Part 02-2 de 04 PS GS
Part 02-2 de 04 PS GS
Part 02-2 de 04 PS GS
4.2 The Contractor shall confirm the cross section of the cables in as regard to:
- the route installation,
- the thermal conditions in service,
- the climatic conditions,
- the energy and currents flowing through these cables, taking into account the
worst electrical conditions,
- operation under permissible overload conditions,
4.3 The protective sheath will carry the indications listed below, in letters and digits at
least 6 mm high:
designation of ownership
nature and cross-sectional area of conductors
specified cable voltage
Manufacturer’s name
Year and month of manufacturing
Length of cable shall be marked at 1 m interval.
4.4 The Contractor shall provide clamps of non-metallic/ metallic & non-magnetic sturdy
type as per IEC 61914 at specified locations and with cable ties at every meter.
Material of cable tie shall be approved by the Engineer. Cable ties should last for 35
4.5 The cable shall be manufactured by a company having ISO accreditation for quality.
The cable manufacturer shall have NABL accredited laboratory facility to conduct
routine and acceptance test.
4.6 The Employer may decide to visit the works of cable manufacturer to verify the
manufacturing processes.
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4.7 The Bidder along with the Bid, shall submit the details regarding cable construction,
bill of material, the manufacturing process proposed to be adopted for the
manufacturing of 25 kV cables to be used in the project, along with Quality control
measures adopted by the Manufacturer, to ensure :-
6.1 All type of Cables to be used in Underground Sections shall be Fire Retardant
Low Smoke Zero Halogen Type (FRLSZH) and cables to be used in elevated
and at grade sections shall be FRLS Type. Cables from TSS to Feeding point on
Viaduct/Station shall also be FRLS type excluding portion laid in underground section
(station and tunnel) which shall be FRLSZH type. The interconnections between the
elevated & underground section shall be dealt accordingly with minimum number of
6.2 Cable drum schedule should be selected in manner to minimise run-through joints in
the cable laid from TSS to Feeding point. Maximum weight of one cable drum can be
upto 8 ton.
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7.1 All type tests to be conducted as per IEC 60840. The 25 kV cable shall comply with
following Test Standards in addition to the test standards of IEC 60840:
a. IEC 60332 Part 1 and 3, category A, test on single and bunched cables under fire
b. Limiting Oxygen Index, at least 30, tested as per ASTM D-2863.
c. Temperature index of minimum 250 deg C, as per IS 7098 (Part-2).
d. Smoke density Test (on sheathing material), when tested in accordance to ASTM
D-2843 for FRLS cables, maximum smoke density rating shall be 60 as per IS
7098 Part – 2.
e. Smoke density Test, when tested in accordance to IEC 61034 for FRLSZH cables,
minimum light transmittance shall be 60%.
f. Insulation is to be moisture and heat resistant, with temperature rating
appropriate to the application conditions and in no case lower than 90 deg C.
In addition to the above FRLSZH cables used in U/G section shall also comply
with following test standard: -
g. Determination of the amount of halogen Acid Gases as per IEC 60754 Part 1
(Maximum HCL gas shall not exceed 0.5%) and IEC 60754 Part –II
7.2 The contractor on advise of the Engineer shall arrange for repetition of the following
type tests as per IEC 60840, from independent laboratory after delivery of cables by
collecting random sample from site –
- Bending Test
- Tan δ measurement for cables
- Heating cycle voltage test
- Lightning Impulse voltage test followed by a power frequency voltage test
- Partial Discharge test
- Hot set Test
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7.3 Test to prove the Short Circuit withstand capacity of Power Cable and Metallic Screen
shall be conducted as per the relevant standard. If no guidelines are available, as a
general practice, routine test such as High Voltage, Partial Discharge, Check of
Electrical Parameters shall be conducted prior and after performing short circuit test
on the cables, to prove the integrity of cables under short circuit test
7.4 The manufacturer shall not change the Bill of Material used in the manufacturing of
samples for routine and Type testing as repeated above and in cables intended to be
supplied against the contract.
Page 16 of 26
Cable Size 400 240
Voltage Grade U0/U
KV 26/45 (52) 26/45 (52)
IEC 60228, IEC 60228,
Reference Standard IEC 60502-2, IEC 60502-2,
IEC 60840 IEC 60840
No. and cross sectional
1C x 400 1C x 240 sq. mm
area of conductor
Conductor Material Aluminum Copper
Page 17 of 26
laminated Aluminium mm - -
Flame retardant polyvinyl Flame retardant polyvinyl
chloride for elevated. chloride for elevated.
Inner Sheath Material
Flame retardant low smoke Flame retardant low smoke
zero halogen for UG zero halogen for UG
Minimum Thickness of
mm 1 1
extruded inner sheath
Double layer of Aluminium Tape (nominal thickness of
each type -0.5mm)
Flame retardant polyvinyl Flame retardant polyvinyl
Extruded Outer sheath chloride for elevated. chloride for elevated
material Flame retardant low smoke Flame retardant low smoke
zero halogen for UG zero halogen for UG
Minimum Thickness of
mm 3.5 3.5
outer sheath
*Minimum bending
mm - -
Max. Conductor
temperature on Deg.C 90 90
Max. Conductor
temperature in short Deg.C 250 250
Min. Short circuit
current 14 kA for 3 sec 14 kA for 3 sec
rating (Conductor)
*Nominal Diameter of mm - -
*Nominal Diameter mm - -
Over Insulation
*Nominal Thickness of
mm - -
*No. and diameter of
No./mm - -
Page 18 of 26
Length marking: Length shall be marked with number at one meter intervals on the sheath.
*Bidder to furnish the data at the time of vendor approval or design approval stage.
Page 19 of 26
Hot set X
Eccentricity X
Measurement of Resistance X
As per IEC 60502
Capacitance Test X
Visual check X X
*Test to prove the Power Cable and Metallic Screen Short Circuit Withstand Capacity to be
conducted as per the relevant Standard Recommendations. If no guidelines are available, as
Page 20 of 26
a general practice routine test such as High Voltage, Partial Discharge, Check of Electrical
Parameters etc., to be conducted prior and after performing short circuit test on the cables, to
prove the integrity of cables under short circuit test.
The jointing & termination materials and components shall be offered in the form of kits. The
kits shall be supplied complete with all necessary tubings and components (ferrules / lugs /
earthing/ cable preparation etc.) to form a ready to use and energize joint / termination/cable
Material used in jointing and termination should be FRLS and FRLSZH compliant in Elevated
and UG section respectively.
Page 21 of 26
i. Conductor Connection-
Mechanical shear bolt type connections (lugs and ferrules), made from the corrosion
resistant, high strength, high conductivity material shall be used for jointing of
copper/aluminium cable conductors. They should be designed and Type Tested as
per IEC 61238.
The connection design should be such that the resistance of the conductor connection
shall be less than 1.1 times the conductor resistance.
Following shall be the part of technical document for taking approval of Engineer-
a. A technical explanation in relation to the proposed electrical properties of the
material i.e. specific volume resistivity and permittivity to give a specific AC
b. Reports showing the effects of temperature and thermal ageing on the
impedance of the stress control material offered.
Page 22 of 26
All types of heat shrink tubes shall be extruded and cross-linked before expansion. In
addition to the design and testing requirements as per IEC 60840, dimension check of
tubes when expanded and recovered shall be proved as per IEEE 404.
i. Conductor Connection-
All lugs shall be screwed connectors with shear head bolts, made from the corrosion
resistant, high strength, high conductivity material shall be used for terminating
Copper/Aluminium cable conductors. They should be designed and Type Tested as
per IEC 61238. The connection design should be such that the resistance of the
conductor connection shall be less than 1.1 times the conductor resistance.
Page 23 of 26
Bonding of cable metal screen to the armour and flexible copper braid shall be
provided with a constant force arrangement and further they shall be bonded (as per
approved bonding plan for any special bonding technique) with support clamps
Page 24 of 26
ensuring a lowest possible resistance path. The bonding area shall be adequately
sealed and shaped.
A checklist stating the description and quantities of each component contained in the kit shall
be supplied in each kit with an illustrated installation instruction containing complete step-by-
step instruction. Each component of the kit shall be separately packed in a sealed
polyethylene wrapping and the component’s name and part No. shall be marked on the
packing. All components comprising the kit shall be clearly and permanently marked with the
suppliers and manufacturers names, product identification, batch number and year of
manufacture. Extruded and moulded components shall additionally be marked with their
expanded (as supplied) diameters and fully recovered internal diameters. Components and
kits shall be capable of being stored without deterioration in an ambient air temperature
between –5°C to 45°C when protected from direct sunlight or exposure to rain.
Page 25 of 26
authorisation, issued by the kit manufacturer in favour of such jointer, will be produced before
stating the jointing/termination of the cable. Approved procedure for jointing/termination
issued by the jointing kit manufacturer and vetted by cable manufacturer will be submitted by
the contractor for approval of the Engineer, at least 28 days before commencement of
jointing/termination work. Due care should be taken before commencing jointing/termination
work at site and if any pre-condition of site requirement is not fulfilled, jointing/termination
work shall be cancelled till the time site condition is made favourable.
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Page 1
This document describes the interface responsibilities and obligations of Civil / DDC Contractor(s) with other system
contractors viz. Signalling, Telecom, AFC/IT, PSD, UPS (S&T), GSM, Tunnel Ventilation, ECS, E&M, Power Supply,
Escalators, Lifts, Solar System and Track and vice versa.
All above “Contractors” have been addressed as “SYSTEM WIDE CONTRACTOR(s)” for all interface purposes
wherein any specific mention has not been done. This document shall be made part of all these contracts so that clear
responsibility of each contractor is defined in every contract. This document is for underground, elevated & depot
S. No. Item Description Role of Civil Contractor(s) Role of System Wide Contractor(s)
Work Areas i) Civil to provide properly levelled and debris i) System Wide Contractors to advise
free site storage space and works areas, requirements and date for handover
access to and within the site, offloading and to suit civil Contractor’s site program.
lowering areas for the use of all Contractors
subject to availability.
ii) System Wide Contractor to
coordinate with Civil Contractor for
ii) Civil to provide compacted and fully proper Work Areas, Access to/from
levelled space for movement of Hydra and site and loading / unloading areas.
parking of Cranes for lifting and lowering
activities including the space required for
crane outriggers.
(ii) Cranes Civil to permit use of cranes on site by other System Wide Contractors to ensure their
Contractors on a mutually agreed rental basis own arrangements for cranes and other
and subject to the availability of the same at machinery in case of the unavailability of
the worksite. the same with civil contractor
(iii) Scaffold Civil to permit other Contractors the usage of System Wide Contractors have to
scaffolding erected at site but only within the arrange their own scaffolding. The usage
timings as agreed by the Civil Contractor so of scaffolding erected by the civil
that it does not hamper the progress of civil contractor shall be allowed only during
works at mutually agreed terms and the periods as agreed by the civil
conditions. contractor, under the supervision of SHE
staff of System Wide Contractors.
(iv) Medical As per Phase-4 “Conditions of Contract on As per Phase-4 “Conditions of Contract
Safety & Health and Environment”. on Safety & Health and Environment”.
(v) Drinking Water As per Phase-4 “Conditions of Contract on As per Phase-4 “Conditions of Contract
Safety & Health and Environment”. on Safety & Health and Environment”.
(vi) Lighting Civil to provide general lighting to all common / Task lighting will be the responsibility of
general areas of the worksite till permanent the various agencies / system
lights become functional in that area or contractors.
issuance of Taking over certificate whichever
is earlier.
(vii) Power i) Civil to supply power distribution boards at System Wide Contractors may obtain
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
ii) In case common BIM interface is ii) Any proposed design / drawing
implemented, the drawings to be obtained changes as communicated by civil
from the same. contractor to System Wide
Contractors are to be approved /
commented by respective System
Wide Contractors promptly prior to
execution of civil works.
Page 5
(xix) Regular Civil Contractor to organize coordination System wide contractors to attend
Interface meetings as per project requirement to discuss coordination meetings as per project
Meeting interface issue, exchange information, requirement to discuss interface issue,
drawings, documents etc. and inform DMRC exchange information, drawings,
for critical issues. documents etc. and inform DMRC for
Minutes of Meeting for these meetings to be critical issues.
maintained and communicated by Civil
(xx) Cut-outs in Slab Civil contractor to provide the cut-outs and System Wide Contractor to coordinate
(Floor / Ceiling), recesses in slab, walls etc. for passage of with DDC for timely incorporation of his
Walls etc. services as per SEM, WRD, CSD etc. requirement in SEM, WRD, CSD etc.
drawings provided by DDC. Civil contractor to drawings. System Wide Contractor to
coordinate with System Wide Contractor for jointly verify the compliance of all
joint inspection of cut-outs prior to casting. requirements prior to casting as per the
approved drawings.
(xxi) Lifting / Pulling Civil contractor to provide the lifting hooks to System Wide Contractor to provide the
Hooks the System Wide Contractors as per the equipment / plant weight, hook location
location and hook design communicated by and dimensional drawing of the hooks.
the System Wide Contractors.
(xxii) Foundations for i) Civil contractor to provide foundations as System Wide Contractor to provide
Equipment per requirements of System Wide details of Foundations required by them
Contractor. Any structural detailing required in various station areas for various
for foundations has to be carried out by equipment.
Civil Contractor based on design from
System Wide Contractor.
Page 6
Page 7
(xxvii) Dewatering Civil Contractor to provide temporary pumping After issuing of Taking Over Certificate
arrangements along with Discharge piping at issued to Civil, E&M Contractor will do
all locations to avoid water logging in the the same till ROD.
Station and Tunnel Areas. Pumping
arrangement to be provided till Taking Over
(xxviii) Closing of Cut- i) Civil Contractor to close / optimize all cut- i) System Wide Contractor to give
outs outs as cleared by System Wide clearance to civil for optimization /
Contractor, wherever the gap for closing is closing of cut-outs after installation of
more than 200 mm in stations. services.
ii) Civil contractor will carry out fire proof ii) In Stations Fire sealing of openings
sealing of all cut-outs opening of more than of 200 mm and below gap, shall be
200 mm size gap at Stations with concrete / done by the E&M contractor.
block work.
(xxix) Temporary Civil Contractor to provide proper Temporary System Wide Contractor to take over the
Doors Doors with Locking arrangement at the time of rooms for working only after provision of
giving access to work areas till the provision of Temporary Doors with proper locking
permanent doors. arrangement by Civil Contractor.
(xxx) Epoxy Flooring Civil contractor will provide Epoxy flooring in System Wide Contractor will coordinate
TER, SER, UPS (S&T) at both Elevated & with civil contractor for Epoxy flooring in
Underground Station) & in PS room at TER, SER, UPS (S&T) at both Elevated
Underground Station, ASS, CHILLER, LIFT & Underground Station) & in PS room at
PIT and ECS Rooms as per the procedure and Underground Station and in ASS,
specifications provided System Wide CHILLER, LIFT PIT and ECS Rooms.
Contractor in the contract / as per the
instructions of the Engineer and as per the
provision in BOQ of Civil / Finishing works
2.1 GENERAL i) Civil to provide openings as per latest i) Any changes if proposed are to be
INTERFACE approved drawings. requested by system wide contractor
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Page 14
ii) Station building contractor will provide a ii) Cable path / route from RSS to
cable gallery or shaft for entry of cables station to be done by Power supply
coming from RSS buried in ground /pipes contractor.
etc. for taking them up-to ASS (at
designated stations). Sealing and water
proofing, if any required shall be provided
by civil. This excludes the cable path from
RSS to station.
iii) Cable path for 33 kV cables on Via-duct iii) Traction contractor will provide HT
from Via-duct to ASS room cable path and brackets or tray
inside ASS room and from Via-duct
to ASS.
iv) Civil Contractor will provide HT Cable path
and brackets over Via-duct.
3.5 Civil with i) Civil contractor to design and build Escalator contractor to supply shaft& pit
Escalators escalator shaft with top, mid and bottom dimensional data, end and intermediate
supports, finishes meeting the escalator support details, earthing requirement,
requirements at top/bottom and sides of equipment loads, cutout & recess
escalator, lifting hooks, pit, drainage and details, lifting hook locations & details,
provision for cable and sprinkler pipe services routes, delivery route and
routing, ECP recess and SCR layout method of erection, ECP recess
ii) Civil Contractor to provide properly dimensions, SCR equipment layout, well
levelled, clean, clear and debris free work in advance so that same can be
areas, shaft, shaft access (including cable incorporated in architectural GFCs of
entry holes / cut-out), hooks / holes, civil works.
loading / unloading areas and clear
access from road to shaft for erection of
Escalator as requested by Escalator
iii) Civil contractor to provide properly
levelled, clean, clear and debris free site
storage space.
iv) Civil contractor to provide embedded
hooks In case of drilled hooks, load test
also to be conducted and test report to be
v) Civil contractor to match stone finished
floor level with the level of escalator floor
plate (at top and bottom landings). If
required, civil contractor will create
suitable slope as per approved
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Page 20
S. Item Description Role of Civil /Track / DDC Contractor(s) Role of System Wide
No. Contractor(s)
4.1 Common Requirements
(i) a) Water clogging is to be avoided near a) DDC/Architect to make relevant a) Inputs to be given by S&T
signalling equipment like Signal, Axle provisions in the drawing as per inputs Contractor(s)
counter, Point machine, Marker board, given by S&T System contractor(s). b) Execution of the work to
Norming Points and in S&T rooms.
be coordinated with Civil
b) There should not be any water flowing b) Civil Contractor to execute the work as
in S&T rooms. Any drainage pipe per drawing
passing through S&T Room should be
avoided. There should not be any
provision of water tank above the S&T
(ii) There should not be any kind of a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Signalling/Telecom/PSD
infringement with Signalling / Telecom/ provisions in the drawing as per inputs contractor to coordinate with
PSD installations in Tunnel /Viaduct and given by S&T System contractor(s). DDC/Architect contractor.
station box area with other systems
(iii) a) Provision of architectural finishes in a) Material for Acoustic treatment shall be Inputs to be given by
station and S&T rooms, acoustic jointly decided by DDC/Architect, Signalling, Telecom, PSD,
treatment and building materials of the Telecom and Civil contractors. AFC /UPS(S&T)/ S&T PS
entire station Contractor(s).
Page 21
a) For signalling:
- Interlocking station
4 no’s cut-outs (500x200) in DN/UP
PF beam & 2 no. cut-outs (500x200)
in UP/DN PF beam
- Non-Interlocking station
2 no. cut-outs (500x200) in each UP
& DN PF beam for
b) For Telecom:
2 Nos of cut outs (500x200mm).in both
UP & DN side
c) For PSD:
2 Nos of cut outs (500x200mm) in both
UP & DN Side
(vi) At underground station: a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Inputs to be given by
- with side platform- 2 nos. of PSBs of provisions in the drawing as per inputs Signalling, Telecom and PSD
area 4 SQM or ESP/PSP/CCTV/PSA given by S&T System contractor(s). Contractor(s)
niche should be provided at each
b) Civil Contractor to execute the work as
platform for side platform station, and
per drawing.
- with island platform - 1 number of
PSB of area 4 SQM. In case of
appropriate size should be taken to
accommodate signalling requirements.
(vii) For Underground Stations with side a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Inputs to be given by
platforms connectivity between both provisions in the drawing as per inputs Signalling, Telecom. and PSD
under crofts for Signalling Cable routing given by S&T System contractor(s). Contractor(s)
should be provided with cross over pipes
b) Civil Contractor to execute the work as
and connectivity with other station areas
per drawing.
as per signalling/ Telecom/ PSD
(viii) a) In Depot, Data/Power trenches with a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Inputs to be given by
covers and pull pit arrangement to be provisions in the drawing as per inputs Signalling and Telecom.
provided from TER / SER to different given by S&T System contractor(s). Contractor(s)
utility buildings like DCO, Canteen,
substation, Time office, P-Way,
Inspection bay, Auto wash plant, b) Civil Contractor to execute the work as
Stabling Shed, Pump room, Workshop per drawing.
building, Pit wheel lathe and RSS/TSS
Page 22
(i) Provision of space on outer edge of tunnel DDC/Architect to make relevant provisions Inputs to be given by
wall of Bored Tunnel /Cut & Cover tunnel in the drawing as per inputs given by Signalling and Telecom.
for installation of stand-offs for laying of Signalling & Telecom System contractor(s) Contractor(s)
LCX cables for GSM/TETRA /Signalling
(ii) Provision of space on tunnel, outer DDC/Architect to make relevant provisions Inputs to be given by
edge/Inner edge of tunnel wall of Bored in the drawing as per inputs given by Signalling and Telecom.
Tunnel and Cut & Cover area of tunnel Signalling & Telecom System contractor(s) Contractor(s))
for installation of Signalling/Telecom /
GSM equipment(s) (signal, axle counter,
point machine, WNRA, CCTV, marker
boards/GSM repeaters etc) as per
Signalling/Telecom /GSM requirements.
(iii) a) Cross over pipes are required for a) DDC/Architect to make relevant a) Inputs to be given by
laying of Signalling /TETRA /GSM/ provisions in the drawing as per inputs Signalling & Telecom
Fibre/ Emergency Telephone (Data & given by S&T System contractor(s). Contractor(s)
Power) cables from under-croft to the b) Execution of the work to
outer edge of tunnel wall in station be coordinated with civil
b) Civil/Track Contractor to execute as per
Box /Cut and Cover/ Tunnel Area for contractor
each tunnel as per Signalling &
Telecom requirements.
b) Separate pulpit to be provided in Cut
and Cover area for Signalling and
c) Cross over pipes are required
wherever crossing of
Page 23
(v) Provision of Signage and Operating a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Inputs to be given by Telecom
instructions for Emergency/ Help provisions in the drawing as per inputs Contractor
Telephone in Tunnel and at Station area. given by Telecom. System contractor(s).
(ii) Provision of space on viaduct and DDC/Architect to make relevant provisions Inputs to be given by Telecom
parapet for installation of Telecom and in the drawing as per inputs given by S&T and Signalling Contractor(s).
Signalling equipment (signal, axle System contractor(s).
counter, point machine, WNRA, CCTV
Norming point, marker boards / Telecom
CCTV etc) as per Signalling & Telecom
Page 24
b) Elevated Stations/Depot
DDC to ensure that UPS (S&T) room
should be in between TER and SER.
Page 25
b) Underground station:
Hume/HDPE pipe Connectivity from
MTNL/BSNL Termination to nearest
room (Pump/DG room/ ASS room/S&T
c) Elevated station:
Hume pipe /HDPE pipe/ Cable Tray
connectivity with pulpit arrangement in
DG Room, Pump room etc. at road
level. Pull Pits are to be provided at
every bend and after every 15mts.
(ii) The route for LCX cable of TETRA shall a) DDC/Architect to make relevant Inputs to be given by Telecom
have following conditions. provisions in the drawing as per inputs Contractor(s).
a) False ceiling shall be non-metallic given by Telecomm. contractor(s).
and at least 200mm below LCX route
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Page 32
(v) Track X-ings of cables Track Contractor Shall provide cutouts in Signalling contractor shall:
the track plinth on ballast less track at a) provide all track
regular intervals in both elevated and crossings requirements
underground section. The gap between two to track installation
plinths to be used for cable crossings by contractor.
Signalling contractor.
b) provide pipes and
support and/or drilling of
holes in the plinth for
installation of signalling
gears if required.
(vi) Installation of trackside equipment, Balise Track Contractor shall coordinate with Signalling Contractor shall
in track plinth/bed in Underground Signaling contractor: coordinate with Track
section installation contractor(s) and
a) and provide pocket/cavity of adequate
a) provide location and size
size in track plinth/bed for installation of
of pocket / cavity for
balise (in under-ground sections). installation of balise (in
b) for drilling of holes in guard structure for UG sections).
installation of Balise stand. b) Drill the holes in guard
(In elevated section). structure for installation of
Balise stand. (In elevated
c) to ensure full compliance of schedule of section).
c) Furnish the final sizes of
track side equipment and
co-ordinate with Track
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Page 35
5) Interfacing Requirements of Traction with Design & Build Contractor of Tunnel / Box Section / Ramp
(referred to as RAMP)
1 Installation of RTU The ASS, SWITCHING STATION Rooms RTU Equipments, including
Equipments in the UG will be constructed by the RAMP communication links to TER etc will be
sections Contractor as per the layout given by supplied and erected by
DDC/EPC/ Traction contractor in the EPC/TRACTION CONTRACTOR, as
approved drawings. per Specifications.
2 Earthing arrangements This will be done by the RAMP-1 DDC/EPC/ Traction contractor to
inside the tunnel portion / in Contractor as per drawing. provide details.
the Underground station
3 Earthing arrangements in The earthing bars embedded in concrete Connections to Earth plates, as per
the Ramp portion and earth plates will be provided by design and specifications provided by
RAMP, as per design and specifications DDC, will be made by EPC/TRACTION
CONTRACTOR in the approved
4 Erection of Masts / RAMP will provide the necessary holding DDC will provide necessary designs,
Cantilevers / OHE down bolts, for masts, fasteners for showing locations and holding down
terminations for OHE cantilevers on walls and for termination bolts arrangements.
support, Lightning arresters of OHE on walls, for mounting Lightning EPC/TRACTION CONTRACTOR will
etc in the Ramp portion arresters as per design and supply and erect OHE Masts with Base
specifications. Plates or Cantilevers at the locations as
per design.
5 At transition of tunnel At transition of tunnel towards rail EPC/TRACTION CONTRACTOR will
towards rail corridor where corridor where viaduct height is low, interface with RAMP for provision of
viaduct height is low, side RAMP will provide side railing with side railing with concertina wires at
railing with concertina wires concertina wires to be provided transition of tunnel towards rail corridor
to be provided where viaduct height is low.
Page 36
4. Providing openings in Will provide openings as per DDC/EPC/TRACTION contractor will advise
Viaduct structures for requirements shown in the design. the size and locations where the cut-outs
passing cables etc. are required
5. Earthing connections Will supply and provide welding of DDC/EPC/TRACTION contractor will
Reinforcement bars and earth provide drawings showing arrangement of
terminals according to drawings Earth terminals required to be provided on
ensuring continuity of reinforcement piers, pedestals, segments, parapet, railing
bars of via duct segments piers and etc. and the extent of welding required to be
parapet segments. Provide earth done on Reinforcement bars.
terminals for connection.
EPC/TRACTION Contractor will provide the
necessary earthing connections between
BEC/OPC/ITL/any other steel structure
earthing plates etc. and the earth terminals.
This will include supply of cable to connect
BEC and other connecting plates.
6. Earthing connection for The viaduct contractor shall ensure DDC/EPC/TRACTION Contractor will
hand rail proper welding of Vertical and provide drawings showing arrangement of
horizontal bars of the railings and will earth terminals required to be provided for
provide the necessary earth earthing the hand rail.
7. Electrical and physical Respect the given clearances DDC/EPC/TRACTION contractor will co-
clearances as specified in throughout the viaduct. ordinate with Viaduct Contractor
the drawing
8. At viaduct suitable monkey The viaduct contractor shall provide EPC/TRACTION contractor will interface
ladder/platform may be the monkey ladder / platform access with Viaduct Contractor and give the
provided for easy as per requirement of locations for the provision of monkey ladder
accessibility of BM & DDC/EPC/Traction contractor at / platform for accessibility.
Isolator for manual designated locations within SOD.
9 All the junction of girders The viaduct contractor shall ensure the DDC/EPC/TRACTION contractor to check
should be sealed to avoid sealing of junction of girders.
entry of thief.
Page 37
Page 38
Item Description Depot Contractor (Depot) DDC / EPC/TRACTION Contractor
1 Feeding Post Prepare a space as per the Install equipments in the Feeding Post
2 Installation of OHE in Workshop Realize supporting structure Supply of Interface drawings including
(Inspection Bay), Stabling shed, preparation for OHE requirements of mounting plates on
Interior cleaning Plant and suspension / bracket columns and drop arms fixed to the trusses,
Emergency Equipment Building. assemblies on the columns supports for termination arrangements on
The overall weight to be taken in to and drop arms fixed on beams/ slabs etc., for various buildings.
account is 500 kg at each trusses as per specific Supply and install bracket assemblies with
suspension. detailed drawings. fastening devices on the columns and drop
3 ASS room preparation according to Prepare the ASS room as per Supply Interfacing drawings
drawing and the following criteria: the drawing and criteria.
