpredictable storms of magic as much as the servants of Tzeentch. All Wizards who
know one or more spells from the Lore of Tzeentch or the Daemon Lore of Tzeentch know these
Cataclysm spells.

Invisible Fire of Tzeentch Cast on 20+

Presence. There are some colours so vile that only madmen can see them. Tzeentch’s whispered teachings can allow a
Wizard to harness these invisible fires, and they burn like no mortal blaze can.
Invisible Fire of Tzeentch is a magic missile with a range of 24". It inflicts 3D6 Strength 2D6 hits with
the Flaming Attacks special rule. If the result of the 2D6 roll is 1l or 12, hits from Invisible Fire of
Tzeentch wound automatically and do not allow armour saves.

Daemonfire Vortex Cast on 25+

Equilibrium. A prismatic haze erupts from the Wizard's hand and rages across the battlefield, consuming everything in
its path.
Remains in play. Daemonfire Vortex is a magical vortex that uses the large round template. Once the
template is placed, the player then nominates the direction in which Daemonfire Vortex will move. Roll
an artillery dice and multiply the result by 2 - this is how far the template moves, in inches. If the result on
the artillery dice is a misfire, centre the template on the caster and roll a scatter dice. The template then
moves D6" in the direction shown (if you roll a Hit! use the little arrow shown on the Hit! symbol). Any
model under or passed over by the Daemonfire Vortex template suffers a Wound on a 4+ with no
armour saves allowed.
In subsequent turns, Daemonfire Vortex moves in a random direction and moves a number of inches
equal to the roll on an artillery dice plus the number of unsaved Wounds the Daemonf.re Vortex has
caused since it was cast. If a misfire is rolled in subsequent turns, Daemonfi.re Vortex collapses in upon
itself and is removed


The foul, pestilent spells of Nurgle are imbued with greater vile virulence during a storm of magic. All
Wizards who know one or more spells from the Lore of Nurgle or the Daemon Lore of Nurgle know
these Cataclysm spells.

Rotbomb Cast on 10+

Equilibrium. A host of tiny Daemon-mites burst from the wizard's gaping mouth. Giggling with glee, they swarm, over
the foe's armour; devouring it hungrily.
Rotbomb is a hex spell with a range of 24". The target unit immediately acquires a -3 penalty to armour
save rolls for the rest of the game. Furthermore, all other units (friendly or enemy) within 6" of the target
unit immediately acquire a -1 penalty to their armour save rolls for the rest of the game. Modifiers from
Rotbomb are cumulative with other armour save modifiers.

Grandfather Nurgle's Circle of Life Cast on 25+

Equilibrium. Devotees of Nurgle insist that there is a fragment of the Plaguefather in every living thing. A wizard who
casts this spell will discover the truth of the matter,
Grandfather Nurgle's Circle of Life is a direct damage spell with a range of 36". It inflicts 5D6 hits on
the target that wound on a 4+, with no armour saves allowed. If at least 10 unsaved Wounds are caused,
the spell also summons a Great Unclean One (if the caster is a Daemon of Chaos) or a Daemon Prince
with the Mark of Nurgle (if the caster is a Chaos Sorcerer) within 12" of the target (or the target's
position, if it was completely destroyed).

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The forbidden sorceries of Slaanesh are all the more tempting when the Winds of Magic are at their peak.
All Wizards who know one or more spells from the Lore of Slaanesh or the Daemon Lore of Slaanesh
know these Cataclysm spells.

Slothful Stupor Cast on 5+

Presence. Though perhaps not the vice with which Slaanesh is mostly closely associated, sloth is just one more form of
excess for the Prince of Chaos and his chosen wizards to feed upon. No natural malaise is this, but a derp and abiding
spiritual ennui that saps all sense of purpose and enthusiasm from the victim.
Remains in play. Slothful Stupor is a hex spell with a range of 24". For the duration of the spell, the target
is reduced to Leadership 2, gains the Stupidity special rule and cannot benefit from a General's Inspiring
Presence rule, nor a Battle Standard Bearer's Hold Your Ground! Special rule.

Song of Seduction Cast on 20+

Presence. Every man has his price; even if he knows it not, and Slaanesh's capering wizards can divine and manipulate
such things whilst magic flows strong.
Remains in play. Song of Seduction is a hex spell with a range of 24". For the duration of the spell,
models in the target unit must reduce their Leadership by 2, and immediately change loyalties - you can
control this unit as if it were part of your army for as long as the spel1 lasts. If the target is in close
combat, separate the units by 1" (you may have to shuffle several units to make this work - this is fine, so
long as you don’t gain an unfair advantage from it).

Characters in the unit can attempt to resist the spell by passing a Leadership test when the spell is
successfully cast - if the character succeeds, the controlling player removes him from the unit and places
him within 3" of it, facing any direction.

At the end of each subsequent Magic phase, the unit will attempt to reassert its own will by taking a
Leadership test (on its modified Ld). If the test is passed, the spell is dispelled.


Ile Blood God despises sorcery, and loathes incantations that invoke his Dark Brothers more than any
other mortal artifice. While he bestows no spells to speak of, his contribution to a magical battle is
typically direct...
Should such a spell rouse Khorne's ire, he is wont to vent his wrath on the mortal world, to remind all
creatures that the mightiest of the immortal Chaos Gods needs not resort to trickery to win his battles.

If one of the Cataclysm spells from the Lore of Tzeentch, Lore of Nurgle, or Lore of Slaanesh is miscast,
Khorne rises from his throne to hurl a brass skull onto the battlefield. This is resolved after the miscast
and is treated as a stone thrower shot, which does not scatter, aimed at the Wizard who miscast. If the
Wizard has already been slain by the miscast it is aimed at the point he occupied

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As beings distrustful of sorcery at the best of times, the Dwarfs look upon storms of magic with even less
favour than other races. With no wizards to control the wild magic that gusts and howls through the
mountains, the Dwarfs have long learnt that the best way to survive such times is to seal the doors to
their holds, prepare the Runes of Spellbreaking, and wait for the storm to subside.

Yet such tactics are not suitable for every storm of magic - sometimes the Dwarfs must abandon their
isolationism, and venture beyond the mountains to protect their interests and holdings. On such
occasions do the Runesmiths descend to the deepest of hearth vaults, crack the seals upon great stone
doors and retrieve the Ancestor Runes.

The Ancestor Runes were forged thousands of years ago, and only the richest holds can boast more than
a handful. During ordinary times, these heirlooms lie inert, waiting for the Winds of Magic to rise and
give them life. Once awakened, an Ancestor Rune is empowered by drawing raw magic out of the air,
charging itself with power according to the desires of its creator. This charge normally takes many weeks
to build, but by placing an Ancestor Rune atop an Arcane Fulcrum, a Runesmith can hasten this process.
Only when the Ancestor Rune glows with a blinding light does the Runesmith strike down with his
hammer, discharging the energy within to strike his foes or invigorate his allies.


A Runesmith (this also includes Runelords) who occupies an Arcane Fulcrum can empower Ancestor
Runes during his own Magic phase. An Ancestor Rune's effect depends upon the character of the
ancestor in question. Each Runesmith can only attempt to empower each Ancestor Rune once per Magic
phase, but each Ancestor Rune has the potential to effect more than one unit, depending how successful
the Runesmith is.


Select one of your eligible Runesmiths and declare which of the Ancestor Runes he will empower. You'll
notice that each of the Ancestor Runes corresponds to a particular spell type and follows all the targeting
restrictions for the relevant type.

When you've declared which Ancestor Rune you wish to use, choose how many dice you will use from
the power pool. Though the empowering of runes is not magic in the conventional sense, the rune still
draws power from the fulcrum, and thus the Winds of Magic.

Just like a Wizard casting a spell, a Runesmith can use up to six dice from the power pool when
attempting to empower an Ancestor Rune. The more dice you draw from the power pool, the more
powerful the rune's effect will be, but the more dangerous the act of empowering is for the Runesmith.


Now, take your chosen number of dice from the power pool, and roll them. For each power dice you roll,
the Runesmith gives the rune one mighty blow with his hammer. Results of 1, 2 and 3 are ignored - the
Runesmith has failed to unlock the rune's potential.

Each result of 4 or 5 is a successful striking. The rune's power has been successfully harnessed; however
enemy Wizards can attempt to drain the rune's power before it takes effect, as explained below.

Each result of 6 is an irresistible striking. This is a successful striking where the rune's power is unleashed
with such incredible force that no amount of magical defence can prevent it from taking effect - though
the Runesmith will likely suffer the consequences of releasing such unrestrained power.
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Before you resolve the effects of your successful striking’s, your opponent has one chance to drain the
power from your Ancestor Rune. Unlike a conventional dispel, he doesn't need to nominate whether one
of his Wizards or the army will make the attempt - there are no bonuses of any kind when attempting to
drain an Ancestor Rune's power, so it is quite irrelevant who makes the attempt. Each time an Ancestor
Rune is empowered, only one drain attempt can be made, so choose the number of dice carefully.

First, your opponent declares how many of his dispel dice he will use in his attempt to drain the rune.
There is no limit on the number of dice that can be used in this manner, though he must use at least one
dice from the pool.

Your opponent then takes the number of dice declared from his dispel pool and rolls them. For every
result of a 4 or more, the enemy drains the power from one of your successful striking’s, effectively
nullifying it and reducing your successful striking’s by one. Note, however that irresistible striking’s
cannot be drained in this manner - nothing can stay the fury of a properly struck Ancestor Rune!

Remember that magic items or special rules that give you bonuses of any kind to dispel dice or dispel
attempts do not affect attempts to drain runes.

If you rolled one or more 6s when striking the Ancestor Rune, the power that bursts forth is somewhat
more so than would normally be the case. You've already had the benefit of this, in the form of your
opponent not being able to drain the success, but now the Runesmith will have to cope with the side
effects: once the striking has been resolved, the Runesmith rolls on the Arcane Fulcrum Miscast table.


If, at this point, you are left with no successes at all, then the striking has failed - the Runesmith hangs his
head in shame and resolves to do better next time. If one or more successes remain, you can now resolve
the effect of the Ancestor Rune, as detailed in its entry. From this point onwards, the effects of the
Ancestor Rune follow all the rules for spe1l resolution, as given in the Warhammer rulebook.

Note that an empowering attempt from a single Runesmith can only target a unit once per Magic phase -
if you have more successful striking’s than eligible targets, any extras are lost. If multiple Runesmiths
empower the same Ancestor Rune in the same Magic phase, then they can each target each unit once

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The forgers of the Ancestor Runes were as proud of their craft as any Runesmith before or since, much
given to artful embellishment of their works. Although individual Ancestor Runes might differ in
appearance from hold to hold, the power they call down varies not one jot, as decreed by strict rules of
traditional runework. Karaz-a-Karak's Ancestor Runes of Grimnir are inset with filigreed dragon shapes,
whilst those of Barakk Varr are inlaid with silvered sea beasts. Yet when struck, they respond with
identical fury.

Ancestor Rune of Grungni

Grungni's rune inspires the smiting of foes and valour of arms.
The Ancestor Rune of Grungni is an augment rune with a range of 24” It targets a number of units
equal to the number of successful striking’s. Targets gain the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule and can re-
roil all failed To Hit rolls for both shooting and close combat attacks (war machines that do not roll to hit
receive no benefit). The effects of Ancestor Rune of Grungni last until the start of the Runesmiths next
Magic phase.

Ancestor Rune of Grimnir

It is said that when Grimnir's rune is struck, the ancestor himself seeks vengeance on the foe, smiting them with molten rock
torn from the belly of the earth.
The Ancestor Rune of Grimnir is a direct damage rune with a range of 24".It targets a number of units
equal to the number of successful striking’s. Each target suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits.

Ancestor Rune of Valaya

When released from. the rune, Valaya’s blessing instils the Dwarfs with determination, lending new strength to the severely
wounded and fresh resolve to wavering hearts.
The Ancestor Rune of Valaya is an augment rune with a range of 24". It targets a number of units, equal
to the number of successful striking’s. Targets immediately regain D3 + 1 Wounds' worth of models, as
described for in the Regrowth spell in the Lore of Life. Targets also gain the Unbreakable special rule
until the start of the Runesmith's next Magic phase.

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As magic flows wildly across the land, ancient artefacts crackle with fresh power. Some stir to life for the
first time in centuries. Others recover from a torporous state, once again taking on the full potential of
their initial forging.

Mythic Artefacts are magic items, albeit of an immensely powerful sort. They are famous throughout the
world, having come to prominence in the hands of legendary warlords.


An army can take up to one Mythic Artefact (a grand army up to two) using its Monsters and Magic
points allowance. Each item must be allocated to a different character in your army before armies are

Note that Mythic Artefacts do not count towards your character's maximum allowance of magic items - a
Lord who already has 100 points' worth of magic items can still be given a single Mythic Artefact of any
points value, providing that he is not already carrying a magic item of the same type.

Many Mythic Artefacts grow in power the more Arcane Fulcrums your army controls, as detailed in the
relevant entry. If you are able to cast Presence spells, your Mythic Artefacts have the Presence effect, if
you are able to cast Equilibrium spells, your Mythic Artefacts have the Equilibrium effect, and so on.

Note that 'empower bonuses' are always gained and lost immediately as the control of Arcane
Fulcrums shifts, meaning that the bonuses and effects of the items can alter several times a turn, a phase
or even a sub-phase. Whenever an empower effect, be it a characteristic increase, bonus, etc., has the
potential to affect the game, double-check the relative control of Arcane Fulcrums so you can be sure
exactly what that effect is.

Magic and Wisdom

As will soon be apparent, Mythic Artefacts are powerful in a way that far eclipses the magic items that commonly grace a
Warhammer battlefield. They are capable of seemingly impossible feats that will transform your battles into the stuff of
legend. However; bear in mind that whilst the rules given here cover a great many of the outcomes of using these Mythic
Artefacts, they do not always willingly conform to the exact strictures of the game. On rare occasions, you will need to apply
some common sense, but that is the price of using such powerful magic. As with any game of Warhammer, if you are ever in
doubt as to the proper way to resolve a rules question, roll off with your opponent to determine the outcome.

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Magic Weapon
Legend goes that this blade was forged in the first ray of light to strike the world. The energy of this auspicious enchantment
remains embedded deep within the burnished blade, waiting to be called forth once more in a blaze of glory

When attacking with the Dawnstar Sword, the bearer doubles his Attacks characteristic.

The Dawnstar Sword is empowered as the owning player gathers more of the storm of magic's power.

Presence: Attacks made with the Dawnstar Sword hit automatically.

Equilibrium: Attacks made with the Dawnstar Sword hit and wound automatically.
Dominance: Attacks made with the Dawnstar Sword hit and wound automatically and have the Multiple
Wounds (2D6) special rule.


Magic Weapon
This sword has ever had a twisted sense of humour; seeking outmatched heroes and aiding them against a chosen foe.
However, the Blade of Last Resort draws its strength from a victor’s glorious lifeblood; those that best an opponent with its
aid themselves have moments to live.

The bearer of the Blade of Last Resort must issue a challenge if able and must accept a challenge if one is
issued. For the duration of that challenge, the bearer must fight with the Blade of Last Resort and adds
+D6 to all of his characteristics (roll once and apply the result to all characteristics). Immediately after the
challenge has been resolved (because either of the characters locked in the challenge has been slain, or
because one side has fled) the bearer of the Blade of Last Resort is also removed as a casualty, granting
the enemy a combat result equal to his remaining Wounds at that point. The Blade of Last Resort then
magically appears in the hand of a randomly chosen character (chosen from the characters on both sides.
Any magic weapon that character is already carrying is instantly destroyed.


Enchanted Item
Said to have been left behind by the Old Ones, this peculiar object can be used to remake the world. Each alteration to the
Dodecahedron's external matrix is reflexed on the land around the user. Its ill-considered use can easily prove catastrophic...

Bound spell (power level 12). One use only. The Dodecahedron of Continental Drift can only be used if
you are playing on a Realm of Battle board, or some other kind of modular battlefield.

Choose two board sections and swap them over, rotating the chosen sections to face any direction,
provided that they will fit in the same space. Units, terrain etc. are moved along with their board section
(be careful now) and do not themselves change facing (though they will do so if the board is rotated).

If an engaged unit is partially on the chosen board section, the Dodecahedron of Continental Drift
cannot move that section - choose a different board section, or the ability fails and nothing happens. If an
unengaged unit is partially on the chosen board section, the controlling player immediately moves the unit
fully onto one board section by the minimum possible distance (he can choose which board section)
ensuring that no unengaged unit ends up within 1" of another unit or impassable terrain. Each player
moves his own units - roll-off to see who starts, alternating from that point. If a terrain feature is partially
on the chosen board section, move the feature fully onto one board section by the minimum possible
distance (you can choose which board section).

Note that you cannot use the Dodecahedron of Continental Drift to place a board section in such a way
that it looks ridiculous. Just apply a little common sense, and this should be obvious. The most frequent
occurrence comes where a board has part of a hill sculpted into it - here you'll normally have to match
this up with another hill, or else align it with the edge of the battlefield. Any other solution will ordinarily
look absurd.
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Enchanted Item
Though Fozzrik’s magical aptitude had him to become a wizard, he never lost his love for architecture. Many of the Old
World’s cities have been built around the immaculate structures that Fozzrik created from stone and sorcery, but more
prized by far are his floating fortresses - buildings that move under their own power and sprout defences to repel intruders.

After deployment zones have been agreed, but before the armies have been deployed, place a Citadel
Watchtower (or some other suitable tower model of roughly the same size) in your deployment zone to
represent the Floating Fortress. If you do not have a suitable building to place, you cannot use Fozzrik's
Floating Fortress. Continue with deployment.

If there is a unit in Fozzrik's Floating Fortress, providing that a garrison has not entered or left that turn,
the garrisoning player can have it make a Hover move at the end of his Remaining Moves sub-phase - this
does not prevent the garrison from shooting Move or Fire weapons. Note that this is the only time the
Floating Fortress can move. It cannot charge, flee, pursue nor be moved by spells or other magical

The Floating Fortress is empowered as the garrisoning player gathers more of the storm of magic's
power, granting additional powers that are cumulative (so when you are in Equilibrium you would apply
both the Presence and Equilibrium effects and so on) and can be directed by its garrisoning unit. If the
Floating Fortress has no garrison, these effects do not apply.

The fortress gate warps into a leering face that breathes great gouts of fire against attackers. At the start of
the Shooting phase, the garrisoning player places the flame template so that the narrow end is touching
the main fortress door and the template otherwise touches no other part of the fortress. All models
(friendly and enemy) lying under the template suffer a Strength 4 hit.

Monstrous stone gargoyles burst from the fortress battlements to hurl rocks at the enemy below.
During the Shooting phase, all unengaged enemy units within 5" suffer 2D6 Strength 3 hits.

Great stone fists burst from the Floating Fortress' walls, squashing flat those enemies foolish enough to
approach. Any enemy unit that assaults the building suffers 2D6 Strength l0 hits in the Close Combat
phase, resolved at Initiative l.

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Enchanted Item
Once upon a time, all the woods in the world were linked. Some say this great forest was alive, in a carious sort of way and
that every tree that now grows retains a portion of its vigour and intelligence just waiting to be revived.

One use only. Bound spell (power level 12). Choose a Citadel Wood, or other model wood of similar size,
within 12" of the bearer - that wood now comes to life and fights on your side.

Once the forest has woken, any unengaged unit at least partially inside automatically flees as if it had
failed a Panic test, with the centre of the forest as the source of the Panic. Unbreakable units and units
that are Immune to Psychology do not flee, but instead make a steady retreat - they are moved out of and
1" away from, the forest by the shortest possible route, in such a way that the unit does not end up within
I" of another unit or impassable terrain. If this is impossible, the unit is removed as a casualty. Each
player moves his own units - roll off to see who starts, alternating from then on. Units engaged in close
combat are simply removed from play as casualties - they don't see the forest turn nasty in enough time to
escape and are mulched!

For the sake of sanity, a woken forest thereafter uses the rules for a garrisoned building. The garrison unit
consists of 3 Guardian Trees, each with the following profile.

Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
NA 3 3 5 7 10 1 10 10

Troop Type: Monstrous Infantry.

Special Rules: Fear, Flammable, Unbreakable.

Tree Trait: From the moment the forest is 'woken' roll on the Mysterious Forest chart (if you haven't
already done so earlier in the game). Depending on the type of forest, the Guardian Trees will have an
additional special rule:

Abyssal Wood - Terror

Blood Forest - Frenzy.
Fungus Forest - Regeneration.
Venom Thicket - Poisoned Attacks.
Wildwood - Hatred.

Branch Barrage: This ability is treated as a shooting attack with the following profile:

Range Strength Special Rules

12" 5 Multiple Shots (D6), Quick to Fire

Unlike normal buildings, the forest can also declare and complete charges. The forest has a Movement
Allowance of 4 to charge in a 360 degree arc. The forest can never charge more than one unit - if this
makes the charge impossible, it automatically fails. The forest does not have to 'close the door' to align,
but just has to complete the charge in such a manner that it is touching the chosen enemy unit. Naturally,
the forest itself cannot attack or be attacked in close combat, although the garrison fight and are fought
normally - models are selected to fight the garrison in exactly the same way as for a building. If all the
Guardian Trees are slain, the forest is immediately removed from play as a casualty.

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Enchanted Item
Arboreonecromancy is a little-practised branch of wizardry – any mystic crazed enough to attempt it normally transfers his
attentions back to raising zombies and skeletons, rather than Undead trees. However; legends tell of the Archmage Sycamo,
'The Daemon Carpenter of Estalia', who not only perfected a method of reanimating trees from their residual elements, but
also of filling them with astounding vigour. Much of Sycamo’s work has, fortunately, been lost to the intervening aeons, but
the Living Deadwood Staff never stays missing for long...

Whilst the bearer of the Deadwood Staff is alive, all forests count as Blood Forests as well as their usual
type. At the end of your Remaining Moves sub-phase, you can move every forest on the battlefield up to
6" in any direction. If there are models in the forests, these are left behind in the same formation and
facing. Forests cannot move into impassable terrain, or be left so that they balance on other terrain
features in an unsightly way. It's fine to move a forest onto a hill or place other terrain features within a
forest, if it has sufficient movement and it doesn’t look odd. When each forest's final position has been
determined, any models that would be underneath it are placed within it, with the same formation and

The Living Deadwood Staff is empowered as the owning player gathers more of the storm of magic's

Blood Forests inflict 2D6 hits at Strength 5, instead of their usual damage.

Blood Forests inflict 3D6 hits at Strength 6, instead of their usual damage.

Blood Forests inflict 4D6 hits at Strength 7, instead of their usual damage.

In addition, the Living Deadwood Staff contains a bound spell (power level 12). This is a summoning
spell with unlimited range. Place a Citadel Wood, or a wood of similar size, anywhere on the table. Any
models that would be underneath the new forest are replaced within it, with the same facing and
formation. This is a Mysterious Forest.

GIANTKIN HELM 150 points

Enchanted Item
After constantly being told 'We expect big things from you,' by his Elector Count father; Heinrich von Roth spent much of
the family fortune commissioning an artefact that would help him achieve greatness. Alas, he was lo learn that when dealing
with wizards, precision of diction is just as important as largesse of payment.

One use only. The Giantkin Helm can be activated at the start of any of your turns. It transmogrifies the
bearer, and any mount he may be riding, into a single Giant (as found on page 104). If the bearer is in a
unit, he can remain with that unit, even though he is now technically a monster. If he cannot be placed in
the unit because there is not enough room, then the Giantkin Helm cannot be used. Whilst transformed,
the bearer uses the profile of a Giant, cannot channel or cast spells and all of his other magic items and
equipment stop working. If you don't have a Giant model, then the Giantkin Helm does nothing.

At the start of each subsequent player turn, roll a D6. On a score of 2-6, nothing untoward happens. On a
score of 1, the energies of the Giantkin Helm fizzle out, returning the bearer and any mounts, to normal
form. Any Wounds suffered whilst a Giant are carried over onto the bearer's normal form, even if this
kills him. The Giantkin Helm's effect cannot voluntarily be ended.

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Enchanted Item
Th.is peculiar bauble was rafted long ago, its purpose very much tied to storms of magic. Once a particular Wind of Magic
rises to a certain cataclysmic level, the Windcatcher Prism absorbs and rechannels a portion of its power bestowing the bearer
- and his immediate allies - with an avataric aspect of the ascendant Wind of Magic.

The bearer and his unit receive a bonus special rule, depending on which Battle Magic lore is ascendant.
This bonus lasts as long as that lore is ascendant, and changes to a different special rule when another lore
becomes ascendant.

Lore Bonus Special Rules

Fire Burning Blades. The unit re-rolls failed To Wound rolls (in shooting and close combat).
Furthermore, the unit has the Flaming Attacks special ru1e.
Beasts Primal Rage. The unit has the Frenzy, Swiftstride and Hatred special rules.
Light Swiftswords. The unit is Initiative 10 and has the Always Strikes First special rule.
Metal Metamolten. The unit's shooting and close combat Attacks ignore armour saves and
always have a To Wound score equal to the armour save of the target.
Life Boundless Renewal. The unit has the Regeneration special rule. In addition, keep track of
any regeneration rolls of a 5 the unit makes. At the end of each phase, restore 1 Wound
to the unit for each such roll during that phase, as described for the Regrowth spell in
the Lore of Life.
Heavens Fortune. The unit re-rolls any ls rolled To Hit, To Wound and as saving throws.
Shadow Cloak of lllusion. Non-magical Attacks that roll To Hit can only hit the unit on 5s. Magical
Attacks hit the unit normally.
Death Reawakening. At the end of each phase, every unsaved Wound caused by the unit (by any
means) immediately restores I Wound to the unit, as described for the Regrowth spell in
the Lore of Life.


Enchanted Item
Paranoth was a famous travelling mage, who trod every road ‘twixt Cathay and Naggarond. Naturally, only a particularly
foolish wizard would journey such roads without defences, so Paranoth wove himself a sorcerous fence to defend his
encampments whilst he and his companions slept.

