Recruitment@niot - National Institute of Ocean Technology (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India)

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(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India)

NIOT Campus, Velachery-Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600 100
Phone 3300 91-44-6678 : Fax-91-44 : 6678 3308
E-mail: [email protected]
ADVERTISEMENT No. NIOT/E&P/02/2021 (Project)

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, an autonomous body under

the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, invites online applications through the website
link for the following positions in various
disciplines on contract basis for various projects carried out by NIOT as mentioned below:-

Sl. Name of the Posts No. of posts & Category

1 Project Scientist – III 04 posts (UR)
2 Project Scientist – II 30 posts (UR)
3 Project Scientist – I 73 posts
(OBC – 19; SC – 10; ST – 5; EWS – 7; UR – 32)

4 Project Scientific Assistant 64 posts

(OBC – 17; SC – 9; ST – 4; EWS – 6; UR – 28)

5 Project Technician 28 posts

(OBC – 7; SC – 4; ST – 2; EWS – 2; UR – 13)

6 Project Jr. Asst. 25 posts

(OBC – 6; SC – 3; ST – 1; EWS – 2; UR – 13)
7 Research Associate 03 posts (UR)
8 Senior Research Fellow 08 posts
(OBC – 2; SC – 1; UR – 5)
9 Junior Research Fellow 02 posts (UR)
Total 237
UR – Un Reserved; OBC: Other Backward Class; SC: Scheduled Castes; ST: Scheduled Tribes; EWS: Economically Weaker Section

The number of posts may vary based on requirements of the projects. Requirements of
qualifications, age, experience, consolidated emoluments, reservation to SC/ST/OBC/and other
categories, etc. have been indicated in the detailed advertisement on web-link Interested and eligible candidates may apply
through online latest by 13/09/2021.


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(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India)
NIOT Campus, Velachery-Tambaram Main Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600 100
Phone 3300 91-44-6678 : Fax-91-44 : 6678 3308
E-mail: [email protected]

ADVERTISEMENT No. NIOT/E&P/02/2021 (Project)

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, an autonomous R&D

organization under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India ,invites online
applications through the website link for
the following positions in various disciplines on contract basis for various projects carried
out by NIOT for the plan year 2021-2026 as mentioned below:-

Sl. Name of the Posts No. of posts & Category

1 Project Scientist – III 04 posts (UR)
2 Project Scientist – II 30 posts (UR)
73 posts
3 Project Scientist – I
(OBC – 19; SC – 10; ST – 5; EWS – 7; UR – 32)

4 Project Scientific Assistant 64 posts

(OBC – 17; SC – 9; ST – 4; EWS – 6; UR – 28)

5 Project Technician 28 posts

(OBC – 7; SC – 4; ST – 2; EWS – 2; UR – 13)
25 posts
6 Project Jr. Asst.
(OBC – 6; SC – 3; ST – 1; EWS – 2; UR – 13)
7 Research Associate 03 posts (UR)
08 posts
8 Senior Research Fellow
(OBC – 2; SC – 1; UR – 5)
9 Junior Research Fellow 02 posts (UR)
Total 237
UR – Un Reserved; OBC: Other Backward Class; SC: Scheduled Castes; ST: Scheduled Tribes; EWS: Economically Weaker

Please read the terms and conditions and the instructions for how to apply carefully.

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Details of the posts with discipline, Essential qualification, age limit and the job- requirements

Name of the Post : Project Scientist – III

Number of Post(s) : 04 (Un-reserved)
Emoluments : Rs. 78,000/- + HRA (Increment of 5% for every two years of experience
subject to performance review)
Maximum age limit : 45 years

Discipline /
Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement
Life Science M.Sc., in Marine Biology / Ph. D. in the field of  Planning and carrying out R&D related
(4 posts) Microbiology /Biochemistry marine algae /finfish to marine microbes/marine algal/
Zoology aquaculture/ culture/Ballast water
(Un-reserved) offshore cage culture/Ballast water
B.Tech. in Bio technology/ treatment /
from a recognized university / microbiology from
Post code: Institute with at least recognized University.  Culture and marine microbes/
01 (60%)marks in the qualifying phytoplankton/zooplankton/finfish
degree level. breeding, larval rearing and cage
(2 posts at with culture.
ACOSTI, Port Seven years’ experience in  Organizing scientific cruises / execution
Blair Islands) Research &Development in of field studies
the fields of marine microbes/  Interpretation of results and preparation
marine algal / marine fish of technical report
culture/ Ballast water

Name of the Post : Project Scientist – II

Number of Post(s) : 30 (Un-reserved)
Emoluments : Rs. 67,000/- + HRA (Increment of 5% for every two years of experience
subject to performance review)
Maximum age limit : 40 Years

Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement

Mechanical B.E. / B.Tech. in M.E. / M.Tech. in Design / Development / Analysis of
(8 Posts) Mechanical Engg. from a Mechanical / Thermal / - Mechanical Systems / Sub systems /
recognized university / Production / Marine / Offshore, Floating Structures /
(Un-reserved) Institute with atleast(60%) Naval Architecture/ Underwater components
marks in the qualifying Ocean Engg./ - Thermal systems / equipments, Design
Post code: degree level. Industrial Engineering of rotating machinery.
02 With from a recognized Assembly, Fabrication, Integration,
Three years’ experience in University / Institute evaluation, testing and commissioning
Research & Development, and monitoring of systems / equipments
Survey / Planning, MoT [Marine Officers’ and various other components for
supervision or training in Training] qualification
Desalination and OTEC Plants, and also
the relevant field. from a recognized experimental techniques for underwater
Management, operation, maintenance
and trouble shooting of research vessels;
follow-ups, documentation, inspection
and monitoring of ship building / dry-
dock & afloat repairs process.
Deployment and retrieval of floating and
underwater systems, offshore data
collection platforms,
Ship cruises for scientific works and
Hands on experience in codes and
standards (ASME, HTRI, BIS, etc) and in
Page 3 of 25
Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement
softwares such as
- Autocad, Solidworks, Catia, PRO-E
- MARPOL & SOLAS regulations, Various
ship maintenance engineering solutions
& Safety at Sea, Knowledge on Assembly
& integration of Shipboard machinery,
Welding technology & Ship technology,
and / or experience of sailing onboard