ASS room layout principle
Preparation of ASS Room as per
drawings and specification
Possibility of concrete refilling
0.3m depth.
Floor and walls prepared with
anti-dust paint.
2 doors 2x3 m with anti-panic
system (bar across the door
facilitating its opening)
Low voltage installations
(Lighting, Socket, fans,
ventilation, fire protection)
Transformers access from the
nearest suitable road)
Page 39
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) and Purpose/
Description AFC Contractor Remarks
1. a) E&M contractor to provide a) S&T contractor to provide
earthing system/ suitable location for
arrangement as required up provision of MET in
to Main Earth Terminals in DG respective rooms for
room, ASS and S&T rooms facilitating earth connection
(TER, UPS, SCR, SER,). to their equipment.
b) Extension of Main earth (<1 b) Extension of earthing inside
ohm for Signalling and EFO, TOM as also all S&T
Telecom)) from Main Earth equipment from the MET
Mat with min. 20 holes (10 per shall be responsibility
row) to be provided. respective contractor(s).
2. a) E&M contractor to install a) S&T contractor to furnish
Cable tray /
cable brackets / trays as their requirement of cable
brackets and
required by S&T (AFC, brackets / trays to DDC E&M
Signalling, PG/PSD, UPS (S&T) and E&M contractor.
& Telecom contractor in the
b) Measurement of cable trays
station building.
for Signalling and Telecom
Spacing between Platform to be done separately.
Coping & first hanger shall be
c) Measurement of Signalling /
decided jointly between PG
Telecom / AFC cable trays to
contractor & E&M contractor.
be done jointly by E&M and
b) E&M Contractor to provide
Signalling and Telecom / AFC
cable trays on the periphery
of room under False Floor in
SCR as per CSD. No change S&T / AFC contractor to
beyond CSD will be interface for the
incorporated at site. measurement.
d) S&T contractor to provide
Any change in cable tray
details of cable trays to be
layout beyond CSD, will be
shared under False Floor in
the responsibility of
SCR during CSD finalization
respective contractor.
stage along with size and
c) Cable tray/ connectivity Also
route on the periphery of
required up to DG room,
room on the floor.
Pump room, radio tower
(Ground Base Tower/Roof e) Any branching to be done or
Base Tower) and Parking. change in cable tray layout
beyond CSD, will be
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
ED / TR / UG GM / E / UG-1 GM / E / UG-2 CGM / E / RC-1 GM / E / Planning CSTE / P-1 CSTE / P-2
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) and Purpose/
Description AFC Contractor Remarks
d) Telecom/Signalling/PG/PSD responsibility of S&T
cable tray connectivity for contractor.
Platform Supervisory Booth/
Niche/PSA from the nearest
S&T tray.
e) Cable tray junctions and T
points should not have sharp
bends and edges to avoid
cable damage.
f) Data and power tray should
have separation of at least
150mm between them at any
place subject to any site
constraints as mutually
agreed by DMRC Engineers
and if crossing is required
there should be provision of a
bridge to cross the cable tray.
g) Separation of at least 300 mm
between S&T tray and
Electrical cable tray required
at any place subject to any site
constraints as mutually
agreed by DMRC Engineers.
h) HT cables should run at a
minimum separation of 300
mm from S&T cables in station
area and below PF edge
(where margin is less,
preferably in covered ducts /
suitable arrangement).
3 a) E&M contractor to give AFC/ S&T contractor to give
requirement of cutting of requirement / route / locations
floors for laying of floor for marking at site for laying of
raceways to Civil contractor, if floor raceways.
b) Raceway for AFC/S&T to be
laid by E&M contractor.
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) and Purpose/
Description AFC Contractor Remarks
4 E&M Contractor shall provide
fire extinguishers in UPS S&T,
TER, SER, TOM, EFO rooms.
5 a) For UPS supply, E&M a) S&T contractor to do
UPS Supply Details of UPS
contractor to lay cable after complete UPS work before
for E&M power supply
isolation transformer. and including installation of
requirements to
isolation transformer.
b) MCCB of required capacity be furnished by
with Earth fault protection to b) UPS S&T Contractor shall E&M contractor.
be provided by E&M check the load after
contractor. termination and jointly sign
with E&M Contractor.
c) E&M shall draw maximum of
15 KW load at each elevated
station from UPS S&T System.
6 After submission of equipment S&T contractor to submit
Lighting of
layout by S&T contractor, E&M equipment layout for
contractor to finalise location of finalization of light fittings
Light fitting(s) for installation. installation.
Lux level shall be as per DMRC
illumination manual.
7 E&M contractor to inform
Public S&T contractor to commission
expected date of inspection of
Address (PA) PA system before Fire
Fire Authorities for
System Authorities inspection.
commissioning of Public Address
(PA) System by S&T contractor.
8 a) S&T contractor to provide
S&T E&M contractor to coordinate for
heat load requirement of
Equipment provision of air conditioning such
S&T equipment in their
Load for Air- that:
a) AC drainage pipe inside SER /
b) S&T to coordinate
TER / UPS is connected
finalization of room layout
through the shortest route in
for installation of Air-
coordination with S&T
conditioning with E&M
b) AC/FCU is not installed above
(FCU should not be installed
Signalling / PG / Telecom
above the racks and
equipment rack/box.
preferably in corners for
c) During handover of S&T utilization of space.)
rooms (SER / TER / UPS /
TOM), availability of following
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) and Purpose/
Description AFC Contractor Remarks
items is to be ensured, as a
minimum requirement -
- AC power,
- Cable tray Risers,
- Air-conditioning, Lighting,
- AC power sockets,
- data / power tray connectivity.
9 a) BMS contractor to provide a) Telecom to provide
Communicati Both vendors
(a) details of networking information / data in TCP-IP
on Standard E&M (BMS) &
requirement. format for interface with
for BMS Telecom shall
BMS contractor.
Network b) E&M (BMS) contractor to jointly decide
coordinate for the same b) Signalling to provide the the
information / data in communication
Modbus/ BACnet protocol in protocol (bit-by-
Bit-by-bit / TCP-IP format (as bit) for the TCP-
required) for interface. IP interface.
9 a) E&M (BMS) contractor to
IP address for Allocation of IP address for E&M (BMS)
(b) configure the BMS Network
BMS Network stations to be provided. contractor to
using IP Address provided by
coordinate with
b) E&M (BMS) contractor to provide
coordinate the same complete IP
details of
systems) to
Telecom for IP
9 a) E&M (BMS) contractor to a) Telecom would create a a) Bandwi
OCC interface
(c) configure the BMS Network in VLAN/VPN on the IP dth shall be
OCC using IP Address backbone for use by E&M agreed by NP-
provided by Telecomm. (BMS) contractor for
building their IP network.Telecom
b) Redundant FO (fiber optic)
b) E&M (BMS) contractor to jointly as per
port (working +standby) for
coordinate the same network
Non-Power (NP) SCADA at
station & OCC for
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) and Purpose/
Description AFC Contractor Remarks
connectivity from station to
station and from station to
OCC respectively separate
for each line.
c) The bandwidth of at least 50
Mbps channel is to be
provided. (Speed will be
jointly tested and verified).
10 a) E&M Contractor shall provide UPS S&T Contractor shall mark
Availability of
two input raw power supply the location of isolator in UPS
Raw Power
(including DG Back-up) of 3 S&T Room in the station
Supply from
Phase 415 V through input drawings in close coordination
two sources
isolators to UPS S&T Systems. with the detailed design
b) The installation, Testing and
Commissioning of input
isolators in UPS S&T room
shall be done by E&M
c) Isolator box for PG system for
incoming raw power supply of
415V, 3 phases, 63A rating to
be provided by E&M
d) Cut out for entrance of raw
power cable & UPS output
supply cable to E&M to be
sealed by E&M Contractor.
11 If input power supply as UPS S&T Contractor shall
Power Supply
indicated above is not provided coordinate with E&M
for Testing of
then E&M Contractor shall Contractor for the same.
provide temporary 3 Phase 4
wire 50 Hz DG/ raw power
supply at S&T UPS room for
Testing & commissioning of S&T
UPS system.
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
1 General a) Cable trays connectivity from S&T contractor to
Interface TER/SER to various locations coordinate for the same.
Requirement of Station, Ancillary building
and Tunnel as per Combined
Services Drawing (CSD).
b) During handover of TER, SER,
GSM and S&T UPS/PS rooms,
availability of following items
is to be ensured, as a min.:
(i) AC power, Air
(installation), Lighting
(Lux as per DMRC
illumination manual),
sockets, fire detection,
Data/ Power tray
connectivity with riser.
c) Brackets/ hangers are to be
provided on tunnel wall for
laying of optical fiber cable,
emergency telephone
cables, CCTV cables, GSM,
signalling cables.
d) Cable tray connectivity is to
be provided from
Signalling/PSD/ Telecom
brackets in tunnel to
Signalling/Telecom cable
trays in the nearest S&T
shaft. Cable tray inside the
shaft will be provided by
E&M contractor.
e) Data/ Power cable tray
connectivity is to be
provided in mid shaft at all
levels with connectivity from
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
Signalling/telecom brackets
in tunnel, if any as per
approved drawings.
f) During handover of GSM
rooms availability of AC
power/ Air conditioning
(installation) as per load
requirement to be ensured
by E&M Contractor.
g) AC drainage pipe inside SER /
TER should be connected
through the shortest route in
coordination with S&T
h) For cut-outs less than 200
mm, Fire sealing is to be
done by E&M Contractor
after clearance from S&T
2 Cable Tray a) Data and Power cable trays a) S&T/AFC contractor to
installation are to be provided from coordinate for the same.
requirement SER/TER/PS Room to
Concourse, Platform, below b) S&T contractor to provide
each PF edge, Road level details of cable trays to be
areas, all station entrance/ shared under False Floor
Exits, FOB/ SUBWAYs, in SCR during CSD
Technical rooms, SCR, UPS finalization stage along
(S&T) TOM, EFO, Security with size and route on the
room, Ancillary buildings, DG periphery of room on the
room, Pump room, Under floor.
croft in underground stations per requirement. c) Any branching or change
in cable tray layout
b) Cable tray Risers/ Droppers
beyond CSD required to
up to FFL to be provided in
lay cable tray under False
floor in SCR shall be
Security Room, ASS Roomor
responsibility of S&T
any other Room where Risers
/ droppers requiredand S&T
shafts with connectivity to
nearby Signalling/telecom
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
tray to be provided. PSD
cable tray also to be provided
by E&M contractor. E&M
Contractor to provide cable
trays on the periphery of
room under False Floor in
SCR as per CSD.
No change beyond CSD will
be incorporated at site.
Any change in cable tray
layout beyond CSD, will be
the responsibility of
respective contractor to lay
the cable tray under false
floor in SCR.
c) Data and power tray should
have separation of at least
150mm between them at
any place subject to any site
constraints as mutually
agreed by DMRC Engineers
and if crossing is required
there should be provision of
a bridge to cross the cable
d) Separation of at least 300
mm between S&T tray and
Electrical cable tray required
at any place subject to any
site constraints as mutually
agreed by DMRC Engineers.
e) HT cables should run at a
minimum separation of 300
mm from S&T cables in
station area and below PF
edge (where margin is less,
preferably in covered ducts /
suitable arrangement).
f) Cable tray/Hume or HDPE
PIPE connectivity also
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
required up to DG room and
Pump room and
Underground Parking.
g) Telecom/Signalling/ PSD
cable tray connectivity for
Platform Supervisory Booth/
Panel (PSB/ PSP)/CCTV Niche
from the nearest S&T tray.
h) For stations with radio-based
requirements, cable tray
connectivity for two
different locations (with
route diversity) from TER to
open sky at ground level to
be provided for installation
of GPS antennas.
3 Earthing a) At underground stations, S&T & GSM contractor to
Requirement extension of Main Earth to coordinate for the same
be done from Earth Mat
(provided by Civil) to TER.
MET with min. 20 holes (10
per row) to be provided in
S&T UPS room.
b) Clean Earth extension to be
provided in TER, SER and S&T
UPS Room (<1 Ohm for both
Signalling and Telecom).
c) Main earth (<1 Ohm) to be
extended to the GSM room.
4 Power supply a) UPS in Underground stations Details of UPS Power supply
(a) Arrangement and extension of UPS supply requirements to be furnished
from UPS Room to S&T DB to by S&T contractor.
be provided by E&M.
b) Isolator box for PSD system
for incoming raw power
supply of 415V, 3-phase, 63A
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
rating to be provided by
E&M contractor
c) Further distribution of UPS
supply to various systems
shall be responsibility of S&T
or respective contractors.
Power supply schematic for
underground stations is
attached for reference.
d) Permanent power
requirement for GSM
Operator equipment.
E&M to lay power cable up-
to the termination point in
GSM room.
Provision of Power supply to
be done as per GSM
operator equipment load
4 UPS health a) E&M Contractor shall a) Signalling Contractor shall
(b) and Input provide signals / potential lay the cable from E&M
Supply Status free contacts to monitor UPS to SER to receive UPS
Alarm following alarms to health status and incomer
Signalling Contractor for supply availability status
monitoring power supply alarm.
system on ATS:
b) Communication protocols
i) UPS 1 Normal shall be decided jointly by
ii) UPS 2 Normal both the Contractors.
iii) Incomer 1 available
iv) Incomer 2 available
v) Load on UPS
vi) Load on Battery
b) Communication protocols
shall be decided jointly by
both the Contractors.
4 Monitoring of a) UPS (E&M) shall provide a) CTFRS Contractor shall a) Major alarms
(c) UPS (E&M) of necessary details for Interface jointly Develop the of UPS (E&M)
Underground with CTFRS. interface document and for
Stations on Underground
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
Centralised b) Physical interface point shall submit for employer’s Stations shall
Telecom be at Ethernet Patch panel or representative for review. be monitored
Fault switch port of BMS. by Central
b) Laying of cable from
Monitoring Telecom Fault
c) At underground stations, interface point of BMS at
System Reporting
critical alarms/ status of UPS OCC/BCC to CTFRS system.
(CTFRS) System
(E&M) shall be extended till
c) CTFRS contractor shall (CTFRS).
OCC through BMS, then from
assess the level of data
BMS same to be provided for b) Interface Data
received from UPS E&M
CTFRS at Ethernet port. to be provided
(BMS) monitored
in jointly
S&T contractor to lay equipment to classify each
necessary wiring/cabling Datum as record status,
from BMS interface to CTFRS. warning of alarm &
format, type
process the data
d) Provision of necessary etc.
protection against transient /
c) Both
surge / lightning etc. at d) Display Alarm / Status on
interface point. GUI based CTFRS.
shall jointly
e) To provide list of alarms to be e) Joint test of each alarm develop
monitored. and test report to be detailed
submitted for review for interface
f) The Alarms/Status shall be
employer’s document and
jointly tested by E&M and
representative. submit for
S&T with actual
status/simulation. review of
d) Joint Test Plan
and Report
shall be
submitted for
review of
5 Fire E&M Contractor shall provide
Extinguisher fire extinguishers in UPS
6 Floor E&M contractor to give AFC/ S&T contractor to give
Raceways requirement of cutting of floors requirement / route /
for laying of floor raceways to locations to be marking at site
Civil contractor, if required. for laying of floor raceways.
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T, UPS (S&T) & AFC Purpose/Remarks
Description Contractor
Raceway for AFC/S&T to be laid
by E&M contractor.
7 Public Address E&M contractor to inform S&T contractor to commission
(PA) System expected date of inspection of PA system before Fire
Fire Authorities for the Authorities inspection
commissioning of Public
Address (PA) System by S&T
for Sig
for Spare Spares For
Future Use
S.No. Item Role of ECS & TVS Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Purpose/
Description Contractor Remarks
1 Automatic Receipt of control signal from a) If Train stops for more than a) For Track way
congestion and OCC 1 minute in tunnel, and tunnel
emergency alarm/status of train shall ventilation
mode operation be provided by ATS to TVS system control
from OCC SCADA. and operation.
b) In addition to this, alarm of b) In Line 7, time
fire on train shall also be is not settable
extended by ATS to TVS type, it has to
SCADA system. be finalised
during design
S.No. Item Role of ECS & TVS Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Purpose/
Description Contractor Remarks
3 (b) IP address a) ECS / TVS contractor to Allocation of IP address for E&M (BMS)
configure the BMS Network stations to be provided. contractor to
using IP Address provided by coordinate with
Telecomm. DMRC O&M to
provide complete
b) ECS / TVS contractor to
IP details
coordinate for the same.
(including details
of existing
systems) to
Telecom for IP
address planning.
S.No. Item Role of ECS & TVS Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Purpose/
Description Contractor Remarks
4 Heat load for ECS / TVS contractor to S&T to provide the heat load
Air-conditioning coordinate for the provision of and room temperature
air conditioning. requirement of their
equipment in their rooms.
S.No. Item Role of ECS & TVS Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Purpose/
Description Contractor Remarks
6 No-stop Zone ECS / TVS will provide the No- a) Signalling system shall
Stop Zone chainages and observe a distance of 50 M
details to S&T contractor. from either side of TBF
center, 50 M from nozzle and
20 M from damper as “No
Stopping Zone” for more
effective ventilation scheme.
b) S&T to incorporate the No-
stop zone chainage
information provided by ECS
/ TVS contractor in their
c) Train not to stop in “No
Stopping Zone” except in
case of application of
emergency brake due to PAD
operation within 50 m from
d) In case of Line-7, train will
also stop due to application
of EB on account of Fire in
train within 50m of station
7 Fire Sealing S&T and ECS / TVS contractor to S&T after completing cable
coordinate for the same. laying will give clearance to ECS
& TVS department for
completing fire sealing in
cutout. No cable laying to be
carried out by S&T after fire
sealing work.
Any re-work required will be
done at the risk and cost of S&T
S.No. Item Role of ECS & TVS Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Purpose/
Description Contractor Remarks
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Contractor Role of Signalling (SIG)
1. Signals for insulated a) EPC / Traction Contractor will provide a) Will avoid Signal ahead of
overlaps / SI, Booster locations of insulated overlaps / SI etc. Booster Transformer.
Transformer locations to SIG Contractor.
b) Signalling plan shall be
(If BT required)
b) BT overlap shall be provided at least shared by Signalling
250 m before a signal. Contractor with Traction
contractor for jointly
c) Sectioning plan shall be shared by EPC
deciding the location.
/ Traction Contractor with Signalling
contractor for jointly deciding the c) For any dispute, DMRC
location. Engineer will decide the
d) For any dispute, DMRC Engineer will
decide the location.
2. Design of Signal locations Sectioning plan shall be shared by EPC / a) Will design the signal
for Neutral Section Traction Contractor with Signalling location in such a way that
contractor for jointly deciding the a train starting from rest
location. position is able to achieve
necessary speed to
For any dispute, DMRC Engineer will
negotiate the neutral
decide the location.
section, with power off,
under its own momentum.
b) Signalling plan shall be
shared by Signalling
Contractor with Traction
contractor for jointly
deciding the location.
c) For any dispute, DMRC
Engineer will decide the
3 No power Zone Traction will provide information of no On receipt of no power zone,
power section to signaling signaling shall prevent entry
of train in no power section.
Signaling system shall be
designed suitably.
4 Track circuiting details a) EPC / TRACTION contractor will design Will furnish details of track
(only if applicable/ Bonding and earthing plan to suit the circuits along the track to EPC
provided)) track circuiting details furnished by SIG. / Traction Contractor.
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Contractor Role of Signalling (SIG)
provide earthing and bonding
5. Connection of Return a) EPC / TRACTION contractor will a) Will supply and install
Conductor to rail, through prepare typical connection drawings impedance bonds and
impedance Bonds or showing connection between RC and make connection of the
direct to rail. Rail through Impedance Bond cable to Impedance Bond if
(wherever provided). provided.
b) Signalling Contractor will
supply and install cables and connect
facilitate Traction
them to RC side accordingly.
Contractor in preparing
c) In case direct connection to rail is Earthing & Bonding (Return
required, EPC / TRACTION Circuit) drawing.
CONTRACTOR shall provide the
connection to rail with exothermic
6 Signalling cable details EPC / Traction will 'model' the signalling Will furnish to EPC / Traction,
cables suitably for EMC study. specifications of screened
signalling cables and their
7 Normal and short circuit EPC / Traction will provide required details
currents levels in the OHE to the SIG Contractor.
8 Location of Track Circuits SIG Contractor will give
(if provided / applicable) details to EPC / TRACTION
9 Bonding and Earthing EPC / Traction will Design Bonding and SIG Contractor will provide
Plan Earthing Plan to suit track-circuiting Track Circuiting (TC) details to
details furnished by SIG Contractor. EPC / TRACTION contractor.
(if provided/applicable)
10 Rail Continuity Bonds (if EPC / TRACTION contractor will provide
provided) Rail continuity bonds, according to
finalised bonding plan and in co-
ordination with SIG Contractor.
11 Impedance Bonds & EPC / TRACTION Contractor will provide SIG Contractor will supply and
TCPMM (if provided) TCPMM for earth continuity, if required. install Impedance bonds at
finalized locations (if
12 Cross Bonds EPC / TRACTION Contractor will provide
(if provided) cross bonds, according to finalised
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Contractor Role of Signalling (SIG)
bonding plan and in co-ordination with
SIG Contractor.
13 Insulated Rail Joints SIG Contractor will provide
details regarding locations of
insulated rail joints on the
main line and in the
Depot/yard. (if provided)
14 Signal Locations SIG Contractor will provide
chainages of signal posts, to
EPC / TRACTION Contractor.
15 OHE mast / structure a) EPC/TRACTION Contractor will provide a) SIG Contractor will
locations Layout Plans of OHE showing mast coordinate with
locations, wire staggers, anchoring EPC/Traction.
wires etc. to SIG.
b) Signalling plan shall be
b) Sectioning Plan / Layout Plan (LOP) shared by Signalling
shall be shared by EPC / Traction Contractor with Traction
Contractor with Signalling contractor contractor for jointly
for jointly deciding the location. deciding the location.
c) For any dispute, DMRC Engineer will c) For any dispute, DMRC
decide the location. Engineer will decide the
16 Electrical Clearances EPC/TRACTION CONTRACTOR will provide SIG Contractor shall
Layout Plans of OHE to SIG contractor. coordinate with EPC /
ensure minimum safe
clearances between any
signalling field installation
and the live OHE component.
17 Power Supply Protection EPC/TRACTION contractor will advise to SIG contractor will ensure
System and trip settings SIG contractor the protection relay Train Control and Signalling
settings. systems are designed
18 EMI/EMC Study EPC/TRACTION contractor will provide
inputs to SIG contractor.
19 Charged/Discharged Traction Contractor shall provide the a) Signalling contractor will
status of OHE for UTO Charged/Discharged status of each interface regarding
enabled lines. elementary sections of OHE in form of 1/0 requirement of UTO for
status respectively on IEC 60870-5-104 provision of Charged /
protocol on redundant ports at gateway Discharged status of each
provided by Traction contractor.
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Contractor Role of Signalling (SIG)
elementary section of OHE
by Traction contractor.
b) Signalling contractor will
take the data on IEC 60870-
5-104 protocol from the
gateway ports provided by
Traction Contractor.
(mutually agreed)
20 Signal location and SI at a) EPC/TRACTION contractor to interface a) SIG Contractor to interface
Depot Entry/Exit line, SI at with SIG before finalizing location of with EPC/TRACTION
FP, BT overlap should Depot Entry/Exit line, SI at FP, BT contractor before finalizing
coincide with each other. overlap. the location of Depot
Entry/Exit line, SI at FP, BT
b) Will shift the location of sectioning, if
possible, to coincide with the location
of signal. b) Will shift the location, if
possible, to coincide with
the sectioning location of
21 UPS Feeder Provision for EPC/TRACTION contractor to interface SIG contractor to make
SCADA in S&T UPS in OCC. with SIG for redundant Feeders in S&T provision of redundant
UPS and shall inform the load feeders in S&T UPS for SCADA
requirement of SCADA. as per the load requirement
submitted by EPC / TRACTION
22 Earthing of Outdoor a) TRACTION contractor shall provide a) The signaling & PG/PSD
Signalling equipment Buried Earth conductor, along the line contractors shall interface
and below each PF edge for earthing of regarding use of Buried
outdoor signaling & PG/PSD Earth conductor, along the
equipment. line, and below each PF
edge for earthing of
b) Traction contractor shall provide the
outdoor signalling &
sizing of BEC wire.
PG/PSD equipment.
23 Operating modes and TRACTION contractor shall provide the a) The signaling contractor, as
principle Document inputs required by the signaling a lead contractor, shall
(OMPD) contractor for preparation of the prepare a comprehensive
document. OMPD.
b) The document shall
establish the principles
pertaining to system and
interface design under
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
ED / TR / UG GM / E / UG-1 GM / E / UG-2 CGM / E / RC-1 GM / E / Planning CSTE / P-1 CSTE / P-2
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Contractor Role of Signalling (SIG)
normal, degraded and
emergency mode
24 Realtime streaming of all a) EPC / TRACTION contractor will Signalling contractor shall be
Pantographs Camera interface with Signalling for live view responsible for:
transmission of the camera as well as
i) Transmitting real time
incident footage recording.
video footage of
b) Pantograph camera will be provided Pantograph monitoring
by RS. cameras to OCC and
ii) arrangement of
downloading of CCTV
footage (on demand basis
& event pre-1 min and
post 5 min of fault) at OCC
from train borne NVR /
Switch, provided by RS
25 Realtime streaming of a) EPC / TRACTION contractor will Signalling contractor shall be
Camera installed on front interface with Signalling for the live responsible for:
and rear cabs focussed view transmission of the camera.
i) Transmitting real time
towards OHE for monitor
b) OHE camera will be provided by RS. video footage of OHE
health of OHE
monitoring cameras at
OCC and
ii) arrangement of
downloading of CCTV
footage (on demand basis
& event pre-1 min and
post 5 min of fault) at OCC
from train borne NVR /
Switch, provided by RS
Note: - Item No. 3 (No Power Zone) & Item No.19 (Charged/Discharged status of OHE) shall be
applicable for Underground (UG) section also for interface between PSCADA (Traction) &
Signalling Contractors.
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Role of Telecom (TEL) Contractor
1. Telecom Cables and EPC / Traction Contractor will Will furnish to EPC / Traction Contractor
exchange locations perform the EMC simulation details of locations of telecom cables and
study Telephone exchanges, of Rail corridor in
sufficient details for enabling 'modelling'
of cables and for performing simulation
study on Electro-magnetic compatibility.
2. Control & Monitoring a) Will supply and install a) Will supply and install optic fibre cables
(C&M) data exchange suitable redundant OFC and provide minimum 4 (2 Pairs i.e. 1
cables, LIUs, Patch cords for Pair UP line and 1 pair DN line)
connection from RTU to dedicated fibres for SCADA.
optical ports at For these, ports will be provided at
- each station telecom ODF of each station TER, Depots TER
equipment room (from and OCC/BCC TER required for C&M
ASS, Traction Switching data exchange and for interlinking the
Stations) OCC.
- the station nearest to b) Will also provide space for mounting
RSS (for connection LIUs at Station and Depot TERs.
from the RSS) c) Will also provide space for mounting
b) Will interface with Telecom the wall mounted cubicle box for OCC
contractor for provision of LIUs.
space for mounting LIU in
3. Telephone Provide a telephone with proper stand at:
connections to the Rail - Each ASS Room
corridor internal - RSS / TSS Control Rooms, ECC desks at
telecom network OCC/BCC OHE depot
4. Laying of C&M cables Supply and install C&M cables Provide space (approx. 10 cm2) in the S&T
in the S&T cable path (trays) cable path
between each traction
switching station and the
nearest Station Control
5. SCADA requirements EPC / TRACTION CONTRACTOR TEL contractor to provide requisite Fibre
will advise section wise SCADA ports for SCADA.
requirements to TEL contractor
for Fibre port allocations
S.No Item Description Role of EPC / Traction Role of Telecom (TEL) Contractor
6. Electromagnetic EPC / TRACTION CONTRACTOR TEL will coordinate jointly with EPC /
Compatibility will give details of the EMC TRACTION CONTRACTOR to ensure
study carried out by DDC. compatibility.
