Advance Statistics Project: Karthikeyan M

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The document discusses conducting one-way and two-way ANOVA analysis to study the effects of manufacturer and technician on service time. It also performs PCA analysis to reduce multicollinearity between 11 variables related to hair salon products and understand the principal components that capture maximum variance.

The null hypothesis states that there is no effect of the variables on service time, while the alternate hypothesis states that there is an effect of the variables on service time.

The one-way ANOVA analysis for the variable 'Manufacturer' shows the F-value, P-value and whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not based on the results.

Advanced Statistics Project 0

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Statistics Project


Submitted By:
Karthikeyan M

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Table of Contents
1. ANOVA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Problem Statement: ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Null & Alternate Hypothesis: .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 One Way ANOVA (Manufacturer vs Service Time): ................................................................................................ 3
1.4 One Way ANOVA (Technician vs Service Time): ..................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Effect of one variable over other (Manufacturer vs technician): ........................................................................... 3
1.6 Two Way ANOVA (Manufacturer, Technician vs Service Time): ............................................................................. 4
1.7 Business Implication: .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. PCA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Problem Statement: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Exploratory Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Scaling of Data....................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Covariance and Correlation matrix ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Outliers before and after scaling .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Covariance matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors .............................................................................................. 17
2.7 First PC (In terms of Eigen vectors) ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.8 PCA and PCA Score ................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.9 Business Implication: ............................................................................................................................................ 20

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

1.1 Problem Statement:

The staff of a service center for electrical appliances includes three technicians who specialize in
repairing three widely used electrical appliances by three different manufacturers. It was desired
to study the effects of Technician and Manufacturer on the service time. Each technician was
randomly assigned five repair jobs on each manufacturer's appliance and the time to complete
each job (in minutes) was recorded. The data for this particular experiment is thus attached.


1) State the Null and Alternate Hypothesis for conducting one-way ANOVA for both the variables
‘Manufacturer’ and ‘Technician individually. – 3 points
2) Perform one-way ANOVA for variable ‘Manufacturer’ with respect to the variable ‘Service
Time’. State whether the Null Hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the ANOVA results. - 3
3) Perform one-way ANOVA for variable ‘Technician’ with respect to the variable ‘Service Time’.
State whether the Null Hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the ANOVA results. - 3 points
4) Analyse the effects of one variable on another with the help of an interaction plot. What is an
Interaction between two treatments? [hint: use the ‘pointplot’ function from the ‘seaborn’
graphical subroutine in Python] - 4 points
5) Perform a two-way ANOVA based on the variables ‘Manufacturer’ & ‘Technician’ with respect
to the variable ‘Service Time’ and state your results. - 5 points
6) Mention the business implications of performing ANOVA for this particular case study. – 5 points

1.2 Null & Alternate Hypothesis:

Null and Alternate hypothesis with respect to Manufacturer

H0 = There is no significance difference in service time means due to Manufacturer

H1 = There is significance difference in service time means due to Manufacturer

Null and Alternate hypothesis with respect to Technician

H0 = There is no significance difference in service time means due to Technician

H1 = There is significance difference in service time means due to Technician

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

1.3 One Way ANOVA (Manufacturer vs Service Time):

The following is the results of one way ANOVA between Manufacturer and service time,

The P value is greater than 0.05 which means we can reject the null hypothesis with 95%
confidence level. There is significance difference in service time means with respect to the

1.4 One Way ANOVA (Technician vs Service Time):

The following is the results of one way ANOVA between Technician and service time,

The P value is greater than 0.05 which means we can reject the null hypothesis with 95%
confidence level. There is significance difference in service time means with respect to the

1.5 Effect of one variable over other (Manufacturer vs technician):

When the lines are parallel then there will be interaction. The above plot shows that there are no
interaction between the two variables.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

1.6 Two Way ANOVA (Manufacturer, Technician vs Service Time):

The following table represents two way anova between Manufacturer, technician and service

The P value of combination is less than 0.05 which means we may have to accept the null
hypothesis with two variables. That means there is no significance difference in service time means
with respect to the Technicians & Manufacturer together

1.7 Business Implication:

From the analysis we see that manufacturer and technicians separately don’t have much impact
on the mean service time. However for a particular manufacturer there could be certain
technicians who can perform better and have less service time. This is understood from the two
way Anova. Hence right technicians to be assigned to right manufacturer in order to have
optimized mean service time.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

2. PCA
2.1 Problem Statement:

The ‘Hair Salon.csv’ dataset contains various variables used for the context of Market
Segmentation. This particular case study is based on various parameters of a salon chain of hair
products. You are expected to do Principal Component Analysis for this case study according to
the instructions given in the following rubric.