Civil B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil M.E. / M.Tech. in Civil  Coastal processes modelling,
(3 Posts) Engg. from a recognized / Structural/ Ocean hydrodynamic modelling related to ocean
university / Institute with Engg./Geotechnical/ /coastal engineering and numerical
(Un-reserved) at least (60%) marks in the from a recognized studies for fixed / floating structures.
qualifying degree level. university or institute.  Planning, coordination and conduct of
Post code: Field survey/ Oceanographic deployment
03 with / retrieval operations, Laboratory studies,
Instrumentation and Data analysis.
Three years’ experience in  Co-ordination, analysis, design and
Research & Development, execution of Civil / Structural works in
Survey / Planning, mainland/islands.
supervision or training in  Design, Analysis and numerical modelling
the relevant field. of the offshore components such as
moorings, pipelines and fixed/floating
 Planning, analysis and design
foundations for the onshore and offshore
structures. Field and in situ onshore and
offshore geotechnical investigations.
ECE / E&I B.E. / B.Tech. in M.E./M.Tech. in  Embedded System design
(5 Posts) Electronics and Electronics &  Programming and verification of
Instrumentation / Communication / C/C++/MATLAB/PYTHON/Java
(Un-reserved) communication Engg. Electronics / Applied  Data acquisition/ SCADA /LabView
from a recognized Electronics/ VLSI  Signal and image processing
Post code: University with at least Design/ Embedded  Satellite communications
04 60% marks in the system design/  Circuit design with ORCAD, Pspice
qualifying degree level. Instrumentation &  Planning, coordination and participating
Control/  In field studies in coastal regions and
With Communication scientific cruises.
systems from a
 Installation of systems on-board ships
Three years’ experience in recognized university or
 Calibration and testing of underwater
Research &Development, institute.
acoustic sensors / accreditation
Survey / Planning,
supervision or training in
the relevant field.
Geology / GIS M.Sc. in Geology/Applied Ph.D in Geology/  Coastal geomorphology and coastal
Remote Geology/Marine Geology/ Marine Geology/ process related data collection,
Sensing Marine Geophysics from a Applied Geology/ processing, interpretation and report
(2 Posts) recognized university Marine Geophysics writing
/institute with at least from a recognized  Topographic and bathymetry data
(Un-reserved) 60% marks in the university/institute collection and processing
qualifying degree level.  Satellite image processing, handling GIS
Post code: systems like ARC GIS, QGIS, ERDAS etc
05 With M.E./M.Tech/MS in  Preparation of thematic map for coastal
Geoinformatics/ sediment dynamics and oceanographic
Three years’ experience in Geomatics/ GIS/ studies
Research & Development Remote Sensing from a
similar to the described recognized university

Page 4 of 25
Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement
job requirements /institute.


B.E./B.Tech. in Geo-
from a recognized
university/institute with at
least 60 % marks in the
qualifying degree level.


Three years’ experience in

Research & Development
similar to the described
job requirements
Life Science M.Sc. in Marine Biology/ Ph.D./M.Tech., in  R&D related to marine microbes /
(6 Posts) Marine Science marine algae / fin fish marine algal / offshore cage culture /
/Microbiology/ Zoology / culture/ Ballast water Ballast water treatment
(Un-reserved) Aquaculture or B.Tech. in
treatment/  Culture and marine microbes/
Biotechnology/ /
biotechnology / phytoplankton / zooplankton/ finfish
Post code: Bioinformatics from a
06 recognized microbiology from a breeding, larval rearing and cage
university/Institute with recognized university or culture.
(3 posts at at least 60% marks in the institute.  Organizing scientific cruises / execution
ACOSTI, Port qualifying degree level. field studies
Blair Islands)  Interpretation of results and preparation
With of technical report

Three years’ experience in

Research & Development
in the fields of marine
microbes / marine algal /
marine fish culture /
Ballast water treatment.
Physical Masters Degree in Doctorate in Marine  Oceanographic data collection, data
Oceanography Oceanography / Physical sciences/ processing, quality control and
(5 Posts) Oceanography / Physics/ Oceanography /
application of numeric models.
Chemical Oceanography/ Physical
Analysing oceanographic data using
(Un-reserved) Ocean Technology / Oceanography/ Physics
Ocean Science from a from a recognized tools like MATLAB, Ferret etc.
Post code: recognized University / University / Institute. Participating in cruises for the data
07 Institute with at least 60% collection and maintenance of ocean
marks in the qualifying Relevant computer observation platforms. To interact with
degree level. programming skills port officials/ship agent
 Coastal processes modeling, planning,
With Good knowledge in coordinating and managing field data
MATLAB and data collection programs, hydrodynamic
Three years’ experience in processing modeling related to ocean /coastal
Research & Development, methodologies engineering.
planning and management  Carryout oceanographic survey, and
in industry and/or the data collection at costal /offshore
area of work as per the job locations, involve in Laboratory studies,
requirement. Instrumentation, Site assessment
studies/CRZ/GIS. Good knowledge in
software tools like Matlab, C, Fortran,
 Planning and execution of sea trials and
field experiments.
 Oceanographic and acoustic data

Page 5 of 25
Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement
processing & analysis,
 Satellite data processing
 Scientific / technical report preparation
and any other project related
 Coastal processes modelling, planning,
coordinating and managing field data
collection programs, seabed engineering
investigations, bathymetry and
topography survey, hydrodynamic
modelling related to ocean/coastal

Petroleum B.E./B.Tech. in M.E./M.Tech. in  Coordination for technology

(1 Post) Chemical/ Petroleum Petroleum development for Gas Hydrate research,
Engineering from a engineering from a thermal stimulation and
recognized University recognized depressurization techniques
with at least 60% marks University.  Handling high pressure and low
(Un-reserved) in the qualifying degree temperature reactor/autoclave
level.  HandlingCFDsoftware’slikefluent;reserv
Post code: With oirmodelingsoftwareformethanehydrate
08 kinetics studies
Three years experience in  Handling FORTRAN based software
Research & Development, TOUGH+Hydrate
industry and/or the area  Life support system design for enclosed
of work as per the job space and usage of the related sensors
requirement. and life saving apparatus