7. Telephone, FOTS & Shall supply & lay 2 nos. a) Shall supply and lay Telephone, FOTS
CCTV cables from RSS HDPE/Hume pipes of suitable and CCTV Cables in HDPE pipe laid by
to nearby station size as informed by Telecom Electrical contractor.
contractor. b) Telecom contractor to supervise laying
of HDPE pipe by Electrical contractor.
S.No. Item Description Role of Telecom contractor Role of RSS contractor
1. Facilities to be Telecom Contractor shall a) RSS Contractor shall interface with
provided at RSS provide following facilities in Telecom contractor for necessary
each RSS: provisions pertaining to Trenches,
cable path etc. required for laying of
(i) Direct Telephone
FOTS / CCTV / Telephone/ intranet /
connection from each RSSs
Radio BDA cables as also finalization
to OCC (Intercom).
of CCTV location etc.
(ii) Cable provision for P&T
b) Internal route for connectivity and
arrangement for placement of CCTV
(iii) Cable provision for SAP &
Monitor and Telephone handsets
Intranet connectivity.
shall be provided.
(iv) CCTV for security of switch-
c) Space for 42 U rack in RSS /TSS
yard & technical rooms
building (floor mount
shall consist of:
(1000*1000*1850mm) size inside
- CCTV Cameras – 08 nos. room)
- CCTV workstation with d) Provision of minimum load, as
2 Monitors –01 nos. required by Telecom contractor, from
with Quad live view for UPS in RSS for CCTV and BDA and its
Monitoring of RSS cameras connection from trench/pulpit for
(v) RSS cameras shall also be telecom service.
monitored in OCC at TPC
work station.
(vi) LAN connectivity from OCC
for SCADA.
S.No Item Role of U/G Traction Contractor Role of S&T / PSD Contractor
1 Earthing of PSD a) U/G TRACTION contractor will lay a) S&T/PSD contractor will provide suitable
the earthing conductor (TEW) all earthing terminal for PSD and connect
along the underground corridor the same by requisite earthing jumpers
and below each PF edge. (to be supplied by S&T / PSD contractor)
of suitable size to the earthing conductor
b) Fault level to be provided to S&T
laid / provided by UG traction contractor.
as per simulation study.
2 Earthing ofThe U/G traction contractor shall The signalling contractor shall interface for
Outdoor provide Traction of Earth Wire use of TEW, along the line, for earthing of
Signalling (TEW), along the line, for earthing of outdoor signalling equipment.
equipment outdoor signalling equipment.
3 Telephone Cable path for of min. 2 numbers of S&T Contractor will make provision of
Requirements HDPE/Hume pipe of suitable size (as telecommunication facilities inside/
in agreed by DMRC Engineers) either outside DMRC premises by providing a
TSS/RSS/AMS/A by trench or trenchless is to be telephone with proper stand at:
SS/ SWR provided by UG traction contractor - Each ASS Room
(Outside DMRC along with their own cable route, for - RSS / TSS Control Rooms
Premises) providing Telecom facilities in TSS/ - ECC desks at OCC/BCC.
4 Equipments and The UG traction contractor will The contractors shall co-ordinate for
Human safety incorporate safe minimum distance ensuring min. safe distance between any
in ROCS design. signaling field installation and live Rigid
OHE contact point for purpose of human
safety apart from EMI/EMC considerations.
5 Installation/fixi a) U/G TRACTION contractor will a) Signalling contractor shall finalize the
ng of Engine act accordingly and provide location of Normal Stopping Point as
stop board at engine stop board at designated per signal locations/buffer stops
tunnel/box/Ra location.
b) Normal Stopping Point shall be shared
b) Engine stop board shall be by Signalling Contractor with U/G
shared by U/G Traction Traction contractor for jointly deciding
Contractor with Signalling the location.
contractor for jointly deciding
c) In case of any dispute, DMRC Engineer
the location.
will decide the location
c) In case of any dispute, DMRC
Engineer will decide the location
6 Traction returns The U/G Traction contractor(s) shall Signalling contractor will consider the short
current level. advise respective Contractor(s) of circuit current level for the signalling
S.No Item Role of U/G Traction Contractor Role of S&T / PSD Contractor
normal and short circuit (worst) equipment and incorporate in the design
current levels. for safety concern
7 Location of The Contractors shall agree on the The SIGNALLING Contractor shall advise
track circuit / final location of cross bonds/ the Traction contractor(s) regarding
Cross bond / impedance bonds and other rail locations of the track circuits/Cross
Impedance connections related to traction bond/Impedance bond.
bond / other rail return current.
related to track
(If required/
8 Supply, a) The Traction contractor(s) shall Signalling Contractor shall supply, install
installation, supply, install and terminate and terminate all impedance bonds,
connection & additional traction bonding bonding cables and continuity bonds,
termination of cables, if required, at including all bonding in the turnouts,
all impedance appropriate intervals, which required for proper functioning of track
bonds, shall be co-ordinated with circuits.
continuity respective signalling contractor
bond/cables to ensure balanced &
including all unobstructed flow of traction
bonding for return current.
track circuits. b) All connections to the rail shall
(If required/ be suitably welded (thermo
applicable) welding or pin brazing
technology) to give resistance &
corrosion free smooth contact.
The rail welding material shall
confirm to IRS: S103-2004 or the
9 Insulated Rail Traction contractor(s) shall design SIGNALLING Contractor shall provide
Joint the traction return system duly Traction contractor(s) with location of
(If required/ considering location of insulated insulated rail joints required in Depot and
applicable) joints. on Mainline. (for track circuits)
10 Neutral section Traction contractor(s) shall provide Respective signaling Contractor(s) shall
signaling Contractor with length & design Signal Locations such that no train or
location of all traction neutral a part of a train stops within the neutral
sections. section(s) during normal operations.
11 Emergency U/G traction Contractor shall U/G Traction contractor will have a
Tripping System provide Emergency Tripping output interface with Signalling contractor to
with a link to the Signalling system at prevent any train coming on directly or
S.No Item Role of U/G Traction Contractor Role of S&T / PSD Contractor
central level using suitable protocol through a cross over leading to the affected
and will interface with S&T OCS section where Emergency Tripping
contractor for the same. system has been activated in ATP mode.
12 Protection The Traction contractor(s) shall a) The signaling Contractor shall ensure
characteristics provide the signaling Contractor that the Train Control and Signaling
with overhead line feeder circuit System provides allowance for suitable
rating, the protection tripping settings viz. sequential start up, when
setting, the overhead line conductor planning for simultaneous start-up of
current carrying capacity, Transient several trains.
& surge protection and the
b)The Contractors shall ensure that there is
protection relay setting.
no degradation with respect to
performance requirement as specified in
the respective Specifications.
13 Realtime a) U/G TRACTION contractor will Signalling contractor shall be responsible
streaming of interface with Signalling for live for:
Pantograph view transmission of the camera
a) Transmitting real time video footage of
Camera as well as incident footage
Pantograph monitoring cameras at
OCC and
b) Pantograph camera will be
b) arrangement of downloading of CCTV
provided by RS.
footage (on demand basis & event pre-
1 min and post 5 min of fault) at OCC
from train borne NVR / Switch,
provided by RS Contractor.
14 Realtime a) U/G TRACTION contractor will Signalling contractor shall be responsible
streaming of interface with Signalling for live for:
Camera to be view transmission of the a) Transmitting real time video footage of
installed on camera. OHE monitoring cameras at OCC and
front and rear
b) OHE camera will be provided by b) arrangement of downloading of CCTV
cabs focussed
RS. footage (on demand basis & event pre-
towards Rigid
1 min and post 5 min of fault) at OCC
OHE for monitor
from train borne NVR / Switch,
health of OHE.
provided by RS Contractor.
15 Electromagnetic a) Both Contractors shall jointly perform a study and develop the Electromagnetic
compatibility Compatibility Management Plans using such data as emission characteristics,
susceptibility levels, filter characteristics, physical layout and construction of
their equipment, taking into consideration variation in component
characteristics with frequencies.
S.No Item Role of U/G Traction Contractor Role of S&T / PSD Contractor
b) The study shall demonstrate compatibility or highlight areas of potential
problems with a view to implement remedial measures in time to achieve
c) Traction and SIGNALLING Contractors shall co-ordinate for any information
concerning EMI / EMC in the overhead line & other structures.
d) The Contractors shall jointly develop a test plan detailing how the
electromagnetic compatibility of the OHE traction System and the Signalling&
Train control System will be verified, taking into consideration the study
16 Operating a) The signaling contractor as a lead contractor shall prepare a comprehensive
modes and OMPD.
b) The U/G traction contractor will provide inputs required by the signaling
contractor in preparation of the document.
c) The document shall establish principles related to system and interface design
under normal, degraded and emergency mode
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Contractor
1 Earthing a) E&M contractor to provide earthing a) S&T contractor to provide
Arrangement system / arrangement as required up to suitable location for provision
Main Earth Terminals in DG room, ASS of MET in respective rooms for
and S&T rooms (TER, UPS, SER, DCC facilitating earth connection to
Room). their equipment.
b) Extension of Main earth (<1 ohm for b) Extension of earthing inside
signalling and Telecom)) from Main Earth EFO, TOM as also all S&T
Mat with min. 20 holes (10 per row) to be equipment from the MET shall
provided. be responsibility respective
2 S&T and a) E&M contractor to install cable brackets / a) S&T contractor(s) to furnish
SCADA cable trays as required by S&T contractor in the their requirement of cable
tray / brackets Depot building & Sheds (IBL, Workshop, brackets / trays to DDC E&M
and support SBL etc.) and E&M contractor.
b) Cable tray/ connectivity is also required b) Measurement of cable trays
up to DG room, Pump room, radio tower for Signalling and Telecom to
(Ground Base Tower/Roof Base Tower) be done separately.
and Parking.
c) Measurement of Signalling /
c) E&M Contractor to provide cable trays on Telecom / AFC cable tray(s) to
the periphery of room under False Floor be done jointly by E&M and
in DCC as per CSD. signalling and telecom / AFC
No change beyond CSD will be
incorporated at site. Any change in cable d) S&T / AFC contractor to
tray layout beyond CSD, will be the interface for the
responsibility of respective contractor to measurement.
lay the cable tray under false floor in DCC.
e) S&T Contractor to provide
d) Cable tray junctions and T points should
details of cable trays to be
not have sharp bends and edges to avoid
shared under False floor in DCC
cable damage.
during CSD finalization stage
e) Measurement of cable tray for Signalling along with size and route on
and Telecom to be done separately. the periphery of room on the
Measurement of signalling / telecom / floor.
AFC cable tray to be done jointly by E&M
f) Any branching required or
and signalling and telecom / AFC
change in cable tray layout
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Contractor
contractors. E&M contractor to interface beyond CSD, requiring laying of
for the measurement. additional cable tray(s) under
false floor in DCC will be
f) Data and power tray should have
responsibility of S&T
separation of at least 150mm between
them at any place subject to any site
constraints as mutually agreed by DMRC
Engineers and if crossing is required there
should be provision of a bridge to cross
the cable tray.
g) Separation of at least 300 mm between
S&T tray and Electrical cable tray is
required to be maintained at all locations
subject to any site constraints as mutually
agreed by DMRC Engineers.
3 Floor a) E&M contractor to provide requirement AFC/ S&T contractor to give
Raceways of cutting of floors for laying of floor requirement / route / locations for
raceways to Civil contractor, if required. laying of floor raceways and also
to be marking at site.
b) Raceway for AFC / S&T to be laid by E&M
4 UPS Supply a) For UPS, E&M contractor to lay cable S&T contractor to take-up
for E&M after isolation transformer. complete UPS work including
installation of isolation
b) MCCB of required capacity with Earth
fault protection to be provided by E&M
5 Lighting of Light fitting installation to be finalized and S&T contractor to submit
Technical done by E&M contractor after submission of equipment layout for finalization
Rooms equipment layout by S&T contractor. of light fittings installation.
Lux level shall be as per DMRC illumination
6 Public E&M contractor to inform expected date of S&T contractor to commission PA
Address (PA) inspection of Fire Authorities for system prior to inspection by Fire
System commissioning of Public Address (PA) Authorities.
System by S&T contractor.
7 S&T a) S&T contractor to provide the
E&M contractor to coordinate for provision
Equipment heat load requirement of S&T
of air conditioning such that:
Load for Air- equipment in their rooms.
conditioning a) AC drainage pipe inside SER / TER / UPS
b) S&T to coordinate for room
should be connected through the
layout with E&M Contractor
S.No. Item Role of E&M Contractor Role of S&T and AFC Contractor
shortest route in coordination with S&T for installation of Air-
contractor. conditioning
b) AC should not be installed above
Signalling/ telecom equipment rack/box.
c) During handover of S&T room (SER / S&T
UPS / TER), availability of following items
is to be ensured, as a minimum
- AC power,
- Cable tray Risers,
- Air-conditioning, Lighting,
- AC power sockets,
- Data / power tray connectivity.
CCTV Contractor’s LIFT Contractor responsibilities Joint Responsibility of CCTV
Responsibilities Contractor and LIFT Contractor
Design Stage
1) Extension of CCTV 1) Lift Contractor shall provide a IP 1) CCTV and Lift Contractor shall
Camera image of lifts POE CCTV camera in all Lift Cars as interface with each other for
to the DMRTS CCTV per ONVIF standards & installation and commissioning
network. specifications approved by DMRC of CCTV Camera in every Lift.
2) All CCTV Cameras 2) The CCTV Camera shall have 2) A jointly agreed plan shall be
provided in lifts shall provision of accepting a Alarm submitted for review of
be connected to the Input (potential free contact) Employer’s representative.
CCTV Network and available in the Telephone Help
3) Lift and CCTV Contractor shall
these cameras shall be Point of the Lift.
mutually and jointly arrange a
available on all MMIs
3) The CCTV camera shall be installed mock-up for installation and
of CCTV network
in the Lift at a suitable location testing of Lift Camera during
including SCR on DMRC
Design Phase.
Network. 4) Lift Contractor shall be responsible
for all wiring and associated works
3) On operation of the
of CCTV Camera inside Lift Car incl.
Lift Help Point, the Lift
wiring from the Lift Help Point,
CCTV camera image
Help Point to the CCTV camera, Lift
shall PoP-up on the
travelling cable, Lift Shaft,
CCTV MMI coupled
Maintenance access panel (MAP)
with a corresponding
up-to cable tray Cut-Out (of Lift
audio alarm.
Shaft) for interfacing with the CCTV
4) Operation of the Lift system.
Help Point shall also
result in generation of
an event (1 min. before
& 5 min. after the
incident) in the CCTV
5) The CCTV Lift camera
shall be provided with
all functionalities as
available in the CCTV
PS including
FOTS Contractor Escalator Contractor Joint Responsibility of Telecom
Responsibility Responsibility Contractor and Escalator Contractor
Centralized monitoring (at OCC) of Lifts and Escalators provided at stations.
1) Telecom Contractor shall 1) Escalator Contractor shall 1) Telecom and Escalator
interface with Escalator interface with Telecom Contractors shall be jointly
Contractor for designing / Contractor for designing / responsible for interfacing with
providing communication providing communication each other for successful
channels (open-source channels (TCP/IP Protocol) from transmission of signals from
TCP/IP communication Escalator Monitoring Panel in Escalator Monitoring Panel
protocol) from Telecom Station Control Room (SCR) to installed in station Control
Equipment Room (TER) of Telecom Equipment Room (TER) Rooms (SCR) for monitoring Lift
every station to TER at at stations and from TER at OCC and Escalators to Lift & Escalator
OCC, required for to Lift & Escalator (L&E) (L&E) monitoring system
centralized monitoring monitoring system in OCC for provided in OCC on Optical FIber
(at OCC) of Lifts and centralized monitoring of Lifts Network using Open-Source
Escalators provided at and Escalators TCP/IP Communication Protocol.
Installation and Commissioning
1) Telecom Contractor shall 1) Escalator Contractor shall extend 1) Telecom and Escalator contractor
receive signals (Open- signals (Open-source TCP/IP shall jointly test end-to-end
Source TCP/IP communication Protocol) of Lifts communication (Open-Source
communication Protocol) and Escalators from Escalator TCP/IP communication Protocol)
of all Lifts and Escalators monitoring Panel located in SCR, from FOTS patch panel port in
from the Escalator using suitable cables, to RJ45 Station TER to FOTS patch panel
Monitoring panel located patch panel (Interface point) on port at OCC TER.
in SCR on RJ45 Patch FOTS Rack located in station TER.
Panel (Interface point) in 2) Telecom and Escalator contractor
2) Escalator Contractor shall
FOTS rack in station TER. shall jointly test end-to-end
provide suitable CAT-6 cable
communication and ensure that
2) Telecom Contractor shall from Escalator Monitoring Panel
Lift & Escalator signals from RMS
reliably transmit in SCR to station TER on RJ45
of Escalator Monitoring Panel in
communication data patch Panel (Interface point) in
SCR are transmitted to Lift &
received from escalator FOTS Rack.
Escalator (L&E) monitoring
Monitoring Panel at
3) Escalator Contractor shall receive system in OCC for centralized
station TER to OCC TER.
these signals from Escalator monitoring of Lifts & Escalators.
3) Telecom Contractor shall Monitoring Panel at stations on
interface with Escalator RJ45 patch panel (Interface
contractor for successful point) in FOTS Rack at OCC TER.
1.0. SCOPE:
The specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, testing supply and delivery
of Electronic HT tri vector meters suitable for ABT (Availability Based Tariff), Four Quadrant, Bi-
Directional power flow, solidly earthed system with balanced and un-balanced loads for a power
factor range from zero to unity (lagging and leading), with accuracy class 0.2s. The meter should be
as a self-contained device for measurement of active, apparent and reactive energy and certain
other parameters as described in subsequent paragraphs of this specification, and it shall be suitable for
being connected directly to voltage transformers (VT)/capacitivevoltage transformers (CVT) having a
rated secondary line-to-line voltage of 110v and to current transformers (CTS) having a rated
secondary current of 1A/5A 3 element 4 wire / 3 element 3 wire as per requirement. The reference
frequency shall be 50 Hz. The energy meter shall besuitable for rack/ panel/ metal box mounting.
2.1 Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification, the meter shall conform in all respects
including performance and testing thereof to the followingIndian/ International Standards to be
read with up-to-date and latest amendments/ revisions there of
1 IS:14697 with latest AC static transformer operated watt-hour and VAR- Hour
amendments meters, class 0.2s and 0.5 S
2 IS:15959 with latest The standard for Electricity metering – Data exchange for
amendments. meter reading, tariff and load control
3 CBIP publication No Manual on Standardization of Ac static electrical energy
304, July 2008. meters
4 IEC 62052-11 Electricity metering equipment (AC) – General requirements,
tests and test conditions
5 IEC 62053-22 Static meters for active energy (class 0.2 S and 0.5 s)
6 IEC 62056 The standard for Electricity metering – Data exchange fror
meter reading, tariff and load control.
The meter case and meter terminal block and cover shall meet the IS 14697 in all requirements like
shock, dust proof, creepage distances and insulation etc., The meter shall be totally sealed and tamper
proof. The meter shall conform to the degree of protection IP 51 of IEC60687 for protection against
ingress of dust, moisture and vermin.
The connection diagram of the meter shall be clearly shown on inside portion of the terminal cover and
shall be of permanent nature. The meter terminals shall also be marked and this marking should
appear in the above diagram.
The meter shall compute & record, Fundamental as well as Total Energies.
The Active Energy (Wh) and Reactive energy (Varh) measurement shall be carried out on 3-phase
4-wire / 3-phase 3-wire principle, with an accuracy as per class 0.2 S of IS 14697, the Energy shall be
computed directly in CT and VT secondary quantities, and indicated in Watt-hours/ Varh.
(a) The 15-minute Wh shall have a +ve sign when there is a net Wh export from substation busbars, and
a –ve sign when there is a net Wh import. The integrating (cumulative) registers for Wh and Varh
shall move forward when there is Wh/Varh export from substation busbars, and backward when
thereis an import.
(b) There shall be exclusive separate reactive energy registers in addition to all other billing
parameters, one for the period when average RMS voltage is above 103% and the other for the
period the voltage is below 97%.
The meters shall be immune to external influences like magnetic induction, vibration, electrostatic
discharge, switching transients, surge voltages, oblique suspension and harmonics and shall confirm
to the standards mentioned in this specification.
5.4.2 The meter accuracy shall not be affected by AC / DC magnetic field up to 0.2Tesla on all the sides
of meter i.e. front, sides, top and bottom of the meter as per CBIP publication No. 304
with latest amendments. Under influence of any magnetic field (AC / DC / Permanent) above 0.2
Tesla, if the accuracy of the meter gets affected, then the same shall be recorded as magnetic
tamper event with date & time stamping. The energy recorded during such tamper shall be
registered in a separate register in addition to main register.
a) The meter shall be self-Powered and it should also be capable of working with any of the
following Aux Supply.
i.e., 60-240V AC or DC ± 20%,
The metering system shall normally operate with the power drawn through the auxiliary AC or
DC supply. The metering system design should enable the auxiliary supply to be switched
automatically between the AC and DC voltage, depending upon their availability.
b) The auxiliary power supply shall be drawn from V.T circuit from all the three phases, preferably
equally, so as to ensure meter supply even if any/two of the three phases of the potential supply is lost
at a time.
The meters shall display the following parameters on demand (by pressing the push button) and
automatically. In automatic display each parameter shall be displayed for at least 10 sec. Both
forward and backward scroll provision shall be available in display.
1. Unique identification number of the meter
2. Date
3. Time
4. Current - IR
5. Current - IY
6. Current – IB
7. Voltage - VRN for 3 Ф / 4W
8. Voltage – VYN for 3 Ф / 4W
9. Voltage – VBN for 3 Ф / 4W
10. Signed Power Factor – R phase
11. Signed Power Factor – Y phase
12. Signed Power Factor – B phase
13. System Power Factor – PF
14. Frequency
15. Signed Active Power – kW (Forward, Backward)
16. Signed Reactive Power – kVAr (+ Lag, - Lead)
17. Apparent Power – kVA
18. Cumulative Energy export – kWh
19. Cumulative Energy Import – kWh
20. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – export
21. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – import
22. KVArh – Quadrant 1
23. KVArh – Quadrant 2
24. KVArh – Quadrant 3
25. KVArh – Quadrant 4
26. Maximum demand – (kVA)export
27. Maximum demand – (kVA)import
28. Cumulative MD (MVA)export
29. Cumulative MD (MVA)import
30. Date and Time of Last MD reset
31. Cumulative MD reset count
32. Raising demand (KVA) and elapsed time
33. Average frequency of the previous 15-minute block
34. Net Wh transmittal in the previous 15-minute block, with +/-sign
35. Average percentage voltage
36. Voltage-high VArh register reading
37. Voltage-low VArh register reading.
38. Cumulative Power Down Time in DD:HH:MM
39. Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion VTHD upto 31st harmonic
40. Total Current Harmonic Distortion ITHD upto 31st harmonic
41. Cumulative tamper count
42. Cumulative programming count
43. Demand Integration Period
44. Programmed external CT and PT ratios set in the meter
45. Computation of Apparent Energy: Meter shall be capable of being configured for
computing Apparent Energy based on lag only or lag+lead power factor, depending upon
the requirement.
46. Computation of Energies as per present / future ABT & SAMAST requirement: The meters
shall be capable of being configured for computing the Energies import & export during
each successive 5/15 minute integration period block, depending upon the present /
future ABT & SAMAST requirements and store it in its nonvolatile memory.
47. Computation of Average Frequency as per present / future ABT & SAMAST requirement:
The meters shall be capable of being configured for computing the Average Frequency
during each successive 5/15 minute integration period block, depending upon the present
/ future ABT & SAMAST requirements and store it in its nonvolatile memory.
The following parameters for load survey purpose and shall be logged with a block period of 5/15/30
minutes. The data storage required for the load survey parameters shall be 45 days in nonvolatile
memory with life time of the meter.
The parameters listed below for billing purpose and are logged at each day midnight (00.00Hrs) and
stored in non-volatile memory for 45 days.
Provisions shall be made to program the above parameters at sight using CMRI, Laptop or using
Base computer software from remote station with proper security system. Logging of
programmable parameter changed event (date & time) along with display of the same under On
Demand Display Parameters & snapping of billing data at that time shall be stored and can be
retrievable withCMRI and RMR and Laptop.
Meter shall have a built-in calendar and clock, having an accuracy of Accuracy of <2 min/year or
The meter shall have provision of time synchronization over SNTP (Simple network time
protocol). Meter shall be capable to work as SNTP client, and the meter shall be capable of being
configured as well as being polled by the server at fixed interval (which may range from from 1
minute to 2880 minutes).
When the meter detects the pulse from the server for time synchronization, then, meter should
sync itself with the time of Server, with resolution up to 1 milli second.
If the meter is not able to Sync its time with the Server’s time with above specified time
resolution, then, such an event related to drift in sync time should be visible on the display of the
meter. Thus, the meter shall also be capable of manual time synchronization. If manual time
synchronization is undertaken, then, the same shall be logged in the meter in its NVM.
The meter shall have a display of liquid crystal display (LCD) for measured values with one digit
indicating legend. The characters shall be clearly visible. Provision shall be made to read
consumption in either whole units or decimal multiples or submultiples of one unit. The display
shall be continuously with backlight digital typeand with non-destructive read out.
In case of multiple values presented by a single display it must be possible to displaythe contents of all
relevant memories. When displaying the memory, identifications of each tariff/parameter shall be
The register shall be able to record and display starting from zero, for a minimum of 1500 hrs, the
energy corresponding to rated maximum current at reference voltage and unity power – factor.
Register should not rollover in between this duration.
The display should meet the requirement of relevant standards.
The maximum demand is to be monitored during each demand interval set with 5 / 15 minutes
integration period and the maximum of these in a month shall be stored.
The meter should be also be capable of conveying the above maximum demand (as well as various
other recorded data) on the communication ports.
The meter shall be capable of being configured in to minimum of 8 registers for different time zones
to meet the TOD requirements as per concerned tariff requirements.
It should be possible to change the time period for the TOD recording through a CMRI,
Laptop/remote communication using a proper security system. Meter shall be capable to log
such changes with date and time stamping. The main control for this change shall be available in
the base computer system.
3. RS485 (RJ45) port - One No – Configurable on either DLMS or Modbus Protocol, depending
upon the site requirement.
4. One Ethernet Port (RJ45) - One No – This port should be capable of being configured to
work simultaneously on both the protocols i.e. DLMS as well as Modbus Protocol.
5. One USB (micro B connector) peripheral port at front of meter for reading or configuring
meter through Laptop or Tab device without any additional sealing provision with DLMS.
Meter should support industry standard protocols e.g. MODBUS (serial and TCP), DLMS (ICS) for
data communication with base computer software, substation automation & monitoring systems.
All the above communication ports shall be capable of simultaneous & independent
communication, and performance of each port shall remain the same whether operating alone or
in conjunction with others ports.
The following shall be captured when event occurrence and restoration and for each of event
captured “Cumulative tamper count” value shall be incremented.
Events Description
1 R-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Occurrence
2 R-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Restoration
3 Y-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Occurrence
4 Y-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Restoration
5 B-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Occurrence
6 B-Phase – PT link Missing (Missing Potential) – Restoration
7 Phase – R CT reverse – Occurrence
8 Phase – R CT reverse – Restoration
9 Phase – Y CT reverse – Occurrence
10 Phase – Y CT reverse – Restoration
11 Phase – B CT reverse – Occurrence
12 Phase – B CT reverse – Restoration
Each meter shall have two calibration LEDs (visual) for checking the accuracy of active energy and
reactive/apparent energy measurement. Further, it shall be possible to switch over the second
LED to reactive/apparent energy via suitable means provided on the metering system. This LED
shall be visible from the front side. Each meter shall have two alarm LEDs and two-pulse output
LEDs. It shall be possible to configure the alarm LEDs with different events by suitable means.
6.0. TESTS:
The meter shall be fully type tested as per IS 14697 and the manufacturer shall provide the valid
type test report (not more than 05 years old).
The acceptance tests as stipulated in IS 14697 shall be carried out by the supplier in the presence of
purchaser’s representative. No of samples and criteria for conformity from each lot offered for
inspection is also asper IS 14697.
1. 15 minutes block average frequency registration.
