Bol For Creative Nonfiction (Week 3&4)
Bol For Creative Nonfiction (Week 3&4)
Bol For Creative Nonfiction (Week 3&4)
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What is creative nonfiction? Application Phase: What are the dominant literary Application Phase:
What are the genres of What was the story entitled conventions of poetry? What are the writing tips in
nonfiction? “Tungkung Langit and Alunsina” Compare and contrast how the creative nonfiction in drama and
Compare and contrast how all about? conventions of poetry are used and poetry?
conventions of fiction and How do you compare and utilized. What are the different literary
drama are used and utilized. contrast the personalities of What does the title of the poem element in creative nonfiction?
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina? “Finder Loser by Ophelia Alcantara Activity: You have the option to
What do you think is the main Dimalanta” means? submit a draft story, a draft play, or a
conflict of the story? Activity: Analyze and interpret the draft poem based on the given
What general message do themes and techniques used in a given situation. Your choice will depend on
creation stories convey? poem. your strength as a writer.
Activity: Analyze and interpret the
themes and techniques used in a
particular text?
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.
MELC 2: Create samples of the different literary elements based on one’s experience (eg. Metaphor to describe an emotion) (HUMSS_CNF11/12-Ib-d-4)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
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What is Plot or Plot Structure? Application Phase: What is character? Application Phase:
How to begin and end of a Activity: Write a seven-sentence What are the approaches used in Activity: Read the text Oedipus in
creative nonfiction piece? beginning for the following topics characterization? Repose by Dawn Marfil. After
using any of these ways: vivid reading answer the following
description, a little scene, and How to develop a character in questions.
anecdote, etc. then give a possible writing a story and movie? 1. What personal information or
title for your creative nonfiction detail did the writer reveal
piece. about herself?
2. What personal information or
details did the writer reveal
about her parents?
3. How did the writer portray
herself and her family in the
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre for a written
MELC 3: Analyze factual/nonfictional elements (Plot, Characters, Characterization, Point of view, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere, Symbols and
Symbolisms, Irony, Figure of speech, Dialogue, Scene, Other elements and Devices) in the texts. (HUMSS_CNF11/12-lb-d-4)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
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What are the types of Narrative Application Phase: What is symbols/symbolism and Application Phase:
Structure according to Cristina Activity: Chose one of the types of irony? Activity: Read the text Backwater
Pantoja-Hidalgo on her book creative nonfiction structure and Is it possible to use figurative Cuisine by Ann Hodgman. After
Creative Nonfiction: A Manual write a complete creative nonfiction languages in writing nonfictional reading, answer the following
for Filipino Writers.? piece. piece? questions:
How will you develop an 1. How is the creative nonfiction
organized narrative structure piece structured?
for a creative nonfiction piece? 2. Write down at least three
examples or irony found in
the essay.
3. Write down at least three
symbols found in the essay
and state what they actually
4. What are some of the
common figure of speech
found in the essay? Cite some
excerpts from it.
Performance Standard (PS): The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen multiple elements conventionally identified with a genre for a written
MELC 3: Analyze factual/nonfictional elements (Plot, Characters, Characterization, Point of view, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere, Symbols and
Symbolisms, Irony, Figure of speech, Dialogue, Scene, Other elements and Devices) in the texts. (HUMSS_CNF11/12-lb-d-4)
Duration: 1 week (4 hours)
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Application Phase: Application Phase: Application Phase: Application Phase:
Activity: Read the text The Death Activity 1: What Photographs Activity: Read the text Baguio (from Writing Exercise: Write a paragraph
of the Moth by Virginia Woolf. Actually Say Sojourns) by Cristina Pantoja-Hidalgo. entitled “How I Spent My Summer
After reading, answer the Instructions: Take a photo of After reading, answer the following Vacation”. Answer what is asks in
following questions. anything that catches your fancy questions the first, second, third, and fourth
1. What kind of creative (e.g., a selfie, your family having 1. How did the writer describe in paragraph.
nonfiction piece is Virginia dinner, a long queue in a movie the first paragraph of the essay
Woolf’s “The Death of the theatre, children playing, a beautiful her memory of going to
Moth”? Justify your scenery etc.) Write your thoughts Baguio?
answer. about the photograph that you took. 2. What are some of the
2. What point or points of view Activity 2: Tell Me What You memorable images of Baguio
did the writer use? Cite an Think that are found in the essay?
example. Instructions: Interview any of the 3. What are some of the things
3. Did the writer succeed in following: a staff of the school that the writer and her family
using the point or points of paper, a sports personality in your did in Baguio?
view in emphasizing her school, an honor students, an 4. How would you describe the
point? Explain your answer employee of the school, a subject mood of atmosphere of the
teacher, a writer in your school. Ask essay?
that person what he or she thinks of
the following:
Family ties
The work that he/she does
The TV programs and movies
he/she watches and likes and
why he/she likes them
What love means to him/her
What his/her biggest dream is
The current state of the country