Main page

Page 6 of 25
Name of the Post : Project Scientist – I
Number of Post(s) : 73 (UR-32; OBC-19; SC-10; ST-05; EWS-07)
(Two posts will be suitable for PwD-OH category.)
Emoluments : Rs. 56,000/- + HRA (Increment of 5% for every two years of
experience subject to performance review)
Maximum age limit : 35 (Age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms)

Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement

Mechanical / B.E. / B.Tech. in M.E. / M.Tech. from a  Design, Analysis and Development of
Thermal Mechanical Engg. from a recognized University / Mechanical Systems / Sub systems for
(15 Posts) recognized University / Institute in any of the - Components such as moorings, fixed /
Institute with at least following disciplines: floating / underwater /offshore
(OBC – 4 60% marks in the structures
SC – 2 qualifying degree level.  Mechanical - thermal systems / components
ST – 1 Engineering  Fabrication, Assembly, Integration and
EWS – 2  Thermal Engineering Testing of Systems / Subsystems /
UR – 6)  Production Components in the Lab / Sea / project
Engineering sites in Mainland / Islands.
Post code:  Engg. Design /  To participate in cruises Field survey /
09 Computer Aided deployment / retrieval operations.
Design.  To assist in retrieval and deployment of
 Naval Architecture / Oceanographic equipment / underwater
Ocean Engg. systems, offshore data collection &
 Aeronautical Engg. participation in ship cruises
 Cruise onboard NIOT research vessels/
Monitor & maintenance of ships and to
troubleshoot ship board machineries
 To supervise the dry-dock works,
construction of ships / Maintain and
control inventory/Liaise with IRS/DNV.
 Working knowledge of
- FEA software like ANSYS
- FEM softwares like Fluent, CFX, Ansys-
- 3D-CAD modelling of components and
integrated mechanical systems using
Inventor, Solidworks, Autocad, ProE,
- Ansys Aqua, Orcaflex, Matlab, Simulink
MARPOL & SOLAS regulations,
Knowledge on Welding technology &
Ship technology.
Civil B.E./B.Tech. in Civil M.E/M.Tech. in Civil  Coastal processes modeling,
(13 Posts) Engg. from a recognized in any of the following hydrodynamic modeling and design of
university / Institute disciplines: ocean / coastal structures.
(OBC – 3 1. Ocean Engineering  Analysis, Design and execution of
with at least 60% marks
SC – 2 /technology nearshore/ onshore and offshore Civil /
ST – 1 in the qualifying degree 2. Geotechnical Structural works in mainland/islands.
EWS – 1 level. Engineering  Analysis and Design of offshore
UR – 6) 3. Structural components such as moorings,
Engineering / pipelines and fixed/floating structures.
Post code: Offshore structures  Analysis and design of foundations for
10 4. Ports and Harbor onshore and offshore structures,.
Engineering  Field surveys /deployment / retrieval
(1 post at 5. Water resource operations at coastal / offshore
Lakshadweep Engineering locations, Laboratory analysis,
Island) and relevant Instrumentation, Insitu and field
Experience in areas onshore and offshore geotechnical
given in job investigations
requirements  Planning/Preparation of construction
schedules, drawings, BOQ and
Page 7 of 25
Knowledge in  Site assessment studies and studies
related to CRZ/EIA and use of GIS tools
BIS standards for  Working on software like STAAD PRO,
structural works ANSYS, SACS, ORCAFLEX, MOSES,
standards for offshore  Use of DNV / API standards for offshore
component design.
component design.
 Use of software tools like Matlab, C,
Knowledge in software Fortran, etc
like STAAD PRO,  Work in various coastal sites including
ANSYS, SACS, islands of Lakshadweep and Andamans
(2D & 3D)
Naval B.E/B.Tech. in M.E./M.Tech. in Ocean  Analysis and design of offshore
Architect / Mechanical/ Civil/ Engineering/ Ocean components such as moorings, fixed /
Ocean Ocean Engineering and Technology/ Ocean floating structures, design of submarine
Engineering Naval Architecture from pipeline and response analysis of floating
Engineering and Naval
(1 post) a recognized University / systems.
Institute with at least  Various site related activities in project
(OBC - 1) 60% marks in the
sites at Islands/Mainland.
qualifying degree level.
Post code:  Working on software like ANSYS, SACS,

ECE / E&I B.E/B.Tech. in M.E./M..Tech. in The job involves carrying out :

(11 Posts) Electronics & Electronics &
Communication / Communication /  Embedded System design
(OBC – 3 Instrumentation Engg. Electronics / Applied  Programming in
SC – 2 from a recognized Electronics/ VLSI C/C++/MATLAB/PYTHON/ Java.
ST – 1 University / Institute with Design/ Embedded  SCADA /LabView
EWS – 1 at least 60% marks in the system design/  Signal processing
UR – 4) qualifying degree level. Instrumentation &  Satellite communications
Control /  Circuit design with ORCAD
Post code: Communication  Installation of systems on-board ships
12 systems
 Field studies coastal regions/
Participation in scientific cruises
including data buoys.
B.E/B.Tech. in M.E in Power Working in design, selection and operation
Electrical Electrical / Electrical & of Rotating machines
Electronics /Power
(1 Post) Electronics Engg. from a  Transformers
recognized University / system
 SCADA/ Data loggers
Institute with atleast 60%  MATLAB/Simulink
(Un-reserved) marks in the qualifying  Protection Coordination (ETAP/SKM)
degree level.  Programmable logic controllers
Post code:  Installation and maintenance of on-
13 grid/off-grid renewable electrical systems
and desalination plants in islands and
 Participation in offshore scientific
Computer B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. / M.E. / M.Tech. in  Programming in SQL, MySQL, Java/
Science MCA in Computer Computer Science & PHP;
(3 Posts) Sciences / Information Engg. / in any of the  Maintaining IT infrastructure;
Technology from a following:  Database Management, application
(OBC – 1 recognized University with software development, Knowledge in data
UR – 2) atleast 60% marks in the JavaScript, PHP, SQL, plotting, scientific software (e.g Python /
qualifying degree level. and maintain IT Matlab);
Post code: infrastructure  Administration / working of Linux OS
14 Administration / systems.
working of Linux OS  Programming in Microsoft Technologies