2. 15 minutes block net active power registration.
3. Net kVArh High registration in all four quadrants when voltage is above 103% ofVREF.
4. Net kVArh registration in all four quadrants when voltage is at VREF.
5. Net kVArh Low registration in all four quadrants when voltage is 97% of VREF.
6. Net kVArh Low registration in all four quadrants when voltage is below
97% of VREF.
7. Test for confirmation of midnight energy banking in power ON & power OFFconditions.
The routine tests as stipulated in IS 14697 shall be carried out by the supplierfor 100% meters supplied
and test certificates, technical leaflet shall be enclosed along with each and every meter.
The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture. The
manufacturer shall grant free access to the purchaser’s representative at a reasonable time when
the work is in progress. Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this specification by the
purchaser, shall not relieve the supplier of his obligation of furnishing the equipment in
accordance with the specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is
found to be defective.
The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the manufacturing program so
that arrangement can be made for inspection.
The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the routine testing ofthe bought out items. The
supplier shall give 15 days advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his representative
for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests.
The meters should work satisfactorily for a period of 10 years from the date of commissioning.
During the Warranty period, if the meter is found defective, it shall be repaired / replaced by the
supplier within 15 days of intimation, without any cost to the purchase i.e. DMRC.
During above such period, the supplier shall provide a replacement meter at site in lieu of the defective
meter, without any cost to the purchaser i.e. DMRC.
If the supplier does not honor the above, then, appropriate action as per contract conditions shall
be taken.
Before initiating the manufacturing & supply of the meter, the contractor shall submit the detailed
Guaranteed Technical Particulars i.e. GTP (including the make & model & all relevant details) along with
submitting the compliance to this specification, all relevant Standards & Regulatory requirements (duly
signed and stamped) for review & approval. The contractor shall also provide all the details
/clarifications as asked for, by the Authority competent to approve the specifications for installation of
this meter.
The various requirements/parameters mentioned in this specification are indicative and if anything is
left to be mentioned but required for meeting the Scope of Supply & the requirements mentioned in
this specification and the requirements of the prescribed Standards / Regulations and the authority to
approve the specification, then the same is deemed to have been included in this specification without
any additional financial implications to the Employer /DMRC.
part of BMS and SCADA systems. It should also offer data logging,
control IOs and modular communication with multiple protocols for
third party system integration.
Frequency : 50Hz
5. Data Logging Integration period should be programmable for Demand & Energies
Integration for 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes at Site (depending upon the requirement).
3. Frequency
4. PF
9. Phase Angle,
10. Display The meter should have TFT / LCD graphical display.
11. Aux Power The meter shall be capable of working with any of the following Aux
Supply range Supply i.e., 50-300V AC or DC ± 20%,.
The metering system shall normally operate with the power drawn
through the auxiliary AC or DC supply. The metering system design
should enable the auxiliary supply to be switched automatically
between the AC and DC voltage, depending upon their availability.
12. Inputs & 1 relay output, 1 fixed pulse output, 2 configurable pulse inputs /
outputs outputs.
4. MD reset date
6. Events/Alarms.
16. Time Meter shall have a built-in calendar and clock, having an accuracy of
Synchronization <2 min/year or better.
When the meter detects the pulse from the server for time
synchronization, then, meter should sync itself with the time of
Server, with resolution up to 1 milli second.
17. Historical Data MFM shall be capable of recording in its Non-Volatile (NVM) all types
Recording of historical data related to Energies, Demand, TOD, Alarms, Events etc.
for a period of at least 45 days and it should be possible to retrieve
these datathrough communication port.
The life of battery for the NVM should not be less than 10 years.
18. Type Tests The MFM should be type tested as per BIS & IEC relevant standards
and the manufacturer shall provide the valid type test report (not
more than 05 years old).
19. Acceptance & The acceptance tests as stipulated in IS 14697 shall be carried out
Routine Tests by the supplier in the presence of purchaser’s representative. No of
samples and criteria for conformity from each lot offered for
inspection is also as per IS 14697.
technical leaflet shall be enclosed along with each and every meter.
20. Inspection The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of
manufacture. The manufacturer shall grant free access to the
purchaser’s representative at a reasonable time when the work is in
progress. Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this
specification by the purchaser, shall not relieve the supplier of his
obligation of furnishing the equipment in accordance with the
specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the
equipment is found to be defective.
The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the routine
testing of the bought out items. The supplier shall give 15 days
advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his
representative for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests.
22. Warranty The meters should be work satisfactorily for a period of 10 years
from the date of commissioning. During the Warranty period, if the
meter is found defective, it shall be repaired / replaced by the
supplier within 15 days of intimation, without any cost to the
purchase i.e. DMRC.
If the supplier does not honor the above, then, appropriate action
as per contract conditions shall be taken.
23. Important Note Before initiating the manufacturing & supply of the meter, the
contractor shall submit the detailed Guaranteed Technical
Particulars i.e. GTP (including the make & model & all relevant
details) along with submitting the compliance to this specification,
all relevant Standards & Regulatory requirements (duly signed and
stamped) for review & approval. The contractor shall also provide
all the details /clarifications as asked for, by the Authority
competent to approve the specifications for installation of this
1 Scope
The specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture,
assembly, testing supply and delivery of Electronic Multi Function
Meter (MFM) suitable for measurement of energy and power,
demand requirement in an AC balanced/unbalanced system over a
power factor range of 0.5 lag to 0.5 lead through unity. MFM should
be a Four Quadrant, Bi-Directional power flow meter with accuracy
class 1.0 or better. The meter should be a self-contained device for
measurement of active, apparent and reactive energy, power
quality and certain other parameters as described in subsequent
paragraphs of this specification and it shall be suitable for being
connected directly to voltage transformers (VT)/capacitive voltage
transformers (CVT) having a rated secondary line-to-line voltage of
110vand to current transformers (CTS) having a rated secondary
current of 1A/5A, 3 element 4 wire / 3 element 3 wire as per
requirement. The reference frequency shall be 50 Hz. The MFM shall
be suitable for rack/ panel/ metal box mounting.
2 Standards
Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this specification, the meter
shall conform in all respects including performance and testing thereof
to the followingIndian/ International Standards to be read with
up-to-date and latest amendments/ revisions there of :
3. IEC 62053-22 (Static meters for active energy (class 0.2s &
3 Climatic conditions
The meters to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable
for satisfactory continuous operation under the following climatic
conditions :
5 Degree of
The meter shall conform to the degree of protection IP 54 (front side) &
IP 20 (back side) for protection against ingress of dust, moisture and
6 Measured Meter should display following minimum parameters
Electrical 1. Voltages – phase wise and phase-to-phase.
Parameters (Instantaneous & Average).
2. Current - phase wise.
3. Frequency
4. PF (Instantaneous & Average).
5. Active, Reactive & Apparent Power (Phase wise & Total)
6. Active, Reactive & Apparent Energy (Phase wise & Total)
7. Phase Angle
8. Power On / Off hours.
9. Load On / Off hours.
10. THD Voltage.
11. THD Current.
The meter should be also be capable of conveying the above parameters
on the communication ports.
7 Communication RS485 (RJ45) port - One No. – Configurable on Modbus Protocol.
8 Display The meter should have TFT / LCD display. The display should meet the
requirements of relevant standards.
9 Aux Power Supply The meter shall be capable of working with any of the following Aux
Range Supply i.e., 80 V-300V AC or DC ± 20%,.
The metering system shall normally operate with the power drawn
through the auxiliary AC or DC supply. The metering system design
should enable the auxiliary supply to be switched automatically
between the AC and DC voltage, depending upon their availability.
13 Real Time Clock MFM shall have a built-in calendar and clock, having an accuracy of
<2 min/year or better.
14 Pulse Outputs Each MFM shall have 2 calibration LEDs (visual) for checking the
accuracy of active energy & reactive/apparent energy measurement.
These LED shall be visible from the front side of MFM .
15 Type Tests The meter shall be fully type tested as per IS 13779/ IS 14697,
whichever applicable as per class of MFM. The manufacturer shall
provide the valid type test reports (not more than 5 years old).
17 Inspection The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of
manufacture. The manufacturer shall grant free access to the
purchaser’s representative at a reasonable time when the work is in
progress. Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this
specification by the purchaser, shall not relieve the supplier of his
obligation of furnishing the equipment in accordance with the
specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the
equipment is found to be defective.
The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the
manufacturing program so that arrangement can be made for
The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the routine
testing of the bought out items. The supplier shall give 15 days
advance intimation to enable the purchaser to depute his
representative for witnessing the acceptance and routine tests.
18 Training Of The Supplier shall provide necessary training of personnel of
Personnel purchaser at their works/Principal Works relating to design,
manufacture, assembly, testing and operation & maintenance of
static meters for 4 personnel free of cost. However travel and
incidental charges of the personnel (including boarding & lodging)
19 Warranty
The meters should be work satisfactorily for a period of 10 years from
the date of commissioning. During the Warranty period, if the meter
is found defective, it shall be repaired / replaced by the supplier
within 15 days of intimation, without any cost to the purchase i.e.
JUNE, 2021
Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110001
Draft No. DFA/3337
Attachment:Section VI Employer’s Requirements-General Specifications (GS).pdf
Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
1. GENERAL ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Application of the General Specification (GS) ..................................................................................... 1-1
5.6 Inspection and Test Plans, Records and Reports ......................................................................................... 5-3
9.5 Activity of the Employer and the Employer’s Representative ........................................................... 9-7
9.8 Witnessing by the Employer and the Employer’s Representative ................................................... 9-10
13.1 Details of supply .................................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.7 Coding and Tagging of Spare Parts and Special Tools and Test Equipment ................................. 13-5
17.12 Defined Area Working and Works Train Operations .................................................................. 17-4
MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT ............................................................................. 1
1.1 Topics .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
PROGRAMME CALENDER ....................................................................................... 1
SUBMISSION FOR REVIEW REQUEST FORM ........................................................ 1
5.1 Electronic and Electrical Equipment ....................................................................................................... 4
REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF WORKS FORM ................................................... 1
PROGRAMME REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 1
FIRST AID REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 1
9.1 Works Areas ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Application of the General Specification (GS)
1.1.1 The provisions contained in the Particular Specification (PS) and the Employer’s
Drawings shall prevail over the provisions contained in this GS.
1.1.2 The provisions contained in the GS shall prevail over the provisions contained in
International Standards, European Standards, British Standards, Indian Standards,
British Standard Codes of Practice and similar standard documents stated in the
1.1.3 This GS shall be read in conjunction with the other documents constituting the
1.2 Abbreviations
Common abbreviations used in the GS and in the PSs shall have the following
BS : British Standard
CV : Curriculum Vitae
DG : Diesel Generator
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HV : High Voltage
IP : Ingress Protection
IS : Indian Standards
LV : Low Voltage
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QA : Quality Assurance
1.2.2 Abbreviations of units of measurement used in the GS shall have the meanings as
defined under the SI system of units.
1.3 Definitions
Words and phrases defined in the GCC or SCC shall retain the same meaning within
the GS and PS unless specifically redefined within this GS or under the provisions of
clause 1.1.1 above for the purpose of a particular clause or group of clauses.
(1) “Access Dates” are dates that are to be achieved by other than the
Contractor and which are considered to be essential to the successful
completion of the Contract to the original planned schedule.
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(4) “Defined Area” means an area within which Works Trains will be
operated and the Employer’s defined area working safety rules will
(7) “Key Dates” are dates which are to be achieved by the Contractor and
which are considered to be essential to the successful completion of the
project to the original planned schedule. A list of the activities,
completion of which gives rise to a Key Date, is included in the PS.
(9) “Service Trial” means the phase after completion of the System
Acceptance Tests where the training and operating procedures are
validated through the running of the trains to the published timetable.
Service Trial form part of the Tests on Completion to be performed under
the Contract in order to achieve Employer’s Taking Over of the Works or
any Section.
(10) “Quality Control Point” means a point in time when a notice or other
document is to be submitted to the Employer’s Representative in
accordance with the Contract before the Contractor can commence,
proceed with or terminate an activity
(11) “Quality Hold Point” means a point in time when a notice of no objection
by the Employer’s Representative is required.
(12) ‘S’ curve” means the graphical relationship between the planned (and
actual where appropriate) quantity of completed work (or resources) and
time. The curve produced is to be illustrated on an accumulative basis
where the slope of the line indicates the rate of undertaking the work or
rate of expenditure of the resources.
(13) “Specification (the)” means the aggregate sum of the documents and
any amendments thereto, issued to Tenderers by DMRC as part of the
Tender process before the final date for submission of Tenders. This
shall include but not be limited to; Employer’s
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(15) “Specification (this)” means the particular document within which the
reference is made.
(16) “System Acceptance Tests” means those tests that demonstrate the
performance of the installation/equipment to the specified requirements
as detailed in the PS. SATs form part of the Tests on Completion to be
performed under the Contract in order to achieve Employer’s Taking
Over of the Works or any Section.
1.4.2 Utilities are electricity, lighting, traffic control, telephone and other communication
cables, gas, water, sewage and drainage pipes and ducts, including all associated
protection, supports, ancillary structures, fittings and equipment.
1.5.2 Clause 4.2 below prescribes the process to be adopted for submissions of
documents, material samples and any other items to the Employer’s Representative.
Schedules of items that are to be submitted to the Employer’s Representative for
review are contained within this GS and/or the PS.
1.5.3 Submissions for review shall be made in accordance with the dates (relative to the
Works Programme) stated in the GS and/or the PS, or in accordance with
APPENDIX 4 of this Specification. For items not specifically given a submission
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
date in the Specification submissions shall be strictly in accordance with the agreed
Submissions Programme or as directed by the Employer’s Representative.
1.7.2 The Contractor shall carefully check all Employer’s Drawings and advise the
Employer’s Representative of discrepancies, omissions, errors or ambiguities should
any be found.
1.7.3 The Contractor shall note that any drawings included but marked “For information
only” do not form part of the Contract.
1.7.4 Dimensions shall not be obtained by scaling from the Employer’s Drawings.
Dimensions that are not shown or are not calculable from dimensions shown on
Employer’s Drawings shall be obtained from the Employer’s Representative.
1.8.2 Conversion of metric units to imperial units and of imperial units to metric units shall
be in accordance with the Standard International Practice.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification During the construction phase the safety of all staff involved in the Works and any
members of the general public affected by the Works shall be the prime feature of all
working methods, including storage and transport to site as well as all temporary
works not incorporated into the final construction.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
Permanent Works may need to be rated for more or less onerous conditions
as required by the PS.
(4) Air throughout the Project will contain considerable moisture content and the
atmosphere will be corrosive. The Permanent Works shall be tropicalized
and vermin proof.
(5) The information on climatic conditions in Delhi / NCR / Actual project site
may be obtained from published data of India Meteorological Department
publication 2016 or latest.
(6) While designing and selection of the equipment and components, special
care shall be taken for protecting these items against dust, humidity and wide
temperature variations. The Contractor is also required to take into account,
quality of power supply available in general in Delhi / actual project site with
regard to voltage fluctuations, frequency variations, occasional voltage
surges / impulses and design his system components accordingly. As per the
experience of DMRC, high level of IP protection as well as higher equipment
ratings to protect against power supply variations / fluctuations is required to
ensure equipment reliability under severe environment / power supply
conditions of Delhi/NCR.
C Outdoors
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
0 0
(i) Ambient air temperature 0.6 to 47.2 C
(ii) Deleted
Vibration Level
All equipments to be installed on viaduct must be designed for reliable operation upto vibration level
as prescribed in EN-61373:2010/AC:2017 or IEC- 60068-2 as applicable.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
DC fields: 10 A/m or 12 µT
If the image quality is impaired by values exceeding the above the Contractor shall
provide any necessary shielding or alternative corrective measures to restore the
picture quality. Note flat screen VDU using LED technology or similar may be
acceptable if a sufficiently high resolution and image size can be obtained.
1.13.2 The datum used for the Contract shall be Mean Sea Level Datum.
1.13.3 The Contractor shall carry out all further site investigations necessary for the
construction of the Permanent Works and to enable the determination of the methods
of construction and the nature, extent and design of Temporary Works.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
1.13.4 The Contractor shall investigate environmental factors also to determine suitable
methods of manufacture and installation, both for Temporary and Permanent Works.
In particular the Contractor shall ensure that the dusty environment of Delhi has no
detrimental effect to the functionality, reliability or long-term maintainability of the
Permanent Works.
* End of Chapter *
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
2.1.2 The programmes, shall start with the Commencement Date of the Works as day one,
are to be realistic, achievable and shall be accompanied by the detailed supporting
Plans referred to in Chapter 3 below.
2.2.2 Access Dates and Key Dates shall be an integral part of all programmes and all
activities, and sequencing and interrelationships required to achieve each completion
obligation shall be shown. Milestones shall not impose constraints that in any way
affect the programme logic and float or limit the achievement of Key Dates.
Milestones shall not be introduced into any programme as constrained dates.
2.2.3 The critical path shall be clearly identified in the programme and fully described in the
accompanying programme narrative.
2.2.4 Activity descriptions shall clearly convey the nature and scope of the Works.
Programmes shall take into account the activities of precursor, concurrent, adjacent
and follow on Project Contractors as well as utility service diversions, new utilities and
connections and any other activity that may affect the progress of the Works.
2.2.5 The Contractor shall also incorporate the Employer’s Representative’s requirements
for additional activities, to further explain or subdivide complex or long duration tasks,
without affecting completion dates.
The Contractor shall monitor its and its subcontractors’ performance and against
programmes to ensure its compliance with its obligations under the Contract.
Monitoring of the Works shall include direct, daily monitoring of the progress of the
Works and the preparation of written and computerised reports to be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative. The reports shall include all necessary supporting data to
apprise the Employer’s Representative of the status of the completion of the Works as
described in clause 2.17 below.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
2.4.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit its Works Programme and three month
rolling programmes and the detailed requirements contained in Appendices 2 and 7.
2.4.2 In compiling its Works Programme and in all subsequent updating and reporting, the
Contractor shall make provision for the time required for co-ordinating and completing
the design, testing, commissioning and integrated testing of the Works, including, inter
alia, design co-ordination periods during which the Contractor shall co-ordinate its
design with those of Designated Contractors, the review procedures, determining and
complying with the requirements of all Government Departments and all others whose
consent, permissions, authority or license is required prior to the execution of any
2.17.2 The Monthly Progress Report shall include an executive summary and contain clear
and concise statements in respect of every significant aspect of the Works including,
without limitation, the requirements specified in APPENDIX 1 of this
2.17.3 The Monthly Progress Report shall contain evidence that documents and supports the
progress of the Works, as stated in the Interim Payment Certificates, to the
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
2.17.4 The reports, documents and data provided shall be an accurate representation of the
current status of the Works and of the work to be accomplished and shall provide the
Employer’s Representative with a sound basis for identifying problems and deviations
from planned work and for making decisions.
2.18.2 Deleted
(2) all Key Dates and Access Dates that have been achieved in the reporting
(3) all Key Dates and Access Dates that are planned to be achieved in the next
reporting period; and
(4) any future Key Dates and Access Dates that appear unlikely to be achieved
on time.
2.19.2 The Key Date and Access Date Report shall identify, for all relevant Key Dates and
Access Dates, the planned dates, the actual dates achieved, and where the original
planned dates are forecast to be unachieved, the revised dates identified in the
Contract, as the same may be revised from time to time in accordance with the
2.19.3 The Key Date and Access Date Report shall also provide an explanation for any
deviation from the planned dates. Measures taken or required to recover programme
delays shall also be identified.
2.21.2 The Employer’s Representative may convene at his discretion, at any time upon
reasonable notice to the Contractor, any meeting, either on or off the Site, to discuss
and address any aspect of the Works or the Contract. The Contractor shall attend
any such meetings convened by the Employer’s Representative.
2.21.3 All meetings shall be convened in New Delhi unless directed otherwise by the
Employer’s Representative. Meetings shall be attended by senior personnel from the
Contractor who shall arrive properly briefed for all aspects of the meeting and shall be
empowered to make executive decisions in respect of the execution of the Works.
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2.22.2 Quarterly Review Meetings shall be held over a period of up to 3 days in order to
review the overall progress of the Works in the context of the Project as a whole and
to address and resolve any issues relevant to the execution and progress of the
Works. Such Quarterly Review Meetings will be chaired by Senior official of the
Employer or his delegate. The Contractor shall have in attendance one senior
representative of Director level from each of the companies comprising the Contractor
(together with the Managing Director of the company acting as leader or sponsor of
the Contractor if it is a joint venture, consortium or partnership whenever necessary
and required by the Employer’s Representative).
2.22.3 The Contractor shall submit names of the persons whom the Contractor proposes to
attend each Quarterly Review Meeting to the Employer’s Representative for review
not less than 7 days prior to each Quarterly Review Meeting.
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3.1.2 The Management Plans shall be configured as a family of “stand-alone” plans and
associated documents each covering one of the subjects listed below.
The plans and documents shall be co-ordinated with each other and shall collectively
define, describe and encompass the Contractor’s proposed methods, procedures,
processes, organisation, sequencing of activities, etc. and shall show how these
combine together to assure that the Works truly meet the requirements of the
Specification in respect of the subjects listed.
Unless otherwise stated in the PS, all plans and documents shall be submitted in
preliminary form within 60 days of the Commencement Date of the Works followed by
detailed plans within 60 days of the preliminary submission. Further submissions
shall be made:
(2) whenever the development of the Contractor’s planning allows the plan to be
developed further;
(4) whenever any change occurs that invalidates the information contained in the
previously submitted and reviewed document, within 14 days of the
occurrence of such change; and
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- Not used
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The Contractor’s Project Plan shall define the Contractor's management structure for
the execution of the Works and for the control of the quality of the Works and shall,
without limitation, identify and set out:
(2) the procedures for the control of receipt and issue of all Works related
correspondence so as to ensure traceability;
(5) the procedures for the evaluation, selection, engagement and monitoring of
sub-contractors / suppliers together with the means of application of quality
assurance to their work including audit and acceptance;
(6) the procedure for the regular review and revision of each type of quality plan
and its supplemental individual specific quality plans to ensure their
continuing suitability and effectiveness, in addition to the method to be used
for revision and issue of revised documentation;
(7) the procedures for the control, calibration and maintenance of inspection,
testing and measuring equipment;
(8) the procedures for the selection, indexing, disposition and maintenance of
project records for storage in the archives. A list of items to be archived
including their periods of retention shall be submitted for review by the
Employer’s Representative;
(9) the procedures for identifying training needs and for the provision of training
of all personnel performing activities affecting quality; and
(2) The Contractor shall ensure that he is at all times represented on the Site by a
competent and authorised English/Hindi speaking agent who shall be deemed
to have been reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative
provided such agent is not expressly objected to by the Employer’s
Representative in writing within 14 days from the service of a notice upon the
Employer’s Representative by the Contractor of the appointment of such agent.
Such agent shall be constantly on the Site and shall give his full time to the
superintendence of the Works.
(3) The Employer’s Representative shall have the authority to withdraw his notice
of no objection to the agent at any time. If such notice of no objection is
withdrawn the Contractor shall remove the agent from the Site forthwith and
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shall not thereafter employ him again on the Site in any capacity and shall
forthwith replace him by another competent English/Hindi speaking agent
reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative.
(4) Such authorised agent shall receive on behalf of the Contractor directions and
instructions from the Employer’s Representative.
(5) The following particulars of the proposed agent shall be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative for review:-
(i) name;
(ii) copy of Identity Card;
(iii) details of qualifications, including copies of certificates; and
(iv) details of previous experience.
(6) The particulars of the agent shall be submitted 30 days before the agreed
scheduled start of that part of the Works. Except in the case of a replacement
agent (as provided for in clause above), in which case the said
particulars shall be submitted forthwith.
(7) The agent shall possess relevant academic or professional qualification and
have at least 10 years experience in relevant engineering works. The
Employer’s Representative reserves the right to call upon the Contractor to
prove such qualifications/experience to the satisfaction of the Employer’s
(1) identify the sub-systems as well as the civil works and facilities with
interfacing requirements;
(2) define the authority and responsibility of the Contractor’s and other
Contractors’ (and any relevant sub-contractors’) staff involved in
interface management and development;
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c) Once the Interface Management Plan has been reviewed without objection by
the Employer’s Representative, the Contractor shall execute the Works in
accordance with the Interface Management Plan. The Contractor shall advise
the Employer’s Representative immediately of any difficulty in developing a
mutually acceptable Interface Management Plan.
d) Within 90 days of notification from the Employer’s Representative of the identity
of each Other Contractor, the Contractor shall develop and submit to the
Employer’s Representative for review a Detailed Interface Document for each
Other Contractor that is mutually acceptable to both contractors. The Detailed
Interface Document shall address in detail how the dates identified in the
Interface Management Plan shall be achieved and shall identify the data
required by the interfacing other Contractors to meet the requirements of the
e) The Detailed Interface Document shall specify the proposed method and
schedule for verifying the interface integrity, the individual equipment/system
performance and the combined system performance. The Detailed Interface
Document shall include a programme of tests to demonstrate the performance
and integrity of the integrated systems. The Interface Specification appended
to the PS shall form the basis of the Detailed Interface Document, but does not
relieve the Contractor’s obligation to identify any new interface to meet the
Contract requirements. Any revision to the Detailed Interface Document shall
be mutually acceptable by contractors and submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for review.
3.4.2 The various plans shall be co-ordinated with each other and shall collectively define,
describe and encompass the Contractor’s proposed methods, procedures, processes,
organisation, sequencing of activities, etc. and shall show how these combine
together to assure that the Works truly meet the requirements of the Specification in
respect of the subjects listed.
3.4.3 Configuration management of all hardware and software shall be in accordance with
ISO 10007.
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performance and Criticality Analysis and the production of a Reliability Critical Items
List. Contractor shall also propose mitigation plan against each failure mode to
minimise its impact and restore the system back to original working state in the
shortest possible time. For all production items a First Article Inspection shall be undertaken as detailed in
clause below. Routine production testing methods shall be detailed for review
by the Employer’s Representative. Routine testing shall ensure that all samples of a
production item are within the tolerances required for complete interchangeability.
The Contractor shall prepare two copies of an inspection or test report immediately
after the completion of each inspection or test whether or not witnessed by the
Employer or the Employer’s Representative. If the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative has witnessed the inspection or test, he will countersign the inspection
or test report to indicate his review of the information and conclusions (i.e. whether or
not the equipment being inspected or tested has passed satisfactorily) contained
therein. If the Employer or the Employer’s Representative has not witnessed the
inspection or test (i.e. if a waiver has been granted, or the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative has not witnessed the inspection or test for some other reason in
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accordance with the Contract), the Contractor shall forward two copies of the
inspection or test report without delay to the Employer’s Representative. The
Employer’s Representative will countersign the report to indicate his review of the
information and conclusions (i.e. whether or not the equipment being inspected or
tested has passed satisfactorily) and return one copy to the Contractor. Where the
results of the inspection or test do not meet the requirements of the Specification, the
Employer or the Employer’s Representative may call for a re-inspection or re-test. For standard equipment, which is serial or bulk manufactured, manufacturer’s type
test certificates (or equivalent) may be accepted, subject to review by the Employer’s
Representative. It is to be ensured that type test should not be more than 5 years old from the date of
Letter of Acceptance (LOA) of the contract, unless otherwise specified in PS. Materials and equipment shall not be released for shipment until all applicable
inspections and tests including Factory Acceptance Tests have been satisfactorily
d) the inspection and testing of incoming materials, in process and final product
so as to ensure specified requirements for the material and/or manufactured
product are met;
e) the identification of the inspection and test status of all material and
manufactured products during all stages of the manufacturing process to
ensure that only products that have passed the required inspections and
tests are dispatched for use and/or installation;
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Deleted Deleted Once the inspection and any required remedial actions are completed to the
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative, the Employer’s Representative shall
give a notice of no objection for unit shipment. The Employer’s Representative will
not withhold his notice of no objection for shipping unreasonably, provided all pre-
delivery assembly and testing has been successfully completed. Any unit delivered without the Employer’s Representative’s notice of no objection shall
be rejected at the Site and all expenses thereby incurred shall be borne by the
The plans shall be co-ordinated with each other and shall collectively define, describe
and encompass the Contractor’s proposed methods, sequencing of activities, etc. and
shall show how these combine together to assure that the Works truly meet the
requirements of the Specification in respect of the subjects listed.