Paranoth's Piquet Fence can be activated at the start of any of your turns. Choose a hill, marsh or forest
within 12" of the bearer. That terrain feature now counts as a building, as well as its normal type. It
retains any special rules associated with that terrain feature's type (Paranoth's Piquet Fence doesn't stop
you from drowning in the marsh). If you've some fences, or other suitable terrain features, placing them
around the fenced-in terrain feature is a fun reminder.

Units in the terrain feature that cannot occupy buildings are moved out of and 1" away from it, in such a
way that the unit does not end up within 1" of another unit or impassable terrain, by the shortest possible
distance. If this is impossible, the unit is removed as a casualty. Each player moves his own units – roll off
to see who starts, alternating from that point. Of those units that remain, choose one - this unit is now
considered to be occupying the 'building'. Al1 other remaining units must then be moved as described

Roll a D6 at the start of each subsequent player turn. On a roll of a 1, Paranoth's Piquet Fence stops
working and the terrain feature returns to normal.

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Enchanted Item

Androgast Glldheim was the first man in the Empire to master this granite flute, but its origins lie hidden in the mists of
time. Some say that the Rockcharmers Flute was used to destroy the old Dwarfen realms, others that it sank the fabled
realm of Seidon. However; the most popular tale concerns a drunken Halfling, the Rockcharmer's Flute, a jug of lamp oil, a
plate of sausages and the accidental creation of the Grey Mountains...

Bound spell (power level 12). One use only. Choose a hill within 12" of the bearer. Models on the hill
each suffer a Strength 4 hit. The hill then immediately moves 2D6" in a direction of your choice (hills that
are modelled onto the board cannot move, though they do inflict hits as described earlier). Surviving units
are left behind with the same formation and facing, as the hill ‘walks’ off.

Hills cannot move into impassable terrain, or be left so that they balance on another terrain features in an
unsightly way (as discussed in guidance for summoning spells, except that they will stop l" away from any
offending features rather than be destroyed). If the hill moves, when its final position has been
determined, any model that would be underneath it, or has been moved over by it, suffers a Strength 4
hit. Any surviving units that would be underneath the hill are replaced on top of the hi1l, with the same
facing and formation.


Enchanted Item
This set of weighted dice is one amongst many forged by Aractvian Wyssan over the course of a long and (unsurprisingly)
successful wagering career. At the bearer's command, these skull-marked cubes play havoc with the laws of causality; turning
certainty into bleak misfortune.

One use only. Wyssan's Weighted Dice are used at the start of one of your turns. When used, the bearer
chooses two numbers from 1 to 6. For the remainder of the game turn, all dice rolls of the first number
are treated, in all respects, as a dice roll of the second number. This applies to all dice rolls: yours, your
opponent's and any neutral rolls, such as for determining the Winds of Magic and magical flux. It even
includes single dice roiled as part of a 2D6, 3D6 and so on.

Wyssan's Weighted Dice are empowered as the owning player gathers more of the storm of magic's

Immediately after Wyssan's Weighted Dice are used, roll a D6. On a score of 6+ they can be used once
more later in the game.
As for Presence, however Wyssan's Weighted Dice can be reused on a ro11 of 5+.
As for Presence, however Wyssan's Weighted Dice can be reused on a roll of 4+.

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Arcane Item
This elegantly crafted container houses many hundreds of glittering gemstones, each with the power to harness the Winds of
Magic if used in the correct manner. Alas, the user can never truly be sure that the compartment he has opened will contain
the gems he needed.

During your Magic phase, the Arabyan Puzzlebox has an effect based on the Winds of Magic roll. If the
total rolled for the Winds of Magic is an odd number, add D6 dice to your power pool. If the total rolled
for the Winds of Magic is an even number, you can re-roll the D3 for Magical Flux.
The Arabyan Puzzlebox is empowered as the owning player gathers more of the storm of magic's power.
If the roll for the Winds of Magic contains one or more doubles, the bearer receives a casting bonus of
+3 to all spells this turn.
In addition to the Presence effect, if the roll for the Winds of Magic contains one or more doubles, the
bearer's characteristics are increased by D3 (to a maximum of 10). Roll once and apply the result to all
In addition to the Presence and Equilibrium effects, if the roll for the Winds of Magic contains one or
more doubles, the bearer's spells (even Cataclysm spells) will cause irresistible force and a miscast on a
roll of any double.


Arcane Item
Ibn Nagazar was a brilliant, if somewhat maniacal, Arabyan sorcerer. Whilst it is unknown whether his madness sprang
from isolation, too many attempts at creating intoxicating 'elixirs' or the honeyed promises of whispering Daemons, there can
be no doubt that he was utterly insane. No rational wizard would create a book inked on the skin of his closest family;
much less constantly follow its advice.

The Black Book of Ibn Naggazar grants the bearer the Loremaster (Death) and Loremaster (Shadow)
special rules - these spells replace any he already knows. However, a blood sacrifice must be made
whenever the bearer casts a spell from either the Lore of Death or the Lore of Shadow.
Each time the bearer attempts to cast such a spell, make a blood sacrifice roll to see the number of
victims claimed by the book. Roll a D3 - remove this number of models from the caster's unit as
casualties, and add this many dice to the bearer's casting attempt (this can take the number of dice used
beyond 6 and the total in the pool temporarily above 24). If there are insufficient 'volunteers' for the
sacrifice, the bearer is also dragged into the book - he and his unit are removed as casualties and the spell
automatically fails. No saves of any kind can be taken by models claimed by the book.
If the caster has not attempted to cast a spell from either the Lore of Death or the Lore of Shadow by the
end of each of his Magic phases, he is devoured by the Daemons within the book and removed as a
The Black Book of Ibn Naggazar is empowered as the owning player gathers more of the storm of
magic's power.
Roll a D6, rather than a D3, for blood sacrifice.
Roll 2D6, rather than a D3, for blood sacrifice.
Roll 3D6, rather than a D3, for blood sacrifice.

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When the Winds of Magic howl, who knows what madness will come sailing in upon that unnatural gale?
For a brief time the world will be suffused with so much raw power that anything could happen...
Storm of Magic opens up endless new vistas of gaming possibilities. The Storm of Magic scenario
presents all the fundamentals for battling it out during a raging tempest of magical power - introducing
Arcane Fulcrums, Magical Flux, Wild Magic and so on. This brief section is about further exploring the
many gaming opportunities presented by these great storms that periodically sweep across the lands.
What if during your battle, the sheer saturation of enchanted energy from a storm of magic caused
unnatural phenomenon to happen Are you tactically able to confront not only the enemy, but also newly
risen and erupting volcanoes or suddenly sentient and decidedly hostile forests? What if roused by the
storm, all manner of monsters join in the bloodletting, eager to feed on anything they can catch. It will
take a mentally agile commander to control Arcane Fulcrums that shift in and out of reality, blinking
across the battlefield. These are strange and unforeseen effects, but who truly knows what can happen
when raw Chaos is unleashed upon the world!

By altering a few key elements in a scenario, it is possible to add a simple twist to an existing battle or,
with more substantial additions, to design something entirely new. Below are some of the elements you
can alter to change a Storm of Magic scenario.
Changing how armies are selected for a game is an easy way to vary your battles and could be as simple as
modifying army selection percentages. Think what being able to take up to 50% of your force total in
Lords could do! That's a lot of powerful Wizards that could join your battle! Likewise, an increase in the
allotment for Scrolls of Binding will allow for a very different kind of game. A more radical addition
would be adding a third party to a battle, some neutral force such as a special monster or mad
necromancer that will act automatically to protect itself.
Special scenery is one of the most visual ways to change a scenario. This could be a special piece of
terrain that serves as the game's sole objective, such as a famous Wizard's Tower like the Gargoyle Tower
or the Ebon Tower of Eternity, or it could be an entire setup - like a battle that takes place on floating
islands of clouds or amidst rivers of magma. Some storms of magic open up portals to the Realm of
Chaos and who knows what insanity might slip through to alter your landscape. Later in this chapter are
examples of specific sorcerous terrain to try.
Scenario Special Rules
A scenario special rule could account for anything your fevered imagination can invent. The skies might
rain blood, Daemons might materialise along magical fault lines or a man-eating mystical mist could
enshroud the battlefield, baring its fog-like fangs. The most enjoyable special rules are thematic to the
game itself and force both players to think and react, often altering their style of play.


Storm of Magic provides a framework of rules and an evocative backdrop for your games. With some
tweaking or outright inventing of your own, you can create your own never-seen before challenges, cater
to your personal miniature and terrain collections and really let your imagination run wild.
Imagine creating your very own monster – some mighty beast that opposing Wizards can attempt to
mind control and bind into service. Failure means the creature will run amok or, worse, be bound into the
ranks of your foe! How about a team of Skaven Warlock Engineers with their claptrap doomsday weapon
that is attempting to channel the storm for their own nefarious purpose! There are new spells to invent,
ancient Daemons fettered in mythic prisons waiting to be set free by the storm's fury and mysterious
temples whose statues come alive when the correct magical lore is in ascendancy upon the wayward and
gusting Winds of Magic.

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What happens when two armies converse upon a storm of magic only to find that a powerful and quite deranged wizard is
already on the scene trying to absorb the arcane energy all for himself?

Each player chooses his force as per the Storm of Magic scenario
A special Arcane Fulcrum is placed in the centre of the board - this will be known as the Altar of
Madness. Players take it in turn to place between four and six Citadel Woods (or forests of a similar size)
although none can be placed within 12" of the Altar of Madness or within 6" of each other.
Roll off to see which player picks which half of the table they will deploy in. Their opponent will deploy
in the other half. The player that chose his board half must deploy his entire army first within 12" of his
long table edge. He must also place a single Arcane Fulcrum anywhere in his own deployment zone. Once
the first player has deployed, his opponent must do likewise, placing his models within 12" of his own
long table edge and a single Arcane Fulcrum anywhere within his deployment zone. Scouts are placed last,
beginning with the player who set up first.

Moving Madness
Although the Altar of Madness starts the battle in the direct centre of the battlefield, it will not stay there for long. Be
prepared with a few units to chase the teleporting pylon across the tabletop if needs be.

The player that set up second rolls a D6. On a 6 he chooses who goes first. On a 1-5 the player that set
up first chooses who goes first.

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The battle will last for six game turns, or until a time limit agreed by the players is reached, whichever
comes first.
The victory conditions for the game are straightforward - at the end of the battle, whoever controls the
Altar of Madness is the winner. Note, this could be either player or even the Mad Mage himself. If no one
controls the Altar, the blade is a draw, although a player that slays the Mad Mage earns bragging rights.


This scenario uses all the special rules from the Storm of Magic scenario and additionally uses the Mad
Mage and Altar of Madness special rules.

Mad Mage
With his name lost over ages of insanity, this long corrupted Wizard has spent his days wandering the
Darkwald Downs in an addled, but incessant search for a key to great power... and it seems that he's
found it. The Mad Mage starts the game rubbing his hands together and cackling maniacally atop the
Altar of Madness. He has the following profile:
Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Mad Mage 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 1 10 NA

Troop Type: Infantry (Character).

Magic: The Mad Mage is a Level 4 Wizard and knows but a single spell - the Invisible Fire of Tzeentch.
He automatically casts this (with a total casting result of 20) at the start of each and every Magic phase,
unless he is in combat when he cannot cast. He will always cast the spell at the nearest visible target and
both players can attempt to dispel it (starting with the player whose turn it is) using either dispel or power
Equipment: Hand weapon.

Altar of Madness
The Altar of Madness is a special Arcane Fulcrum that gives the Mad Mage his powers. The Mad Mage
can never voluntarily leave this Arcane Fulcrum, so, if he is forced to for any reason, he will automatically
die and be removed from play. So long as he remains atop the Altar of Madness, the Mad Mage has a 2+
ward save. If any other Wizard should mount the Altar of Madness, treat it as a normal Arcane Fulcrum.

Oversaturated with magic, the Altar of Madness teleports. So long as the Mad Mage is alive, at the start of
each turn, the Altar of Madness will teleport 2D6" in a random direction. If this would cause the fulcrum
to be placed on, or within 1" of, a unit, a terrain feature other than a hill, in impassable terrain, or off the
board, then increase or decrease the scatter distance along its displacement vector by the smallest amount
necessary so that it doesn't.

Not Too Close

A wise player will keep in mind that while the Mad Mage is alive he will always target the closest unit. Unless you have a
decent chance of charging the Mad Altar to claim it for yourself a sound tactic is to ensure that it is your foe who receives the
Mad Mage’s Invisible Fire of Tzeentch spell and not one of your own regiments.

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Under the most intense deluges of magical energies, the world itself can start to warp. As the laws of nature and the unreality
of the Realm of Chaos collide, the battlefield becomes an unstable and unpredictable place. A commander can never know
what will happen under the swirling clouds of a storm of magic...

Each player chooses his force as per the Storm of Magic scenario
The first things to set up are the Arcane Fulcrums. Three Arcane Fulcrums are placed on an imaginary
centre line (see map below), the first of which is in the exact middle of the table and the flanking ones
equidistant between the centre point and a short table edge. After the Arcane Fulcrums are placed, set the
rest of the battlefield up as described in the Warhammer rulebook.
Roll off to see which player picks which half of the table they will deploy in. The opponent will deploy in
the other half Players then take it in turn to place units on the table, using the alternating unit’s method of
deployment as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Units may be placed anywhere in their deployment
zone that is more than 12" from the centre line.

Roll off after deployment. The player with the highest result gets to choose whether to take the first turn
or not. The player who finished deploying his army first adds +1 to this roll.
The battle will last for six turns or until a time limit agreed by the players is reached.
At the end of the game, the player who controls the most Arcane Fulcrums wins the battle.
If both players control the same number of Arcane Fulcrums at the end of the game, then use the Victory
Points method, as described in the Warhammer rulebook, to determine the result of the battle.
This scenario uses all of the special rules from the Storm of Magic scenario in addition to the Reign of
Magic special rule detailed on the next page.

Three Fulcrums
This battle begins with the Arcane Fulcrums out of reach for both sides. Initial turns are bound to result in a race to claim
these mighty pylons.

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After determining Magical Flux, the player whose turn it is rolls on the Reign of Magic chart (below) and
applies the results.

D6 Roll Result
1. The Land is Alive! The landscape comes alive, hills gnaw and trees strike out...
Any unit on the battlefield within 6" of any terrain feature (hills, walls, forests, rivers,
buildings etc.) takes 2D6 Strength 4 hits with no armour saves allowed.
2. Green Glow of Madness. Morrslieb looms overlarge, its sickly glow suffusing the landscape.
All units taken from armies described as Forces of Destruction (see Warhammer rulebook)
or taken as Scrolls of Binding gain Frenzy for the remainder of the player turn.
3. Funnel of Doom. A vortex of swirling energy descends from the skies.
Place the small round template atop a randomly chosen Fulcrum and then make a single
2D6" move in a random direction. All models moved over or touched by the template suffer
a Strength 6 hit with no armour saves allowed. In addition, after all hits have been resolved,
any Wizard moved over or touched is sucked up and removed as a casualty on a D6 roll of
4. Eye of the Storm. The Winds of Magic are inexplicably stilled, as is wind in the eye of a hurricane.
Until the next Magic phase no power dice are generated - do not roll any dice for the Winds
of Magic (this cancels both Wild Magic and the usual 2D6 power dice rolled by the casting
player). Spells that are cast automatically, or magic items or special rules that generate power
dice, can be used as normal.
5. Born Anew. Due to time warp, magical reinvigoration or perhaps divine intervention, one thought dead
returns anew.
The player whose turn it is can return a single model that has been slain. This can be a single
character (including his mount), infantry, monstrous infantry, cavalry, monstrous cavalry,
swarm, war beast, monstrous beast, monster, chariot, or war machine. Models born anew
enter the battlefield from any point on any battlefield edge, using the rules for
6. Ascendancy Rules. The ascendant Wind of Magic bestows purest power.
Any Wizard using the ascendant lore, as determined by Magical Flux, can re-roll a single
casting attempt until the start of the caster's next Magic phase and can re-roll the first
Miscast table roll in each turn so long as his lore remains in ascendancy.

Beware the Eye

Storm of Magic games are often all about Wizards and their powerful spells. However this scenario adds the totally random
(and magic calming) Eye of the Storm result which can really throw a cog into your best laid plans. It just goes to show,
magic is unreliable even during its raging tempests!

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Stray sorcerous energy has a tendency to be drawn to magical structures or sanctums of the gods, often
unleashing untold dangers in its wake, and in a storm of magic, stray sorcery is rife.

Presented on the next few pages are some optional rules to cover the altered character that three terrain
pieces - specifically, Wizard's Towers, Sigmarite Shrines and Arcane Ruins - could have in your Storm of
Magic games.

The rules presented here are really just a starting point. You should feel free to use them as an inspiration
to create your own eldritch perils for the terrain pieces in your collection. During a storm of magic,
anything is possible!

Using Terrain
Terrain turns your table into a battlefield and provides a setting for your games. Storm of Magic games centre around
Arcane Fulcrums, but that doesn't mean you can't add more terrain into the battle - some of which can even count as
additional fulcrum In fact, if you are making up your own scenarios, you might want to create a game based around a specific
piece of terrain - say an infamous Wizard Tower; a ring of strange standing stones, or whatever you happen to have in your

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The landscape of the Warhammer world is littered with standing stones and monoliths - the forgotten
remnants of temples and towers long lost. Yet magic has not entirely forsaken these unhallowed places
and even now hangs heavy upon them.

In Storm of Magic games, Arcane Ruins retain their normal rules, which are repeated here for
ease of reference:

Any Wizard within 6" of an Arcane Ruin can choose to roll up to four dice when channelling, rather than
one. However, if three or more dice come up as 6s, the Wizard must immediately roll on the Miscast

However, when playing Storm of Magic games, Arcane Ruins are also treated as mysterious terrain. Who
knows precisely what sorceries led to their bleak and tumbled state, or what magic’s in which the
slumbering stones are steeped,

As soon as a unit moves to within 3" of the Arcane Ruins, roll to determine the exact nature of their
enchantment. These rules are cumulative with the basic effect of the Arcane Ruins described above.

D6 Result
1 Nothing - not counting the horrible stench, it's a 'normal' Arcane Ruin.
2 Arcane Fulcrum.
3 Zone of Hellfire.
4 Thaumic Lodestone.
5 Font of Rejuvenation.
6 Ghostly Infestation.

This ruin still retains a tie to the ancient leylines of the land.
This Arcane Ruin is treated as an Arcane Fulcrum in all respects.

As the Winds of Magic ebb and flow, these ruins explode into fiery life.
If any doubles are rolled for the Winds of Magic, all units within 3" of the Arcane Ruin suffer D6 hits
with a Strength equal to the highest double rolled.

Long ago, these ruins were set to manipulate the Winds of Magic, and so can they be used again.
Each player with at least one Wizard within 3" of the Arcane Ruins can re-roll one of the D6 rolled to
calculate the Winds of Magic.

The stones of this ruin glow with life-giving energies.
Any unit within 3" of the Arcane Ruins has the Regeneration (5*) special rule.

This ruin is the haunt of the cursed dead, whose unearthly wails and caterwauls chill the very hearts of those nearby.
Any unit within 3" of the Arcane Ruins suffers a -1 penalty to its Leadership.

General Purpose Terrain

When it comes to terrain, there is an advantage to scenery that is multi-purpose in its uses. For example, the plastic Arcane
Rains kit makes great looking terrain and will work fine for every one of the Mysterious Terrain options given here.

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Many choose sorcery as a path to power. Alas, such glories must be sought in solitude lest the common
folk take violent exception to the wizard's dabbling in the diabolical. So do many Wizard's Towers stand
in isolated and unwelcoming places, the better to ensure their owner’s quietude and safety (though
doubtless not always his sanity).

In Storm of Magic games, a Wizard's Tower retains its normal rules from the Warhammer rulebook.
However, when playing Storm of Magic games, Wizard's Towers are also treated as mysterious terrain.
The tower's original owner might well have held a full inventory of exactly what experiments and
sorceries lurked therein, but he's probably long dead by now. Furthermore, the billowing Winds of Magic
offer excellent opportunity for al1 manner of familiars and homunculi to burst free of their shackles and
wreak all kinds of havoc.

As soon as a unit enters (or deploys in) the Wizard's Tower, roll 2D6 to determine the exact nature of the
providence or peril within. These rules are cumulative with the basic effect of the Wizard's Tower.

D6 Result
2 Nothing - singing mice and dancing broomsticks aside, it's a 'normal' Wizards Tower
3 Arcane Fulcrum.
4 Cursed Library.
5 Seals of Scrying
6 Arcane Armoury
7 Ferocious Familiars
8 Spectral Attendants
9 Mutating Mirrors
10 Blessed Library
11 Poltergiests
12 Portal of Screaming Death

Strange Reflections
A Wizard’s Tower tends to be a highly magical structure that will absorb many of the properties of its owner. For example,
the tower of a Necromancer will tend to be mysterious, old and creaky - covered in the fell symbol used by those versed in the
arts of the Undead. Conversely the abode of an Orc Shaman is likely to be haphazardly angled and patched together with
crudely scrawled symbols of Orcish power

This tower is set at a crux point of leylines and absorbs energy during a storm of magic, power that a
skilled practitioner can easily put to use.
As long as the building is occupied only by a single Wizard, it is treated as an Arcane Fulcrum in all
respects. If other models are within, the muddy thoughts of lesser mortals prevent the Wizard from
utilising the fulcrum's full potential, and it is counted solely as a Wizard's Tower.

Books and tomes of a dark and blasphemous nature hang heavy on all the many shelves herein. The ominous aura they
exude is so thick as to be a cloying physical presence thot corrodes metal and undoes enchantments of warding.
All models from the Forces of Order garrisoning or assaulting the Wizard's Tower suffer a -1 penalty to
all armour saves and cannot take ward or regeneration saves.

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Invisible sentinels stand guard over this sorcerous dwelling divining that which intruders would wish kept secret.
Immediately after one of your units garrisons this building, all hidden information concerning that unit
(including magic items, concealed characters, spells and upgrades - no exceptions, even if the upgrade is
not specifically listed here) must be revealed to your opponent.

This tower is littered with countless armoires of enchanted weaponry, there for the taking by whosoever finds it. Though the
magic contained in these weapons lasts for only a short time outside the tower's confines, such a span is more than enough for
a band of determined warriors.
The first unit that garrisons this building receives +1 To Hit, +1 To Wound and their Attacks are
considered to be magical for the remainder of the game. Any unit that garrisons the building thereafter
arrives to find its riches already plundered - treat the building as an 'ordinary' Wizard's Tower for the rest
of the game.

A host of tiny but vicious and needle-toothed familiars dwell within this tower Though not brave enough to attack directly,
these mischievous imps snap at ankles, feet and shins when the opponent's attention is elsewhere, before scurrying away to
hide behind the pock marked wainscoting.
Any unit assaulting or defending the Wizard's Tower suffers 3D6 Strength I hits, resolved simultaneously
with Impact Hits.

Ethereal watchmen stand sentry over this particular Wizard Tower, attacking all who would wish the occupants harm.
Any unit assaulting the Wizard's Tower suffers 2D5 Strength 3 Attacks, resolved at Weapon Skill and
Initiative 3, in addition to any Attacks made by the defenders.

The walls of the tower are lined with distorting mirrors, somewhat akin to those found in a travelling carnival, with, one
important exception; these mirrors distort reality, not merely its reflection. Those who enter this glittering maze find their
forms irrevocably altered. No rhyme or reason drives this transmutation; it is governed solely by the wizardly whims of the
malefic mirrors.
Immediately, after one of your units garrisons this building, and at the start of every turn they are in
the building thereafter, roll on the following table to find out exactly what physical changes the mirrors
have wrought.

D6 Result
1 Bulk and Brawn. All models in the unit have +1 Strength and +1 Toughness
2 Tired and Timid. All models in the unit have -1 Initiative and -1 Leadership.
3 Slow but Sly. All models in the unit have -1 Movement and +1 Initiative.
4 Skilled but Sickly. All models in the unit have +1 Weapon Skill and -1 Toughness.
5 Frail but Full-hearted. All models in the unit have -1 Strength and +1 Leadership.
6 Fumbling and Frail. All models in the unit have -1 Weapon Skill and -1 Strength.

All bonuses and penalties are cumulative and last for the remainder of the game.

Tapestry and scripture laid down by beneficent and magnanimous gods line these walls.
All models from the Forces of Destruction garrisoning or assaulting the Wizard's Tower suffer a -1
penalty to all armour saves and cannot take ward or regeneration saves.

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Unquiet spirts lurk within this tower and will violently attack anyone foolish enough to enter
Immediately after one of your units garrisons this building, and at the start of every turn it is
in the building thereafter it suffers D6 Strength 4 hits to represent the barrage of broken furniture flung
by the poltergeists.


The insides of this tower are not lined with stone, wood or tanned flesh, but swirling magical energy that casts any entrant
into sorcerous oblivion.
Any unit that garrisons this building is removed from play as a casualty.

Risk versus Reward?

As with all Mysterious Terrain there are potential risks and rewards for entering a Wizard Tower. Some
results can be game-winners - such as the Arcane Fulcrum, or at the least, offer fantastic unit upgrades,
like the Arcane Armoury. Other results are dangerous, such as Ferocious Familiars or Poltergeists - even
more so if your Wizard isn't in a unit. The mere possibility of discovering a Portal of Screaming Death,
however; should make a player a bit nervous about entering such a structure!

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Many a Sigmarite Shrine has been the victim of a campaigning army, its altar smashed, its sanctums
defiled and its ground reconsecrated to some blasphemous deity. Some shrines are eventually reclaimed
by Sigmar's followers, but some are claimed by adherents of another of the Empire's faiths. As a result,
it's often not immediately obvious to which god a shrine is currently dedicated. This doesn't normally
matter a great deal, but during a storm of magic the gods pay much greater attention to those who
trespass upon their holy ground.

No matter how derelict a Sigmarite Shrine may be, some trace of its power remains. It therefore
retains its normal rules, repeated here for ease of reference:

Any models belonging to an army from the Forces of Destruction re-roll successful ward saves if they are
within 6" of the Sigmarite Shrine.