Page 8 of 25
system platform (i.e. ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET,
Software Development Entity Framework, MVC), Unix/Linux,
using,; core java VBA, Mobile apps development,
code testing and  Software development, maintenance,
debugging. fixing of errors, generating reports, and
end user support based on bugs reported
 Writing program codes, review &
improvement of existing software,
backup and maintenance; testing the
product in controlled, real situations
before going live; preparation of training
manuals for users
Geology / M.Sc. in Geology / Ph.D. in Geology/  Planning for seabed sampling, mapping
GIS Remote Applied Geology / Marine Geology/ with hydrographic, geological and
Sensing Marine Geology/ Marine Applied Geology/ geophysical survey equipments for data
(4 Posts) Geophysics from a Marine Geophysics acquisition and data processing with
recognized university from a recognized PDS 2000 etc
(OBC – 1 /institute with atleast university/institute  Handling sensors and sampling devices
SC – 1 60% marks in the in underwater vehicle for deep sea
UR – 2) qualifying degree level. exploration
 Coastal geomorphology and coastal
Post code: OR process related data collection, sediment
15 M.E./M.Tech/MS in analysis and generation of data sets and
B.E./B.Tech. degree in Geoinformatics maps
Geoinformatics/ /Geomatics/GIS/  Gas hydrates research, reservoir
Geomatics from a Remote Sensing from a modeling studies, subsidence
recognized recognized university observation using PLAXIS etc
university/institute with /institute  Satellite image processing, handling GIS
atleast 60% marks in the systems like ARC GIS, QGIS, ERDAS etc
qualifying degree level. and preparation of thematic maps

Applied Masters Degree in Ph.D. in Applied  Sea bed mapping systems, design of
Geology/ Applied Geology / Geology / Marine sampling devices for underwater
Marine Marine Geology / Geology / Marine vehicles, data collection and
Geology/ Marine Geophysics from Geophysics from a interpretation with scientific sensors for
Marine a recognized University / recognized University deep ocean mineral exploration
Geophysics Institute with atleast 60% /Institute.  Reservoir modeling studies and Gas
(1 Post) marks in the qualifying Hydrate research, Environmental
degree level. Impact studies and subsidence analysis
(UR – 1) using software like PLAXIS, handling
high pressure and low temperature
Post code:  Oceanographic sensors based data
16 collection and processing
 Handling of GIS software like ArcGIS,
 Planning for swath bathymetry (MBES)
data collection; hydropgraphic and
geophysical data acquisition, process
multi-beam, sub bottom, side scan data
and preparation of DTMs
 Knowledge in Life support system
design for enclosed space and usage of
the related sensors and life saving
Physical Master’s Degree in  Ph. D in  Coastal processes modelling, planning,
Oceanography Oceanography/ Physical Oceanography / coordinating and managing field data
(8 Posts) Oceanography/ Chemical Physical collection programs, hydrodynamic
Chemical oceanography/Physics/ Oceanography/ modelling related to ocean /coastal
Oceanography Ocean Technology/ Physics / Chemical engineering.
(2 Posts) Ocean science from a Oceanography /  Carryout oceanographic survey, and
(OBC – 3 recognized university with Ocean science / data collection at costal / offshore
SC – 2 at least 60% marks in the Marine sciences from locations, involve in Laboratory studies,

Page 9 of 25
ST – 1 qualifying degree level a recognized Instrumentation, Site assessment
EWS – 1 University / Institute. studies / CRZ / GIS related surveys
UR – 3)  Two years of relevant  Physico-chemical analysis of seawater
experience in R&D in and sediment. EIA studies related to
Post code: industrial or S&T coastal and marine environment. Metal
17 organizations and analysis marine waters / sediment.
scientific activities  Field Sample collection and Analysis of
and services nutrients, metals, pesticides, etc. in
 Working Knowledge in sea water and sediments.
MATLAB / C /  Experience in handling of
Fortran and data Spectrophotometer, AAS/ICPMS, GC
processing  Oceanographic/acoustic Data
methodologies. Processing and Analysis.
 Experience in Python  Machine learning and Data mining
& R Programming, applications
Ferret, and related  Numerical modelling / Sound
software. Propagation model
 Scientific / technical report preparation
and any other project related
 Oceanographic data collection, data
processing, quality control and
application of numeric models.
Analysing oceanographic data using
tools like MATLAB, Ferret. etc.
 Participating in cruises for the data
collection and maintenance of ocean
observation platforms
Life Science M.Sc. in Marine Biology/ Ph.D. Marine Biology/  Isolation and culture of marine micro &
(7 Posts) Marine Science/ Aquaculture/Zoology/ macro algal, breeding, larval rearing of
Aquaculture/Zoology/ Botany finfish and offshore cage culture.
(OBC – 1 Botany from a recognized  Physico-chemical analysis of seawater
SC – 1 university / Institute with and analysis and culture of
ST – 1 at least 60% marks in the
phytoplankton / zooplankton for ballast
EWS – 1 qualifying degree level
treatment testing
UR – 3)
 Participation in scientific cruise and field
Post code: studies.
(4 posts at
Blair Islands

Biotechnology M.Sc. / B.Tech. in Ph.D./M.Tech. in  Isolation, culture, characterization,

(5 Posts) Microbiology / Biotechnology/Bioinfor molecular and genomic analysis of
Biotechnology / marine microbes
(OBC – 1 Bioinformatics from a  Participation in scientific cruise and field
EWS – 1 recognized university / studies
UR – 3) Institute with at least 60%
 Interpretation of results / compilation of
marks in the qualifying
Post code: degree level

(2 posts at
Blair Islands)

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Chemistry M.Sc. in Organic Ph.D. in Organic  Isolation, purification and
(1 Post) Chemistry from a Chemistry. characterization of bioactive marine
recognized university /
natural products by chromatographic /
Institute with at least 60%
spectroscopic techniques.
(OBC - 1) marks in the qualifying
degree level  Physico-chemical analysis of seawater
Post code: /estimation, Chlorine/Bromine and their
20 bio-products by analytical techniques.
 Participation in scientific cruise and field