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3.7 Deleted
3.7.1 Deleted
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The Contractor shall ensure the timely preparation of the Commissioning Plan in a
format and to a level of detail in accordance with clause 9.3 below. The Contractor
shall submit the first draft of the Commissioning Plan to the Employer’s
Representative within 180 days of the Commencement Date of the Works. The Commissioning Plan shall consist of the following:
a. Deleted
b. On-Site Testing and Commissioning Plan
(i) Installation Tests Schedule
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a
comprehensive schedule of Installation Tests as required by clause 9.4.3
below and the PS and in accordance with the Installation Programme as
stated in clause 1.1 above. The schedule shall be submitted within the
period of time laid down in the PS, or, if none is given, not later than two
months in advance of the date for the commencement of the Installation
(ii) Partial Acceptance Tests Plan
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a
comprehensive Partial Acceptance Tests Plan including all requirements
detailed in clause 9.4.4 below and the PS. The plan shall be submitted
within the period of time laid down in the PS, or, if none is given, not later
than four months in advance of the date for the commencement of the
Partial Acceptance Tests.
(iii) System Acceptance Tests Plan
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a
comprehensive System Acceptance Tests Plan including all requirements
detailed in clause 9.4.5 below and the PS. The plan shall be submitted
within the period of time laid down in the PS, or, if none is given, not later
than four months in advance of the date for the commencement of the
System Acceptance Tests.
(iv) Integrated Testing & Commissioning Plan
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a
comprehensive Integrated Testing & Commissioning Plan including all
requirements detailed in clause 9.4.6 below and the PS. The plan shall be
submitted within the period of time laid down in the PS, or, if none is
given, not later than four months in advance of the date for the
commencement of the Integrated Testing & Commissioning.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The Contractor shall submit the Training and Transfer of Technology Plan by the date
stated in the PS, or, if none is given, not less than six (6) months prior to the issue of
the Taking Over Certificate for the Works and also to suit the staged commissioning of
the relevant systems.
3.7.5 Not Used
3.7.6 Defects Liability Management Plan
The Contractor shall submit for review by the Employer’s Representative a Defects
Liability Management Plan to repair, replace and perform any remedial item upon the
Works identified by the Employer’s Representative during the Defects Liability Period
(DLP). The first submission of this plan is required upon issuance of the Taking Over
Certificate for the Works. The Contractor shall:
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(2) the Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CADD) Manual; and Paper and drawing sizes shall be “A” series sheets as specified in BS 3429. The following software (versions quoted or higher) compatible for use with Intel-
Windows based computers shall be used, unless otherwise stated, for the various
electronic submissions required:
Deleted Deleted If required, two copies of all internal and external orders placed by the Contractor for
equipment or materials required for the Works shall be forwarded to the Employer’s
Representative at the time of issue. All orders shall state the Employer’s
Representative’s requirements for inspection and testing, shall bear the Contract
reference, Contractor’s name and address and shall indicate, where applicable, the
sub-section of the Works for which the equipment or material is required.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Deleted The Contractor shall have the obligation to upgrade, at his own cost, all the relevant
software to the latest version upon instruction by the Employer’s Representative, after
the new version of the relevant software has been launched for more than six months
in Delhi. The Contractor shall submit a drawing register to the Employer’s Representative in
electronic copy and hard copy with each submission of drawings and at an interval
agreed by the Employer’s Representative. The drawing register shall be in a format
submitted for review and agreed without objection by the Employer’s Representative
and shall include each document reference number, version, date, title and data-file
name. Specific additional requirements in respect of the numbering scheme shall be as
defined in the PS.
4.2.2 Content Unless otherwise specified or permitted by the Employer’s Representative, each
submission shall comprise:
(1) for drawings - 3 paper A1 copy, 3 paper A3 copies and an electronic
data copy of all drawings; and
(2) for documents - the unbound original, 3 bound copies and an electronic
copy when applicable. The A3 copies of drawings shall be produced as reduced versions of the A1 original.
4.3.1 Reports and records that are to be submitted to the Employer’s Representative shall
be in a format reviewed by the Employer’s Representative. Reports and records shall
be signed by the Contractor’s agent or by a representative authorised by the
4.3.2 Within 28 days of the Commencement Date of the Works, the Contractor shall submit
a Project document control procedure to the Employer’s Representative for review,
which shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) a document approval system which shall specify the level of authority for
approval of all documents and material before submission to the
Employer’s Representative;
(3) a document change or re-issue system to ensure that only the latest
revision of a document can be used; and
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4.3.3 Project records will eventually be used by the Employer to manage, operate and
maintain the Works after the completion of the Project under construction and for
future reference.
4.3.4 The Contractor shall submit the documents as required by the Employer’s
Representative as Project records in full and on time. The Employer’s Representative
shall determine the adequacy of the Project record.
(5) has taken account of all requirements for approval by statutory bodies or
similar organisations, and that where required, such approvals have
been granted. The Employer’s Representative’s response to the submission will normally be made
within 30 calendar days of receipt of the submission, provided that the submission is
made no later than the date shown on the Submissions Programme described in
clause 2.5 above. The Employer’s Representative may extend the review period
depending on the amount of documentation accompanying the submission. The Contractor shall record all of the Employer’s Representative’s observations and
any agreed actions resulting from the Employer’s Representative’s review meeting
and shall address each of these fully before submission of the respective documents
for formal review. If, in the Employer’s Representative’s opinion, following receipt of a submission there
is benefit to be gained from a meeting with the Contractor to clarify or discuss any of
the contents of the submission, he will notify the Contractor accordingly with not less
than 5 days advance notice, and the Contractor shall attend at the time and place
appointed by the Employer’s Representative. No submission may be made by the Contractor in respect of the Works or any sub-
system, part or Section thereof unless a notice of no objection has been received for
the previous stage of the same Works or any sub-system, part or Section thereof.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The Employer’s Representative will respond in one of the following three ways:
(1) “ Reviewed without Objection”
(3) “Rejected” If the Employer’s Representative, having reviewed the submission, has not
discovered any non-compliance with the Contract, the SRR will be returned endorsed
with the Employer’s Representative’s signature and the words “Reviewed without
Objection”. Receipt of such notice of no objection does not in any way imply the
Employer’s Representative’s approval of the submission, nor does it remove any
responsibility from the Contractor for complying with the Contract. Issue of a “Notice
of No Objection” entitles the Contractor to proceed to the next stage of the
programme of work. If the Employer’s Representative discovers minor non-compliance, discrepancies,
omissions, etc. that, in his opinion, are not of a fundamental nature, he may return the
SRR endorsed with the Employer’s Representative’s signature and the words
“Reviewed without Objection Subject to”, and including a list of the features that are
required to be amended, included or improved to comply with the Contract. Issue of a
“Notice of No Objection Subject to” entitles the Contractor to proceed to the next
stage of the programme of work provided that all of the Employer’s Representative’s
comments are taken into account fully and implemented exactly. If the Employer’s Representative issues a “Notice of No Objection Subject to”, the
Contractor shall resubmit the affected parts of the submission, clearly demonstrating
how the Employer’s Representative’s comments have been taken into account and
resubmit amended or corrected material within 10 working days of issue of the
Employer’s Representative’s comments, using the process described in clause 4.3.5
above. If the Employer’s Representative discovers major non-compliance, discrepancies,
omissions, etc. that, in his opinion, are of a fundamental nature, he may return the
SRR endorsed with the Employer’s Representative’s signature and the word
“Rejected”, and including a list of the features that are required to be amended,
included or improved to comply with the Contract. Issue of a “Notice of Rejection”
does not entitle the Contractor to proceed to the next stage of the programme of work
until all of the Employer’s Representative’s comments are fully taken into account and
a satisfactory re-submission has been made (i.e. one which results in a “Notice of No
Objection” or “Notice of No Objection Subject to”). If the Employer’s Representative issues a “Notice of Rejection”, the Contractor shall
resubmit the complete submission, clearly demonstrating how the Employer’s
Representative’s comments have been taken into account and resubmit amended or
corrected material within 10 working days of issue of the Employer’s Representative’s
comments, using the process described in clause 4.3.5 above.
4.4 Records
4.4.1 The Contractor shall establish and maintain a place for the storage and archiving of all
the documents relating to the Works and not required to be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative under clause 4.1 above which shall be:
(1) the same place or office where the Contractor is performing the work and
storing documents reviewed by the Employer’s Representative, or;
(2) at the Site or elsewhere in Delhi, a records office, which contains all
other, documents that the Contractor is required to maintain in
accordance with the Contract.
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4.4.2 All documents shall be filed, indexed and suitably stored to permit easy identification
and necessary audits.
4.4.3 The Contractor shall maintain in Delhi his archive of all documents in connection with
and arising out of the Contract, until 28 days after the issue of the Final Certificate or
until final settlement of all Disputes, whichever is later.
(i) The Contractor shall implement BIM system for executing and delivering the services set out in
this Agreement. Building Information Modelling (BIM) uses computing power and systems to
create 3D models of all kind of buildings and infrastructure, with information about its design,
operation and current condition. At the planning and design stage it enables designers, owners
and users to work together to produce the best possible designs and to test them virtually
before they are constructed. During construction, it enables DMRCs, contractors and suppliers
to integrate all components cutting out waste and reducing the risk of errors. In operation, it
provides users with real-time information about available services and facility managers with
accurate assessments of the condition of assets.
(ii) All services designs/design verification shall be done using BIM modelling. The Contractor
shall implement the necessary hardware, software and human resources towards this end. 3D
Coordination between all disciplines shall be achieved by incorporating them in a single model.
(iii) Contractor shall be required to produce, update and present to DMRC on a fortnightly basis an
integrated 3D BIM model incorporating all the services and system wide requirements under
the scope of Contract, in design review meetings. These models shall be 3D rendered and
shall help in design visualization and clash detection of elements as well as finalization of
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5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 The Contractor shall maintain and implement a Quality Management System that
shall remain in effect during the execution of the Works. The Contractor’s Quality
Management System shall be based on the International Standard ISO 9001:2015
“Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and
servicing.” The Contractor shall submit its Quality Management System
documentation for the Employer’s Representative’s review as specified in this
The Quality Management System documentation shall include, but shall not be limited
to the following:
5.1.2 The Contractor shall plan, perform and record all quality control activities to ensure
that all work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and is
detailed in the quality plans which are required under this Chapter. Such activities
shall include, without limitation, the inspections and/or tests expressly or implicitly
required by the Contract.
5.1.3 Without prejudice to such requirements, the Employer’s Representative may from
time to time instruct the Contractor in relation to such further or other inspections
and/or tests as are in his opinion appropriate.
5.1.4 Quality audits will be conducted by the Employer’s Representative to verify the
Contractor’s implementation and compliance with the quality management system as
specified herein.
(2) Deleted;
(3) Manufacturing Quality Plan and Site Quality Plan, for the control of
activities within each category of work or discrete element of
procurement, manufacturing, delivery, construction and installation of the
Works, including Temporary Works.
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5.2.3 Within 30 days of the Commencement Date of the Works, the Contractor shall submit
for review by the Employer’s Representative:
(1) a quality manual;
(2) the quality system procedures and any associated system instructions
and/or forms which he proposes to use for the Works; and
(3) Deleted
5.2.4 The Contractor shall submit separate Manufacturing Quality Plan and Site Quality
Plan covering all elements of the Works. These shall be in accordance with the
specific requirements of this Chapter and shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for review 60 days prior to the commencement of the manufacturing
and construction works covered by the quality plans. In addition, the Contractor shall
prepare inspection and test plans for the management and control of the inspection
and/or testing by the Contractor of the Works identified in each quality plan.
5.2.5 The Contractor shall promptly supply the Employer’s Representative with two (2)
controlled copies of his quality manual, quality plans, inspection and test plans and
related procedures/instructions/forms upon such documents being reviewed without
objection by the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall maintain such
controlled documents throughout the duration of the Contract. For any amendment to
quality system documentation, the Contractor shall as soon as reasonably practicable
prepare and submit the proposed amendment for review by the Employer’s
Representative. In addition, the Employer’s Representative may request further
copies of the quality system documents and these documents shall reach the
Employer’s Representative’s office within fourteen (14) days of notification.
5.2.6 The Contractor shall appoint (a) suitably qualified and experienced person(s) as
Quality Manager(s), who shall be directly responsible to senior management level and
is able to discharge his duties without hindrance or constraint, and provide such other
resources as may be required to ensure effective implementation of the Quality
Management System and all quality plans. Details of the qualifications, experience,
authority and responsibility of the proposed Quality Manager(s) shall be submitted for
review by the Employer’s Representative within 30 days of the Commencement Date
of the Works.
5.2.7 During the Contract period, upon receipt of a Corrective Action Request (CAR) or
similar document issued by the Employer’s Representative as a result of quality
audits, the Contractor shall submit a proposed corrective and preventive action plan
within 14 days to the Employer’s Representative for review.
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(5) the list of quality system procedures and work instructions to be
applied to manage the quality of the Works.
5.5.2 The Contractor shall also prepare inspection and test plans to manage and control
any test and inspection activities in accordance with clause 5.6.1 below.
(5) the inspection and/or test during an activity and its frequency;
(7) all Quality Control Points, Quality Hold Points and any notices or other
documents to be given to the Employer’s Representative in relation to
Quality Control Points and Quality Hold Points;
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(10) the procedure for correction or disposal of any work which fails the
compliance criteria;
(13) the procedure for the distribution, filing and storage of inspection reports,
test reports and reports on analysis of test data.
5.6.2 Each report of the inspection and/or test shall be prepared in accordance with clause below.
5.6.3 The Contractor shall ensure that a signed copy of each report of inspection and test is
filed in his filing system within 3 (three) working days of the date of inspection and
5.6.4 In relation to all Quality Control Points and Quality Hold Points involving inspection
and/or test by the Contractor, the Contractor shall give the Employer’s Representative
notice of when the relevant work will be inspected and/or tested in accordance with
clause9.8.1 below.
5.7.2 The Contractor shall ensure that audits of all the activities in each quality plan are
carried out at quarterly intervals, or at such other intervals as the Employer’s
Representative may require, to ensure the continuing suitability and effectiveness of
the quality management system. Reports of each such audit shall be submitted
promptly for review by the Employer’s Representative.
5.7.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements for supervision and verification of
work by the Contractor and/or his sub-contractors of any tiers are identified in the
quality plans and adequate resources and trained personnel are provided for these
5.7.4 The Contractor shall submit for review by the Employer’s Representative details of the
authority, qualifications and experience of personnel assigned to review , verification
and to audit activities.
5.7.5 The Employer’s Representative may, by notice to the Contractor, require external
audits of the Contractor's quality management system to be carried out either by the
Employer's staff or by his representative. In such case, the Contractor shall afford to
such auditors all necessary facilities and access to the records to permit this function
to be performed.
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(2) list the inspection and testing activities undertaken by the Contractor on
each element of the Works and compare these activities against the
amount of inspection and testing required by the Contract and the
Contractor’s quality plans;
(3) show the results of each report of inspection and/or test and any required
analysis of these results and compare these results against the pass/fail
criteria; and
The contractor shall submit the Monthly Quality Report as specified Clause 5.7.1
above. MQR would contain but not be limited to:
5.11.1 Status of Approval of Method Statements, Check-Lists & Test Procedures: The
contractor shall submit and get approved Method Statements for all site activities from
the engineer. Method Statements shall be as per Clause above. The method
statements are to be prepared for execution of each and every item including
temporary works and shall be submitted and approved atleast 4 weeks before
execution of the works. All method statements shall conform to Specifications of the
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5.11.2 Quality Walks:It is of utmost importance to keep a check on the quality of works at
site to identify any quality issues, deviations from specification, procedures laid down
in approved method statements etc. Quality walks shall be conducted twice a week at
each work site jointly by Employer’s representative, Contractor’s quality manager &
Contractor’s site representative. All deviations/non-conformity noticed/observed in any
item of the Works shall be recorded and joint report prepared, the Contractor shall
promptly investigate the matter and, within 7 days of notification by the Employer’s
Representative, submit to the Employer’s Representative for review the remedial
measures to be taken and stating the reasons for such measures. Details of all
deviations/non-conformity noticed shall be compiled and reported in the MQR along
with status of closure of deviations/non-conformity.
5.11.3 Internal Quality Audit (IQA):The contractor shall conduct Internal Quality Audit (IQA)
at each site every month during the currency of the contract. The Internal Audit shall
be conducted by Contractor’s HQ team which shall be independent of the site team.
Report of IQA shall be submitted to the employer each month along with MQR.
5.11.4 External Quality Audit (EQA): The contractor shall get conducted External Quality
Audit (IQA) at each site on half-yearly basis during the currency of the contract
starting from the actual commencement of works at site. The External Audit shall be
conducted by reputed independent 3 Party auditors who have proven track record
for conducting such Audits. Details of External Auditor shall be submitted to DMRC for
approval, decision of Engineer in terms of appointment of External Auditor shall be
final and binding. Report of EQA shall be submitted to the employer on half yearly
basis along with MQR.
5.11.5 Calibration of Test Equipment: The contractor shall make assessment of all Test
Equipment required for carrying out all quality checks and testing at site. The
contractor shall submit a list of all Test equipment to be made available at site during
the project. The engineer may at his discretion advice regarding availability of any
additional Test Equipment which shall be promptly arranged by the contractor. Sets of
Test Equipment shall be kept at each site. All test equipment shall be kept calibrated
by accredited calibration agencies at all times. Status of test equipment along with
calibration details shall be submitted along with each MQR.
5.11.6 External Testing of Samples: DMRC may get samples of material received at site
tested at 3 Party accredited labs. Cost of Testing & Samples in case of failure of
samples sent from site shall be recovered from the contractor. In case of passing of
samples the cost of samples and testing shall be borne by DMRC. The samples shall
be collected jointly in presence of DMRC &Contractor’s representative.
Status of samples collected, test results, action taken etc. shall be kept up to date and
submitted along with each MQR.
5.11.7 Status of Plant & Machinery: The contractor shall submit details of Plant and
Machinery deployed at site along with status of their fitness certificates along with
each MQR. The competency details of operator of plant and machinery shall also be
submitted by contractor for Employer’s review and approval in MQR.
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5.11.8 NCNs (Non-Conformity Notice) of Quality issued by DMRC and NCRs (Non-
Conformity Report) of quality raised by the contractor: All Non-Conformity
Notices or Reports raised during Internal Quality Audit, External Quality Audit, Quality
Walks, Site Visits etc. shall be compiled and their status shall be reported in each
Monthly Quality Report.
5.11.9 In case the Contractor is not able to complete the Non-Conformity within reasonable
time frame, the employer reserves the right to get the work done at the risk and cost
of contractor or recover the cost of the Non- conformity as assessed by the Engineer.
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6.3 All Control & Monitoring Software has to be provided to the Employer in the following
i) Source Code
II) Detailed Programme With explanation of key functions, protection schemes
and safety requirement.
III) System description and layout module wise.
IV) Troubleshooting of hardware & software including that in communication with
6.4 System should generate non- conformity statements with classification of severity of
the non-conformity. The daily reports should be updated.
6.4.1 The contractor/OEM shall ensure full support to the Employer or Engineer for all
Computer programs/softwares provided by the Contractor under the contract. The
Contractor/OEM shall be liable for upgrading the supplied software as a part of the
permanent works to the latest version, if the supplied software become obsolete/non-
compatible due to upgradation of operating system/hardware/firmware, Contractor
has to upgrade his supplied software accordingly to match the compatibility
throughout the design life of the system/software. However, the new version of
software must be fully tested and shall not result in any non-conformance with the
specifications, or degrade the operation of the system.
6.4.2 Sufficient software documentation shall be provided to give the Engineer a full
understanding of the software function and operation. Documentation shall be
complete, yet clear and concise, and include all modifications up to final acceptance.
Documentation shall include software block diagram showing signal flow, logic and
hardware interfaces. A top-level flow diagram and description of detailed operation
shall be provided.
6.4.3 The Contractor shall submit a software support plan at least 90 days before
commencement of software installation. This plan shall require the Contractor to
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provide all changes, bug fixes, updates, modifications, amendments, and new
versions of the program as required by the Engineer.
6.4.4 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, manuals and training necessary for
the Employer / Engineer to maintain and re-configure all the software provided under
the Contract.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Electronic control equipment shall be housed in racks suitably enclosed in metal
cabinets. The equipment shall be of modular construction to facilitate maintenance, repair and
replacement of parts. Standard commercial parts shall be utilised to the maximum
extent possible. Cubicles, Equipment Racks, cable and wiring Termination Racks shall not be filled to
greater than 80% of their capacity at the completion of the works. Deleted The equipment shall be suitable for the environment in which it is to be used and it
shall be to prevent ingress of all vermin and to minimise the ingress of moisture, dust
and dirt. Unless otherwise specified in PS , indoor equipments shall have a minimum IP
rating of IP54 and out door equipment shall have IP rating of IP 65 under IEC
529. No item of equipment, which is removable, as part of routine maintenance procedures
shall be mounted at more than 2.0m above floor level.
7.4.2 Cables No joints or splices shall be permitted in cables or wires except at recognised
termination points unless specifically approved by engineer incharge. Not used All cable cores shall be terminated including all spare conductors. Each cable core shall be uniquely numbered and identified with a label giving details
of the circuit carried. Terminals carrying voltages exceeding 50 volts shall be uniquely identified and
protected against accidental contact by persons, test equipment or other unintended
physical contact. Similarly, all bus bars shall be suitably identified and protected.
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8.1.2 The Contractor shall prepare, protect and store in an agreed manner all Permanent
Works, Contractor’s Equipment, equipment and materials so as to safeguard them
against loss or damage from repeated handling, from climatic influences and from all
other hazards arising during shipment or storage on or off the Site.
8.1.3 Secure and covered storage shall be provided by the Contractor for all Permanent
Works, Contractor’s Equipment, equipment and materials which are other than those
having been reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative as suitable
for open storage.
8.2 Crating
8.2.1 Deleted
8.3.2 Deleted
8.3.3 Deleted
8.3.4 Deleted
8.3.5 Deleted
8.3.6 Appropriate precautions in accordance with the Contractor’s safety regulations, the
regulations of the Employer, and statutory regulations shall be taken in respect of all
hazardous, toxic, inflammable, etc. materials.
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8.4.2 All empty cases, crates or packages, whether or not returnable, shall be removed
from the Site by the Contractor or stored by the Contractor in such a way that they do
not interfere with the progress of the works of Project Contractors.
8.5 Shipping
8.5.1 The Contractor shall notify the Employer’s Representative ten days in advance of any
expected shipment date and give further notification of the actual shipment date and
routing when such information is subsequently established. This shall complement
the inspection requirements prior to delivery as specified herein.
8.5.2 Two copies of packing lists and quality certificates shall be attached to each case or
package to be shipped. One copy shall be placed inside the package and the second
copy shall be enclosed in a watertight enclosure on the outside of each case or
package. A copy of packing lists and quality certificates shall be sent to the
Employer’s Representative after each package of the Works, the equipment, spare
parts and other items to be shipped have been shipped.
8.5.3 Without prejudice to any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall be
responsible for all legal requirements, duties, dues, taxes and other such
requirements and expenditures required for the importation of the Works, the
equipment, spare parts and other items to be supplied under the Contract into Delhi.
8.5.4 The Contractor shall clear the Works, the equipment, spare parts and other items to
be supplied under the Contract through Delhi customs/Indian sea port in accordance
with all Government of India Enactments.
8.6 Delivery
8.6.1 The Contractor shall deliver the Works and all items to be supplied under the Contract
to the Site.
8.6.2 The Contractor shall unload the Works and all items to be supplied under the Contract
at the designated delivery point and positioning or storing them.
8.6.3 Any part of the Works or any item to be supplied under the Contract that is damaged
in transit shall not be considered as delivered until repairs or replacements have been
made and all necessary spare parts or items have been delivered to the Site.
8.6.4 All documents, manuals, drawings and other deliverables shall be delivered to an
address in Delhi to be designated by the Employer’s Representative in writing.
8.6.5 The Contractor shall store and secure the Works, equipment, spare parts and other
items until the same have been inspected and are considered delivered at the
designated point by the Employer’s Representative.
8.6.6 The Contractor shall remove temporary fittings required for shipment and re-assembly
of equipment and shall complete this prior to the equipment or parts thereof being
inspected and before they are considered delivered.
8.6.7 An item shall be considered delivered when all damage have been repaired and all
documentation and post delivery preparation have been completed to the satisfaction
of the Employer’s Representative.
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9.1 General
9.1.1 Deleted.
9.1.2 Deleted
9.1.3 Deleted.
9.1.4 The Employer and the Employer’s Representative will bear their own costs for
attendance at witnessed inspections or tests (other than re-tests) scheduled in
accordance with the agreed Works Programme and subject to notice in accordance
with the Specification.
9.2.2 During the process of procurement and manufacture of the system components the
Contractor shall undertake such testing and inspection as is required by the Quality
Plan referred to in clause 5.6.
9.2.3 The Employer and the Employer’s Representative will not become involved in the
Contractor’s Manufacturing Tests except in respect of the following:
• Type Tests; and
• First Article Inspection.
9.2.4 Before shipment of any items to Site the Contractor shall present the items for the first
stage of Acceptance according to the Commissioning Plan as detailed in clause 9.3
9.2.5 Inspection The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for all inward inspection of items to be
incorporated into the system as a whole. Equipment issued by the Employer shall not be subject to Type Tests or First Article
Inspection however the Contractor shall undertake Inspection as referenced in
clause 7.1 above. Should the Employer’s issued equipment be subsequently
incorporated into another manufactured item then the whole item shall be subject to
both Type Tests and First Article Inspection.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Deleted Deleted Where only some of the required tests have been carried out, the Employer’s
Representative may agree to selected type tests being carried out individually rather
than as part of a sequence. Deleted Deleted For each test, the Employer’s Representative will determine whether the item under
test has passed or failed. In general, the test will be considered to have failed if either:
• The result of the test is not in accordance with the expected result described in
the test procedure, or
• The result of the test is in accordance with the expected result described in the
test procedure, but some other unexpected or unexplained event occurred
which the Employer’s Representative considers to be a fault. If during Type Tests, any failure occurs or the equipment is changed, it shall be
reported to the Employer’s Representative who may, at his discretion, require
repetition of the previous tests at the Contractor's cost.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Items (3), (4), (5) and (6) as required by the PS / TS constitute the Tests on
Completion referred to in the GCC.
9.4.2 The On-Site Testing and Commissioning Plan shall contain, but not be limited to, the
following topics:
(1) the Contractor’s strategy for testing and commissioning all constituent
parts of the Works and how this relates to the sequence of construction
and installation;
(2) Deleted
(3) the interdependency and interaction with other Contractors and their
commissioning programmes; the type and extent of testing and
commissioning to be undertaken and the parts of the Works to be proven
by that testing; the objective of each test, what particular operating criteria
the test or inspection will prove and how the success of the test will be
demonstrated or measured;
(4) Deleted
(5) the plan for the production and submission of the testing and
commissioning procedures to the Employer’s Representative for review
including the submission of the testing and commissioning reports and
records; and
(6) the On-Site Testing and Commissioning Plan shall be organised and
submitted in the stages described in clauses 9.3.2 above, 9.4.3 below &
9.4.7 below.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The Installation Tests phase is defined as being the final stage of assembly/installation
before the start of commissioning itself. The Installation Tests are to be performed by
the Contractor under the Contract and may be witnessed by the Employer or the
Employer’s Representative. During this phase, the Contractor shall perform static
testing of components and/or systems in preparation for Partial Acceptance Testing. The particular requirements for Installation Tests are prescribed in the PS. Where
performance across interfaces to other Contractors or to other parties is required to be
verified, the Contractor shall liase with the interfacing party to co-ordinate the test
procedures and programme in the manner prescribed in clause 3.3.2 above. The Contractor shall prepare three copies of a test report immediately after the
completion of each test whether or not witnessed by the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative. If the Employer or the Employer’s Representative has witnessed the
test, he will countersign the report to indicate his agreement to the information and
conclusions (i.e. whether or not the equipment being tested has passed satisfactorily)
contained therein. If the Employer or the Employer’s Representative has not
witnessed the test (i.e. if a written waiver has been granted), the Contractor shall
forward three copies of the test report without delay to the Employer’s Representative. The Employer’s Representative will countersign the report to indicate his agreement to
the information and conclusions (i.e. whether or not the equipment being tested has
passed satisfactorily) and return one copy to the Contractor. Where the results of the
test do not meet the requirements of the Specification, the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative may call for a re-test. Test equipment and instrumentation shall be subject to calibration test within a
properly controlled calibration scheme, and signed calibration certificates shall be
supplied to the Employer’s Representative in duplicate. Such calibration checks shall
be undertaken prior to testing and, if required by the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative, shall be repeated afterwards. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a comprehensive
schedule of tests as required by the PS giving full details and procedures for each test
to be carried out under the Contract and including the pass / fail criteria (i.e. the
standards or limits to be achieved).