Your Own Temple

A piece of terrain to represent a shrine, temple or holy site for your army is a great addition to
any Warhammer player’s terrain collection and can become a centrepiece for any army. If your force does not have a shrine
listed in the Ineffably Mysterious section then you can either appropriate the set of rules that best fit your army deity, or; with
your opponents consent, make up your own rules.

Additionally, the first time any unit enters (or deploys in) the shrine, roll 2D6 to determine the
deity to which it is now dedicated, and the 'blessing' that unit receives. All blessings apply to the unit and
any characters in it, unless otherwise stated. Any units that enter the Shrine thereafter are unaffected.

D6 Result
2 Gork (or possibly Mork)
3 The Horned Rat
4 Ulric, God of Wolves, War & Winter
5 Grandfather Nurgle
6 Slaanesh, Prince of Chaos
7 Sigmar, Warrior God of the Empire
8 Tzeentch, Changer of Ways
9 Khorne, Lord of Battles
10 Morr, Guardian of the Dead
11 The Lady of the Lake
12 Ranald, Patron of Tricksters


The greenskin gods (but especially Gork) reward the flightiest of fighters by making them even flightier
A1l models in the unit immediately get +1 Strength and +1 Weapon Skill.


Any warriors who survive the battle will evince rodent-like traits in the weeks to come, but it's too late to worry about that...
All models in the unit immediately get +1 Movement and +1 Initiative.


Ulric espouses the might of the warrior and those who enter his domain are thus blessed.
If the unit is from the Forces of Order any champions and characters in the unit immediately get +1
Weapon Skill, +1 Strength and +1 Attack.
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Those who enter Nurgle’s holy ground receive his fulsome gifts, and the survivors are hardier for it.
Every model in the unit immediately takes a Toughness test. All models that fail the test are removed as
casualties. All models that pass the test have +1 Toughness.


The followers of Slaanesh have claimed this fallen shrine as their own, and the blessings of their god are upon any who enter.
The unit gains the Stupidity and Immune to Psychology special ru1es.


This shrine still stands in dedication to Sigmar; and valour fills the hearts of those righteous warriors who fight on Sigmar's
chosen ground.
If the unit is from the Forces of Order, it gains the Stubborn special rule.


Fortune smiles upon those blessed by Tzeentch. At least it does sometimes.
Models in the unit immediately get a 4+ ward save. However for every ward save the unit fails, it suffers
an extra Wound with no armour saves allowed.


To know the favour of Khorne is to know rage unbridled and unbound.
The unit gains the Frenzy special rule.


Those under the protection of Morr do not fear death. Those already dead will be released from their sorcerous shackles.
The unit automatically passes Leadership tests caused by Fear and Terror until the end of the game. A
Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings unit that enters the building immediately suffers 3D6 Wounds with no
armour saves allowed.


Some wayward Questing Knight has converted this shrine to his dreary aquatic goddess, instead of restoring it to its former
If the unit is Bretonnian it gains the Unbreakable special rule whilst within the shrine. If the unit is an
Empire unit, it gains the Hatred (Bretonnia) special rule until the end of the game, and will be really, really
angry for some considerable time thereafter.


There is no blessing to be found herein. However even small shrines to Ranald are veritable mazes, and those who enter have
a difficult time in leaving.
When the unit attempts to abandon the shrine, it must first roll a 4+ on a D6, or else be forced
to remain within. If this dice roil is failed by a unit fleeing from combat, then the unit is removed as

New Scenarios
With a storm of magic’s focus on magical leylines and nexus points, it is easy to envision such tempests being drawn towards
especially arcane grounds. For those players who enjoy creating their own scenarios the possibilities are endless, mixing in all
the Arcane Architecture and other terrain rules from the Warhammer Rulebook. Imagine Dwarfs hunkering down inside
their brew house to weather the tempest? Or a storms Epicentre revolving around a Haunted Mansion that is surrounded by
a Blood Forest?

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When a storm of magic breaks, it isn't merely battlefield sorcery that increases in power. All manner of
spells and ritual texts that have lain dormant for decades suddenly crackle into vibrant life, easier to have
their power unleashed upon the unsuspecting world! Chief amongst these sorcerous artefacts are Kadon's
Scrolls of Binding - ancient scriptures that allow a Wizard to shackle other creatures to his will.

Each Scroll of Binding was crafted with a particular beast in mind, and cannot be used to control
different kinds of creatures. It is unknown whether this is a constraint of design, or is simply because the
magic involved in their scribing is too fickle.

Even with their limitations, the Scrolls of Binding are prized throughout the many realms of the world.
They are a vanishing resource, for Kadon has been presumed dead for many thousands of years, and no
wizard since has quite managed to equal his aptitude.


In dire times, the ability to augment your army's might with that of some monstrous thralls is without
price. Bound monsters give access to creatures and abilities beyond the norm, and present all manner of
exciting new tactical opportunities for a canny general to exploit.

In games of Storm of Magic, you have a Monsters and Magic allowance which enables you to spend
points on Mythic Artefacts, Pacts or Scrolls of Binding. Each Scroll of Binding allows you to include one
unit of bound monsters in your army.


Once chosen, bound monsters are considered to be part of your army for all intents and purposes. The
only exceptions are that bound monster characters cannot ever join your other units, and your characters
cannot ever join units of bound monsters.

Every Scroll of Binding has a point value that tells you how much of your Monsters and Magic points
allowance it will take up. Sometimes this points value will be increased, either by increasing the size of the
unit, or buying options for the monster in question.

Most of the bound monsters are large, cantankerous creatures who operate as individuals. Others are
more accustomed to fighting in groups. If a Scroll of Binding's unit size is 1, then you can take only one
creature of that kind in the unit. If the Scroll of Binding's unit size is a range, for example 1-5, the unit
must be between I and 5 models in size, paying the points cost shown for each model in the unit.

This is where you'll find the creature's equipment - normally some combination of claws, teeth, talons and
vicious temperament (al1 of which we count as a hand weapon).

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Every Scroll of Binding unit has a troop type, and follows the appropriate rules presented in the
Warhammer rulebook.

Some creatures are Wizards and can cast spe1ls. Where this is the case, their Wizard level (as
well as the magic lore they use) will be presented on the Scroll of Binding.


You can take a maximum of 2 of each Scroll of Binding in a standard army, and 4 of each Scroll of
Binding in a grand army - this is called the Bound Monster Limit. This represents the fact that only the
very largest of armies would have access to several copies of the same Scroll it isBinding

If the unit has any special rules, be they 'common' special rules from the Warhammer rulebook or rules
unique to the unit in question, they will be listed here.

Many Scrolls of Binding have options that let you customise the unit's battlefield abilities. You're free to
model and paint your creatures to represent these upgrades (or not) as you see fit. However, before the
game begins, you must inform your opponent of any and all options you've bought for your creatures- we
can assume that some accomplished monster hunter in the enemy ranks is canny enough to spot these
details. Where the Scroll of Binding allows you to take a unit of more than one creature, all models in the
unit must have the same options, and you must pay the points cost of the option for each model.

A handful of Scrolls of Binding also detail the magic items carried by the creature in question. Unless
otherwise stated, these magic items follow all the usual rules for their type, as detailed in the Warhammer

Many of the creatures on the Scrolls of Binding are also present in one or more of the Warhammer army
books (although many are present as character mounts, rather than autonomous critters in their own
right). Creatures chosen as part of your main army do not count towards the Bound Monster Limit - only
those chosen from the Monsters and Magic allowance points do.

For example, High Elves have their option to take Great Eagles as Rare Choices, as presented in their
Warhammer army book. In games of Storm of Magic, they can take more Great Eagles as part of their
Monsters and Magic allowance. The fact that they've chosen Great Eagles from their Rare choices doesn't
prevent them from binding more into their service.

You might occasionally find that the special rules, characteristic profile and/or points values presented on
the Scroll of Binding are different to the ones in a Warhammer army book. Where this happens, always
use the rules given in the place where you have bought the models from. This might sometimes lead to
two similar units in your army having subtly different rules, but this is fine as we can assume wild or
bound monsters will be slightly different to those trained to fight in an army.

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For example, in the Warriors of Chaos army book, Dragon Ogres have the Will of Chaos special rule, but they do not on
the Scroll of Binding in this volume. If a Warriors of Chaos army includes two units of Dragon Ogres, one from the army
book, and one from the Scroll of Binding then the first unit benefits from the Will of Chaos special rule, whilst the other
doesn't (in this case the first unit is more disciplined).


Some Scrolls of Binding present options that grant Tail Attacks, Chomp Attacks or modify, how a
model's Stomp works.

A model with a Chomp Attack has an additional Attack to the one shown on its profile. This Attack
should be rolled for separately, or with a different coloured dice, as the option that granted the Chomp
Attack will often also give the Chomp Attack further special rules. Additionally, a Chomp Attack always
receives a bonus of +1 To Hit against models with the ‘Large Target’ special rule, on account of it being
much easier to take a bite out of bigger enemies!

Tail Attacks are much like Chomp Attacks in that they grant the model an additional Attack that should
be rolled for separately (so a model with both a Chomp and a Tail Attack would have a total of +2
Attacks). A Tail Attack receives a bonus of + 1 To Hit against models fighting to the creature's rear -
they're much easier for the tail to get to grips with!

If the model's Attacks are normally subject to a special rule such as Poison or Killing B1ow, then this rule
also applies to the Tail and Chomp Attacks.

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The three-headed Chimera is one of the most mortal plane altogether, to instead hunt prey
fearsome of all children of Chaos, a beast whose through the rich and sorcerous fields of the
progenitors were so warped thot it is now Realm of Chaos. Others believe that Chimera
impossible to say what manner of creatures they are not creatures of flesh and blood at all, but
might have been. Regardless of their exact form, rather monsters called into being only when the
all Chimerae share a savage and unpredictable Winds of Magic ore at their most fulsome -
nature savage emissaries sent by the darkest of the
that makes them easily the worst of all chance Dark Gods. Regardless of where the truth lies,
encounters. none can argue thot when o storm of magic
bursts, the tri-throated roars of hunting Chimera
For much of the time, when the Winds of Magic ore never for behind. 
are at relatively low ebb, Chimera ore rare and
seldom seen – even in the frozen northlands.
There might be tales of such beasts guarding
mountain passes, lurking in the black depths of
the Drakwald or having been pressed into
service as mounts by favoured Champions of
Chaos, but most such reports are eventually
discovered to have confused the Chimera with
some other creature of Chaos, such as the

Some scholars have postulated thot in times of

magical dearth, Chimera simply abandon the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chimera 6 4 0 6 5 4 2 6 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 175  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror.

May take any of the following:
Venomous Ooze (Grants the Poisoned Attacks special rule.): 15pts
Iron Hard Skin (Grants the Scaly Skin 4+ special rule.): 25pts
Flaming Breath (Grants a S4 Breath Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special rule.): 30pts

May take one of the following:

Lash Tail (Grants a Tail Attack.): 15pts
Fiend Tail (Grants a Tail Attack with the Random Attacks (D3) special rule.): 30pnts

May take one of the following:

Whip-tongue (Grants 1 Chomp Attack.): 15pts
Rending Fangs (Grants 1 Chomp Attack with the Armour Piercing special rule.): 20pts
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Like many of the world's monsters, Manticores common heraldic device in the Old World. This
are born amid the swirling energies of the Chaos is not to say that a great many Manticores
Wastes. Some still roam the changing lands, are encountered in the lands of Bretonnia, Tilea
although most Manticores fly south to less and Estolio - nor thot a great many are slain
ruinous climes. So it is that the northern there. Its prevalence upon shield and banner is
mountain ranges of the world have become the merely on indication thot many nobles, having
hunting grounds for Manticores beyond heard tales of the beast's legendary battle-
counting. prowess and resolve, simply wish to be
associated with it. That most such men would
Even for creatures of Chaos, Manticores are run screaming in terror should they encounter a
particularly ferocious, possessed of an innate real life Manticore is normally left unspoken.
stubbornness thot propels them to fight for
their territory against even the most over
powering odds. Be the interloper a Great Eagle,
Griffon or even on Emperor Dragon, the
Manticore's response is always the same: to
launch itself roaring into a bloody and brutal
conflict from which there can be a single victor.

The fact thot this victor is almost always the

Manticore (providing the enemy isn't too much
larger) stands as harrowing testament to its
savagery and determination.

Oddly perhaps, for such a ferocious and ill-

tempered beast, the Manticore has become a

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Manticore 6 5 0 5 5 4 5 4 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 150  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Killing Blow, Large Target, Terror.

May take any of the following:
Lash Tail (Grants a Tail Attack.): 15pts
Rending Fangs (Grants 1 Chomp Attack with the Armour Piercing special rule.): 20pts
Iron Hard Skin (Grants the Scaly Skin 4+ special rule.): 25pts
Blood Rage (Grants the Frenzy & Hatred special rule.): 30pts

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Despite being large and monstrous creatures,
Griffons have reputations as noble beasts. This Feral Griffons are canny creatures and expert
is in port due to their proud and regal bearing - hunters, able to anticipate their prey’s every
Griffins are not ravenous and frenetic killers as move. Once a likely target has been spotted, a
are Manticores. Instead a Griffon strikes with Griffon will relentlessly stalk it, awaiting days if
swift and precise grace, its every motion poised need be for the correct moment to strike. The
and controlled. Yet this elegance in no way ear-splitting shriek of a diving Griffon is highly
undermines its deadliness, for a Griffon is more feared and has been known to send entire
thon capable of using its powerful talons and armies ducking for cover, lest one of their
razor sharp beak to rip a foe apart. Skilled and numbers be the beast's chosen quarry. In their
efficient fighters, Griffins do not kill own language, the High Elven word for Griffon
indiscriminately, although they show no can also translate as 'savage perfection', which
reluctance when hunting or protecting their aptly captures the creature's deadly grace.
territory. They are fierce and merciless, but
never cruel.

Griffins can be ranked amongst the most

intelligent of beasts. If captured relatively young
and subjected to suitable training, they make for
incredibly loyal mounts, and can even be taught
to obey and even anticipate a wide range of
commands. So has the Griffin become the steed
of choice for many great heroes across Ulthuan
and the Old World. Deathclaw, the Emperor
Karl Franz's Griffon, is legendary for his
dedication to his master, and many Elector
Counts can boost of o Griffon in their

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Griffon 6 5 0 5 5 4 5 4 7
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 150  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror.

May take any of the following:
Lash Tail (Grants a Tail Attack.): 15pts
Shrike Talons (Grants +1 Strength on a turn in which it charges.): 15pts
Razorbeak (Grants 1 Chomp attack with no armour saves allowed.): 20pts
Swiftsense (Grants the ‘Always Strikes First’ special rule.): 20pts
Bloodroar (Units in base contact roll an extra D6 for Fear & Terror tests, discarding the lowest.): 25pts

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Hippogryphs inhabit the upper reaches of the prefers to swiftly close the distance between
Grey Mountains, occasionally prowling the itself and its chosen prey before there is even a
green lands below for its sheep and cattle, chance of escape. Victims that do elude a
although they also hunt Men, Orcs or any Hippogryph are quickly forgotten and the beast
creature thot can't hide quickly enough. will look elsewhere for more immediate
Hippogryphs are savage and attack with little or gratification.
no provocation. When roused, Hippogryphs are
almost berserk in their reckless fury, and only The Hippogryph's famed ferocity ensures thot
tearing their foe to ribbons of flesh will sate such a creature is often a wizard's first choice as
their aggression. In this manner, a Hippogryph a bound servant. After all, once the creature is
will destroy an entire herd of animals, wantonly enraged and amidst the enemy's ranks, what
slaughtering every beast in sight. They are matter if the binding magic fails? 
unrelentingly territorial and will fight to the
death against any creature that strays into their
chosen domain - so it is of little surprise thot
Hippogryphs tend to give each other a wide
berth. When Hippogryphs do meet, they are
likely to come to blows, typically in a violent and
bloody battle thot will last until the death of one
or both creatures. It is certain that neither
Hippogryph will voluntarily back down or

The Hippogryph possesses ferocious instinct,

rather than fearsome intellect. Whilst hunting, its
uncomplicated mind naturally assumes that a
prey out of sight is a prey that has somehow
evaded it forever. Thus a Hippogryph inevitably

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Hippogryph 8 4 0 5 5 4 4 4 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 140  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror.

May take any of the following:
Shredding Talons (Grants the ‘Armour Piercing’ special rule.): 10pts
Serrated Maw (Grants 1 Chomp attack with the ‘Multiple Wounds (2)’ special rule): 20pts
Fiercely Territorial (Grants Stubborn, however it’s never allowed to pursue, even if it has Frenzy): 25pts
Swooping Strike (Grants the ‘Devastating Charge’ special rule and +1 Strength when charging.): 25pts
Bloodrage (Grants the ‘Frenzy’ & ‘Hatred’ special rules.): 40pts

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Hydras are restless and aggressive beasts, seldom deliver vicious bites while the beast moves
sleeping and almost always on the hunt for prey. forward, using its bulk to crush opponents.
The Hydra is a deathly silent hunter - an unusual The multiple-headed monsters are also known
trait in something so large and vicious - and can to coil their serpentine necks around larger prey,
track quarry across all manner of terrain without constricting them, as do the giant snakes of the
once giving itself away. (Unfortunately, this jungle lands. In addition to belching out a smoky
subtlety is abandoned the moment the Hydra flame, Hydras also have the ability to rapidly
comes within striking distance, so a quick-witted heal any wounds thot manage to penetrate their
prey can often escape if it reacts the moment the thick scales, even regrowing a severed head - a
roaring begins. new one pushing itself outwards from the stump
to re-join its fellows.
All Hydras are ill-tempered and solitary creatures
that lair underground, favouring dark caves or
noisome pits. Hydras are widespread and can be
found stalking the slopes of the Worlds Edge
Mountains or hunting the ashen wastes of the
Dark Lands. The multi-headed monstrosities are
especially numerous beneath the Black Spire and
Iron Mountains in Naggoroth. The Dark Elf
Beastmasters of that land have learned to
capture and breed these enormous reptiles,
calling them War Hydras and driving them into
battle, controlling the beasts with sharp goods
and cruel whips.
A Hydra will attack any creature that dares
confront it, the many herds striking out to

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Hydra 6 4 0 5 5 5 2 7 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 220  

SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Regeneration, Scaly Skin 4+, Fiery Breath, Terror.
May take any of the following:
Envenomed Fangs (Grants 1 Chomp attack with the ‘Poisoned Attacks’ special rule): 20pts
Spit Venom (The Hydra loses Fiery Breath and replaces it with the Spit Venom Attack): 15pts
Fiery Breath
Hydras have a Breath Weapon with the ‘Flaming Attacks’ special rule. The Strength of this
Breath Weapon is equal to the Hydra's remaining Wounds.
Spit Venom
Range Strength Special Rules
18" * Multiple Shots (*), Quick to Fire    
* The Strength and Multiple Shots value of this Attack is equal to the Hydra’s remaining number of Wounds.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 60 
The Kharibdyss is a loathsome creature that
hunts off the western coasts of Naggaroth. It is With its great variety of mouths, the Kharibdyss
a terror of the depths – a bottom-feeding is suited to feeding on multiple targets or
monster that hunts the ocean floors. Kharibdyss perhaps one enormous one, such as a beached
are noted for their ferocious appetites, and their fangwhale. In battle these mouths can stretch
voracious eagerness to attack and consume any out and swallow smaller sized prey whole.
creature that crosses their paths. The beasts can Larger victims are gnawed upon, the beast using
sometimes be seen on or near the surface, often its crown of horns to help scoop food into those
following in the wake of a vessel. Fiercely ever-gnashing mouths. If this isn’t dangerous
territorial, packs of the creatures are known to enough, the Kharibdyss secretes a poisonous
congregate near sources of food – large schools slime – its claws and teeth and rasping scales all
of fish, beached Black Krakens, and shipwrecks capable of killing prey with just a scratch.
become irresistible feasts that draw in monsters
from many miles away.
If there is enough food to tempt it, the
Kharibdyss can wade through the surf and
spend indefinitely long periods on land. Smelling
of fish innards and salt-ridden rotten meat, the
Kharibdyss’ digestive juices are exceedingly
powerful – dissolving flesh, bone and even
metal in a matter of minutes. It is perhaps this
ability that leaves the monsters eternally hungry,
for a Kharibdyss is never sated, but will continue
to eat until there is nothing left to catch.
The Kharibdyss’ thick, slimy body is adapted to
resist the fantastic pressures of the deep ocean
bottoms. Once on land, this translates to the
plodding behemoth possessing colossal strength
and impressive resilience. It will wade through a
storm of arrows to reach its prey, its many
serpentine necks weaving back and forth.
Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Kharibdyss 6 5 0 7 5 5 4 5 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 160  
SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Poisioned Attacks, Scaly Skin (4+), Terror
Abysaal Howl:
Enemy Units that are in base contact with one or more Kharibdyss models must re-roll successful
Leadership tests. A unit is immune to Abyssal Howl if the majority of its models have one or more of the
following special rules; Fear, Terror & Immune to Psychology.
Feast of Bones:
If the Kharibdyss directs all of its close combat Attacks against the same model, and all of those Attacks
hit, then the target model suffers an additional D6 Strength 7 hits.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 61 
Harpies are vicious and spiteful, displaying only ones and cattle are spirited away on a cackling
the meanest glimmerings of intelligence and, wind.
even then, only to malicious purpose. Innately
cowardly creatures, Harpies band together in Filth and well-picked bones are piled beneath a
great skyborne flocks, which roam high above Harpy's foul roost, yet those brave enough to
the mountainsides and valleys in search of prey scavenge can sometimes find cast-off treasures -
defenceless enough to risk attacking. for Harpies value only meat and leave the rest to
fall where it may. 
Harpies care little where their next meal comes  
from and will as happily steal eggs from a Great
Eagle's nest as raid farmsteads for cattle, isolated
villages for the old and infirm or battlefields for
meagre scraps of flesh from spent corpses. This
is not to say Harpies will not attack larger or
better-armed creatures than themselves, but it
can take many hours for the flock to work up
sufficient courage to put themselves at risk. If
the flock considers the advantage of numbers to
be on their side, they will descend to the fray,
screeching and howling as their claws tear at the
beleaguered foe. Yet there is no loyalty in such o
fight - should a Harpy be slain in the battle, its
fellows will devour it as surely as they will the

At no time are Harpies more dangerous thon

when Morrslieb burns fully in the sky. Under the
tainted moon's eldritch rays, Harpies are wilder
and more vicious than at any other time of the
year, and for more likely to brave dangers in
their perpetual search for food. Mountain
villages and trade caravans double their night
watches when Morrslieb is full, lest their loved

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Harpy 5 3 0 3 3 1 5 2 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Infantry 5 to 10 11 per model  


May take any of the following:
Chaos Wildfire (Grants the ‘’Flaming Attacks’ and ‘Magical Attacks’ special rule.): 1pt per model
Venomous Ooze (Grants the Poisoned Attacks special rule.): 1pt per model
Manbane Claws(Grants the ‘Killing Blow’ special rule.): 1pt per model
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 62 
Cold Ones are rapacious predators, fuelled by a and Lizardmen. However, breaking them in this
savage bloodlust that drives them to attack any way tempers their normally savage nature, and
warm-blooded creature that comes near. Cold although still ferocious compared to most
Ones hunt in packs, and are perfectly capable of mounts, it leaves them dull-eyed and sullen
bringing down creatures many times their own compared to their wild cousins. For this reason,
size. As soon as they become aware of their wizards will sometimes bind packs of feral Cold
prey, the pack will surge forth, some of their Ones to their will with a Scroll of Binding, and
number harrying and snapping at their quarry, then unleash them at the start of a battle to
while the rest of the pock swings forward to left surge uncontrollably forward and savagely attack
and right. Once surrounded, the unfortunate the foe. Used in this way, a large pack of Cold
victim will quickly be dragged down and Ones can inflict terrible harm, while smaller
consumed. packs are ideal for snapping and biting at the
flanks of the opposing army.
Cold Ones are found in many places but are
most commonly seen on the continent known as
the New World that lies just to the west of
Ulthuan. Their habitats range from the tunnels
and mountains under Hag Graef, in the realms
of the Dark Elves, all the way, hundreds of miles
south, to the Lustrian jungles that are home to
the Lizardmen. The appearance and nature of
the Cold Ones can vary depending on where
they lie; those found below Hog Grief are darker
skinned and rather lither in appearance than
those that hunt within the Lustrian jungles,
for example. There have even been reports of
Cold One packs that bear mottled camouflage
or tiger-like stripes upon their backs.
Cold Ones can be broken to the saddle, and are  
used as cavalry mounts by both the Dark Elves

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Cold One 7 3 0 4 4 1 2 1 3
Troop Type Unit Size Points
War Beast 1+ 11 per model  

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Frenzy, Scaly Skin (5+).

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 63 
Terradons are enormous flying reptiles that Druiah bound a vast flock of Terradons to
haunt the skies above the primordial jungles of terrorise her enemies. She became over-
the world. For such large creatures, Terradons confident and treated them as pets, rather than
are surprisingly agile, able to fly at full speed feral beasts they are, even feeding them the flesh
through the densest jungles while avoiding of her rivals by hand. When she cut herself
branches, vines and trees. They are also expert during one such feeding, the scent of blood sent
gliders and can remain airborne for many days the flock into a feeding frenzy, and she was torn
on end, riding effortlessly on thermals as they apart in a flurry of teeth and talons.
scan the ground below for prey. When
Terradons see a target, they swoop down like a
plunging arrow, snatching their victim up into
the air before dropping them like a stone to
plummet to their doom.

Terradons are easily trained beasts. Indeed, the

Skinks of Lustria use them in great numbers to
patrol the skies of their homeland and to
transport messengers from one Temple-City to
another. Terradons seem to share an innate link
with their cold-blooded masters, obeying their
directions as if they were members of the flock.
This brood mentality makes Terradons highly
susceptible to magical binding, and they can be
subverted by the will of even novice wizards.
However, Terradons are known to turn upon
weak or wounded pack-mates. The tale of the
Druiah Cruelheart, an arrogant Dark Elf
Sorceress, illustrates the folly of such arrogance.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Terradon 2 3 0 4 3 2 2 1 3
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 3 or more 15 per model  
SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Fly, Forest Strider, Scaly Skin (6+)
Cold Blooded:
Whenever a model with this special rule takes a Leadership test, it rolls an additional dice and discards the
highest result.

