Handbook For Hydrogen-Fuelled Vessels2021-06 PDF
Handbook For Hydrogen-Fuelled Vessels2021-06 PDF
Handbook For Hydrogen-Fuelled Vessels2021-06 PDF
1.2 Disclaimer 11
3.1 Background 14
5.1 Feasibility 29
5.7 Maintenance 31
6.9 Bunkering 54
CONTENTS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
9.6 Ventilation 78
FOREWORD Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Shipping faces major challenges adjusting to zero
emissions over the next decades. Hydrogen is one of few
zero-emission solutions with a promising potential for
scalable use for the longer distances and larger energy
needs in shipping.
This Handbook is an important contribution on the path Maritime Authority. The Handbook provides a basis for
to its safe and efficient introduction, as well as the use of a roadmap to hydrogen safety for the maritime indus-
hydrogen as marine fuel. The information in it will pro- try, based on the current risk-based Alternative Design
vide guidance on how to deal with the current safety and approval framework.
regulatory barriers.
MarHySafe is a collaborative project involving the private
The Handbook is a product of the Maritime Hydrogen business community as well as public authorities, and
Safety (MarHySafe) Joint Development Project (JDP) and aims to support an increased uptake of hydrogen as an
developed by DNV in collaboration with all the partners environmentally friendly solution for ships.
and observers in Phase 1, with input from the Norwegian
Acting Director General of Navigation and Shipping Leader of the Steering Committee MarHySafe JDP
FOREWORD Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
SUMMARY Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Hydrogen is one of the few zero-emission fuels with a promising potential
for scalable use for longer distances and larger energy needs in shipping.
It is therefore vital to start gathering practical onboard Experience from gas processing and natural gas as a fuel
experience with it, without compromising on safety. The can provide useful insight but needs modification to be
overall purpose of Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Ves- applicable for maritime use of hydrogen (Part A). Import-
sels is to reduce safety approval costs without compro- ant differences in properties, related in particular to reac-
mising on safety. tivity and explosion potential, make it necessary to think
differently for hydrogen than for other fuels. There are
The first edition of this Handbook is the main deliverable also many similarities, meaning that processing and safety
of the Maritime Hydrogen Safety Joint Development systems can potentially be reused with some modifica-
Project (MarHySafe JDP) Phase 1. The development and tions. The MarHySafe JDP has brought together the expe-
refinement of the Handbook will continue in Phase 2 of rience of industries that have used or are using hydrogen
MarHySafe, in order to contribute to and capture the as an industrial gas and/or an energy carrier. This pooling
knowledge and experience needed for safe and efficient of knowledge from maritime, oil and gas, and hydrogen
introduction and use of hydrogen-fuelled ships. systems providers, is essential for integrating hydrogen
systems into a maritime setting. Experiences can be har-
The visions of the Handbook are to: nessed into methods and software tools that can be used
• increase the effectiveness and speed of the shift towards for hydrogen-fuelled ship applications. Through combin-
green shipping, without compromising on safety; ing a risk-based approach with digital twins tracking and
• be a knowledge accumulator and carrier; and, indicating risks, highly qualified prototypes of hydrogen
• make the Alternative Design approval process more ships can be developed.
effective while developing the knowledge base for
future approval according to DNV and IMO rules. Today, it is possible to utilize advanced, digital, risk-mod-
elling capabilities as a simulation and design tool to
The interest in introducing hydrogen as a fuel in shipping compare thousands of possible designs and parameter
is growing and several projects are planned or in the sensitivities – to find ‘the best’ solution at an acceptable
feasibility stage. However, maritime hydrogen-specific cost. This way, lengthy processes with expensive lab-
competence is very limited in the industry and among oratory trials and errors with many prototypes can be
authorities worldwide, and such hydrogen-specific guide- avoided. The Handbook presents and discusses the risk-
lines and rules are not yet available for ships. This was the based approaches and models that are available. It also
background for initiating MarHySafe. DNV initiated the covers the status of modelling capabilities for hydrogen,
project based on the identified need to join forces with verification and validation of the models (Part C), and how
interested parties worldwide. The aim was to use Mar- they can be utilized to deal with the knowledge gaps in
HySafe to build national and international competence; the next phase of the project (Chapter 11).
facilitate effective processes, trust, and confidence; and
start to develop the science-based foundation for future The Handbook also presents and discusses possible
development of a regulatory framework. risk-mitigation and risk-control measures to contribute to
safe design and operation (Chapter 9). Risk management
The Handbook provides the basis for outlining a roadmap and control measures to prevent, detect and isolate leaks,
to hydrogen safety for the maritime industry based on the and to control ignition, are available. However, these mea-
current risk-based Alternative Design approval framework sures have not been tested and validated for the use of
(Part B, Chapter 6). The point of departure was fixed onboard hydrogen in maritime settings. For critical safety systems,
fuel storage of LH2 and compressed gaseous hydrogen it can therefore be necessary to perform experiments with
(CH2) with the energy converted by PEM fuel cells. There hydrogen so that the performance can be fully under-
may be a fine balance between implementing this new stood and computer models adjusted and validated.
technology too fast with too few safety precautions, and
too slow with over-dimensioned safety systems. Further Phase 2 of the MarHySafe project will focus on the safe and
development of both the understanding and the use of efficient introduction of hydrogen-fuelled ships and their
criteria for equivalent risk will therefore be important for the bunkering systems, based on the knowledge and knowledge
safe, efficient introduction of hydrogen-fuelled ships (Chap- gaps identified in Phase 1 of the project. The Alternative
ter 6.3). Experience has shown that when too few safety Design approval process, and the risk analyses required
systems are implemented, serious accidents can happen during this process, will be needed until sufficient knowledge
and development of a technology can stop for a long time. and confidence are gained to develop rules. Therefore, the
The alternative, overly robust systems, can drive up cost new knowledge will be used to make the Alternative Design
and result in slow or no implementation of the technology. approval process more effective and reduce approval times.
SUMMARY Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
1.1 MarHySafe partners and observers The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), Stan-
All MarHySafe partners and observers contributed to the dards Council of Canada, and Norwegian Directorate for
development of the Handbook. Civil Protection (DSB) were observers in MarHySafe Phase 1.
The MarHySafe Phase 1 project partners include: The core team in DNV consisted of: Gerd Petra Haugom
(Project Manager), Asmund Huser (Risk Assessment, QRA,
Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA), Norwegian Defence CFD and modelling expert), Nathaniel Frithiof and Øyvind
Materiel Agency (Naval Systems, NDMA), Equinor, Shell, Sekkesæter. Narve Mjøs was the DNV Project Sponsor. In
Air Liquide, Linde, Kawasaki, Chart Industries, Parker, addition, several DNV internal experts and resources from
UMOE Advanced Composites, Hexagon Purus, Fincantieri, different parts of the organization contributed with review,
Feadship, HySeas Energy, Ballard, Cummins (previously quality assurance and/or input. These include Monica
Hydrogenics), Corvus Energy, A.V.Tchouvelev & Associates, Alvarez, Mike Johnson, Rolf Skjong, Magnus Lindgren,
Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Redrock, Hydrogen Guido Friederich, Torill Osberg, Hans Jørgen Johnsrud,
Technology & Energy Corporation (HTEC), Memorial Magnus Jordahl, Matthias Schmidt, Benjamin Scholz,
University, and DNV. Dalibor Bukarica and Daniel Allason.
DNV AND PARTNERS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
About DNV
DNV is the independent expert in risk man- facing its customers and the world today and
agement and assurance, operating in more is a trusted voice for many of the world’s most
than 100 countries. Through its broad expe- successful and forward-thinking companies.
rience and deep expertise DNV advances
safety and sustainable performance, sets DNV is the world’s leading classification soci-
industry benchmarks, and inspires and ety and a recognized advisor for the maritime
invents solutions. industry. We enhance safety, quality, energy
efficiency and environmental performance
Whether assessing a new ship design, opti- of the global shipping industry – across all
mizing the performance of a wind farm, ana- vessel types and offshore structures.
lyzing sensor data from a gas pipeline or cer-
tifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV We invest heavily in research and develop-
enables its customers and their stakeholders ment to find solutions, together with the
to make critical decisions with confidence. industry, that address strategic, operational
or regulatory challenges.
Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, prop-
erty, and the environment, DNV helps tackle For more information visit:
the challenges and global transformations www.dnv.com/maritime
DNV AND PARTNERS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
1.2 Disclaimer All use of the Handbook will be at the user’s sole risk and
The content of this Handbook is the subject of intellec- responsibility. Nothing in the Handbook shall be con-
tual property rights reserved by DNV AS (DNV). The user strued as a guarantee. DNV shall not be held liable for
accepts that it is prohibited by anyone else but DNV and/ any loss or damage arising out of or in any way related to
or its licensees to offer and/or perform classification, the use of the Handbook, howsoever caused, and DNV
certification and/or verification services, including the expressly disclaims liability towards third parties for errors
issuance of certificates and/or declarations of conformity, and omissions in the Handbook.
wholly or partly, on the basis of and/or pursuant to this
document whether free of charge or chargeable, without The Handbook is a guidance document based on current
DNV’s prior written consent. experience in a quickly developing technology, and it
does not replace any official rules or guidance documents.
DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Accident – an uncontrolled event that may entail the loss Fuel cell (FC) – source of electrical power in which the
of human life, personal injuries, environmental damage, chemical energy of a FC fuel is converted directly into elec-
or the loss of assets and financial interests. trical and thermal energy by electrochemical oxidation.
ALARP – As Low As Reasonably Practicable Fuel-cell module – assembly of fuel cell and necessary
components for fuel supply and power output. The mod-
Bunkering – the transfer of liquid or gaseous fuel from ule typically represents the minimum equipment neces-
land-based or floating facilities into a ship’s permanent sary to effectively produce electrical energy supply to the
tanks or connection of portable tanks to the fuel supply vessel from hydrogen.
Fuel-cell power installation – the FC power system and
CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics all other components and systems required to convert
electrical power for the ship. It may also include ancillary
CH2 – compressed gaseous hydrogen. systems for the fuel-cell operation, such as cooling water
pumps and converters. A space containing fuel-cell power
CO2 – Carbon dioxide. system(s) or parts of fuel-cell power system(s), providing a
secondary barrier for any components containing fuel or
DAL – Design Accidental Load. hazardous vapours is called a fuel-cell space.
DDT – Deflagration to Detonation Transition. Fuel-cell power system – the group of components which
contain fuel or hazardous vapours, fuel cell(s), fuel reform-
Enclosed space – a space where, in the absence of arti- ers, if fitted, and associated piping systems.
ficial ventilation, the ventilation will be limited, and any
explosive atmosphere will not be dispersed naturally. Fuel-cell rack – assembly of several fuel-cell modules.
‘Forced’ and ‘mechanical’ are other terms describing
artificial ventilation. Fuel-cell space – a space or enclosure containing fuel-cell
power systems or parts of fuel-cell power systems.
ERA – Explosion Risk Analysis.
Fuel-storage hold space – the space enclosed by the
ESD – Emergency Shutdown. ship’s structure in which a fuel tank (containment) system
is situated. If tank connections are located in the fuel-stor-
Exhaust air – exhaust from the cathode side of the fuel age hold space, it will also be a tank connection space.
GHG – greenhouse gases.
Exhaust gas – exhaust from the (reformer or) anode side
of the fuel cell. Hazardous area – an area in which an explosive gas atmo-
sphere is or may be expected to be present, in quantities
Explosion – a deflagration event of uncontrolled com- such as to require special precautions for the construc-
bustion. tion, installation, and use of equipment.
DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
HAZID – Hazard Identification study. Primary fuel – fuel supplied to the fuel-cell power system.
ICE – Internal Combustion Engine Process air – air supply to the reformer and/or the cathode
side of the fuel cell.
IGF code – International code of safety for ships using
gases or other low-flashpoint fuels. PRV – Pressure relief valves.
Inter-barrier space – the space between a primary and a Risk – an expression for the combination of the likeli-
secondary barrier around the fuel tank, whether or not hood of a hazardous event and the severity of the conse-
completely or partially occupied by insulation or other quences of this event.
RO – Recognized organization, term defined in SOLAS
LEL – Lower explosive limit. X-1/1.
LH2 – Liquefied hydrogen. Semi-enclosed space – a space where the natural con-
ditions of ventilation are notably different from those
LNG – Liquefied natural gas. on open deck due to the presence of structures such
as roofs, windbreaks and bulkheads and which are so
LOHC – Liquid organic hydrogen carrier. arranged that dispersion of gas may not occur (ref. IEC
60092-502:1999 Electrical installations in Ship-Tank-
Low-flashpoint fuel – gaseous or liquid fuel having a flash- ers-Special Features).
point lower than otherwise permitted under paragraph
2.1.1 of SOLAS regulation II-2/4. SOLAS – Safety of Life at Sea.
Non-hazardous area – an area in which an explosive gas STP – @Standard Temperature and Pressure, 0°C and
atmosphere is not expected to be present in quantities 1 bar.
such as to require special precautions for the construc-
tion, installation, and use of equipment. Tank connection space – a space surrounding all fuel-tank
connections and fuel-tank valves that is required for tanks
NOx – Nitrogen oxides. with such connections in enclosed spaces.
INTRODUCTION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Climate change is the greatest societal, safety, and financial risk
the world is facing today. To cope with this risk, all human activities
must adhere to a green transition process – driven by regulations,
market requirements, and the financial sector. In this process we
will see winners and losers.
INTRODUCTION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Hydrogen gas is flammable, highly explosive, and has dif- Hydrogen can be stored both as a pressurized gas and a
ferent safety-related properties and behaviour compared cryogenic liquid, and the different impacts on safety are
with other gases including natural gas. As experienced addressed in the Handbook. Indirect hydrogen storage
with other new and alternative fuel solutions, an accident methods such as liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC)
may result in safety and economic consequences that put storage and ammonia are not part of the current work
the development on hold for many years. It is therefore scope. However, the Green Shipping Programme has
of utmost importance to start developing the required jointly with DNV and NMA developed a safety handbook
knowledge base for a future harmonized approach. This for ammonia as a marine fuel (DNV GL, GSP, NMA, 2021).
is a key purpose of this Tentative Handbook, and a shared
motivation among all the partners and observers contrib- Based on its safety-related properties, hydrogen can be
uting to the work. The approach tries to utilize knowledge considered a challenging fuel. On a ship, pure hydrogen
from all available sources, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. will be stored either as a liquefied gas at very low tem-
perature (-253 °C) and a slight overpressure (typically
Since codes and standards for maritime hydrogen are 1–10 bar) or as a compressed gas at very-high pressure
incomplete, it is necessary to apply ‘first principles’ where (typically 250–700 bar). As hydrogen is the smallest of all
the true behaviour of systems that experience failures is molecules, hydrogen gas is more challenging to contain
discovered before measures are implemented to prevent than other gases; it has a wide flammability range, ignites
and reduce risks. Available codes and standards for other easily, and may self-ignite. This combination of proper-
low-flashpoint fuels are among the tools used, with the ties may lead to increased overall risk, unless applicable
basis for these being challenged by the actual physical safety systems and practices concerning hydrogen are
behaviour of hydrogen compared with conventional implemented. Since the ‘equivalent safety’ regime does
gases. The method used to apply first principles is risk not tolerate increased risks, it is expected that smarter/
analysis in which the physical behaviour of hydrogen in better designs and more safety systems are needed com-
incidents is a main part of the assessment. Accelerating pared with other gas fuel systems.
the large-scale roll-out of hydrogen ships can be more
effectively achieved through applying information from A key challenge is to avoid the chain of events that may
previous accidents and, where knowledge is missing, lead to an accident if proper countermeasures are not
from new experiments. Such information is used to vali- in place and effective. A well-structured risk assessment
date and ensure that the risk-assessment models are true process with involvement from people having the right
and representative for the situations at hand. competence is essential to identify, control, and mitigate
Example of input for new technologies when existing safety standards and approving bodies lack an approval
basis. This often leads to delays before operation can start. Risk analyses can aid the process to identify if the
risk is acceptable or if additional safety measures are required.
Risk analysis
Codes and Experiments
INTRODUCTION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
the potential risks related to hydrogen use as a fuel. Leaks ple in the IMO, and for Class rules, that the level of safety
associated with the bunkering operation and onboard requirements is increased when land-based technology
fuel-storage system can potentially lead to high-risk is applied to ships. The required framework relates to a
events. Therefore, the Handbook addresses the location of variety of conditions and ship motions, as illustrated in
the onboard fuel storage (including above or below deck). Figure 7.1:
Consequently, understanding of hydrogen and its safe- • A ship operating out in the open seas is self-reliant and
ty-related properties in a maritime context will be key for will in most instances not be able to rely on help from
safe and efficient introduction of hydrogen as a ship fuel. the outside.
Among many important risk-related factors are: use of • It is not possible for crew and passengers to escape to
materials not fully compatible with hydrogen operation; a safe external area in the same way as from a vehicle or
the marine environment, reliable detection of process within a building or industrial site onshore.
and operational deviations; ignition-source control; and, • Due to space constraints, the safety distances are
systems for maintaining safe operations. smaller on a ship than a comparable land-based
DNV organized and led the Handbook development. • Exposure to environmental conditions at sea is different
The MarHySafe partners and observers have contributed than for land-based hydrogen applications, and may
actively with input, review, and feedback. be more challenging. Humidity, sea water atmosphere/
spray, thermal cycling, accelerations, vibrations and
3.1.1 Moving from land-based to maritime inclinations due to ship and wave motions are examples
It is sometimes argued that experiences with hydrogen in of marine challenges. The compatibility of materials,
land-based industries and transport, in submarines, and and possible consequences regarding fatigue life, for
in the space industry, prove it can be safely stored on, example, therefore need addressing. This involves
and fuel, ships. However, there have been accidents with considering the relevant marine conditions.
hydrogen onshore, and these may hold important lessons • Compared with a hydrogen-fuelled car, bus, or truck,
for its maritime use. Some principal differences need con- the power demand for a ship is quite different. This
sidering when it comes to novel hydrogen fuel systems for implies that a hydrogen installation on a ship will usually
ships. The general lack of maritime and fuel-specific com- be on a larger scale.
petence among suppliers and end users is recognized as
a main safety hurdle for alternative fuels and their modes Land-based solutions are therefore not directly transferra-
of operation (DNV GL, 2021). It is a well-established princi- ble to ships.
INTRODUCTION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
3.1.2 Moving from natural gas to hydrogen Bunkering of hydrogen was not initially included; but,
There are important differences in safety-related proper- when the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB)
ties between natural gas and hydrogen gas, and also for joined, it became possible for Phase 1 to include aspects
the liquid fuels LNG and liquefied hydrogen (LH2). Hydro- related to bunkering. While not traditionally included in
gen’s properties mean the criteria for selecting materials Class rules, bunkering is – from a practical perspective – a
are different compared with natural gas. Hydrogen-spe- critical aspect of safe operation of a hydrogen-fuelled
cific factors that need addressing include, among others, vessel, and has been considered in Phase 1.
the potential for embrittlement of materials, hydrogen
permeation, extreme low temperature properties, and the A range of different configurations for the use of hydro-
possibility of electrostatic build-up and discharge. gen fuel cells and related liquid or compressed hydrogen
storage in marine applications are under development. In
A key to safe introduction of hydrogen is to consider the MarHySafe project, the basis to conduct realistic case
the real properties of hydrogen and not assume that its studies was developed in a dedicated project task: ‘CTR 2
behaviour is equal to any other gas or fuel. This means that Generic Ship Case Study’ (DNV GL/MarHySafe, 2020). The
materials, containment systems and operational practices aim of the generic ship case study was to provide rele-
approved and functional for compressed natural gas or vant and realistic input for work in the other project tasks
LNG need to undergo additional hydrogen-specific assess- covering both CH2 and LH2 storage. The generic case
ments to be approved for compressed hydrogen or LH2. study provided input to the activities in ‘CTR 3 Alternative
Design Process’, and in particular to the HAZID (DNV GL/
3.2 Study scope and limitations MarHySafe, 2020a). The outcome of these activities con-
Developing knowledge and understanding of hydrogen’s tributed important input to this Handbook.
safety-related properties and their potential safety impli-
cations for maritime use of hydrogen is required for its The Handbook is organized in three main parts:
safe introduction as a ship fuel.
• Part A introduces the use of hydrogen in maritime.
This Tentative Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels • Part B introduces applicable regulations, codes, and
takes the first necessary steps by putting in place the tech- standards for hydrogen as a maritime fuel.
nical and scientific safety-related knowledge basis that • Part C gives an overview of relevant hydrogen safety
is needed for a future harmonized approach. The work is issues and the risk-assessment methodologies needed.
undertaken as Phase 1 of the MarHySafe JDP. This Hand-
book is the main deliverable from MarHySafe Phase 1. The final chapter gives an overview of relevant knowledge
gaps and suggests activities for Phase 2 of MarHySafe.
The scope covers fixed onboard fuel storage of LH2 and
compressed gaseous hydrogen (CH2). Other hydro-
gen-based fuels like ammonia and LOHCs are not
included in the work scope in this phase of MarHySafe.
Movable hydrogen storage options, like tank swap, are
not part of the present scope.
Part A of the Handbook introduces safety-related properties for
hydrogen that need to be understood to be able to develop a safe
hydrogen-fuelled ship concept. Part A also introduces generic sys-
tem descriptions and a common terminology that can be applied in
the development of maritime hydrogen systems.
In this study, a passenger vessel was selected as the similar manner to what happens in natural gas leaks. This
generic vessel type, specifically a car ferry in compliance momentum effect is also valid inside enclosed rooms, and
with the SOLAS convention for passenger vessels. There the gas cloud can build up at all locations before it moves
are multiple reasons for this choice, the main consensus upwards to the ceiling.
being that ferries are likely to have the most onerous
requirements, and are expected to be among the first A stoichiometric mixture is one where there is exactly the
vessels using hydrogen as a fuel. The generic vessel case amount of fuel to completely use up all the oxygen with
was used as input to the Alternative Design evaluations no excess fuel remaining. It is when the maximum com-
including the HAZID study (DNV GL/MarHySafe, 2020a) bustion energy can be released. A stoichiometric mixture
undertaken as part of MarHySafe Phase 1. of hydrogen in air contains 29.5 volume percent (vol%)
hydrogen, whereas for natural gas, the stoichiometric
The generic ship case represents a case where both liquid mixture is around 10 vol%. To get to this richer concen-
and compressed hydrogen storage may be feasible. This tration with hydrogen, it is necessary to have a larger leak
way, we had a basis for comparison between LH2 and rate. This larger leak rate comes naturally for hydrogen
CH2 storage, unlike what may be achievable with two since an equal hole size gives about three times the vol-
distinctly different ships or ship types. The approach is umetric flow of natural gas in a like-for-like situation. Due
feasible for the current (early) stage of hydrogen technol- to the wide flammability range of hydrogen, it can build
ogies for maritime use and for this first-phase iteration in a much larger flammable cloud with a smaller amount of
MarHySafe. It provides a basis for moving forward to gain gas compared with methane. An example of the amount
improved understanding regarding risks and uncertain- of hydrogen that is needed to generate a critical cloud
ties, and at the same time provides a ’fair‘ basis for risk size and explosion pressure is given in the subsection on
comparison. This input is described in the Generic Ship ‘Simplified assessments of explosion consequences’ in
Case study (DNV /MarHySafe, 2020). Appendix C.
4.1 Safety-related properties The autoignition temperatures for hydrogen and methane
Some safety-related hydrogen properties require spe- are comparable; hence, there are similar ignition proba-
cial attention. They include its low density, low ignition bilities from hot surfaces. The minimum (spark) ignition
energy, wide flammability range, and potential explo- energy for hydrogen concentrations below 15% is similar
siveness. Table 4.1 summarizes hydrogen parameters to that for methane. For higher hydrogen concentrations,
that can influence safety, and compares them with those the ignition energy can be more than an order of mag-
for methane. For each parameter, the impact on safety nitude lower than the minimum for methane. Therefore,
is described. For completeness, this table also includes for richer hydrogen clouds, a higher ignition probability
parameters that are relatively similar to methane. is possible if there are ignition sources with energies that
will not ignite methane but will ignite hydrogen.
Hydrogen gas is a lot lighter than methane. Hydro-
gen’s high buoyancy can be both an advantage and a When selecting materials that will be in contact with
challenge, and it needs to be considered in designing hydrogen, it is critical to consider its properties to ensure
hydrogen systems. It is often argued that due to the lower that all materials used are compatible with hydrogen. This
density of hydrogen, an outdoor hydrogen gas release approach is needed to avoid hydrogen embrittlement
will disperse quickly. The buoyancy has a good effect in and minimize the frequency of leaks.
lifting the gas in the passive zone of the hydrogen gas
cloud. However, for a high momentum jet with a release When hydrogen burns, the only combustion product is
rate above a certain size, as long as the gas velocity in water vapour. Clean hydrogen/air mixtures burn with a
the plume is above the ambient air velocity, then the non-luminous, almost invisible, pale-blue hot flame liber-
gas is driven by its momentum, and not by buoyancy. ating the chemically bound energy as heat (gross heat of
During this phase, it can build a large gas cloud in a combustion). The theoretical maximum flame tempera-
ture of a premixed stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen Fire consequences are also different, but the fire severity
in air is as high as 2130 °C. Hydrogen flames can reach is similar for natural gas and hydrogen. In addition, hydro-
higher temperatures than other gases, but at the same gen storage tanks may be at higher pressures, potentially
time the radiation heat transfer out from the flame is nor- causing higher leak frequencies. The foreseen rapid
mally lower. When the size of the fire increases, the radi- increase in hydrogen appliances can lead to an unwanted
ation level also increases. For a large hydrogen fire, the increase in serious hydrogen explosion incidents if the
radiation levels are comparable with those from hydrocar- risk is not addressed properly.
bon fires, and the flame becomes more visible.
Hydrogen systems can still be made as safe as natural
A hydrogen explosion could be a serious consequence gas systems. However, the adverse effects of hydrogen
from a hydrogen leak (and ignition) in an enclosed or mean that different, inherently safe designs, and a higher
semi-open space, and this scenario might for certain con- level of safety precautions with preventive and mitigating
ditions lead to high explosion overpressures. Estimation measures, might be needed in order to obtain a system
of hydrogen explosion risk is therefore a key element in whose safety level is equivalent to those of conventional
hydrogen risk analyses, and extensive risk analyses may hydrocarbon systems. A more thorough discussion of this
be required to understand and mitigate the risks associ- is provided in Chapter 8.3.1. The document (ISO/TR 15916,
ated with hydrogen efficiently. That is also why we have 2015) is a relevant reference source for further information
dedicated several of the following Handbook chapters to regarding hydrogen safety properties.
the topics associated with hydrogen risk assessments.
