Asphalt BS 598-108

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Amendment No. 1

Sampling and
examination of
bituminous mixtures
for roads and other
paved areas —
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Part 108: Methods for determination of

the condition of the binder on coated
chippings and for measurement of the
rate of spread of coated chippings

ICS: 75.140; 93.080.20

BS 598-108:1990

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Road

Engineering Standards Policy Committee (RDB/-) to Technical Committee
RDB/36 upon which the following bodies were represented:

British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries

British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’Association
British Tar Industry Association
County Surveyor’s Society
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of Transport (Highways)
Department of Transport (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)
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Institute of Asphalt Technology

Institute of Petroleum
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highways and Transportation
Mastic Asphalt Council and Employers’Federation
Mastic Asphalt Producers’Association
Refined Bitumen Association Ltd.
Sand and Gravel Association Ltd.
Society of Chemical Industry
Coopted members

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Road Engineering
Standards Policy Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Board of
BSI and comes Amendments issued since publication
into effect on
28 September 1990
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
© BSI 11-1999
10674 November Indicated by a sideline
The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference RDB/36
Draft for comment
Draft announced in BSI News,
April 1990

ISBN 0 580 18701 2

BS 598-108:1990


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Hot sand test for the condition of the binder on coated chippings 1
4 Measurement of the rate of spread of coated chippings 2
Table 1 — Grading of sand and grit 1
Publications referred to Inside back cover
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© BSI 11-1999 i
BS 598-108:1990


This part of BS 598 has been prepared under the direction of the Road
Engineering Standards Policy Committee. It is a technically equivalent revision
of clauses 5 and 6 of BS 598-3:1985, which are deleted from that part by
As BS 598 is revised, each of the tests or collection of related tests will be issued
as a separate part of this standard. The complete revision will eventually
comprise the following parts:
— Part 100: Methods for sampling for analysis;
— Part 101: Preparatory treatment of samples for analysis;
— Part 102: Analytical test methods;
— Part 103: Method for the recovery of soluble bitumen for examination;
— Part 104: Methods of test for the determination of density and compaction;
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— Part 105: Methods of test for the determination of texture depth;

— Part 106: Methods of test for the determination of the stability index of pitch
bitumen binders;
— Part 107: Method of test for the determination of the composition of design
wearing course rolled asphalt;
— Part 108: Methods of test for the determination of the conditions of the binder
on coated chippings and the rate of spread of coated chippings;
— Part 109: Method for the assessment of the compaction performance of a
roller and recommended procedures for the measurement of the temperature of
bituminous mixtures.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of
its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document
was last issued.
Sidelining in this document indicates the most recent changes by amendment.

ii © BSI 11-1999
BS 598-108:1990

1 Scope 3.3.2 Two metal trays, minimum

size 400 mm × 350 mm × 60 mm deep; a greater
This part of BS 598 describes a hot sand test method
number of smaller trays may be used to provide the
for determining the condition of the binder on coated
appropriate area.
chippings and a method for measuring the rate of
spread of coated chippings. 3.3.3 Thermometer, to indicate 100 °C to 130 °C,
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
accurate to ± 1 °C.
are listed on the inside back cover. 3.3.4 Sieves, of 10 mm, 6.3 mm and 3.35 mm
aperture, with a 300 mm diameter, complying
2 Definitions with BS 410.1)
For the purposes of this part of BS 598 the 3.3.5 Tins, of 5.0 ± 0.5 L capacity, each with a tight
definitions given in BS 6100 apply. fitting lid.

3 Hot sand test for the condition of the 3.4 Procedure

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binder on coated chippings Proceed as follows.

3.1 Principle a) Fill the trays (3.3.2) to a level depth of
about 25 mm with the 300 µm to 150 µm clean
This test is used to ensure that coated chippings to sand and place in the oven (3.3.1) at 125 °C
be applied to the surface of wearing-course rolled to 130 °C with the thermometer (3.3.3) immersed
asphalt have not been overheated to an extent that in the sand.
will prevent their adhesion to the asphalt. The dried
b) Sieve the chippings for 30 s using the 10 mm
coated chippings are immersed in hot sand under
BS test sieve (3.3.4) for 20 mm chippings or
specified conditions and the degree of coating by the
the 6.3 mm BS test sieve (3.3.4) for 14 mm
sand assessed both by weighing and by visual
chippings. Reject those chippings which pass
through the sieve.
NOTE The test should be carried out sufficiently in advance of
the laying of the wearing-course asphalt to enable fresh supplies c) Ensure that the sieved chippings are dry and if
of chippings to be obtained if necessary. necessary dry by heating in the oven (3.3.1) at
3.2 Materials about 60 °C. Weigh the sieved specimen to the
nearest gram (W1).
3.2.1 Sand
d) Remove one tray from the oven when the sand
Clean dry silica sand with a rounded particle shape temperature has reached 125 °C to 130 °C and
and in accordance with the grading given in Table 1. spread chippings from the sample onto the hot
3.2.2 Grit sand until a uniform overall cover is achieved
Clean dry silica grit with a rounded particle shape without contact between adjacent chippings.
and in accordance with the grading given in Table 1. Complete this operation within about 2 min
to 3 min to prevent excessive heat losses.
Table 1 — Grading of sand and grit
e) Cover the chippings by pouring hot sand from
BS test sieve % by mass passing
the second tray. Level the sand quickly and
Sand for hot sand Grit for hot replace the tray with chippings in the oven for a
test and sand sand test minimum of 10 min. Ensure that the final sand
patch test
temperature is not less than 100 °C.
2.36 mm — 100 f) Remove the tray with chippings from the oven,
1.18 mm — 90 to 100 pour the sand and the chippings on the 3.35 mm
600 µm 100 0 to 15 BS test sieve, and allow the chippings on the
sieve to cool for approximately 10 min.
300 µm 90 to 100 —
g) Place the cool chippings in the 5.0 L tin (3.3.5)
150 µm 0 to 15 — half filled with 1.18 mm to 600 µm silica sand.
Shake the tin longitudinally a total of 100 cycles
3.3 Apparatus in about 60 s with a displacement of
3.3.1 Oven, thermostatically contolled at 125 °C about 100 mm.
to 130 °C.

