A) Choose The Correct Answer: C) Be Late D) Late You

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16) They ……... like golf.
1) I ……... 25 years old. a) not b) don’t c) no d) aren't
a) have b) am c) has d) is
17) He ……... know the answer.
2) My name ……... Robert. a) don't b) not c) no d) doesn't
a) are b) called c) is d) says
18) Where do you ……... ?
3) “Are you busy?” – “Yes, …….. .” a) lived b) live c) lives d) living
a) I’ve b) I have c) Im d) I am
19) “Where’s Sam?” – “He’s ……... .”
4) We’re students. That’s ……... classroom. a) in home b) in the home
a) us b) our c) is d) the we c) his home d) at home

5) “What are those?” – “…….. my pens.” 20) They’re talking ……... the football match.
a) They is b) They’re c) Those d) It’s a) on b) for c) about d) from

6) What are ……... names? 21) I’m always tired ……... the morning ……...
a) they b) them c) their d) they’re
a) in / at b) in / on
7) There are 60 minutes in ……... hour.
c) on / at d) at / in
a) much b) a c) some d) an
22) A: Were you in bed ……... Sunday
8) There are ……... apples in that bag. afternoon?
a) any b) some c) a d) an B: Oh, no. I only sleep ……... night.

9) I’ve got ……... free time this afternoon. a) in / in b) in / on

a) lots of b) any c) a lot d) a c) on / in d) on / at

10) I saw two ……... at the bus stop. 23) Please ……... careful!

a) mans b) man c) mens d) men a) be b) you c) do d) you be

11) These days, a lot of ……... live in cities. 24) Don't ……... !

a) people b) man c) person d) we a) late b) you late

c) be late d) late you
12) ……... Linda got a nice house?
a) Do b) Has c) Have d) Does 25) My ……... name is Peter.
a) father’s b) father is
13) “Hello! How are you?” – “……... .”
c) of father d) father
a) I'm fine b) I'm very
c) I’m very fine d) Thanks 26) The ……... names are Fred and Tom.
a) boy is b) boys’
14) There’s a nice picture ……... the wall.
c) boy’s d) boys
a) in b) on c) from d) at
27) ……... phone is this?
15) I'm ……... very hard at the moment.
a) Who's b) Who c) Whose d)
a) working b) work c) works d) worker
Who is

28) I ……... drink this tea. It’s too hot. B) READ THE PARAGRAPHS AND ANSWER
a) don’t b) can’t THE QUESTIONS
c) haven’t d) ’m not
29) A: Can you help me?
B: …….. . I’m very busy. My day begins at 7:30, when my mother
a) Sorry, I can’t. b) Sorry, can’t I. wakes me up. I get up at 7:35 and I take a
c) Yes, I can. d) No can. shower. I get dressed, then I have breakfast
30) ……... I see the menu, please? with my family. That’s at about 7:45. I leave
a) May b) Am c) Do d) Have home at 8 o’clock and catch the bus. I get to

31) When ……... have a test? school at about 8:20. Our lessons begin at 8:30,
a) is going to b) are going to and I always arrive on time. At 10 o’clock we
c) are we going to d) we are going to have a 20-minute break. After that, lessons

32) The author ……... a fantastic book. continue till our lunch break at 11:50. We have
a) wrote b) write c) writing d) written about 30 minutes for lunch, and I eat in the
school canteen. We finish school at 15:15 and I
33) Who ……... this window?
a) breaking b) broke
go back home.

c) breaked d) broked
I arrive home at about a quarter to four.
34) It started raining ……... .
When I get home, I do my homework. But
a) an hour ago b) last hour
c) ago one hour d) a hour before before that, I drink something: usually it’s a
glass of milk. Before dinner I do my homework.
35) I watched TV ……... .
We always have dinner at 7:30. I usually help
a) last night b) last evening
my mother with the washing up. My mother is a
c) yesterday in evening d) the last evening
teacher. After dinner, she’s always busy - she
36) She dances very ……... .
corrects her students’ work and prepares her
a) good b) well c) nice d) goodly
lessons. Then I watch TV and go to bed.
37) A: Is this Marie’s phone?
B: No, it isn’t …….... . It’s Jake’s.
a) hers b) his one
c) the her d) she phone

38) We haven’t got any apples ……..

a) and b) but c) an d) or

39) There’s some water, …….. there isn’t any

orange juice.
a) and b) or c) but d) no

1) What time does Laura have breakfast? C) TRANSLATE SENTECES.
a) at a quarter to eight
1) Я всегда смотрю сериалы по субботам.
b) in quarter past eight _________________________________
c) in fifteen to eight _________________________________
d) on eight fifteen 2) Питер очень честный. Он никогда не
2) How does Laura get to school? _________________________________
a) on bus b) with a bus _________________________________
c) with bus d) by bus 3) Он очень смелый, потому что он
постоянно сражается с опасными
3) Another way of saying ‘continue’ is: людьми.
a) go on b) go past _________________________________
c) go in d) go you _________________________________

4) How long is her lunch break? 4) Тайланд прекрасная страна с богатой

a) half hour b) a hour half культурой.
c) half past d) half an hour _________________________________

5) Another way of saying ‘I arrive home’ is: 5) Иногда мы сидим у окна и

a) I go the home b) I go to the home восхищаемся видом.
c) I get home d) I get to home
6) Fill each space with one of these words:
6) Люди нанимали его чтобы танцевать на
Finally, First, Then. вечеренках.
……...……........... , Laura has a glass of milk. _________________________________

After that, she does her homework. 7) - Я не видел этот фильм.

- Я тоже.
……...……............. she has dinner. _________________________________
……...……............. , she watches TV and
goes to bed. 8) Я никогда не пью кофе по вечерам.

9) К счастью, у меня есть время на игры.


10) Я люблю морепродукты, особенно

креветки и лобстеров.

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