Ignition energy (Miranda, 2019) and laminar burning velocity of gases as a function of the gas concentration in air.
Comparison of safety-related properties for hydrogen and methane (ISO/TR 15916 , 2015), (Rigas, 2012).
Gas density at NTP 0.0827 kg/m3 0.659 kg/m3 Can be positive for outdoor dispersion due to buoyancy, but only for
passive clouds. High-pressure jet dispersion is dominated by momen-
tum not buoyancy. Also negative because LFL may extend further for
hydrogen jet than for methane.
Flammability range 4–75 vol% 5–17 vol% Negative, causing larger flammable cloud volume. LFL = 4% only for
(25 °C, 101.3 kPa) upward propagating H2 flames, 8% is the lean limit of hydrogen com-
bustion for practical applications.
Minimum ignition energy 0.017 mJ 0.27 mJ Negative. The ignition energy varies significantly with gas concentra-
tion (see Figure 4.1). For hydrogen concentrations up to 60%, the igni-
tion energy is less than that of methane, with the absolute minimum
being more than an order of magnitude less.
Boiling point -253 °C -161 °C More challenging than CH4. LH2 can condense oxygen in air and cause
unknown effects due to concentrated oxygen. Cryogenic effects
different from LNG.
Amount of energy, heat of 120 kJ/g 50 kJ/g For high-pressure gas releases at the same pressure and through the
combustion (lower heating same hole size, the energy released for hydrogen is about 85% of that
value) for methane.
Maximum burning velocity 265–325 37–45 Negative. Results in much greater flame acceleration in congested
in NTP air (cm/s) areas and higher pressures in confined spaces due to the greater dif-
ficulty in venting the explosion fast enough. Rapid flame acceleration
will give high explosion pressures in small clouds.
Detonability measured in 0.8 g 16 000 g Negative. Given greater flame acceleration with hydrogen (see
minimum mass of tetryl above), DDT is a realistic if unlikely possibility. This is not the case
(Bull, 1979) for methane. A hydrogen detonation can propagate through the full
cloud and increase the explosion severity significantly.
Laminar diffusion coeffi- 0.61 0.16 Negligible effect on dispersion which is dominated by turbulent dif-
cient at NTP (cm2/s) fusion. Other effects are more important, such as flow speed and low
density causing longer momentum jets.
Speed of sound at NTP (m/s) 1 294 446 Negative, contributes to larger volumetric flowrates from leaks.
Hydrogen has higher speed of sound and lower density. These cancel
eachother out, resulting in similar jet momentum for releases with the
same pressure and hole size.
Compressibility factor Z 01. Jan 0.9 Minor effect of non-ideal gas. Causes a reduced mass leak rate for H2
average 0 to 300 barg compared to using ideal gas law. For higher pressure, real gas effects
are larger.
Joule-Thomson effect when Causes a small Causes a Negligible since the temperature increase effect on hydrogen is only
pressure is relieved temperature temperature a few Kelvins. Requirement to limit CH2 temperature in storage tanks
increase decrease restricts filling rates (relevant for CH2 bunkering).
Heat radiated from flame to 17–25% 23–33% These ranges are indicative and vary with release rate. Smaller hydro-
surroundings gen flames are invisible. At large release rates, a hydrogen fire can
have the same radiation level as methane. There is very limited large-
scale hydrogen data.
Comments give positive or negative safety effects for hydrogen compared with methane or natural gas systems. (NTP = Normal Tem-
perature and Pressure, 20 °C and 101.3 kPa.)
4.1.2 Hydrogen in liquid (cryogenic) form and that the liquefaction and solidification of oxygen con-
Compared with methane, hydrogen’s extremely low tributed to the ignition and serious explosion event that
boiling point makes it more challenging (and energy con- was observed (Jordan, 2020).
suming) to store as a liquid. Since hydrogen has a narrow
20 ºC temperature range for its liquid-phase it is more Because hydrogen needs less energy to evaporate than
demanding to maintain hydrogen in the cryogenic liquid LNG, a LH2 spray is expected to vaporize more easily and
phase and to minimize boil-off compared with natural gas. result in less cooling of – for example – surrounding steel
than a comparable LNG spray. A pool from a larger spill
LNG is quite often mentioned as a good and reasonable of LH2 is cooler than a similar LNG pool. However, the LH2
starting point for the introduction of LH2. Since LH2 needs would evaporate quicker, hence the resulting cooling
to be stored at a much lower temperature than LNG to be effect can be either higher or lower. Large-scale experi-
kept in the liquid form, there are some potentially serious ments where these effects are investigated for hydrogen
pitfalls associated with this approach. The actual properties are limited. Fast evaporation of leaking LH2 may lead to
of LH2 must be considered when designing LH2 systems. fast pressure build-up in confined spaces if venting is
insufficient or ineffective. This needs to be considered
The potential cryogenic effects of a LH2 release need in the dimensioning of LH2 storage-tank hold space
to be considered. Common gases such as oxygen and enclosures and related vent systems. Recent reports on
nitrogen may liquefy or even solidify in contact with LH2 testing undertaken as input to the Norwegian Public
LH2. During recent experiments with LH2 releases it was Roads Administration hydrogen ferry development proj-
observed that liquid and solid oxygen was formed at the ect may illustrate the potential challenges related to the
ground and temperatures as low as 85 K were observed. use of LH2 (DNV, 2020), (DNV , 2020a), (FFI, 2021). Some
It is believed that a pre-cooled ground from the previous key learnings from this work and associated scenarios can
test contributed to this happening in this specific case, be summarized as follows.
Snapshot of a horizontal release video showing the neutral plume with wind direction aligned with jet direction;
left, seen from the side; right, fisheye fixed wide-angle camera view. Test 13. Visible plume is due to water
vapour. The frosting on the pad to the right is due to the vertical impinging test that was performed prior to this.
Three different video snapshots of the same release from top of the vent mast. Almost all the released hydrogen
is exiting the top of the vent mast. Wind is shifting partly from the side and towards the viewer. The release is
bending over with the wind and in the passive phase it behaves more like a neutral plume. Test 14.
4.2 Generic hydrogen system configuration The compressed and liquid hydrogen block diagrams are
A generic ship case (DNV /MarHySafe, 2020) was devel- illustrated in Sections and 4.2.3. It should be noted
oped to provide relevant input cases to the Alternative that the tank connection space is only identified as its own
Design (HAZID) study. The generic ship case was ‘built’ space for the liquefied hydrogen storage case.
into a vessel by adding the main building blocks. This
gives the opportunity to ‘build’ a generic vessel concept 4.2.1 Fuel-cell power installation
based on input from a variety of sources for different The fuel-cell (FC) power installation will include:
parts of the vessel. This way, IPR/confidentiality chal- • Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC; see
lenges can be reduced as the resulting generic vessel below) module(s);
will not be a real vessel. There may be some challenges • Fire protection (structural fire protection, fire detection
related to different parts not being ‘real-life-compatible’; and fire extinguishing);
despite this, it is considered feasible for the development • Hydrogen leakage detection;
of a useful and relevant ship case. • Auxiliary systems including
– power conversion
It was agreed to use a starting point similar to the Norwe- – FC control system
gian Public Roads Administration LH2 ferry project. Key – ventilation system
public data1 for this ferry includes: length, 80 m; width, 17 – cooling system
m; draught, 3 m; capacity in the order of 80 cars and 10 – vent system for FC exhaust air and hydrogen blow-off/
trucks, 300 pax. purge system
• Neighbouring spaces.
Principal block diagrams were developed to visualize rele-
vant onboard system configurations for both LH2 and CH2
storage. A main purpose of the diagrams is to develop a
common basis and understanding of what components Principal sketch for fuel-cell configurations, from module
and systems are required and how they may be intercon- to rack level with modules connected in series.
nected. This gives a common context to other parts of
the project, for example the hazard identification studies.
Under-deck storage was also chosen as a baseline to
assess all hazards associated with the storage of hydro-
Module Rack
gen in a vessel. The LH2 and CH2 storage capacities and Multiple
Fuel cell
bunkering frequencies applied were part of the generic
case assessment. Electrical modules in
connectors series.
Section 4.2.1 shows a principal sketch of a fuel-cell power
installation with its primary components. The block dia-
grams shown in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 contain principal Cooling FC
system layouts for a compressed gas and a liquefied Fuel supply
storage hydrogen system. Keywords and descriptions of
Air supply
the various components that are common for both system
block diagrams in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 are listed here. Exhaust
CH2 and/or LH2 tank hold spaces and spaces containing
the fuel-cell power installation are expected to include
the following systems or components: FC
• Vent mast system (for control and emergency).
• Air ventilation system (normal and emergency).
• Separate ventilation spaces (pipe in duct, fuel-cell FC FC
spaces, tank connection space, etc.). Module Module
• Structural fire protection.
• Fire detection and fire extinguishing systems.
• Hydrogen leakage detection. Produced in the DNV project MarHySafe
• Void(s).
Based on current PEMFC technology developments, and The FC power installation can be installed in one single
with experience from the development of maritime battery FC space onboard the vessel, or it could be distributed
systems, the industry is adopting the term fuel-cell mod- to several FC spaces. While specific FC racks would be
ule. A module is typically identified as a unit that includes expected to be located within one space, the auxiliary
all the basic components necessary for the FC to properly equipment needed to operate them might be located
function. A combination of several modules is typically in one central technical space providing support to
called a ‘rack’. The exact rack configuration onboard a ves- multiple FC power systems on board. See Figure 4.5
sel would depend on the power demand from the system for a detailed system description, with the FC stack in
in relation to the power output from a single FC module. the middle surrounded by the components of a power
The modules can be installed in series and/or in parallel to system and power installation respectively.
each other. A principal sketch for modules with included
sub-components and racks is found in Figure 4.4. Background information includes ongoing IMO work
processes, which are available (IMO CCC 5/3, 2018), (IMO
Regardless how the FC modules are combined onboard, CCC7/3, 2020).
the FC power installation will also include auxiliary
machinery (such as cooling pumps) and equipment
necessary for power conversion and power distribution
to the vessel.
Fuel-cell power installation, in line with forthcoming IMO guidelines (IMO CCC7/3, 2020).
control safety auxiliary Power conversion
system system systems
INTRODUCTION TO MARITIME HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Fuel cells The basic operation of a PEMFC is shown in Figure 4.6.
Fuel cells produce electricity in an electrochemical pro- A fuelling system delivers hydrogen to the anode side of
cess that converts the chemical energy of the fuel into the FC, where it is converted into electrons and protons.
electricity through reacting hydrogen with oxygen over a The electrons flow through a circuit to the cathode,
catalyst, with water as a by-product. generating electricity, and being taken up by oxygen.
The protons diffuse through the PEM to the cathode side
Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell of the FC and combine with the reduced oxide to form
A proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is also water. PEMFC has a high power-to-weight ratio and a low
referred to as a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. operation temperature that allows for flexible operation
PEMFC uses polymer electrolyte membranes to conduct (DNV GL, 2017), an advantage for transportation appli-
protons for ion-exchange purposes; it separates the cations.
hydrogen from the oxygen.
Principal sketch for a proton-exchange membrane fuel-cell system (DNV GL, 2017).
Vessel Cathode
Hydrogen Purification
Hydrogen Air
Natural Gas
H2 Ammonia
H2 H+ O2
e- e-
Air/O2 O2
Hydrogen Water
4.2.2 Compressed hydrogen system The primary fuel supply lines onboard the ship are
Figure 4.7 outlines the system layout for compressed gas assumed to be pipe-in-pipe, from the pipe from the CH2
hydrogen (CH2) storage below deck. bunkering station to the ship fuel-storage system.
For storage of compressed hydrogen, the tank hold space The bunkering station for CH2 is assumed to be located
needs to include the following items: onshore as a fixed installation, but filling from a truck may
also be an option. In the future, bunkering of hydrogen
• CH2 tank bundle(s), typically 250 bar (based on current from a dedicated bunkering vessel, with the main func-
marine certification status; higher pressures are tion of transferring hydrogen to the ship, may also be an
expected in the future). attractive option (MossMaritime, 2018) .
• Fuel lines.
• Hydrogen vent system (pressure-relief system for the Transfer of hydrogen from the bunkering station may be
tank bundles). achieved by pressure balancing, or by direct compression
• Ventilation system (artificial ventilation to provide of hydrogen gas before transfer to the ship. For pres-
continuous air changes to the tank hold space). sure balancing, the hydrogen storage pressure(s) at the
• Pressure regulating unit(s). bunkering station needs to be higher than that required
• Fire protection system. by the ship. This is typically achieved by cascade filling,
• H2 detection system. where hydrogen is filled from land-based tanks storing
• Safety systems (fire detection, firefighting system, hydrogen at different pressure levels and where the filling
emergency shutdown system). operation starts by filling from the lowest-pressure tanks.
• Structural fire protection (insulation towards In the generic ship case, hydrogen at 250 bar is required.
neighbouring spaces). Therefore, a higher storage pressure is needed in the
bunkering station. The alternative bunkering approach
is to use a booster compressor to increase the pressure
during bunkering of hydrogen into the ship.
Generic block diagram for compressed gas hydrogen (CH2) with below-deck storage.
Vent system /
pressure relief
CH2 tank CH2 tank module module module
Ventilation system
bundle bundle
station CH2 tank CH2 tank Pressure
bundle bundle regulating unit
H2 detection
Safety system
4.2.3 Liquid hydrogen system • Hydrogen vent system (pressure-relief system for the
Figure 4.8 outlines the system layout for storage of cryo- hydrogen fuel-transfer system).
genic hydrogen in liquid form (LH2) below deck. • Structural fire protection (insulation towards
neighbouring spaces).
The following features need to be included. • Ventilation system (artificial ventilation to provide
continuous air changes to the TCS).
Tank hold space: • H2 detection system (e.g., audible detection, gas
• Liquid hydrogen (LH2) tank (cryogenic). detectors).
• Hydrogen vent system (pressure-relief system for the • Safety system (fire detection, firefighting system, and
hydrogen-storage system). emergency shutdown system).
Tank connection space (TCS): LH2 bunkering of ships may be achieved by pressure fill
• Fuel lines. (flow by differential pressure of two tanks), or by cryogenic
• Vaporizer (for LH2). pumps. In any case, three main components make up the
• Pressure regulating unit (PRU); e.g., conditioning tank, LH2 bunkering station; a LH2 source tank, inert gas supply,
pressure build-up unit, or liquid pumps. and flexible bunkering hose assembly. Two hose connec-
• A conditioning tank may be needed to mitigate tions are needed, one for inert gas/liquefied hydrogen,
the risk of sloshing due to insufficient driving force and one for cooled hydrogen gas return. Inert gas is used
generated by the conditions of LH2. Typically, an inlet to remove moisture and air to ensure a pure fuel supply for
pressure of about 3.5 bar is required to the FC system. bunkering. Due to its low boiling point, liquid helium may
A conditioning tank will typically have intermittent be used as an inert gas and for pre-cooling of the bunkering
operation; it warms up the liquid at an equilibrium line. Due to limited helium supplies, other options may be
temperature for 5 bar. sought, for example pre-cooling with nitrogen or hydrogen.
Generic block diagram for a system with liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage below deck. PRU=Pressure regulating
unit, including small conditioning tank.
MARITIME HYDROGEN IMPLEMENTATION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Visualization of the implementation phases and the responsible party for a maritime hydrogen project in the
shipbuilding process.
5.1 Feasibility study, which should include a rough sizing of the whole
It is recommended to undertake a feasibility study before fuel and power system with related considerations on
making the final decision regarding the use of a hydro- bunkering, will be used to determine whether the project
gen-fuelled vessel. should proceed to the next phase.
The purpose of the feasibility study is to evaluate alter- The dimensioning of the hydrogen systems, and thereby
native solutions as appropriate for the case considered. also the costs, will be strongly influenced by the ship’s
Whether the intention is a purely hydrogen-fuelled power demand, the degree of hybridization, and char-
vessel, or a hybrid solution, a clear objective needs to acteristics of available bunkering infrastructure. Possible
be established. The motive(s) for the study – economic, onboard placement(s) for the main hydrogen system com-
environmental, other reasons, or a combination of these ponents should also be considered at this stage.
– needs to be established to define the objective(s) to be
achieved. It is also adviceable to estimate CAPEX and OPEX for
alternative relevant value chains, and to simultaneously
Expected operational modes and operational profiles evaluate energy losses and GHG footprints for the alter-
with relevant load variations, targeted life of the system, natives during the feasibility stage.
and other parameters, need to be considered in the
feasibility stage. Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses It is recommended to initiate the Alternative Design
(e.g., SWOT analyses) of alternative solutions with respect Approval process and the related contact with the Admin-
to technical issues, environmental aspects, and econom- istration during the feasibility stage (see PART B and
ics are relevant in this phase. The results of the feasibility Chapter 6.2 of this Handbook).
MARITIME HYDROGEN IMPLEMENTATION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The outline specification includes the main criteria for the Onboard hydrogen systems
system as given by the shipowner. These will be project- • These shall demonstrate robustness for long-term
dependent, but typically include regulatory require- exposure in a marine environment (temperature,
ments, relevant standards, lifetime requirements, overall moisture, list, trim, roll, etc.).
functionality, ship load profiles, and power input/output • They shall be maintainable such that defective parts
requirements. Good and realistic functional requirements can be substituted safely and effectively. Competence,
for the systems enable a designer/yard to design and price technical, and process requirements shall be identified.
a system, and to pick the right system components and • System and component lifetime should be such that the
vendor for the vessel. In cases of planned retrofitting of business case is economically reasonable.
hydrogen and fuel-cell systems in existing ship systems, • There shall be alarms and shutdown functions on
emphasis should also be put on the integration between several levels.
existing and new power-management systems. • It is recommended that important hydrogen system
parameters are logged and stored in a non-volatile
Several key topics should be addressed in the outline memory.
specification, as shown by the following examples.
Applicable standards, rules, and regulations have to be
Redundancy considered at this stage, and these include the appli-
• For purely hydrogen-powered vessels, two completely cability of the Alternative Design. Reference is made
independent fuel-containment systems and energy to Chapters 6 and 7 detailing the status of these at the
converters may need to be considered. time of publication of this Handbook. The status of these
• For hybrid-powered vessels (e.g., one main source needs to be examined. Best practice documents may
of power is based on fuel cells), two completely become available as more experience is gained. The
independent systems may need to be considered. overriding principle remains that any alternative should
maintain an overall safety and reliability level that is
Safety found to be equivalent to, or better than, a conventional
• The vessel shall be as safe as conventionally powered solution.
vessels (see Chapter 6 and the risk-based methodology
outlined in Chapter 8). Typically, the approval of preliminary design (see
• The reliability of the complete system must be at least will be completed by the end of the outline
as good as a conventional vessel. specification.
• Loss of power shall not affect critical vessel functions.
• Single failure of critical modules shall not compromise
the integrity of the vessel.
MARITIME HYDROGEN IMPLEMENTATION Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
5.3 Design and procurement gen system suppliers, the supplier of the other power
When the shipbuilding contract is signed, the responsibil- plant components, and the yard. Functional testing of the
ity and further design work is normally transferred to the safety features of the spaces containing hydrogen sys-
yard. The yard prepares procurement packs for the vari- tems – and of aspects such as ventilation, gas detection,
ous system components. It is recommended that potential and fire detection – must also be performed.
system-component providers are consulted at this phase.
5.6 Operation and maintenance
The safety and reliability of the hydrogen systems need This section summarizes the recommendations identified
to be a main priority for a hydrogen-fuelled vessel. The for the operation and maintenance of maritime hydrogen
components must be of good quality and compatible systems:
with hydrogen service to secure a safe and reliable system • A maintenance and operational plan including
throughout the lifetime. The integration and testing of the emergency operation shall be established.
complete system are of similar importance to the quality
of the single components. When the system-component 5.6.1 Documentation requirements
providers have been established, it is strongly recom- The general requirements in section 5, on operation
mended to start/update/refine the quantitative risk and and maintenance, in ASME-B31.12 (ASME-B31.12, 2019)
explosion analyses (see Chapter 8), since several safety provide useful input to the development of the written
aspects may depend on the specific selected compo- operation and maintenance documents.
nents and configuration(s).
5.6.2 Operation manual
Best practices regarding engineering details and relevant Description of a programme for training all onboard per-
codes and standards need to be addressed in the design sonnel that may be in contact with any hydrogen system is
and procurement phase. Input regarding these is pro- needed as part of the operation manual.
vided in Chapter 7. Personnel responsible for any onboard bunkering emer-
gency procedures need to receive training on hydro-
5.4 Fabrication and testing gen-specific emergency procedures.
ASME-3.31.12 (ASME-B31.12, 2019) gives input on inspec-
tion, examination, and testing for hydrogen piping and 5.7 Maintenance
may provide useful input for the development of require- A plan for systematic maintenance and function testing
ments. shall be kept onboard showing in detail how components
and systems shall be tested and what shall be observed
For further input, see Chapter 7. during the tests. The plan shall include the following:
5.5 Installation and commissioning • Verification of the remaining lifetime for the hydrogen
Experience has shown that it is critical to manage inter- systems.
faces between systems. The interfaces between the • Test of all instrumentation, automation, and control
hydrogen and fuel-cell systems and the other ship sys- systems affecting the hydrogen systems.
tems are therefore an area of particular focus. • Test intervals to reflect the consequences of failure
involving a particular system. Functional testing of
The hydrogen systems will need to communicate with the critical alarms should not exceed specified intervals
ship’s power-management system, and key hydrogen and (normally three months). For non-critical alarms, the
fuel-cell system information will need to be displayed on longest intervals are normally not to exceed 12 months.
the vessel’s bridge. • Acceptance criteria.
• Fault identification and repair.
Proper installation documentation must be provided by • List of the suppliers’ service net.
the hydrogen system suppliers.
The different hydrogen systems and components will
All interfaces must be tested before the installation can have different maintenance needs and maintenance
be signed out, and a proper test and commissioning recommendations. This should be included in the main-
plan must be made for the testing to be done at the yard tenance plan. Information about periodic testing should
before final sign-out. This task should not be underesti- also be included in the vessel’s unmanned machinery
mated and needs close cooperation between the hydro- space (E0) manual.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Chapter 6 introduces the international regulatory framework and outlines
the Alternative Design approval process for hydrogen-fuelled vessels.
Relevant rules and standards for hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen storage,
and hydrogen bunkering are also introduced.
Chapter 7 gives a first summary of engineering details for LH2 and CH2
systems on ships.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the Work has begun to include fuels cells (FCs) in the IGF
shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally Code, and they are expected to be included in the future
adopted, and universally implemented. IMO measures as a new part of the IGF Code. In the meantime, FCs are
cover all aspects of international shipping – including ship expected to be covered through interim guidelines. The
design, construction, equipment, manning, operation purpose is to ensure that more experience with FCs is
and disposal – to ensure that this vital sector remains safe, gained before regulations are included in a revision of the
environmentally sound, energy efficient, and secure. IGF Code. Such revisions take part within the four-year
cycle of SOLAS revisions. The finalization of the FC Interim
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Guidelines is foreseen in 2021 (at CCC7) and will come
Sea (SOLAS) defines internationally adopted minimum into force after adoption at the MSC. The final fuel-cell
requirements for the construction, equipment, and opera- requirements will be included in Chapter E of the IGF-
tion of ships. Flag States must ensure that these minimum Code as an Amendment of this code. This means Chapter
requirements are met. Commercial vessels engaging in E will most likely formally enter into force as a new part of
international trade must therefore be designed, con- the IGF Code in 2028. However, it is considered likely that
structed, maintained and operated in accordance with the interim guidelines will be used when completed.
SOLAS. Several Codes are also made mandatory under
SOLAS, and typically include detailed technical require- No work to cover storage of hydrogen as fuel has been
ments for specific vessel types. initiated in IMO. One way of introducing hydrogen stor-
age may be to develop a new interim guideline to the IGF
SOLAS Ch.II-1 Part A-1 Regulation 3-1 states that in Code; i.e., a similar approach to that for fuel cells.
addition to the requirements contained within SOLAS,
ships are to be designed, constructed, and maintained in Regulations, codes, and directives are legal requirements
compliance with the structural, mechanical, and electrical imposed by legislative bodies, and are mandatory. Direc-
requirements of a Classification Society which is recog- tives are implemented at EU level and are not used as an
nized by the Administration (Flag State). instrument by IMO. In contrast, standards, guidelines, and
codes of practice are voluntary documents unless man-
Specific prescriptive rules and regulations are not yet in dated in the regulations.
place for the use of hydrogen as a marine fuel, but SOLAS
II-I opens the way for a structured design process based Maritime regulations and rules exist on three levels.
on risk assessments in cases where a ship is deviating They are:
from prescribed rules. The purpose is to prove that the
chosen solution is providing an equivalent safety level • International regulations developed by IMO;
to the one required in SOLAS. This process is commonly • National regulations; and,
referred to as the ‘Alternative Design’ approach. • Class rules.
IMO’s work activities are structured into several sub-com- Other international codes and standards can support
mittees. Its Marine Safety Committee (MSC) has a these processes. The main objective of the codes and
Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargo and Containers standards presented is to assist and support the approval
(CCC) that is responsible for work on the IGF Code. This process for hydrogen-fuelled vessels. The use of some
code (IGF Code, 2016) provides the regulatory frame- of these standards may be requested by a Class Society
work for the adaptation of low-flashpoint marine fuels and/or the Flag State, and some may be required as part
like hydrogen. It provides the basis for accepting that an of the approval process for specific components and/or
Alternative Design approach is used to verify compliance sub-systems.
for ships using gas fuels other than LNG – for example,
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
6.1 The IGF Code Canada has issued some guidance documents that cover
The main international Code applicable to hydrogen-fu- Canadian-flagged vessels and requirements for the use
elled SOLAS vessels is the International Code of Safety of a Recognized Organization. However, the documents
for Ship Using Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF seem to be prepared with natural gas in mind (Transport
Code, 2016). Please note that for gas carriers, the IGC Canada, 2019). National implementations of the IGF Code
Code Chapter 16 applies, not the IGF Code. may vary, so both the relevant national regulatory status
and the position of the relevant Flag State need to be
The IGF Code entered into force on 1 January 2017 (IGF identified for planned projects.