Note: This particular dataset contains the target variable satisfaction as well. Please do drop this
variable before doing Principal Component Analysis.


1) Perform Exploratory Data Analysis [both univariate and multivariate analysis to be performed].
The inferences drawn from this should be properly documented. – 5 points
2) Scale the variables and write the inference for using the type of scaling function for this case
study. - 3 points
3) Comment on the comparison between covariance and the correlation matrix after scaling. – 2
4) Check the dataset for outliers before and after scaling. Draw your inferences from this exercise.
- 3 points
5) Build the covariance matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvector. - 4 points
6) Write the explicit form of the first PC (in terms of Eigen Vectors) – 5 points
7) Discuss the cumulative values of the eigenvalues. How does it help you to decide on the
optimum number of principal components? What do the eigenvectors indicate? Perform PCA
and export the data of the Principal Component scores into a data frame. – 10 points
8) Mention the business implication of using the Principal Component Analysis for this case study. –
5 points

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

2.2 Exploratory Data Analysis

Basic inference of dataset:

• There are 100 rows and 13 columns

• There is target variable satisfaction and ID column which are dropped for the analysis
• All data types are float data type
• There are no duplicates present in the dataset
• There are no null values present in the data set.
• Basic statistics of the dataset is as follows,

Fig 2.1: Descriptive Statistics

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Univariate Analysis:

With the univariate analysis we shall understand the distribution of data and also the find the

The product quality ranges between 6.5 and 9.2. There are no outliers present in the data. There
are more than one peak in the data.

The data for Ecom (E-commerce) is normally distributed with data present between 3.25 and 4.0.
There are also few outliers present in the variable

The data for technical support is normally distributed and data ranges between 4 and 7.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

The Complaint resolution is normally distributed with data ranges between 4.5 and 6.5.

The data for advertising is normally distributed with data ranging between 3 and 5

The data for product line is normally distributed with data ranging between 4.5 and 7

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

The data for salesforce image is normally distributed with data ranges between 4.5 and 6 and
data have median slightly lies towards left.

The data is distributed with data raging from 5.8 and 8.5

The data is distributed with data raging from 5.3 and 6.6

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

The data is normally distributed with single peak and data ranges between 3.8, 5. There are
certain outliers.

The data distributed between 3.4 and 4.5 with very few outliers.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Multivariate analysis

The data shows relationship between the data.

The heat map shows the correlations between the data.

The following are the variables with Strong correlation

SalesFImage and Ecom is 0.79,
correlatiob between WartyClaim and TechSup is 0.7971,
CompRes and DelSpeed is 0.865,
DelSpeed and ProdLine is 0.602,
OrdBilling and CompRes is 0.76, OrdBilling
DelSpeed is 0.75,

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Also there is a negative correlation between ProdLine and ComPricing is (- 0.495), ProdQual and
ComPricing is (- 0.401) etc.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

2.3 Scaling of Data

Before scaling of the data, ID and satisfaction columns are dropped as ID is has just unique ID and
satisfaction is target variable

The Z-Score scaling is used to scale the data. The scaling is required for the data as each variable
has the data skewed between 2-3 data points (for example order billing data lies between 4 & 5
whereas product quality lies between 7 and 9)

This will help in standardization of data.

2.4 Covariance and Correlation matrix

Covariance and correlation helps in measuring the relationship and dependency between two
variables in the dataset

Scaling will not impact the covariance or correlation as scaling is used only for the standardization
of the data.

Covariance helps find whether two variables are directly proportional (positive) or inversely
proportional (negative). in the data set that is covariance helps to find linear relationship between
the variable.