Petroleum B.E/ M.E./M.Tech. in  Coordination for technology

(1 Post) Chemical/ Petroleum Petroleum engineering development for Gas Hydrate research,
Engineering from a from a recognized thermal stimulation and
recognized University depressurization techniques
(UR -1) University/Institute with  Handling high pressure and low
at least 60% marks in the temperature reactor/autoclave
Post code: qualifying degree level
 Handling CFD software’s like fluent;
reservoir modeling software form ethane
hydrate kinetics studies
 Handling FORTRAN based software
 Life support system design for enclosed
space and usage of the related sensors
and life saving apparatus

Main page

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Name of the Post : Project Scientific Assistant
No. of Post(s) : 64 (UR-28; OBC-17; SC-09; ST-04; EWS-06)
(One post will be suitable for PwD-OH category.)
Emoluments : Rs. 20,000/- + HRA (Increment of 15% for 3 years of experience
with maximum ceiling of 4 such revision, i.e., up to 12 years of
experience subject to performance review)
Maximum age limit : 50 (Age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms)

Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement

Mechanical Three years Diploma in  Any higher  Erection and commissioning of
(14 Posts) Mechanical / qualification in the equipments / machineries in project
Mechatronics / relevant sites at Islands / Mainland.
Automobile Engineering discipline/field.  Site supervision including reading
from a recognized Institute  Knowledge in specifications, drawings, supervising
(OBC – 4 with 60% marks. software like the Manufacturing / Fabrication /
SC – 2 AUTOCAD (2D & 3D) Assembly / Integration and testing
ST – 1 is desirable. activity in shop floor, ensuring quality,
EWS – 1  Experience in co-ordination between various
UR – 6) inspection agencies and contractors.
assembly, integration,
testing, and field  Operation and maintenance of power /
operations, process plants at Islands / Mainland.
Post code:  Preparation of mechanical 2D and 3D
Maintenance of
22 mechanical systems Drawings / Modeling using Autocad /
at R&D Institute, Inventor / Solid works / Catia / Pro E
Industry and /or the etc.
(1 post at  Maintenance of EOT crane, Positioning
area of work as per
Lakshadweep systems,
the job requirement.
Island)  Fabrication / Assembly / Integration
and testing of mechanical sub systems
for underwater applications,
 To assist in retrieval and deployment of
Oceanographic equipment, offshore
data collection and participation in
ship cruises

Civil Three years Diploma in  Any higher  Knowledge in site execution including
(12 Posts) Civil Engineering from a preparation of estimates,
qualification in the
recognized Institute with specifications and drawings as per
(OBC – 3 60% marks. relevant
discipline/field. CPWD codal provisions, supervising
SC – 2
ST – 1  Knowledge in the construction/fabrication
EWS – 1 AUTOCAD (2D & 3D) activities, quality control/assurance,
UR – 5)  Experience in oil and recording measurements in M-book
gas / offshore and bill preparation, co-ordination
industries or R&D in between various agencies and
Post code: contractors.
23 Ocean Engineering /
Technology.  Carrying out oceanographic survey
including bathymetry studies, data
collection, field installation and
retrieval operations in coastal /
offshore locations.
 Operation, maintenance and
inspection of scientific equipments
and to participate in the scientific
cruises, dry dock works and
construction of ships / maintain and
control inventory.
 Assist laboratory operations /
instrument maintenance, diving skill.
Page 12 of 25
NOTE: Involves work in various
project sites at Islands/Mainland.

ECE / E&I Three years Diploma in Experience of 2 years in  Assembly, Integration and testing of
(8 Posts) Electronics& R&D, Industry and/or Marine Electronics Systems/sub
Communication/Electronic higher qualification as systems, data acquisition systems
s & Instrumentation per the job  Underwater systems, deployment /
engineering from a requirement. retrieval operations, calibration, tests &
(OBC – 2 recognized Institute with trials of electronics subsea system.
SC – 1 60% marks.  Participation in cruises for the
EWS – 1 maintenance of ocean observation
UR – 4) platforms. Working with Data/Tsunami
buoy systems, Data Acquisition &
Control and Telemetry System for
Post code: offshore data platforms. Handling
24 Meteorological and Oceanographic
 Installation of instruments and
Calibration, and Implementation of
Data acquisition, Instrumentation &
control systems for Island based
desalination plants
 Software skills in
 Participation in offshore scientific
Electrical Three years Diploma in Experience of 2 years in  Installation and maintenance of on-
(7 posts) Electrical Engineering / R&D, Industry and/or grid/off-grid renewable electrical
Electrical & Electronics higher qualification as systems and desalination plants in
(OBC – 2 engineering from a per the job islands and mainland.
SC – 1 recognized Institute with requirement.  Operation and maintenance of Genset,
EWS – 1 60% marks. Transformer, rotating machine and
UR – 3) drives.
 Testing of electrical and acoustical
Post code: parameters for underwater acoustic
25 sensors, Laboratory accreditation
processes, Monitoring laboratory
environmental parameters and
(1 post at maintenance of records etc.
Lakshadweep  Handling of electrical /electronic
Island) systems in laboratory
 Software skills in Electrical CAD ,
ORCAD PSpice, GNU Octave.
 Participation in offshore scientific
Computer Three years Diploma /  Any higher  Knowledge in Programming,
Science BCA in Computer Science qualification related maintenance of IT infrastructure
(7 Posts) from a recognized Institute to job requirement operations and Data base Management
with 60% marks.  Experience in data and, Application Software development
(OBC – 2 acquisition and  Knowledge in data plotting, scientific
SC – 1 control systems/ software (eg Python/Matlab/Ferret/
EWS – 1 remote control Origin)
UR – 3) sensors and  Middleware development, Scientific
instrumentation/ Data Plotting
Post code: software testing and  Knowledge in Microsoft Technologies
26 R&D. platform, SQL, MySQL, Unix/Linux,
Core Java, VBA, RDBMS, etc.
 Software development, maintenance,
fixing of errors, generating reports, and
end user support based on bugs
 writing program codes, review &