Code, 2016) and is the mandatory international regulation
for cargo ships with a gross tonnage of 500 or more. It 6.1.1 IGF Code Part A
also applies to passenger vessels on international voy- According to the IGF Code Part A, a low-flashpoint
age using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels, defined fuel like hydrogen is allowed as long as the Alternative
as fuels with flashpoint below 60oC. These ships are Design approach demonstrates that the hydrogen-spe-
required to hold international safety certificates. The IGF cific systems are as safe, reliable, and dependable as new
Code contains detailed prescriptive requirements only and comparable conventional oil-fuelled ships. SOLAS
for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel. For fuels other regulation II-1/55 specifies how this risk equivalence shall
than LNG, the IGF Code refers to the ‘Alternative Design’ be demonstrated, and this needs to be approved by the
approach. This means that the IGF code does not contain Administration. SOLAS regulation II-1/55 points to the
specific requirements for fuels other than LNG, but these method specified in MSC.1/Circ 1455 (MSC.1/Circ 1455,
fuels can still be used if it is proven that the safety level is 2013); see Chapter 6.2 in this Handbook for further details.
maintained compared with a ship using conventional fuel.
This is a risk-based approval process with a high degree The IGF Code Part A contains a specific list of func-
of uncertainty. tion-based requirements for appliances and arrange-
ments related to the use of low-flashpoint fuels that must
In IMO, requirements for FC installations are work in prog- be fulfilled (see Table B.4). Paragraph 4 of IGF Code Part
ress, and acceptance of such installations will therefore A details requirements for risk assessments and analysis
need to follow an Alternative Design process. Several of explosion consequences to ensure that the necessary
Classification Societies have developed their own rules assessments are carried out to eliminate or mitigate
for FC installations. These rules do not cover the storage adverse effects on people on board, the environment, or
and distribution of low-flashpoint fuels like hydrogen, the ship. Sections in this paragraph state:
but they specify requirements for the FC power installa-
tion (see Chapter 4.2.1). To ease the Alternative Design ‘Consideration shall be given to the hazards associated with
process, Flag Administrations have an option to accept physical layout, operation and maintenance, following any
Class rules that they view as covering the required safety reasonably foreseeable failure.’ (Para. 4.2.1)
aspects. Some of these Class rules are based on prescrip-
tive requirements, which tend to be easier for everyone ‘[…] risks shall be analysed using acceptable and
involved to relate to compared with the more complex recognized risk analysis techniques, and loss of function,
Alternative Design process. component damage, fire, explosion and electric shock shall
as a minimum be considered. The analysis shall ensure that
For Norwegian-flagged ships using gases or other risks are eliminated wherever possible. Risks which cannot
low-flashpoint fuels like hydrogen, the Norwegian Regula- be eliminated shall be mitigated as necessary. Details of
tion for ships using fuel with a flashpoint of less than 60 °C risks, and the means by which they are mitigated, shall
applies (FOR-2016-12-27-1883, 2017). This regulation be documented to the satisfaction of the Administration.’
makes the IGF Code mandatory for all Norwegian-flagged (Para. 4.2.3)
ships including those not required to hold international
safety certificates. It also requires that the ship satisfies a ‘[Limitation of explosion consequences covers] any space
recognized Classification Society’s rules for ships using containing any potential sources of release and potential
fuel with a flashpoint less than 60 °C. In Canada, Transport ignition sources’. (Para. 4.3)
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
6.2 The Alternative Design approval process alternatives and equivalents as provided for in various
The approval of conventional oil fuelled ships is a well- IMO instruments’ (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013). The process
known and predictable process with prescriptive rules for approval of preliminary design is illustrated in Figure
and regulations based on decades of experience. For 6.1, and the process for final design in Figure 6.2. These
new technologies like hydrogen-fuelled ships, there are figures show clearly that close interaction is required
no prescriptive rules or regulations in place. The approval between the Submitter (the Project Owner) and the
will therefore be based on a risk-based approval process Administration throughout the approval process, and that
where an equivalent level of safety compared to a con- the Submitter needs to approach the Administration very
ventional oil fuelled ship needs to be demonstrated. This early in the process. The exact requirements may vary on
risk-based approval process is referred to as the Alterna- a case-by-case basis, depending on the Administration
tive Design approach. and factors relating to the design and its maturity.
The Alternative Design approach as required by the IGF Alternative Design is a generic process not specific for
Code for hydrogen-fuelled ships is expected to create hydrogen, and has already been applied for new technol-
a comprehensive, and rather expensive, design and ogies and solutions in the maritime business. One exam-
approval process with a high degree of uncertainty. How- ple is almost all classes of new Cruise ships since 1990.
ever, the Alternative Design approach opens for solutions For these vessels, the process commonly includes quanti-
not covered by prescriptive rules, and it is developed for tative fire and evacuation simulations and use of Compu-
new technologies and novel solutions. For such cases it tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The early applications were
may be equally efficient, and it offers an assessment pro- based on the provisions in SOLAS Chapter 1, Regulation
cess that is more flexible than prescriptive rules. 5, with the studies typically conducted based on credible
fire scenarios based in turn on engineering judgement.
IMO provides the methodology for the Alternative Design The fire sizes were hence not risk-based but rather based
process in the document ’Guidelines for the approval of on typical fire sizes expected in the relevant areas.
Overview of the approval procedure for preliminary design required according to the Alternative Design approach
(MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013), describing the roles of the Administration (Flag State) and the Submitter (Project Owner).
Description of requirements
Definition of approval basis
and process
Analysis of preliminary
Analysis report(s) Monitoring
Review of analyses
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Overview of the approval procedure for final design required according to the Alternative Design approach
(MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013), describing the roles of the Administration (Flag State) and the Submitter (Project
Additional documents
and drawings
Statement of approval of
design basis
Production Approval
Certificate with conditions
as needed
Formally, the Alternative Design process is separated 6.2.1 Preliminary design phase
into phase 1, preliminary design (milestones 1 and 2); and The preliminary design is analysed in the first phase and
phase 2, development of final design (milestones 3, 4 and covers the two first milestones in the overall approval
5). The milestones are: process. The goal in this phase is to achieve an ‘Approval
of preliminary design’. Figure 6.3 illustrates the recom-
1. Development of a preliminary design; mended steps towards an ‘Approval of preliminary
2. Approval of preliminary design; design’ for a hydrogen-fuelled ship (MSC.1/Circ 1455,
3. Development of final design; 2013). The process is iterative in nature and some of the
4. Final design testing and analyses; and, steps may therefore need to be repeated.
5. Approval.
It is common that a statement of preliminary approval
When applying the Alternative Design approval process, outlines requirements for further analysis or other condi-
several iterations may be needed to build confidence tions that need to be fulfilled in the final approval phase.
towards the approval body (Flag Administration) and prove The issuing of a ‘Statement of preliminary assessment’,
equivalent safety. A key challenge is how to apply and which is also known as ‘Approval of preliminary design’
adopt the process for the hydrogen-specific risk cases. (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013), by the Administration does not
The experience and knowledge gained through the early imply that final approval will be granted.
maritime hydrogen projects may therefore be important
building blocks to enable future rule-based approval. Chap- NMA has previously provided an interpretation of the
ters 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 detail the Alternative Design approval process and requirements to obtain approval of
process for maritime hydrogen and FC systems based on preliminary design based on the IMO framework
current knowledge. Chapter 6.3 provides a basis for how an (IGF Code, 2016), (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013), as shown
equivalent level of safety may be demonstrated. in Figure B.1.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Proposed steps in the process towards ‘Approval of preliminary design’ for hydrogen-fuelled ships.
Project owner
Interactive process with the stakeholders
test plan and
drawings Concept HAZID Monitoring
and review
Risk register:
Gap assessment, incl. IGF Code 3.2
risks and
actions Initiation of Preliminary Design Development/ • present the concept and identify those rules, standards
Preview and/or regulations that are being challenged;
Initially, the Submitter (Project Owner) needs to develop • start planning for how items requiring special attention
a draft description of the project. This draft includes the – e.g., detailed risk analysis – can be handled in the
general arrangement, components, and the boundary Alternative Design process. The decision whether the
conditions of the ship system, including physical boundar- Alternative Design, or particular items of the design,
ies and system interfaces. requires risk-based analysis may be based on the
methodology below (MSC.1/Circ. 1455 § 4.6.4) for
The objective is to develop a common understanding categorization of new technology; and,
of the planned design and systems to enable the subse- • define the approval basis – required design and analysis
quent tasks in the submission and approval process. The documents (see Table B.1 and Table B.2 in Appendix
definitions of terminology need to be clarified to avoid B, as well as the Administration’s risk evaluation criteria
misinterpretation and thus increase the efficiency of the (Chapter 6.3).
process (reference is made to Chapters 2 and 4.2).
The preliminary design preview meeting should include
To facilitate the start of the approval process, the Project relevant people from the Project Owner and professionals
Owner needs to organize a preliminary design preview from the different disciplines, including risk assessment.
meeting with the Administration to:
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Categorization of new technology As more experience is gained with maritime use of FCs
As there is not yet a track record for the use of hydrogen and hydrogen-fuelled ships, available solutions can be
storage and FC solutions in ships, these components and expected to be ranked as more mature, but extensive
onboard solutions will typically be classified as new and analysis may still be required in the period until rules are
unproven. Table 6.1 may be helpful to understand how in place.
new technology can be categorized. Although the inten-
tion may be to use FCs and hydrogen-storage tanks that A Category 3 solution (see Table 6.1) is defined as either
have a track record from the use in transport applications a new application of a technology with limited field
like hydrogen cars or trucks, the use in hydrogen-fuelled history, or a known application of new or unproven tech-
ships will be a new application area. Hence, the technol- nology. According to the existing procedures (MSC.1/
ogy is unproven for the marine environment/conditions/ Circ 1455, 2013), both the basic risk assessment (HAZID),
application, giving it the rating ‘4’. and minimum semi-quantified analysis will be required.
All medium and high hazards may be examined by
TABLE 6.1 means of quantified analysis, by analysts with opera-
tional experience and in-depth experience of
Categorization of new technology (MSC.1/Circ 1455, risk assessment.
A Category 2 solution (see Table 6.1) is defined as either
Application Area Technology status a known application of a technology with limited field his-
Proven Limited field New or
tory, or a new application of proven technology. Accord-
history unproven ing to the existing procedures (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013),
further analysis beyond a basic risk assessment (HAZID)
Known 1 2 3
may still be required, but it depends on the outcome of
New 2 3 4
the basic risk assessment. Medium and high hazards may
need further examination, and those undertaking anal-
yses should have operational experience and general
IMO has developed an approval matrix as a guidance knowledge of risk-assessment techniques.
document to the Submitter to estimate the extent of
the work that needs to be performed and submitted for This illustrates that extensive risk analyses can be
approval based on the categories in Table 6.1. expected for some time to come, but this experience can
be used to develop the needed knowledge base for the
For a new application of novel or unproven technology future rules.
(Category 4), the following will apply (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013):
Definition of the approval basis
• Basic risk assessment (HAZID as a minimum) is required. The Administration needs to define the approval basis
The same is the case for Category 3, and also for Category with respect to scope of analysis and evaluation criteria.
2 unless the ‘rule challenge is deemed insignificant or of MSC.1/Circ. 1455 (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013) states: ‘In order
negligible impact on safety and environment’. to accomplish this, the Administration and the Submitter
• Due to the novelty of the design, quantified risk may have to meet one or several times to discuss the alter-
assessment of all risk contributions will then be required native and/or equivalency, its purpose and objectives,
as it may not be possible to rank the hazards credibly. deviations from conventional approaches, relevant rules
Hence, all may need to be examined in depth. It is and regulations, possible deviations from or lack of rules
recommended that those undertaking the analyses are and regulations, requirements that may not be covered by
independent and competent so that objective HAZID/ the rules, proposed operations and potential impact on
risk assessment and analyses can be performed. other systems, components, etc.’
• Applicable rules and guidance documents in this process
will be IMO circulars on alternative arrangements, and The Administration and the Submitter should agree on:
class guidance on risk-based approval.
• Additional tests, surveys, and compliance control may • design and analysis documents required for approval of
also be needed after commissioning. This would typically preliminary design; and,
be continuous monitoring with review and reporting to • risk evaluation criteria for the qualitative and
the Administration, until a sufficient level of experience quantitative analysis process, including for total risk
is gained. level (see Chapter 6.3 describing possible methods for
• Review by a third party is recommended. evaluating ‘proof of equivalence’ and risk criteria).
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The Administration may involve or delegate authority to a 1. No ‘showstoppers’ are identified – otherwise a re-eval-
Recognized Organization (RO). An RO is an organization uation of the preliminary design phase, and possibly
that has been assessed by a Flag State and found to com- improvements, should be carried out.
ply with the IMO Code for Recognized Organizations (RO 2. The alternative and/or equivalency was found to be
Code); e.g., a classification society. feasible and suitable for its expected application.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
6.2.2 Development of final design ditions associated with the preliminary approval. Design
The final design is analysed in the second phase. It covers and analysis documents (see Table B.1 and Table B.2 in
milestones number 3, development of final design; 4, final Appendix B) may need to be updated to reflect the final
design testing and analyses; and 5, approval. design. HAZID, quantitative risk analysis (QRA) and explo-
sion risk analysis (ERA) need to be conducted to reflect
The approval of final design is required to gain the the final design, and may need to be revised until it can
Approval from the Administration (Flag State), such as the be demonstrated that the final design meets the equiva-
Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA). An Approval from lence criteria (Chapter 6.3). The risk register established
a Class Society is not the same as the Approval from the in the preliminary phase should be updated as new infor-
Flag State unless the Class Society is authorized by the mation becomes available. Chapter 8 provides details
Flag State to act as a Recognized Organization (RO) as regarding the use of QRA and ERA and describes the
per SOLAS X-1/1. Exactly what is delegated by the Flag use of risk-based design in maritime. Chapter 9 presents
State to the RO, typically Class Societies, is regulated relevant risk mitigation/control measures for the process
by individual Flag State agreements. Some Flags do not of meeting the risk-equivalence criteria.
delegate. Within EU member states, all (and only) IACS3
members can be used as ROs. The approval process is extensive and, as shown in Figure
6.4, a high degree of interaction between the Submitter
In the final design phase, the analyses from the prelimi- (Project Owner) and the Administration is also required in
nary phase need to be updated to reflect the final design. the final design phase. As illustrated in Table B.3, the list of
This includes updating the approval basis and including the required design and analysis documents is more com-
any requirements for further analyses and/or other con- prehensive compared with preliminary design approval.
Proposed steps in the process towards final approval for hydrogen-fuelled ships.
Risk register:
design Analysis of final design: Monitoring
documents, HAZID review and
risks and
test plan and QRA, incl. Explosion analysis approval
IACS: International Association of Classification Societies.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Figure 6.4 outlines the proposed steps in the process Sometimes this approach relies on redesign of preven-
toward final approval based on the minimum require- tive and mitigating measures based on a selected ‘worst
ments (Figure 6.2). The actual process will depend on the case’ that may not be risk-based. For hydrogen, it is
complexity and the features of the chosen concept and its assessed that a relatively small hydrogen leak can result
design. Therefore, the process might identify need for fur- in unacceptable scenarios (see examples of Simplified
ther modifications of the requirements. Modifications and assessments of explosion consequences in Appendix C).
reassessment of different steps should be expected, and This shows that a worst-case leak size can easily result in
each step could include a series of iterations. The extent a ‘showstopper’ event for the hydrogen-fuelled ship. If
of iterations depends on the input and feedback between a selected case involves too small a leak, it may result in
the Administration and the Submitter (Project Owner). under-design of the safety functions. Finding the right
balance can be tricky. Therefore, a risk-based approach is Detailed requirements for tests, manufacturing, recommended, assessing all possible leak sizes up to full-
and operation bore rupture of the hydrogen piping and equipment.
The main objective of the final interactive step between
the stakeholders is to verify function and reliability and As explained in Chapter 6.2.1, current hydrogen fuel sys-
use this to detail requirements for approval tests, man- tems are ‘new’ and ‘unproven’ for maritime applications.
ufacturing, and operation. Approval tests may include Due to the lack of an adequate regulatory framework, and
testing and analysis to confirm engineering and design the nature of the risks, a QRA that considers the safety
assumptions in the quantitative (risk) analyses. This may implications for the ship as a whole is found necessary. To
include test acceptance criteria for the vessel and its facilitate the proof of equivalency, the results of the QRA
hydrogen subsystems. The Submitter will perform the could be evaluated towards a preliminary agreed risk
required tests for review by the Administration. An out- criterion.
come of this step may be limitations and/or requirements
related to manufacturing and operational measures. IMO provides the Guidelines for Formal Safety Assess-
ment (FSA) for use in the IMO rule-making process
6.3 Proof of equivalence and risk criteria (MSC98/23/Add.2, 2018), a tool that structures the
The present chapter gives recommended risk-level application of risk analysis and cost-benefit assessment
definitions and criteria to be met when demonstrating techniques. The FSA methodology is proposed to help in
equivalence. The approach to calculate the risk is outlined the evaluation of new regulations for maritime safety and
in Chapter 8. protection of the marine environment. The FSA method-
ology can be used as a guideline for projects that need
As introduced in the previous chapters, the overall goal of to be evaluated by the IMO member states – this may
the IGF Code Part A and the Alternative Design approach have far-reaching implications in terms of either costs to
is that the safety, reliability and dependability of the hydro- society or to the maritime industry. The FSA methodol-
gen systems shall be equivalent to that achieved with ogy can also be used for situations where there is a need
new and comparable conventional oil-fuelled main and for risk-based decision making on alternatives for how to
auxiliary machinery. The equivalence of the Alternative reduce risk.
Design shall be demonstrated as specified in SOLAS regu-
lation II-1/55, and the methodology is outlined in Circ.1455 The latest revision of the FSA guidelines is MSC-MEPC.2/
(MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013). Neither of these documents spec- Circ.12/Rev.2 (MSC98/23/Add.2, 2018). Its item 9.2.2
ify which approach or what level of detail should be used highlights the status regarding the use of risk criteria:
in the process of demonstrating the safety equivalence. ‘There are several standards for risk acceptance criteria,
none as yet universally accepted’. The risk-evaluation
Currently, equivalent solutions are evaluated in compar- criteria recommended in the FSA Guidelines are based
ison with existing arrangements that are fully covered by on an individual risk and Societal Risk/FN Diagram, and
prescriptive regulations and could be fitted in the vessel this is the common basis for the use of such criteria in the
under consideration following the applicable regulations. maritime industry.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Individual risk exposed to risks while crew members can be aware and
The basis for individual risk criteria is the consideration may have control over the same risks.
that the level of risk that will be accepted for an individual
will depend upon whether the risk is taken involuntarily or Individual risks are broadly used in different industries.
voluntarily, and whether or not the individual has control Examples of the lower and upper bound risk-acceptance
over the risk. Passengers, for example, are involuntarily criteria are listed in Table 6.2.
Quantitative risk evaluation upper and lower bounds (MSC98/23/Add.2, 2018). The extracted examples are pro-
vided for illustrative purposes. Specific case-by-case criteria should be explicitly defined.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Societal risk any people on other ships who may be involved, e.g., in
Society generally has a strong aversion to multiple-casualty collisions (DNV GL, 2014).
accidents, and therefore the perception is that a single
accident that kills 1000 people is worse than 1000 acci- In general, it is possible to define a number that rep-
dents that kill a single person (MSC98/23/Add.2, 2018). resents the risk on a ship, e.g., the individual risk, societal
Societal risk expressed by an FN diagram shows the rela- risk and Potential Loss of Life (PLL). PLL is the expected
tionship between the frequency of an accident and the value of the number of fatalities per ship year, considering
number of fatalities. The FN-diagram therefore allows the all fatalities as equally important.
assessment not only of the average number of fatalities,
but also of the risk of catastrophic accidents with many Suggestions for societal risk criteria are given by Skjong
fatalities. The FSA guideline outlines how to define socie- and Eknes (Skjong R. E., 2001) and (Skjong & Eknes, 2002).
tal risk acceptance criteria on different ship types and/or These are referenced in the FSA Guidelines and used in all
marine activities. The original FSA guideline developed FSAs since 2000. The FN curve is likely to be dimension-
by IMO introduced different societal risk criteria for dif- ing on a passenger ship, while it is unlikely to provide a
ferent ship types expressed by a FN diagram (MSC 72/16, dimensioning criterion for a cargo ship, for example. Soci-
2000). Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6 illustrate how this may etal risk criteria can also give a fair comparison between
look for selected ship types. different types of ships as suggested in the same paper.
To calculate the ship societal risk (FN curve), a QRA needs
Ways of quantifying risk vary, and different definitions are to be performed for the ship (reference is made to Chap-
available. Societal (or group) risk of fatalities is the proba- ter 8). Since it is the risk contribution due to hydrogen as
bility of death experienced by all people affected by the a fuel that is to be found, the contribution from hydrogen
activity. This includes all passengers and crew as well as incidents to the risk curve needs to be quantified.
FN curves for different tankers shown together with FN curve example for passenger/RoRo ships based
established risk acceptance curves (MSC 72/16, 2000). on data for a fleet of seven vessels, crew of 140, and
annual turnover USD 50 million. Vessel is carrying 1,900
passengers, has an annual operating revenue from tick-
ets of USD 16 million, and occupational health statistics
are from US and Norway (MSC 72/16, 2000).
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Functional requirements criteria Based on common practice from the offshore industry,
The NORSOK standard Z013 (NORSOK-Z-013-AnnexG, the approach could be that breakage of a critical barrier
2010) includes a detailed procedure for explosion risk anal- (wall or deck) to the rest of the ship in a way that disrupts
ysis (ERA) where the use of CFD simulations is prescribed main ship functions may be allowed if the frequency is
(in Annex G). More details of this procedure are given less than 1.0E-4 per year. These commonly used accep-
in Chapter 8.2.3. Results from the ERA are used to give tance criteria for safety functions in the offshore industry
input to the QRA to calculate the total risk/FN curve. This may need to be adjusted based on ship characteristics
combined QRA and ERA approach has become standard such as number of passengers/crew/people that may be
for oil and gas processing platforms in the North Sea, and exposed. For a large passenger ship, for example, this
several regions internationally are also using it. The ERA is a acceptance frequency should be reduced. With separate
probabilistic approach for explosions since they can result acceptance criteria for safety functions, the required
in unacceptable consequences. The method is used to rank structural strengths for walls and decks surrounding the
these events by their frequency and show that these unac- hydrogen equipment can be determined before the total
ceptable events will not occur with a frequency higher than FN curve is calculated. This approach has so far not been
the acceptance frequency. The results from the method are used for hydrogen-fuelled ships, but the above discussion
then a tolerance pressure that the critical walls and decks describes a possible approach.
(defined barriers) must withstand. This pressure is used to
set the Design Accidental Load (DAL). A margin on the DAL If the acceptance criteria for safety functions are changed,
is usually included to make it more robust. The NORSOK the total societal risk will also change. Therefore, the level
QRA and ERA approach is hence used both as a practical of the functional acceptance criteria can be adjusted so
method to define acceptable strengths of the barrier(s), that the total societal risk criteria are met. For example, if
and to be used when calculating the FN curve to show the functional risk acceptance criterion is changed from
that the total risk is acceptable. The FN curve will include a 1.0E-4 to 1.0E-5 per year, then there will be 10 times fewer
contribution from explosions, which depends on the design breakdowns of the wall around the hydrogen area. Then
strength of the critical walls and decks. The analysis needs the number of fatalities due to this incident can also be
to include an assessment of fatalities in case the critical reduced by an order of 10 times. It will also result in a
barrier breaks down because of the explosion and/or the much stricter requirement for the strength of the wall or
subsequent fire. Such barriers could be the walls and decks other preventive and mitigating measures; hence, accep-
between the hydrogen spaces(s) and the rest of the ship. tance frequency can have a large economic impact.
Since the calculation of a societal risk curve of the entire Further work to establish an approach for hydrogen-fu-
ship is a long process, relevant acceptance criteria for elled vessels is recommended as a part of Phase 2. Prefer-
the critical barriers should be established. This makes it ably, this would be undertaken by integrating a full QRA
possible to run sensitivities and test different mitigating and ERA into the Alternative Design approval process. As
measures without the need to calculate the FN curve part of the ERA, the strength of the barriers related to the
each time. This is in line with the Cost-Benefit principles FN curve, and the acceptance frequency for barriers, can
outlined in the FSA approach. also be addressed.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Summary: suggested use of acceptance criteria number of fatalities due to direct impact from the explo-
In summary, two types of quantification of risk are sug- sion or from a subsequent jet fire that leads to a larger
gested, one for the societal risk on the ship, and one for ship fire.
functional requirements. The functional requirements will
depend on the societal risk. Both risk definitions have a An example of frequency acceptance criteria when using
set of different options and definitions including different the FN curve is given in the IMO FSA guideline indicating
use and criteria of acceptance. The typical definitions for three regions – ‘unacceptable’, ‘ALARP’, and ‘acceptable’.
the two are: Hence the approach is well-suited, during the establish-
ment of robust hydrogen technology, to test different
• the total societal risk curve (FN curve) per ship; and solutions with continuous improvements until good
• the frequency of exceeding a pressure on the critical robust solutions are established. When this position is
barriers, typically around the hydrogen space(s) due reached, it is likely that we will see the emergence of safe
to explosion. This is given as a frequency exceedance and acceptable design solutions that can be used to write
curve with pressure on the x-axis, and frequency on codes and standards.
the y-axis. The method for developing such a curve is
described in, with an example of an exceedance If the defined risk criteria are not reached, the designer
curve in Figure 8.5. It should be noted that IMO has not should identify risk control options / safety barriers for
defined or quantified an overall risk criterion for ships or implementation, based on their effectiveness for risk
ships’ arrangements in general. It should also be noted reduction. Operational methods or procedures shall not
that each ship has a different risk profile, depending on be applied as an alternative to a particular fitting, mate-
its type, arrangements, and operational profile. Each rial, appliance, apparatus, or item of equipment, pre-
ship type represents different risks and importance to scribed by the IGF Code.
society, and this therefore needs to be discussed and
clarified with the relevant Administration. 6.4 Class rules and the role of the Classification society
Classification Societies’ rules are normally more detailed
It is suggested to further develop the criteria and pro- and specific to reflect the safety level of international
cedures described here during the first real projects regulations such as the SOLAS Convention.
with hydrogen so that useful criteria can be established.
Such development needs to involve the societal risk DNV’s additional Class notation ‘FC‘ is mandatory for all
curves for existing ship types. These curves can be used Classed vessels with FC power installations on board (see
to represent all other risks on the ship, regardless of the Chapter 6.6.1 for details). Found under DNV’s Rules for
propulsion system. The additional risk expected due to Ships, Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.3 (DNV GL FC Rules) The DNV rules
hydrogen propulsion can be calculated with an ERA, and for FC installations provide requirements aiming to ensure
the pressure exceedance curve can be converted to an safe and reliable operation of the FC power installation.
