Meeting Minutes # 1: Welcome Remarks Moving Forward! Please Check All That Apply
Meeting Minutes # 1: Welcome Remarks Moving Forward! Please Check All That Apply
Meeting Minutes # 1: Welcome Remarks Moving Forward! Please Check All That Apply
Meeting Minutes # 1
Welcome Remarks
Moving Forward!
1. I have reviewed curriculum maps, scope and sequence and made necessary
modifications where applicable. (………..)
2. I have prepared some new events for the upcoming year. (……….)
3. Planned projects are grade level appropriate, interesting and new for students.
4. I have one subject in mind to partner with in a project. (………..)
5. I am working on presenting a set of effective teaching strategies for teachers to
apply. (……………….)
Supervisors are requested to offer systematic training (two times per trimester) during
staff meetings in the following areas:
Due Dates
Improvement Plan: Your plan should include all changes that you feel effective in
enhancing instruction and facilitation learning for students. Due date: September 5
Teachers’ welcome letter and learning expectations should be sent the week before the
start date of the school (Sept. 5 – Sept. 9).
Lesson plans: First two weeks will be dedicated to revision. Due date: August 29.