Page 13 of 25
improvement of existing softwares,
backup and maintenance; testing the
product in controlled, real situations
before going live; preparation of training
manuals for users
Bachelor’s degree in  Master’s degree in Should be capable of carrying out
Microbiology or Microbiology / preparatory works in the laboratory for
Biotechnology / Biotechnology / research and development pertaining to
Bioinformatics from a Bioinformatics from a marine microbes and participation in
recognized University
recognized scientific cruise / and field work.
University/Board / laboratories.
National laboratories with  Two years experience
60% marks. (after obtaining
Life Sciences essential educational
(13 Posts) qualification) in
Research and
(OBC – 4 Development in the
SC – 2 area listed in job
ST - 1 requirement.
EWS – 1 Bachelor’s degree in  Master’s degree in Should be capable of carrying out
UR – 5) Marine Biology/ Marine Biology/ preparatory works in the laboratory for
Aquaculture / Zoology / Aquaculture / Botany research and development pertaining to
Botany from a recognized /Zoology from a marine micro & macro algal / offshore
Post code: University / National recognized University cage culture / physicochemical / biological
27 laboratories with 60% /National analysis of seawater / participation in
marks. laboratories. scientific cruise / SCUBA diving and field
(5 posts at  Two years experience work.
ACOSTI, Port (after obtaining
Blair Islands essential educational
qualification) in
Research and
Development in the
area listed in job
 SCUBA diving
certification with not
less than 25 logged
Chemistry Bachelor’s degree in  Master’s degree in Should be capable of carrying out
(2 Posts) chemistry from a chemistry from a preparatory works in the laboratory for
recognized University / recognized research and development pertaining to
(ST – 1 National laboratories with University / National purification and characterization of marine
UR – 1) 60% marks. laboratories. natural products / physicochemical
analysis of seawater and participation in
Post code:  Two years experience scientific cruise and field work.
28 (after obtaining
essential educational
(1 post at qualification) in
ACOSTI, Port Research and
Blair Islands Development in the
area listed in job

Page 14 of 25
Ocean Bachelor’s degree in  Any higher  Oceanographic data collection,
Technology Ocean Science qualification related processing for coastal process
(1 Post) &Technology from a to job requirement. studies.
recognized University  Three years of  Planning for swath
/Institute with 60% experience in oil bathymetry(MBES)data collection;
(Un-reserved) marks. and gas / offshore data acquisition, process multi-
industries or R&D beam data and preparation of DTMs;
Post code: in Ocean  Operation, maintenance and
29 Engineering/ inspection of scientific equipments
onboard / to participate in the
scientific cruises, dry-dock works
and construction of ships/Maintain
and control inventory.

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Name of the Post : Project Technician
No. of Post(s) : 28 (UR-13; OBC-07; SC-04; ST-02; EWS-02)
Emoluments : Rs. 17,000/- + HRA
Maximum age limit : 50 (Age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms)

Discipline / Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement

Welder 10th standard with two IBR certified / welding Candidate needs to work at various
(2 Posts)
years ITI Tradesman by TIG/MIG project sites at Islands/Mainland.
Course in Welder
(OBC - 1 Two years experience Gas cutting and Welding of MS and SS
UR – 1) approved by National
components. Reading and
Council for Vocational
understanding engineering drawings
Post code: Training or its equivalent
30 and symbols.
from recognized

Fitter 10th standard with two Basic reading of Candidate needs to work at various
(7 Posts)
years ITI Tradesman Engineering drawing, project sites at Islands/Mainland.
(OBC -1 Course in Fitter approved Basic knowledge in
Dismantling, Repairing and
SC – 1 by National Council for manufacturing tools
reassembling equipment such as
ST – 1 Vocational Training or its and process.
Rotating machinery systems, plant
EWS – 1 equivalent from recognized
UR – 3) Two years experience in equipments and assisting field testing
assembly of mechanical operation of varies mechanical systems
systems and sub systems
Post code:
31 Participating in cruises for the
deployment & retrieval operations
(1 post at

Air 10th standard with two Two years Experience Candidate needs to work at various
Conditioning in handling Industrial project sites at Islands/Mainland.
years ITI Tradesman
(2 Posts) Air conditioning
Course in Refrigeration / Installation, operation and
(OBC – 1 Air Conditioning maintenance of refrigeration and air
UR – 1) approved by National conditioning systems. Reading and
Council for Vocational understanding of engineering
Post code: Training or its equivalent drawings, symbols and support
32 from recognized scientist in scientific cruises operation
and field work.
(1 post at
Blair Islands)

Mechanical 10th standard with two Two years Experience Candidate needs to work at various
(2 Posts) years ITI Tradesman in ACAD, 2D and 3D is project sites at Islands/Mainland.
Course in Draftsman- desirable. / Knowledge Knowledge in reading and
(OBC – 1 Mechanical approved by in 3D Modelling understanding engineering drawing
UR – 1) National Council for software such as and symbols. Drafting components,
Vocational Training or its Inventor, Solid works general assembly and fabrication
Post code:
33 equivalent from recognized drawings etc.,

Page 16 of 25
10th standard with two Two years Experience Candidate needs to work at various
years ITI Tradesman in Turning, drilling, project sites at Islands/Mainland.
Course in Machinist surface grinding and Turning, drilling, surface grinding and
approved by National milling trouble shooting milling of mechanical system
Council for Vocational and maintenance work components
Training or its equivalent at industries / R&D.
from recognized Experience in Overseeing fabrication / installation of
Institutions. assembly, integration mechanical systems.
and testing of
mechanical systems
and rotating machinery
and in hydraulic
Civil 10th standard with two Two years experience in Preparation of drawings for concrete
(3 Posts) years ITI Tradesman Research and and steel structures etc.
(OBC – 1 Course in Draftsman-Civil Development, Industry
Preparation of bar bending schedules
SC – 1 approved by National in the area listed in job
and estimation.
UR – 1) Council for Vocational requirement.
Training or its equivalent Operation/maintenance of plumbing
Post code: Knowledge in
from recognized works and support scientists in
34 AUTOCAD (2D & 3D)
Institutions. scientific cruises operation and field
(1 post at
NOTE: Candidate needs to work at
Blair Islands various project sites at

Electrical 10th Standard with two 2 years work experience Candidate needs to work at various
(9 Posts) in Operation / project sites at Islands/Mainland.
years ITI Tradesman
Course in Electrician maintenance of
(OBC- 1 electrical equipments, Assembly and Integration of the
SC – 2 approved by National electrical system, Wiring of control
Wiring of control
ST – 1 Council for Vocational panels, Industrial panels, Industrial wiring, cable
EWS – 1 Training or its equivalent wiring, cable termination, low and high voltage
UR – 4) from recognized termination, assembly system erection. Maintenance of
Institutions. and integration of Electrical installations, Generators,
Post code: electrical system, Transformers, etc., onshore, on board
35 handling of low and ships and Offshore installations and
high voltage equipment. handlings.

