Synthesis of Nature's of Number

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Synthesis of Nature’s Numbers by Ian Stewart

The book “Nature’s of Number” by Ian Stewart begin in describing the nature of
patterns, and the first problem to find an answer to the question: what exactly is
pattern? In the first part, Stewart presents a sample book of what pattern could be.
Patterns are everywhere. We are surrounding by patterns. the movement of the stars in
a circle way across the night sky, stripes on zebras and tigers, number of seeds in the
head of sunflower, the shape of a snow flake, spots on leopard and hyenas and even
colored arcs of light adorn the sky in the form of rainbows all happen based on a
pattern. Mathematics helps us to discover the beauty of nature by numbers, it changing
the way we view our world it may use in our everyday life because mathematics is part
of our lives and it allows us to better understand the world around us. In my own
opinion, Math is hard when you didn’t study then I realize that I have a pattern that I’ll
follow in everyday life, and that pattern is really important to us to know if we are in a
right way. We don’t pay attention to those patterns but because I’ve read the book, I
realized that it really exists and we just ignore them. Patterns are basically numerical
patterns, geometric patterns, and movement patterns.

Why are patterns so important in humans?

In my own perspective, it is important because pattern serves as guide for humans to

understand the world well and discover new things. For example a pattern of stars
voyager uses the stars as guide for their travels. It helped us now learn many things
about geography. it is important for the reason that we can facilitate some things
around us. Pattern can make people amaze and make them gladden to the pattern that
they can see. But somehow, we cannot see some pattern around us in the view of the
fact that we are studying it. Pattern may help our daily lives for the reason that we can
solve some problem by using it. patterns is important for the reason that a lot of people
enjoy it and it is important in humans because we use patterns in our everyday
perception of our world from the changing seasons, music, arts, and the movement of
the clouds. All of these and much more are only possible through a perception and
decoding of patterns. You know who saw patterns? Sir Isaac Newton, in the way object
moved through space and developed a mathematical description of those patterns we
now refer to as Calculus. Einstein saw patterns in how clocks were difficult to
synchronize across long distances, a major problem for train satiation in his day, and his
mathematical description of those patterns gave us his theory of relativity, which is
considered by most to be the most fundamentally universal understanding of space
time, energy, and matter. Mozart was perceptive of patterns in music notes and rhythms
and melodies. Picasso saw patterns in color and shapes. Patterns are the absolute key
to understanding everything in the natural world. According to KelliVogStad, This post
is written for all those parents who have ever wondered why their child, whether in
kindergarten, grade three, or grade seven, is exploring, identifying, creating, and
naming patterns in Math class. It is also for the many teachers who want to help
parents understand the importance of patterning. The researchers say that when
children explore and learn about patterns, we help them build important foundations for
later number work. Creating, extending, naming, and talking about patterns help build
strong mathematicians. Even the most scholarly mathematicians can be challenged with
studying patterns. In many classrooms, students of all ages learn about patterns at the
beginning of their school year. Patterns are at the heart of math. The ability to recognize
and create patterns help us make predictions based on our observations; this is an
important skill in math. Understanding patterns help prepare children for learning
complex number concepts and mathematical operations. Our BC Math Curriculum, from
kindergarten to grade seven, identifies and describes the big ideas behind the tasks and
activities students are engaged in and working on in their classrooms. We use patterns
to represent identified regularities and to form generalizations. Patterns allow us to see
relationships and develop generalizations. Patterns are everywhere! From the very
simple patterns that repeats with two or three elements, to repeating patterns with
multiple elements and attributes. Students learn to identify and create increasing and
decreasing patterns, to name rules for patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and
variables. Older students learn to record and manipulate number patterns using tables,
charts, and graphs. Learning about patterns provides students with an understanding of
mathematical relationships, which is a basis for understanding algebra, analysing data,
and solving complex mathematical problems. We find patterns in math, but we also find
patterns in nature, art, music, and literature. Patterns provide a sense of order in what
might otherwise appear chaotic. Researchers have found that understanding and being
able to identify recurring patterns allow us to make educated guesses, assumptions,
and hypothesis; it helps us develop important skills of critical thinking and logic. The
knowledge and understanding of patterns can be transferred into all curriculum areas
and open many doors where this knowledge can be applied. And so, when you see your
child building a repeated pattern with blocks, recording a decreasing number pattern in
their math journal, or creating a table of increasing multiples to solve a mathematical
problem, you will know that they are building important foundations for future learning.

When it comes to education, one of the biggest problems today is that some senior
high school students do not take mathematics seriously enough because for them they
don’t know the importance of mathematics; they don’t know the benefits of mathematics
on their future. No matter where we are or whatever we do, there is math. None of
those would be possible without the existence of Mathematics. If we are able to
understand mathematics and arrive to logical solutions, we will able to prepare our
minds when we have real problems. I can’t imagine my life without mathematics, when
there is no math in our lives, we do not know what will happen.

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