Alkaline Activation of Synthetic Gehlenite Glasses: by J. Deja

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Alkaline Activation of Synthetic

Gehlenite Glasses

by J. Deja

Synopsis: Alkaline activation of granulated blast furnace slags by highly

concentrated solutions of sodium or potassium ions has been a subject of numerous
investigations for many decades. Irrespectively of the type of activator used, the
so-called C-S-H phase formed is very compact, of low C/S ratio, rich in sodium,
aluminium and magnesium and is predominant hydration product. Properties of
AAS pastes, mortars and concretes strongly depend on the chemical and phase
composition of the slag.
This paper presents the properties of the alkali activated pastes and mortars
produced on the base of synthetic alumino-silicate glasses of gehlenite type.
Setting time, mechanical properties and heat of hydration of the gehlenite-glass
pastes are presented. Detailed studies of phase composition, microstructure and
structure of alkali-activated gehlenite glasses are presented in the paper. Alkaline
activation of gehlenite slag glasses is influenced by molar ratio Al2O3/SiO2 of the
slag and concentration of NaOH. The hydration process is much quicker in the case
of gehlenite type glasses than for typical industrial melilite granulated blast furnace
slags. The results of XRD and SEM/EDS examinations show that in gehlenite type
pastes amorphous C-A-S-H phase containing high amount of sodium, silicon and
aluminium are the dominating hydration product.

Keywords: alkaline activation; gehlenite glass; microstructure; paste;

phase composition

10 Deja
Jan Deja, D.Sc. (Eng.) is working at the AGH University of Science and Technology,
Kraków, Poland. His special field is technology of binding materials and concrete. He is
concentrated on the utilization of secondary materials in binders and concrete production.
Alkali-activated slag binders has been his subject for over 20 years.


The use of by-product and waste materials plays also a very important role in solving
present ecological problems (for example: reduction of CO2 emission) and could enlarge
the range of building materials and partly replace high energy–consuming portland cement
Alkaline activation of aluminosilicate glasses is one of the new methods of special low-energy
binders production. Ground granulated blast furnace slag is the main material which is used in
this technology, but other glassy materials can be also activated (for example: fly ash,
incineration slags). Sodium carbonate, water glass or sodium hydroxide are typical alkaline
activators. Depending on the initial raw materials used, the type of activator and the conditions
of curing, the products of hydration in such binding systems can be minerals, such as C-S-H
and C-A-S-H in very dense and amorphous form. Changes of A/S and C/S ratios in these
systems make it possible to form calcium-alumino-silica gel (the main product of so-called
geopolymers), which can be good precursor for zeolite formation. High strength, very high
durability in aggressive solutions and very dense microstructure are the most interesting
properties of these materials. It gives many opportunities for their application (immobilization
of heavy metals and toxic substances, anti-filtration screens etc.) [8-17].
The objective of the study consisted in investigating the properties of alkali-activated
pastes based on synthetic gehlenite glasses. Influence of activator content and curing
conditions on the hydration process was determined. Mechanical properties as well as
heat of hydration of the pastes were measured. The phase composition and microstructure
observations of the hydrated pastes were done.


Characteristics of starting materials

Ground granulated synthetic slags and alkaline activators were used for paste preparation.
Ground granulated synthetic glasses (slags)
Proper mixtures of chemically pure oxides, hydroxides and carbonates were melted in
induction furnace. Melted slag was cooled in water and later on ground in a ball mill to the
specific surface of 400±10 m2/kg. The chemical compositions of the synthetic slags are
provided in Table 1 and their XRD patterns in Figure 1. The increased level of background
(shoulder) at 25 - 35° 2Θ, visible in the XRD patterns, points to their high degree of
vitrification. Content of crystalline phases (gehlenite and grossite) in the slags was very
limited (1.5 - 2%).
Preparation of pastes
The amount of alkaline activator in the activated slag mixes differs according to the
alkalinity and fineness of the slag and according to the required strengths of hardened
concretes. Usually, 2% to 7% of Na2O (calculated) of the slag content is necessary.
Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete 11
Małolepszy has found that Na2CO3 is especially suitable for slags rich in C2MS, and
NaOH is a good activator for slags rich in C2AS [2].
In the presented study solution of sodium hydroxide was used as alkaline activator of the
slags. 1.2, 3.5 and 7.0% Na2O addition (calculated to the weight of the slag) was fully
dissolved in additional water and after that mixed with slag in a laboratory mixer. After
mixing the pastes were cast into 10x10x60 mm moulds. The composition of the pastes
and their notation are presented in Table 2.
After the preliminary consolidation, all the samples were matured in the moulds for the
first 24h, at 20°C and 100% RH.
Subsequently, after 24h the pastes were demoulded and stored in curing chamber (20°C,
100% RH). Part of the samples after 24 hours of preliminary curing was autoclaved for
12 hours in 230oC.