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defects are discovered that necessitate rectification and subsequent repeat testing,
etc. If any working equipment is relocated or altered by the Contractor during the execution
of the Works, thorough re-testing shall be performed to verify that the equipment
remains fully functional and operates safely according to its specification. The testing
to be performed shall be no less rigorous than the procedures used for the original
testing and commissioning of the equipment. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative by the date laid down in
the PS / TS (or if none is given, no later than two months before the commencement of
the commissioning work whichever is earlier), 3 copies of its proposed Partial
Acceptance Tests records. The records shall be appropriately sub-divided to make
provision for the various parts of the systems and equipment covered by the Contract
and shall cover all tests (mechanical, electrical or otherwise), positive identification of
equipment, assemblies and sub-assemblies by serial number, drawing and
specification reference numbers (and issue reference) and any other data to be
certified by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative during the course of
commissioning. The Contractor shall during the execution of the Works prepare such reports and
records of, manufacture, installation, erection and testing as may be required in order
that any relevant licences or approvals (including any statutory approvals) may be
issued or granted. Such records shall be adequate to enable the system or its
respective part to be commissioned and to meet the requirements of the licensing
authority or statutory body. Immediately following the successful Partial Acceptance Testing of the system or any
constituent part, the Contractor shall complete the appropriate Partial Acceptance
Tests records in the agreed format and submit 3 signed copies to the Employer’s
Representative. The Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all Partial Acceptance Tests
records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification The System Acceptance Test Plan shall identify a comprehensive list of specifications,
standards, method statements, procedures, pass / fail criteria, sample records,
resources to be made available, drawings and records to be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative, and programme showing the dates for testing and for
submission of each test procedure. Test procedures shall be carefully planned to ensure that the work can be executed in
the time available. If the available time is restricted, this planning shall include
contingency plans to be implemented if testing proceeds slower than anticipated or if
defects are discovered that necessitate rectification and subsequent repeat testing,
etc. Immediately following the successful acceptance testing of the system, the Contractor
shall complete the appropriate commissioning records in the agreed format and submit
3 signed copies to the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all System Acceptance Test
records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report. The Integrated Testing & Commissioning Plan shall identify a comprehensive list of
specifications, standards, method statements, procedures, pass/fail criteria, sample
records, resources to be made available, drawings and records to be submitted to the
Employer’s Representative, and a programme showing the dates for testing and for
submission of each test procedure.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification Test procedures shall be carefully planned to ensure that the work can be executed in
the time available. If the available time is restricted, this planning shall include
contingency plans to be implemented if testing proceeds slower than anticipated or if
defects are discovered that necessitate rectification and subsequent repeat testing,
etc. Immediately following the successful Integrated Testing & Commissioning of the
system or any constituent part, the Contractor shall complete the appropriate
commissioning records in the agreed format and submit 3 signed copies to the
Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all Integrated Testing &
Commissioning records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report.
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Commissioning Team shall advise and plan to co-ordinate the activities of the
Contractor to ensure the Employer and the Employer’s requirements are met.
9.5.2 The Contractor shall participate in the activities of the Commissioning Team and Site
Co-ordination Team in addition to its own testing and commissioning or as directed by
the Employer or the Employer’s Representative.
9.6.2 The format of the records shall cover all mechanical and electrical tests, provide
positive identification by serial number for assemblies and sub-assemblies of the
Permanent Works and show modifications to Employer’s Drawings and diagrams or
"as built" data to be certified by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative in the
course of installation, testing and setting to work of the Works.
9.6.3 The Contractor shall, during the execution of the Works, prepare such reports and
records of manufacture, installation and testing as may be required in order that a
licence may be issued or statutory requirements may be met or approval given. Such
reports or records shall be adequate to enable each part of the Permanent Works to
be commissioned and to meet the requirements of the licensing authority or any
standing statutory regulations, and shall be reviewed by the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative.
9.6.4 The Contractor shall obtain reports of each inspection and/or test. Such reports shall
show the results of all the inspections and/or tests carried out and shall certify that the
work has been inspected and/or tested in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract and that the work complies with the requirements of the Contract.
9.6.5 Any analysis of the results required to confirm that the work complies with the
requirements of the Contract shall be compiled and reported to the Employer’s
Representative in accordance with Chapter 4.
9.6.6 A representative of the Contractor who has been allocated the required authority under
the relevant quality plans shall sign each report of inspection and/or test. Each report of inspection and/or test shall include the appropriate details of:-
(1) the description of the item or goods subjected to the test or inspection;
(2) if applicable, the batch from which the samples were taken for test, the
size and description of samples and the method of sampling;
(6) the technical personnel supervising or carrying out the test or inspection;
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(9) all relevant checklists and work sheets used during the inspection and/or
test, including the readings and measurements taken during the tests; and
9.6.7 After Commissioning of a part of the Works, the Contractor shall complete each
commissioning record in the agreed format and shall forward copies of the record to
the Employer’s Representative for review.
9.6.8 The Contractor shall submit within its Monthly Progress Report a complete schedule of
his commissioning records showing completion dates, target completion dates and
9.7.2 All test instruments shall be subject to routine inspection, testing and calibration by the
9.7.3 Details of all test instruments shall be submitted for review by the Employer’s
Representative and, if required by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative,
shall be calibrated at the expense of the Contractor by an independent standards
9.7.4 All test equipment must be capable of operating from the mains supply (230V AC
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9.7.5 All test software shall be subject to formal quality assurance requirements stipulated
elsewhere in the Specification.
9.7.6 The Contractor shall ensure that all inspection and test equipment is calibrated in
accordance with the specified standards or, if such standards are not applicable to
certain test and inspection equipment, with systems and programmes of calibration
which have been reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative.
9.7.7 The Contractor shall ensure that documented evidence of instrument calibration is
maintained and made available to the Employer or the Employer’s Representative on
(2) in the case of work carried out off-Site in Delhi, such notice shall be given
not less than 5 days before the work is to be inspected and/or tested; and
(3) in the case of work carried out outside Delhi, such notice shall be given
not less than 14 working days before the work is to be inspected and/or
tested. In relation to all inspection and/or testing notified by the Contractor, the Employer and
the Employer’s Representative may elect to witness such inspections and/or tests but
the Contractor may proceed with the inspections and/or tests notwithstanding the
absence of the Employer or the Employer’s Representative or of any response to the
said notice. If the Contractor is in any doubt whether inspection and/or testing by the Employer’s
Representative is required as a Quality Hold Point, the Contractor shall request that
the Employer’s Representative clarifies his requirements prior to submitting the
relevant inspection and testing plan for review, and in any event not later than 30 days.
9.8.2 Timing for Inspection and/or Test by the Employer and the Employer’s
Representative The Contractor shall allow the Employer and the Employer’s Representative a
reasonable time to carry out any inspection and/or testing and to assess the result of
any inspection and/or test before proceeding with the Works. Unless the Employer’s Representative’s prior review without objection has been
obtained, all inspections and/or tests to be carried out or witnessed by the Employer
and the Employer’s Representative shall be carried out between 0800 and 1800 hours.
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9.9 Failures
9.9.1 The Contractor shall correct all faults found during testing, and shall arrange for the
relevant tests to be repeated. The relevant tests shall only be repeated when the fault
has been remedied and the equipment demonstrated to function correctly.
9.9.2 Where remedial measures involve significant modifications that might, in the
Employer’s Representative's opinion, affect the validity of earlier tests, the Contractor
shall repeat the earlier tests and obtain results satisfactory to the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative before repeating the test in which the fault was first
9.9.3 The Employer or the Employer’s Representative shall have the right to order the
repeat or abandonment of any test in the event that results demonstrate that the
equipment is significantly non-compliant with the Contract.
9.9.4 The Employer or the Employer’s Representative shall have the right to suspend any
test in the event that errors or failures have become unacceptable. The Employer or
the Employer’s Representative shall also have the right to suspend any test if a fault
was detected by the Contractor but not reported to the Employer’s Representative
within 24 hours of the detection. In this event, the suspension shall remain in effect
until reporting has been brought up to date to the satisfaction of the Employer and the
Employer’s Representative.
9.10.2 If the test results in a failure of the item under test the provisions of GCC Clause 7
shall apply.
9.12.2 The fault log will be retained as part of the permanent quality assurance record for the
system and be subject to regular inspection by the Employer’s Representative.
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(5) whether the failure is a result of any component operating outside its
range; and
(6) whether any design changes should be made to avoid further failures.
9.13.2 All such reports will be retained as part of the permanent quality assurance record for
the system, which shall be subject to inspection by the Employer’s Representative.
9.14.2 All such reports will be retained as part of the permanent quality assurance record for
the system, which shall be subject to inspection by the Employer’s Representative.
9.14.4 The report shall also clearly show the following information which shall be entered
when the failure has been investigated:
(1) the actual cause of the failure;
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10.1.1 The Contractor shall provide comprehensive training to the Employer’s staff to
enable all of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified as part
of the Works to be operated and maintained in the designed manner safely and
efficiently so as to achieve the maximum reliability and economy, and to meet
the requirements of the Employer’s programme.
10.1.2 To achieve the objective, it will be necessary to train the Employer’s staff,
including Employer’s Training Instructors (ETI). The Contractor shall submit to
the Employer’s Representative for review and critique the range of staff for
which training is recommended and a Training Plan to be proposed for the
Employer in accordance with clause 3.7.4 above.
10.1.3 The recommendation shall include details of training equipment necessary and
appropriate to achieve the training objectives.
10.1.4 The Training Plan shall provide a structured training programme to educate and
train the personnel of the Employer in all aspects of the system operation and
maintenance and shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(2) objective, syllabus, format, class size and duration of each training
10.1.5 Courses offered shall be suitable for operations and maintenance staff
classified below as distinct from engineering staff:
(2) third line (high skill level) maintenance staff specialised in workshop
repair and overhaul of equipment; and
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10.1.6 Training shall, as a minimum, impart the following techniques to the Employer’s
staff of the appropriate grades:
(2) fault finding and rectification techniques for the systems and
equipment supplied, installed or modified under the Contract.
These shall be developed from the Contractor’s previous
experience with similar equipment and also from the fault tree
analysis and other analyses carried out as part of the reliability
engineering studies undertaken by the Contractor;
(4) all rules, regulations, practices and procedures necessary for the
safe and efficient operation of the systems and equipment supplied,
installed or modified under the Contract; and
(5) all contingency plans necessary to recover speedily and safely from
any mishaps or emergencies that may arise with the systems and
equipment supplied, installed or modified under the Contract.
10.1.7 Training shall be carried out in the medium of the English language and
supplemented, if necessary, in the Hindi language.
10.2.2 The training shall take place in Delhi, unless there are prohibitive reason(s),
and shall be related to Permanent Works that are to be or are being installed
on the Project.
10.2.4 To meet this need, the Contractor shall supply competent trainers/instructors to
carry out training to a high degree of proficiency in areas where the Contractor
has the specialised knowledge.
10.2.5 In order to ensure that satisfactory standards are met, the Employer’s relevant
Operations/Maintenance Department in liaison with the Training Department
will monitor all training.
10.2.6 During the Defects Liability Period, when the Contractor is responsible for
faultfinding and repair, he shall provide practical hands on training to the
Employer’s maintenance staff to facilitate the successful hand over of this
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10.2.7 Where applicable, the Employer will pay all of his staff’s salaries, travelling,
subsistence and other related allowances.
10.3.2 For Maintenance Instructors, this shall include specific training in the use of
maintenance documentation, all faultfinding guides and any special gauges,
instrumentation or test equipment required in any maintenance or fault finding
and analysis.
10.3.3 For Operations Instructors, this shall include training in the operation of the
equipment and the various systems/sub systems under both normal and fault
10.4.2 Training course notes shall be entirely compatible, and, where appropriate,
cross-referenced to the manuals supplied by the Contractor as part of the
Operation and Maintenance documentation.
10.4.3 The Contractor shall provide such written or printed matter, functional
equipment, samples, models, cutaway equipment, slides, films and other
instructional materials as may be necessary for training. Such equipment and
material shall remain the property of the Employer and shall be sufficient both
for the persons trained by the Contractor and for those to be subsequently
trained by the ETI.
10.4.4 The Contractor shall provide an instructor’s guide for each training course. The
guide shall include the course agenda, objectives, list of resources and facilities
required, detailed lesson plans, presentation notes, discussion guides, training
aids and job aids, test papers, criteria and methodology for testing and
assessment, and all other things that will enable the ETI to carry out repeat or
refresher courses in the future.
10.4.6 All training course notes and instructor’s guides shall be in a form that allows
for easy reproduction.
10.4.7 All training course notes and instructor’s guides shall be in a standard format as
set out by the Employer.
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10.5.2 The Contractor shall review the responses to questionnaires and the trainees’
test results and forward a summary to the Employer’s Representative.
10.5.3 If the Employer’s Representative considers that the course has not achieved
the required objectives, he will advise the Contractor who shall then organise
and implement appropriate re-training.
10.7.2 TOT shall be essential and shall include system assembly, installation,
maintenance and software modification / customisation and training of
Employer’s personnel to cover the systems/subsystems as specified in
Particular Specifications:
10.7.5 The contractor shall undertake to supply or make arrangement with the original
manufacturer to supply additional equipment required for replacement or
expansion of the network in future.
10.7.6 The contractor shall undertake to provide, if required during the life of the
equipment ordered, technical assistance in the form of additional drawings,
maintenance practices and technical advice.
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11.1.2 All Operation and Maintenance Manuals produced by the Contractor shall conform to
the requirements of the Employer. The Contractor shall interface with the Employer
for the requisite format.
11.1.3 The Contractor shall supply all documentation, including Operation and Maintenance
Manuals and “as-built” drawings, necessary for operating, maintaining, repairing and
modifying the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under the
11.1.4 Except where otherwise stated, the Contractor shall provide one electronic copy, eight
bound copies and one unbound copy of all documentation. The unbound copy will be
used by the Employer for reproduction purposes. All documentation shall be in the
English language.
11.1.5 The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be provided in the English language.
11.1.6 The Contractor shall fully co-ordinate and cross-reference interfaces and areas
associated with interconnecting equipment and systems within the Contract. The
Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall fully describe the overall operation of all
systems incorporating all equipment.
11.1.7 The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall contain no irrelevant or ambiguous
information and shall relate specifically to this Contract.
11.1.8 The Contractor may use manufacturer’s data and handbooks for individual items of
E&M equipment that are a sub-component of the overall system, including printed
circuit boards, providing they meet the intent of the Specification, and are integrated
by the Contractor into the description of his equipment, and are indexed accordingly in
his own general index. All such documentation shall be contained in similar binders.
11.1.9 Where a sub-assembly item is of such a nature that local repairs in New Delhi/India
cannot be made and it is necessary to be returned to the manufacturer as a unit for
overhaul, the specific information concerning its repair and breakdown into
component parts shall be provided.
11.1.10 The document shall be collated and numbered in proper order and correspond to the
contents and index tables. Nomenclature or references to any items of equipment,
diagrams, figure numbers or units shall be consistent throughout the text. In order to
comprehend the text, diagrams, drawings, sketches and actual photographs shall be
added where necessary. All manufacturers’ literature identification codes or stamp
markings shall be omitted. Precautions and warnings regarding the safety of life and
equipment shall be included where applicable.
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11.2.2 The Contractor shall provide documentation for all hardware and software for
computer systems and other associated electronic equipment to meet the following
requirements. Such documents shall include but not be limited to:
(1) manufacturers’ documentation supplied as standard with the equipment;
(5) flow charts, data flow diagrams and state diagrams as appropriate;
(7) memory maps for both internal and peripheral memory showing
description of all programmes, data files, overlay areas, memory available
for expansion and the like;
11.2.3 The documentation shall in all respects be entirely sufficient to allow any competent
software programming organisation to undertake programme and/or system
modifications without recourse to the Contractor. These requirements shall apply in
respect of microprocessor based equipment and 'firmware'.
11.3 Drawings
11.3.1 The Contractor shall submit such drawings as may be required for the operation and
maintenance and repair of the Permanent Works by the Employer.
11.3.2 Information contained on the drawings shall include but not be limited to:
(1) arrangement drawings for all sub-systems and individual items of
(2) installation and fixing drawings for all sub-systems and individual items of
(3) interface drawings for all sub-systems and individual items of equipment;
(4) schematic drawings for all electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, water and
drainage systems;
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11.3.3 Where instructed by the Employer’s Representative, drawings shall be supplied with
Hindi language notation in addition to English. The Employer’s Representative will
supply such Hindi notation to the Contractor.
11.4 Submissions
11.4.1 The Contractor shall deliver all documentation to the Employer’s Representative by
the date stated in the PS, or, if none is given, preferably six (6) months prior to the
issue of the Taking Over Certificate for the Works (for the final draft version), and one
(1) month prior to the issue of the Taking Over Certificate for the Works (for the final
version). The delivery shall include a copy of the software and licence to operate the
software to modify the manuals together with one set of CADD drawing files. The
final manuals shall incorporate comments made by the Employer’s Representative on
the draft manual.
11.4.2 Drawings shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative as stated in the PS.
The submission shall be in accordance with stage commissioning requirements
specified in the Works Programme and shall include two 35mm microfilms and/or
Compact Discs (CD) for each drawing.
11.4.3 Following the Employer’s Representative’s review, the Contractor shall make a final
submission of the complete Operation and Maintenance Manuals and as-built
drawings in a form and in a quantity specified in the PS. The final submission shall be
made not later than the date set by the Employer’s Representative. The type of
binder used to bind the Operation and Maintenance documentation shall be of a
design, which will permit all changes and additions to the said documentation to be
readily collated therein. The Contractor shall make such amendments to his
submissions as may prove necessary during commissioning of the Permanent Works
and the Defects Liability Period. Amendments found necessary during commissioning
shall be completed within two months after the issue of the Taking Over Certificate for
the Works. Subsequent amendments shall be completed two months prior to the
issue of the Defects Liability Certificate.
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12.1.2 The responsibility for the provision of supervision of maintenance shall be based on
the number of man-months identified during the Tender period and incorporated into
the Contract. The actual utilisation of these man-months shall be at the Employer’s
discretion and may be at any time up to six months after the Employer’s Taking Over
of the whole of the Works or the last part of the Works or the date of issuing of the
Performance Certificate whichever shall be the later.
12.1.3 The scope of maintenance activities shall include all scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance required including all routine inspections and service overhauls at
trackside, on trains and in workshops. Maintenance work shall include faultfinding
following report of incidents and repair of items of equipment changed out in the
course of fault rectification but excluding any Contractor’s liability for work to be
carried out under the requirements of the Defects Liability Period.
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12.3.2 The experts provided for supervision of maintenance shall have adequate
qualifications and experience in the relevant discipline in the maintenance depots /
workshops of existing metro type undertakings.
12.3.3 The deployment of the experts may not be continuous and they may be required to
supervise the maintenance in short periods at the discretion of the Employer.
12.3.4 The experts shall be available in Delhi at short notice to supervise the Employer’s
staff at any time during the Normal Operating hours and by arrangement to undertake
extended investigations during Non-Revenue hours.
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13.1.2 Deleted
13.1.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative for review, in the format
of a contract spares schedule, in accordance with Chapter 4 above, a list of:
(a) the Spare Parts to be supplied by the Contractor as part of the Works to
suit stage, categorised into individual parts or sealed units; and
(b) the Special Tools and Test Equipment to be supplied by the Contractor as
part of the Works to suit stage.
Such list shall be an amplification and confirmation of the list supplied with the
Tender, as may have been subsequently modified during the Tender period, and shall
be amended as necessary to reflect changes that may have occurred since the date
of the Letter of Acceptance.
13.1.4 The Contractor shall use separate sets of contract spares schedules for different sub-
assemblies of the main assembly / equipment.
13.1.5 The information supplied in respect of each spare part or special tool shall include, but
not be limited to, the following: core data - main assembly/equipment
(iii) rating
(v) total number of the main assembly/ equipment supplied under the
(iii) rating
(if items (i) to (iv) above are different from those of the main assembly/equipment)
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(ii) parts description - a full description of the Spare Part, including a note as
to whether it is a sealed unit or whether it is an assembly or sub-assembly
which can be broken-down into component parts
(iv) the manufacturer's part number (if different from the ordering number)
(viii) unit price CIF to Delhi including delivery to designated location amount
(quantity multiplied by unit price)
(ix) total number of the Spare Part in the sub-assembly of the main
assembly/equipment supplied under the Contract
(x) total number of the Spare Part in all the sub-assemblies of all the main
assemblies/ different equipment supplied under the Contract
The Contractor shall ensure that the ordering part numbers specified shall
enable the Employer to procure the exact item in future without reference
to the Contractor.
d) interchangeability information
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13.2.2 Spare Parts shall be fully interchangeable with their corresponding part. All Spare
Parts shall be configured to the latest revision during the Defects Liability Period. For
Spare Parts such as electronic components, lamps, fuses and other consumable and
high-use items, the Contractor shall ensure that a minimum of two alternative sources
of supply are available.
13.2.3 An adequate supply of Spare Parts shall be available throughout the design life of the
Works, from the date of the Employer’s Taking Over of the Works. The
Contractor/OEM undertakes to notify the Employer at least 6 months prior to deleting
any item used in the Works from general availability.
13.2.4 For any Spare Parts that the Contractor/OEM is unable to supply throughout the design
life of the Works, or where the Contractor/OEM ceases availability support of that item
before the end of such design life or if the Contractor/OEM ceases trading, the
Contractor/OEM undertakes to transfer the relevant intellectual property rights, design
rights and technology to the Employer and the Employer shall have the full right to
manufacturing drawings, schedules, software and any other information needed to
manufacture the relevant item. Such rights shall give the Employer complete freedom to
manufacture the item in Delhi or anywhere else world-wide. The Contractor/OEM shall
also undertake to notify the Employer two years in advance of the intended cessation of
spares availability of any item.
13.2.5 If any Spare Part is rendered obsolete by a design change or material change during the
design life of the Works supplied under the Contract, the Contractor/OEM shall design a
replacement item to match the identical mechanical and electrical interfaces as the former
13.2.6 If, as a result of changes in technology, any Spare Part is not completely interchangeable
with the original item, or the performance of any Spare Part is different from the original
item, then the Contractor shall purchase the same from the Employer, at a price agreed
between the parties, such quantities of the obsolete Spare Part as the Employer may
13.2.7 The contractor shall furnish an undertaking that he has no objection whatsoever and
shall not in any way deter or obstruct the Employer, its licensee or its representative
from dealing directly with the OEMs for purchase of the Spares during the service life
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13.2.8 Contractor shall obtain an undertaking from all OEMs approved by the Engineer under
the contract at the time of Vendor Approval that they will deal directly with Employer
for Supply of Spares, Equipment and/or sub-system or any required Technical support
if the Employer so desires. The Employer shall have the option to procure as many
Spares Parts as desired at a reasonable cost.
13.3.1 The quantity of Spare Parts to be supplied by the Contractor to the Employer shall be
determined in accordance with the formulae described in clauses or for particular items as
detailed in the PS. Deleted
13.3.2 Notwithstanding the quantities defined, PS or by the following formulae the quantity of
Spare Parts shall be sufficient for the full operation of the Permanent Works for the first
two 5 years following the expiry of the Defects Liability Period for the works ("Contract
13.3.3 The Contractor shall supply and deliver the Contract Spares on or before completion of the
Systems Acceptance Test
13.3.4 Deleted
13.3.5 Deleted
13.3.6 Deleted
13.3.7 Deleted
13.4.2 The Contractor shall supply and deliver the Commissioning Spares on or before the
commencement of any Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT) or as defined in the PS.
13.4.3 Deleted
13.4.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to use any of the Contract Spares to replace any
item in the Permanent Works during the installation, erection and commissioning
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13.5.2 The Contractor shall supply and deliver the Defects Liability Spares on or before the
commencement of the Service Trial. Deleted
13.5.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative for review a list of all
Defects Liability Spares that shall be maintained by the Contractor during the Defects
Liability Periods.
13.5.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to use any of the Contract Spares to replace any
item in the Permanent Works during the Defects Liability Periods.
13.6.2 All Special Tools and Test Equipment shall be supplied with Operation and
Maintenance Manuals, complete diagrams, schematics, assembly and connection
drawings, calibration instructions and circuit diagrams/descriptions for future
13.6.3 Where the Contractor has used the Special Tools and Test Equipment for installation
and commissioning of the Permanent Works, he shall refurbish and re-calibrate each
item to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative prior to handover to the
Employer, accompanied by the Certificate of Calibration traceable to a recognised
International or National standard.
13.6.4 Where any item of Special Tools and Test Equipment is provided by the Contractor, it
shall be accompanied by drawings, manuals and full operating instructions to enable
them to be used by suitably skilled (but not necessarily specially trained) personnel in
a non-hazardous manner and to achieve the desired result in terms of accuracy and
13.6.5 The Contractor shall provide the means and instructions which describe the
parameters of each item of Special Tools and Test Equipment that are critical to their
proper methods of use and which enable the Employer's staff using the Special Tools
and Test Equipment to achieve the proper performance and operation. Such means
and instructions shall include, but not be limited to, any routine checking or re-
calibration needs for the Special Tool and Test Equipment itself.
13.7 Coding and Tagging of Spare Parts and Special Tools and Test
13.7.1 All Spare Parts and Special Tools and Test Equipment to be delivered to the
Employer shall each carry a tag suitably marked, bar-coded (as directed by the
Employer’s Representative) and numbered.
13.7.2 The numbers on the tags shall correspond with those on the coding system
developed by the Contractor for all components, parts and equipment's. See also
clause 7.3.1 above.
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14.3.2 The Contractor shall inform the Employer’s Representative 24 hours, or such shorter
period reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative, in advance of
any occasion when work outside normal working hours is proposed.
14.5.2 Work that is carried out without being appropriately sanctioned by the Employer’s
Representative could be classified as defective work.
14.6.2 The Contractor shall ensure that the , construction and performance of all Temporary
Works and the and construction of all Permanent Works shall be such that any ground
movements in and around the Site will not result in settlement and/or subsidence of
the ground that will cause damage to any buildings, structures, rail, roads, footpaths,
slopes or utilities.
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14.6.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the method of installation of any part of the
Permanent Works (prior to dewatering and excavation) minimises settlements in the
adjacent ground or buildings. Dewatering of an excavation will not be permitted
unless a closed perimeter of impermeable wall is complete.
14.7.2 Deleted
14.7.3 Deleted
14.7.4 Measures shall be taken to prevent flotation of new and existing structures.
14.8.2 The Permanent Works, including materials for the Permanent Works, shall be
protected by methods reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative
from exposure to weather conditions which may adversely affect the Permanent
The Contractor shall, provide CCTV cameras covering all the major work areas for the
purpose of security and work progress monitoring. All the cameras installed at
different sites under Contractor’s jurisdiction, shall be connected to a centralized
location preferably in headquarters for central monitoring.
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done to overcome the defect. Decision of Engineer shall be final and binding in such
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15.1.2 The Employer can provide free of cost clear area subject to availability, to the
contractor on work sites for setting up of office and local stores. The provision of area
will depend on the scope/quantum of work of the contractor at that particular site and
decision of Employer in this respect will be final. The contractor shall vacate the area
before the handing over of works or as and when instructed by the Employer.
The Employer can also provide area at any other location than the work sites subject
to availability and quantum/scope of work of contractor for setting up of central store
and office, the same shall be vacated after completion of Defect liability period. The
space provided in such cases shall be on chargeable basis at the rate of Rs
200/m /year excluding electricity, water and other maintenance charges.