(1 post at


1 post at
Blair Islands)
Electronics 10th Standard with two Two years work Candidate needs to work at various
(3 Posts) experience in Operation
years ITI Tradesman project sites at Islands/Mainland.
Course in Electronics / /maintenance of
electronics equipments. Industrial panel wiring and Interfacing,
(OBC – 1 Instrumentation
Wiring, assembly and PCB soldering and Assembly, Handling
UR – 2) approved by National integration of control of electronic instruments, Assembly,
Council for Vocational panels and circuit
Post code: testing and calibration of
Training or its equivalent boards.
36 Instrumentation cable instruments/Sensors, Interfacing and
from a recognized
glanding, termination. panel wiring, Installations of electronic
Calibration and systems on board ships, Offshore
erection of sensors. installations and handlings.

Page 17 of 25
Handling of
instrumentation and
control, data
acquisition systems.

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Name of the Post : Project Junior Assistant

Post Code : 37
No. of Post(s) : 25 (UR-13; OBC-06; SC-03; ST-01; EWS-02)
(One post will be suitable for PwD-OH category.)
(2 posts at ACOSTI, Port Blair Islands)
Emoluments : Rs. 18,000/- + HRA
Maximum age limit : 50 (Age relaxation as per Govt. of India norms)

Essential Qualification Desirable Job Requirement

Any degree from a  Working experience of 2 years in  Knowledge in Office and accounting
recognized Board or organization of repute.. procedures
University  Working knowledge of Computer,  Knowledge of word processing and
stenography and typing data entry
 Secretarial Assistance in carrying out
the day to day functions of the
Institute in Finance and Accounts,
Stores and Purchase and
Establishment Sections and Scientific

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Name of the Post : Research Associate (RA)
No. of Post(s) : 3 (Un-reserved)
Emoluments : Rs. 47,000/- + HRA
Maximum age limit : 35

Discipline / Essential Qualification Job Requirement

Doctoral Degree in Oceanography/ Physical Oceanographic/acoustic Data processing and
Oceanography Oceanography/Physics /Oceanic Sciences analysis ;
/ Physical Or Working knowledge in Softwares such as Ferret,
Oceanography M.Tech- Ocean Technology with three years GRADS, ODV etc.
/Physics R&D experience, after acquiring M.Tech Programming Languages: MATLAB, Fortan, C
(1 Post) and having at least one publication in SCI C++.
Journal Numerical modeling of oceanographic processes/
(Unreserved) Sound propagation modeling
Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.
Post code:
LIFE SCIENCE Ph.D. in Marine Biology/ Research / analysis works in the laboratory in
(2 Posts) /Microbiology/Biochemistry/Zoology, marine microbes / algae isolation, culture and
Or characterization isolation culture / marine finfish
(Unreserved) M. Tech. in Biotechnology / Bioinformatics breading, larval rearing and cage culture /
from a recognized University / National physicochemical.
Post code: laboratories with three years R&D
39 experience after acquiring M.Tech. and Participation in scientific cruise and field studies.
having one publication in SCI journal.
(1 post at
Blair Islands)

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Name of the Post : Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
No. of Post(s) : 8 (UR–5; OBC-2; SC-1)
Emoluments : Rs. 35,000/- + HRA
Maximum age limit : 32

Discipline / Essential Qualification Job Requirement

M.Sc. in Oceanography / Physical  Oceanographic data collection, data
Oceanography oceanography / Atmospheric science / processing and quality control. Analyzing
(4 Posts) Meteorology / Mathematics with at least meteorological and oceanographic data.
60% with two years of research experience Field observation activities. Preferable
and having cleared any one of the programming language (e.g. Python, Matlab,
following examination. Ferret)
Post code: a. CSIR-UGC NET including
40 lectureship (Assistant  Experience in Oceanographic data analysis,
Professorship) and GATE Time series analysis,
b. National level examinations  Software Ferret, GRADS, ODV etc.
conducted by Central Government  Programming Languages: MATLAB.
Departments and their Agencies
and Institutions such as DST,
M.Sc. in Life / Chemical Sciences with at  Research works in the laboratory in marine
Life Sciences least 60% microbes / algae isolation, culture and
(4 Posts) (OR) characterization isolation culture / marine
B.E./B.Tech. in Biotechnology/ Genetics/ finfish breading, larval rearing and cage
Bioinformatics / Pharmaceutical culture / physicochemical physico-
from a recognized university / Institute chemical analysis of seawater, sediment
with at least 60% marks with two years of and biological analysis.
Post code: research experience and having cleared  Participation in scientific cruise and field
41 any one of the following examination. studies.
a. CSIR-UGC NET including
(2 posts at lectureship (Assistant
ACOSTI, Port Professorship) and GATE
Blair Islands) b. National level examinations
conducted by Central Government
Departments and their Agencies
and Institutions such as DST,

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Name of the Post : Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
No. of Post(s) : 2 (Unreserved)
Emoluments : Rs. 31,000/- + HRA
Maximum age limit : 28

Discipline / Essential Qualification Job Requirement

 M.Sc. in Life / Chemical Sciences,  Research / analysis related to marine
LIFE SCIENCES (OR) B.Tech. Biotechnology / Genetics microbial / marine micro & macro algal /
(2 Posts) / Bioinformatics / Pharmaceutical marine fin fish culture.
with at least 60% marks  Participation in scientific cruise and field
(Unreserved)  having cleared any one of the following studies.
 CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship
Post code: (Assistant Professorship) and GATE
42  National level examinations conducted
by Central Government Departments
(1 post at and their Agencies and Institutions
ACOSTI, Port such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO,
Blair Islands) MHRD, ICAR, CMR, IIT, IISc, IISER,

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How to apply for the posts:

1) The application form is available online on NIOT website

2) The candidate must read the instructions thoroughly before the filling the application forms.