Setting time and mechanical strength of pastes

The physical properties of the pastes are presented in Table 3.
Activity of gehlenite glasses is very high. The setting times of the pastes are extremely
short (10 sec. to 2 minutes), but an interesting levels of strength was observed
(compressive strength even over 110 MPa). Pastes containing synthetic glass with
Al2O3/SiO2 ratio 1.0 presented significantly higher strength than those with ratio 1.2.
Positive influence of higher concentration of alkaline activator is also well visible. The
significant reduction of the strength for the autoclaved samples was observed (over 40%).
It is probably the effect of higher crystallization ratio in the autoclaved pastes.

Heat of hydration
The heat evolution on hydration of pastes prepared at water to solid ratio 0.5 was
followed within the 24h by microcalorimetry (BMR differential microcalorimeter
constructed in the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science). 1.2, 3.5
and 7.0% Na2O was added as activator. The initial temperature was kept constant at 25oC.
The calculated heat values are presented in Table 4.
On the heat evolution curves of the pastes, in all cases a strong initial peak appears within
the first few minutes. It is commonly accepted that very quick hydration of slags
activated by sodium hydroxide is an effect of high concentration of OH-, which can break
the bonds inside the glass structure [18]. It is clear that NaOH activated synthetic glasses
do not show an appreciable induction period. Total heat evolution during 24 hours of
hydration is very low (89 - 141 J/g) and typical for alkali-activated slag binders.

Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Powder XRD analysis was performed on ground alkali-activated slag pastes with a
Philips Diffractometer X’Pert. The phases were identified from the characteristic
peak data base of the Powder Diffraction File of the Joint Committee on Powder
Diffraction Standards. The XRD patterns are presented on Fig. 2.
The XRD patterns for the gehlenite glass containing pastes cured in natural conditions are
significantly different from typical pastes based on industrial granulated blast furnace
slags (melilite glass structure in such slags is dominating). Practically, no C-S-H phase is
12 Deja
present in tested pastes. Content of C-S-H phase is very low, but amount of C-A-S-H
phase is much higher. Amount of this phase is significantly higher for synthetic glass
with alumina/silica ratio 1.2. Crystalline form of the hydration products in this case is
distinct better than for typical melilite slags. Partial carbonation of C-A-S-H phase and
aragonite formation was also detected.
Hydrothermal conditions influenced the phase composition of the pastes. On Figs. 3, 4
the XRD patterns of pastes AN3 and BN3 cured at 20oC and autoclaved are presented.
For paste AN3 (A/S=1.0) after autoclaving only slightly higher degree of crystallization
and higher content of C-S-H phase was observed. For paste with higher content of Al2O3
(BN3) autoclaving leads to formation of better crystallized katoid (hydrogarnets).
Presence of such mineral can reduce mechanical properties of the pastes (see the results
of compressive strength tests).