Covariance matrix of the data is shown as below, and it clearly shows the positive and negative
linear relationship between the data.

%s [[ 1.01010101e+00 1.47246863e-01 -4.66398292e-02 3.21596548e-02

-1.45780253e-01 7.38679326e-02 -4.91322907e-02 1.39879563e-02
-6.36432983e-02 5.91842408e-02 -1.80153686e-01 -1.73872596e-01
[ 1.47246863e-01 1.01010101e+00 -1.38548704e-01 9.65661154e-02
1.07444445e-01 -5.40132667e-02 4.82316579e-01 -1.53346338e-01
-4.05335236e-01 8.92043497e-02 1.05356640e-01 2.79979825e-02
[-4.66398292e-02 -1.38548704e-01 1.01010101e+00 8.75544162e-04
1.41595213e-01 4.34233041e-01 -5.32200387e-02 7.99539102e-01
2.31780203e-01 5.24224157e-02 1.57724577e-01 1.93571786e-01
[ 3.21596548e-02 9.65661154e-02 8.75544162e-04 1.01010101e+00
9.76329270e-02 -6.35051180e-02 1.94571168e-01 1.71621612e-02
-2.73521901e-01 8.05220127e-01 8.09109340e-02 2.56976702e-02

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

[-1.45780253e-01 1.07444445e-01 1.41595213e-01 9.76329270e-02

1.01010101e+00 1.98905906e-01 5.67087831e-01 2.32072486e-01
-1.29246720e-01 1.41826562e-01 7.64513729e-01 8.73829997e-01
[ 7.38679326e-02 -5.40132667e-02 4.34233041e-01 -6.35051180e-02
1.98905906e-01 1.01010101e+00 -1.16674936e-02 5.47680463e-01
1.35572620e-01 1.09010852e-02 1.86096560e-01 2.78649579e-01
[-4.91322907e-02 4.82316579e-01 -5.32200387e-02 1.94571168e-01
5.67087831e-01 -1.16674936e-02 1.01010101e+00 -6.19348764e-02
-4.99947880e-01 2.75835887e-01 4.28695202e-01 6.07929503e-01
[ 1.39879563e-02 -1.53346338e-01 7.99539102e-01 1.71621612e-02
2.32072486e-01 5.47680463e-01 -6.19348764e-02 1.01010101e+00
2.67269246e-01 1.08540752e-01 1.97098390e-01 2.74294201e-01
[-6.36432983e-02 -4.05335236e-01 2.31780203e-01 -2.73521901e-01
-1.29246720e-01 1.35572620e-01 -4.99947880e-01 2.67269246e-01
1.01010101e+00 -2.47460661e-01 -1.15724268e-01 -7.36078070e-02
[ 5.91842408e-02 8.92043497e-02 5.24224157e-02 8.05220127e-01
1.41826562e-01 1.09010852e-02 2.75835887e-01 1.08540752e-01
-2.47460661e-01 1.01010101e+00 1.99055678e-01 1.10499598e-01
[-1.80153686e-01 1.05356640e-01 1.57724577e-01 8.09109340e-02
7.64513729e-01 1.86096560e-01 4.28695202e-01 1.97098390e-01
-1.15724268e-01 1.99055678e-01 1.01010101e+00 7.58588957e-01
[-1.73872596e-01 2.79979825e-02 1.93571786e-01 2.56976702e-02
8.73829997e-01 2.78649579e-01 6.07929503e-01 2.74294201e-01
-7.36078070e-02 1.10499598e-01 7.58588957e-01 1.01010101e+00
[ 6.17605408e-02 4.91237372e-01 2.85601025e-01 1.13734524e-01
6.09356166e-01 3.07746944e-01 5.56107006e-01 5.05257885e-01
-2.10399686e-01 1.79338201e-01 5.27001932e-01 5.82870984e-01

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Correlation shows the how much is both the variables are correlated. The correlation matrix
between and after the scaling is same.

The below matrix shows the correlation between the variables and how strong the relationship
between the variable.

2.5 Outliers before and after scaling

Checking for outliers before scaling,

Checking outlier after scaling,

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

There are no changes to outliers before and after scaling, means scaling will not impact outliers.