FN curve after the strength of the walls around the spaces Existing class rules can ease the Alternative Design pro-
containing hydrogen is decided. The breakdown of the cess, provided that the rules are acknowledged by the
walls towards manned areas can result in a jump in the relevant Administration.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
6.4.1 Class approval process • Approval in Principle Letter; describes the design
Figure 6.7 illustrates the qualification process from an that the AiP review covers, its limitations, assumptions,
Approval in Principle (AiP) through to Approval. and the basis for the review. The letter describes the
assumptions in more detail than the AiP statement. If an
An AiP is a standalone process, but as shown in Figure 6.7 AiP is not granted, the reasoning will be included in the
it may be followed by a General Approval for Ship Appli- Approval in Principle Letter.
cation (GASA). An AiP can be an important step towards • The Appendix; normally summarizes all the comments
obtaining a Preliminary Approval in the Alternative Design to the provided documentation. These comments need
process. to be addressed for the final approval of an installation
onboard a ship, the General Approval for Ship Approval in Principle (AiP) Application (GASA), or at the Newbuilding Approval.
Approval in Principle is recognized as an early-phase verifi-
cation level for new design concepts or for existing designs General Approval for Ship Application (GASA)
in new applications. This is a pre-contract service, meaning This verification level is developed to support designs
that the AiP is undertaken before the contract between the that normally have achieved an Approval in Principle
Ship Owner and the Yard is established. The review is based Statement and where the technical development is taken
on at least a minimum scope of documentation agreed to a high and detailed level. Accordingly, a GASA exam-
with DNV where relevant safety aspects shall be covered, ination covers a significantly more extensive scope of
including functional aspects affecting the evaluation of the work and includes verification to a detailed level. The
design. The AiP will identify technical items or issues that documentation requirement of the selected design
will need to be addressed during detailed design to pre- is equivalent to an approval scope. The GASA review
pare the design for Classification Approval. will generate comments similar to those for a normal
The review process for an AiP may be initiated by a meet-
ing where the designer presents the novel design and the 6.5 International hydrogen standards
intended application. This give DNV input to decide on Hydrogen has been used throughout the world for a long
the required scope of documentation. It is an advantage time, as an industrial gas and, among other purposes, in
if the designer and DNV clarify issues, uncertainties, and the space industry. Therefore, standards and codes cov-
provide feedback during the AiP process. Based on new ering industrial use of hydrogen are in place, and some of
knowledge, the required documentation may be modified these may be relevant for the use of hydrogen as fuel in
during the AiP process. ships. Standardization work related to the use of hydro-
gen as fuel in the land-based transport sector is newer,
Significant economic and technical efforts are required but the regulatory regime for the required hydrogen
from a designer to issue the requested documentation for filling stations, and for hydrogen FC vehicles, is becoming
an AiP review. The results from an AiP process are there- established.
fore an important milestone for a designer.
Standards from the American Society of Mechanical Engi-
If an AiP is granted, three documents are issued: neers (ASME) and the American Petroleum Institute (API)
are the most used for maritime applications in general.
• Approval in Principle Statement; this document Other standards are used depending on geography; for
confirms compliance with the AiP requirements, example, EU directives and standards may be used in the
specifies the rules that have been used for the review, EU area. ISO and IEC standards are also relevant for intro-
and states the assumptions made in the evaluation. ducing hydrogen as ship fuel.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Due to their nature, global standard development 6.5.1 ISO/TC Hydrogen technologies
organizations such as ISO (International Organization for The ISO (International Organization for Standardiza-
Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical tion) with its Technical Committee (TC) 197 is a leading
Commission) focus on developing component standards international body for standard documents for hydro-
and generic protocols. International (ISO and IEC) compo- gen technologies. The secretariat of this TC is held by
nent standards are being developed to eliminate global the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). ISO/TC 197 is
barriers to trade. In this way, a hydrogen component (such composed of 20 participating countries, including active
as a hose or breakaway device) or an assembly (such as participation from all the G7 countries, as well as China,
a reformer or dispenser) can meet the same design and Korea, India, Russia, etc. In combination with observing
testing criteria and thus can be sold across the globe members, ISO/TC 197 global participation covers most of
without additional requirements. the biggest world economies.
Installation requirements of those components or assemblies The scope of ISO/TC 197 is standardization in the field of
(for example, separation distances) can vary by jurisdic- systems and devices for the production, storage, trans-
tion, but their design and testing requirements should not. portation, measurement and use of hydrogen. These
standards are not widely used for the maritime industry.
Since ISO and IEC standards are developed by the broad- However, a recently planned and launched project for the
est spectrum of international stakeholders, they become development of a three-standards package for gaseous
‘super’ standards. They should thus replace any existing hydrogen fuelling protocols for hydrogen-fuelled vehicles
similar or analogous national component standards. This (under the ISO 19885 series) is particularly relevant to
consideration has the following implications: MarHySafe. Once developed, their basic principles can be
used for bunkering of maritime vessels, though a separate
• National component standards including those that standard should be developed within this series specifi-
served as seed documents for the development of cally for maritime applications.
international standards must be prepared to harmonize
their design and testing requirements with the Also, a separate series number has been reserved for
international standards. Essentially, national standards liquid hydrogen fuelling protocols – ISO 19886. This is cur-
should become harmonized with adopted international rently a placeholder for future new work item proposals
standards, where the only deviations are references to that can cover liquid hydrogen bunkering operations.
specific relevant national standards and regulations and,
when justified, to climatic conditions. Some ISO standards considered of relevance for maritime
• National legislation and installation codes should hydrogen applications are mentioned in the following.
recognize international standards or their national ISO TR 15916 Basic considerations for the safety of hydro-
harmonized adoptions as the only/preferred listing or gen systems
certification components standards.
• National installation codes should remove any design and ISO TR 15916 gives an overview of safety-relevant prop-
testing requirements related to components and assem- erties and related considerations for hydrogen. Annex C
blies and focus solely on their installation requirements. gives an overview of low-temperature effects of hydrogen
They should also explicitly reference available international on materials, and the document also suggests suitable
component standards or their national harmonized material-selection criteria, including how to consider
adoptions for design and testing requirements. hydrogen embrittlement.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
ISO/TC 220 ogies. Its stated scope is ‘to prepare international stan-
This is a standard for cryogenic land-based insulated dards regarding fuel cell (FC) technologies for all FCs
storage vessels (vacuum or non-vacuum) for storage and and various associated applications such as stationary FC
transport of refrigerated liquefied gases. It also concerns power systems, FCs for transportation such as propulsion
design and safety of the vessels, gas/materials compatibil- systems, range extenders, auxiliary power units, porta-
ity, insulation performance, and operational requirements ble FC power systems, micro-FC power systems, reverse
of the equipment. operating FC power systems, and general electrochemi-
cal flow systems and processes’.
ISO 19880-3:2018 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations
Different parts of this standard may also provide useful The standardization interests of individual projects can be
input to other pressurized gaseous hydrogen systems. grouped into the following areas: all types of FCs’ safety and
These potentially include Part 1: General requirements, performance, use of reversible FCs for energy storage, and
Part 3: Valves, and Part 6: Fittings. FCs’ environmental performance-based lifecycle analysis.
6.5.2 IEC Standards This standard contains requirements for piping includ-
Founded in 1906, the International Electrotechnical Com- ing piping that interconnects pieces or stages within a
mission (IEC) is the world’s leading organization for the packaged equipment assembly. It covers materials and
preparation and publication of International Standards for components, design, fabrication, assembly, erection,
all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. These are examination, inspection and testing of piping.
known collectively as ‘electrotechnology’. Millions of devices
that contain electronics, and use or produce electricity, rely 6.5.4 Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
on IEC International Standards and Conformity Assessment The Compressed Gas Association (CGA, www.cganet.com)
Systems to perform, fit, and work safely together. develops standards.
The IEC technical committee (TC) IEC/TC 105 Fuel Cells The following CGA standards may be particularly relevant
has a relevant role in hydrogen energy and FC technol- for the design of hydrogen systems on ships:
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
CGA G-5-2017 Hydrogen in the ship’s own cargo tanks is not included. The code
This standard provides information on the physical and gives requirements for CH2 and LH2, which are comparable
chemical properties of hydrogen, and its proper handling and to those for compressed natural gas and LNG. CH2 and
use. It intends to provide background information for those LH2 as cargo cannot be transported by cargo or passenger
involved in manufacture, distribution, and use of hydrogen. ships which carry more than 25 passengers or 1 passenger
per 3 m of overall length. LH2 cannot be stowed below deck.
CGA G-5.4-2019 Standard for Hydrogen Piping Systems
at User Locations European Directives
CGA G-5.4 describes the specifications and general prin- The Agreement concerning the International Carriage
ciples recommended for CH2 and LH2 piping systems. This of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) covers all road
standard is intended for those involved with any aspects transport of dangerous goods as cargo. As for maritime,
related to design, fabrication, installation, use, mainte- transport of own fuel is not included in ADR, but in other
nance (etc.) of hydrogen piping systems. This standard is codes (ECE directives). ADR can be considered as the
similar to ASME B31.12 Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines. land-transport parallel to the maritime dangerous goods
as cargo code (IMDG Code), and the structure of the
CGA G-5.5-2014 Hydrogen Vent Systems IMDG Code and the ADR are consistent. Even though
This standard provides design guidelines for hydrogen they cover hydrogen as cargo only (not as fuel), the codes
vent systems for CH2 and LH2 systems, and provides can provide valuable input regarding requirements for
recommendations for safe operation of such vents. The hydrogen as a fuel in shipping. ADR includes provisions
standard is intended for those who design, install, and for both gas and liquid fuels. It also includes classification
maintain hydrogen vent systems. of dangerous goods according to the danger the different
substances present, requirements for packing and tank
Other relevant standards (but not all) from CGA include provisions, and provisions concerning the conditions of
the following: carriage, loading, unloading and handling.
CGA H-5-2020 Standard for Bulk Hydrogen Supply Sys- The ATmospheres EXplosible (ATEX) Directive, 2014/34/
tems (an American National Standard) EU covers equipment for potentially explosive atmo-
This standard provides minimum requirements for siting, spheres, and is relevant for hydrogen storage and piping.
selection of equipment, installing, initiating, maintaining, It established key definitions and sets the boundary con-
and removing CH2 and LH2 bulk hydrogen supply systems. ditions for ATEX zoning.
CGA P-50-2014 Site Security Standard The Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (97/23/EC)
This publication gives input for addressing security risks (PED), is relevant for pressurized hydrogen storage and piping.
at fixed sites and is intended for managers at such facili-
ties to make risk-based security decisions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA 2, Hydrogen Technologies Code
CGA P-74-2019 Standard for Tube Trailer Supply Systems This code provides fundamental safeguards for the gen-
at Customer Sites eration, installation, storage, piping, use and handling of
This standard contains minimum requirements for CH2 and LH2. The code’s aim is to apply broadly to the use
high-pressure (CH2) tube trailers and details requirements of hydrogen.
for tube-trailer supply systems. Natural gas rules might provide some guidance
6.5.5 Supplementary codes and standards The current DNV rules for gas-fuelled ship installations
The aim of this subsection is to introduce supplementary ‘Section 5 – Gas fuelled ship installations – Gas Fuelled’
standards that may provide useful input to the ongoing are not applicable for hydrogen as fuel. Part A-1 of the
work in the MarHySafe project. IGF Code (IGF Code, 2016) gives specific requirements
for ships using natural gas as fuel, and Chapter 6 covers EN standards fuel-containment systems, but these are not applicable
Standard EN 13480:2002 is divided in seven parts for hydrogen as fuel. Despite lacking hydrogen-specific
specifying the requirements for industrial piping systems rules, these natural gas rules have also been used in some
and supports made of metallic materials. It is a standard for cases to provide guidance for hydrogen.
cryogenic vessels developed for land-based application.
It is important to note that these rules are intended for International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code natural gas, which has different properties than hydrogen.
(IMDG Code)
The IMDG Code covers hydrogen and other dangerous
goods, but only as packed cargo. Transport of such goods
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
• Given to ships that fulfil design requirements in the
Rules, where FCs are used for electrical propulsion.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Key international standards considered applicable for FC 6.7 Hydrogen storage onboard
installations in ships are: As long as formal prescriptive rules for storage of hydro-
gen used as fuel are not in place, it is suggested that a
• IEC 62282-3 Fuel Cell Technologies – Part 3-100: pre-contract assessment with an Approval in Principle,
Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems – Safety and possibly followed by a General Approval of Ship
– The test programme may be based on this standard, Application (GASA) review, is applied to reduce uncer-
but also needs to take the ship-specific environmental tainties prior to signing a formal newbuilding contract
and operational conditions into account. for a hydrogen-fuelled ship. The pre-contract service
• IEC 60079-10 Electrical installations in hazardous areas normally follows the following steps:
– This standard outlines the principles for how
hazardous areas are divided into zones 0, 1, and 2 and • Approval in Principal (AiP). The first step towards an
is needed for selection of electrical apparatus and approval for a hydrogen-containment system would be
design of electrical installations. to carry out an AiP review (see Chapter Prior to
• IEC 60092-502 provides guidance and informative the AiP review there will be a review of the design to
examples for tankers. identify the need of documentation, and the relevant set
of requirements that will be the basis for the AiP review
Additional FC standards used for design of land-based FC will be defined.
installations that may be relevant are: • General Approval for Ship Applications – GASA (see
• ANSI/CSA America FC1-2014 Stationary Fuel Cell Power
Systems As a basis for evaluation of onboard hydrogen storage,
• IEC 62282-2 Fuel Cell Technologies – Part 2: Fuel Cell the following considerations are normally to be applied:
• IEC 60079-10-1 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas • DNV Rules for Ships Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.5 cover LNG (DNV GL
Atmospheres Rules, 2020). For hydrogen, special considerations will
• IEC 60068-2-6 Environmental Testing – Part 2-6: Tests – need to be taken, and additional requirements may be
Test FC: Vibration (Sinusoidal) relevant.
• Safety basis for liquid hydrogen as fuel will be to apply
Hydrogen storage onboard is not included in the scope of the IGF Code safety requirements that only cover
any of the standards mentioned above. methane, with additional safety assessments related to
the use of hydrogen as fuel.
• Adopting safety issues addressed in IMO resolution
MSC.420(97) ‘Interim recommendations for carriage of
liquefied hydrogen in bulk’ (IMO MSC.420(97)).
• Other standards/regulations relevant for the particular
design; normally identified in the AiP process.
• Risk assessment to identify safety-related items for
the design that are not covered by the above
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
For ship applications, the normal approach is to approve 6.7.2 Liquid hydrogen storage
pressurized gas tanks on an individual basis. Individual tank The IGC and IGF (see Chapter 6.1) codes cover storage of
designs will therefore need to be assessed by class, based liquefied gas onboard ships. C-tank rules for storage of
on a list of requirements. The general guideline for applica- liquefied gas will in principle cover hydrogen cooled to
tion of storage of CH2 may follow a safety assessment: liquefied form. However, additional considerations will be
required due to the properties of hydrogen, including the
Steel cylinders: low storage temperatures.
• Design as Class 1 cylinders as defined in DNV Rules for
Ships Pt.4 Ch.7 or as CNG cylinders as defined in DNV The International Code for Construction and Equipment
Rules for Ships Pt.5 Ch.8. of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
– Cylinder material: This is an interim guideline of the IGC Code that currently
• No reaction with hydrogen (hydrogen embrittlement), allows carrying hydrogen as cargo for one pilot project
• Permeability of hydrogen, (Australia to Japan), but the guideline is not yet part of
• Content of other gases/contamination in gas - affecting the IGC code. It should also be noted that the IGC code
corrosion of material. does not include any scope related to hydrogen as fuel,
and it does not allow for the use of any hydrogen as fuel
Composite cylinders: on a ship, even if the ship may carry hydrogen as cargo.
• Design according to DNV Rules for Ships Pt.5 Ch.8: This means it is impossible to use as fuel any LH2 vented
– No reaction with hydrogen (aging), from the cargo space, unless an equivalent safety level is
– Permeability of hydrogen, demonstrated (MSC.1/Circ 1455, 2013).
– Liner material suitable for hydrogen and properties as
manufactured including fatigue safety. For the carriage of LH2 in bulk, carriers should comply
• Alternative standards may be acceptable if considered with the International Convention for the Safety of Life
conservative compared to addressed standard. at Sea (SOLAS), which defines minimum requirements
Alternatively, additional testing may be required to fill for the construction, equipment, and operation of ships.
gaps in the requirements. Further, LH2 carriers shall comply with the (IGC Code), as
adopted by the IMO Resolution MSC.5(48) 2016, which
Some land-based rules cover CH2 storage and may pro- defines the requirements for the construction and opera-
vide relevant input for the future development of such tion of gas carriers. The carriage of LH2 is covered by the
standards for ship applications. Therefore, some of these IGC Code scope as provided in its paragraph 1.1.1:
are mentioned in the following.
‘The Code applies to ships regardless of their size, including
Existing pressure vessel rules may be applicable for pres- those of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged in the car-
surized hydrogen-storage vessels to be used on ships. riage of liquefied gases having a vapour pressure exceed-
Road transport of CH2 is regulated by the UN Model Reg- ing 0.28 MPa absolute at a temperature of 37.8 °C and other
ulation, the European Agreement Concerning the Inter- products, as shown in chapter 19, when carried in bulk.’
national Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR),
and the European Transportable Pressure Equipment As hydrogen is not specifically described as a cargo in the
Directive (2010/35/EU – ‘TPED’). The Seveso III Directive IGC Code Chapter 19, Interim Recommendations for the
(Directive 2012/18/EU) is applicable in case of storage of carriage of LH2 in bulk (Resolution MSC.420(97) adopted
more than 5 tonnes of hydrogen. on 25 November 2016) have been developed based
on paragraph 5 of the Preamble to the IGC Code. The
European standards covering pressure vessels used for preamble states that new products and their conditions
pressures exceeding 0.5 bar are harmonized with the of carriage will be circulated as recommendations, on an
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). Some of the stan- interim basis, prior to the entry into force of the relevant
dards related to hydrogen storage are EN 1252-1:1998 amendments.
on storage tank materials, EN 1797:2001 on gas/material
compatibility, and EN 13648 part 1, 2, and 3 on safety The recommendations provide minimum safety require-
devices for protection against excessive pressure. ments and consider the specific properties and hazards of
hydrogen, based on the results of a comparative study of
Some American standards/guidelines, e.g., through ASME similar cargos listed in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.
and NFPA may be relevant. US standards are not harmo- The interim recommendations were developed to facili-
nized with EU directives, but can be used for practical tate the establishment of the Australia to Japan LH2-car-
purposes provided there is no conflict with other regula- rier pilot project and may need to be reviewed if applied
tions, such as applicable European regulations. to vessels other than the pilot vessel.
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Main stakeholders and information flows involved in a hydrogen bunkering operation. Inspired by (EMSA, 2018).
National Administration /
Hydrogen supplier Flag Authority /
National Regulatory Frame
New Publications & BASiL (sgmf.info)
THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
hydrogen infrastructure, may prove useful6 (Hydro, DNV , pling’. This device will separate two halves of the hose in a
2003), (HyApproval, 2008). controlled manner, while sealing each end and preventing
the release of hydrogen.
To avoid a situation with a huge number of possibly
conflicting approaches, work on aligning best practices Some standards produced for other applications that may
is needed. It is therefore recommended that work on this be useful are introduced in the following:
topic is included in Phase 2 of MarHySafe.
• IMO Resolution MSC 420(97)
6.9.1 Compressed gas Interim recommendations for the carriage of liquefied
The ISO standard for hydrogen fuelling stations (ISO 19880- hydrogen in bulk.
3:2018 Gaseous hydrogen – Fuelling stations) is considered • ISO / TR 15916
relevant for gaseous hydrogen bunkering facilities and bun- Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems
kering operations. Relevant parts are: 1 General require- (ISO/TR 15916 , 2015).
ments; 2 Dispensers; 3 Valves; 5 Hoses; 6 Fittings. • ISO/TS 18683
Guidelines for systems and installations for supply of
Part 3 covers various types of valves, and since break-away LNG as fuel to ships.
devices are considered as valves these are also covered in • ISO 20519
ISO 19880-3: Part 3. Other relevant standards are: Ships and marine technology — Specification for
bunkering of liquefied natural gas fuelled vessels.
• ISO 17268 • ISO 13984:1999(en)
Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection Liquid hydrogen — Land vehicle fuelling system interface.
devices. • ISO 13985:2006(en)
• Directive 2014/94/EU Liquid hydrogen — Land vehicle fuel tanks.
EU Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels • ISO 21012:2006(en)
infrastructure. Cryogenic vessels — Hoses.
• EN ISO 4126-1:2004 • SIGTTO
Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure ESD Arrangements & Linked Ship/Shore Systems for
– Part 1 – Safety valves. Liquefied Gas Carriers.
• EN 10216-5:2004 • SGMF
Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes – Part 5 – Gas as a marine fuel, safety guideline. Bunkering.
Technical delivery conditions. Stainless steel tubes. • IEC 60079-10-1:2020
• ISO TC 197 Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1: Classification of
is about to initiate work on developing standards for areas - Explosive gas atmospheres.
high-flow bunkering of CH2 to heavy duty applications. • DNV Rules and Guidelines – DNV-RP-G105
Development and operation of liquefied gas bunkering
A key safety concern during bunkering of CH2 is that heat facilities.
is released as hydrogen adiabatically compresses into the
storage cylinders (ITM Power, 2019). This heat may soften An ISO TC 197 standard covers LH2 bunkering procedure
the pressure vessels, and in the worst case leads to cata- for airports, but this standard is old and is therefore not
strophic failure. Therefore, it is very important to keep the very relevant.
flow rate of hydrogen controlled. Proper safety/commu-
nication protocols are especially important in this regard While lessons may be drawn from bunkering of LNG, with
to allow the refueller to cease flow if the ship’s pressure respect to bunkering of liquefied hydrogen, it is import-
vessels get too hot. If the ship should move further than ant to recognize that the two have different properties
the length of the hydrogen refuelling hose at maximum necessitating a different approach to safety-mitigation
extension, the system should include a ‘break-away cou- measures. This is discussed further in Chapter 10.
Dutch Hydrogen guideline: Installations for delivery of hydrogen to road vehicles, Hazardous Substances Series 35: version 1.0 (April
2015). https://content.publicatiereeksgevaarlijkestoffen.nl/documents/PGS35/PGS%2035%20voor%20website%20ondertekend.pdf
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The ISO document ‘ISO TR 15916 Basic considerations for • Sustained loads – Sum of dead weight, pressure, loads
the safety of hydrogen systems’ (ISO/TR 15916, 2015) is caused by flowing media, other applied loads not
considered a key reference document. caused by temperature or thermal expansion.
• Thermal expansion / impeded thermal contraction loads –
7.1 Planning and design of LH2 and CH2 installations All loads where thermal operation conditions will have a
The following lists loads that need to be considered in the significant influence on stress levels.
planning and design of LH2 and CH2 installations. • Occasional loads – Loads caused by green sea (may
occur due to water on deck) or pressure relief.
7.1.1 Pipe load definitions • Live loads – Loads caused by sag and hog effects of a
• Dead weight – Sum of weights caused from all pipe ship combined with deck deflections and ship’s bending
items, pipe medium, insulation. moments (see Figure 7.1).
• Internal and external pressure – Pressures exposed to • Dynamic loads – Loads caused by vibrations and/or
the internal and outer sections of pipe items. unexpected shock (see also ‘Accidental loads’).
• Accidental loads – Loads caused, for example, by ship
collision, ship grounding.
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels General design principles for LH2 and CH2 pipe The P&ID shall specify all pipe sections with the design
systems pressure, temperature, and type of operating medium.
Observation of design loads is an essential require- Installed components such as valves shall be specified
ment for both LH2 and CH2 pipe design and subsequent with an individual TAG Number.
fabrication. For planning and layout of pipe systems for
LH2 and CH2 service, the requirements provided by the Pipe stress analysis
IGF Code provide a starting point for a more specific DNV Recommended Practice on structural analysis of
hydrogen evaluation. The chemical and physical proper- piping-systems (DNV, 2017a) may be observed for addi-
ties of hydrogen need to be observed regarding design tional guidance regarding stress evaluation and flexibility
and construction. analysis.
Planning and design of all pipe systems need to be car- Pipe systems subjected to LH2 or CH2 service conditions
ried out so that any damages caused by ship operation need to be evaluated on relevant stresses and flexibilities
and green sea loads are avoided. under observation of all loads including thermal expan-
sion and (impeded) cryogenic contraction as defined in
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P & ID) Chapter 7.1.1.
The basic design document for liquid and gaseous
hydrogen fuel and process systems is the piping and Double-walled pipe systems need to be evaluated with
instrumentation diagram (P&ID). The P&ID shall include a pipe stress analysis under observation of inner and
all components – e.g., pressure vessels, pumps, valves – outer pipe expansions and fixed pipe supports arranged
connected with piping systems, as well as instrumentation between inner and outer pipe. The principle of a pipe
for automation and control. stress analysis is introduced in Figure 7.2.
Pressure temperature
Pipe arrangement /
installed components
Allowable strengths
Step 1
Dimension of
Sustained loads:
pipe supports
Pressure, medium weight
Step 2
Change of pipe Modification of pipe Impeeded thermal
system design arrangement expansion (Cryogenic
NO Satisfactory elastic?
Step 3
Modification /
Dynamic / Modal
change of pipe Vibration damper
Ship / Sealoads
Satisfactory Approval /
Modification pipe system NO YES
dimensioned? Fabrication
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The pipe stress analysis needs to be carried out under It is recommended that all inspections and tests are cov-
observation of all components installed in the specific ered by an approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) cover-
pipe system. Pipe supports designed either as fixed or ing applicable test standards. Additional quality control of
sliding supports including defined degrees of freedom components for complete hydrogen pipe fabrication may
shall be included according to the respective pipe iso- be covered by a separate Quality Control Plan (QCP).
metric (see Figure 7.3).