3) The candidate is requested to visit NIOT website periodically to keep track of new announcements and changes,
if any.

4) In case of any difficulty in filling the online application form, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
indicating the problem faced.

5) The candidate has to fill the application online and upload recent passport size colour photograph and scanned
copies of the documents listed below:-

(i) Educational Qualification Certificates from 10 th Standard onwards.

(ii) Mark Lists for all semesters or Consolidated mark lists issued by the University. &
Degree Certificate

(iii) Experience certificates issued by the Employer as per the format.

(Please note that salary slips, appointment orders/ Relieving orders issued will not be
construed as experience certificate)

(iv) Certificate in prescribed format (in respect of candidates seeking relaxation for Central
Government Employees)

(v) Certificate in prescribed format (in respect of candidates claiming reservation under
OBC/SC/ST/EWS Category)

(vi) Certificate in prescribed format (in respect of candidates seeking relaxation as Ex-
servicemen & PwD category)

(vii) Copies of Publications/ Reprints of the Journal.

6) On submitting the completed application, an online Registration Number will be provided by the system. The
candidates must take note of the same.

7) Request for change/correction in the Application Form will not be entertained under any circumstance.
Therefore, the candidate must ensure the accuracy of the data entered and the documents uploaded.

8) Incomplete applications without uploading the required documents, photographs etc will be treated as invalid
and rejected.

Terms and conditions.

1. The candidate must be a CITIZEN OF INDIA.

2. The candidate must ensure that he is eligible in all respect for that post and if it is found not eligible any
aspect at any stage, his candidature will be summarily rejected and cancelled without further correspondence.

3. The applicant should produce the original certificates uploaded in the on-line application as and when
required. If original certificates are not produced or discrepancies are found in the certificates, the supporting
documents or concealing of facts are noticed, the candidature will be summarily disqualified and rejected.

Page 23 of 25
4. The Crucial Date for determining the possession of ‘AGE AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION
(EQs)/EXPERIENCE’ will be the closing date for on line application. The applicants should not have exceeded
the maximum age limit on the crucial date. The Date of Birth as recorded in the
10thStd/Matriculation/Transfer certificate/Certificate of Domicile/Birth Certificate issued by the competent
authority will be accepted as proof of age.

5. Reservations shall be applied to all the posts except for Project Scientist – III and Project Scientist – II.

6. The upper age limit in respect of the OBC/SC/ST categories and for Ex-servicemen, Person with Disabilities
and other specified categories shall be relaxable in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Govt.
from time to time in this regard.

7. The candidates seeking reservation and claiming relaxation must produce the required certificate in the
prescribed format duly signed by the issuing authority at the time of submission of application.

8. The prescribed educational qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the education
qualifications and requisite experience will not entitle any right to be called for test/interview or selection.

9. Applicant should ensure that he/she possess essential educational qualification and the experience in the
relevant area as required to the post.

10. In case, the particular institute does not follow percentage system for awarding marks, the percentage arrived
will be taken as per conversion formula mentioned in the certificate of marks. In case where conversion
formula is not available, the percentage will be reckoned by multiplying the CGPA * 9.5.

11. Experience claimed by the candidate will be counted only from the date on which the candidate has acquired
the minimum educational qualification required for the post. Doctorate Degree in the relevant area of research
will count as 3 years’ experience for Scientific Posts.

12. The candidates selected are liable to work anywhere in India, in any of the Centre, Project sites of NIOT. 2
posts in Project Scientist–III, 3 posts in Project Scientist-II, 6 posts in Project Scientist-I, 6 Posts in Project
Scientific Assistant, 3 Posts in Project Technician, 2 posts in Project Junior Assistant, 1 post in Research
Associate, 2 Posts in Senior Research Fellow and 1 post in Junior Research Fellow are meant for the Atal
Centre for Science & Technology for Islands (ACOSTI) in Port Blair. Similarly, 1 post in Project Scientist-I
(Civil), 1 post in Project Scientific Assistant (Mechanical) and 1 post in Project Scientific Assistant (Electrical),
1 post in Project Technician (Mechanical) and 1 post in Project Technician (Electrical) will be stationed in
Lakshadweep Islands.

13. The candidates will be required to participate in scientific cruises, field visits, survey etc in ships, boats.

14. NIOT strives to have gender balance and Women candidates fulfilling the requirements are encouraged to
apply for the post.

15. Candidates who are employed in Government/ autonomous Institutions and PSU should submit NOC from the
employer for applying for the post.

16. If the number of applications are very large, the screening or selection committee may fix suitable norms for
short listing the candidates for the Interview or Test or both as the case may be, depending upon the number
of candidates applied for the post and the vacancies available so as to restrict the number of candidates to a
manageable & reasonable level.

17. The selection of the posts of Project Scientists and Research Fellows will be based on the performance in the
interview (online/Offline). In respect of the other posts, the selection will be based on the marks obtained in
the written test/Trade/Skill test (Online/Offline). The skill test will be of qualifying nature.

18. No TA/DA will be paid towards attending the Interview / Written examination.

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19. The posts advertised are temporary in nature and the appointment will be contract basis for fixed tenure
which is co-terminus with the project, for the plan period 2021-2026. The completion of tenure of contract
will not confer right for regularization or permanency in NIOT. Further, the contract will be offered initially for
a period of one year and the same will be renewed on evaluating the performance of the candidates

20. The number of posts mentioned in the advertisement are tentative and may increase or decrease depending
upon the requirements/sanction by Ministry of Earth Sciences. NIOT reserves the right not to fill up the post
without assigning any reasons what so ever.

21. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.

22. Any unsolicited communication regarding this advertisement is strictly prohibited.

23. The decision of NIOT in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection the application shall be final
and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/her

24. The call letter for Interview/ test will be communicated through the registered email.

Last date and Time for online applications : 13/09/2021 5.00 pm

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