Designer’s Note: Terradons without Skink riders do not have the Drop Rocks special rule, as they have not been trained to
carry out this tactic

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 64 
Ripperdactyls are terrors of the sky. They are one of the celestial hurricanes that stir the
reptilian predators who hone their killer instincts equatorial skies. It is doubtless this was the
by attacking everything they see. Upon sighting cause of the Terror Over Brionne – where a
prey, the creatures will fold their wings and enter flock descended upon the Bretonnian city and
into a steep dive, plummeting towards the slew hundreds of hapless peasants and even the
ground. Seconds before hitting their victim, a brave knights that rode out in an attempt to halt
Ripperdactyl will snap out its leathery wings and them. Finally, a squadron of Pegasus Knights
extend its razor-sharp beak and claws. What engaged the flock in an aerial duel, eventually
follows is a savage series of stabs and rakes that driving them away.
can slice a man- or horse-sized victim in half.
Larger prey is shredded to the bone. As Those able to bind a flock of Ripperdactyls to
Ripperdactyls attack in flocks, they will fearlessly their service through arcane means have at their
take on the largest of foes, being able to pick a command a ferocious attack formation. Even
colossadon’s carcass clean within minutes. If when magically controlled, however,
hungry, the bloody morsels will be gulped down Ripperdactyls are so aggressive that they are
– however, such is the aggression and ferocity of prone to savaging any who come within range of
Ripperdactyls that they will hunt and kill for their swooping attacks
sport. They are amongst the fiercest of aerial
predators, and so prodigious are their hunting
skills, so overwhelming are their violent attacks,
that the creatures often tear off and eat only the
choicest bits of their prey, leaving entire hulking
corpses behind for scavengers to fight over.

Ripperdactyls are common above the skies of

Lustria and can regularly be seen hunting above
the Southlands. Because they adept at riding
thermals, on occasion flocks of the blood-
hungry reptilians will get swept great distances in

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Ripperdactyl 2 3 0 4 3 2 3 1 3
Troop Type Unit Size Points
War Beast 3 or more 25 per model  
SPECIAL RULES: Armour Piercing, Fear, Fly, Frenzy, Scaly Skin (6+)
Cold Blooded:
Whenever a model with this special rule takes a Leadership test, it rolls an additional dice and discards the
highest result.

Designer’s Note: Ripperdactyls without Skink riders do not have the Toad Rage special rule, as there are no Skinks to
plant a blot toad on an enemy unit.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 65 
Although the Skinks of Lustria revere the Troglodon, deeming it a match its hulking size and ferocity against other monsters, the
holy creature, they also fear it – naming it the ‘Pale Death’. The stealthy hunter prefers to circle at range, using its venomous spittle
Carnosaur might be more ferocious, but it is also easier to avoid. to wear down larger beasts before launching itself for the kill
The Troglodon, on the other hand, stalks its prey with a
frightening stealth, members of the same cohort not even noticing
their missing comrades but only later recalling a glimpse of pale
scales flash by in the undergrowth.

A Troglodon will emerge from its underground lairs to stalk, a

silent killer – only unleashing its strange roar when the kill is made,
or its prey is too close to get away.

The cave-dwelling Troglodon is nearly blind, but uses its quill-like

whiskers and air-tasting tongue to sense prey. Then, the great
saurian creeps closer until it is range for a final lunge. Stretching
out its long neck, the Troglodon bites down with a powerful
chomp. Its hollow teeth are filled with venom, and should it taste
blood, the savage creature becomes more ferocious still, biting and
gulping down hunks of flesh.

If the Troglodon deems it is not close enough to dart out and bite
its foe, the beast resorts to fouler tactics. With a hideous, hissing
whistle, the Troglodon draws in breath that it then uses to project
its toxic bile outwards. Although moderately short in range, the
spat globs of acidic poison can eat through armour or melt
through the scales of a Stegadon. This form of attack actually helps
the Troglodon finds its prey – the sizzling burn of the venom
emits a sound and a distinct smell of burning flesh, allowing the
creature to strike with certainty. Although the Troglodon can
Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Troglodon 7 3 3 5 5 5 2 3 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 170  
SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Scaly Skin (4+), Terror.
Models with this special rule have the Marshland Strider and River Strider special rules. In addition, models with this
special rule can march, claim rank bonus and be steadfast even when in Marshland or a River. Furthermore, if every
model in a unit has the Aquatic special rule, and the majority of the unit is within Marshland or a River, enemies
shooting at that unit suffer an additional -1 To Hit penalty.
For all Leadership tests, the Carnosaur rolls an additional D6 and discards the highest result.
Predatory Fighter:
Whenever a model with this special rule rolls a 6 To Hit in close combat, it immediately makes another Attack; roll
To Hit and To Wound as normal. Attacks generated by the Predatory Fighter special rule do not generate further
Attacks. In addition, a unit that contains one or more models with this special rule can only test to restrain pursuit if
there is at least one Skink character model within 6" of the unit.
Primeval Roar:
Once per battle, at the start of any friendly Close Combat phase, a Troglodon can unleash its Primeval Roar. This
affects all friendly units within 12". All models in these units that have the Predatory Fighter special rule gain an
additional Attack on any successful To Hit roll of a 5 or 6 (instead of just a 6) until the end of the phase.
Spit Venom:
A Troglodon can spit its venom as a shooting attack with the following profile

Name Range Str Special Rules

Spit Venom 18" 5 Multiple Wounds (D3), Quick to Fire
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 66 
Carnosaurs are enormous reptilian predators the mighty lizards live in the Southlands, and
that dominate the dork world beneath the high some rogue Carnosaurs are known to have
canopies of the primordial jungles, as they had long ago followed the toils of prey northwards
since the world was young. They can swallow as far as the dunes of Araby and even into the
man-sized victim’s whole and the dagger-like foothills of the Badlands. The roar of the
teeth that line their massive jaws can rip huge Carnosaur has been heard in the Old World as
chunks of flesh from larger prey. well, introduced through eggs stolen by raiders
or foolhardy explorers. Even for in the north,
Carnosaurs are aggressive hunters that prowl the the great lizards can occasionally be found
southern jungles. There, the bipedal beasts embedded into the glacial ice of Naggoroth or
trample through the undergrowth, stalking their Norsca, frozen there for many long ages since
quarry - which, for a Carnosaur, is pretty much the times before the continental shifts
anything that moves. Their favoured prey are engineered by the Slann Mage-Priests.
the large herd beasts thot still room those lands.
Although these creatures possess rough hides or
thick armoured plates, this is of no matter to a
Carnosaur. With powerful jaws and a mouth
pocked with razor-sharp teeth, a Carnosaur can
crunch through anything thot walks, rending
bone, flesh or steel plate in equal measure.
Carnosaurs are one of the few predators that
will dare to assault a full-grown Stegadon, and
such clashes between the primordial monsters
have been known to fell trees and clear large
patches of jungle. Once a Carnosaur tastes
blood, its killer's instincts send it into a berserk
rage, reaching new peaks of aggression and

While commonly found in the steaming jungles

of Lustria, there are other places in the world
where Carnosaurs are known to hunt. Many of

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Carnosaur 7 3 0 7 5 5 2 4 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 210  

SPECIAL RULES: Multiple Wounds (D3), Scaly Skin (4+), Terror.

Blood Frenzy
Once the Carnosaur has inflicted an unsaved Wound, it immediately becomes subject to Frenzy. The
Carnosaur will never lose its Frenzy, even if it is beaten in combat.
For all Leadership tests, the Carnosaur rolls an additional D6 and discards the highest result.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 67 
The Bastiladon is a walking fortress, a living their armour-piercing handguns. Although a few
reptilian stronghold on legs. Thick, bony plates shots eventually got through, it was too few and
cover most of the creature and its hide is as too late – the Bastiladon crushed the guard
tough to penetrate as armour forged by the underfoot before ploughing its way through
finest of blacksmiths. Unless swung with great townhouses as easily as through an open street.
force, spears and swords simply bounce off or Some enterprising soldiers attempted a last
shatter against the mighty Bastiladon, while ambush, coming at the creature from varying
clouds of arrows can be launched against one angles, but they learned what so many of its
without the beast suffering any ill effects natural foes in Lustria had already learned. If
whatsoever. you encircle a Bastiladon, hoping to find a weak
spot in its armour, you will only end up reduced
After shrugging off or ignoring their foes’
to a bloody mush, for the creature’s protection
attacks, enraged Bastiladons will close and
covers it entirely, and it lashes with its tail at any
launch their own assault. They snap with
who venture too close. At long last the
hawkish beaks, or use their tree trunk limbs to
Bastiladon burst out of the city’s stone walls and
squash smaller opponents into a bloody pulp.
made good its slow, but steady escape
The Bastiladon’s most dangerous weapon,
however, is its heavily weighted tail. The
quadruped can whip its bludgeon-tipped tail like
a battering ram – able to deliver thunderous
strikes. Even the Carnosaur, the most ferocious
hunter in the jungles of the Bastiladon’s natural
home, Lustria, has learned the hard way to
respect the club-like blows delivered from that
formidable tail.
When a lone Bastiladon escaped the Imperial
Zoo in Altdorf, the city guard reckoned they
could bring the beast to bay with volleys from

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Bastilidon 4 3 0 4 5 4 1 3 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 105  

SPECIAL RULES: Always Strikes Last, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Scaly Skin (2+),
For all Leadership tests, the Carnosaur rolls an additional D6 and discards the highest result.
Impervious Defence:
For the purposes of calculating combat result bonuses, a Bastiladon counts as having no flanks or rear
Thunderous Bludgeon:
Before rolling To Hit, nominate one of the Bastiladon’s Attacks as the Thunderous Bludgeon (a different
coloured dice works best). This Attack is resolved at Strength 10 and receives a +1 To Hit bonus against
models in the creature’s rear arc.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 68 
The Stegadon is a colossal cold-blooded beast Stegadons are not immune to magical binding.
whose ponderous footsteps cause the very When bound into service, a Stegadon will
ground to tremble. Normally a relatively plough its way through to its summoner,
peaceful and slothful creature, the Stegadon is smashing aside anything in its path in a display
nonetheless a formidable opponent - after all, its of raw power and tenacity. Any wizard who
heavy frame is unsuitable for flight, so it must dares to harness such a monster enlists a
stand and fight. When roused, the beast can powerful tool capable of immense destruction.
propel its considerable weight forward in a
thunderous charge, a living avalanche more
dangerous than a stampeding herd of lesser
beasts. The impact of a striking Stegadon can
uproot trees, trample entire regiments and even
knock other monsters sprawling.

Stegadons are commonly found in the lush

jungles of the world, where they gather in herds.
They are fiercely protective of their territory and
will gore, stamp or crush any who dare enter
their space. Even the largest of predators will
think twice about confronting a Stegadon, and
few are so foolish as to assault it head-on, for
Stegadons are potent foes; hardened scales
protect their tough hides, and they shed arrows
and spears as easily as they weather falling rain.

Although from a race of creatures that predates

the coming of the Old Ones to the world,

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Stegadon 6 3 0 5 6 5 2 4 6
Ancient Stegadon 6 3 0 6 6 5 1 3 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 Stegadon 200
Ancient Stegadon 215  

Stegadon: Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Scaly Skin (4+), Stubborn,
Ancient Stegadon: Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+),
Stubborn, Terror.

Cold-blooded (both)
For all Leadership tests, the Carnosaur rolls an additional D6 and discards the highest result.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 69 
Though the Pegasus looks much like a winged Discharge this magic at its attackers in a searing
horse, it is cunning and intelligent beyond the and cracking flash
measure of any ordinary steed. They are social
beasts that live in great herds, and can most Pegasi are primarily sought after as steeds for
commonly be found in the Grey Mountains. noblemen and sorcerers, for they are loyal beasts
They are also a prolific race, and there are herds that seem to anticipate their masters every move.
scattered across the four comers of the world, Wizards often seek to bind Pegasi to serve as
where they prefer to nest in high plateaus and either beasts of burden or scouts. When
mountain ranges. There are some peculiar properly commanded, a Pegasus can cover vast
offshoots of their kind that are worth further distances at great speed, and whilst it lacks the
note. voice to communicate that which it has seen,
there are many simple cantrips that allow a
Dark Pegasi are bat winged denizens of the wizard to share his servant's vision 
Chaos Wastes that migrate south to make their
nests in the highest peaks of the Iron Mountains
in Naggaroth. A Dark Pegasus is a swift and
certain hunter, able to soar upon thermals for
hour upon hour, patiently tracking its prey. Only
when the quarry is at its most vulnerable does
the Dark Pegasus launch into a swooping dive,
its jagged horns aimed to impale. Although all
Pegasi are formidable fighters at need, only the
Dark Pegasi seems to revel in combat. They are
aggressive and kick out their front hooves in an
effort to intimidate their foes

Another notable breed is the Radiant Pegasi,

most commonly found upon the sunlit plateaus
of Arabyan mountains. They absorb the suns
heat, transmuting it into the burning light that
flows over their skin like ripples of brightest
flame. When threatened, radiant Pegasus can

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Pegasus 8 3 0 4 4 3 4 2 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 45 per model  


May take any of the following:
Serrated Horns (Grants +1 Strength when charging.): 10pts per model
Radiant Aura (Grants a Strength 2 Breath Weapon.): 15pts per model

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 70 
Unicorns ore proud and mystical creatures that Unicorns are attracted to spellcasters or those
dwell in or near forests, particularly those thot who possess deep knowledge of the arcane arts.
are rich with arcane energies, such as Athel They are drawn to female mages as are moths to
Loren. Unicorns themselves shimmer with a flame, for while they find all enchantments
magical power; a gleaming aura that also bears beguiling, any spells cost by female magicians
on enfolding glamour thot bewitches and are particularly intoxicating to Unicorns. This
beguiles any who come near. Scant wonder it is curious weakness ensures thot the youngest and
then that the Unicorn has gained a reputation as most foolish Unicorns ore especially susceptible
a noble beast, though in truth it is quite to spells of summoning and binding when a
temperamental and stubborn, both selfish and storm of magic rages. Though normally
vain. reclusive creatures, Unicorns will willingly leave
the shelter of the enchanted glades, hoping to
Unicorns move with a graceful ease that hints at bask in the wondrous aura of those most potent
their true speed and quickness. In battle, a of magic’s.
Unicorn can rear up, delivering blows with its
hardened hooves, but the steed is most
dangerous when it gets a chance to charge in
with its horn lowered. The radiant glow of the
Unicorn offers some protection as well,
shielding the majestic beast somewhat from
both physical blows as well as from hostile
magics. The very presence of a Unicorn is
harmful to creatures summoned or created
through magical means. Such is the Unicorn's
selfish disposition thot it feels no kinship
with such arcane creatures, despite their similar
natures. If anything, Unicorns pity all other
beasts for their misfortune at being something
for less glorious than themselves!

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Deepwood Unicorn 10 4 0 3 3 1 5 1 8
Royal Unicorn 10 5 0 4 4 3 5 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Deepwood Unicorn War Beast 1 to 5 16 per model
Royal Unicorn Monstrorus Beast 1 to 5 60 per model  

SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Immune to Psychology, Magic Resistance (2)

When it charges, a Unicorn uses its horn to gore an opponent with the same devastating effect of a knight charging with his
lance. On a turn that a Unicorn charges into combat, it receives a +2 bonus to its Strength.
Enchanted Attacks
A Unicorn's close combat attacks are magical.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 71 
Great Stags are magical beasts thot are closely presence; the creature moves with an
connected to the most ancient of forests. It is unsurpassed grace, for it is a king amongst
said thot when a Great Stag emerges from its beasts and the natural spirit of the world made
dark arboreal shelter, great deeds are at hand. manifest. Such a creature can be tamed for brief
Thus, in a great many lands, the appearance of a periods, perhaps, but never truly mastered. Only
Great Stag is thought to signal the onset of when the Winds of Magic blow strong will such
portentous times. This has led many an a proud beast ever answer a wizard's summons.
unscrupulous wizard to bind a Great Stag to
their will purely as a means of gathering
wealth and support from their more credulous
allies. That such plans inevitably backfire in a
spectacularly gory fashion - the Great Stag
invariably chafes at servitude to an unrighteous
master, and will likely trample the fool to death
the moment the spell lapses - seems to serve as
little warning to the next charlatan.

There is no chance of mistaking a Great Stag for

any of the lesser herd beasts thot roam the
forests of the wild. It is a powerfully built
animal, whose every snorting breath
releases plumes of steam. The antlers of the
Great Stag are both impressive and formidable,
about whose iron-hard points dances a ghostly
nimbus of magic. However, what is most
remarkable about a Great Stag is its noble

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Great Stag 9 5 0 5 4 3 4 2 7
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 65 per model  

SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D3)

Enchanted Attacks
A Unicorn's close combat attacks are magical.

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Page 72 
The ancient and proud race of Great Eagles has Great Eagles are fiercely intelligent, and are all
lived among the peaks since long before the rise too aware that even their lofty peaks are
of Mankind. From the vantage point of their threatened when a storm of magic sweeps over
high eyries, the Eagles keep a close watch on the the world. Nonetheless, any bargains struck with
world, carefully observing the deeds of ground- a Great Eagle must be adhered to in every detail,
duelling creatures. It takes considerable centuries unless the bargainer wishes to find himself the
to earn the trust of these noble creatures and, beast's prey for the short remainder of his life.
thus far, only the Elves have done so - the
Eagles view other races with either mild distrust
or outright loathing.

Great Eagles are large and intimidating creatures

and it does not pay to be caught in the open by
them. When a Great Eagle swoops down upon
prey, its vast wing span blots out the sun and all
the victim can see is the oncoming razor-sharp
beak and powerful rending talons. The
plummeting dive of but a single such bird is
indeed a formidable sight, but it pales in
comparison to the dreadful yet elegant vision of
an entire war-flock plunging out of the skies
towards a foe. In perfect unison, each of the
mighty raptors peals out of flight and streaks
downward, striking their foes like thunderbolts.

Unlike other monsters, Great Eagles do not

have to be bound by sorcery if they can be
persuaded thot an alliance lies in their interest.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Great Eagle 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 50 per model  

May take any of the following (all Eagles in the unit must have the same upgrades):
Feathers of the Iron Phoenix (Grants the Scaly Skin (5+) special rule.): 5pts per model
Swiftsense (Grants the ‘Always Strikes First’ special rule.): 10pts per model
Blood of the Flame Roe (Grants +1 Strength & the Flaming Attacks special rule): 15pts per model

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Page 73 
Of all the beasts that prowl within the instinct, and they remain vigilant against any
mysterious forests of the Elven realm of Chrace, threat, constantly ready to pounce should danger
the white War Lions are perhaps the best present itself.
renowned. These fearsome beasts are deadly
hunting cats, powerful creatures with a muscular Whilst Scrolls of Binding will unify and direct
frame and a sharp, cunning mind. Almost as tall the War Lions of Chrace for a time, a cunning
at the shoulders as an Elven steed, a War Lion is Mage will strive to bond with her predatory
far stronger, able to break bones with each companions. Once accepted by the pride, the
sweep of its claws and shatter even helmeted War Lions will remain loyal to the wizard long
heads with a single chomp of its fanged maw. after the rites of binding have dissipated and all
When War Lion prides hunt, none within their magical bonds are gone. One who has been
chosen grounds are safe. They will range far and adopted by o pride of War Lions in this way can
wide, coordinating by instinct, in search of prey. find herself with a bodyguard that even the
A War Lion's loyalty is to its kin, first and last. Phoenix King himself might envy.
This fidelity, along with their incredible ferocity
when they attack, has given rise to a great many
songs and poems throughout Ulthuan, and it is
with a clear measure of pride that the Phoenix
King's bodyguard have adopted the famed
White Lions of Chrace as their namesakes.

The High Elves of Ulthuan do not regard the

War Lions as evil creatures, but rather savage
beasts to be feared, respected and occasionally,
in the case of the hunters of Chrace, nurtured.
When preparing for war, it has been known for
High Elf Mages to bind a pride of War Lions to
their aid. Such a gesture is not without risk, for
the lions of Chrace are intelligent and patient
beasts, and they are not easily controlled. Even
when armoured for war and bound by powerful
magic, White Lions maintain a lethal predatory

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
War Lion of Chrace 8 5 0 5 4 1 4 2 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
War Beast 2 to 20 16 per model  

EQUIPMENT: Light Armour


Lion Coat
A White Lion has a 4+ armour save against shooting attacks. This includes the armour save from the light
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Page 74 
It is believed by the High Elves of Ulthuan that creatures of ethereal nature are not proof against
the Phoenixes of Flamespyre have dwelt so long the flame-streaked claws of the Flamespyre
near the Shrine of Asuryan that they have Phoenix. Should a Phoenix itself be slain,
absorbed some of the magic of that region. dependent upon the Winds of Magic, the beast’s
Aqshy – the Wind of Fire – is always present in demise might be marked with a geyser of flame
gale-like force there, and legends say that this is to torch its attackers, or, if the arcane powers are
how the Flamespyre Phoenixes eventually mighty enough, the Phoenix itself will be reborn
become attuned to its powers. out of the flames, rising up again to do battle.
Whether that tale is truth or myth can be It is said that during Grom the Paunch’s
debated – what cannot be denied is that when invasion of Ulthuan none could stand before his
riled, a Flamespyre Phoenix will burst into massed Troll formations. No High Elf could
flame. Phoenixes are fey and unusual creatures, stand long before such brute force, and the
and the mantle of fire that surrounds them gives loathsome creatures instantly healed any damage
the beasts some manner of arcane protection that was done to them. At last, however, the
from blade or arrow. These powers can wax or Trolls were defeated when an arrow-wedge
wane, boosting the Phoenixes’ might as the formation of Flamespyre Phoenixes swooped
ever-changing Winds of Magic blow hotter. down from the skies to rip each and every one
of the foul creatures apart, their ability to heal
It is a daunting sight to see an enormous and
themselves of wounds useless against the flurry
enraged bird of prey, even more so when it is
of fiery claws that assailed them.
wreathed in fiery glory. Foes have been known
to flee as soon as a Flamespyre Phoenix swoops
towards them, for it takes great courage to stand
your ground while a flying creature streaks down
with talons outstretched. In its diving attack the
Phoenix looks like a blazing meteor, a hurtling
raptor of flame that leaves behind it a trail of
smoke and sparks.
In combat, the noble Phoenix’s beak and claws
can rip and tear with a savage strength – the
sheer heat of these attacks burning hair and
setting anything flammable ablaze. Even
Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Flamespyre Phoenix 2 5 0 5 5 5 4 3 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 225  
SPECIAL RULES: Flaming Attacks, Fly, Large Target, Terror.
Models with this rule have a 2+ ward save against Wounds caused by attacks that have the Flaming
Attacks special rule.
Wake of Fire:
If a Flamespyre Phoenix moves over one or more unengaged enemy units in the Remaining Moves sub-
phase, choose one of those units – that unit suffers D6 Strength 4 hits, plus an additional D3 hits per
rank after the first. These hits have the Flaming Attacks special rule
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Page 75 
Attuned to Magic:
A model with this special rule has a 5+ ward save and its close combat attacks are magical attacks. In
addition, when rolling to determine the strength of the Winds of Magic in the controlling player’s Magic
phase, compare the highest D6 rolled with the table below to determine what effects the Phoenix will
have (the effect rolled will last until the start of the controlling player’s next Magic phase):

D6 Result
1 Magical Dearth The Phoenix’s ward save is reduced to 6+.
2 Ebbing Zephyr The Phoenix has ‐1 Strength.
3 Magical Draught The Phoenix has +1 Initiative.
4 Energising Breeze The Phoenix has +1 Attack.
5 Invigorating Winds The Phoenix has +1 Strength
6 Howling Gale The Phoenix’s ward save is increased to 4+

Phoenix Reborn:
As soon as a Flamespyre Phoenix loses its last Wound (including unsaved Wounds that killed the monster
as a result of the Heroic Killing Blow or Multiple Wounds special rules), remove the model and place a
Phoenix Reborn counter (a small coin will do) to mark the centre of the death spot. If your army contains
several Flamespyre Phoenixes, you will need to place a Phoenix Reborn counter for each one that is slain
(and a way of telling the counters apart).

At the end of the turn roll a D6 for each Phoenix Reborn counter and consult the table below:
D6 Result
1-2 Dead Embers: The Flamespyre Phoenix is dead, never to return – remove the Phoenix Reborn
counter from play.
3-5 Flame Kindled: Centre the large round template over the centre of the Phoenix Reborn counter.
All models (friend or foe) hit by the template suffer a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule.
The Phoenix Reborn counter remains in play – roll again at the end of the next turn (yours or your
6 Rise from the Ashes: Place the Flamespyre Phoenix anywhere that is within 6” of the centre of the
Phoenix Reborn counter and at least 1” away from any unit, and then remove the marker from play. If it
is not possible to place the Phoenix due to the aforementioned restrictions, treat this result as a Flame
Kindled result instead. Reborn Flamespyre Phoenixes return with D3+2 Wounds. The reborn model
suffers no bonuses or penalties incurred from its former existence – i.e. if the model was fleeing or
affected by an augment or hex spell at the time of its death, the reborn model will not be.

At the end of the game, remove all Phoenix Reborn counters from the board – these Flamespyre
Phoenixes and any riders they had count as casualties.