Rest support Support and guide Support and line stop Support, line stop
and guide
Rest support Support, hold down Support, hold down Support, hold down,
and hold down and guide and line stop line stop and guide
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels Pre-fabrication preparations International standards and DNV Rules for
Fabrication of complete welded pipe systems requires a reference
subdivision of the pipe isometric into pipe spools prior The following lists relevant international standards and
to fabrication. The subdivision into pipe spools depends DNV rules that may be used for reference. These are addi-
on the installation conditions on the ship and the layout tional to standards for pipe systems mentioned above.
of the specific pipe system to be installed. The subdivi-
sion of the pipe isometric needs to be carried out with Standards and DNV Rules for all valve types
regard to pipe spool welding conditions on the ship and • EN 12516-1/-2/-3/-4
pipe welds necessary for preparation in onshore welding Industrial valves:
facilities. Part 1- Shell design strength
Part 2- Calculation method for steel valve shells
7.3.3 Pipe components Part 3- Experimental method
Control and shut-off valves as well as Pressure Relief Part 4- Calculation method for valve shells
Valves (PRV) may be regarded as two of the most safe- manufactured in metallic materials other than steel
ty-related components to be installed in pipe systems for • EN 13445
hydrogen service and process control. Such components Unfired pressure vessels.
may also be installed in other parts of the onboard LH2, • ASME B 16.34
CH2 and H2 system, for example in relation to hydro- Valves Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End.
gen-storage systems. The following sections provide • DNV-CP-0186
input and recommendations for these components. Class programme DNV-CP-0186, Valves.
welded pipe
Inner pipe spools
ENGINEERING DETAILS FOR HYDROGEN SYSTEMS Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
International standards and DNV Rules for Pressure Relief • ISO 11114-2. Gas cylinders
Valves (PRV) Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas
The following standards and rules are generally applica- contents — Part2: Non-metallic materials.
ble for pressure relief valve applications: • ISO 21013-1. Cryogenic vessels
Pressure relief accessories for cryogenic service —
• EN ISO 21028-1 Part 1: Re-closable pressure relief valves.
Cryogenic vessels — Toughness requirements • ISO 21013-3. Cryogenic vessels
for materials at cryogenic temperatures — Part 1: Pressure relief accessories for cryogenic service —
Temperatures below -80 °C Part 3: Sizing and capacity determination.
• ISO 4126 • ASME VIII-1, Div.1
Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure — ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Part 1: Safety valves • ASME B 16.34
Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welding End.
• EN 13648-1 • API 520
Cryogenic vessels — Safety devices for protection against Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure-relieving
excessive pressure — Part 1: Safety valves for cryogenic Devices.
• ISO 11114-1. Gas cylinders
Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas
contents — Part1: Metallic materials.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Part C of the Handbook describes recommended qualitative and
quantitative risk-assessment methodologies applicable to maritime
use of hydrogen, and the competence requirements for performing
such assessments. More detailed descriptions of the approach and
models used when performing quantitative risk analyses are also
provided in Appendix C.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The main purpose of the risk assessment is to generate safe and robust
designs and systems. When the risk assessment is undertaken as a part
of the design process together with architects and process/system
designers then safe, robust, and efficient systems can be obtained.
Ultimately, when the design has reached an optimal, It is a central success criterion to have adequate compe-
constructible stage, then the documentation from the risk tence available in the project team undertaking the risk
assessment can be used to get approval. Many different analyses required. It is recommended that the project
existing methodologies can be employed to assess risk in includes resources with competence regarding hydrogen
a structured manner. They can be divided into two main safety and applicable hydrogen rules.
groups, qualitative and quantitative risk assessments.
These two methodologies are often combined, with the The project needs to have competence available to evaluate
assessment starting with the qualitative approach, and the relevant hydrogen technologies and their maturity,
the quantitative approach being used on the most critical, expected performance, and durability – i.e., the strengths
risk-driving effects. and weaknesses. It is important to understand how the
properties of hydrogen (gas, liquid, compressed gas as
Risk assessments contain all types of assessments and applicable) can affect safety and performance. If the team
methods that are risk-based and consider the safety risk does not include specific safety modelling competence
of an installation. The risk assessment methods described (leak, ignition, fire and explosion), it is recommended to
in this Handbook includes HAZID, Technology Qualifica- establish a dialogue with such competence at an early stage.
tion (TQ), Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA), and Explo-
sion Risk Analysis (ERA). The QRA obtains the total risk It will be an advantage for the team to possess previous
including contributions from fires, explosions, collisions, experience from marinization of equipment and systems
grounding and falling loads that are caused directly or that have not previously been used in the maritime industry.
indirectly by the hydrogen system. This includes external
events that become worse due to the hydrogen system. 8.1 Compliance-based versus risk-based approach
The ERA is integrated with the QRA by using the same One of the main benefits from performing a quantita-
basis for leak frequency and events. Due to the potential tive risk assessment is to quantify the effect of different
high explosion risk for hydrogen, the ERA is performed design solutions and safety systems and, in this way, to
as a separate analysis considering ventilation, disper- compare risks and use the comparison actively to decide
sion, and explosion consequences, often with the use of how the safety can be improved to an acceptable level.
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. The results The final solutions can then further be documented and
from the ERA are applied as input to the QRA when the used to obtain final approval when following the Alterna-
total risk is calculated. As a part of these analyses, various tive Design process.
other methods are used to assess consequences and
frequencies. A set of risk assessments for different ships and hydro-
gen systems, and experience from early vessel designs
Risk assessments consist of two main parts that need and prototypes, can be used, leading to robust hydro-
to be evaluated: namely frequencies (how often) and gen-fuelled ships. When robust systems and designs are
consequences (how serious). The combination of these established in the industry, it is time to establish Class
gives the final risk. Both these parts are considered in the rules and regulations. When the rules and regulations are
present chapter. in place to ensure safe constructions and operations, then
a compliance-based regime can be developed.
Applied methodologies and models are described, with
emphasis on application areas and level of resolution and However, in the meantime, and before good designs and
accuracy of the models. The most favourable way of con- rules are available, the innovative process involving risk
trolling and reducing the risk is to prevent the unwanted assessments, yards, designers’ architectural drawings,
events from happening. Possible risk-control measures and safety systems design, can be used to find safety and
are therefore presented and discussed separately in cost optimal solutions that provide equivalent or better
Chapter 9. safety at affordable cost.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Figure 8.1 shows a roadmap to a normalized compli- can be put in a standard so that when these are followed,
ance-based maritime hydrogen regime. A combination of it is safe. Key design parameters can be arrangement
experience from maritime and other industries together designs, ventilation rates, segment sizes, and require-
with testing and a large set of modelling can be used to ments for pipe-in-pipe solutions, inerting, etc. Digital
find optimal solutions before prototypes are built and risk models are available that can be used to investigate
operated. More general standards can finally be devel- effects of such parameters. The approaches used to run
oped by using experience from prototype operations such models are described in this chapter.
together with a mapping of key design parameters that
Safety roadmap where the fastest road goes through a digital and risk-based approach in the first three steps.
HAZID with owners, Develop and run risk Quantified risks of all Generalize model to
contractors and safety model with large number options is compared be valid for a range of
consultants. of options modeled in on same level using application types that
Develop a best solution detail. Run experiments the same risk parame- can be used by different
and specify options that to test in full scale where ter. Costs of options is operators. Run model for
need to be investigated models are uncertain obtained from contrac- a set of normal param-
tors. Overall cost and eters. Make a map of
safety optimal solution is key parameters to be
selected standardized
These three steps can be used for each new/converted hydrogen-fuelled ship where the risk is quantified through a QRA and com-
pared with conventional ship risks to achieve approval in an iterative process. The last step can be undertaken when the technology is
mature enough and enough experience is gained from earlier projects and QRAs so that safe and robust standards can be developed.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.2 Risk assessment approaches the decks and walls to the hydrogen installation so that an
Figure 8.2 shows the typical flow in a risk-based develop- explosion event does not escalate to the rest of the ship.
ment process, typically starting with qualitative hazard
identification and assessments (HAZID or TQ process), The QRA should also apply qualitative fire models to
moving forward with quantitative analysis (QRA) and, account for fire risks from the hydrogen systems. The
based on this, selecting where more detailed explosion fire consequences from hydrogen systems are normally
and/or fire risk analysis is needed. similar to fire consequences for natural gas; therefore,
the use of typical fire models is assessed to be sufficient.
A risk register as defined in Chapter with a list The leak and fire modelling still need to apply fluid and
of scenarios is first developed in the HAZID. The HAZID flow parameters that are specific for hydrogen (e.g., see
is qualitative and based on the experience among the Section 8.5).
participants. The hazards are identified and the needed
safety barriers are evaluated during and after the HAZID When the QRA and ERA are completed, they are used
and then applied as input to the QRA. In the QRA, event to calculate the total risk due to the hydrogen system.
frequencies and consequences are quantified and, based The total risk is then compared with the risk of a conven-
on this, the total risk due to the hydrogen system is tional vessel (see Chapter 6.3). If the total risk is found to
calculated. The HAZID and the QRA should also include be higher than on the conventional vessel, measures to
external events that can cause escalation to hydrogen sys- reduce the risk can be suggested and implemented. Then
tems. These can be collisions, external fires, grounding or the QRA and ERA need to be updated until an acceptable
falling objects. A QRA examines leaks from the hydrogen solution is obtained.
system that may lead to accidental events like explosions
and fires. Usually a QRA assesses possible impacts on The risk register, the QRA, and the ERA can be consid-
both the ship integrity and people on board. Due to the ered a part of the risk-based design process where the
explosion risk associated with hydrogen, an explosion risks are first identified and ranked qualitatively in the
risk analysis (ERA) will also be necessary. The ERA is HAZID, then more detailed QRA and ERAs are performed
integrated with the QRA, using the same leak frequen- to more accurately calculate the high-risk scenarios. When
cies, layout details, equipment/process piping data, and the risks are quantified, they can also be added so that
equipment segmentation as input. Results from the ERA the total risk is found. The total risk can then be aligned
are used to calculate the contribution from explosions to with a similar vessel to show equivalence (see Chapter
the total risk in the QRA. Ventilation, gas dispersion and 6.3).
explosion models in the ERA are detailed enough (usu-
ally with CFD) to take into account geometry effects and It is recommended that the HAZID, QRA and ERA are per-
mitigating measures such as ventilation rates. The ERA formed by an independent, competent, company so that
can also be used to decide necessary explosion loads on objective assessments can be performed.
A risk-based approach starts with coarse HAZID (in the preliminary approval phase) and uses more detailed QRA
and ERA and FRA when specific high-risk elements are identified.
1 2 3
HAZID with risk register ERA part of QRA QRA gives total risk
• Identify possible solutions • Calculate overall risk • Assess and select optimal
(FN curve) solutions
• Qualitative assessment
• Decide loads and measures
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
With a proper ERA, it is possible to model the effects of Different methodologies could be used for maritime
mitigating measures introduced in Chapter 8.3.3 and to hydrogen fuel applications, and the usefulness of the
rank them against a common risk parameter. This way, methodology chosen will partly depend upon availability
the safest and most cost-effective measure can be found. of details regarding design and the knowledge and expe-
Such a modelling approach which employs CFD tools is rience of the assessment team. In this Handbook, HAZID
advisable and can be used to investigate a large range of has been employed to assess two generic ship cases
designs and measures at a relatively low cost compared corresponding to the recommended preliminary approval
with building prototypes and physically testing the sys- phase as illustrated in Figure 6.3. Specific projects might
tems. Methods, effects, and approaches that need to be necessitate the use of other methods, to the satisfaction
followed in a detailed ERA are described in the following of the Administration (typically the Flag State, or Recog-
sections including Chapter 9 and Appendix C. nized Organization acting on behalf of the Flag State).
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Which parameters are applicable and to what degree may • HAZID facilitator
vary greatly between projects based on their maturity, • Hydrogen safety expertise covering hydrogen safety
their objective, planned operation, and on the specific properties, leaks, fires and explosions; simulation tools
components and systems selected. for hydrogen leaks, fires and explosion
• Specialists in 3D CFD simulation tools for hydrogen
The following input indicates what typically needs to be systems and safety
considered. Reference is also made to safety related prop- • Equipment suppliers, in particular suppliers of FC
erties presented in Chapter 4.1 and the generic hydrogen system, hydrogen storage system, and bunkering system
system configurations presented in Chapter 4.2: • Ship and system designers
• Shipowner
• Hydrogen storage system • Hydrogen supplier (bunkering provider)
– CH2 and/or LH2 storage tank(s) and additional storage • The Administration (Flag State)
system equipment as pipes and valves directly • Class Society, and
mounted on the hydrogen storage tank(s). • If selected at the time of the HAZID, the shipyard and
– LH2 processing system comprising vaporizers with the system integrator should also participate.
additional heating systems.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.2.2 Quantitative risk assessments 1998) it was discovered that explosions could gener-
When the relevant failure modes and hazards are identified ate pressures that were almost one order of magnitude
and agreed upon, it will at the current stage of develop- higher than models predicted. Due to the possibilities
ment be necessary to quantify the risk in greater detail. This of high explosion pressures, it was found that platforms
is performed with quantitative risk assessment methods. could not be designed using a worst-case or deterministic
approach. Schemes such as ALARP (as low as reason-
A typical quantitative assessment method is the Quanti- ably practicable) and probabilistic approaches to find
tative Risk Analysis (QRA) which will provide a numerical the explosion risk were introduced into the oil and gas
value to the overall risk considering all hazards. The QRA industry. This way, one could use a systematic approach
will rely on many sources and models for the underly- to assess protection measures to ensure all reasonably
ing failure modes, such as leakage frequencies, ignition practicable risk-reduction measures are implemented.
probabilities, inventory and leak rate, ventilation and The procedure that was developed in Norway (NORSOK-
dispersion effects, explosion and fire consequence, and Z-013-AnnexG, 2010) is used as basis when describing
structure response. the ERA and consequence analyses in the present and
previous sections.
Since gas explosions can be a critical driver for the overall
risk, a separate explosion risk analysis (ERA) is described Due to its high burning velocity and low ignition energy,
with more detail than the other risk elements (see Figure 8.3). the explosion risk can be high for hydrogen applications,
and this can be critical for maritime hydrogen appli-
The chain of events can be manipulated, and risk can cations. It is therefore recommended to apply an ERA
actively be reduced with appropriate safety systems and approach with elements adopted from the oil and gas
robust, good overall design. Elements that can be consid- industry and applied for a maritime setting.
ered to find a safe solution can be modelled as sensitivi-
ties during the risk analysis. These are considered in the A possible way of reaching a tolerable risk level for
present chapter. hydrogen as ship fuel is to implement efficient measures
to prevent explosions above a certain threshold size and
8.2.3 Explosion risk analysis (ERA) to protect against explosions below that size. To demon-
The ERA is used to quantify and consider the risk of explo- strate that the explosion risk is acceptable, an ERA can be
sions on a detailed level. It is common to perform ERA for undertaken. In the analysis it is necessary to include the
offshore oil and gas production platforms due to the high effects of the measures to protect against explosions.
explosion risk and the cost-driving effects of explosions.
The DNV class notation for battery powered ships also Brief methodology description
requires an ERA due to the possibilities of thermal run- An advanced quantitative explosion risk assessment
away and gas explosions in Lithium-ion battery rooms. methodology includes a systematic and complete assess-
ment of both the frequencies and the consequences of Background to ERA the events that can lead to an explosion. A flow diagram
ERA became common for offshore production platforms for such an analysis is shown in Figure 8.3. The frequen-
in the aftermath of the Piper Alpha accident in 1988. cies are obtained for leaks from piping and equipment,
During subsequent experimental programmes (Selby, and the ignition probability is obtained from transient
Flow diagram of the main elements for quantitative risk analysis or explosion risk analysis.
Establish scenarios
Risk assessment
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Flow diagram for applying the EXPRESS explosion risk analysis approach.
Consequence analysis with FLACS or KFX - Exsim Frequency and system analysis
Flow condi-
Response Leak Gas Ignition
CFD tions & ESD Ventilation
surface frequency detection sources
geometry segments
dispersion Risk analysis:
• Response surface Explosion risk and
• JIP ignition model design loads
• Monte Carlo simulations
models considering the build-up of the hydrogen cloud. ventilation, explosion and load response combined
The consequence assessment follows the chain of events with a detailed modelling of leak frequency and ignition
from inventory assessment, emergency shutdown (ESD) probability. The principles for the modelling applied is
segregation, leak size and duration, ventilation, gas dis- described in Appendix C. It is primarily gas leaks that are
persion, detection, ignition and explosion, and further on considered top events, and the process segmentation and
to structure loading and response. conditions are used to specify gas leak versus time as a
starting point for the scenarios. The preventive and miti-
ERA is a formal risk analysis which is performed to doc- gating measures as described in Chapter 9 are, or can be,
ument risk and the results may be measured against fre- included in the tool. This way the risks can be compared
quency risk acceptance criteria for similar vessels to show between the different measures, and decision support can
equivalence. Results may also be used to demonstrate be made to select the needed and most efficient pro-
compliance with the functional requirements in the IGF tective and mitigating measures. An example of the final
Code (see Appendix B); and if available, the frequency results from the tool is shown in Figure 8.5 quantifying, for
may also be measured against acceptance frequencies for example, how improving the ventilation can reduce the
the maritime application/usage considered. This method frequency by an order of magnitude.
is regularly used in the oil and gas industry when assess-
ing explosion risk on gas processing facilities. See the
acceptance criteria described in Section FIGURE 8.5
The primary use of the method is to assess the risk-reduc- Result from explosion risk analysis in terms of
tion effect of relevant measures such as ventilation or gas Exceedance Frequency as a function of overpressure.
detection, and to use it to optimize cost-efficient solutions
which also have acceptable safety.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.3 Risk-based design in a maritime setting gen can ignite with a weaker ignition source (as little as
When applying hydrogen to a maritime setting it can be static electricity in the hair can cause an ignition). There-
necessary to employ additional safety measures com- fore, the risk of an ignited cloud can be significantly larger
pared with maritime systems with hydrocarbon gas or for hydrogen considering otherwise equal conditions.
non-maritime hydrogen systems. This is primarily due to
the more extreme explosion potential and high ignition In addition to a potentially larger ignitable gas cloud,
probability of hydrogen combined with the tight quarters when a gas cloud with a high concentration of hydrogen
and restricted evacuation possibilities onboard a ship. ignites, it can create maximum explosion pressures that
are 5–10 times higher than for natural gas (Royle, 2007) in
8.3.1 Risk comparison hydrogen versus natural gas an outdoor explosion in a congested region. The higher
When assessing the general explosion risk considering flame velocity of hydrogen causes it to reach higher pres-
the properties of hydrogen compared with natural gas, it sures with a smaller gas cloud than for natural gas. For
is often argued that the risk is higher for hydrogen than for hydrogen, it is further possible to obtain Deflagration to
methane or natural gas. (see Chapter 4.1). Natural gas is Detonation Transition (DDT) with a relatively small cloud
here used in the comparison, and a similar comparison is or within a small room, whereas methane/natural gas does
valid for gases evaporating from conventional marine fuels. not detonate in real conditions. The hydrogen explosions
occur more rapidly, and yielding walls with some inertia
For such a comparison, one can consider a general gas have no or very little time to open and relieve the pres-
fuel system with tank(s), gas processing, piping and an sure before it is too late, causing the peak pressure to
engine/FC where the gas is consumed. At this point, the happen even with conventional explosion release pan-
effects of compressed or liquefied gases, or gas on deck els. Purpose-built light and fast-acting explosion panels
or below deck, are not introduced. Hence, the compari- would be a required to provide explosion relief for hydro-
son applies generally. gen explosions.
Due to lack of hydrogen-specific leak frequency data, it is The increased potential for DDT causes higher risk of an
common to use a similar leak frequency for hydrogen and extreme catastrophic event due to hydrogen. This can be
natural gas (Hyapproval), see Appendix C. considered more critical for maritime applications, and
its occurrence should therefore be avoided. The char-
When gas leaks from a high-pressure system, the release acteristics of a detonation can cause the risk to increase
will be sonic and the speed of sound and the density are even more in an open area if the flammable cloud extends
gas properties that causes different behaviour consider- outside a congested region. This is because when a
ing otherwise equal pipe pressures and hole sizes. Since detonation has started in a congested region, it can also
hydrogen has four times higher speed-of-sound and eight sustain itself outside that region. If a large gas cloud fills
times lower density hydrogen causes a volumetric release first a congested region, and then continues outside this
rate approximately three times larger, but a lower mass region, a DDT can happen in the gas within the congested
release rate (see Figure C.2). Due to the larger volume of region, reaching up to 10–20 barg. Such a detonation can
hydrogen, the cloud volume will be larger when consider- continue in the unburnt gas outside the congested space
ing total gas volume at concentrations above flammable with an ongoing detonation until the end of the cloud is
concentration. reached. Examples of this phenomenon can be seen in
the Buncefield incident (Johnson, 2020) which ruined cars
Consider a leak inside a confined area where a plume is and buildings in a large region due to a gasoline vapour
formed by a high-speed, partly-impinged jet zone, and gas cloud that developed over a large area during calm
a passive cloud is dispersing within the area before it is wind conditions at night. Experimental evidence indicates
thinned out. Since the flammability range of hydrogen that if a detonation did not occur, the explosion pressure
is much larger, hydrogen will also have the possibility to would drop when it entered an open area, resulting in
form a larger flammable cloud as long as the gas concen- less damage. Methane would develop lower pressures in
trations are above lean concentrations (above 5–10%) and a congested region and no detonation would occur, thus
it is not igniting early. For such relatively large leaks, nat- there is every expectation that more violent effects would
ural gas will form a rich gas which is impossible to ignite. occur for hydrogen.
For smaller leaks, hydrogen will not reach a flammable
concentration, hence hydrogen systems do not have With a similar level of leak frequency as conventional gas
higher risk if the amount of gas leaking is small enough, systems, and a rapid increase in hydrogen applications
under a certain limit (which depends on the ventilation in society (all transport, including maritime, as well as
rate in the area). Moreover, the larger cloud sizes can housing, and industry), it can be expected that hydrogen
expose more ignition sources with hydrogen, and hydro- incidents will be common.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The ignition properties are worse for hydrogen com- Due to the smaller cloud volumes needed to generate
pared with conventional natural gas. It can therefore be an explosion, the potential for extreme explosions with
expected that more of the hydrogen leaks will ignite than hydrogen, the expected increase in hydrogen equip-
the natural gas leaks. ment, and the higher ignition probabilities, the risk from
hydrogen systems can be higher than for conventional
In summary, extreme explosions are more likely to happen natural gas systems. Therefore, more safety measures and
with hydrogen compared with natural gas, and extreme dedicated safe designs need to be in place for hydro-
explosions can happen in a smaller area for hydrogen gen systems. Safe designs to prevent leaks, ignitions
than for a natural gas explosion. It is noted that in other and explosions need to be considered at an early stage
approaches, used mainly for land-based systems, a during a development project so that inherently safer
credible leak size is typically established and used as designs can be installed. More preventive and mitigating
design cases. In such cases, it is often only relatively small measures than is normal for gas-fuelled ships can also be
leaks that are assessed (e.g., (Tchouvlev, 2007)), and for needed if the design itself is not inherently safe. This way,
such small leaks, extreme explosions are not feasible. For inherently safer maritime systems can be implemented.
these cases, it is the fire risks that becomes dominant. Fire In-depth knowledge of hydrogen behaviour, and safety
risks are not found to be more severe for hydrogen. For modelling, can be used actively during the design pro-
maritime systems, the more extreme leaks should also be cess to find the most effective design and mitigating solu-
considered due to the new and more critical application tions, and to show that the system is safe when the final
area. Hydrogen represents high consequence and low design is obtained. It can then, finally be shown that the
frequency events. Efforts can then be made to reduce the hydrogen systems have equivalent or better safety than
consequences and frequencies so that the risk becomes conventional systems. The different models and measures
acceptable. are described in the following sections.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.3.2 Design scenario/case definition and the approach the future. Therefore, it is necessary to consider that a
of inherently safer solutions large leak can happen, and to design the system inher-
This subsection introduces possible approach(es) of ently safer to mitigate such a leak where this is possible.
defining ‘design cases’. This is an alternative to a ‘worst- It should primarily focus on preventing leaks that can
case’ scenario approach, which may be requested by the lead to a critically large gas cloud. The threshold when
Administration (Flag) based on their interpretation of how a critically large gas cloud can occur then also needs to
to demonstrate risk equivalence according to Alternative be established. A simplified assessment to find critical
Design (Chapter 6.3). cloud sizes is given at the start of Appendix C, followed
by a more detailed modelling approach and status. In the
Establishing inherently safer solutions should follow a future, this approach can be simplified by pre-calculating
risk-based approach instead of using only a ‘worst case scenarios and tabulating the conditions where critical
scenario’. In a risk-based approach, all possible leak sizes clouds occur, as described in Chapter 11.2.1.
are considered, and associated with a frequency. Through
the risk-analysis process, the frequencies of all small to A gas leak is characterized by three parameters – the hole
large events are established. If the large events can be size, the gas pressure, and the inventory or volume of the
shown to have a low frequency, below the acceptance pressurized system. This hole size and pressure can be
criteria, then it can be shown that the solution is safe and used to calculate an initial leak rate, and the inventory
acceptable. If the frequency is too high, measures can used to calculate a duration of the gas leak and a leak-
be applied until acceptable risk is obtained. The final rate profile. A gas-release model calculation is needed
solution can then be shown to have similar risk levels as to obtain this relationship. A similar and more complex
existing comparable vessels. assessment is needed for LH2 releases where the boiling
inside the reservoir and the flashing during the release
Solutions that are inherently safer for hydrogen should also need to be considered.
try to stop the event as early as possible in the chain
of events, preferably concentrating on preventing any Cloud size is dependent on both the release rate and
release in the first place. Safety measures like welded the inventory together with configuration and ventilation
connections, good production routines, good inspection conditions at the leak location. These four key elements
and maintenance routines, standardization of require- can be used to develop a map where zones of allowable
ments etc. will contribute to prevent leaks. However with and no-go conditions appear. An approach for devel-
the foreseen increase in hydrogen applications, a greater oping such a map for a typical room with hydrogen is
number of market players, cost pressure, and a potential provided in Section 11.2.1. For example, in a room with
lack of resources with in-depth hydrogen specific compe- six Air Changes per Hour (ACH), there will exist a specific
tence, it is still likely that both small and large leaks with upper gas-leak size limit which has the potential to create
potentially accidental consequences will also happen in a critically high explosion pressure.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.3.3 How to make inherently safer designs and systems ing a proper leak, dispersion, and ventilation analysis to
Risk can be considered based on the chain of events that can show that the amount of gas that can leak is below a cer-
lead to an unwanted situation. The typical chain of events tain threshold limit for the given ventilation conditions.
is illustrated in Figure 8.6, where it is emphasized that any
event should be prevented as early as possible in the chain. Recommendations can be developed for typical maritime
An inherently safer design can be obtained by assuring that applications that will give a map of gas and ventilation
clouds are kept below a certain limit so that it cannot lead to conditions that are allowable. A set of CFD gas-dispersion
a catastrophic explosion. cases can be performed with varying leaks and ventilation
rates so that acceptable dispersion conditions can be
Since the probability of leaks in pressurized gas systems mapped out as further described in Section 9.6 for individ-
cannot be eliminated, an alternative is design to prevent ual analyses, and in Section 11.2.1 for a general analysis.
a critical cloud size. When considering possible leak
scenarios, the hole size, gas pressure and gas inventory 8.3.4 Why CFD tools are recommended
should be quantified. With a risk-based design, all sce- Most of the effects that occur related to gas release,
narios up to a full-bore rupture of the connected piping ventilation, and dispersion with hydrogen are relatively
should be considered. The largest events are not likely well captured with commercially available Computational
but, due to the severity of a potential hydrogen explosion, Fluid Dynamic (CFD) tools which account for important
they should be considered. The risk assessment is used to dynamic and geometric effects. Explosion effects are also
demonstrate that the risk is acceptable. If it is not shown well-captured up to detonations, and this is in the pres-
that the risk is acceptable during the first round of the risk sure range that efforts related to mitigations should be
assessment, inherently safer designs should be sought put. Scenarios that lead to detonations are important to
and could, for example, be based on managing leak be aware of, and the CFD simulations can give an indica-
scenarios that could lead to a critical cloud size. The first tion of that. Simplified tools for dispersion such as Phast
parameter to be considered is the inventory of gas in the integral models can give a coarse indication of the phe-
piping and systems. Generally, piping systems (with single nomenon in a setting with no geometry elements. When
walls) and valves have the highest leak potential, and such tools are used, it is necessary to employ conservative
these can be isolated with Emergency Shutdown Valves assumptions where the models are uncertain, which can
(ESDV), except for the storage tanks. In this way, piping lead to designs that are either overly conservative or in
systems can be made safer with a reliable gas detection some cases unsafe. It is therefore recommended to use
and shutdown system. Additional measures may also 3D dynamic CFD tools to model hydrogen risk cases since
be needed for large-inventory systems such as storage this method can give higher accuracy leading to tailored
tanks. The layout and arrangement of leak points can also systems that are documented as safe and can be used to
be considered to make the design inherently safer. A full provide inherently safe and cost-effective solutions at the
list of protective and mitigating measures is provided in same time. Further description of the different conse-
Chapter 9. The overall risk needs to be assessed, includ- quence models and their use is provided in Section 8.4.