15.1.3 All materials and equipment stored on Site shall be adequately protected against loss
or damage due to any cause such as climatic effects, vandalism, shock and vibration,
etc. according to the nature of the articles stored and the local Site condition.
15.1.4 The particular use to which the Site is put shall be submitted to the Employer’s
Representative for review with the following particulars:
(1) drawings showing the layout within the Site of the Employer’s
Representative’s and Contractor’s accommodation, access roads and
major facilities required early in the Contract;
(2) drawings showing the layout and the construction details of the
Employer’s Representative’s accommodation; and
15.3.2 Project signboards stated in the Contract shall be erected not more than 28 days, or
such other period reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative, after
the Commencement Date of the Works. Other advertising signs shall not be erected
on the Site unless reviewed by the Employer’s Representative.
15.3.3 The permission of the Employer’s Representative shall be obtained before hoardings,
fences, gates or signs are removed. Hoardings, fences, gates and signs which are to
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be left in position after Employer’s Taking Over of the Works shall be repaired and
repainted as instructed by the Employer’s Representative.
15.4.2 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary offices, sheds, stores, mess
rooms, latrines and other accommodation and remove the same from the Site on the
Employer’s Taking Over of the Works. These shall be to the satisfaction of the
Employer’s Representative and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No
structure shall be erected by the Contractor within the Site without the written consent
of the Employer’s Representative and such consent will not relieve the Contractor of
the responsibility of siting temporary structures clear of the Works.
15.4.3 A copy of the plan showing the extent and position of all offices, stores, sheds, etc.
shall be prepared by the Contractor and retained for inspection in the Site office.
15.4.4 Deleted
15.4.5 The Contractor shall not erect or operate canteen and kitchen facilities on the Site
except with the consent of the Employer’s Representative and, where appropriate, the
Relevant Authorities. Any such facilities shall, in particular but without limitation,
conform to all regulations and standards to the extent required by the concerned city
authorities of GNCTD..
15.5.2 If, under the Contract, the Contractor is provided with Site utilities and access by any
Other Contractor under the attendance of the same or another Other Contractor, the
Contractor shall ensure that all requirements in terms of use of such facilities, their
upkeep and maintenance, etc. are properly observed. If the facilities provided under
such attendance are insufficient for the Contractor’s bona fide needs, the Contractor
shall be solely responsible for providing such additional facilities he may require for
the execution of the Works.
15.5.3 Access roads and parking areas shall be provided within the Site as required and
shall be maintained in a clean, passable and stable condition.
15.6.3 Deleted
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15.6.4 Office facilities and equipment provided for the use of Employer’s Representative
shall be maintained in a clean and suitable condition and all containers shall be
replenished if required.
15.6.6 The accommodation to be provided for the Employer’s Representative can be used
for the Contractor’s staff associated with the Project, if necessary.
15.6.7 All accommodation and equipment for the Employer’s Representative shall be
provided throughout the course of the Works and for so long a period of time during
the Defects Liability Period as the Employer’s Representative may require.
15.6.8 The Contractor’s proposals for the construction of the office shall be submitted for
review by the Employer’s Representative within 14 days of the Commencement Date
of the Works and erected within 60 days of the Commencement Date of the Works.
15.6.9 The Contractor shall, when advised in writing by the Employer’s Representative,
remove the accommodation and equipment, leaving the Site in a clean and tidy
15.8 Attendance
15.8.1 Offices for the Employer or the Employer’s Representative
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Employer or the Employer’s
Representative may supply his own temporary accommodation on the Site at
locations indicated in the Contract or in writing. The Contractor shall afford, provide
and maintain free and unhindered access to such Employer or the Employer’s
Representative’s Site offices and parking areas and for the Employer or the
Employer’s Representative’s Site officers, contractors and workmen as may be
necessary for installation, inspection, maintenance, repair and removal of the
aforesaid Employer or the Employer’s Representative’s Site offices and the services
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15.10 Security
15.10.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the works area for Contractor’s
accommodation and shall provide and maintain fencing.
15.10.2 The Contractor shall provide adequate training to its security staff to ensure that they
are able to discharge their security duties properly.
15.10.3 The Contractor shall establish and maintain contingency plans to cope with
emergency situations such as fire, flooding, serious damage to the Works, etc.
15.10.4 The Employer’s security staff will conduct inspections and security audits on the Site
and the works area for Contractor’s accommodation from time to time. The
Employer’s Representative will give recommendations for improvement arising from
the inspections and security audits to the Contractor. However, managing the
security of the Site and the works area for Contractor’s accommodation remain the
Contractor’s responsibility.
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16.1.2 The Contractor shall maintain close liaison with Other Contractors and other
contractors employed by the Employer, utility undertakings or other authorities who
are carrying out work on or adjacent to the Site. The Contractor shall ensure as far as
possible that the progress of the Works is not adversely affected by the activities of
such other entities.
16.2.2 The Contractor shall provide reasonable access to such contractors and any other
adjacent contractors and shall where necessary liase with the appropriate contractors,
utility undertakings and other duly constituted authorities on details of interdependent
phasing. The Contractor shall notify the Employer’s Representative and other
concerned entities at least 14 days in advance should he wish to alter these access
arrangements during the course of the Works.
16.3.2 The Contractor shall interface and liase with Other Contractors to ensure the effective
and compatible co-ordination of all aspects of the installation and testing of the
Works. The Employer’s Representative shall be kept fully informed at all stages of
the Works.
16.3.3 The Contractor shall assign a person as the interface contact for each Other
Contractor to actively manage the progress of each interface to ensure adherence to
the jointly developed Interface Management Plan.
16.3.4 Throughout the process, the Contractor shall liase with Other Contractors to develop
interface designs in conjunction and co-operation with the designers of interfacing
systems. Interfacing systems include, but are not limited to, those listed in the PS /
TS. These interface designs will be monitored and reviewed by the Employer’s
Representative but the Contractor shall work directly with the Other interfacing
Contractors to develop designs which are mutually acceptable to all parties. The
Employer’s Representative will provide details of the Other Contractors as contracts
are awarded.
16.3.5 The Employer’s Representative may, at his discretion, attend the Contractor’s
meetings with Other interfacing Contractors. The Contractor shall give the Employer’s
Representative a minimum of 7 days notice of all meetings to be held with any Other
interfacing Contractors, or 14 days notice if the meeting is to be outside New Delhi. If
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(2) where required under the Contract, provide and maintain fencing and
lighting around and within the areas of the Site when or where necessary
for the safety and convenience of the public or others or as directed;
(4) Deleted
(5) refrain from obstructing manholes, utility access points and the like; and
(6) Deleted
17.2.2 Work other than that necessary for completion of the Works shall not be carried out
on the Site.
17.2.3 While the Contractor is being given access to the Site, he shall provide means of
distributing loads imposed by Contractor’s Equipment and prevent damage to utility
17.2.4 Except where otherwise provided, the Contractor shall not permit any person to reside
on the Site.
17.2.5 Unless otherwise stated, the Contractor shall pay all rates and charges of any nature
whatsoever arising out of his use of the Site and all work areas provided therein under
the Contract.The location and size of stockpile material, including excavated material
within the Site, shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative for review. All
stockpiles shall be maintained at all times in a stable condition.
17.2.6 The Contractor shall not allow animals to be brought onto or kept on the Site.
17.2.7 The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the Waste Disposal Regulation currently
prevalent in Delhi, regarding storage, transportation and disposal of chemical waste.
The Contractor’s proposed methods and chemicals to be used in cleaning shall be
submitted for review by the Employer’s Representative.
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17.2.8 No rock crushing or screening facilities shall be set up on Site unless reviewed by the
Relevant Authorities and reviewed without objection by the Employer’s
17.3.2 The Contractor shall provide such services for use solely in connection with the
proper execution of the Works. The Contractor shall comply with all regulations of the
utility companies and Government departments concerned. The Contractor shall
provide and maintain installations associated with such services and in relation
thereto and shall take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the safety and health of
all persons and the security of the Site. The Employer’s Representative may demand
the immediate disconnection or alteration of such installations or portions thereof he
considers as being prejudicial to safety, health or security. As soon as any or all of
the Contractor’s installations are no longer required for the execution of the Works,
they shall be entirely removed to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative.
17.3.3 Deleted
17.3.4 The Employer’s Representative will instruct the Contractor as to the requirements for
Site services to be connected to the Employer’s Representative’s portable Site
accommodation at any given location and the Contractor shall provide and maintain
these services during his use of the Site.
17.4.2 Deleted
17.4.3 Deleted
17.4.4 Deleted
17.4.5 Deleted
(2) standing water shall be treated at least once every week with an
environmental acceptable oil which will prevent mosquito breeding; and
(3) Contractor’s Equipment and other items on the Site that may retain water
shall be stored, covered or treated in such a manner that water will not
be retained.
(4) Anti mosquito breeding sprays should be done in the area during the
rainy season at frequent intervals.
17.5.2 Posters in both English and Hindi drawing attention to the dangers of permitting
mosquito breeding shall be obtained from the Delhi Government and displayed
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prominently on the Site, to the requirement of the Enactments. These posters shall
be removed on Employer’s Taking Over of the Works.
17.6 Deleted
17.7 Deleted
17.8 Deleted
17.9.2 The TRIP will be developed from the declared requirements of all Project Contractors
and others having need of access and occupancy, at the weekly Works Train
Meeting. The TRIP will be subject to revision and updating to reflect changing
circumstances during the progress of the Project.
17.9.3 The Contractor shall work in accordance with the arrangements prescribed by the
17.9.4 The Contractor shall ensure that his working arrangements on the Site conform to the
agreements made with the Employer’s Representative during establishment of the
TRIP requirements. In particular, the Contractor shall ensure that his occupancy does
not extend either physically or chronologically beyond the agreed boundaries.
17.10.2 In this context, the definition of the terms “very large” and “very heavy” refer to articles
that cannot be transported by normal road vehicles or be handled by readily available
methods. Where doubt exists, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify
and discuss the nature of the load in question with the Employer’s Representative in
accordance with clause 17.10.1 above.
17.10.3 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Commissioner of Transport
and /or the Commissioner of Police and / or any other Relevant Authority regarding
any special traffic arrangements that may be necessary. The Contractor’s attention is
drawn to the Road Traffic (Regulation and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations and the
Road Traffic (Construction and Use) Regulations currently in use at Delhi.
17.10.4 Extraordinary traffic may be moved from docks and between areas of the Site over
public highways only by police escort and on a route and at a time determined by the
Relevant Authority. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permission from
the Relevant Authorities to move extraordinary loads and traffic and for arranging
police escorts as necessary.
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17.10.5 The Contractor shall make all arrangements and assume full responsibility for
transportation to the Site of all Contractor’s Equipment, materials and supplies
needed for the proper execution of the Works.
17.10.6 While travelling to and from the Site, the Contractor shall observe all posted speed
limits, traffic regulations, stop signs, etc., and adherence to the access route indicated
on the Employer’s Drawings or as instructed by the Employer’s Representative. No
employee of the Contractor shall trespass into any part of the Employer's premises
other than the Site or the designated route of access.
17.10.7 The Contractor shall ensure that all roads and pavements, etc. leading to and around
the Site are kept free from obstructions and shall not cause inconvenience or
hindrance to traffic or persons either by its vehicles or by its workmen, scaffolding,
plant, materials, equipment, etc.
17.10.8 The Contractor shall repair damage to existing roads, footpaths, steps, cables,
sewers, live drains, etc. and shall reinstate any damage caused by the Contractor’s
17.11.2 The Contractor shall submit full details of any rolling stock that is to be used during
the installation and testing of the Works to the Employer’s Representative for review
within 90 days of the Commencement Date of the Works. Such details shall include a
full description and drawings of the rolling stock, details of axle load, stopping
distance, fail-safe braking system, kinematic envelope, and operating and
maintenance instructions.
17.11.3 Deleted
17.11.4 Prior to use, and following each maintenance examination, the Contractor’s qualified
engineer shall certify the Contractor’s own rolling stock as fit-to-run. Thereafter, the
Contractor’s qualified engineer shall issue a registration tag. The expiry date, i.e. the
date of the next inspection, shall be shown on the registration tag. The Contractor’s
own rolling stock shall not be used without a valid registration tag.
17.11.5 Deleted
17.12.2 All persons whose duties require them to work within a Defined Area must observe
safety rules and procedures to be provided by the contractor and reviewed without
objection by the Employer’s Representative. It shall provide procedures and guidance
for the safety of all persons in the Defined Area.
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17.12.3 Deleted
17.12.5 When overhead lines are energised, EMUs may be running at high speed for testing.
No work may be undertaken on either the Up or Down tracks when test trains are
running. Procedures for gaining access to the energised track will be detailed in the
Works Train Manual. The Contractor shall make requests for gaining access to the
energised track at the weekly Works Train Meetings.
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(2) utilities;
The Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the concerned authority or party, if so
required, for any work near properties under their ownership or management.
19.1.2 Items which are damaged or interfered with as a result of the Works being carried out
and items which are diverted, removed or relocated to enable the Works to be carried
out, shall be reinstated to the same condition as existed before the Works started or
to such condition as may be reviewed without objection or instructed by the
Employer’s Representative.
19.1.3 The Contractor shall excavate by hand where damage may be caused by the
operation of mechanical plant adjacent to any utilities.
19.1.4 Except with the prior approval of the Delhi Fire Services, no damage or interference
with existing fire hydrants and valves shall be caused.
19.1.5 Prior to trench excavation, the Contractor shall carry out investigations to locate
utilities by means of hand-dug inspection pits. The locations and number of
inspection pits required in meeting the Contractor’s obligations to establish the
location of existing utilities and underground features shall be determined by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall note that many existing
pipes/ducts/cables may not be shown in the records kept by the utility undertakings,
and may only be exposed as the excavation proceeds. The trench excavation shall
be carried out by hand where there are utilities adjacent to or within the excavation
works and the Contractor shall have allowed in his programme the time required for
the exposing, temporary support and diversion of these recorded or unrecorded
utilities. Should any pipes/ducts/cables or cover tiles be exposed, the respective
utility undertaking shall be contacted to determine if all the utilities have been located.
Cover tiles and utilities shall only be removed by the utility undertakings concerned.
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19.1.6 Where the Employer’s Representative has conducted utility and ground investigation
on behalf of the Employer, the Contractor may obtain the data obtained from the
investigations from the Employer’s Representative in accordance with clause 1.7.2
above and subject to the condition of clause 19.3 below.
19.2.2 Measures shall be taken to prevent excavated material, silt or debris from being
deposited in existing drainage systems, watercourses or the river.
19.2.3 Under no circumstances shall foul sewage flow be diverted into existing storm-water
drains and vice versa.
19.2.4 The Contractor shall adequately maintain the existing drainage and sewerage systems
at all times including removal of solids in sand traps, manholes, gullies and streambeds.
19.2.5 The Contractor shall discharge water surface run-off from the Site into storm drains
via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and
sediment basins. Channels or sandbag barriers shall be provided on Site to properly
direct the storm water to such silt removal facilities. The Contractor shall remove all
silt, which may have accumulated in the drainage or sewerage systems whether
within the Site, or not. If at any time such provisions prove to be ineffective, the
Contractor shall take such additional measures as the Employer’s Representative
deems necessary.
19.2.6 Water pumped out of the trenches under construction shall be discharged into storm
drains after the removal of silt in silt removal facilities.
19.2.7 The Contractor shall maintain the silt removal facilities, channels and manholes and
remove the deposited silt and grit regularly, at the onset and after each rainstorm to
ensure that these facilities are functioning properly at all times.
19.2.8 No obstruction to flow is to be left in position longer than is necessary for carrying out
the Works. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate provisions are made for
dealing with increased flow of water during the wet season.
19.2.9 The Contractor shall keep interruption or disturbance to the public due to the diversion
works to a minimum.
19.2.10 If any mechanical equipment is required for the foul sewage diversion work, the
Contractor shall suggest and provide precautionary measures to mitigate against
consequences of break down of the equipment.
19.2.11 The Contractor shall at all times ensure that all existing stream courses and drains
within and adjacent to the Site are kept safe and free from any debris and any
excavated materials arising from the Works. The Contractor shall ensure that
chemicals and concrete agitator washings are not deposited in watercourses.
19.2.12 The Contractor shall be responsible for the Temporary Works involved in training,
diverting, or conducting of open streams or drains intercepted by the Works and the
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Site, for the maintenance of the Temporary Works and waterways as required by the
Employer’s Representative, and for reinstating these to their original courses on
Employer’s Taking Over of the Works, when and where in the opinion of the
Employer’s Representative such action is desirable.
19.2.13 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent water entering upon or
being discharged from the Site, from entering upon the works of adjacent contractors
or adjacent properties.
19.2.14 The Contractor shall provide where necessary temporary water courses, floodwalls,
flood gates, ditches, drains, pumping or other means of maintaining the Works and
the Site free of water.
19.3 Utilities
19.3.1 The details of existing utilities are given by the employer for information only and the
accuracy of the details is not guaranteed. The Contractor shall make his own
enquiries and shall carefully excavate trial holes to locate accurately the utilities
indicated to him by the utility undertakings.
19.3.2 Temporary supports and protection to utilities shall be provided by methods reviewed
without objection by the Employer’s Representative. Permanent supports and
protection shall be provided if instructed by the Employer’s Representative.
19.3.3 The Contractor shall inform the Employer’s Representative and the utility
undertakings without delay of the following:
(1) damage to utilities;
19.3.4 The Contractor shall take all steps necessary to enable the utility undertakings to
proceed in accordance with the programme agreed between the Contractor and the
utility undertakings under clause 2.2.2 above. The Contractor shall maintain close
liaison with the utility undertakings and shall inform the Employer’s Representative of
any delays in works by the utility undertakings.
19.3.5 The Contractor shall keep records of existing utilities encountered on the Site and a
copy provided for the Employer’s Representative. The records shall be submitted for
review by the Employer’s Representative and shall contain the following details:
(1) location of utility;
19.3.6 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the activities of the utility undertakings in connection
with the diversion of utility services necessary for the execution of the Works.
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19.3.7 The Contractor shall set up and manage a Utilities Liaison Group for the duration of
the Contract. The Group shall meet at a frequency to be as instructed by the
Employer’s Representative but at least once a month, and shall discuss and resolve
matters associated with utility undertakings on programming, co-ordination and
action. The Contractor shall ensure that all relevant utility undertakings and the
Employer’s Representative are represented at the meetings.
19.3.8 The Contractor shall inform the Employer’s Representative of the date, time and place
of every meeting with utility undertakings and he shall copy all correspondence and
minutes of meetings to the Employer’s Representative.
19.3.9 The programme for any section of work to be carried out by a utility undertaking shall
be confirmed in writing by the Contractor to the utility undertaking no more than four
weeks and no less than one week before the agreed scheduled start date for that
section of Works, such confirmation to be notified to the Employer’s Representative.
19.3.10 The Contractor shall monitor the progress of utility undertakings against the agreed
programmes and shall notify the Employer’s Representative of any slippage to these
programmes. The agreed programmes shall mean those programmes agreed in
writing by the Contractor and the various utility undertakings described in 19.3.9
19.3.11 In the event of any such slippage, the Contractor shall prepare and execute a plan of
action with the relevant utility undertaking to redress the slippage. Such a plan may, if
necessary, include provision of Contractor’s labour resources, materials and/or plant
to the utility undertaking.
19.3.12 The Contractor shall ensure that the peak particle velocity and amplitude of ground
movement due to temporary sheet pile driving for trench excavation or any other
construction activities, as measured by a vibrograph at all water mains within or
adjacent to the Site shall not exceed the values specified in Table 19-1of this GS.
19.3.13 Hand digging method shall always be employed where there are utilities adjacent to
or within the trench excavation works. Portable mechanical tools may be used but
shall be restricted to the breaking of the pavement surface. Due care shall be
exercised to prevent damage to the underground cables, water pipes, gas pipes or
other utility installations.
19.3.14 Exposed utility installations shall be adequately supported and protected from
accidental damage.
19.3.15 Smoking and use of naked flames shall be prohibited if gas pipes are present, or
pipes the use of which are not identified are present.
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19.4.2 The Contractor shall use every reasonable means to prevent any of the highways or
bridges connecting with, or on the routes to, the Site from being damaged by any
traffic of the Contractor or any of his sub-contractors of any tier and the Contractor
shall, in particular, select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict and distribute
loads so that the moving of Temporary Works, Permanent Works and Contractor's
Equipment from and to the Site shall be organised as far as reasonably possible so
that no unnecessary damage or injury may be occasioned to such highways and
bridges. The Contractor shall in selecting such routes take advice from and follow the
instructions of the Commissioner for Transport and other Relevant Authorities of
19.4.3 Should the Commissioner for Transport or any other Relevant Authority or the
Contractor be of the opinion that it should be necessary to move one or more loads of
Temporary Works, Permanent Works or Contractor's Equipment over a highway or
bridge the moving of which is likely to damage any highway or bridge unless special
protection or strengthening is carried out then the Contractor shall, before moving the
load on to such highway or bridge, give notice to the Employer’s Representative of
the weight and other particulars of the load to be moved and request the protection or
strengthening of the said highway or bridge. If within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of
such notice the Employer’s Representative directs in writing that such protection or
strengthening is unnecessary then the Contractor may move the said load or loads
over the said highway or bridge but otherwise the Contractor shall not move the said
load or loads until notified by the Employer’s Representative of the route which he
may use.
19.4.4 If during the execution of the Works or at any time thereafter the Contractor shall
receive any claim arising out of the execution of the Works in respect of damage or
injury to highways or bridges he shall immediately report the same to the Employer’s
Representative and thereafter the Employer shall negotiate the settlement of and pay
all sums due in respect of each claim and shall indemnify the Contractor in respect
thereof and in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges
and expenses whatsoever in relation thereto. Provided always that if and so far any
such claim or part thereof shall in the opinion of the Employer’s Representative be
due to any failure on the part of the Contractor to observe and perform his obligations
under clauses 19.4.2 above and 19.4.3 above, the amount certified by the Employer’s
Representative to be due to such failure shall be paid by the Contractor to the
19.4.5 Where the nature of the Works is such as to require the use by the Contractor of
water-borne transport, the foregoing provisions of this Clause shall be construed as
though "highway" includes any river or other structure related to, on or beneath a
waterway, and "vehicle" includes craft, vessels or platforms and shall be read and
construed accordingly.
19.4.6 If in the course of or for the purposes of the execution of the Works or any part thereof
any highway or road or way shall have been damaged, broken or broken into then
notwithstanding anything herein contained:
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(ii) indemnify and save harmless the Employer against and from any
damage or injury to the Employer or claims by third parties arising
out of or in consequence of any neglect or failure of the Contractor
to comply with the foregoing obligations or any of them, and
against and from all claims, demands, proceedings, damages,
costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in
relation thereto; and
b) as from the end of such Defects Liability Period or the taking of possession
of such highway, road or way referred to in clause 19.4.6(a)(i) above
whichever shall first happen, the Employer shall indemnify and save
harmless the Contractor against and from any damage or injury to the
Contractor arising out of or in consequence of or in connection with the said
permanent reinstatement or any defect, imperfection or failure of or in such
permanent reinstatement and against and from all claims, demands,
proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect
thereof or in relation thereto.
19.4.7 Where the Relevant Authority or other person referred to in clause 19.4.6 above shall
take possession of the highway, road or way as aforesaid in sections or lengths, the
responsibility of the Contractor under clause 19.4.6 above shall cease in regard to
any such section or length at the time at which possession thereof is so taken. But
shall during the continuance of the said Defects Liability Period continue to be
responsible for any section or length of which possession has not been taken and the
indemnities given by the Contractor and Employer respectively under clause 19.4.6
above shall be construed and have effect accordingly.
19.5 Access
Alternative access shall be provided if interference with existing public or private
vehicular or pedestrian access is necessary to enable the execution of the Works.
The arrangements for the alternative access shall be as reviewed without objection by
the Employer’s Representative. The permanent access shall be reinstated as soon
as practicable after the work is complete and the alternative access shall be removed
as soon as practicable after it is no longer required.
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19.6.2 If any trees or other obstructions are required to be removed during the execution of
the Works which are not specifically required to be removed or otherwise catered for,
the Contractor shall draw the attention of the Employer’s Representative to them and
shall not remove them without having received a notice of no objection from the
Employer’s Representative.
19.7.2 Provided that the provisions of this Paragraph shall not be applicable in the case of
emergency work necessary to save life or property or for the safety of the Works or in
the case of blasting operations necessitated by urgency and reviewed by the
Employer’s Representative.
19.7.3 The Contractor shall provide a sound level meter (as specified in this Specification),
reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative, for the exclusive use of
the Employer’s Representative at all times during the continuance of the Contract.
19.8.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary liaison to ensure compliance
with the requirements of unproductive disposal of any surplus excavated rock or soft
material which is suitable for filling
19.8.3 The Contractor shall conform to all pertinent Environmental Protection Ordinances
and be liable for any breach of such Ordinances committed by himself and/or his sub-
contractors during the disposal of surplus excavated material and water from the Site.
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
21.1 Photographs
21.1.1 Colour progress photographs showing the progress of the Works and the quality of
the materials and workmanship shall be taken by the Contractor. The photographs
shall be taken by a professional photographer, nominated by the Contractor and
reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative. Processing shall be
carried out by a competent processing firm, nominated by the Contractor and
reviewed without objection by the Employer’s Representative. The photographs shall
be taken under the direction of the Employer or the Employer’s Representative at
locations selected by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative. Photographs
shall be taken once every month and at other times instructed by the Employer or the
Employer’s Representative.21.1.2 One proof 3R print of each progress
photograph shall be provided to the Employer’s Representative not more than 2 days
after the photographs are taken. The Employer’s Representative shall select the sets
of progress photographs to be provided. The selected sets shall be provided not
more than 2 days after the Employer’s Representative has selected the sets. The
following shall be provided for the Employer’s Representative:
(1) one set of each selected progress photograph comprising the negatives
and three 3R prints;
21.1.3 The Contractor shall provide to the Employer’s Representative the photographs
selected in clause above on Photo Compact Disks with a minimum resolution of 64
Base (4096 x 6144).
21.1.4 The Contractor may propose to the Employer’s Representative the use of a digital
photography system to meet the requirements of this Chapter. The Employer’s
Representative shall at his discretion, review the proposed system for practical and
technical compliance.
21.1.5 Colour progress photographs shall provide a fair representation of the Works. A
minimum of 24 photographs per month shall be submitted to the Employer’s
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
22.2 Applicability
22.2.3 Where the Contractor is required to provide temporary electrical supplies, or to use, extend or
expand on temporary supplies installed by others, all such activity shall be executed in
accordance with clauses 22.3 to 22.19 inclusive.
22.2.4 When the Contractor makes use of temporary electrical supplies provided by other, viz.
Project (Civil) Contractors, he will observe and comply with the requirements of this Chapter.
22.3.4 The name and contact telephone number of the representative having been reviewed without
objection by the Employer’s Representative shall be displayed at the main distribution board
for the temporary electrical supply so that he can be contacted in case of an emergency.
22.3.5 The Contractor shall submit schematic diagrams and the details of the equipment for all
temporary electrical installations, and these diagrams together with the temporary electrical
equipment shall be submitted to the Employer’s Representative for review.
22.3.6 All electrical installation work on Site shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements
laid down in BS 7375 and the Specification. All work shall be supervised or executed by
qualified and suitably categorised electricians, who are registered as such under the
Electricity Ordinance 1990/Electricity (Registration) Regulations 1990.
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All materials, appliances and components used within the distribution system shall
comply with BS 4363 and BS 7375 Appendix A.
22.6.4 Single-phase voltage shall be as the Electricity Companies' Utility supplies, 240V supply.
(6) Site lighting (other than flood lighting) - 115V 1 phase; and
22.7.4 When the low voltage supply is energised via the Employer's transformer, any power utilised
from that source shall be either 415V 3 phase or / 240V single phase as appropriate. The
Contractor shall carry out any conversion that may be necessary to enable him to use power
from that source.
22.8.4 Discrimination between circuit breakers, circuit breakers and fuses shall be in accordance
(1) BS 88;
(3) BS 7375;
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22.9 Earthing
22.9.3 Earthing and bonding shall be provided for all electrical installations and equipment to prevent
the possibility of dangerous voltage rises and to ensure that faults are rapidly cleared by
installed circuit protection.