Wherever the term “BS test sieve” is used in this standard it should be taken to mean “test sieve complying with BS 410”.

© BSI 11-1999 1
BS 598-108:1990

h) Resieve the chippings using the 3.35 mm BS b) Individually place the chippings from the
test sieve and wash with a strong jet of cold sub-sample in a tray of known area, not smaller
water, drain the chippings, tip onto paper and than 600 mm × 600 mm with vertical sides about
allow to dry thoroughly2). 15 mm to 20 mm high, and individually position
i) Weigh the sample of chippings (W2) and the chippings by hand, in a single layer such that
determine the sand retained on the chippings there is shoulder-to-shoulder cover.
calculated from (W2 – W1) 1 000/W1 (g/kg). c) Take further sub-samples and add the
j) Examine the chippings individually in a good chippings to the tray until the area is completely
light and reject those having less than half covered.
sand-cover and weigh the rejected chippings. d) Determine the mass of these chippings to an
k) Weigh the total chippings to the nearest gram. accuracy of ± 5 g and repeat the test three times.
3.5 Reporting e) Take the mean of the four results, divide it by
the area of the tray, and obtain the rate of spread
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Report the quality of the chippings as the mass of of chippings per square metre for
sand retained per kilogram to the nearest gram and shoulder-to-shoulder cover.
the percentage by mass of chippings rejected to the
NOTE The repeatability and reproducibility of the test are 5 %
nearest 0.1 %. and 8 % respectively.
NOTE 1 A sampling rate of one bulk sample every 25 t is 4.3 Measurement of the rate of spread of
NOTE 2 Samples should not be taken from surplus chippings chippings for mechanical chipping spreaders
swept up from the road after laying and rolling the mixture or 4.3.1 Apparatus. The apparatus shall consist of
from residues of abandoned stockpiles.
NOTE 3 If a marginal result is obtained in the hot sand test
shallow aluminium trays 300 mm square, secured
after two separate samples have been tested, confirmation may by four short lengths of chain to a metal disc
be obtained by taking additional samples and calculating the surmounted by a hook and a calibrated spring
mean sand mass retained and the mean percentage failing the balance. The scale shall be calibrated in kg/m2 with
visual assessment.
NOTE 4 In cases of dispute a minimum of four samples is
a range of 4 kg/m2 to 16 kg/m2. At least 10 trays
suggested. should be available. All trays for use with one spring
NOTE 5 The sands used in the hot sand test should be changed balance shall be of equal mass.
after testing approximately 20 samples or earlier if obviously
contaminated. 4.3.2 Calibration. Proceed as follows.
a) Check the calibration of the spring balance on
4 Measurement of the rate of spread of each day of use or more frequently if error is
coated chippings suspected.
4.1 Principle b) Carry this out by placing masses of chippings
on the tray equivalent to the masses of chippings
Three methods are described. In the first, the
giving a low and high rate of spread,
quantity of chippings for a shoulder-to-shoulder
e.g. 7.5 kg/m2 and 15 kg/m2, and check that the
cover for an area is derived. This value is needed to
calibration of the spring balance is correct at
establish the criterion from which the specified rate
these two rates.
of spread on the road is calculated. The second and
third are used to check whether the specified rate on 4.3.3 Procedure. Proceed as follows.
the road has been achieved. a) Lay five metal trays, in echelon, in front of each
4.2 Method for establishing the rate of spread half width of the chipping spreader and when the
of chippings to give shoulder-to-shoulder machine has passed over them, hook each tray
cover with its quota of chippings on to and lift by the
spring balance and note the rate of spread.
Proceed as follows.
b) Immediately return the chippings on the tray
a) Riffle a representative sample of the chippings,
to the vacant area on the road before the roller
taken in accordance with BS 812-102 to provide a
traverses that area.
sub-sample of about 1 kg for 20 mm nominal size
chippings or about 750 g for 14 mm nominal size c) Repeat this to give 10 readings for each half
chippings. width of chipping spreader and report the mean
of these 10 readings as the rate of spread for each
half width.

Assisted drying using a hot air blower is permitted.

2 © BSI 11-1999
BS 598-108:1990

d) Repeat the measurements of the rate of spread: 4.4 Measurement of rate of spread of chippings
1) for each new batch of chippings; spread by hand
2) if visual observation indicates a change in Determine the rate of spread of chippings from the
the rate of spread; mass of chippings used and the area of road covered
by these chippings.
3) if the machine is changed; or
4) at the discretion of the purchaser or his
4.3.4 Reporting of results. Report the rate of spread
of chippings as the average of each group of 10
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© BSI 11-1999 3
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BS 598-108:1990

Publications referred to

BS 410, Specification for test sieves.

BS 812, Testing aggregates.
BS 812-102, Methods for sampling.
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
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© BSI 11-1999
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