Chain of events and associated measures to prevent or mitigate consequence. Prevention has the best effect
when applied early in the chain.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
8.4 External risks 55/INF.7, 2012). These statistics are input to calculations
The impact of external risks and high frequency or high of probabilistic damage stability as required by SOLAS.
consequence scenarios shall be quantified during the Usually, the calculations are undertaken by dedicated
QRA process. The QRA should consider threats to the software (NAPA) that can also be used to estimate the
ship’s main functions and the maintainability of the ship’s probability for storage-tank damage in case of a collision
safety arrangements. causing water ingress to the ship.
A key issue here is the location of the hydrogen storage It is also recommended that possible security risks are
system, meaning the hydrogen storage tank(s) and con- identified and addressed.
nected equipment that in case of a rupture/leakage may
cause a release from the onboard hydrogen storage. 8.5 Methodologies for quantitative risk assessment
The different types of analyses that are performed in a
It is advised that the collision/grounding and hydrogen QRA include leak frequency, ignition probability, and
storage system damage risks are evaluated early in consequence analyses. Each of these have different meth-
the design process considering that the impact of, for odologies with different level of resolution and detail, and
example, collision or other external risks (e.g., dropped different application areas. These main methodologies
objects) to a hydrogen storage/tank system may have a are described in Appendix C.
high (near 100%) probability of generating a fire and/or
explosion. Collision and grounding should be evaluated A summary of a simplified assessment of explosion conse-
by using collision and grounding statistics for the relevant quences, and a summary of status of the different conse-
ship type so that the probability of the accident scenario quence models is provided here.
is quantified. IGF Code LNG tank location distances
should not be used directly for hydrogen storage. The 8.5.1 Summary - critical mass of hydrogen
probable risks implied by the tank location should be The example in Appendix C, page C-3 indicates that a
assessed on a case-by-case basis. typical maritime room with normal ventilation (typically
around 12 ACH) can only survive a gas leak with less than
An IMO document on collision and grounding damage 220 g hydrogen in total. The example applies a relatively
statistics provides relevant background for evaluations moderate leak of 10 g/s, rapid gas detection after 10s,
of collision and grounding damage for ships (IMO SLF and a small segment inventory size of 100g.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The general rule-of-thumb formula giving the mass of H2 room can be performed to quantify the relation between
that can leak without causing the walls to break can be amount of gas and needed ventilation rate. A proper CFD
written as: model of ventilation and dispersion is recommended
to develop such relation. It is then possible to establish
(Pwall V) rules for needed ventilation rates in typical engine rooms
mH2max = (kg) and with typical segment sizes. Measures are further
176 described in Chapter 9.
Where Pwall is the pressure on the bulkhead or deck 8.5.2 Summary consequence modelling status
that will cause it to break open (0.5 barg is a typical wall When considering the scenario involving gas leak, ven-
strength when no reinforcements are applied), V is the tilation, dispersion and explosion these phenomena are
volume of the room in m3. The maximum mass of H2, mH2max captured with commercial CFD models for hydrogen up to
(kg) is the sum of H2 that is released before ESDVs are a deflagration. DDT and detonation modelling effects are
closed and the remaining H2 in the segment after ESDVs not well-captured; however, DDT is a critical situation that
are closed – i.e., the total mass of H2 that can leak. should be prevented before it happens. Hence, its accurate
modelling may not be required in a typical design process.
The formula can be used to obtain a quick estimate of the
segment size that can be mitigated with typical maritime Hydrogen fires can be modelled and are validated for
ventilation and detection conditions. A larger room can some cases.
accommodate a larger segment size. The given rule-of-
thumb can hence be used to assess if the segment sizes Models for the effects of complex, active mitigating and
are small enough to prevent a critical explosion given preventive measures are typically not well validated for
normal ventilation conditions. If the segment size is larger hydrogen services. This is the case for pressure-relief
then other, additional measures need to be considered. panels, deluge on gas detection to prevent explosion
pressure build-up, and for other complex measures that
The ventilation is the primary measure to be investigated. involve multiphysics effects.
With an increased ventilation rate (above normal), the
segment size and the amount of gas that can be mitigated Phenomenological models are available for jet dispersion
can also be increased. A study with gas dispersion in the and fires for hydrogen.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
General applied design principles and measures that can • With hydrogen storage and FC rooms under deck,
reduce risks are presented. Some are relevant for both segregation from manned and critical areas by
gaseous and liquid hydrogen, others are specific mea- distance and/or strong walls and decks should be
sures for either gaseous or liquid hydrogen. considered.
• Hydrogen spaces for storage and FCs should be placed
9.1 Safe design with at least one wall or deck bordering an area without
Ensuring safe layout and process designs at an early stage people and critical equipment. This needs to be carefully
can be an advantage for reducing explosion and fire risks. designed based on the general design principle to
At an early stage, the large building blocks are developed include a weaker wall or deck that will collapse in the
and arranged, and it is possible to have a large impact on direction causing minimum damage to people and
safety by considering fire and explosion risks at this stage. assets. Such direction could be towards aft, to the sides,
Some general principles can be considered as a means to or upwards through the deck to an open, unmanned
improve safety at an early stage: location, high enough above the sea to prevent water
ingress, and away from personnel or passengers. Naval
• Storage of high-pressure hydrogen tanks in the open, and hydrogen specialist support would be needed to
above deck can be advantageous since leaks can be place the hydrogen equipment.
dispersed in the open air, reducing cloud size, and • Comparing safety of compressed hydrogen (CH2)
the lack of confining walls will reduce the explosion versus liquid hydrogen (LH2) for systems that otherwise
severity. It is important, however, that the gas is not have the same capacity, it is assessed that LH2 can have
allowed to build up within the equipment on deck, as some advantages. This is primarily because leaks are
this congestion within the cloud can lead to a severe less frequent for liquid systems due to larger tanks,
explosion. There are also challenges with storage above fewer valves, and lower pressure. Leaks from high-
deck that need to be considered. These can include pressure tanks can be more severe (larger amounts of
greater difficulty in detecting gas leaks; reduced ship gas) and happen more often than for lower-pressure
stability due to increased weights at a higher location tanks. Liquid hydrogen systems also have unfavourable
in the vessel; lack of protection from green sea and effects that need to be considered. These include the
weather/ice, leading to a need for weather protection; possibility of cryogenic consequences due to a leak,
increased leak frequency due to more corrosion and evaporator leaks into water pipes, complex bunkering
possible impact from outdoor activities, etc. procedures, etc.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
• Pressurized hydrogen tanks and other equipment need racy. The fire detection should not be susceptible to false
to be segregated to limit the amount of gas that can leak. alarms from the sun, lightning, welding, lighting sources,
It is a trade-off between many segregation valves, and and background flare stacks. The fire detection system
the increased leak frequency caused by more valves. response time should meet the requirements for the spe-
The strategy to follow should be developed for each cific application for prevention of loss of facility, equip-
system since there are many factors that need to be ment, and protection of personnel.
considered. If, for example, a long-lasting fire is possible
due to a large hydrogen reservoir, the firefighting system Special imaging systems are required for determining
needs to be designed so that it can be applied during the size and location of a flame for assessment of the
the entire duration of the fire. If the leak is not ignited in hazard, because hydrogen flames are invisible in daylight
the initial part of the leak, the explosion risk will increase conditions.
with a longer-lasting release compared with a short
release. Therefore, it can be advantageous to have more Hydrogen fire detection technologies
segregation valves to reduce the explosion risk. Thermal fire detectors classified as rate-of-temperature-
rise detectors and overheat detectors are considered
9.2 Detection and alarms reliable. Thermal detectors need to be located at or very
Gas detection can be provided with point gas detectors near the site of a fire.
that detect gas concentrations and give an alarm or a sig-
nal for automatic shutdown at a pre-set gas concentration. Optical sensors for detecting hydrogen fires may be
Line gas detectors are also available. They work on the based on ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR). UV systems are
principle of detecting a change in the gas density along a sensitive, but may be susceptible to false alarms and
line between two sensors. can be blinded in foggy conditions. Typical IR systems
are designed for hydrocarbon fires, and may need some
Acoustic leak detection is a relatively new technology that development/validation to be considered sensitive to
can be applied to detect small leaks from high-pressure hydrogen fires. Newer technology such as dual-band
tanks. If a small leak occurs in a location with good ventila- systems incorporating logic may deserve further consid-
tion and good dilution, it may not be detected by a point eration as they claim to feature the capability to trigger
gas detector due to the low concentration. In such cases, it quickly on UV, but not activate an alarm unless the
can be recommended to consider acoustic gas detectors. appropriate IR bands register.
A small leak can develop into a larger leak (as happened
for the Sandvika incident in 2019, see Appendix A); hence, Imaging systems are mainly available in the thermal IR
it can be advisable to detect leaks as early as possible. region and do not provide continuous monitoring with
alarm capability. The user is required to determine if
Gas detectors should primarily be located in the ceiling the image being viewed is a flame. UV imaging systems
and close to possible leak sources if indoor. Outdoor, the require special optics and are expensive.
gas detectors should be located both at high level and
close to possible leak sources. Buoyancy of hydrogen can Further investigation of maritime hydrogen fire detection
cause gas from small leaks to generate a stratified layer technologies needs to be carried out.
of hydrogen at high points in the ceiling. For larger leaks,
and if the ventilation is strong, hydrogen can be distrib- 9.3 Ignition control
uted in the room. To ensure early detection, it is there- Ignition control is to shut down possible ignition sources
fore also relevant to have gas detectors near the leaking on gas detection. This is typically done on electrical and
equipment at lower elevations. See also the ventilation other systems that are not critical to have running during
section, Section 9.6. an incident.
When it comes to fire detectors for hydrogen, detection by Another key factor is to control and minimize the pres-
increased temperature may be more appropriate due to the ence of potential ignition sources, and to ensure physical
low thermal radiation levels from a small hydrogen fire. separation between ignition sources and locations with
potential for leaks.
Actions following detection of a gas or fire should be
automatically initiated at certain set levels. It can also be 9.4 Isolation and shutdown
based on a ‘voting system’, with action on two or more Hydrogen flowing from or to a tank is isolated with isola-
detectors being activated, for example. tion valves upon gas detection. The isolation of a smaller
hydrogen volume is essential to minimize the amount of
A fire detection system should be capable of detecting gas that can leak. When the valves are closed, the hydro-
the flame from the combustion with satisfactory accu- gen system also needs to be shut down.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The hydrogen volume within the isolated segment will It can be advantageous to have separate piping systems
leak (if the hole is in that segment) and therefore rep- and vent masts for the vent and the PRV systems to create
resents the amount of gas that can lead to an explosion or independence of the systems.
a fire. A maximum mass of gas in an isolated segment can
be used as a design criterion to prevent critical explo- Piping from vents and PRVs to the vent mast can be
sions. Chapter 8.5.1 summarizes how to calculate this. subject to air ingress from the top of the vent mast. If the
piping is filled with hydrogen, it can lead to a detonation
Isolation should be initiated automatically for hydrogen inside the piping. Recommendations for the relationship
systems. A manual shutdown can be unreliable and can between lengths and diameters need to be made to pre-
lead to a large gas cloud before a shutdown is performed. vent high pressures in the ducting. Alternatively, a strong
enough piping system that can withstand a detonation
For larger segments such as storage tanks and longer from inside can be considered.
pipelines, it is also relevant to start blowdown of the gas
to a safe location. Such blowdown typically starts auto- Release points on vent/PRV masts and from heating, ven-
matically or manually on gas detection alarm. This will tilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) outlets need to be
also reduce the duration of the leak. classified with safety distances. Until standardized sizes of
such safety zones are developed, separate gas dispersion
The above description is general for both compressed simulations can be performed to set the distances.
and liquid hydrogen. For LH2 piping and storage systems,
further issues need to be accounted for. The design of 9.6 Ventilation
isolation and shutdown systems for LH2 should be consid- In case of a hydrogen leakage into an enclosed volume,
ered in Phase 2 of the MarHySafe JDP. ventilation may be needed both for hydrogen dilution
and extraction purposes. Ventilation is usually required
9.5 Vents and pressure-relief systems / masts for maritime technical spaces. Such space ventilation is
Vents and pressure-relief systems are additional to the usually needed in addition to any separate ventilation
ventilation systems which only consider the air ventilation on units such as fuel cell modules located in the relevant
and HVAC systems in the different ship areas containing space. Key objectives of the ventilation of such spaces
hydrogen systems (see 9.6). are to prevent build-up of flammable gas due to leakage
from any piping or other components leading to the units
The vent system handles controlled releases of gas, located in the space, or from any unit located in the space.
such as blowdown releases and planned releases during The interaction between ventilated units in the room and
maintenance etc. Blowdown may be initiated either auto- the rooms own ventilation system is described in Section
matically or manually as a result of gas detection or other 9.6.6.
abnormal process conditions, and the target is that this is
done before a leak has caused a fire or an explosion. Tests at DNV’s Spadeadam Testing & Research facility
(DNV, 2020a) with large LH2 releases inside a closed room
Pressure relief is typically initiated automatically when connected with a HVAC ventilation mast show that if the
the pressure in a tank exceeds a pre-set level during a gas is ignited outside, it can burn back. However, the mix
fire. Pressures are released through the Pressure Release in these tests was rich; hence, burn back through the vent
Valves (PRV). The purpose is to empty the stored gas mast went slowly and did not result in any explosion in
tanks to a safe location to prevent tanks from bursting, the mast. Also, the concentration of H2 in the room was
and to reduce the duration of the fire. For LH2 tanks, the high so that it did not result in a critically high explosion
design case for pressure relief is typically loss of vacuum pressure. It is expected that if the leak of hydrogen was
insulation. This will result in a rapid heating and boiloff. smaller, a more combustible cloud could have been
created, resulting in a critically high explosion pressure.
These two systems (vents and PRVs) can be separate sys- Hence, a general requirement of ventilation systems and
tems with separate piping and masts. gas systems should be to prevent gas concentrations
above 5–10% in the room and in the ventilation ducting.
Some examples for PRVs, but only for pressurized natural
gas, can be found in the IGF Code Chapter 6. (7.3) (IGF 9.6.1 Ventilation rate and arrangement
Code, 2016). The purpose is to prevent escalation from The strength of the ventilation (quantified as number of
external fires to tanks. The tank needs to be depressur- air changes per hour, ACH), is important to specify since
ized fast enough to survive during an external fire. Exist- it can have a major impact on the explosion risk. With
ing requirements give an external heat load that tanks a higher ventilation rate, the gas is better diluted, and
need to survive, but do not consider the properties of this can lead to a reduced risk. The ventilation rate in the
hydrogen. Therefore, separate assessments are needed room should be specified in accordance with the possible
for hydrogen in order to be able to develop recommenda- leak scenario that can happen in the room. The principle
tions for sizing of vents and PRVs for hydrogen tanks. should be to ensure that a dimensioning leak scenario
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
should be diluted by the ventilation so that an explosive leak rate is continuous over a long time, then a steady-
atmosphere could not be possible. Section 11.2.1 pro- state cloud size will build up that reach a constant volume
poses an assessment for determination of the ventilation or concentration until the leak is finished. Therefore, for
rate needed, together with other safety system settings long lasting leaks, the leak rate (kg/s) can also be used as a
and room characteristics. parameter to assess the required ventilation rates.
Assessments of required ventilation rates need to be The ventilation arrangement is also important. The air
based on possible leaks from hydrogen-containing flow should be arranged so that air goes through the
equipment, and on failure or under-dimensioning of other room with as few dead zones as possible and avoiding
barriers (such as the cabinet ventilation) that can lead to recirculation of air. Hydrogen is lighter than air, and to
hydrogen in the room. The main parameters that govern prevent a small leak creating a stratified layer of hydrogen
the explosion risk in the room are the mass of hydrogen at the ceiling, it is beneficial to have the extraction in the
that can leak (kg), the ventilation rate (ACH, 1/h), and the ceiling and inlet near the floor. When the leak is large
room volume (m3). A dependency of these parameters or the air flow in the room is strong, then hydrogen can
can be used to understand and investigate the ventilation be well mixed and have a momentum which causes the
rate needed for a given room volume and a given mass of hydrogen gas to be more distributed in the room. It is
gas that can leak. This dependency typically shows how therefore also possible to have higher hydrogen concen-
the required ventilation rate increases when the mass of tration in places other than near the ceiling (see Figure 9.1).
gas that can leak is increasing for a given room. A small This can have some impact on the location of gas detec-
room can develop a critical cloud with less gas than a tors (see also Section 9.2).
large room, meaning that small rooms will need to change
air at a greater rate than a large room (provided the same Typical ceiling configurations include structural beams,
mass of gas is leaked). The room and ventilation configu- cable gates and pipe racks that may contribute to risk of
rations are also influencing the required ventilation rates formation of unwanted gas pockets that may be difficult to
to a lesser degree. The mass (kg) of gas that can leak is here ventilate efficiently unless specific measures are imple-
used as the main parameter to describe the leak scenario. mented. Extraction ducts can be placed in such pockets
The leak profile (leak rate versus time) will also influence the with suction as near the ceiling as possible to prevent
cloud size, and it is assumed that the hole is large enough layering hydrogen from small leaks. If the ceiling is flat,
that the gas leaks out over a short time, less than a minute. having several extraction nozzles to cover the area can be
If the leak rate is very small, then it will be diluted, and it necessary. With a slanted ceiling, the number of extraction
can leak over a long time without causing any harm. If the points can be reduced to cover only the highest points.
Example showing gas concentration contours in a fuel-cell room with a jet leak.
Z (m)
2.6 0.075
1.8 0.050
1.6 0.045
1.4 0.040
0.6 0.015
0.4 0.010
0.2 0.050
The colour legend shows mass concentration of hydrogen, where 0.04 is LFL. When the jet hits a wall, it does in this case spread in all
directions and this results in gas also near the floor. Buoyancy effects are acting only for lower velocity flows.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
• Ensure air flow in one primary direction around the 9.7 Storage system leak control
hydrogen equipment so that gas is taken away without Gas storage systems can be safety critical since they
accumulating in wakes or stagnant zones. contain enough gas to cause a critical explosion if a leak
• Avoid placing hydrogen equipment inside corners and releases the stored hydrogen. The critical scenario(s) is
downwind of large items. expected to be identified during the preliminary phase of
• Consider the prevailing wind direction in an area the Alternative Design process. As an example, this could
when designing the arrangement. The ventilation flow be a leak in the first connecting valve, potentially leading
direction around the hydrogen equipment should be to a long-lasting leak. With insufficient ventilation, this can
aligned with the prevailing wind as much as possible. lead to a critical cloud with explosion and long-lasting
If hydrogen equipment is located above deck, the jet fires as possible consequences. Some measures are
prevailing wind is from front to aft on the ship. For available to help make the tank storage system inherently
a bunkering station, the local wind rose should be safe, however.
considered to find the prevailing wind direction.
• If wind walls are located upwind of the hydrogen equip- First, a flow restriction valve (also called ‘excess flow
ment, wind walls with perforations or openings in parts valve’) can be placed at the outlet of the tank. A flow
of the wind wall are recommended to ensure sufficient restriction valve works by closing completely if a pre-de-
ventilation in the area downwind of the wind walls. termined flowrate through the outlet is exceeded. The
• Covers or ceilings above hydrogen equipment should valve includes a spring-operated plate that closes due to
be slanted with the lowest points in the middle so that the forces of the excessive flow. Gas dispersion simula-
gas accumulation under plates is avoided. tions for the tank space, together with modelling of the
• The area where hydrogen equipment is located should ventilation rates and internal space arrangements, can
be as open and tidy as possible with as few structures be performed to decide which flowrate would be accept-
or unnecessary equipment as possible. Railing, piping, able, though it will always have to be greater than the
cabling, equipment and temporary storage should be maximum flow required in normal operation. As a result,
prevented or kept covered as much as possible. Piping flow restriction valves cannot be used to protect against
and cabling can be kept under deck or underground, release scenarios that are within normal operational
and railings can be made as open as possible, etc. flows, though here other control measures can be used,
• The airgap between hull and quay can be a critical such as ventilation.
area if gas is accumulated. There can also be hidden
confined spaces or pockets under the quay where gas Another option is to locate the top of the tank(s) in a com-
can accumulate. Gas should be prevented from entering pletely open space, which leads to any gas leaking from
these areas. Special care should be taken for LH2 spills, the storage system being dispersed in the open air. A leak
which can lead to cold, heavy gas. Jet leaks that can be can still ignite and cause a fire that can threaten the other
directed downwards can also result in clouds under the tanks. Systems with passive fire protection and for cooling
quay before gas is lifted by buoyancy. the tanks in a fire need to be assessed.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
A third measure could be to locate the tanks inside an from the fire than would be the case with natural gas. A
inert room with an off-gas duct leading the gas to a safe fire detection system needs to consider the properties of
location outside. Alternatively, a closed box tight around hydrogen flames and use appropriate flame detectors,
each tank and around the valve, together with a pipe-in- such as IR detectors.
pipe configuration for the piping system, can also be a
solution. A strategy can be to stop ventilation upon fire detec-
tion so that the air supply to the room is halted and the
The solutions and safety systems that are installed to pre- fire eventually extinguishes. This can be combined with
vent or reduce the explosion risks also need to consider adding fire-suppression agents. If the leak continues
the fire risks. For example, if CH2 tanks are not equipped after the air supply is stopped, a way to lead the excess
with Pressure Reduction Devices (PRDs) – which could be gas out of the room to a safe location is also needed.
due to minimizing the number of valves – then a safe emp- A vent leading to a safe location without causing air
tying of the tank during a fire cannot be performed. In this ingress could be used, and such a system would need
case, the tank needs to be constructed with a ‘self-vent- careful design.
ing’ capability during a fire, as is the case with composite
tanks, for example. The system may need to be tested in The fire strategy needs to consider the explosion hazards
full-scale situations to show that it works as intended. of hydrogen gas that can occur if the fire is extinguished
and hydrogen is still leaking. If fire is suffocated in the
9.8 Fire control and fire protection room, it can still build up with hydrogen gas from the leak.
An overall fire and explosion safety philosophy and strat- The strategy then needs to be developed to flush out the
egy needs to be developed. Fire control and protection is hydrogen without mixing it with air. Flushing with an inert
a central part of the strategy. gas is an alternative to consider.
The main goal of the fire strategy should be to prevent Fire control systems (water sprays) and manual firefighting
escalation of the incident to other parts of the ship or fuel can also be applied to cool the equipment without extin-
systems that can lead to yet more escalation. guishing the fire if there is a chance of an explosion. This
can be the strategy in rooms where air is available, such as
Larger hydrogen jet fires have similar properties as nat- when ventilation is not shut down, and in large semi-open
ural gas jet fires, though the hydrogen jet fires do have or fully open areas. If the area is congested, it can still be
higher flame temperatures. For smaller fires, the flames an explosion hazard, and a controlled fire is better than a
are near invisible and a lower fraction of heat is radiated gas leak that can lead to an explosion.
RISK ASSESSMENT Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Strategy for fire control and protection should be devel- 9.8.1 Fire-suppression agents
oped by the designer and validated and possibly opti- Although the hydrogen fire should not be extinguished
mized with QRA if a risk-based approach is being used. until the hydrogen flow can be stopped, water sprays (for
It is also advised that the need for passive fire protection example) shall be used to extinguish any secondary fire
(PFP) is assessed and optimized based on QRA. When and prevent the spread of the fire.
using PFP, one needs to make sure that the PFP is appro-
priate for H2 flames and, if needed, cryogenic exposure. Carbon dioxide may be used in the presence of hydrogen
fires (not for extinguishing). Although some toxic carbon
Preventive measures against fires can include automatic monoxide may be produced in the flame, it will not be a
or manual process shutdown systems that limit the quan- large amount. Anyone breathing in the hot flame gases
tity of hydrogen leaking (preferred), as well as sprinklers, will be affected regardless of the presence of carbon
deluge systems, water spray systems, and dry-chemical monoxide. The carbon monoxide will be reduced to tol-
extinguisher systems. erable levels by the time the flame gases are diluted with
fresh air and reach breathable temperatures. Dry chem-
Appropriate automatic fire detection and suppression icals are better than carbon dioxide because they make
systems for hydrogen systems containing significant haz- the flames visible.
ards should be provided.
9.8.2 Deluge installation
Because of the danger of reignition or explosion, hydro- Strong consideration should be given to the installation of
gen fires are normally not extinguished on purpose until deluge systems along the top of storage areas for second-
the supply of hydrogen is shut off. Reignition may occur ary fire protection. The deluge systems should be capa-
if the fire continues in other materials, or a metal surface ble of being manually or automatically actuated depend-
in the flame is not cooled with water or by other means. ing on how secondary fire protection is best achieved.
Hydrogen can also ignite due to other mechanisms since Also, any surface capable of becoming an ignition source
it has a lower ignition energy than hydrocarbons. should be cooled so that it does not constitute a hazard.