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Page 76 
As a Flamespyre Phoenix ages, it gradually loses its this deadly chill can be the difference between life
fire and heat. So imbued with magic are these and death, as foes find their movements slowed and
creatures that they begin to sap the warmth from the weakened by the cold. Thus, as the High Elves have
very air around them. This process forces the learned, sending a Frostheart Phoenix into combat
Phoenix to leave the Flamespyres, else its presence alongside other regiments can be the key to victory.
would do great harm to its flame-covered kin. With frost-numbed reactions and muscles sapped by
Instead, the rapidly cooling Phoenix will fly off to a the dread chill emanating from the Frostheart, even
mountain peak, there to live a solitary life amidst the the most formidable of enemy units can be more
chill winds of snow-capped mountains. Most will easily destroyed. Perhaps because it knows that it
freeze into a block of solid ice – forever haunting the cannot be reborn out of fire, a Frostheart Phoenix
lonely crags like some majestic guardian statue. will fight with even more ferocity than it did during
its flame-wreathed youth
Some, however, take a last journey – either going to
the Shrine of Asuryan to offer final service as a
warsteed, or else beginning one last epic flight. It is
these Frostheart Phoenixes that are bound to service
by magic.
The Frostheart Phoenix does not possess the fire and
vitality of its flaming youth. However, the ice sheath
that forms around it offers a greater amount of
protection. The great bird of prey also becomes
stronger and hardier in the frozen twilight of its long
existence. The mere presence of the ice-rimed bird
saps the heat and vigour out of any nearby. In battle
Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Frostheart Phoenix 2 6 0 6 6 5 3 4 9
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 240  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Terror
Blizzard Aura:
Any enemy unit in base contact with a Frostheart Phoenix has the Always Strikes Last special rule and
suffers -1 to its Strength (to a minimum of 1)
Natural Armour (5+):
A Frostheart Phoenix is protected by a thick coating of ice, granting it an armour save of 5+
Attuned to Magic:
A model with this special rule has a 5+ ward save and its close combat attacks are magical attacks. In
addition, when rolling to determine the strength of the Winds of Magic in the controlling player’s Magic
phase, compare the highest D6 rolled with the table below to determine what effects the Phoenix will
have (the effect rolled will last until the start of the controlling player’s next Magic phase):

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 77 
Wyverns live in dark caves, high in the most observer is running as fast as possible in the
barren of mountains - most commonly those of other direction. For their part, Dragons look
the Worlds Edge range, though they can be down on Wyverns as the lesser creatures they
found as far away as Naggoroth and Cathay - if truly are, and embrace the idea that their races
one is sufficiently foolish enough to go looking. might share some thread of kinship with all the
Wyverns care little for territory, and will fight in enthusiasm of an Elf Prince embracing a
its defence only if the transgressor looks suitably particularly drunken and vomit-stained Dwarf.. 
easy to overcome - a fact that, when coupled
with the Wyvern's notoriously poor eyesight, has
led to more than one beast picking an
unwinnable fight after mistaking a maddened
Hippogryph for something less threatening. On
occasion, a Wyvern will venture from its rocky
eyrie, and swoop over the plains in search of
food -Wyverns are particularly fond of mutton -
or sometimes merely in pursuit of ill-tempered
mischief. So has the ungainly silhouette of a
Wyvern in flight become a bad omen in many

With their scaled hides and penchant for

mountain-top lairs, Wyverns have often been
misidentified as smaller, fouler smelling and
much less intelligent Dragons. In truth, such
mistakes are understandable. The two races have
many similarities, and their only obvious
difference is the Wyvern's lack of forelimbs - the
kind of detail that is easily overlooked when the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Wyvern 4 5 0 6 5 5 3 3 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 160  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Scaly Skin (4+), Terror.

May take any of the following:
Manbane Claws (Grants the Killing Blow special rule.): 10pts
Spike Tail (Grants 1 Tail Attack.): 15pts
Impaling Horns (Grants the Impact Hits (D3) special rule.): 20pts
Venomous Breath (Grants a Strength 3 Breath Weapon): 20pts

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Page 78 
In the darkest corners of the world lurk spiders of larger than an Empire townhouse and its voracious
immense size and malice. They are relentless hunters predations acknowledge no bounds. These
that use their wicked mandibles and lethal poison to gargantuan beasts will devour anything and have
secure their meals, eagerly draining the lifeblood of been known to entrap entire Beastmen herds to sate
anything they can catch. Regardless of size, these their powerful appetites.
eight-legged horrors are all extremely agile and able
to scuttle through undergrowth or over sheer
rockfalls in order to corner their victims.
Giant Spiders are the size of small horses and are
known to hunt in ravenous packs to bring down their
prey. There are many varieties of Giant Spiders
including the Tilean Greybacks, Drokwald
Mancatchers and the glossy black
Widowmakers of Naggoroth. Some Forest Goblin
tribes have learned to capture Giant Spider
broodings, hand rearing them for use as mounts.
The yet larger Gigantic Spiders ore solitary predators
that stalk the shadowy edges of forests or caves.
Gigantic Spiders grow larger than a Troll, and
consider anything that moves to be a likely source of
their next bloodfeast.
The undeniable queen of spiders, however, is the
colossal Arachnarok Spider. This apex hunter is

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Giant Spider 7 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 2
Gigantic Spider 7 3 0 4 4 3 4 3 7
Arachnarok Spider 7 4 0 5 6 8 4 8 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Giant Spider War Beast 5 to 20 7 per model
Gigantic Spider Monstorus Beast 1 to 5 50 per model
Arachnarok Spider Monster 1 290  

Giant Spider: Fast Cavalry, Poisoned Attacks, Forest Strider, Obstacle Strider, Wallcrawler.
Gigantic Spider: Fear, Poisoned Attacks, Forest Strider, Obstacle Strider, Scaly Skin (5+), Wallcrawler.
Arachnarok Spider Spider: Immune to Psychology, Poisoned Attacks, Forest Strider, Obstacle Strider,
Scaly Skin (4+), Wallcrawler, Large Target, Stubborn, Swiftstride, Terror, Venom Surge

Models with this rule treat ungarrisoned buildings as open terrain for the purposes of movement. They
may not finish their movement inside or on top of an ungarrisoned building - they cannot linger
Venom Surge
Before rolling To Hit, nominate one of the Arachnarok Spider’s Attacks. This single Attack has the
Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.
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Page 79 
All Trolls are remarkably, perhaps even new head forms on its shoulders. A great deal of
monumentally, dull-witted. Unless propelled by damage must be done to a Troll to stop it
gnawing hunger, a Troll can wander aimlessly for regenerating, and even then it might reform the
days, or else simply decide to have a bit of a sit down. following day. The only thing Trolls cannot endure is
This slow-witted sloth is doubtless a boon for the fire, and burning such o creature is the only sure way
rest of the world, for if Trolls had the intelligence of killing it. Of course, such a thing is easier said than
and organisation to make full use of their raw brawn, done.
there'd probably be no stopping them.
Being an unthinking creature with an indiscriminate
appetite means that a Troll can and will eat anything.
While it might prefer flesh and bone, any good,
rocks, or bits of metol will serve in between
successful hunts. The stomach of a Troll contains the
most powerful digestive juices known, explaining
why they can consume anything, including stones,
trees or even dirt. This potent bile makes Trolls
highly sought after by alchemists, potion-makers,
dark sorcerers and the more peculiar artists of the
Perhaps the best known characteristic of Trolls is
that their hide is able to regrow almost as quickly as it
is damaged. If a Troll's hand is severed, a fresh one
will grow from the stump; if a Troll is decapitated, a

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 4
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstorus Infantry 3 to 10 35 per model  
EQUIPMENT: Club, rocks and horrendous halitosis (hand weapon.)  

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Regeneration, Stupidity

Troll Vomit
A unit of Trolls can make Vomit Attacks instead of their ordinary Attacks in close combat (but they can
still Stomp). Each Troll that is allowed to attack makes a single Vomit Attack at Strength 5. Trolls that are
allowed to make supporting attacks can make a Vomit Attack. A Vomit Attack hits automatically and no
armour saves are allowed.
Troll Types:
Some of the physical variations of Trolls have additional unique aspects. A unit of Trolls can be upgraded
to one of the following types at a cost of 10 points per model:
River Trolls live in bogs and untamed riverbanks. They are covered in a layer of slime that makes striking
them exceedingly difficult. Enemies attempting to attack a River Troll in close combat suffer a -1 penalty
on their To Hit rolls. Additionally they have the River Strider and Marsh Strider special rules.
Stone Trolls have rock-hard skin and are naturally resistant to magic. They have Magic Resistance (2) and
Scaly Skin (5+).

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 80 
Giants are solitary creatures that tend to wander simply stuffed into a secure, (if smelly) place to
the lands, settling for short periods of time be retrieved later for a snack.
when they find a rich food source. A Giant can
consume on entire herd of livestock in a sitting
and will devastate any village he comes across,
pulling out and eating anything he can find
amidst the stomped and splintered structures.
Breweries are especially favoured targets, as
Giants are notorious drunkards. On occasion, a
Giant will be 'persuaded’ to join a passing army,
often Chaos-worshipping men from the north,
who lure the lummoxes with promises of
fighting and food.
In battle, Giants wade in with their tremendous
bulk, crushing the foe beneath their slab-like
feet, or sweeping any before them into the air
with clubs fashioned out of uprooted trees.
Sometimes a Giant will select a particular target
and reach down to pluck the unfortunate up.
These victims are sometimes bitten in two,
hurled far far away, squished into paste or

Giants are relatively common for monsters and the usual Bound Monster Limit of two Scrolls of Binding per army (or four
per grand army) does not apply to the Giant - you can take however as many as you’ve points to spend


Name Move WS BS S T W I Ld A
Giant 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 Special
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 200  
EQUIPMENT: Club, rocks, sheep – anything that comes to hand really (hand weapon.) 

SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Stubborn, Terror

Fall Over
Giants are ungainly and frequently befuddled, as a consequence of which they often fall down. They are especially prone to
this if they've been raiding the local breweries, which isn't altogether uncommon.
A Giant must test to see whether it falls over if any of the following apply:
 If it is beaten in close combat. Test once results are established but before taking a Break test.
 If it is fleeing at the start of the Movement phase.
 When it crosses an obstacle. Test when the obstacle is reached.
 If the Giant decides to Jump Up and Down on an enemy. Test immediately beforehand.
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Page 81 
To see if a Giant falls over, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Giant falls over. A slain Giant falls over
To determine in which direction the Giant falls, roll a scatter dice. Place the Fallen Giant template with its
feet at the model's base and its head in the direction of the fall - the Fallen Giant template is a special
shaped template, which otherwise uses all the template rules from the Warhammer rulebook (so any
models lying completely or partially under it are automatically hit).
A model hit by a falling Giant takes a Strength 6 hit that has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. If the
unit is in combat and the Giant has fallen over whilst attempting to Jump Up and Down, Wounds
inflicted by a falling Giant count towards the combat result. A Giant that falls over automatically suffers 1
Wound. If the Giant is in combat, then this Wound counts towards combat resolution.
Once on the ground (you may lie the model down if you wish) a Giant gets up in his following
Movement phase, but may not move that turn. Whilst on the ground, a Giant may not attack, but he can
still defend himself so the enemy must still roll to score hits on him. If forced to flee whilst on the
ground, the Giant is slain - the enemy swarms over him and cuts him to pieces. If the Giant gets the
opportunity to pursue his foes whilst he's on the ground, he stands up instead. A Giant may attack in
close combat as usual on the turn he stands up.
Giant Special Attacks:
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take
orders and much too scatterbrained to have any sort of coherent plan. To determine what happens in
each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in base contact with the Giant and roll a D6 on one of the
following tables. Which table you use depends on the size of the Giant’s victim. When fighting characters
who are riding monsters, decide whether to attack the rider or mount before rolling on the table.

Big Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting monsters, monstrous beasts, monstrous infantry, monstrous cavalry, chariots, war machines,
anything with the Large Target special rule, and characters riding any of the above.
D6 Result
1 Yell and Bawl
2-4 Thump with Club
5-6 ‘Eadbutt

Man-sized or Smaller Things Chart Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting anything that is not covered by the Big Things chart above.
D6 Result
1 Yell and Bawl
2 Jump Up and Down
3 Pick Up and…
4-6 Swing with Club
Yell and Bawl:
The Giant yel1s and bawls at the enemy. This is not a pleasant experience, as Giants are deafeningly loud and tend towards
poor oral hygiene. Neither the Giant nor models in contact with him actually fight if they have not already
done so this round. The Giants side automatically wins the combat by 2 points (if both sides have a Giant
that Yells and Bawls, the combat is a draw).
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Page 82 
Thump with Club:
The Giant brings down his club on a single model from the target unit that is in base contact. The target
may attempt to avoid the blow by passing an Initiative test (use the lowest if the model has several
different values). If the test is failed, the model takes 2D6 Wounds with no armour save allowed. If a
double is rolled the Giant's club embeds itself in the ground and the Giant cannot attack at all in the
following round of the same combat whilst he recovers his weapon.
The Giant head-butts a single enemy model from the target unit, automatically inflicting 1 Wound with
no armour saves allowed. If the victim is wounded but not slain, then he is dazed and loses all of his
following Attacks. If the target has not yet attacked in that combat round, he loses those Attacks; if he
has already attacked, then he loses the next round's Attacks.
Jump Up and Down:
The Giant jumps up and down vigorously on top of the enemy. Before he starts, the Giant must test to
determine if he falls over (see previous page). If he falls over, work out where he falls and calculate
damage as already described. Any Wounds caused by the fall (on either side) count towards the combat
result. If the Giant remains on his none-too-nimble feet, the target unit sustains 2D6 Strength 6 hits.
Work out damage and saves as usual. Giants enjoy jumping up and down on their enemies so much that a
Giant that does so in one combat round will automatically do so in the following round if he is able to,
assuming that he did not fall over in the previous round. A Giant that starts to Jump Up and Down will
therefore continue to do so on the same target until he falls over, the target is destroyed, or the combat
Swing with Club:
The Giant swings his club across the enemy's ranks. The Giant inflicts D6 Strength 6 hits on the target
Pick Up and...
The Giant stoops down and grabs a single model in base contact from the target unit (Giant player's
choice). The target must make a single Attack to try to fend off the Giant's clumsy hand. If this Attack
causes an unsaved Wound, the Giant's Attack fails. Otherwise, the Giant grabs the model and the player
rolls a D6 to see what happens next:
D6 Result
1 Stuff into Bag. The Giant stuffs the victim into his bag along with sheep, cows and other plunder. The model
is removed as a casualty.
2 Throw Back into Combat. The victim is hurled into his own unit like a living missile. The victim is
removed as a casualty and D6 Strength 3 hits are inflicted on the unit (save as normal).
3 Hurl. The victim is hurled into an enemy unit within 12" of the Giant - randomly determine which. The victim
is removed as a casualty and the unit takes D6 Strength 3 hits (save as normal).
Unsaved Wounds from these hits count towards the Giant's combat result. If no enemy units are
in range, treat this as a Throw Back into Combat result instead.
4 Squash. This doesn't really bear thinking about. Suffice to say the model is removed as a casualty
5 Eat. The Giant gobbles his victim up swallowing him whole. The model is removed as a casualty.
6 Pick Another. The Giant hurriedly stuffs the victim into his bag or under his shirt (or down his trousers if
they're really unlucky). Treat the Attack as if the Giant had rolled the Stuff into Bag result, above,
and then choose another victim. The second victim makes a single Attack, as usual, to avoid
being picked up – if he fails, roll again on this table to see what the Giant does with him.
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Page 83 
Bonegrinder Giants are very old and incredibly searching for them himself. Alas, Bonegrinder
rare. These days they're thought to have been Giants are so clumsy that they often misjudge
almost completely banished from the Old the fine line between intimidated and dead-
World, though there are a few persistent from-fright. At which point, with no food
rumours of a handful of Bretonnian mountain forthcoming, the Bonegrinder stomps off to
villages where Bonegrinders have eaten all the fight a Dragon, just to raise his flogging spirits....
local knights and claimed the villages (and
peasants) as their own.

Bonegrinder Giants are at least twice the size of

their lesser cousins, who themselves stand many
times the height of a Man. Accordingly, a
Bonegrinder Giant doesn't need to feel
particularly malicious in order to wreak untold
ruin – he simply needs to go for a gentle walk
whose path inadvertently leads him across an
army or town.

Whilst Bonegrinder Giants aren't necessarily

evil, they are bullies of the first order - a
situation perpetuated by the fact that they are
bigger than anyone else and regularly feel
obliged to 'do a little bullyin' to show oo' is
boss'. Though a Bonegrinder Giant's victims
may not realise it through their wholly
understandable haze of terror, the big galoot is
really just trying to impress them with how big
and strong he is. From the Bonegrinder's point
of view, it's for more practical to intimidate
'titchies' into scaring up a few dozen head of
cattle and barrels of beer than it is to go

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Bonegrinder Giant 10 3 3 8 7 10 1 Special 10
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 375  
EQUIPMENT: Club, or the remains of a previous victim (hand weapon.)  

SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Stubborn, Terror

Largest of Monsters
This creature is so enormous that it can Thunderstomp everything but other models with this special rule

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Fall Over
Giants are ungainly and frequently befuddled, as a consequence of which they often fall down. They are especially prone to
this if they've been raiding the local breweries, which isn't altogether uncommon.
A Giant must test to see whether it falls over if any of the following apply:
 If it is beaten in close combat. Test once results are established but before taking a Break test.
 If it is fleeing at the start of the Movement phase.
 When it crosses an obstacle. Test when the obstacle is reached.
 If the Giant decides to Jump Up and Down on an enemy. Test immediately beforehand.

To see if a Giant falls over, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Giant falls over. A slain Giant falls over
To determine in which direction the Giant falls, roll a scatter dice. Place two Fallen Giant templates with
its feet at the model's base and its head in the direction of the fall in a line - the Fallen Giant template is a
special shaped template, which otherwise uses all the template rules from the Warhammer rulebook (so
any models lying completely or partially under it are automatically hit).
A model hit by a falling Giant takes a Strength 8 hit that has the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule. If the
unit is in combat and the Giant has fallen over whilst attempting to Jump Up and Down, Wounds
inflicted by a falling Giant count towards the combat result. A Giant that falls over automatically suffers 1
Wound. If the Giant is in combat, then this Wound counts towards combat resolution.
Once on the ground (you may lie the model down if you wish) a Giant gets up in his following
Movement phase, but may not move that turn. Whilst on the ground, a Giant may not attack, but he can
still defend himself so the enemy must still roll to score hits on him. If forced to flee whilst on the
ground, the Giant is slain - the enemy swarms over him and cuts him to pieces. If the Giant gets the
opportunity to pursue his foes whilst he's on the ground, he stands up instead. A Giant may attack in
close combat as usual on the turn he stands up.
Giant Special Attacks:
Bonegrinder Giants don't fight with any real rhyme or reason, and tend to base their actions on what
seems like a good idea at the time, or else what appeals to their brutal sense of humour. To determine
what happens in each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in base contact with the Bonegrinder Giant and
roll a D6 on one of the following table. Which table you use depends on the size of the Bonegrinder
Giant's victim. When fighting characters who are riding monsters, decide whether to attack the rider or
mount before rolling on the table..

Big Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting monstrous beasts, monstrous infantry, monstrous cavalry, chariots, war machines, (including
characters who are mounted on any of the above.
D6 Result
1 Yell and Bawl
2 Jump Up and Down
3 Pick Up and…
4-6 Swing with Club

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Bigger Things Chart
Use this chart when fighting monsters, and anything with the Large Target special rule (including characters riding any of the
D6 Result
1 Yell and Bawl
2-4 Thump with Club
5-6 ‘Eadbutt

Man-sized or Smaller Things Chart Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting anything that is not covered by the Big Things chart above.
D6 Result
1 Yell and Bawl
2 Jump Up and Down
3 Pick Up and…
4 Vomit
5 Kick
6 Crush

Yell and Bawl:

The Giant yel1s and bawls at the enemy. This is not a pleasant experience, as Giants are deafeningly loud and tend towards
poor oral hygiene. Neither the Giant nor models in contact with him actually fight if they have not already
done so this round. The Giants side automatically wins the combat by 2 points (if both sides have a Giant
that Yells and Bawls, the combat is a draw).
Thump with Club:
The Giant brings down his club on a single model from the target unit that is in base contact. The target
may attempt to avoid the blow by passing an Initiative test (use the lowest if the model has several
different values). If the test is failed, the model takes 2D6 Wounds with no armour save allowed. If a
double is rolled the Giant's club embeds itself in the ground and the Giant cannot attack at all in the
following round of the same combat whilst he recovers his weapon.
The Giant head-butts a single enemy model from the target unit, automatically inflicting 1 Wound with
no armour saves allowed. If the victim is wounded but not slain, then he is dazed and loses all of his
following Attacks. If the target has not yet attacked in that combat round, he loses those Attacks; if he
has already attacked, then he loses the next round's Attacks.
Jump Up and Down:
The Giant jumps up and down vigorously on top of the enemy. Before he starts, the Giant must test to
determine if he falls over (see previous page). If he falls over, work out where he falls and calculate
damage as already described. Any Wounds caused by the fall (on either side) count towards the combat
result. If the Giant remains on his none-too-nimble feet, the target unit sustains 2D6 Strength 8 hits.
Work out damage and saves as usual. Giants enjoy jumping up and down on their enemies so much that a
Giant that does so in one combat round will automatically do so in the following round if he is able to,
assuming that he did not fall over in the previous round. A Giant that starts to Jump Up and Down will

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therefore continue to do so on the same target until he falls over, the target is destroyed, or the combat
Swing with Club:
The Giant swings his club across the enemy's ranks. The Giant inflicts D6 Strength 8 hits on the target

Pick Up and...
The Giant stoops down and grabs a single model in base contact from the target unit (Giant player's
choice). The target must make a single Attack to try to fend off the Giant's clumsy hand. If this Attack
causes an unsaved Wound, the Giant's Attack fails. Otherwise, the Giant grabs the model and the player
rolls a D6 to see what happens next:
D6 Result
1 Stuff into Bag. The Giant stuffs the victim into his bag along with sheep, cows and other plunder. The model
is removed as a casualty.
2 Throw Back into Combat. The victim is hurled into his own unit like a living missile. The victim is
removed as a casualty and D6 Strength 3 hits are inflicted on the unit (save as normal).
3 Hurl. The victim is hurled into an enemy unit within 12" of the Giant - randomly determine which. The
victim is removed as a casualty and the unit takes D6 Strength 3 hits (save as normal).
Unsaved Wounds from these hits count towards the Giant's combat result. If no enemy units are
in range, treat this as a Throw Back into Combat result instead.
4 Squash. This doesn't really bear thinking about. Suffice to say the model is removed as a casualty
5 Eat. The Giant gobbles his victim up swallowing him whole. The model is removed as a casualty.
6 Pick Another. The Giant hurriedly stuffs the victim into his bag or under his shirt (or down his trousers if
they're really unlucky). Treat the Attack as if the Giant had rolled the Stuff into Bag result, above,
and then choose another victim. The second victim makes a single Attack, as usual, to avoid
being picked up – if he fails, roll again on this table to see what the Giant does with him.
Grapple and...
The Bonegrinder Giant grabs hold of his opponent in preparation for a particularly impressive attack.
Rol1 a D6:
D6 Result
1 Knobbly Knee. The Bonegrinder Giant slams his knee up into a vulnerable area. The victim immediately
suffers a Wound, with no armour saves allowed, and has their Weapon Skill and Initiative
reduced to 1 until the end of the following player turn.
2 'Eadbutt. The Bonegrinder Giant head-butts his enemy, automatically inflicting 1 Wound with no
armour saves allowed. If the victim is wounded but not slain, then he loses all of his following
Attacks. If the target has not yet attacked that combat round, he loses those Attacks; if he has
already attacked, he loses the next round's Attacks.
3 Slam. The victim is slammed into the ground (or a nearby unit) with crushing force. The victim immediately
suffers 2D6 Wounds with no armour saves allowed. If there is another enemy unit in base
contact with the Giant, that unit also suffers 2D6 Wounds with no armour saves allowed. If there
are two or more other enemy units in base contact with the Giant, randomise to see which is

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4. Bear Hug. The Bonegrinder Giant throws his arms around his enemy and squeezes until its bones pop and
crack. Roll 2D6 and add the Giant's Strength. Your opponent rolls 2D6 and adds the victim's
Strength. If the Bonegrinder Giant's score is higher, the victim is removed as a casualty with no
saves of any kind allowed.
5 Fall Over. The Bonegrinder Giant topples over, but manages to place his opponent between him and the ground.
Roll 2D6 and add the Giant's Strength. Your opponent rolls 2D6 and adds the victim's
Toughness. If the Bonegrinder Giant's score is higher, the victim is removed as a casualty with
no saves of any kind allowed. Then continue to resolve the Giant falling over, in the direction of
the target.
6 Punch, and... The Bonegrinder Giant plants a meaty fist directly into his opponent's face before considering his
next move. The victim suffers D3 Wounds with no armour saves allowed, and then roll again on
this table. If the Giant rolls a succession of 6’s it is possible for him to repeatedly punch his
victim. Of course, if the punches kill the victim, the Giant immediately drops the corpse - there's
no further need to roll on the table
Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place the flame template so
that the narrow end is in base contact with the Bonegrinder Giant and the body of the template is over at
least one other unit. Al1 models (friendly and enemy) under the template suffer an automatic Strength 5
hit with no armour saves allowed. All unsaved Wounds from these hits count
towards the combat result (unsaved Wounds on friendly models count to your opponent's combat result).
Once damage has been resolved, ro11 a D6. On a roll of 3 or less, the Bonegrinder Giant falls over.

Choose a model in base contact with the Bonegrinder Giant. That model immediately receives a brutal
toe-punt and is removed as a casualty. However, the victim's remains hurtle through its unit in the same
manner as a shot from a bolt thrower. The model immediately behind the victim suffers a Strength 8 hit
with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. If he is slain, the model behind him suffers a Strength 7 hit
with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule, and so on, until the soggy remains fail to cause a casualty or
the unit runs out of ranks/files. Characters in a unit with 5 or more rank and file models of the same
troop type can attempt a Look Out Sir! to avoid being kicked, in which case an unfortunate rank and file
model will be punted through the unit instead (continue to resolve the bolt thrower effect from the same
point but against a rank and file model).

The Bonegrinder Giant raises one mighty foot and slams it down on the troops scurrying below. Place the small round
template so that it is at least partially covering one or more models in base contact with the Giant, but not
the Giant himself The model under the centre of the template suffers an automatic Strength 10 hit with
the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule. Models around him might get lucky – the giants aim may be off,
and only strike them a glancing blow (not that a glancing blow from a Giant is anything to be thankful
for). Roll an artillery dice and halve the result – all other models (friend and enemy) under the template
suffers an automatic hit of this strength. If the roll is a misfire, the Giant manages to miss the rest of the
unit – lucky them!