(2) BS 7430;
Low voltage plugs, sockets and couplers shall be colour coded in accordance with BS
7375, and constructed to conform to BS EN 60309. High voltage couplers and 'T'
connections shall be in accordance with BS 3905.
22.11 Cables
22.11.3 Cables shall be selected after full consideration of the conditions to which they will be
exposed and the duties for which they are required. Supply cables up to 3.3KV shall
be FR type in accordance with BS 6346/ IS 694. The cable armouring shall
be used as the earth return in conditions where the cable is continuously extended
and not subject to continuous movement after installation.
22.11.4 For supplies to mobile or transportable equipment where operation of the equipment
subjects the cable to flexing, the cable shall conform to one of the following standards
appropriate to the duties imposed on it:
(2) BS 6007 rubber insulated cables for electric power and lighting; and
Where low voltage cables are to be used, reference shall be made to BS 7375. The
following standards shall also be referred to particularly for underground cables:-
(1) BS 6346 for armoured PVC insulated cables; and
22.11.6 All cables which have a voltage to earth exceeding 65 V (except for supplies from
welding transformers to welding electrodes) shall be of a type having a metal sheath
and/or armour which shall be continuous and effectively earthed. In the case of
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flexible or trailing cables, such earthed metal sheath and/or armour shall be in
addition to the earth core in the cable and shall not be used as the sole earth
22.11.7 Armoured cables having an over-sheath of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or an oil resisting
and flame retardant compound shall be used whenever there is a risk of mechanical
damage occurring.
22.11.8 For resistance to the effects of sunlight, overall non-metallic covering of cables shall
be black in colour.
22.11.9 Cables which have applied to them a voltage to earth exceeding 12 V but not
normally exceeding 65 V shall be either one of the type as described in clause 0
above or alternatively of a type insulated and sheathed with a general purpose or
heat resisting elastomer.
22.11.10 All cables that are likely to be frequently moved in normal use shall be flexible cables.
22.12.4 Voltage shall not exceed 55 V to earth except when the supply is to a fixed point and
where the lighting fixture is fixed in position.
22.12.5 Luminaries shall have a degree of protection not less than IP 54. In particularly bad
environments where the luminaries are exposed to excesses of dust and water, a
degree of protection to IP 65 shall be employed.
22.12.6 Where the Employer’s Representative requires Site inspection of the Works, the
Contractor shall upgrade the lighting level to a minimum of 200 lux by localised
lighting in all areas.
22.12.7 Use of wire guards or other such devices shall provide mechanical protection of
luminaries against damage by impact whenever risk of damage occurs.
22.13.4 Motor control and protection circuits shall be as stipulated in BS 6164. Emergency
stops for machinery shall be provided.
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22.15 Identification
Identification labels of a type reviewed without objection by the Employer’s
Representative shall be affixed to all electrical switches, circuit breakers and motors
to specify their purpose.
22.16 Maintenance
Strict maintenance and regular checks of control apparatus and wiring distribution
systems shall be carried out by an electrician (duly qualified to carry out the said
checks) to ensure safe and efficient operation of the systems. The Contractor shall
submit for review by the Employer’s Representative details of his maintenance
schedule and maintenance works record.
22.18 Metering
22.18.3 For the purposes of the clause 22.18 above, “construction works” shall mean the Works
excluding both the Contractor's on and off Site, fabrication facilities, workshops, work-yards,
offices and stores.
22.18.4 The Contractor shall install a separately metered and invoiced supply or supplies of electricity
(1) Site fabrication facilities;
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
1.1 The Monthly Progress Report required under clause 2.17 of the GS shall include as
a minimum the following sections and topics:
(1) Executive Summary, highlighting any matters of concern and explaining
corrective action to be taken
(2) Three month Rolling Programme and overall progress
(3) Physical progress report (see Paragraph 2.19 of the General
(4) Achievement of Key Dates and Milestone Dates planned vs actual dates
(5) Planning, Interface and Interface co-ordination progress
(6) Approval of design and drawings, vendor finalisation
(7) Issue of purchase orders for equipments, expected date of inspection,
expected date of arrival at site.
(8) Installation / erection on Site
(9) Commissioning activity
(10) System integration tests
(11) Training
(12) Maintenance issues
(13) Payments / invoices
(14) Employer’s Representative’s instructions and variation orders
(15) Claims / potential claims
(16) Contractor’s resources (details of all staff and sub-contractors engaged on
the Works)
The Monthly Progress Reports shall be accompanied by:
2.1 The programmes shall show current status to provide a comparison between the
Works Programme and reported progress.
2.2 Actual progress shall be reported for each activity in the Works Programme in the
following terms:
(1) the percentage of the work which is complete;
(2) the remaining duration of the work;
(3) the actual start date; and
(4) the actual completion date.
2.3 Actual progress shall reflect the physical scope of the work that has been completed
and shall not be calculated based on elapsed time or hours worked. Any automatic
statistical indications in the Contractor’s software that is based on this principle shall
be disabled.
2.4 Each Monthly Progress Report shall include a programme activity listing and an
analysis report. All activities that have negative float shall be analysed by the
Contractor to identify the impact on the achievement of target dates.
3.0 Copies
3.1 The Contractor shall submit 1 unbound original and 4 bound hard copies of all
Progress Reports and of the accompanying documents plus one copy in electronic
format compatible with Microsoft Office and Primavera P3 applications.
* End of Appendix 1 *
(vii) (1) The Project Weeks shall be commenced on a Monday. A day shall
be deemed to commence at 0001 hour on the morning of the day in
question. Where reference is made to the completion of an activity or
Milestone by a particular week, this shall mean by midnight on the
Sunday of that week.
(viii) (2) Requirements for the computation of Key Dates are given in FOT of
the Contract.
(ix) (3) A 7 day week calendar shall be adopted for various (Work)
programme schedules for scheduling purposes.
(x) (4) For Project purposes, the presentation shall be in ‘Week’ units.
The material submitted has been reviewed and the following decision is given:
“No Objection” / “No Objection Subject To” (see below) / “Rejected” (see below)
The following comments are made and a re-submission is to be made by the Contractor within 10
working days demonstrating fully how all of these are taken into account:
(Employer’s Representative’s comments)
Signed (Employer’s Representative)
* End of Appendix 3 *
41 System Acceptance Tests Immediately following the successful System Acceptance
Records Tests
43 Service Trial Records Immediately following the successful Service Trial of the
44 Summaries of Inspection 9.6.11 7 day of the following month
and/or Test
45 Operation & Maintenance 11.4.1 As stated in the PS or if not given, not later than 6
documentation (Draft months prior to the issue of the Taking Over Certificate
Version) for the Works
46 Operation & Maintenance 11.4.3 As stated in the PS or if not given, not later than 1 month
documentation prior to the issue of the Taking Over Certificate for the
47 Spare Parts & Tools and 13.1.3 As stated in the PS
Tackles List
48 Detailed written report of Error! Within 7 days of occurrence/accident
accidents, incidents and Reference
dangerous occurrence source not
49 Name and qualification of 22.3.3 Not later than 4 weeks before appointment
safety representative for
temporary site electricity
* End of Appendix 4 *
vii. The test is applied between terminals (other than the earth terminal) either
associated with the same circuit (e.g. between power supply terminals) or
associated with different circuits (e.g. between input signal terminals and output
signal terminals). All terminals of circuits not involved in the test shall preferably
be connected to earth.
viii. For example, a series mode test on an RTU analogue input circuit would involve
applying the test between the positive and negative analogue signal input
terminals, preferably with all other terminals connected to earth.
ix. For each item of equipment to be tested, there may be many combinations of
terminals to which series mode testing could be applied. Not all combinations
may be relevant or subject to the conditions against which a particular test is to be
performed. However, the Contractor shall test all combinations unless specifically
agreed otherwise by the Employer’s Representative.
2 Mechanical Tests
i. Equipment intended for use with vibration isolators shall normally be tested with
its isolator. When this is not possible, the equipment shall be rigidly secured to
the vibrator and the input vibration levels modified to include transmissibility of the
ii. Equipment under test is to be mounted in its normal operational attitude.
iii. Frequency Range: See Chapter 6, Paragraph 5.5 (Equipment Requirements).
iv. Vibration Amplitude: See Chapter 6, Paragraph 5.5 (Equipment Requirements).
v. Special crossover frequency: See Chapter 6, Paragraph 5.5 (Equipment
vi. Type and duration of endurance:
a. Endurance by sweeping 6 hours, i.e. 2 hours per axis
b. Endurance at critical frequencies (as defined in the above standard clause 8.1): 1
minute at each frequency providing not more than four such frequencies exist per
vii. Pre-conditioning: None.
viii. Initial measurements Functional test to the appropriate test procedure.
ix. Axes of vibration: Three mutually perpendicular axes in turn.
x. Force Limitation: Not required.
3.1 Dry Heat Test
i. The dry heat test shall be carried out on each complete piece of equipment or
assembly, with all doors and covers being in place and closed as in normal
ii. Test conditions shall be in accordance with IEC 68-2-2. Information required for
paragraph 44 of that test:
a. Laboratory ambient.
b. Visual inspection.
c. Assembled and mounted in rack, enclosure or cabinet ready for operation or
d. On.
e. Maximum class temperature (see Chapter 6, Chapter 5.2, Equipment
Requirements) for 16 hours.
f. At maximum class temperature after 16 hours, switch on and function test to
g. Recovery at laboratory ambient.
h. Visual inspection and function test to specification.
i. None.
3.2 Low Temperature Test (in case applicable for Delhi ambient
temperature range)
i. The low temperature test shall be carried out on each complete piece of
equipment or assembly, with all doors and covers being in place and closed as in
normal operation.
ii. Test conditions shall be in accordance with IEC 68-2-1. Information required for
paragraph 33 of that test:
a. Laboratory ambient.
b. Visual inspection and function test to specification.
c. Assembled and mounted in rack, enclosure or cabinet ready for operation or
d. Off.
e. Minimum class temperature (see Chapter 6, Paragraph 5.2, Equipment
Requirements) for 16 hours.
f. At minimum class temperature after 16 hours, switch on and function test to
g. Recovery at laboratory ambient.
h. Visual inspection and function test to specification.
i. None.
ii. Test conditions shall be in accordance with IEC 68-2-30. Information required for
paragraph 10 of that test:
i. Maximum class temperature, two cycles.
ii. Visual inspection and function test to specification.
iii. Switched on, ready to use.
iv. None.
v. Variant 2.
vi. At maximum class temperature after 12 hours, function test to Specification. At 6
hours after the temperature starts to fall a further function test to specification. Tests
to be repeated during second cycle.
vii. Laboratory ambient conditions.
viii. None.
ix. Visual inspection and function test to specification within 4 hours.
04 Electrical Tests
4.1 Supply Variations
Measurements of equipment performance and maximum VA consumption shall be
made, for supply voltage and frequency variations in all possible combinations of
upper limit, normal and lower limit as detailed in the Specification. Throughout these
tests, the equipment shall function in accordance with the Specification.
iv. The test to be applied is based on IEC 801-3 over a frequency range of 27 MHz
to 500 MHz. The Severity Level (Chapter 5) to be applied shall be as follows:
v. The Contractor shall state to what field strength the equipment is immune, and
include as an option the cost of testing to 10 V/m. The equipment functionality
and performance shall not be degraded during or after the RFI test.
vi. With regard to RTUs and tele-protection equipment, the command outputs shall
be immune to mal-operation with the cubicle doors open when the equipment is
subjected to the radiated field strengths mentioned above.
i. Where a barrier is used to provide isolation from external circuits, its insulation
resistance shall be measured.
ii. If the barrier is required to withstand high voltage stresses, then it shall be
stressed at the specified voltage to demonstrate its withstand capability and a
further insulation resistance test shall be made to ascertain that it has not been
significantly degraded as a result of the stress being applied.
iii. The insulation of all circuits that include contacts of switches, relays or contractors
for isolation functions shall be tested for insulation resistance, R1. R1 shall not be
less than 20 mega ohm when measured at 500 V dc.
iv. For switches, relays and contractors, 500 V is to be applied between:
a. The opposite ends of each circuit with contacts in open position.
b. Both ends of each circuit to earth with contacts in closed position.
v. For circuits intended for connection to 100 V ac or dc and above, 2 kV RMS shall
be applied for one minute and this shall be followed by a further test for insulation
resistance, R2.
vi. Stress to be applied between:
a. The individual circuits of this type.
b. Each circuit of this type and all other circuits including earth. These other
circuits can be strapped together electrically for the purpose of this test.
vii. Final insulation resistance shall be such that either:
a. R2 > 20 megohm, or
b. R2/R1 > 0.7.
viii. For circuits intended to provide isolation against large differences in earth
potential, the barrier shall, after the initial resistance measurement, be stressed to
the design voltage and this shall be followed by a further insulation resistance
* End of Appendix 5 *
To the Date
* Location ) Will be ready for your inspection
) on
* Description of Works ) at prior to
) on at hrs
* Labour and plant to be
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Phase-IV Electrical Contracts - General Specification
Appendix 7
There are two primary purposes for the requirement of Programme (Scheduling)
information described in this document:
a. Evaluation of Tender
To provide the Engineer with status reports for managing, monitoring and
coordinating the awarded contracts during their execution within the overall
multi-contract project schedule.
The requirements are organized in two stages. The first stage is a requirement for all
Tenderers and shall be submitted as part of Tender. The second stage is a
requirement of the Employer and describes a series of reports to be submitted by the
Contractor to the Engineer during the execution of the contract, following the award
of Contract.
(2) The Tenderer/ Contractor shall programme his work at all times to meet the Key
Dates stated in FOT of the Contract and the specified interface periods for the design
and installation of the Works with those of the Designated Contractors and shall
during the progress of the Works constantly monitor his progress against the
programmes described below.
(3) The Tenderer/ Contractor shall include in all programmes his work obligations
towards shared access, shared Site areas and other coincident or adjacent Works
(4) The Works Programme, and all more detailed or revised versions, shall be submitted
to the Engineer in hard copy as well as soft copy for his consent in accordance with
the provisions of the GCC.
. (1) The computerized Critical Path Method (CPM) network using the Precedence
Diagramming Method (PDM), has been selected by the Employer as the technique
for contract management system and in co-coordinating the multi-contract project.
This technique shall also be employed by the Tenderer in preparing their Tender
submissions and by the Contractor in their Project Stage submissions.
. (2) Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, all programmes submitted by the
. (3) The Contractor shall implement and use throughout the duration of the Contract, a
computerized system to plan, execute, maintain and manage the planning, design,
pre- construction, construction, procurement, installation, testing and commissioning
and sub-contracts in executing the CPM scheduling by PDM. The reports, documents
and data provided shall be an accurate representation of the current status of the
Works and of the work remaining to be accomplished, shall provide a sound basis for
identifying problems, deviations from the planned works, and for making decisions,
and shall enable timely preparation of the same for presentation to the Engineer.
. (1) CPM programming software used shall be Primavera Project Planning (P6)
Program - latest version. Any other compatible system capable of direct file
interchange capability with software program used by the Employer -
Primavera (P3), latest version can be used with Engineer’s consent.
Scheduling software and relevant instruction manuals, licensed for use in
connection with the contract, shall be provided by the Contractor according to
the Employer’s specifications.
. (2) The Tenderer may use a system other than Primavera but will be required to
demonstrate that full electronic data transfer to Primavera is available and
that the various levels of reporting and coding capabilities are at least
equivalent to Primavera. Compatibility and comparable performance between
Primavera and the Tenderer's proposed system shall be demonstrated in his
Tender submission. Should compatibility not be demonstrated to the
Employer's satisfaction the Contractor shall utilise Primavera for
development, statusing, updating and revision of all the Programmes during
the duration of the Contract. Upon the Engineer's consent of a system other
than Primavera, the Contractor shall supply the Engineer with an original
licensed copy, including manuals and approved training of the software and
any subsequent versions thereof at no extra cost.
4. (Not Used)
. 5.1 The Contractor shall develop his Tender Programme into the Initial Works
Programme including an outline Narrative Statement and submit within 15 days of
the date of the Notice to Proceed and its more detailed version within sixty (60) days
of receiving the Engineer’s consent to the proposed Initial Works Programme.
. 5.2 The first Three Month Rolling Programme shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of
the date of Notice to Proceed and all subsequent editions shall accompany the
Monthly Progress Report. The Monthly Progress Reports shall also include a
Programme Update as described below. These programmes shall subsequently be
updated as described below.
. 5.3 Following the Contractor's Initial Works Programme submission but in any case no
later than three (3) months from the date of award of contract, the contractor shall
make submissions of the detailed Works Programme suitably amended to take into
account the programmes of Designated Contracts. It is the Contractor's responsibility
to ensure timely co-ordination with the Designated Contractors to review, revise and
finalise his Initial Work Programme so as not to affect the progress of Works/ and or
the works of the Designated Contractors. The resubmitted programme when
approved by the Engineer shall form the Baseline Programme against which actual
progress of the Contract shall be reckoned. As the work progresses, it may be
necessary to update/ revise the Baseline programme but such updating shall only be
carried out with the prior consent of the Engineer or when directed by them.
. 5.4 For Initial & Detail Work Programme submission, one (1) original and three (3) copies
each of the following Programmes and Reports shall be submitted to the Engineer:
d) Narrative
5.4.1 The Engineer shall review and comment on the Contractor’s programmes and
information submitted under this Clause. The Engineer will confirm his consent or
otherwise of the submissions within thirty (30) calendar days.
. 5.5 The Engineer shall require the Contractor to re-submit within thirty (30) calendar days
if he is of the opinion that the programmes and information submitted by the
Contractor is unlikely to meet the Contract key dates or has not given consent to
Contractor’s programme due to any other discrepancy/comments.
. 5.6 If in the opinion of the Engineer, any of the Contractor's revised programmes or
Baseline Schedule Report is not acceptable, it shall be construed as a failure of the
Contractor to meet a Milestone.
. 5.7 Notwithstanding the above, the Engineer may at any time during the course of the
Contract require the Contractor to reproduce the computer-generated Baseline
Schedule Report described above to reflect actual activity dates and generate
schedules based upon "what if" statements. The initial computer-generated report
after receiving the Engineer’s consent will serve as the base against which the
contract progress will be measured. Any changes to the Report reflected in
subsequent Baseline Schedule Reports shall also require the Engineer’s consent.
. 5.8 Failure to include any element of work required for performance of the Contract shall
not relieve the Contractor from completing all works required under the Contract to
achieve the original or any extended key completion date.
. (1) The Works Programme shall show the Contractor's plan for organising and carrying
out whole of the Works. The Works Programme shall demonstrate by reference to its
Sub-Programmes, Supplementary Programmes and associated Management Plans,
the sequence and duration of activities and any restraints thereto, that the Contractor
shall adopt to achieve Key Dates and to fulfil all Contract obligations. The Works
Programme shall become the Employer’s Representative’s basis of administration of
the time-related aspects of the Contract.
. (2) The Works Programme shall be a computerised Critical Path Method (CPM) network
developed using the Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) and shall be present
in bar chart and time-scaled network diagram format to a weekly or monthly time
scale. The Contractor shall provide the Employer’s Representative with
substantiation for each constraint whether target start, target finish or mandatory
constraint entered by the Contractor into the Works Programme. The number of
constraints shall be kept to an absolute minimum in order that the CPM networks
developed can be freely analysed.
. (3) Tasks in the Works Programme shall be sufficiently detailed to describe activities and
events clearly showing all logical interdependencies that include, but are not limited
to, the following:
. (c) The requested date for issue of any drawings or information by the Engineer,
preparation, submission and review of Documents showing all items where
review by the Employer’s Representative is required
. (e) Procurement of major materials and the delivery and/or partial delivery date
on- Site of principal items of Contractor's Equipment,
. (l) Any outside influence which will or may affect the Works like permits and other
statutory approvals.
. (4) The Works Programme shall show achievement of all Key Dates.
. (5) Activity descriptions shall be unique, describing discrete elements of work. Any
activity creating an imposed time or other constraint shall be fully defined by the
. (b) The Engineer may request additional activity coding to the extent available without
restraint to the Contractor’s utilisation of the programme software. When requested,
the Contractor shall add the required additional coding to the Programme. The
Contractor shall use additional code fields as requested to comply with the
requirements and for the use of the Contractor.
. (7) Activity duration shall not exceed two (2) weeks, unless otherwise consented to by
the Engineer, except non-construction activities such as submittals, submittal
reviews, procurement and delivery of materials or equipment and concrete curing.
The Contractor shall submit a Programme/Project Calendar cross reference clearly
indicating the allowance for holidays.
. (9) Activity Report shall list all activities, and events in the Works Programme, sorted by
activity identification number. The Activity Report shall include the following for each
activity and event:
. (c) early and late start, & early and late finish dates. Planned start and finish
. (g) Calendar.
The Contractor shall also submit a forecast Cumulative Physical Progress 'S' curve
based on the time-phased distribution of cost in the CPM Network Logic Diagram,
expressed in percentage terms. This ‘S’ curve shall be generated from the
computerised CPM Network Logic Diagram.
The Contractor shall also submit a Resource Charts, generated from the Contractor's
CPM Network Diagram, showing the anticipated manpower and main Construction
Equipment usage during the execution of the Project.
(13) All submissions of proposed Works Programmes subsequently, after approval of the
Initial Works Programme, shall include the actual physical progress of work and
forecast of the remaining work. Actual progress shall be stated in percent complete,
remaining duration, and actual start and finish dates for each activity in the Works
(1) The Initial Works Programme submitted as under Clause 5.1 need not include the full
details given under Clause 6 above. It should be a condensed version with combined
activities of longer. The outline Narrative Statement shall be in sufficient detail to
clearly show the Contractor's intention.
(2) Within sixty (30) days of the Engineer’s consent to the Initial Works Programme, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an expanded and more detailed version of
the Initial Works Programme containing all of the information and detail required
under Clause 5 above.
(3) Such submission shall make use of the Tender Programme submitted earlier but
refined to include the best estimates of dates for the work of Designated Contracts
which has impact on the Contractor's programme. Such programmes shall be
amended subsequently to incorporate the actual dates/ schedule of the affecting
contracts. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure timely co-ordination with the
Designated Contractors to finalise the Initial Programme, without affecting progress
of the work.
. (1) The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer in writing of the need for any
changes in the Works Programme, whether due to a change of intention or of
circumstances or for any other reason. Where such proposed change affects timely
completion of the Works or any other Key Date the Contractor shall within fourteen
(14) days of the date of notifying the Engineer submit for the Engineer's consent its
proposed revised Works Programme and accompanying Narrative Statement. The
proposed revised Works Programme shall show the sequence of operations of any
and all works related to the change and the impact of changed work or changed
. (2) If at any time the Engineer considers the actual or anticipated progress of the work
reflects a significant deviation from the Works Programme, he may request the
Contractor to submit a proposed revised Programme which together with an
accompanying Activity Report and Narrative Statement, shall be submitted by the
Contractor within fourteen (14) days after the Engineer's instruction. The proposed
revised Works Programme shall show the sequence of operations of any and all work
related to the change and the impact of changed work or changed conditions.
. (3) All activities that have negative float must be analysed by the Contractor to identify
the impact on the timely completion of the Works or on the achievement of Key
(1) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall be an expansion of the current Works
Programme, covering sequential periods of three months. The Three Month Rolling
Programme shall provide more detail of the Contractor's plan, organisation and
execution of the work within these periods. In particular, the Contractor shall expand
each activity planned to occur during the next three(3) month period, if necessary to
a daily level of detail.
(2) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall be developed as a Critical Path Method
(CPM) network, and shall be presented in bar chart and time-scaled network diagram
format. Bar charts shall be presented on an A4 and time-scaled networks diagrams
on an A1 size reproducible media. Tasks in the programme shall be derivatives of
and directly related to tasks in the approved Works Programme.
(3) The Contractor shall describe the discrete work elements and work element inter-
relationships necessary to complete all works and any separable parts thereof
including work assigned to sub-contractors.
(4) Activity duration shall not exceed two (2) weeks unless otherwise consented to by the
(5) Each activity in the Three Month Rolling Programme shall be coded, or described so
as clearly to indicate the corresponding activity in the Works Programme.
. (1) The Three Month Rolling Programme shall be extended forward each month as
described under Clause 5(1) above. Each submission of the Three Month Rolling
Programme shall be accompanied by a Programme Analysis Report, describing
actual progress to date, and the forecast for activities occurring over the next three-
month period.
. (2) If the Three Month Rolling Programme is at variance with the Works Programme, the
Programme Analysis Report shall be accompanied by a supporting Narrative
Statement describing the Contractor's plan for the execution of the activities to be
undertaken over the three month period, including programme assumptions and
methods to be employed in achieving timely completion.
. (3) The Contractor shall revise the Three Month Rolling Programme or propose revisions
of the Works Programme, or both, from time to time as may be appropriate to ensure
consistency between them.
Once a week, on a day mutually agreed to by the Engineer and the Contractor, a
meeting will be held to assess progress by the Contractor during the previous work
week. The Contractor shall submit a construction schedule listing activities completed
and in-progress from the previous week and the activities scheduled for the
succeeding two weeks based on the detailed Works Programme. Copies of the
schedule shall be submitted on A3 sized paper.
For the Project, the Contractor shall adopt 7 days a week calendar, identical calendar
for the purpose of programming and Execution of Works. Official documents shall be
transacted during 5 days week - Monday through Friday, except for National (Govt. of
India) Holidays. For Project purposes, a week begins at 0001 hours on a Monday
and ends at 2359 hours on a Sunday. The completion of an activity or the
achievement of an event when given a week number shall be taken to mean midnight
on the Sunday at the end of the numbered week. An access date or activity start date
when given as a week number shall be taken to mean 0001 hours on a Monday of
the Numbered week.
The Contractor shall submit, as part of its Staff Organisation Plan, the names and
required information for the staff to be employed on Works Programming. The principal
Works Programmer shall hold reputable professional qualifications acceptable to the
Engineer including at least five (5) years relevant experience in programming similar
engineering works. Others in the group, as per site requirement, shall have at least three (3)
years experience in such work. The programmers shall be employed by the Contractor full
time on the Contract until the completion or such earlier time the Engineer may give his
The Contractor shall submit one (1) original and three (3) copies and one (1) reproducible
(for Programmes) of all submissions to the Engineer. All submissions shall be in AO, A1, A3
or A4 size, as appropriate except as may otherwise be agreed by the Engineer. In addition,
the computerised programme and report shall be submitted in Flash Drive/CD (similarly for
submissions required under Clause 5.4).
The format for all Programme and Report submissions shall be strictly in accordance with
the format as stated herein or as requested by the Engineer.
Failure of the Contractor to submit any programme, or any required revisions thereto within
the time limits stated for acceptance by the Engineer, shall be sufficient reason for not
making the relevant stage on account payment by the Engineer.
* End of Appendix 7 *
(2) A qualified doctor, nurse and assistant nurse will be in attendance at the first
aid base during all times when work is being undertaken on the Site,
including work by the Designated Contractors and periods when only
emergency activities are being undertaken, such as during periods of
inclement weather.
(3) A fully equipped ambulance and driver will be provided at the first aid base
during all working hours. The ambulance will be equipped with emergency
life support equipment suitable for application in construction site accidents.
2.2 In each site office and work location at least one of the Contractor’s employees shall be
trained in first aid and should be available at all working hours for purpose of attending to
2.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for making his employees aware of the location and
access route to the nearest first aid base and if necessary shall provide facilities for
evacuating a workman by stretcher from the worksite.
2.4 The Contractor shall keep the first aid base personnel informed of the number and identity of
staff working within the area of responsibility of each first aid base.
* End of Appendix 8 *
1. Works Areas
(b) Deleted.
(c) Deleted.
(d) Deleted.
(e) Prior to the Works Area Handover Dates for returning any Works Area, the
Contractor shall carry out the following works:
(i) construct all Permanent Works within the area, to the extent defined
in this Appendix, in accordance with the requirements of the
(ii) reinstate the area to the condition as close as possible to its condition
when it was taken over,
(iii) form the area to the approved lines and levels and carry out such
other works as may be required by the Employer's Representative,
* End of Appendix 9 *