Fire extinguishing systems shall be used to cool manifold
Care should be taken to prevent water ingress into LH2 stor- piping, relief vents, and transfer pump facilities, but not
age systems when using water for hydrogen-fire suppression. for vent stack openings.
BUNKERING Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Importantly, LH2 bunkering management will be able to of fuel released. The lower LH2 temperatures compared
build on the experience and knowledge gained from the with LNG will also influence the engineering and have an
introduction of LNG as a marine fuel. The stakeholders effect on how the bunkering operation can be carried out
face many issues common to the planning and implemen- safely.
tation required for handling LNG. In many ways, the step
from existing bunker fuels to LNG, with its cryogenic and CH2 bunkering guidance will most likely build on existing
gaseous hazards, was more difficult than the transition to experience of handling compressed flammable gases
LH2 will be. onshore. Experiences gained from previous development
of CH2 refuelling systems for buses, trucks, and trains will
However, this existing experience with LNG is only a be relevant, though faster filling and larger volumes will
starting point, and we need to be keenly aware of the dif- be required for ship applications.
ferences between LNG and LH2. As described in Chapter
4.1, if released from containment, hydrogen has physi- The safety of bunkering operations will be enhanced if
cal properties that can result in more severe outcomes these issues are addressed early, ideally at the concept
and also additional hazards (such as liquefaction of air). stage. This includes ship design, port spatial planning,
There are also operational issues that will influence the and the approach to be used for bunkering. Bunkering
engineering of the bunkering operation and potentially with CH2 is likely to be shore-to-ship, as for LH2 operations
have safety implications. For example, if bunkering times in the early stages of use of hydrogen as a marine fuel.
remain the same, volumetric flowrates for LH2 will need However, ship-to-ship bunkering of LH2 will be required
to be greater than would be the case for LNG. In a loss of as the scale of operations increases, as has been the case
containment event, this could well influence the amount with LNG.
BUNKERING Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
New procedures will need to be developed as new knowl- in Chapter 8 to identify and manage the safety hazards
edge is developed, and specific guidance documents and and security risks. It is recommended that a bunkering risk
specific provisions produced to ensure safe bunkering of assessment of all sub-components of the fuelling station,
hydrogen on ships. Important elements of the guidance the transfer system including the special H2 couplings,
will be related to: and the bunkering procedures is undertaken.
• definition of roles and responsibilities; Detailed bunkering procedures for hydrogen need to be
• methods for defining safety zones and the control established, considering the engineering of the specific
measures required within these safety zones; systems. Bunkering workshops to discuss requirements
• interactions with other ship simultaneous operations for the first bunkering facilities were conducted as part of
(SIMOPS), such as cargo loading and passenger MarHySafe Phase 1. The points below summarize proce-
embarkation; dural steps for hydrogen bunkering based on the ear-
• equipment standards and safety systems, both active ly-phase development information available. It should be
and passive; considered as input to the next phase of MarHySafe:
• ensuring personnel are competent, aware of the
hazards, and suitably trained; • Connection of liquid hydrogen supplier, at present
• monitoring and checking of bunkering operations; and, typically a LH2 truck, to the LH2 fuelling station.
• development of emergency procedures. • Connection of the onshore H2 fuelling station to the
In order to introduce hydrogen as a widely used fuel in • Testing of tightness and purging of complete LH2
shipping, international harmonization of bunkering tech- fuelling line (based on experience from land-based
nology, requirements, and procedures will be needed. hydrogen refuelling, this is initially assumed to be with
Bunkering in different ports, in different countries that helium). Procedures need to consider that N2 and O2
may offer different technological solutions, procedures, may liquefy or even solidify in direct contact with liquid
and requirements will be a barrier. Different ships will hydrogen.
have different design and requirements regarding • Tightness tests may be conducted with helium prior
bunkering rates and other parameters. There is a need to each bunkering operation. Reference is made to
for regional and preferably international cooperation to Standard (NS-EN ISO 20485:2018) as a current guidance
develop standardized and harmonized bunkering solu- document. Due to the physical properties of LH2,
tions, guidelines, and practices for hydrogen to become nitrogen is not recommended. Due to limited availability
relevant for international shipping. of helium, it is expected that other options will be
Assessment of hydrogen bunkering operations will most • Cool-down procedure of the LH2 supply system prior to
likely be risk-based, and will use the methods described bunkering (for CH2 bunkering the procedure is foreseen
to depend on the bunkering facility set-up).
• Bunkering of hydrogen.
• Stop hydrogen bunkering procedure (e.g., ESD
• Emergency shut-down procedure.
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
A main finding was that the full scope of the Alternative Closure of the gaps related to maritime hydrogen safety
Design approval process is not well understood. Flag and the regulations, codes, and standards applicable to
States may also have different interpretations of the Alter- the introduction and use of hydrogen as ship fuel needs
native Design process and its requirements. MarHySafe to be knowledge-driven. The knowledge development
considers the Alternative Design approval process to be can be illustrated by a learning circle where new knowl-
both needed and useful to ensure safe and reliable intro- edge in one part may lead to closure of knowledge gaps
duction of hydrogen-fuelled vessels. Therefore, improv- in other parts of the circle. This process of continuous
ing the understanding of the full scope of the Alternative learning and improvement is illustrated in Figure 11.1.
Design process will be a key objective for MarHySafe Phase
2. This will be used to make the process more effective and
to contribute to reduced approval time for future projects.
Based on the findings from Phase 1, it is suggested to Chain of activities for continuous learning and
maintain in Phase 2 the focus on hydrogen stored in the improvement to improve hydrogen safety.
CH2 and LH2 forms. Therefore, it is not presently foreseen
that other potential maritime hydrogen carriers such as
NH3 and LOHC will be included in the work scope. MarH-
ySafe Phase 1 focused on use of hydrogen in PEM FC, but CFD and
the principles of other common FC types were included; integral
for example, in the FC power installation descriptions
(Figure 4.5). It may be relevant to include other FC tech-
nologies/converters during Phase 2. Based on findings Experiments
from Phase 1 and input from the project partners, it is give new
important to avoid scope creep and maintain the focus knowledge
needed to be able to deal with the knowledge gaps
related to pure hydrogen.
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
A range of disciplines and activities need to be involved, will be important to speed up the process toward future
while ensuring close collaboration and learning between standardization. Such dialogue has therefore been
these is a key to success. This includes learning from other initiated for the EU-supported project, Ecosystemic
relevant hydrogen safety activities, including those focused knowledge in Standards for Hydrogen Implementation on
on non-maritime applications. Some knowledge is generic in Passenger Ships (e-SHyIPS).
the sense that it is more related to hydrogen and hydrogen’s
properties and safety-related behaviour than to the applica- Contribution to early standardization of hydrogen-fuelled
tion. Some knowledge will be specific to maritime use. ships is suggested as a new task (see Chapter 11.1.6). The
start time of this depends on the knowledge develop-
The safety-related knowledge development includes the ment generated in other tasks and collected in revised
following: versions of the Handbook. Harmonization of approaches
• Experiments give large and full-scale evidence of selected and methods for estimation of safety distances / hazard-
critical events and effects. The scale is important as many ous zones (see Section 11.1.4) may be part of the early
physical processes are scale dependent. standardization activities, and may also be part of the
• Models are developed, validated based on experiments, needed activities related to bunkering. More knowledge
and run for real conditions for a large range of events. is needed before any specific approaches can be recom-
• Running many CFD models gives input to risk mended.
assessments that identify the total risk and risk drivers.
The hydrogen application (vessel or bunkering facility) 11.1.1 The Alternative Design process in practice
can be approved and operations can run. As described in detail in this Handbook, the current
• Industry standards and guidelines can be developed approval regime for hydrogen-fuelled vessels is founded
(and improved) when experience from operations in SOLAS and Part A of the IGF Code pointing to the use
is gained and risks are even better understood and of the risk-based Alternative Design process approach to
accepted. Development of technical solutions for demonstrate risk equivalence. The overriding purpose
hydrogen-fuelled ships will take time, and new solutions is to demonstrate that the safety is equivalent to that
will be developed as technology matures. During achieved with conventional systems (fuels). The Alterna-
this period, guidelines will need to be updated and tive Design process requires significant effort to demon-
developed in line with the solutions. strate compliance with MSC.1/Circ 1455 (MSC.1/Circ 1455,
• Incidents may still happen, and investigation and 2013). The process tends to be considered as compli-
learnings from incidents can be important (EHSP, 2019). cated, expensive, and time consuming, but it is needed
• New insight may lead to identification of possible new to build experience and knowledge before prescriptive
root causes. New experiments may be needed together regulations can be developed. It is therefore proposed
with the other activities in the circle. that Phase 2 of MarHySafe shall work with and identify
real case(s) where the Alternative Design process can
11.1 Current knowledge gaps and suggested Phase 2 be carried out to learn and provide input to future rule
activities development. Due to the urgency of this task, work on this
For Phase 2, it is foreseen that the scope will be widened has already been initiated in collaboration with the Green
compared with Phase 1. The main Phase 1 tasks will con- Shipping Programme.
tinue in Phase 2, and some tasks like bunkering will need
more focus. In addition, it is suggested that further topics A key part of the Alternative Design process activities is to
are included. Realization of new tasks, and in particular carry out risk analyses with risk-control measures incor-
the suggested experimental test programme, will depend porated to reach an equivalent safety level. This may be
on budget (external funding and/or collaboration) and undertaken by comparing hydrogen risk(s) with risks for
partner approval. Activities to establish effective collabo- conventional fuel(s), possibly by comparing the risk for a
ration with other projects working on maritime hydrogen hydrogen ship with the risk for ‘conventional’, ‘standard’
safety challenges and pre-normative research activities ship(s).
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The assessment described in 11.2 is suggested to form It is also suggested that the Phase 1 results from MarH-
a solid basis for developing sound design principles as ySafe are used as input to develop introductory materials
a basis for rules and standards. This approach is utilizing and a training programme/course for designers, builders,
the available models and risk-based approach that is integrators, crew, staff, maintenance personnel and oth-
described in this Handbook. Taking such an approach for ers who are new to hydrogen or to its maritime applica-
the first few hydrogen ships can then provide sufficient tion. The materials and programme/course should aim to
experience for use to develop robust and cost-efficient cover engineering, operation, and maintenance.
codes and standards.
In addition to this Handbook, some sources exist that may
11.1.2 Validate and update the Handbook provide input; but as far as is known, none are specific for
A central part of Phase 2 will be to validate the Hand- maritime use of hydrogen. The US Department of Energy
book based on practical user experience, feedback from (DOE) Hydrogen Tools site on hydrogen safety training
the Handbook users, and new knowledge. A structured materials is one example. Recent work has been done to
review process is suggested to facilitate this. MarHySafe update the Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database
partners and other Handbook users will be invited to con- (HIAD). It is recommended to monitor the development
tribute; for example, users representing ongoing maritime of HIAD. It is further recommended to monitor the
hydrogen demonstration projects. associated work in the European Hydrogen Safety Panel
(EHSP) for new learnings and information about hydrogen
An important aim of this validation process will be to col- incidents and accidents through the EHSP task force on
lect, develop, and present the required understanding of data collection and assessment. Information from these
the risks. This will enable moving towards the knowledge sources may be valuable for providing practical real-life
and experience level where specific recommendations examples for training purposes, and for future revisions
for hydrogen-fuelled vessels and the needed bunkering of the Handbook.
systems can be developed.
Reference will also be made to learnings that can be
In addition, the results from the activities in all the other work gained from existing LNG marine operations.
tasks will be fed into the updates of the tentative Handbook.
11.1.3 Bunkering of hydrogen Training material for first users Review planned hydrogen bunkering solutions, including
In the next few years, the first hydrogen-operated ships possible inert gas solutions (helium/nitrogen), and existing
will be put into operation, but the operational experience ones as they become available. Assess operational and
is missing. It is therefore suggested to use the Handbook technical risks. Use input from land-based hydrogen filling
as input to develop training material for the first users. stations and LNG bunkering as applicable.
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
The work should include a gap review of available There are significant differences and uncertainties associ-
regulatory framework (regulations, codes and standards) ated with the modelling of ignited hydrogen releases and
and best industry practices, as well as relevant other factors required to predict hydrogen risk. Improved
Recommended Practices. Information are mainly avail- understanding of the factors contributing to the hydrogen
able for land-based hydrogen fuelling and marine LNG risk and the possible mitigating measures are therefore
bunkering. It will be important to identify and assess needed. This will lead to improved understanding of how
gaps regarding needed scaling up to large hydrogen fires and, in particular, inhomogeneous releases contrib-
bunkering volumes and the increased bunkering rates ute to the explosion risk and the total risk picture, both for
needed for efficient introduction of hydrogen fuelled compressed gas and liquid releases.
ships. Due to lack of marine hydrogen bunkering
experience, consideration of marine conditions, This understanding will be important for dimensioning,
compatibility with hydrogen properties, and learning modelling, and validation of leak detection, ventilation
from LNG experience will be important elements in systems, and other risk mitigation measures. Early leak
the work ahead. detection, ventilation, explosion-relief surfaces, inerting
of spaces, and deluge are examples of such measures.
Goal will be to develop the first ‘Best Practice’ or a ‘DNV
Recommended Practice’ (RP) for safe hydrogen bunker- 11.1.6 Regulatory knowledge gaps
ing. A similar document exists for LNG bunkering, and The current status of identified relevant regulations,
may be a feasible starting point. The feasibility for a DNV codes, and standards is reviewed in Chapter 6. In addi-
RP for bunkering of LH2 could be evaluated through a tion, DNV’s previous review for the European Maritime
SWOT Analysis, and a new DNV RP for LH2 bunkering Safety Agency (EMSA) of the use of FCs in shipping
could be developed on the basis of the existing DNV- provides an overview of regulatory gaps for the use of
RP-G105 Development and operation of liquefied natural hydrogen and FCs in shipping (DNV GL, 2017).
gas bunkering facilities.
In brief, DNV and other Class society FC rules need to
11.1.4 Safety distances and hazardous zones be further developed as knowledge and experience
Different approaches exist, but these need validation increase. The compilation of findings and learnings from
against maritime terminologies and needs. Work is MarHySafe in this Handbook, and future handbook revi-
needed to come up with a harmonized approach for the sions, will be a key enabler for this process.
safety and/or hazard distances for the use of hydrogen as
ship fuel. One approach may be to consider the quantity It will take time before FCs are covered in the IMO frame-
of hydrogen as a variable. work, but in the meantime draft documents may provide
some guidance. MarHySafe’s next phase aims to develop
Smaller safety distances are available in a ship arrange- the knowledge needed to start the process of drafting
ment than for most land-based applications, but addi- some requirements as the first basis for the coming stan-
tional safety measures could be added to compensate in dardization and harmonization process regarding proce-
relation to the quantity of hydrogen. Another issue is that dures and requirements covering storage and utilization
safety distances are normally not used and considered of hydrogen. The approach described in Section 11.2 is
applicable as a risk-mitigation measure for low-proba- recommended to obtain regulations based on first princi-
bility high-consequence events (e.g., explosions). It may ples that provide the acceptable maritime safety level in
therefore be important to evaluate when it is relevant to the most timely and cost-effective manner.
apply safety distances (and if methodologies from other
hydrogen application areas can be applied). DNV has initiated work with a class guideline on hydrogen
as ship fuel. When the draft is completed, the MarHySafe
11.1.5 Experimental test programme partners will be invited to join the hearing process that is
An experimental test programme for Phase 2 may be part of the standard process when developing new class
developed, and tasks prioritized based on findings from documents.
MarHySafe Phase 1, interaction with collaboration proj-
ects, and based on results from the planned Phase 2 task As part of a suggested task on early input to standard-
to pre-calculate risk assessments (Chapter 11.2). Further ization including input to new maritime standards, it will
work may be needed to capitalize on the NPRA LH2 test be feasible to establish collaboration and liaison with
project results (DNV GL, 2020a) (DNV GL, 2020). The goal standardization representatives; for example, relevant
of the experimental design will be to contribute to filling ISO TC 197 committees, ISO TC 8 on Ships and marine
in knowledge gaps (preliminary outline below) and will technology, and IMO.
include a needed improvement of risk modelling tools
applied as part of the Alternative Design process. A similar process will be needed for bunkering.
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
11.2 Phase 2 – Pre calculate risk assessments to develop Scope of assessment
standards The assessment consists of the following main steps:
A good and complete hazard identification and assess-
ment exercise is an important basis for the QRA. There is • Identify representative and typical enclosures (spaces)
a need to carry out a set of full QRAs of relevant hydrogen where hydrogen leaks can occur. Two or more different
ship concept(s) including LH2 and CH2 storage arrange- room configurations should be selected and the
ments and the most relevant storage locations (above and drawings should include the planned installations with
below deck). planned placement and volumes of hydrogen pipes and
Based on experience from LNG, it is believed that certain • Establish possible leak scenarios considering transient
external risks may have a significant contribution to the leak rates, different hole sizes, and initial leak rates.
risk level. For example, for some ship configurations/ • Develop a CFD model for the space (room) including the
segments, collision risk may be a dominant risk contrib- ventilation system.
utor. The collision risk will be influenced by ship type/ • Develop a matrix of cases with varying ventilation rates
operation, storage-tank volumes/configurations, and ship or other measures to be investigated. For each setting
operations, but there is a need to understand how this will of the ventilation rate, perform the following CFD
affect the risk picture for the vessel as a whole. simulations:
– Run ventilation simulations to establish the airflow in
11.2.1 Produce set of explosion risk assessments the room before any leak occurs.
A set of systematic, dedicated explosion risk assessments – Run gas dispersion CFD simulations. A set of different
is recommended to develop thresholds of needed venti- scenarios is necessary to include the effect of different
lation rates and other mitigating and preventive measures leak locations, leak directions, and initial leak rates.
in rooms where hydrogen can leak. This approach can – Run gas explosion CFD simulations with a set of
also be applied to assess the other sensitivities investi- different cloud sizes in the room.
gating different leak frequency and ignition probability – Run the explosion risk analysis for this ventilation rate.
models, and other modelling approaches as needed to • Compare all explosion risk analysis results and establish
establish the robustness of the assessment. Ultimately, what ventilation rate is required to reduce the risk to
the results can be used to form the basis for development acceptable levels.
of a class rules set for maritime hydrogen. • A simple computer application or a matrix/formula can
be developed where the user inserts the main room Purpose characteristics (volume, congestion, gas inventory, etc.).
The purposes of such assessments can be to obtain The program then calculates, by means of interpolation
the optimal protection and design, and to develop in the risk-analysis results matrix, the acceptable
recommendations towards standardisation for the ventilation rate or other measures needed in the room.
following: Why use a probabilistic approach?
• Establish the type and volume of gas leak scenarios at It is suggested to use a quantitative probabilistic approach
which the explosion risk becomes critical in an enclosed because it includes a range of possible leak cases with
space with hydrogen. associated leak frequency and ignition probability. This has
• Establish the required ventilation rate and pattern given proven necessary since hydrogen explosions can in theory
a set of possible transient leak-rate scenarios. create unacceptably high explosion pressures that can
• Establish combined Emergency Shut Down (ESD) cause catastrophic outcomes on a ship. With a probabilistic
settings and ventilation rates that provide acceptable approach, the high-consequence, low-frequency events are
risk levels to obtain acceptable risk. included in the assessment, and risk acceptance criteria are
• Establish the required wall strengths for an enclosed used to show that only acceptable events can happen with
space (room) provided, given ESD and ventilation rates. a frequency above the acceptable frequency.
• Establish when further measures are needed, such as
explosion vent panels and pipe-in-pipe fuel gas systems. With the more common deterministic approach, the project
• Investigate effect of different ventilation arrangements needs to establish a worst credible design scenario, and
in hydrogen spaces. this can be a subjective assessment which gives an
• Investigate effects of different enclosure (room) volumes outcome that can be arbitrary and sometimes overly
and arrangements of spaces. conservative or non-conservative.
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Lessons Learned | Hydrogen Tools (h2tools.org)
Hydrogen Risk Assessment Model (HyRAM) | Hydrogen Tools (h2tools.org)
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND INPUT TO PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
11.2.3 Ignition probabilities for hydrogen The aim is to improve the understanding of hydrogen igni-
It is a common belief that the ignition probability for tion risk by developing ignition probabilities for hydrogen
hydrogen would be higher than for natural gas. However, and using natural gas as a benchmark. This is needed to
the industry has neither established nor quantified the assess expected risk associated with hydrogen systems
typical level of ignition probability for hydrogen leaks, nor when comparable natural gas system risks are available.
whether or how it will be different for CH2 and LH2 leaks. It
is therefore suggested to calculate the ignition probability Scope of assessment
for hydrogen with available models for ignition proba- The following steps are proposed:
bility, and to use results from ongoing R&D projects and
activities considering hydrogen. These sources include, • Establish a risk-assessment model (for the hydrogen
among others, The project for Prenormative Research for configuration) that can be used to calculate ignition
Safe Use of Liquid Hydrogen (PRESLHY11) , H2112, and the probabilities. The same risk model that is described in
European Hydrogen Safety Panel (EHSP13) , which may Chapter 11.2.1 can be applied. This includes a transient
release new updates on hydrogen incidents and acci- gas leak and cloud development where the volume
dents (EHSP, 201914). of the combustible cloud is established from CFD
simulations. The ignition probability is proportional to
The available ignition probability models (JIP ignition and the combustible cloud volume, and this is used in the
MISOF14) for natural gas include the fundamental proper- assessment.
ties of the gas so that they can be applied for any gas as • Run CFD models with a set of leak and ventilation
long as these properties are known. Experience has shown scenarios. If this task is performed together with the
that it is very challenging to develop a reliable basis for task in Section 11.2.1, the same CFD simulations can be
refinement of ignition modelling. More work is needed to applied. If not, new cases need to be established. Cases
close knowledge gaps regarding how environmental con- includes gas leaks, ventilation, and gas dispersion. It is
ditions, gas concentrations, and temperature(s) may affect assumed that the gas ignites at variable times during the
ignition probabilities. For example, should LH2 and CH2 leak scenario, not only at the time of maximum cloud size.
releases be associated with different ignition probabilities • Establish ignition densities for relevant ignition sources
due to cryogenic/cold temperature effects? in the configurations where hydrogen is present. These
sources can be electric light and equipment, sparks, Purpose static electricity, etc. Such densities for hydrogen are
The purpose is to investigate ‘typical’ ignition probabili- developed in the DNV PhastRisk tool, and these can be
ties for hydrogen, considering relevant maritime config- adopted.
urations and different sizes of leaks. These will also be • Run the risk assessment tool for the relevant scenarios
qualitatively compared with established ignition probabil- where the combination of cloud development and
ities for natural gas and data for hydrogen as it becomes ignition density is used to calculate the final ignition
available. probabilities.
EU FCH JU 2.0 co-funded research project on knowledge gaps for liquid hydrogen. PRESLHY ended spring 2021 and includes an
experimental programme.
Gas industry projects designed to support conversion of UK gas networks to carry 100% hydrogen.
Modelling of Ignition Sources on Offshore oil and gas Facilities.
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REFERENCES Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
APPENDIX A Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
APPENDIX B Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Approval process – Design and analysis documentation for
preliminary approval
Table B.1 gives a summary of design documents that may analysis steps required in the process to reach approval
be required to be developed and submitted as part of the of the preliminary design for a hydrogen-fuelled vessel in
process towards preliminary approval. Note that the first Norway. Documents required by the NMA for approval of
three documents in Table B.1 may be combined into an Alternative Design are listed in Table B.3.
overall document describing the vessel and hydrogen fuel
system. Table B.2 summarizes analysis documents that The functional requirements that must be fulfilled accord-
may be required as part of the preliminary approval. ing to the IGF Code (IGF Code, 2016) are listed in Table
Figure B.1 illustrates the Norwegian Maritime Authority
(NMA) interpretation of the input, documentation, and
Design documents that may be required to be submitted for approval of preliminary design (in left column) and
examples in relation to maritime hydrogen systems (in right column).
Description of the alternative and/or equiva- High-level hydrogen system description, specifications as H2 volumes, pressures, LH2
lency design, including design basis or CH2, FC/ICE and inherent safety features.
High-level vessel and operational description
Functional description Functional description of relevant hydrogen system by means of text and visual illus-
trations by Process Flow Diagram (PFD), block diagrams, principal sketches etc.
Identification of interfaces between the Description of interfaces with auxiliary systems (e.g., heating, cooling, ventilation,
design and other systems/operations gas venting, dual -fuel systems (diesel oil or other fuels), battery systems etc.
Preliminary general arrangement drawings General Arrangement (GA) drawing showing location of hydrogen fuel systems and
auxiliary systems.
Preliminary detail drawings of subsystem Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) covering all hydrogen systems and inter-
faces to other ship systems. Note: For HAZID documentation, the failsafe condition
of valves should be indicated on the P&ID, and whether it is local and/or remotely
List of codes and standards List of codes and standards that are considered to be applied, with particular ref-
erence to the IGF Code. Reference is made to Part B of this Handbook for relevant
regulations, codes, and standards.
Risk assessment plans Plan for how to conduct the HAZID and quantitative risk assessment. Third-party
involvement in the risk analysis is recommended.
Further design basis documents, if necessary. Additional documentation and/or analysis may be required by the Administration or RO
throughout the process. This may include, for example, a Safety Philosophy document.
APPENDIX B Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Analysis documents that may be required to be submitted for approval of preliminary design (in left column) and
examples in relation to maritime hydrogen systems (in right column).
Analysis documents (ref. MSC.1/ Circ. 1455) Examples for hydrogen applications
Gap assessment (§ 4.6.3) The gap assessment should as a minimum cover potential gaps towards IGF func-
tional requirements (Table B.4).
Categorization of new technology (§ 4.6.4) The assessment should be structured by means of a ‘system break-down structure’
– a hierarchy of subsystems and components/equipment. For further description on
categorization of new technology, see Chapter 6.2.1.
Hazard Identification - HAZID (§ 4.8.2) Should be arranged as HAZID workshop with relevant stakeholders. Reference is
made to Chapter 8.2.1 (Qualitative risk assessment/HAZID).
Quantitative risk assessment (§ 4.8.6) A suitable risk model should be developed based on the HAZID to perform quantita-
tive analyses.
Chapters 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 describe the approaches for quantitative risk assessment
and explosion risk analysis. More detailed consequence analyses and models can be
applied as part of design of maritime hydrogen and fuel cell systems. Such meth-
ods (see Chapter 8.5) are used both to find cost-optimal designs and to provide the
required safety documentation.
APPENDIX B Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
APPENDIX B Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Functional requirements as provided in the IGF Code (IGF Code, 2016) Part A:3.
The probability and consequences of fuel-related hazards shall be limited to a minimum through arrangement and system design,
such as ventilation, detection and safety actions. In the event of gas leakage or failure of the risk reducing measures, necessary safety
actions shall be initiated.