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Occasionally, deep in the forests of the Old World, a spells, for they fear the gnarled and calloused hand
tracker will come across a mysterious corridor of that might grab and lift them upwards to that hungry
devastation smashed through the woodland. It is a maw. When the gales of Chaos rage, a wizard might
path of uprooted trees and trampled undergrowth dare to bind a Cygor, bidding the creature to stride
that is remarkable in two ways - it would take a the battlefield seeking to pluck out the foe’s sorcerers
creature of enormous strength to push through such and devour them.
dense terrain, and even more surprisingly, the trail
seems as if it were chosen by a blind man, unable to
avoid obstacles, but forced to plough straight
through them. And so it is, for these are the tracks
left by a Cygor, one of the malformed Giant-like
creatures that hunt the arboreal heartlands.
Cygors have but one eye thot barely sees the world,
being only capable of discerning indistinct shapes-
The Cygor's eye instead perceives the ever-shifting
Winds of Magic, seeing perfectly the spectrum of
arcane power. Thus, a Cygor will blunder
indiscriminately through the material world, unable
to catch the prey it so insatiably wants to devour.
However, mages, warlocks or witches who wield
magical power are seen as shining beacons and the
Cygor desires to consume such sweetmeats above all
The mere presence of a Cygor is often enough to
cause enemy wizards to foul the casting of their

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Cygor 7 2 1 6 5 5 3 5 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 250  
SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Magic Resistance (2), Stubborn, Terror.
Ghost sight
The swirling melee of combat is an indistinct blur to the Cygor, confusing and disorientating. Enemies imbued with magic,
however, it can see with unearthly clarity. When fighting enemy Wizards, models with any sort of magic item or
magical attacks, Undead, or creatures with a ward save, the Cygor re-rolls failed To Hit rolls.
Hurl Attack
Cygors will hurl chunks of rune-inscribed waystones torn from temples and other arcane monuments, into the ranks of any who might
stop them from seizing their prey. A Cygor may make a shooting attack each turn as if it were a stone thrower but there is
no minimum range. It can use this ability even if it moved earlier in the turn, but cannot do so if it marched. A
misfire will do a single Wound to the Cygor - it's a dangerous business hurling chunks of menhir around.
Cygors are intensely unsettling to enemy Wizards, for they know Cygors crave their souls above all else. Enemy Wizards within 24"
of one or more Cygors must take a Leadership test a: the beginning of the Magic phase. If the test is failed, the
Wizard has lost his nerve - any spell he fails to cast this Magic phase will result in a miscast. Note that there is no
unusual effect if the spell is merely dispelled.

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Monsters of the deepest woods, Ghorgons are down in a strange display of gluttonous delight.
relentless gluttons that seek to slaughter and Smeared with gore and drooling slather, a
consume any flesh they can find. Beastmen Ghorgon can regain new strength from its flesh
believe that to consume a creature's raw flesh is feast. Yet no matter how much a Ghorgon
to absorb its power and the Ghorgons are the devourers, the hideous beast remains as
ultimate embodiment of this brutal maxim. The ravenous as ever. 
vile creatures have gorged so much that they
have grown tall and broad beyond measure,
towering to the height of Giants, and sprouting
many limbs and mouths to aid their endless

Bray-Shamans believe thot these ultimate

carnivores begin their lives as the largest
Minotours of their tribes, warrior lords who
chose gluttony over leadership and devoured
their lesser kin. Since that foul act, each
Ghorgon is driven by the accumulated bloodlust
of his cannibalism. During battle, a Ghorgon
wades into a mass of enemies and uses its many
arms to grasp, stuff, and shovel great goblets of
flesh into its multiple maws. In its insatiable lust
for food, the Ghorgon has been known to
swallow victims whole, the entire body bolted

Name Move WS BS S T W I Ld A
Ghorgon 7 4 0 6 6 6 3 10 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 260  
SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Stubborn, Terror.

Swallow Whole
The Ghorgon may forego all of its normal Attacks and instead make a single special Attack at an Initiative
of 1. This Attack has the Killing Blow ability, but To Wound rolls of 4, 5, or 6 act as Killing Blow attacks.

Strength from Flesh

As the Ghorgon chomps the enemy battleline, its flesh flushes red and its Wounds re-knit. Each time a Ghorgon causes
a Killing Blow with its Swallow Whole ability it regains D3 Wounds that it has lost earlier in the battle.

If the Ghorgon is on the winning side in a round of close combat, it immediately becomes subject to
Frenzy. If already Frenzied, then each time it is on the winning side of a round of close combat, the
model gains an additional Attack. These bonus Attacks are losr if the model loses its Frenzy. However
due to their desperate need to feed upon the flesh of the foe, models with Bloodgreed pursue and
overrun only D6”
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Page 90 
The Jabberslythe is a creature so disturbing to look at, that an aura claws and the fanged orifice that serves as the creature’s mouth.
of madness surrounds it. To gaze at such a beast is to invite having When wounded, the foul beast spurts not blood, but an acidic
your sanity ripped asunder. It is said that a Jabberslythe is so black fluid that burns anything it touches – making fighting a
horrible to view, that even clear pools of water will not offer up a Jabberslythe an even deadlier proposition
reflection and that those unfortunate enough to get an
unobstructed look at them are likely to claw out their own eyes in
an attempt to escape the nightmarish visions that will forever
haunt them.

The Jabberslythe is a hulking thing that combines the

unwholesome appearances of a toad, sludge-drake and a many-
limbed insect. It has rudimentary wings that allow short bursts of
ungainly flight and its gaping maw houses a long, sticky proboscis-
like tongue that darts out to snare prey. Jabberslythes are always
hungry. Attracted to any noise or movement, they lurk in the
undergrowth of the deepest parts of large forests, immobile save
for great hooded eyes that watch for the slightest twitch. When
victims are detected, the Jabberslythe bursts forth, the sight of
such a hideous creature stunning its quarry into madness. It will
then lollop towards them, scooping up the gibbering foe and
devouring them to the sounds of their own maniacal noises –
which sound much like the laughter of madmen. Those that
somehow cling to their sanity must face the Jabberslythe’s vorpal

Name Move WS BS S T W Ld I A
Jabberslythe 8 4 4 5 5 5 9 3 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 275  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Terror.

Aura of Madness:
Each enemy unit within 12" of one or more Jabberslythes at the beginning of the friendly Magic phase
must take a Leadership test. For every point by which a unit fails its test, it suffers a wound with no
armour saves allowed, distributed as for shooting – some of its members have gone irrevocably insane!
This has no effect on units that are Immune to Psychology
Slythey Tongue:
The Jabberslythe can use its sticky, retractable tongue to drag prey into its maw. It has a shooting attack
with the following profile;
Name Range Str Special Rules
Slythey Tongue 12" 5

Spurting Bile-blood:
For every wound caused on a Jabberslythe in close combat, the attacking unit immediately suffers a S5
hit, randomised as for shooting.

May take any of the following:
Lash Tail (Grants the Jabberslythe 1 Tail Attack): 15pts.
Sinisterly Skulking (Grants the Jabberslythe the Ambushers rule.): 30pts.

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Page 91 
Dragon Ogres are said to be amongst the oldest of all invigorated monster captive. Those wizards who
the world's living creatures, and to have preyed upon misspeak their incantations or improperly scribe their
Mankind long before the Chaos gateways unleashed Sigils do not survive. However, those who see
their curse upon the world. According to legend, they success have been able to refine their spells and
have since stuck a bargain with the Dark Gods to glamour’s to such an extent thot they can cage even
guarantee their primeval race's continued existence. the mighty Shaggoths - the forefathers of the Dragon
Whatever the truth, the powerful monsters still rule Ogre race.
many mountainous peaks, where they arise from long
slumbers to greet lightning storms.
A Dragon Ogre is almost impossible to command
with an ordinary spell of binding - the Chaos Gods
have first claim on its obedience - and it is so
intractably stubborn thot even magic cannot alter its
will. Yet some time in the past, a resourceful cabal of
mages discovered how to circumvent this obstacle:
by binding the Dragon Ogre with lightning, rather
than raw magic. Lightning invigorates and renews
Dragon Ogres, driving them into a bloodlust-filled
frenzy that cannot be extinguished.
Since those days, many wizards have attempted to
bind Dragon Ogres to their will, with the mixed
results to be expected when one keeps a crazed and  

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dragon Ogre 7 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 8
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth 7 6 3 6 5 6 4 5 9
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Dragon Ogre Monstrorus Beast 1 to 10 70 per model
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Monster 1 215   
EQUIPMENT: Dark-Runed Axe (hand weapon.)
Dragon Ogres: Fear, Scaly Skin 5+, Shackled by Lightning.
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth: Immune to Psychology, Scaly Skin 5+, Shackled by Lightning,
Large Target, Terror.
Shackled by Lightning
Dragon Ogres and Shaggoths are immune to all lightning-based spells, but due to the crackling energy of
their shackles, are always subject to the rules for Frenzy. Furthermore, they can never lose their Frenzy.

DRAGON OGRE OPTIONS: May take one of the following (all must or none)
Additional hand weapon: 3pts Great Weapon: 10pts

DRAGON OGRE SHAGGOTH OPTIONS: May take one of the following;

Additional hand weapon: 4pts Great Weapon: 18pts

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Page 92 
The Porcine horror known as the Razorgor is a Beastmen), who view interlopers with violent
foul mannered, rank smelling and utterly disdain.
repulsice creature of Chaos. Roughly
approximate to a giant bear in size) a Razorgor Razorgors thot are successfully enslaved become
is a vilely mutated creature covered in vicious a powerful weapon, ideal for breaking shield
spines, coarse haia and boasting lethally sharp walls in a single bloodspattered charge. They are,
tusks and fangs. Such is the beast's bloody- however, invariably hurled into battle with
minded temperament that it will fight and kill abandon and the expectation, even hope, of
almost any creature it comes across, ravenously death. Nobody wonts to be around a herd of
consuming the flesh of its victim with blood mad Rozorgors when the battle is over
gluttonous delight. and the rites of binding have dissipated.

Thick-skinned and pig-headed, Razorgors are

not exactly intelligent, however, their low
cunning and brute strength makes them on
invaluable addition to any army seeking some
raw, if foully mutated, muscle. Their dim wit
makes them ideal candidates to be enslaved by a
Scroll of Binding, and a wizard who achieves
this certainly gains a physical advantage in any
forthcoming battle. The greater risk, however, is
braving the dark forests where Razorgors make
their home. Not only ore these places the
preferred haunt of the Razorgors (who feast on
Beastmen much like a cow chews the cud), but
they are frequented by all manner of other
horrors (not least of whom are those self-same

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Razorgors 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 4 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 10 55 per model  


Thunderous Charge
A Razorgor has +1 Strength in the turn when it charges.

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The approach of a War Mammoth begins as a distant level a village in mere moments. The damage a whole
rumbling, like thunder over the horizon. Yet, herd of such beasts can do is nothing short of
growing steadily louder, the booming thud of the cataclysmic, wiping out entire tribes in an instant.
beasts approach causes the ground to tremble in Luckily, most Chaos War Mammoths encountered
rhythm to the four legged strides until, at last, the away from the frozen north are rogues - warped
gargantuan creature towers above. The War individuals that disdain even their own herds. The
Mammoth is like unto a living mountain, a woolly barbaric tribes seek out calves abandoned by their
colossus bedecked with an elephantine trunk and mothers, for if caught and trained early enough, a
great curved tusks. Chaos War Mammoth can be ridden into battle as a
nigh-unstoppable shock weapon.
War Mammoths travel the snow-covered steppes of
the farthest north, sweeping their tusks to expose the
twisted grasses and small creatures that live below. A
beast of such size consumes vast amounts of food,
and over time has ingested great quantities of Chaos
tainted material. Over the years, the mutating effects
have worked on the herd animals, causing them to
sprout extra horns, and turning them violently
aggressive. Chaos War Mammoths tolerate nothing in
their presence and will attack anything they can see.
They sound out trumpeting blasts before stomping
the enemy flat, leaving behind only stains in the
churned snow.
The northern tribes know that a single War
Mammoth can suddenly charge out of a blizzard and

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chaos War Mammoth 8 3 1 10 7 10 1 * 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 500  

SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Terror.

Largest of Monsters
This creature is so enormous that it can Thunderstomp everything but other models with this special rule.
* Mammoth Attacks:
Chaos War Mammoths do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They do not respond to orders
and have no plans beyond violently crushing anything before them. When the Mammoth comes to attack,
roll on the appropriate table to see what it does:

Mammoth Attacking Monsters Mammoth attacking anything else
D6 Attack D6 Attack
1 to 2 Butt 1 to 2 Trample
3 to 5 Gore 3 to 4 Stomp
6 Bellow 5 Bellow
6 Pick Up And…

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The Mammoth charges, ramming with its massive head. The Mammoth inflicts one automatic hit against one model in base
contact (your choice), causing D3 Strength 10 hits with the Muitiple Wounds (D3) special rule.
The Mammoth stabs at the enemy with its massive tusks. The Mammoth makes D6 Attacks with the Heroic Killing Blow
special rule.
The Mammoth trumpets and bellows at the enemy. Neither the Mammoth nor any units in contact with it actually fight if
they have not already done so this round. The Mammoth's side automatically wins the combat by 2 points (if both
sides have a Mammoth that bellows the combat is a draw).
The Mammoth tramples the enemy, crushing them beneath its massive weight. Any enemy unit in base contact suffers D6
Strength 10 hits for each rank of models it has.
The Mammoth does not attack this turn, but gets carried away with stomping. This turn the Mammoth's Thunderstomp causes
4D6 hits.
Pick up and...:
The Mammoth uses its agile trunk to grab a hapless victim that is either in base contact or touching a model in base
contact (it has a long reach). The target can make a single Attack to fend offthe trunk. If it causes an unsaved
Wound, the Mammoth's Attack fails, otherwise the Mammoth grabs the model. Roll a D6 to see what happens next:
Throw Back Into Combat. The victim is hurled back into his own unit like a missile. The victim is removed as a
casualty, and 2D6 Strength 4 hits are inflicted on the unit.
Hurl. The victim is hurled into an enemy unit within 18" of the Mammoth - randomly determine which. The victim
is removed as a casualty and 2D6 Strength 4 hits are inflicted on the unit. Unsaved Wounds from these hits count
towards the Mammoth's combat result. If no enemy units are in range, treat this as a Throw Back Into Combat
result instead.
Eat. The Mammoth swings the victim up into its gaping mouth and munches him down with obvious satisfaction.
The model is removed as a casualty. The Mammoth immediately regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
The Mammoth then picks another victim. This new victim makes a single Attack as usual to avoid being picked up -
if he fails, ro11 again on this table to see what the Mammoth does with him
Flail Wildly. The Mammoth swings its victim around with crazed abandon, slamming him repeatedly into rocks,
trees, friends and foes. All units (friend and foe but excluding the Mammoth itself) within 2D6" of the War
Mammoth suffer D6 Strength 6 hits. The initial victim suffers a Strength l0 hit for each other unit that suffers one
or more hits in this way (you need to do this at the end so you know how many other units have been hit). In the
unlikely event that the initial victim survives, place him at the back of the unit from which he was removed. All
unsaved Wounds caused count towards the combat result (unsaved Wounds to friendly models will count towards
your opponents combat result).
Throw Into the Air and Swat. With a triumphant trumpet, the Mammoth tosses the victim into the air and, with
impeccable timing, bats him at another enemy unit. Place the small round template anywhere within 4D6" of the
Chaos War Mammoth and scatter it D6". Any model partially or completely under the template suffers a Strength 4
hit. The initial victim then suffers 2D6 Wounds with no armour saves allowed (D6 for the swatting and D6 for the
impact, in case you're wondering). If the swatted model survives, place it within 1" of the template's final position,
and at least 1" away from other units. If the model cannot be placed or is a non-character model, remove it as a
casualty - it's been trampled!
Squash and Pick Another. The Mammoth's strong trunk constricts the victim until it pops! The model is removed
as a casualty. The Mammoth then picks another victim. This new victim makes a single Attack as usual to avoid
being picked up – if he fails, roll again on this table to see what the Mammoth does with him.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 95 
Chaos Warhounds are tireless hunters built of there are many tales thot purport to recount
little more than muscle and fang. Warped in Kadon's final hours - most have turned out to
mind and body, they prowl the wilderness in refer instead to luckless apprentices - this one
ravening packs, running down prey that ranges has the proper 'too clever for his own good' ring
in size from stay children to overly intoxicated about it to hold at least a kernel of truth.
Giants. Although often cowardly and only
willing to attack vulnerable prey, when they are Regardless of the victim's actual identity, this
in full-baying bloodlust, their hunger for legend has become a cautionary tale for any
steaming raw meat is such that they will even wizard seeking control over Chaos Warhounds.
hurl themselves upon a spearwall with total Sheer mindlessness, after all, is no guarantee of
abandon. Their only concern during such a inferiority...
moment is when their slobbering jaws can be
sunk into juicy, yielding flesh.

Chaos Warhounds are amongst the easiest

creatures for a Wizard to bind to his will, for
they possess only scant intelligence, and survive
on a quick-witted hunter's instinct that is easily
subverted to other ends. Even so, only a wizard
consumed with bravado will keep Chaos
Warhounds close by, as they become
increasingly difficult to control once the heady
scent of blood enters their nostils. There is a
fairly persistent legend thot insists Kadon
himself met his end when a pack of shackled
ChaosWarhounds broke free of his control and
slaked their bloodthirst upon his flesh. Whilst

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chaos Warhound 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 4 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
War Beast 5 to 20 6 per model  
May take any of the following (all Warhounds in the unit must have the same upgrades):
Scalehide (Grants the Scaly Skin (6+) special rule.): 1pt per model
Seeping Fangvenom (Grants the Poisioned Attacks special rule.): 1pt per model

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 96 
The fickle nature of the Dark Gods means that These Great Chaos Spawn are truly vast
any creature which is granted too many gifts of creatures. Once they gain momentum, they are
Chaos will eventually succumb to madness and nigh unstoppable and even more unpredictable
corruption. As mutations run out of control, a thon their smaller kin. A Great Chaos Spawn
Chaos Spawn is created. These Spawn vary from has no way of unleashing the magical energy
animal or man-size to huge monstrosities. Just stored up in its body, and its unspeakably
as they vary in size, they also vary in shape and twisted frame con only contain so much mystic
appearance, with bloated bodies, wriggling energy before it explodes with on ear-splitting
tentacles, writhing limbs, claws, fangs, spines (and distinctly soggy) roar.
and gibbering mouths being frequent, although
seldom found in the same place twice. Insane
and mindless, they follow the forces of Chaos
into battle, where they rampage amongst the
enemy, causing carnage. Having no mind or self-
will, a Spawn has no comprehension of danger
and will keep attacking until it is slain. They are
seen as useful but expendable assets by the
warlords and champions of the Chaos gods.

Some Chaos Spawn have a peculiar sensitivity to

magic, feeding off it and absorbing its power
until they grow to many times their original size.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chaos Spawn 2D6 3 0 4 5 3 2 D6+1 10
Great Chaos Spawn 3D6 3 0 6 7 5 1 2D6+1 10
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Chaos Spawn Monstorous Beast 1 55
Great Chaos Spawn Monster 1 190  
SPECIAL RULES: Fear (Chaos Spawn Only), Terror (Great Chaos Spawn Only), Random
Attacks, Random Movement, Unbreakable

May take one of the following:
Mark of Khorne (Grants+1 Strength): 20pts
Mark of Tzeentch (Grants a 6+ Ward Save.): 15pts
Mark of Nurgle (Ranged Attacks that target this model are at -1 To Hit, Melee attacks are at -1WS.): 30pts
Mark of Slaanesh (Grants the ‘Always Strikes First’ special rule): 20pts

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 97 
Bloodthirsters are the most deadly of all Khorne's forth from his nostrils and his iron-hard hooves
Daemons - they are fury given form and slaughter smite the earth with each stride, blackening the
made manifest. Yet even amongst Bloodthirsters, the ground with unnatural power. Single-handedly a
supreme deathbringers of the Blood God, there are match for an entire army, an Exalted Bloodthirster
some who stand apart. The most ferocious of their seeks only to fight, to unleash his limitless rage in
kind have been blessed by almighty Khorne himself, combat unbridled, and to claim a veritable mountain
and are known as Exalted Bloodthirsters. of skulls for his insatiable master.
To have basked in the fiery rage of the Blood God,
to be knighted by his double-handed sword, to then
join the ranks of the Lord of Battle's honour guard is
an unmatched mark of distinction. Such divine
tribute swells the already immense Bloodthirsters to
colossal proportions, their gigantic forms spilling out
so much bloodlust that the air around them ripples as
if overheated from some supernatural furnace.
An Exalted Bloodthirster can only cross from the
Realm of Chaos into the material world through
exceptionally large rifts, such that only occur in the
most calamitous of events. When the veil is so torn
thot he can push through the barriers, an Exalted
Bloodthirster announces his arrival by bellowing his
presence with the sound of a thousand thunderclaps.
This is a blood challenge - a call to battle for anything
thot can hear his roar. Sparks and block smoke issue

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exalted Bloodthister 8 10 0 7 7 7 9 9 9
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster, Character 1 775  

SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Fly, Hatred, Killing Blow, Large Target, Magic
Resistance (2), Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable.

EQUIPMENT: Colossal Axe of Khorne (hand weapon)

Aura of Fury
Exalted Bloodthirsters burn with such blistering wrath that a wave of fury emanates outwards from them,
empowering all nearby with a furious bloodlust. A1l models (friend or foe) within 12" of an Exalted
Bloodthirster gain +1 Strength and the Fight in Extra Ranks special rule whilst within range.
Daemonic Attacks
Being a corporeal manifestation of Chaos, all of the Exalted Bloodthirster's Attacks are magical.
Brass Armour
This grants the Exalted Bloodthirster a 3+ armour save. In addition, magic weapons carried by enemy
models lose all their magical abilities whilst the bearer remains in base contact with the Exalted

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 98 
Tzeentch constantly tests his minions, seeking those who Daemon's croaking voice utters divine nonsense, all-seeing
can lead his intrigue-filled designs. Only the Lords of intuitions juxtaposed with intriguing half-truths that make
Change can navigate the intricate mindmazes, and few of even the most strong-willed second guess their every
them are devious enough to puzzle the countless schemes intention. Amidst this maelstrom of magic, Tzeentch's
within. Those that can, follow the clues to a chamber favoured minions wreak their inscrutable changes upon the
secreted deep in the Impossible Fortress. There, amidst a world.
treasure trove of his longest running and most convoluted
manipulations, the Greater Daemons are granted the
favour of Tzeentch. Each bathes in Tzeentch's living
flames, a blessing that imbues them with still greater
powers and exalted status.

Exalted Lords of Change are the master movers of the

most ambitious plots; Each Daemon has his nefarious
hands on hundreds of different destinies, keeping watch
much as a spider at the centre of a web keeps track of each
sticky filament, waiting for prey to become entangled.
Many plans involve the eternal war between the gods in the
Realm of Chaos, yet no few of the strands wind through
the mortal realm. It is perilous for on Exalted Lord of
Change to enter the mortal world, save when storms of
magic unleash a truly massive amount of eldritch power to
sustain them.

When an Exalted Lord of Change spreads his wings upon

the mortal world, then let all tremble, for such is its
sorcerous might and vast uncaring knowledge, that even
the mightiest must fear it. Those who dare approach an
Exalted Lord of Change face dangers beyond just being
blasted by magics or sliced open by rending claws, for the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exalted Lord of Change 8 6 4 7 7 7 6 7 9
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster, Character 1 775  
SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Flaming Attacks, Fly, Large Target, Loremaster (Lore of
Tzeentch), Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable.

EQUIPMENT: Staff of Change (Hand weapon. For each unsaved Wound a model suffers from
the Staff of Change, it must pass a Toughness test or be slain instantly.)

MAGIC: An Exalted Lord of Change is a Level 4 Wizard who uses the Lore of Tzeentch or Metal
Barrage of Knowledge
All enemy models within 12" of this model suffer a -1 penalty to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill
whilst within range.
Daemonic Attacks
Being a corporeal manifestation of Chaos, all of the Exalted Lord of Change Attacks are magical.
Blue Flames
An Exalted Lord of Change can blast blue flame from his hands. The Blue Flames have the profile;
Name Range Str Special Rules
Blue Flames 18" 4 Multiple Shots D6, Quick to Fire
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 99 
There is intense rivalry amongst the Great Unclean Ones - magic to support them. When the Winds of Magic gust to
the Greater Daemons of Nurgle, for they all long for the hurricane force, then the Exalted Unclean Ones can again
attentions of their Plaguefather. To be noticed by the Lord walk the world, bringing with them unimaginable
of Decoy, a Great Unclean One must surpass all others in pestilence, poisoning the air with their mere presence.
the spreading of pestilent blessings. To be the rotten apple
of almighty Nurgle's eye, a Great Unclean One must
become a walking pandemic, a manifestation of all that is
corrupt. Yet even this task is not enough, for to truly gain
the favour of the Master of the Garden of Blight, o Great
Unclean One must accomplish his befouling goals whilst
displaying the most ebullient of moods. After all, it is a
joyful thing to bring forth a debilitating pot, for it is a
beautiful thing well worth celebrating.

To those Great Unclean Ones thot raise their levels of filth

and disease to new heights, a special gift is bestowed. The
divine blessing of Nurgle is made consummate with a
drought of mouldering elixir from the Plaguefather's
cauldron. Those who have so sipped grow in size and
stature, blossoming into what is known as an Exalted Great
Unclean One. First amongst Nurgle's Daemons, these
unholy creatures are so huge and bloated that their bulk
seems to overflow with even more ponderous fleshy folds,
all rank with disease - they truly are the foulest of the foul.
Exalted Great Unclean Ones are rarely seen in the mortal
realms, for their great mass requires a prodigious supply of

Name Move WS BS S Ld T W I A
Exalted Great Unclean One 6 4 0 7 9 7 10 4 6
Troop Type Unit Size
Monster, Character 1
SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks, Regeneration, Terror,
Unbreakable, Unstable.