Ecommerce, salesforce image, order billing and delivery speed have few outliers. Though the
number of outliers is less it will be better to remove the outliers in order to have a better models.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

2.6 Covariance matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors

Covariance Matrix,
%s [[ 1.01010101e+00 -1.38548704e-01 9.65661154e-02 1.07444445e-01
-5.40132667e-02 4.82316579e-01 -1.53346338e-01 -4.05335236e-01
8.92043497e-02 1.05356640e-01 2.79979825e-02]
[-1.38548704e-01 1.01010101e+00 8.75544162e-04 1.41595213e-01
4.34233041e-01 -5.32200387e-02 7.99539102e-01 2.31780203e-01
5.24224157e-02 1.57724577e-01 1.93571786e-01]
[ 9.65661154e-02 8.75544162e-04 1.01010101e+00 9.76329270e-02
-6.35051180e-02 1.94571168e-01 1.71621612e-02 -2.73521901e-01
8.05220127e-01 8.09109340e-02 2.56976702e-02]
[ 1.07444445e-01 1.41595213e-01 9.76329270e-02 1.01010101e+00
1.98905906e-01 5.67087831e-01 2.32072486e-01 -1.29246720e-01
1.41826562e-01 7.64513729e-01 8.73829997e-01]
[-5.40132667e-02 4.34233041e-01 -6.35051180e-02 1.98905906e-01
1.01010101e+00 -1.16674936e-02 5.47680463e-01 1.35572620e-01
1.09010852e-02 1.86096560e-01 2.78649579e-01]
[ 4.82316579e-01 -5.32200387e-02 1.94571168e-01 5.67087831e-01
-1.16674936e-02 1.01010101e+00 -6.19348764e-02 -4.99947880e-01
2.75835887e-01 4.28695202e-01 6.07929503e-01]
[-1.53346338e-01 7.99539102e-01 1.71621612e-02 2.32072486e-01
5.47680463e-01 -6.19348764e-02 1.01010101e+00 2.67269246e-01
1.08540752e-01 1.97098390e-01 2.74294201e-01]
[-4.05335236e-01 2.31780203e-01 -2.73521901e-01 -1.29246720e-01
1.35572620e-01 -4.99947880e-01 2.67269246e-01 1.01010101e+00
-2.47460661e-01 -1.15724268e-01 -7.36078070e-02]
[ 8.92043497e-02 5.24224157e-02 8.05220127e-01 1.41826562e-01
1.09010852e-02 2.75835887e-01 1.08540752e-01 -2.47460661e-01
1.01010101e+00 1.99055678e-01 1.10499598e-01]
[ 1.05356640e-01 1.57724577e-01 8.09109340e-02 7.64513729e-01
1.86096560e-01 4.28695202e-01 1.97098390e-01 -1.15724268e-01
1.99055678e-01 1.01010101e+00 7.58588957e-01]
[ 2.79979825e-02 1.93571786e-01 2.56976702e-02 8.73829997e-01
2.78649579e-01 6.07929503e-01 2.74294201e-01 -7.36078070e-02
1.10499598e-01 7.58588957e-01 1.01010101e+00]]

Eigen Values:

[3.4615872 2.57666335 1.70805705 1.09753137 0.61557989 0.55745836

0.40557389 0.09942123 0.13418341 0.249446 0.20560936]