The design philosophy shall ensure that risk reducing measures and safety actions for the gas fuel installation do not lead to an unac-
ceptable loss of power.
Hazardous areas shall be restricted, as far as practicable, to minimize the potential risks that might affect the safety of the ship, per-
sons on board, and equipment.
Equipment installed in hazardous areas shall be minimized to that required for operational purposes and shall be suitably and appro-
priately certified.
Sources of ignition in hazardous areas shall be minimized to reduce the probability of explosions.
It shall be arranged for safe and suitable fuel supply, storage and bunkering arrangements capable of receiving and containing the
fuel in the required state without leakage. Other than when necessary for safety reasons, the system shall be designed to prevent
venting under all normal operating conditions including idle periods.
Piping systems, containment and over-pressure relief arrangements that are of suitable design, construction and installation for their
intended application shall be provided.
Machinery, systems and components shall be designed, constructed, installed, operated, maintained and protected to ensure safe
and reliable operation.
Fuel containment system and machinery spaces containing source that might release gas into the space shall be arranged and
located such that a fire or explosion in either will not lead to an unacceptable loss of power or render equipment in other compart-
ments inoperable.
Suitable control, alarm, monitoring and shutdown systems shall be provided to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Fixed gas detection suitable for all spaces and areas concerned shall be arranged.
Fire detection, protection and extinction measures appropriate to the hazards concerned shall be provided.
Commissioning, trials and maintenance of fuel systems and gas utilization machinery shall satisfy the goal in terms of safety, availabil-
ity and reliability.
The technical documentation shall permit an assessment of the compliance of the system and its components with the applicable
rules, guidelines, design standards used and the principles related to safety, availability, maintainability and reliability.
A single failure in a technical system or component shall not lead to an unsafe or unreliable situation.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Methodology for Quantitative Risk Assessments
Leak frequencies cated assessments and models for ignition probability for
This chapter introduces available sources for hydrogen hydrogen need to be used.
leak frequency data. Leak frequencies can be obtained
from collections of historical events, and such data are The leak scenario with a gas or liquid leak from a
developed by the following organizations: hydrogen source is used as a basis when assessing the
ignition probability. It is the gas that mixes with air that
• For process equipment; UK HSE (HSE, 2010). is ignited. Ignition can happen immediately when the
• For pressure tanks; OGP data (OGP, 2010). leak starts, or at some time after, causing a delayed igni-
• For dispensers and filling hoses; RIVM (RIVM, 2009) tion. If the ignition occurs immediately once the gas leak
(VROM, 2005). starts, then it causes only a fire. If the ignition occurs
sometime later, when it has developed a flammable gas
These frequency databases are used when assessing cloud, then it is a delayed ignition and this can cause an
generic safety distances for hydrogen refuelling stations, explosion, and thereafter a continuing fire. The delayed
HRS (DNV GL, 2019). The RIVM and HSE databases formed ignition with explosion can happen quite quickly if the
the basis for leak frequencies in HYAPPROVAL (HyAp- hydrogen leak is large. For example, an initial leak rate
proval, 2006). of 1 kg/s can generate an explosive cloud after only 2–3
seconds. If this is ignited, it can lead to a delayed igni-
The leak frequencies are calculated for individual systems tion with explosion as early as 2–3 s. For smaller leaks,
by counting the amount of equipment that can leak (pipe it can take longer to build up an explosive atmosphere,
lengths, valves, flanges, compressors, tanks, etc.). Each and a delayed ignition can happen any time as long as
equipment type has a leak frequency distribution over there is gas in the area.
possible hole sizes.
In the event tree in the risk analysis, separate ignition
Other assessments and databases are also available and probabilities are used for delayed and immediate ignition,
used for hydrogen such as used in HyRAM (SANDIA, because they have different consequences.
2009). The SANDIA approach is deterministic and reports
leak frequencies related to hole size as a percentage of Ignition probability models for hydrogen are typically
the pipe flow area. based on models that work for natural gas. Such natural
gas models are available with different level of resolution.
A simple comparison is performed between the SANDIA The most detailed models consider the transient develop-
and DNV approaches to find total leak frequencies for ment of the gas cloud and ignition sources (DNV Report
HRS. SANDIA (SANDIA, 2009) reports a leak frequency no. 99-3193, 1999), (MISOF and JIP Ignition), and other
for a 0.1% leak area for a 1000 barg HRS to be 0.06 per models plot or tabulate the ignition probability (UKOOA
year. DNV (DNV GL, 2019) calculates a total leak fre- and Cox, Lee & Ang). Work is ongoing in DNV to assess
quency of 0.18 per year for a small leak with 2 mm hole ignition probability for hydrogen leaks that may expose
size and a 950 barg HRS. Calculations are performed for household appliances in buildings. The results will indi-
two different refuelling stations, so the numbers cannot cate whether different applications cause more ignitions
be compared directly. The comparison indicates that the with hydrogen compared with natural gas.
DNV leak frequencies can be higher than the SANDIA
frequencies, however a more rigorous assessment should For use in a maritime setting, the ignition probability
be performed to assess the validity of the leak frequency needs to be calculated for each case since no tabulated
models and relevance to a maritime environment. values are developed.
Ignition probabilities and modelling Ignition probability models are mainly developed for
The ignition probability is used in the probabilistic risk gas and for hydrocarbon liquids at normal tempera-
analysis to quantify the probability of ignition given a leak. tures. Ignition probabilities are not established for liquid
Hydrogen has different and mainly lower ignition energy hydrogen at low temperatures. Research is ongoing to
and higher energy density than natural gas. Hence, it is investigate ignition properties for liquid hydrogen spills in
a concern that the ignition probability will most likely be the PRESLHY project. Due to the cold temperature, it may
higher for hydrogen compared with natural gas, though be more difficult in some instances to ignite clouds with
the degree of difference is uncertain. Therefore, dedi- lower than normal temperatures.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Transient ignition probability models ized situations where only the consequences in an open
When the fire and explosion risk is a major risk driver, it environment are considered. Simplified rule-of-thumb cal-
is recommended to apply the most detailed approach culations are used to get a quick overview of the situation,
involving a transient gas cloud development. This model and some of them are given in this Handbook.
consists of two main elements; first, the transient flamma-
ble cloud volume; and second, the ignition density of the The CFD models are used when local geometrical and
ignition sources. The ignitable cloud volume of hydrogen gas dynamic effects need to be accounted for, whereas
is larger than for natural gas. This is because hydrogen the 1D models are used to get a quick understanding of
has a wider concentration range of flammability and, in a the potential hazards or consequences. The two models
like-for-like release, the volumetric flow rate will be higher are often used in combination where first the 1D models
than for natural gas. Hydrogen has a lower ignition energy are used to establish an overview of the risk and to point
for all concentrations; and for concentrations above 15%, at risk drivers and high-risk areas. The 3D models are then
the difference in ignition energy is significant. This needs used to assess in greater detail the effect of local geome-
to be accounted for when defining the densities of igni- tries, dynamic effects, and safety systems.
tion sources. An ignition source that has a small density
for natural gas will have a higher density for hydrogen. The specific models that can be used for an accident
Hence, hydrogen may require the additional consider- scenario that can unfold due to a gas leak are described
ation of ignition sources that are not considered for natu- below. The first chapter describes a simplified rule-of-
ral gas. Examples include, among others, ignition caused thumb and engineering assessment that can be applied
by static electricity or compressibility effects in releases to get an overview of the consequences. The following
from high-pressure tanks. chapters describe each modelling step in more detail, with
emphasis on the maturity of the available models and their
As part of its EXPRESS tool, DNV currently uses the JIP recommended use. The recommended use of the more
ignition model (DNV Report no. 99-3193, 1999) that was detailed models is typically as an aid to test and optimize
developed for natural gas, with a modification for hydro- the design and protection measures. Therefore, the differ-
gen. This model uses CFD simulations of hydrogen releases ent protective means and strategies are also mentioned
to find the transient ignitable cloud volume. The cloud-fill- in this chapter. A full description of the risk mitigating and
ing fraction in the area is multiplied with an ignition source controlling measures is provided in Chapter 9.
strength for each defined ignition source in the area. The
model accounts for both constant and intermediate ignition Simplified assessments of explosion consequences
sources. The model can also account for actions that control To provide a quick way to get an overview of explosion
the ignition probability by shutting down ignition sources or risks for hydrogen applications, the following rules-of-
isolating the leak source. Hence the model can be used to thumb and typical assumptions are provided.
assess effects of ignition and leak control.
Cloud size estimate in a mechanically ventilated room
The ignition probability model used in DNV Safeti (QRA Hydrogen in a fully enclosed room or space with mechani-
model) is also a combination of a gas dispersion model cal ventilation is considered.
and ignition densities.
The scenario with a hydrogen leak is considered. The leak
Tabulated ignition probability can be characterized with the total amount of hydrogen
Simplified tabulated ignition probabilities can be found that is leaking (kg). The leak size is above seeping size
in the literature for hydrogen as well (Tchouvlev, 2007). (larger than typically 1 g/s) so that gas with 100% hydrogen
However, care should be taken when using these ignition concentration will be present in some distance down-
probabilities as this example only considers very small stream of the leak. The amount of hydrogen is first esti-
releases, and this needs to be justified by careful identifi- mated based on the initial leak rate and the duration of the
cation of leak frequency distribution for different release leak. For a small hole size that is much smaller than the pipe
sizes. They were developed as a part of a specific DNV size (typically a hole area less than 30% of the pipe area),
project for a hydrogen refuelling station that is outdoors, a constant leak rate can be assumed until it is detected.
and the values may not be well-suited for maritime indoor After it is detected, the valves are closed, and the inventory
releases inside a room with hydrogen. volume of the segment can be used to estimate the total
amount of gas that is leaking. The total amount of hydro-
Applied consequence analyses and models gen is then the leak rate times the duration until detection,
Consequence analyses models are available in two plus the amount of gas in the segment.
main categories: the 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) model; and the 1D phenomenological models, For example, if the segment contains 100 g hydrogen,
including simplified ‘rule-of-thumb’ calculations. CFD and the initial leak rate is 10 g/s, and the time to detec-
models include the highest resolution in time and space. tion (and isolation of the segment) is 10 s, then the total
Phenomenological models are typically limited to ideal- amount of hydrogen that is leaking is 200 g.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Cloud build-up inside a room with mechanical ventilation sive cloud. Hence, a rule-of-thumb can be that 60% of the
can be estimated by assuming that the hydrogen is mixing leaked hydrogen gas can be assumed to contribute to an
with air to form an explosive cloud. Since the combustible explosive atmosphere (provided the leak rate and leak
concentration range for hydrogen is large (4–75%) most of duration is above critical values).
the hydrogen that is released will contribute to forming a
combustible cloud. An example of mechanical ventilation The volume of the cloud can now be estimated by using
rate typically used in a maritime setting is below 100 ACH. the amount of hydrogen available to calculate the maxi-
This rate corresponds ideally to 1 air exchange in the room mum explosive cloud volume.
every 36 s. If the leak finishes before 30 s, the ventilation
will not have time to extract gas from the room. The gas will The total volume of the cloud can be calculated as follows.
mainly be moving within the room partly towards the venti-
lation outlet. Ventilation in a room will set up high velocities The mass of hydrogen from the leak (mH2) is first converted
only close to the inlet and outlet nozzles. The air movement to a volume of hydrogen (VH2) in the combustible cloud,
velocity in most parts of the room is small, typically less than
0.5 m/s with 100 ACH. Figure C.1 shows a typical distribu-
tion of velocity vectors in a room with mechanical ventila-
tion. The velocity in the room is therefore relatively low to
help dilute and extract gas from a short-duration leak above Here, it is multiplied with 0.6 since only 60% of the hydro-
a certain size. The ventilation is, however, effective enough gen is assumed to be contributing to the combustible
to extract smaller seeping leaks. There is a direct relation cloud. Due to the low density of hydrogen, the volume of
between the ventilation rate and the leak rate where it can hydrogen in the cloud becomes large.
work effectively to extract the gas; with an increasing venti-
lation rate, a larger leak rate can be mitigated. The total volume of an equivalent stoichiometric cloud
(Vtot) can be obtained by applying 30% hydrogen in the
In this example, if the leak lasts longer than 30 s, gas will start mixture with air, and applying the volume of hydrogen in
getting extracted and mixed with the air. At some time, a the cloud from the above equation:
steady-state cloud size will be established. That takes typically
1–3 minutes depending on the ventilation and leak rates.
Air inlet is through four nozzles near the bottom right wall, and extraction
is on the upper left wall. Velocities in most of the room are close to zero,
and not evenly distributed in the room. Velocities in the inlet nozzles are
high, shown by red colour.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Explosion pressure in a room where mH2 is given in kg, and V is the room volume in m3.
In a fully enclosed room or enclosure, an explosion will Note that the constant also has dimensions.
generate pressure due to the production of hot com-
bustion products that are unable to expand due to the If the wall strength is 0.5 barg (which is a typical number),
confinement, and the pressure therefore rises. In an open the maximum mass of hydrogen that can leak is:
environment, the combustion products would expand to
eight times the volume of the original cloud. As a result, a
simple linear equation with the volume of the stoichiomet-
ric equivalent flammable gas cloud (Vtot) and room vol-
ume (V) can be used to calculate the maximum pressure if A 80 m3 room, can maintain its integrity with a gas leak
confinement remains (Bjerketvedt, Bakke, & Wingerden, involving a mass release up to 0.22 kg H2. It should be
1992): noted that this mass needs to be released in a relatively
short time period. This does not apply to long-duration
releases where the ventilation has the ability to continu-
ously remove the hydrogen from the room.
Hence, in a small room, less gas is needed to generate Summary – critical mass of hydrogen and other measures
high pressures than in a larger room. Note that a mixed In summary, the above example indicates that a typical
cloud that is not fully stoichiometric would result in a maritime room with normal ventilation can only survive a
lower expansion ratio and hence a lower pressure. leak with below 220 g hydrogen in total for a moderate
and short duration gas leak. In the example quoted earlier
This expansion effect is about the same for different gases of a moderate leak of 10 g/s with quick gas detection
such as methane and hydrogen. However, for hydrogen, the and isolation of the leaking pipe segment after 10s, this
combustion goes much faster and this can lead to higher quantity of hydrogen would be released by a small pipe
pressures since the pressure rise can be too fast to allow segment containing just 100g of hydrogen. That is, 100 g
effective venting. When the maximum pressure is reached, is released before valves are closed and 100 g after.
it will stay high until it is vented out through openings.
A formula for the mass of hydrogen that can leak without
Pressure is also generated due to the combustion that is causing the walls to break can be written as:
accelerating during an explosion. This effect is dominat-
ing in an outdoor explosion where expansion can occur,
resulting in turbulent flow that enhances combustion rates.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Ventilation is a much-used measure. With an increased time dependent amount of gas leak is found. Hydrogen
ventilation rate, the segment size and the amount of can be stored at extreme high pressures, and the leak
hydrogen gas that can be mitigated increase. A study with rate vs. time profile can therefore be important for the gas
gas dispersion in the room can be performed to quantify dispersion calculations.
the relations between total amount of hydrogen gas, ini-
tial release rate (or release duration), and needed venti- The effects of the safety systems such as gas detection
lation rate. A proper CFD model of ventilation, leak, and and shutdown valves, or the effect of manual closures,
dispersion is recommended to develop such a relation. It also need to be accounted for.
is then possible to establish rules for needed ventilation
rates in typical hydrogen rooms and with typical segment A normal approach to calculate the leak rate in a QRA is
sizes (GL, 2019a). to use the initial leak rate as a constant leak rate until the
shutdown valves are closed, and calculate the further
Further description of measures is covered in Chapter 9 reduction in the leak rate until the segment is emptied.
and in Chapter 11.2. This can be conservative for large hole sizes (larger than
typically 10% of the pipe area) which in reality can give a
Leak inventory and leak rate assessment reduction in the leak rate before the shutdown valves are
Models for calculation of leak rates from a pressurized closed. This approach works well for smaller hole sizes.
system given a hole size are available and tested for hydro-
gen. Comparisons performed typically show that models If only one or two hole sizes are used as representative
with pure gas or liquid are reliable when using standard, in the risk assessment, the selected hole size is often
textbook gas dynamic or liquid equations. As for other flu- decisive for the outcome of the risk assessment. Hence,
ids, the shape of the hole and the CD factor can vary, and to avoid the dependency, it is recommended to apply a
that can have an influence on the leak rate assessment. It is higher resolution in the leak sizes in the risk assessment.
however normal to consider a round hole shape as repre- It can improve accuracy to select five or more initial leak
sentative since this is normally what is used for validation rates (or hole sizes).
of the models. Approximate release rates are plotted in
Figure C.2 using standard thermodynamic equations with Traditionally in QRAs it is common to use three repre-
constant properties. The release rate for methane is also sentative initial leak rates – small, medium, and large – to
plotted, indicating an increase in the release rate due to assess the risks. Typical examples from natural gas are
the increased density. 0.5, 5 and 50 kg/s. In order to avoid results being depen-
dent on the selected initial leak rate, it is best to select a
The thermodynamic properties of the gas can be import- range covering the possible span of leak rates.
ant for leak rate calculations and these are typically avail-
able for pure hydrogen and gas mixtures using tabulated Leak rates can then be selected that approximately dou-
values or thermodynamic equilibrium packages such as ble the leak rate for each step up, and cover two orders of
HYSIM or CHEMCAD. magnitude. For hydrogen it can be recommended to start
with a lower leak rate than for natural gas, and a good
It is important to calculate the rapid changes in leak rate starting point would be to use the following leak rates:
of hydrogen with a dynamic approach so that the correct 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, >5 kg/s.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
Mechanical and natural ventilation modelling the ventilation rate and airflow pattern in the room or
Mechanical ventilation inside a room with hydrogen can in a semi-open area is decisive for the gas cloud devel-
be an important measure to reduce the fire and explosion opment. A poorly ventilated area can build up a critical
risk. Modelling of airflow in the room is performed with cloud from a very small leak, whereas a well-ventilated
CFD as an aid to ensure a good flow that can remove area can dilute the gas from a relatively large leak.
any leaking gas quickly. Modelling is used to optimize
ventilation systems to prevent dead zones and regions Other parameters such as leak location, leak direction
with recirculating air that can build up flammable gas and ventilation rate (wind speed) are also important for
clouds, also for small leaks. In regions with dead zones the gas cloud size, hence several gas dispersion simula-
or slow recirculating air, it is possible for a smaller leak to tions should be performed so that these effects are also
generate larger clouds as long as it is not detected and is captured.
allowed to generate a larger flammable cloud over time. If
it is found that a dead zone exists, it can be suggested to The modelling of gas dispersion of hydrogen with com-
add gas detectors, or improve the ventilation ducting and mercial CFD tools is as good as for other gases. The over-
-rate so that local ventilation conditions are improved. The all accuracy is sufficient and there are known uncertainties
CFD modelling can be used to suggest and test where due to turbulence models which one needs to be aware
improvements would be most effective. of. These uncertainties are not new for hydrogen.
Natural ventilation is also modelled with CFD when a gas Due to the uncertainties of the models, a margin is often
leak can happen outside (bunkering or storage above included to evaluate how large a gas cloud is accepted;
deck). Modelling of geometry elements that can influence typically, 50% of the LFL (lower flammability limit) concen-
the gas dispersion and therefore models is used to obtain tration can be used to represent flammable gas clouds.
a layout configuration that gives best ventilation condi-
tions. Due to the large differences in properties for hydrogen
compared with other flammable gases, and the high-pres-
Available CFD models are well suited for such ventilation sure storage and rapid and complex dynamic effects that
modelling both inside a room with forced ventilation and can happen during a leak, it can be beneficial to perform
outside with natural ventilation. experiments to validate the CFD and leak models for
realistic scenarios with gas dispersion. Such experiments
The wind/air-flow modelling is usually performed before can provide validation based on a few cases, and this can
a gas leak scenario is started and is used among initial make the use of CFD models more reliable when such
conditions for the gas dispersion simulations. models are used for a large number of cases. Such exper-
Gas dispersion modelling iments can reduce the need for safety margins in the
dispersion modelling, possibly resulting in reduced need
To have control of gas dispersion is the main and most for costly safety measures.
complex issue when it comes to explosion risk control and
mitigation. Since hydrogen explosions can cause large There are principles that can be used to develop generic
damage if the gas cloud is of sufficient size, most efforts gas dispersion properties for hydrogen clouds in a room
need to be made to prevent build-up of critically large or in a naturally ventilated area. Such principles can be
gas clouds. utilized to develop, for example, generic rules for the
Hydrogen has a different speed of sound, flammability need for ventilation and gas shutdown systems, etc. An
range, and ignition energy than common gases, hence approach to develop such rules is proposed in Section
it is important to capture these properties in the model. 11.2.1.
This can be achieved with CFD and advanced ignition
probability models. Gas dispersion modelling with phenomenological models
The purpose of gas dispersion modelling is to generate is used for outdoor releases such as from vent stacks.
an overview of the size of the flammable gas cloud from These models are also available for hydrogen gas (in
possible hydrogen leaks. The volume of the flammable Phast, for example) and are typically validated for ide-
cloud is primarily dependent on the amount of gas that alized conditions. If vent stacks are located away from
is leaking and the duration/speed of the leak. The time geometry elements, the models can be used to decide
history of the gas leak (leak profile) is hence important to safety-zone sizes around vent stacks, etc. A margin is
include in the modelling. This leak profile should be rep- typically included by using 50% LFL as the concentration
resentative for the actual piping system that leaks. Pipe at which the size of the flammable cloud is found. Since
diameters, pressures, temperatures, and inventories are these models do not include geometry effects, they can
the main properties that decide the leak profile. The leak only be used for open conditions. The models are not
can then be characterized by parameters such as initial dynamic and therefore not well suited to capture transient
leak rate (kg/s) and the total mass of gas leaked (kg) given development from, for example, a full-bore rupture that
a shape of the leak profile. When the gas is released, reduces the leak rate rapidly.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
KFX Exsim - Kameleon FireEx Exsim. Software from DNV.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
to be properly fixed and have the strength needed to fore primarily prevented by the use of ESD and blowdown
ensure that plates or window frames do not become pro- to a safe location.
jectiles and flying objects.
Active Fire Protection (AFP) and Passive Fire Protection
The explosion simulations give the pressure and drag (PFP) are also used to protect against fires in areas and in
forces that can be used to design walls, windows, piping cases when a fire risk is present. Some AFP means (deluge
and structural elements, etc. and water mist) can also be modelled with CFD. The
optimization of PFP can be performed by simulating both
Fire modelling fire impact and structure response with 3D CFD and Finite
Hydrogen has some different fire characteristics than Element (FE) tools. This way PFP can be added only where
other gases and liquids, though the fire differences are it is needed. This can reduce the cost and weight of the
less pronounced than the explosion differences. Consid- installation, and also reduce the effect of corrosion under
ering pure hydrogen, a small fire has an invisible hot flame insulation (CUI), which can be difficult to detect. It should
with no smoke. The temperature inside the flame is higher be noted that there are currently no confirmed testing
than for natural gas. For larger fires, the flame becomes procedures for PFP in hydrogen applications.
radiative, with a red or white flame. The radiation level
is then comparable to natural gas. These characteristics In areas where a fire can lead to escalated events (e.g.,
need to be accounted for when detection, protection, rupture of pressurized fuel storage tanks), the fire can be
and firefighting means are established. In many cases, of long duration, and there may also be potential for sec-
a hydrogen fire exposes other substances or materials ondary large explosions. Here, there is a need to prevent
causing it to be visible and produce smoke. this from happening. If this is within an enclosed room,
strategies involving inerting or shutdown of ventilation
Fire modelling is typically performed in areas where fires can be used. The fire can then be suffocated, or it follows
can occur in order to find the extent and amount of fire the air and burns at the outlet of the room where it meets
protection needed, and to develop strategies for fire air. When this strategy is used, it is important to have a
ventilation, escape and evacuation, rescue and firefight- method to flush out the hydrogen gas after the leak is
ing, etc. finished. An inert gas is needed for this since mixing in
air can cause a secondary explosion that can be critically
A fire in a room with hydrogen can have damaging and large. The design of such systems can be performed with
catastrophic consequences, hence it should be prevented CFD tools. Other strategies for storage-room fire pro-
or reduced to a minimum. Since a gas leak and explo- tection are to reduce the flow from a leak to a level that
sion can have even worse consequences than a fire, the does not create a flammable cloud. This can be done in
strategy is typically to cool down the objects within the combination with a ventilation system.
fire and not extinguish it. Modelling can be performed
to assess the effects of fire protection methods such as Cryogenic flow modelling
Passive Fire Protection and deluge in order to establish Storage of hydrogen in liquid form (LH2) involves a tem-
the best distribution and volumes of the water flow. perature as low as -253 °C. This is colder than any other
fuel gases and therefore poses other protection and mod-
CFD models for gas fires in complex rooms and areas are elling challenges. The phenomenon is investigated with
used to address the consequences and protection means. testing and experiments, though modelling capabilities
One of the most advanced models is DNV’s Kameleon of special effects due to hydrogen is limited. The effect
FireEx – KFX, often referred to as KFX. This model is well caused by condensation of nitrogen and oxygen together
established for hydrocarbon fire application and is also with water vapour is special for hydrogen, and can be
validated for some hydrogen fires. Research is ongoing present for larger liquid spills. One concern is that liquid
and needed for further development of CFD codes for oxygen can mix with hydrogen and cause an even more
prediction of complex hydrogen fires. explosive atmosphere when it is evaporating. Also, Rapid
Phase Transition (RPT) when LH2 is spilled on water may
Phenomenological models for hydrogen jet fires are also be possible causing physical (non-combustion) pressure
available (e.g., Phast). These models are used for open waves in the atmosphere and underwater (to be con-
jets where no effects of obstacles are present. The size of firmed by the SH2IFT project 20). A large cryogenic spill in
jet fires can be predicted. itself may be critical if it falls or is sprayed on unprotected
steel. The cool temperatures can cause many materials
The primary protection against a fire’s impact on struc- to become brittle and, if they are under stress, they may
ture is to reduce the duration and size of the fire. Typically, undergo brittle failure. Selecting of correct grades of
fires that last less than five minutes will cause limited dam- steel and protection may be needed in areas where this
age to steel structures. Longer-duration fires are there- can occur.
Safe Hydrogen Fuel Handling and Use for Efficient Implementation (SH2IFT). See https://www.sintef.no/projectweb/sh2ift
KameleonFireeX-LNG, KFX-LNG specialist CFD tool for LNG pool spread and fire from DNV.
APPENDIX C Handbook for Hydrogen-fuelled Vessels
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