EQUIPMENT: Balesword (Hand weapon. All hits caused by a Balesword wound automatically and
have the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule.)

MAGIC: An Exalted Great Unclean One is a Level 4 Wizard who uses the Lore of Nurgle or Death
Extreme Contagion
The Exalted Great Unclean One exudes a plague-filled aura that rots and debilitates any foes foolish
enough to enter into close proximity. Enemy models in base contact with the Daemon at the start of any
Magic phase suffer a Wound on the roll of a 5 * with no armour saves allowed.

Daemonic Attacks
Being a corporeal manifestation of Chaos, all of the Exalted Great Unclean One Attacks are magical.

Fabulous Bile
The Exalted Great Unclean One can vomit forth a putrid stream of maggots, blood and noxious slime on
command. This is a Strength 4 Breath Weapon against which no armour saves are allowed.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 100 
There is no creature more lithesome on the battlefield than such a Daemon can only walk upon the mortal realm
an Exalted Keeper of Secrets - it pirouettes through during those rare peak periods of Chaotic power. Yet when
combat, its many long and sensuous arms gracefully these times do come, the Exalted Keeper of Secrets struts
whirling an array of razor-sharp nails, keening blades and eagerly into the world, desperate to unleash their seductive
claws with heavily serrated cutting edges. In the pale enchantments and reap ever more souls for the Prince of
Daemon's weaving wake, limbs are sheared off, innards are the Palace of Pleasures.
spilled and blood is splattered in fountain like arcs, all
perfectly choreographed, all falling to the ground in
aesthetically pleasing patterns.

A Keeper of Secrets is a formidable foe, able to cast

alluringly deadly spells or disembowel a Dragon in close
combat, yet perhaps the most lethal aspect of these Slayers
of Slaanesh is their ability to see inside to o creature's
innermost desires and thus expertly tempt him towards
eternal damnation. An Exalted Keeper of Secrets has
performed such exquisite services and delivered so many
souls to the Dark Prince of Chaos, thot the Lord of Excess
has granted a glorious gift - he has allowed the Keeper of
Secrets to suckle at his own divine power. Such power
swells through a Greater Daemon so it grows mightier still.
Ripples of pleasure and pain wash out from their graceful
and long-limbed bodies, numbing any not pure of 6oth
heart and mind with a cacophony of overwrought

The mundane world cannot long support the unnatural

energy that pouts out of on Exalted Keeper of Secrets, and

Name Move WS BS S T Ld W I A
Exalted Keeper of Secrets 10 9 0 7 7 9 7 10 8
Troop Type Unit Size
Monster, Character 1 775  
SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Always Strikes First, Armour Piercing (close combat
attacks only), Large Target, Terror, Unbreakable, Unstable.

EQUIPMENT: Torment Blade (Hand weapon. A model that suffers one or more unsaved
Wounds from the Torment Blade cannot strike during that Close Combat phase unless it can pass a
Leadership test..)

MAGIC: An Exalted Great Unclean One is a Level 4 Wizard who uses the Lore of Slaanesh or
Sensual Barrage
Heady waves of pain, pleasure and every type of sensual overload emanate from the Exalted Keeper of
Secrets. Al1 enemy models within 6" of the Exalted Keeper of Secrets suffer a -1 penalty to their Weapon
Skill and Initiative whilst within range.

Daemonic Attacks
Being a corporeal manifestation of Chaos, all of the Exalted Great Unclean One Attacks are magical.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 101 
Dragons are an incredibly ancient race whose forefathers Emperor Dragons are the wisest, largest and most
lived many thousands of years before even the Elves set powerful of all their kind - only they can truly compare
foot in the Old World. Today, they are few in number with the mighty Kalgalanos. Today, Emperor Dragons are
compared to the times of old, when they dominated the beyond rare, and the few thot have survived spend most of
world and the air was full of soaring Dragons, tussling for their time hidden away and asleep. As legends have it, the
supremacy in the primeval skies. Those Dragons who few remaining Emperor Dragons spend their time guarding
remain today are reclusive creatures that spend much of their vast treasure hordes, piled wealth that has been many
their time asleep in hidden mountainside lairs or sunken millennia in the gathering. All Emperor Dragons love gold
caverns. Although fewer in number, Dragons are still and riches, and any of their hordes is said contain wealth
creatures of vast power and when they are roused from equal to the treasury of the very greatest of all Dwarf kings.
their deep slumber, their deeds and actions are the stuff of Accordingly, an Emperor Dragon seldom likes to venture
legends. far from its lair, in case of theft, but at need the great beast
will unfurl its ancient wings and fly down from its
Dragons are a diverse species, and apt to display enormous
mountain lair to feed and plunder.
variation in colour and abilities. These differences depend
little on the creature's breeding, for the father of all
Dragons was the fabled Kalgalanos the Black, and his
spawn were all the colours under the sun. The hue of a
Dragon's scale goes beyond mere pigment - it is on
indicator of the Dragon's nature. Red, or Fire Dragons, are
impatient and wrathful creatures that breathe roaring flame,
Forest Dragons are elusive, deepwood creatures thot belch
corrosive fumes, whilst Storm Dragons spit lightning bolts
and are whimsical, almost flighty, in temperament.

A Drogon's size is proportional to its age .They continue to

grow throughout their lives, and Dragons of any colour can
reach huge proportions if they live for long enough. Few
Dragons today can rival the size Kalgalanos the Black,
whose vast scaly body was bigger than an Empire greatship
and whose head was bigger than a house. Even so,
Dragons remain amongst the largest of all creatures and
powerful servants whilst the spells of binding last.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Young Dragon 6 5 0 5 5 5 4 4 7
Dragon 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 5 8
Great Dragon 6 7 0 7 7 7 2 6 9
Emperor Dragon 8 9 0 9 9 9 1 8 10
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Young Dragon Monster 1 235
Dragon Monster 1 300
Great Dragon Monster 1 390
Emperor Dragon Monster 1 650  


DRAGON): Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin 3+, Terror.
Breath Weapons
Each Dragon must choose a type from below, which determines the nature of its Breath Weapon.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 102 
 Fire Dragons are hot-tempered and intolerant beasts whose flaming breath and ready rage have long since
passed into legend as being synonymous with Dragon kind. Fire Dragons have a Strength 4 Breath
Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special ru1e.
 Black Dragons were always ranked amongst the most malevolent of creatures, even before they were warped by
the dark sorceries of the Witch King Malekith. They are indiscriminate murderers, revelling in slaughter for its
own sake. Black Dragons have a Strength 4 Breath Weapon, and any unit taking casualties from
the Breath Weapon must pass a Leadership test with a -3 modifier in order to declare charges in
their next Movement phase. Units that are Immune to Psychology take damage as normal but do
not suffer any additional effects.
 Frost Dragons are creatures of frost and ice, the chi1l of midwinter given vengeful and scaly form. They are slow
to anger, presumably a result of their own chill nature being combined with cold-biooded physiology. Frost
Dragons have a Strength 3 Breath Weapon. In addition, any unit hit by the Breath Weapon gains
the Always Strikes Last special rule until rhe end of the following turn.
 Forest Dragons are torpid and somnolent creatures given to slumbering under forest canopies, wound about the
gnarled boughs of mighty trees. They are incredibly poisonous, and even the merest wisp of their clammy breath can
kill. Forest Dragons have a Strength 2 Breath Weapon that has a -3 armour save modifier.
 Storm Dragons are rarely encountered at ground level, for they love to swoop and dive through the heart of the
mightiest thunderstorms. This builds up a crackling electric charge upon the Dragon's azure scales, which it can
then 'spit' as a ball of lightning. The Breath Weapon of a Storm Dragon always wounds on a D6
result equal to the victim's armour save. Models with no armour save cannot be wounded by a
Storm Dragon's Breath Weapon.

MAGIC (EMPEROR DRAGON): Some of the wisest Emperor Dragons are mighty
Wizards in their own right. An Emperor Dragon can have up to 4 Wizard levels at a cost of 35pts per lvl.
SPECIAL RULES (EMPEROR DRAGON): Fly, Immune to Psychology, Large
Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Terror.
Breath Weapons
Each Emperor Dragon must choose a type from below, which determines its Breath Weapon.
 Doomfire Dragons are swift to wrath and take an abiding joy in setting alight the towns and fortresses oflesser races.
Doomfire Dragons have a Strength 6 Breath Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special rule. A Doomfire
Dragon with Wizard levels always uses the Lore of Fire.
 Nightmare Dragons are believed not to be real creatures at all, but wild currents of Amethyst Magic given life.
Nightmare Dragons have the same Breath Weapon as a Black Dragon but hits from it are resolved at a
Strength of 5 instead of a Strength of 4 (all other effects remain unchanged). A Nightmare Dragon with
Wizard levels always uses the Lore of Death.
 Ice Dragons are the most sedate and slumbersome of their kind. Ice Dragons have a Strength 5 Breath Weapon.
In addition, any unit hit by the Breath Weapon gains the Always Strikes Last special rule until the end of
the following turn. An Ice Dragon with Wizard levels always uses the Lore of Light.
 Venom Dragons are poisonous within and without. Despite this, Venom Dragons see themselves as agents of rebirth, of
culling the weak so that new life might arise. Venom Dragons have a Strength 4 Breath Weapon that has a -5
armour save modifier. A Venom Dragon with Wizard levels always uses the Lore of Life.
 Great Storm Dragons are wild and unpredictable, striking without warning from a clear sky. The Breath Weapon
of a Great Storm Dragon always wounds on a D6 result equal to the victim's armour save. Models with no
armour save cannot be wounded by this Breath Weapon. A Great Storm Dragon with Wizard levels always
uses the Lore of Heavens

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 103 
Once the proud and noble rulers of the skies, protrusions, or have skin crawling with the stuff
now split, twisted and corrupted by the forces of of corruption itself. Truly, each Chaos Dragon is
change, the terrible two-headed Chaos Dragons a piece of obscene living sculpture, and a facet
are nightmarish and malevolent predators. of Tzeentch's unknowable splendour.
Borne aloft on wings no longer made of mere
flesh and bone, but of black sorcery and the will Although it is a rare (and. often calamitous)
of Dark Gods made manifest, a Chaos Dragon event to see a Chaos Dragon far from the
is a terrifying nemesis to all order and sanity. Northern Wastes, the beasts are drawn to
They are wicked and fickle creatures, possessing storms of magic and have o preternatural ability
every bit as much malevolent delight in to tum up when such tempests strike. Many
destruction and treachery as their creator, the wizards who bind a Chaos Dragon often feel as
great and devious god Tzeentch. Even a single if the beast is not truly spellbound, but rather
Chaos Dragon can put an entire army to flight, obeying to suit their own whims..
incinerating its enemies with bursts of
dragonflame, choking them with clouds of
noxious black vapour, or shredding them with
its massive teeth and claws.

It is said that Chaos Dragons see themselves as

wholly distinct from Tzeentch's mortal
followers. Indeed, they hold Dragonkind to be
the Dark God's true servants in the mortal
world, for men have ever been quick to change
their allegiance over the centuries. No two
Chaos Dragons are exactly the same, for the
gifts of Chaos affected each in subtly different
ways. Some have their organs and bones on
display, blood vessels pulsing and pounding
through a sheath of invisible flesh. Others are  
covered in spikes, horns and knobbly

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chaos Dragon 6 6 0 6 6 6 3 6 8
Emperor Chaos Dragon 8 9 0 9 9 9 1 9 10
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Chaos Dragon Monster 1 330
Emperor Chaos Dragon Monster 1 710  

SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Terror

Breath Weapons
Chaos Dragons have two different Breath Weapons and can use them both in the same turn. One head
breathes fire: a Strength 4 Breath Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special rule. The other breathes a
cloud of corrosive gas: a Strength 2 Breath Weapon with a -3 armour save modifi.er. If the Dragon is an
Emperor Chaos Dragon, then the Strength of the Breath Weapons are increased by one.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 104 
Many horrible creatures have been altered by the Beast kills - so its keen nostrils constantly sniff for
mutating powers of Chaos and the Giant Spined the scent of potential victims.
Beast is one such monstrosity. It is a foul, four legged
It can swallow a man whole, but against larger quarry
beast thot prowls the strangely lit wastelands near the
the Giant Spined Beast will dig in deeply with its
great Chaos rift seeking to vent the all-consuming
great fangs before viciously shaking its head, so thot
rage of its pained existence upon anything that it con
when its locked jaws twist free, they will be
see or scent.
accompanied by a vast hunk of flesh from the
The Giant Spined Beast is similar to a Chaos Hound, sundered victim.
only grown to insane proportions in thot magic-
soaked realm. The beast's skin seems stretched too
far and it frequently tears, ripped asunder by the
sudden growth of newly forming muscles or spiny
protrusions. Such rapid development exposes
glistening raw tendons and angry new layers of skin,
reknitting anew over the gaping holes.
The Giant Spined Beast takes its names from the
bony protrusions that sprout from its hide, new
spikes regularly bursting forth. The creature's
interlocking sabre-like teeth can also be seen
growing, brutally jutting out of the Giant Spined
Beast's blood-dripping maw. In a span of moments,
each fang expands until it is taller than a man, before
it is painfully pushed out by a newly emerging fang,
which repeats the process. Constantly howling, the
monster shudders in pain-wracked agony. The
throbbing ache only subsides when the Giant Spined  

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Giant Spined Beast 7 3 0 6 5 6 3 6 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 220  
SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Large Target, Regeneration, Swiftstride, Terror.
The Giant Spined Chaos Beast's spikes make it difficult to fight. Any unit, including friendly units, in base
contact with the Great Spined Chaos Beast at the start of any round of close combat suffers D6
automatic Strength 4 hits resolved after Impact Hits, but before any models roll To Hit. Any Wounds
caused by the spikes count towards combat resolution.

May have one of the following:
Mark of Khorne (The model has +1 Strength): 20pts
Mark of Tzeentch (The model has a 6+ ward save): 15pts
Mark of Nurgle (Ranged Attacks against the model are at -1 To Hit, in close combat at -1 WS.): 30pts
Mark of Slaanesh (The model the Always Strikes First special rule): 20pts

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 105 
The Cockatrice is on unsettling and repulsive creature enough of a view to prove deadly.
that seldom emerges from its lair. Some say that this
is due to the enthusiasm with which Bretonnion
Knights hunt and slay them - even the stupidest
creature can make out the intentions of a Knight
Errant at full flood, and Cockatrices are, if anything,
more intelligent than most knights.
In truth, the Cockatrice is not a bold fighter and
prefers to lurk around the fringes of a battlefield
where it can safely feast on the dead and dying.
Despite the beast's inclination for self-preservation,
only a very foolish warrior will corner a Cockatrice.
When the beast is desperate, it goes berserk,
shrieking and clawing at all who approach it with a
maddened ferocity that more than compensates for
its innate cowardice.
Whilst the Cockatrice is not so physically fearsome as
many other monsters, it has a curious ability thot
makes it the equal of even the mightiest Dragon. The
Cockatrice can petrify foes with its magical gaze,
literally turning them to stone with a glance unless
they can evade its sorcerous stare. This ability makes
the Cockatrice a deadly opponent, for a warrior must
try to vanquish the beast without ever setting sight
upon it. Even a glimpse of the Cockatrice's visage is  

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Cockatrice 4 4 5 4 4 4 6 6 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 175  
SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Large Target, Scaly Skin (4+), Terror.
Petrifying Gaze
Petrifying Gaze is a magical shooting attack and has the following profile:
Name Range Str Special Rules
Petrifying Gaze 12" 2 Sniper, Heroic Killing Blow
Hits from the Petrifying Gaze are magical. When rolling To Wound with this shooting attack, substitute
the target's Toughness with its Initiative value. No armour saves are permitted against the Petrifying

May take any of the following:
Poisoned Claws (Grants the Cockatrice the Poisoned Attacks special rule.): 10pts
Acidic Vomit (Grants the Cockatrice a Strength 3 Breath Weapon.): 20pts

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 106 
Huge, hairy and especially bad tempered, the lumbering Rhinox has developed a keen sense of
Rhinox is a large and dangerous horned beost smell and has learned to charge anything that
thot will lower its head and ram anything in its doesn't reek like another Rhinox. On occasion,
way, even the most massive of creatures. they will charge even if it does smell like a
Rhinoxen can almost always be found living in Rhinox, as the creatures are just that hostile, and
the mountainous regions of the world, where the smell really is that bad. Powered by thick
they roam the snowy slopes and thunder haunches of purest muscle, a ram from a
through the passes in small , but formidable, charging Rhinox is devastating and those lucky
herds that are given a wide berth by all but the enough to avoid being gored or skewered by its
most ferocious of desperate of predators. horns can still be flung airborne by the force of
its impact. Dwarf trappers often say thot
A herd of Rhinoxen will never willingly alter its startling a Rhinox is the fastest way of getting
path for anything - be it rockfall, weather, or down a mountain
monstrous predator. Some of this has to do with
their own tough nature, as thick skin and shaggy,
coarse hair protects the Rhinox from the
elements and all but the most horrendous of
damage. Doubtless, some of their fearlessness
also stems from the creature's obstinate ways.
However, the notoriously bad eyesight of the
Rhinox certainly factors into its penchant for
walking blindly into precarious situations. As
they live in the extremes of high altitude - with
numbing winds, snow, squalls and the ever
present threat of blizzards, visibility is often
limited anyway, so the fact thot a Rhinox cannot
see more than a few strides ahead is not nearly
as debilitating as it would be for a beast of the
plains. To compensate for its near-blindness, the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Rhinox 6 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 115 per model 

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Frenzy, Impact Hits (D3), Stubborn.

Natural Armour (4+)

The Rhinox is protected by its thick, furry hide, granting it an armour save of 4+

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 107 
Sabretusks are powerfully built hunting cats of large game. There are tales of the predators
most noted for their extended canines, which jut stalking the tar pits and ooze geysers of the
boldly out of their lower jaws. They hunt Dark Lands, where they make easy meals out of
individually or in small pocks and are known to anything foolish enough to get stuck when the
be aggressive carnivores. When it attacks, a bubbling pits erupt. No matter where they are
Sabretusk uses its elongated, tusk-like teeth to found, many hunters seek Sabretusks, for their
slash and stab, hoping to sever arteries or distinctive striped hides are coveted across the
disembowel its quarry. Sabretusks often hunt in Old World and as far away as Ulthuan.
packs, enabling them to bring down enormous
animals - they have been known to track and kill A wizard who binds Sabretusks during a magical
beasts as big as Ice Mammoths. When storm can make great use not only of their
conditions are right, a Sabretusk prefers to deadly fighting skills, but also the beasts'
spring from ambush, or at least stalk its prey, matchless tracking skills. Few indeed are wily
patiently waiting an opportunity to attack from enough to elude a Sabretusk pack on the hunt.
unawares, leaping upon a victim's side or rear.
Regardless of angle, once it commits to an
attack, the Sabretusk does so with a savage
ferocity, although the fickle beasts are not obooe
turning tail and bolting should the initial thrusts
go poorly. Only upon killing its mark will the
muscular beasts utter a sound - unleashing a
loud and rasping roar of victory while boring its
blood-stained tusks.

Sabretusks ore most associated with colder

climes and can regularly be found prowling the
mountain slope above the treeline, however, the
canny feline hunters will tail wherever their prey
takes them. Packs of Sabretusks are known to
regularly descend into lowland areas in pursuit

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sabretusk 8 4 0 4 4 2 4 3 4
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 21 per model  


May take any of the following (all Sabretusks in the unit must have the same upgrades):
Scouts (Grants the entire unit of Sabretusks the Scouts special rule.): 2pts per model.
Ambushers (Grants the entire unit of Sabretusks the Ambushers special rule.): 2pts per model.
Bane Claws (Grants the entire unit of Sabretusks the Killing Blow special rule.): 3pts per model.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 108 
Those who travel the mountain passes know the Yhetees ore most frequently found in the
threat posed by the savage packs of creatures Mountains of Mourn, but colonies of the
known as the Yhetee. Living far above the tree creatures are known to have migrated to other
line, Yhetees are hairy ape-armed humanoids mountain chains. When the unnatural energies
with a ravenous hunger for flesh. With their pale of a storm of magic rise, it is possible for a
fur and penchant for lurking buried in the snow wizard to summon Yhetees from their highland
drifts that cap the highest mountains, Yhetees lairs, binding the abominable creatures for a
stalk unseen while keeping a wary watch over time.
the highland paths. When their quarry is spotted
- perhaps armed convoys daring passage over
the high passes, or herds of creatures such as
Rhinox or Ice Mammoths - then the Yhetees
surround the prey and trigger an avalanche.

Tons of snow plunges down the mountainside,

closely followed by the loping Yhetees, who can
scale sheer cliff faces and negotiate steep drops
at speed. With their foes crushed by rocks and
snow, the Yhetees dig out their half frozen
victims using long, iron-hard talons to lop off
limbs and heads, soaking the snows with blood.
Some Yhetees use crude clubs heavily encrusted
with pure blocks of ice - these are the perfect
instruments with which to batter foes to a pulp.
The few victims that survive such attacks claim
that the Yhetees themselves exude an aura of
unnatural frost, causing limbs to stiffen and
making breathing laborious in such icy chill.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Yhetee 7 3 0 5 4 3 4 3 7
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Infantry 3 to 10 44 per model  

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Flammable, Swiftstride.

Aura of Frost
Yhetees have evolved a specific affinity with the subzero temperatures of their mountainside homes. The
magical aura of cold that they exhale not only freezes the blood and marrow of their victims, but also
wreathes the crude weapons wielded by the Yhetees with enchanted ice.

While any enemy models are in base contact with one or more Yhetees, they suffer a - 1 penalty to their
Weapon Skill. In addition, all of the Yhetees close combat attacks are magical.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 109 
A Thundertusk is a hulking four-legged beast that feet, will shatter just about any foe into fragments.
strides the glacier-ridden lands of the far north. It is a The strength and stamina of Thundertusks are
primordial creature that has survived since a bygone legendary and the Ogres that hunt those northern
era, a time when the entire world was sheathed in ice. lands value the creatures as feast-worthy prey, able to
However, it has not done so unchanged. Over many feed a whole tribe. On rare occasions a Thundertusk
generations, the warping effects of raw Chaos has can even be captured, and the Ogres then use them
gradually turned the Thundertusk into a walking to serve as nigh-unbeatable mounts
patch of winter. The Thundertusk emanates frost,
sending out chilling waves of freezing air that lap
around its mammoth hide, slowing all who dare
approach the great beast.
Named after its most prominent feature, the
Thundertusk bears a deadly set of long and curving
tusks that jut out from its gaping maw, brutal
projections that it uses to smash down obstacles or
skewer prey. By projecting its cold aura with a
massive thunderclap, the Thundertusk can even hurl
blasts of arctic air that will freeze distant victims,
slowing them down and keeping them in place to
allow the gargantuan creature to close. The resulting
tusk charge, not to mention the massive stomping

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Thundertusk 6 3 0 6 6 6 2 4 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 190  
SPECIAL RULES: Large Target, Terror
Natural Armour (5+):
The Thundertusk is protected by its thick, furry hide, granting it an armour save of 5+
Numbing Chill:
Any enemy model within 6" of a Thundertusk has the Always Strikes Last rule
Sphere of Frost-wreathed Ice:
The Thundertusk can make a stone thrower shooting attack with the following profile. This attack may be
made even if the Thundertusk moves, but not if it marches
Name Range Str Special Rules
Frost‐wreathed Ice 6‐12" 3 (6) Multiple Wounds (D3)
Do not use the Stone Thrower Misfire chart if the sphere of frost-wreathed ice suffers a misfire. Instead,
a misfire means that the sphere does not fire this turn, though it may still fire as normal in its next turn

May take any of the following:
Spike Tail (Grants the Thundertusk 1 Tail Attack): 15pts.
Icy Breath (Grants the Thundertusk a Strength 4 Breath Weapon.) 30pts.
Note: Icy Breath cannot be used in the same turn in which the Thundertusk uses its sphere of frost-wreathed ice shooting attack.:

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 110 
Stonehorns are shaggy-haired beasts that make the the crushing tread of the Stonehorn. Yet eventually
foothills of the Mountains of Mourn their stomping the creatures turn completely to immobile stone and
grounds. They seek out precious metals to eat, using it is said that the upper slopes of the Mountains of
their great iron-hard horns to smash into the rock Mourn are dotted with such strange snow-covered
face in search of such mineral deposits. The charge statues – beasts that have at last succumbed to old
of a Stonehorn can pulverise stone, collapse a cliff age and turned entirely to rock
face or shatter a glacier. And that’s just what the
beast does, smash into the frozen mountainsides,
tearing up the terrain in its quest for silver or gold,
literally crunching up the rocks and rubble in order to
find and follow a rich vein of precious metal.
Fully grown Stonehorns have little or no flesh left
on their bony heads, having long ago scraped it off in
their constant quest to headbutt the mountains
themselves. Irascible to an extreme, they have no
patience with other living creatures and charge
headlong at them to drive them off or crush them
beneath their mighty hooves. Few things can survive
such a hefty charge, for Stonehorns are unnaturally
heavy, their considerable bulk rising from a peculiar
affliction. Stonehorns suffer from a slow form of
petrifaction – a process that gradually turns the beast
into a living fossil. Even a substance as hard as
Dwarf-forged steel will be utterly flattened beneath

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Stonehorn 7 3 0 6 6 6 2 5 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 210  
SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Large Target, Terror
Natural Armour (4+):
The Stonehorn has an armour save of 4+
Earth-shattering Charge: 
If a Stonehorn makes a successful charge, it inflicts 3D3 Impact Hits instead of making its normal close
combat attacks. In addition, if when calculating the charge range, the two highest dice score a total or 10
or more, then 1 is added to each dice roll, for a total of 3D3+3 Impact Hits. This doesn’t prevent the
Stonehorn from using its Thunderstomp later in the same turn.
Stone Skeleton:
If an Attack with the Multiple Wounds special rule successfully wounds a Stonehorn, halve the number of
Wounds inflicted (rounding fractions up).