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

Eigen Vectors

[[ 0.13378962 -0.31349802 0.06227164 0.6431362 -0.2316662 -0.56456996

0.19164132 0.18279209 0.06659717 -0.13547311 0.0313281 ]
[ 0.16595278 0.44650918 -0.23524791 0.27238033 -0.42228844 0.26325703
0.05962621 0.06233863 0.28155772 0.12202642 -0.54251104]
[ 0.15769263 -0.23096734 -0.61095105 -0.19339314 0.02395667 -0.10876896
-0.01719992 -0.05192956 -0.3881709 -0.46470964 -0.35929961]
[ 0.47068359 0.01944394 0.21035078 -0.20632037 -0.02865743 -0.02815231
-0.0084996 -0.36253352 0.53467243 -0.51339754 0.09324751]
[ 0.18373495 0.36366471 -0.08809705 0.31789448 0.80387024 -0.20056937
-0.06306962 -0.08118684 0.03715799 0.05347713 -0.15468169]
[ 0.38676517 -0.28478056 0.11627864 0.20290226 -0.11667416 0.09819533
-0.60814755 -0.38507778 -0.23479794 0.3332071 -0.08415534]
[ 0.2036696 0.47069599 -0.2413421 0.22217722 -0.20437283 0.10497225
0.00143735 -0.08469869 -0.35341191 -0.16910665 0.64489911]
[-0.15168864 0.4134565 0.05304529 -0.33354348 -0.24892601 -0.70973595
-0.30824887 -0.10295751 -0.04518224 0.09883227 -0.09414389]
[ 0.21293363 -0.19167191 -0.59856398 -0.18530205 0.03292706 -0.13983966
-0.03064024 0.12893245 0.43534752 0.4435404 0.31756604]
[ 0.43721774 0.02639905 0.16892981 -0.23685365 -0.02675377 -0.11947974
0.65931989 -0.19415064 -0.30386545 0.36601754 -0.09907265]
[ 0.47308914 0.07305172 0.23262477 -0.1973299 0.03543294 0.02979992
-0.23423927 0.77563222 -0.12010386 -0.06539059 -0.02188514]]

2.7 First PC (In terms of Eigen vectors)

The Linear eq of 1st component:

-0.134 * ProdQual + -0.166 * Ecom + -0.158 * TechSup + -0.471 * CompRes + -0.184 * Advertising + -
0.387 * ProdLine + -0.204 * SalesFImage + 0.152 * ComPricing + -0.213 * WartyClaim + -0.437 *
OrdBilling + -0.473 * DelSpeed +

2.8 PCA and PCA Score

([ 31.1542848 , 54.34425491, 69.71676832, 79.59455066,

85.1347697 , 90.15189496, 93.80205993, 96.04707397,
97.89755822, 99.10520892, 100. ])

From the above array, we can clearly find that total sums to 100.

1. Check for cumulative variance upto 90%. Check the corresponding associated
2. The incremental value between the components should not be less than 5%
3. We select 5 as the principal components as after 6 the incremental value between the
components is more than 5%
4. So we select 5 principal components for this analysis,

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

([[-0.13378962, -0.16595278, -0.15769263, -0.47068359, -0.18373495,

-0.38676517, -0.2036696 , 0.15168864, -0.21293363, -0.43721774,
[-0.31349802, 0.44650918, -0.23096734, 0.01944394, 0.36366471,
-0.28478056, 0.47069599, 0.4134565 , -0.19167191, 0.02639905,
[ 0.06227164, -0.23524791, -0.61095105, 0.21035078, -0.08809705,
0.11627864, -0.2413421 , 0.05304529, -0.59856398, 0.16892981,
[ 0.6431362 , 0.27238033, -0.19339314, -0.20632037, 0.31789448,
0.20290226, 0.22217722, -0.33354348, -0.18530205, -0.23685365,
-0.1973299 ],
[ 0.2316662 , 0.42228844, -0.02395667, 0.02865743, -0.80387024,
0.11667416, 0.20437283, 0.24892601, -0.03292706, 0.02675377,

• The first component explains 31.15% variance

• The first two components explains about 54.43% variance
• The first three components explains about 69.71% variance
• The first four components explains about 79.59% variance
• The first five components explains about 85.13% variance

The principal components for this analysis is five, from the above, we can understand the
contribution of each variable to the principal components.

Eigen vectors shows which variable has more weightage and influences the dataset in the
principal components.

Thus PCA is performed and exported into data frame and multicollinearity is reduced. With this we
can run various models which will help in getting better efficiency scores in the models.

A Project Report on Advanced Statistics – PCA & ANOVA

2.9 Business Implication:

The case study is based on the various hair salon products used for segmentation of market. From
the univariate analysis and multivariate analysis we understood the relationship between the
variables and distribution of data for each variable. PCA helps us to reduce multicolinearity and
helps us to analyse the 5 factors for the next step of analysis rather than analysing all the 11

These five components can be combined together to make a common portfolio to formulate the
strategies for the segmentation.


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