May take any of the following:
Jaws of Iron (Grants the Stonehorn 1 Chomp Attack with the Multiple Wounds (D3) rule): 30pts.
Mace Tail (Grants the Stonehorn 1 Tail Attack at +1 Strength.) 15pts.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 111 
While the howling winds that swirl around the peaks that harsh domain, and even whole Ogre tribes have
of the Mountains of Mourn are well known for the retreated before the hungry packs. Their toughened
gloomy plaintive feeling they instil in all who hear hides and thick, matted fur make them incredibly
them, there are other sounds carried on those harsh resilient, but it is their relentless nature that has
winds that are altogether far more ominous. None inspired countless tales. It is said that a Mournfang,
who have heard the deep-throated roars emitted by a even when slain, will not relax its bite – but will
hunting pack of Mournfangs and survived to tell the continue to hold on in a death grip. Woe to anything
tale will ever forget it. Even the largest of apex that crosses paths with a hungry hunting pack.
predators that haunt those dangerous lands, such as
Chimera, Stonehorns or Ice Wyrms, will do their
utmost to avoid being downwind from the pack, and
the eldest and wisest of their kind might even seek a
dark cave to hide in.

Mightily built beasts almost hunched with coiled

muscles, Mournfangs are straightforward hunters.
Upon spying their prey they prefer to charge their
quarry, hurtling themselves forward and pouncing at
maximum velocity. The impact of such strikes alone
can snap a full-grown Ogre in two. Once engaged, a
Mournfang will use its ripping claws and powerful
jaws to savage its victim. Working together, a pack of
Mournfangs can hunt and kill anything that lives in

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Mournfang 8 3 0 5 4 3 2 4 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 2 to 8 50 per model  
SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Impact Hits (D3)
May take any of the following (all Mournfangs in the unit must have the same upgrades):
Vanguard (Grants the entire unit of Mournfangs the Vanguard special rule.): 3pts per model.
Thickhide (Grants the Mournfangs the Scaly Skin (5+) special rule.) 5pts per model.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 112 
The Dark Lands ore a haven for monsters of all Winds of Magic are at their strongest, for no other
shapes and sizes. Dragons and Wyverns fight for part of the world is so suffused by the power that
dominance of the smoke-blackened skies, whilst sustains it - the Fire Wind, also known as Aqshy.
Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs Only by careful channelling of Bright Magic can a
battle for control of the craters, volcanic crags and Great Taurus be lured into the Old World or beyond,
ashen wastes. Yet in all this realm, it is the Great but the beast's raw might more than compensates for
Taurus that reigns supreme, for it is less a living the effort involved.
creature and more a manifestation of the Dark Lands'
The Great Taurus burns with a terrific intensity, so
that its whole body is wreathed in fire and choking
smoke. Indeed, so angrily and so hot does the Great
Taurus' skin burn, that swords and ores become
molten and blunt in the very process of striking it.
When the Great Taurus moves across the ground,
sporks fly from its horns and red lighting plays about
its hooves. As a Great Taurus swoops through the
air, heat waves shimmer at its coming and choking
block clouds swirl in contrails behind it. With each
snorting exhale, flame erupts out of the beast's flared
nostrils, and an oily smoke curls from its gaping
maw. In its rage, even the monster's eyes seem to
As creatures of flame and ash, Great Taurus cannot
stray far from the Dark Lands save for when the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Great Taurus 6 5 0 6 5 4 3 4 6
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 175  
SPECIAL RULES: Flaming Attacks, Fly, Large Target, Terror.
Blazing Body
Any model (friendly or enemy) in base contact with the Great Taurus at the start of any round of close
combat takes an automatic Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special ru1e. Additionally, any non-
magical Attacks directed against the Great Taurus suffer a -1 penalty To Wound.
Fuelled by Fire
A Great Taurus cannot be wounded by spel1s from the Lore of Fire. In addition, if the Great Taurus is
the target of a successfully cast spell from the Lore of Fire, it immediately regains D3 Wounds lost earlier
in the battle.

May take any of the following:
Flaming Breath (Grants a Strength 4 Breath Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special rule.): 30pts.
Bloodrage (Grants the Great Taurus the Frenzy and Hatred special rules.): 30pts.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 113 
The Lammasu is a wise and crafty beast that makes Only the most maddened and ferocious of monsters
its lair in the Dark Lands. The Chaos Dwarfs believe can withstand the Lammasu's voice, and then only
it to be a rare mutation of Great Taurus, one that is out of red fogged rage, rather than any conscious
not only acclimated to magic, but that also lives and resistance. Whilst the Great Taurus is undoubtedly
breathes the very stuff of sorcery. Indeed, the the king of the Plains of Zharr, it only reigns because
Lammasu possesses a minor, but potent, spellcasting the Lammasu is content to let it. Chaos Dwarf
ability, the backwash of which manifests as sorcerous Sorcerers have used Lammasu as steeds for
black clouds that curl about the beast every time it thousands of years, but who's to say whether it is
breathes. This magical exhalation protects the mount or rider that commands the partnership?
Lammasu from hostile spells. Furthermore, enemies
fighting Lammasu in melee often find the smoky
threads of sorcery befouling their magic weapons,
dampening their power and preventing them from
striking the beost to full effect.
Lammasu rarely seek to enter battle themselves, at
least not as first resort. A Lammasu would for rather
convince other beasts to do the dirty work for it. In
stark contrast to its breathtakingly ugly appearance,
the Lammasu possesses a peculiar and insidious
charisma that it uses to further its own agendas.
When reinforced by the Lammasu's magical artifice,
this can leave the creature's victims befuddled and
suggestible in the span of a few short minutes. Great
Wyverns, Pegasi, Griffins - all are susceptible to the
Lammasu's honeyed words & cunning manipulations.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Lammasu 6 3 0 5 5 4 1 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monster 1 170  
SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Large Target, Magic Resistance (3), Terror.
A Lammasu is a Level 1 Wizard. It can be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard levels at a cost of 35 points.
A Lammasu uses spells from either, the Lore of Fire, the Lore of Death or the Lore of Shadow.
Sorcerous Miasma
Magic Weapons carried by models in base contact with the Lammasu lose all of their magical properties
and are treated as a 'normal' weapon of the same type (if it is not clear what sort of weapon it is, treat it as
a hand weapon). This effect applies to both friendly and enemy characters and lasts whilst they remain in
base contact.
May take any of the following:
Mace Tail (Grants the Lammasu 1 Tail Attack at +1 Strength.): 15pts.
Sorcerous Exhalation (Grants the Lammasu a Strength 4 Breath Weapon, which is magical.): 30pts.
WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 114 
At the heart of Nurgle’s otherworldly garden lies Little wonder is it then that Plague Toads escape
a mighty Lagoon whose baleful waters are thick to the mortal world at the merest opportunity.
with all manner of diseased fluids. There, They are drawn to swamps, sewer pits, and
wallowing in the excrement-choked silt of the other rancid locales, but will settle for any
lake’s shoreline can be found Nurgle's Plague watercourse at a pinch. If disturbed, a plague
Toads. Each of these creatures is said to be the toad will fight with a determination belied by its
devolved form of a Plaguebearer who failed to lumpered appearance, goring enemies with its
keep track of Nurgle's Tally, thus earning not slimy horn, or using its prehensile tongue to
only his master's ire, but also an even more drag victims into its gaping mouth.
revolting body in which to while away eternity.

Legend has it that when the war between the

Dark Gods goes ill, Nurgle sets asides his
cauldron and concoctions and makes his way
down to the lake, there to squash Plague Toads
until the pleasing patterns left by their bile and
blackened blood restore his spirits. Finding the
first one is easy -finding others can take some
time. As a Plague Toad is little more than a
rubbery bag of skin filled with noisome liquid,
the damp squelch it makes when trodden on is
easily recognised by other Plague Toads for
miles around. Unsurprisingly, these Daemons
suddenly discover heretofore-unknown reserves
of urgency in the attempt to find o bolt-hole
safe from Grandfather Nurgle's sight.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Plague Toad 6 3 0 4 4 2 1 2 5
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 5 26 per model  

SPECIAL RULES: 5+ Ward Save, Fear, Immune to Psychology, Poisoned Attacks,

Unbreakable, Unstable.

Daemonic Attacks
Being a corporeal manifestation of Chaos, all of the Plague Toads Attacks are magical

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 115 
Fenbeasts are magical constructs, formed from dozen apprentices. Of course, once a storm of
the mud and detritus of the marshes and magic descends upon the world, a Fenbeast's
animated by the mystic arts. They are incredibly appetites are easily maintained, even by a
strong, for Fenbeasts draw their power from the sorcerer of little skill and less learning. Though,
ground beneath their shambling feet. Fenbeasts as with all magical constructs, a misspoken word
are not living creatures in any true sense and, as in the Fenbeast's binding can prove quite fatal to
such, do not feel pain and have no concept of its erstwhile master - as a direct conduit to the
fear. So hardy is a Fenbeast that it can withstand Winds of Magic, a wizard can serve as a most
a strike from a cannonball, reforming its sodden adequate meal for a famished Fenbeast.
flesh around the wound and even
regrowing limbs, should the need arise.

Such is the durability of the Fenbeast that the

only thing preventing its widespread use by
wizards and sorcerers is the immense magical
energy needed to create one out of the living
earth and keep it functioning. Away from a site
of magical power, a Fenbeast will last scant
minutes before consuming all the eldritch energy
and crumbling to mud and rotten ruin once
again. The Jade College in Altdorf famously
maintains a score of Fenbeast drudges to fetch
and carry for senior wizards, but these are only
sustained by the ceaseless chanting of several

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fenbeast 5 3 0 5 5 4 1 3 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Infantry 1 to 5 65 per model
SPECIAL RULES: Always Strikes Last, Regeneration, Swamp Strider, Stupidity,
Unbreakable, Unstable.

May take any of the following:
Born of Bloodmarsh (Grants the Fenbeast the Frenzy special rule.): 10pts.
Leechloam (During any turn in which Lore of Life is in the ascendancy, all Fenbeasts in this unit gain +1
Strength.): 10pts.
Lifebloom Silt (Increases the Fenbeast's Regenerate ability to Regenerate (3+)): 15pts.
Fly-Infested Rotweed (Ranged Attacks are at -1 To Hit when targeting Fenbeasts. In close combat,
models are at -1 WS while attacking Fenbeasts.): 15pts.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 116 
Truthsayers are not native to the Old World - they are reclamation of their home becomes an ever more distant
exiles from an island home now sealed beyond a wall of dream. Only a Truthsayer of purest actions has any hope of
magical mist. They live as hermits, preserving the sorceries annulling the shroud of mists, and in such matters there
of their ancient land through ritual and ceremony, waiting can be no such thing as a minor taint.
for the promised day when the mists will rise and they can
return home once more.

It is rare to knowingly encounter one of the reclusive

Truthsayers, for they are naturally suspicious of all that
walks on two legs. Being masters of natural magic,
Truthsayers are able to shapeshift into beasts of all sizes.
Thus do they avoid unwelcome compony: by evasion in the
form of a hawk, or by bloodshed in the form of a raging
Dragon. Yet if the Truthsayers themselves are seldom
encountered, the some cannot be said of their domains,
which are scattered through the wilderness. In such remote
places, even the lowest beasts show glimmerings of
intelligence and the vegetation grows wilder, stronger and
hungrier thon it ought.

When a storm of magic occurs, the Truthsayers steal away

from their hillside hermitages to seek out allies. Only with
aid can they hope to marshal enough magical power to
undo the spells of shrouding that conceal their homeland.
Driven by this desperation, many a Truthsayer has found
himself battling alongside unsavoury allies, harnessing his
mastery of Jade Magic to a destructive cause. The goal on
these occasions is to work a greater good by committing a
small evil, but with every step along this path, the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Truthsayer 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Infantry, Character 1 210  

EQUIPMENT: Hand Weapon.

MAGIC: A Truthsayer is a Level 2 Wizard. He can be upgraded to a Level 3 Wizard for 35 points.
A Truthsayer uses either the Lore of Beasts or the Lore of Life.
When selecting spells, a Truthsayer can exchange one spell for the Transformation of Kadon, instead of the
usual signature spell.
Triskele: This protective amulet is the magical symbol of the Truthsayers calling
Talisman. The triskele grants the Truthsayers a 5+ ward save and Magic Resistance (3).
Staff of Light: The Staff of Light allows the Truthsayer to marshal protective magical energies, the better to thwart the
spell of his foes.
Arcane Item: The Staff of Light grants the Truthsayer +1 to all dispel attempts and +2 to all attempts to
channel dispel dice.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 117 
There are many dark powers in the world. Most act Despite this reputation, or perhaps because of it,
openly and on the field of battle. War is their tool of there is no shortage of wizards determined to bind a
conquest and the bodies of the slain are the currency Dork Emissary to their will. Alas, whilst the Dork
with which their power is bought. Yet more Emissary's magical nature means that it can be bound
dangerous, perhaps, are those agents of darkness who into reluctant service, no enchantments can still its
work behind the scenes, and of these, none are so deceits. Even shackled by sorcery, a Dark Emissary
practised as the Dark Emissary. will always work to its own goals, all the while
seeming to do the bidding of its erstwhile master
Legends of Dark Emissaries have abounded as long
as there has been language to convey the tales. They
are traditionally portrayed as harbingers of doom
who appear before lords on the eve of bottle,
offering service in exchange for petty tokens or
trinkets. Yet in the battle's wake the Dark Emissary
does not depart, but is retained by a ruler who grows
to depend on the wizened creature's sorceries and
advice. As the lord's reliance upon the Dark Emissary
grows, so does his own character grow ever crueller
and his ambitions broader. Without warning, when
the lord needs aid the most, the Dark Emissary will
disappear, leaving his victim to suffer the
consequences of his hubris. Who can say what the
Dark Emissary's motive was? Did it seek to foment
anarchy for its own sake, or does it work to a wider
plan? None know the answer.

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dark Emissary 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Infantry, Character 1 210  

EQUIPMENT: Hand Weapon.

MAGIC: A Dark Emissary is a Level 2 Wizard. He can be upgraded to a Level 3 Wizard for 35 points.
A Dark Emissary uses either the Lore of Shadow or the Lore of Death.

The Spiral of Oblivion: The Dark Emissary’s amulet siphons life force from the air itself to sustain its bearer
Talisman. The Spiral of Oblivion grants the Dark Emissary the Regeneration special rule.

Staff of Darkness: The Staff of Darkness strengthens the Dark Emissary’s connection to the energies of death and
Arcane Item. The Staff of Darkness grants the Dark Emissary +1 to all casting attempts and +2 to al1
attempts to channel power dice.

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The Fimir are amphibious humanoid monsters that haunt flow of the Winds of Magic in the same way a Man's
bogs, fens and desolate moorlands throughout the perceives light and shade, which allows them to make the
northern and western Old World. Their strongholds take best use of whatever magical power is available.
the form of forbidding, craggy piles of rock, crudely built in
the semblance of the castles of more civilised races. Such
dwellings are seldom seen by outsiders, for they are
wreathed in thick mist, a miasma which is magically
generated by the Fimir to shield their fortresses from
prying eyes, and themselves from the harsh glare of the

Long before the rise of Mon, the Fimir worshipped the

Chaos Gods, and for a time enjoyed their favour. Alas, the
Eye of the Gods was swiftly drawn to the more vibrant and
amusing race of Man, and the Fimir were abandoned,
reduced to seeking boons from bound Daemons where
once they had enjoyed the blessings of gods. Nowadays,
the Fimir are a dwindling and reclusive race, little given to
leaving their swampy fastnesses, save for the occasional
raid for food and slaves. Only the Fimir sorcerers, known
as Dirach or sometimes as Balefiends, spend prolonged
periods in the lands beyond the mists. Such creatures have
but one goal - to destabilise the barrier between the mortal
world and the Realm of Chaos, thus aiding the Chaos Gods
to their ultimate victory, and so regaining their favour.

A Balefiend's sorceries seem crude and ritualistic compared

to the magic of Elves or even Men, but they are no less
potent, for they are woven with power stolen from
Daemons. A Balefiend's cyclopean eye can see the ebb and

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fimir Balefiend 6 4 2 4 4 3 2 3 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstorus Infantry, Character 1 180  

EQUIPMENT: Staff of Pain (Hand Weapon.)

MAGIC: A Fimir Balefiend is a Level 2 Wizard. He can be upgraded to a Level 3 Wizard for 35
points. A Fimir Balefiend uses either the Lore of Shadow or the Lore of Fire.

SPECIAL RULES: Scaly Skin (6+), Swamp Strider.

Fimir Balefiends roll an additional dice for all Leadership tests, discarding the highest result.
Eye of the Balefiend:
The Balefiend can always roll six dice when channelling power dice, to represent its greater awareness of
the Winds of Magic. However, any power dice channelled in this way can only be used by the Balefiend,
as it will refuse to share - so make sure you roll the Balefiend's channelling dice separately from those of
other Wizards. Note that power dice channelled by the Eye of the Balefiend still count towards your
side's maximum. The Fimir Balefiend channels dispel dice normally

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There are few races in the world so mysterious as Zoats. Zoat will leave the shadows to enter the fray personally,
No one knows how they arrived in the forests of the Old- knocking the invaders to the ground with sweeping claws.
world, why they did so or even what their goals ore. Are Once prone, the enemy becomes easy prey for creeping
the Zoats a race unto themselves, or some splinter of the roots and vines, which swiftly entangle and throttle them.
Lizardmen? Perhaps the Slann Mage-Priests know, but on When eldritch storms erupt upon the world, it is possible
this topic, as on many others, they remain enigmatically to bind Zoats into service and only then will the creatures
silent. leave their reclusive forest homes.

Zoats are powerful wizards, able to tap into the Winds of

Magic in on instinctive manner, rather than through study
and ritual. Whilst this means thot a Zoat will never prove
as versatile a wizard as an Elf, or even a Man, their innate
control over the lifewind, Ghyran, surpasses all but the
most learned High Elf Mages. Indeed, many a Wood Elf
Spellsinger will seek out a Zoat in order to learn from it,
but as the Elves of Athel Loren find Zoats no less elusive
than do other beings, very few succeed in their search.

In the ordinary run of things, Zoats are seldom

encountered outside their woodland homes. Indeed, even
within such places, it is rare to catch sight of one. When
intruders close or danger threatens, Zoats will rouse the
trees and undergrowth to crush and strangle interlopers,
rather than take direct action themselves. In this way, Zoats
can avoid detection, and even a single such creature can
imbue a forest with a reputation so dreadful that even
marauding Orcs and rampaging warherds will give the area
a wide berth. Where sorcery alone is not sufficient, the

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Zoat 8 4 3 4 5 3 4 2 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstorus Infantry, Character 1 275  

EQUIPMENT: Sky Stave (Hand Weapon.)

MAGIC: A Zoat is a Level 3 Wizard. He can be upgraded to a Level 4 Wizard for 35 points. A Zoat
always uses the Lore of Life.

SPECIAL RULES: Forest Strider, Magic Resistance (1), Swiftstride, Scaly Skin (4+).
Zoats roll an additional dice for all Leadership tests, discarding the highest result.
Master of the Vengeful Forest:
If a Zoat is wholly within a forest, all enemy models treat that forest as dangerous terrain and will fail
their Dangerous Terrain tests on a roll of a 1 or 2.

The Power of the Deepwoods:

If the Zoat is wholly within a forest, it gets a +2 bonus to cast spells from the Lore of Life.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 120 
Great Cave Squigs are at the sharp end of the ‘message’ to ‘a friend in the caves’, for instance,
underground ecosystem. Little more than knowing full well that the lackey will end up as
massive fang-ridged mouths on powerful squig-food. Others will tie a number of scrolls
springy legs, Great Cave Squigs are attracted to of binding onto a herd of sheep or goats,
the fungus-covered lairs of Night Goblins, sending them on a one-way journey into the
where they feast on mushrooms, Goblins, Orcs, caves. Before too long, a number of Great Cave
and Skaven alike. These voracious beasties Squigs will emerge into the light, their eyes
spend most of their lives either chomping on glowing green with the magic of binding and
hallucinogenic fungus or bounding after those bits of goat and parchment stuck between their
that have strayed too close like demented vast, sword-like teeth
gnashing boulders.

Having very little in the way of intelligence

behind their beady black eyes, Great Cave
Squigs are easily bound to a wizard’s service.
The way to a Cave Squig’s heart is through its
stomach, they say, for their hide is tough as old
leather and they have no concept of self-
preservation – the only way to reach a Cave
Squig’s vulnerable parts is to actually be inside
its mouth. As few wizards are keen to pursue
this avenue of investigation, those who seek to
harness a Great Cave Squig’s instead trick it into
eating a wafer or scroll with runes of dominance
inscribed front and back. This is easily done – a
Goblin Shaman might send a lackey to deliver a

Name Move WS BS S T W I A Ld
Great Cave Squig 3D6 4 0 5 4 3 3 3 8
Troop Type Unit Size Points
Monstrous Beast 1 to 10 40 per model  
SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology, Random Movement (3D6)
Extra Boingy:
Once in a while, Great Cave Squigs get so much bounce in their springy strides that they become hurtling
toothy meteors. In any turn in which a Great Cave Squig unit rolls three 6s for its Movement, it has the
Impact Hits (1) special rule.

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Page 121 
In times of dire need, a Wizard can harness the power of a storm of magic to strike an alliance
with those creatures to whom magic is the stuff of life. Such Pacts always exact a higher price than
the Wizard is prepared to pay, but such costs can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Pacts are special Scrolls of Binding that allow your Wizard to make a temporary alliance with certain
magical creatures. Unlike other Scrolls of Binding, you may only take up to one Pact. However, adding a
Pact to your army allows you to field several units. Each Pact represents how one of your Wizards has
struck an alliance with the creatures in question or more likely, used some of the storm of magic's power
to bind them to his will. Such things happen only at a time of last resort. It's a short step from raising
Skeleton Warriors in order to save the town, to becoming the cackling mad Wizard ostracised because of
disturbing habits such as collecting dismembered corpses.


A Pact Scroll won't provide the points values, unit sizes, characteristic profiles or special rules for the
units it allows you to command. Instead, it will direct you to the relevant Warhammer army book from
which you can select these forces. This is because, unlike other Scrolls of Binding, a Pact is literally an
alliance with another army, and rather than print information here that might get superseded if the army
book gets updated; it makes more sense for you to confer directly with the source.

Each Pact will tell you what units you can select to add to your army. This will normally consist of one or
more characters; several Core units and up to one each of special and Rare units. These units can be given
any options, upgrades or magic items that they would normally be entitled to select – provided that you
don't spend more points than are in your Monsters and Magic allowance, of course. Note that you don't
have to worry about percentage allowances when you take a Pact – the unit limits are the only ones that
should concern you.

Also note that while some Pacts require certain character types, a Pact must always have a character to act
as its General.


Pact units use the rules for Allied Armies given in the Warhammer rulebook, albeit allies under your
control, rather than that of another player. They always begin the game as Trusted Allies, even if they
would normally be Suspicious Allies, or even Desperate Allies (that's the magical power of a Pact!). This
might occasionally yield combinations that feel a little unusual, so it's up to you (as the controlling player)
to come up with a suitable explanation for the presence of Daemons in your Ogre Kingdoms army) or
the horde of Undead that your Empire Wizard has called up.

However, an alliance with a Pact is also always treated as a Fragile Alliance; sooner or later one of the
parties in the Pact will decide that their comrades have outlived their usefulness. Unlike a normal alliance,
an alliance with a Pact can deteriorate past the level of a Desperate Alliance. If this happens, the units
in the Pact simply vanish and are immediately removed from the battlefield as if they were casualties.


As is normal for characters obtained through Scrolls of Binding, characters from Pacts cannot join units
from your main army. However, they can join other eligible units from within the Pact, provided they
could normally do so.

WHFB Storm of Magic Ver 1.0 
Page 122 
On the face of it, the Daemons of Chaos are easily bound into service. After all, a Daemon is not merely
a creature animated by sorcery - for it, magic is the very stuff of life and being - like air is to mortals. In
theory a wizard has but to grasp these reins of arcane might and the Daemons and all their fell powers
shall be his to control. However Daemons are nothing if not cunning and it is rare to find one that is as
entirely servile as it pretends to be. Only the strongest of binding spells can guarantee that a Daemon
continues to do the bidding of its 'master', rather than reversing the relationship.

This Pact contains the following units from Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos:

 0-1 Greater Daemon (Bloodthirster Lord of Change, Great Unclean One or Keeper of Secrets)
 0-1 Daemonic Herald
 0-1 Special Character
 1+ Core Units
 0-l Special Unit per Core unit
 0-l Rare Unit per Core unit


Should a wizard wish to command an Undead horde without himself dabbing in forbidden (and
distasteful) Necromancy, he can do little better than to bind a Vampire to his service. The Vampire, after
all, is a practiced Necromancer in his own right and is more than capable of sustaining a host of the living
dead. However, the wizard must be confident in this single binding. Countless are the sorcerers who have
unwittingly begun a life of Undead thralldom by failing to bind a Vampire quite so well as they ought.

This Pact contains the following units from Warhammer: Vampire Counts:

 1 Vampire or Vampire Lord

 0-1 Necromancer or Wight Lord
 0-1 Special Character
 1+ Core Units
 0-1 Special Unit per Core unit
 0-1 Rare Unit per Core unit


Binding a Tomb King has all the advantages of binding a Vampire - namely that an army can be at your
command with only a single spell. Such bindings come with greater peri1, however. Earn a Vampire's
enmity and you have transgressed against a single being. Earn the enmity of a Tomb King, and an
entire kingdom will be arrayed against you. Scant wonder is it then that most wizards sweeten their Pacts
with Tomb Kings by pledging the return of a long-ago stolen artefact. Sometimes this is enough to stay
the Undead monarch's wrath...

This Pact contains the following units from Warhammer: Tomb Kings:

 1 Tomb King, Tomb Prince, Tomb Herald or Necrotect

 1 Liche Priest or Liche High Priest
 0-1Special Character
 1+ Core Units
 0-l Special Unit per Core unit
 0-l Rare Unit per Core unit

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Page 123 

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