Scaning Electron Microscope (SEM) Observations

The microstructure of the pastes was examined under a Jeol Scaning Electron Microscope.
Micrographs were taken of represent-five areas at magnifications ranging from 1,000x to
5,000x. For all samples EDS analyses in various points of the microstructure were also done.
In Figures 5 - 8 the typical examples of the microstructure are presented.
The SEM observations confirmed that under the influence of the activator solution an
interesting microstructure is observed in pastes AN3 (synthetic glass with
alumina/silica ratio 1.0). Very amorphous, dense microstructure of C-A-S-H phase rich
in aluminium, silicon and sodium is easily detected. Such kind of product can be good
precursor for zeolite formation [9, 19, 20].
Huge amounts of described C-A-S-H gel are also visible in gehlenite type samples with
Al2O3/SiO2 = 1.2 (paste BN3). Crystalline form of the hydration products (also zeolites) in this
sample is better, which confirms the results of XRD measurements. In both cases autoclaving
process gives better ordered microstructure with higher content of crystalline phases.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance examinations

Using the NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) technique to analyse the 29Si spectrum many
authors confirmed that in slag-alkaline pastes C-S-H phase is characterised by the occurrence
of a chain structure in which the arrangement of chain elements is repeated at every fourth
tetrahedron [6]. This is a characteristic element of the structure of numerous calcium silicates
and is known as dreierketten; it is linked to the cationic substructure, and thus to the octahedral
oxygen-calcium layer. The two side elements are coordinated directly with the octahedronal
layer while the middle tetrahedron remains outside. It is precisely this tetrahedron that
participates in establishing a bridge between neighbouring octahedral layers.
If we assume that a considerable part of Si4+ ions in bridging tetrahedrons is replaced by
aluminium, the presence of a large quantity of Na+ ions incorporated in the C-S-H phase
is balancing the charge. This has been confirmed by the research carried out by Nocuń-
Wczelik [21].
MRJ impulse spectrometer of Bruker equipped with a 7T superconductive magnet and a
probe, with the sample spinning at a magical angle (MAS) was used. MAS-MRJ spectra
were measured of 29Si (frequency of 59.517 MHz, sample spinning frequency of 4 kHz).
The 29Si MAS-NMR spectra of initial slag samples contain a broad line at (–80) ppm,
which is characteristic for amorphous silicate, covering a range typical for silicon-oxygen
Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete 13
anions type Q1 and Q2 (end and middle tetrahedrons in the chain structure). Due to the
amorphous (vitreous) nature of slags, the splitting of these bands does not occur. Neither do
the spectra indicate any presence of a three-dimensional structure (Q4), cross-linking (Q3),
or isolated tetrahedrons (Q0).
For selected pastes described earlier the 29Si MAS-NMR spectra were measured (Fig.9 and 10).
The paste spectra correlate very closely with the spectra of slag. There is no visible splitting
into individual bands, nevertheless peaks become prominent and shift towards an increase in
the share of Q2 anions, which corresponds to the disintegration of silicate-type glass and the
appearance of a larger number of chains, most probably constituting a part of the C-A-S-H
structure. In the case of materials subjected to autoclaving or hydrated for 28 days, band peak
becomes sharper and shifts towards a range corresponding to Q2; this may be explained by the
increase in the chain-like quantity of the product, and also by the increase in the length of
chains. As in the case of the initial material, the presence of a three-dimensional structure (Q4),
cross-linking (Q3) or isolated tetrahedrons (Q0) was not found.


On the basis of the results of the research the following conclusions can be made:
• Alkaline activation of gehlenite slag glasses is influenced by the Al2O3/SiO2 molar
ratio of the slag and concentration of Na2O.
• The hydration process is much quicker in the case of gehlenite type glasses than for
typical industrial melilite granulated blast furnace slags. Total heat of hydration
measured during 24 hours of the process is much lower than for typical portland
• The highest strength has been found for pastes based on gehlenite type glass with
alumina to silica ratio 1.0.
• The results of XRD and SEM/EDS examinations show that in gehlenite type pastes
amorphous C-A-S-H phase containing high amount of sodium, silicon and aluminium
are dominating hydration product.
• 29Si MAS-NMR spectra shows that ordering corresponding to Q2 structure with
thetraedra rich in Al is dominating in the hydration products. This may be explained by
the increase in the chain-like quantity of the product, and also by the increase in the
length of chains.
• Calcium-alumino-silica gel observed in gehlenite pastes can be good precursor for
zeolite formation. SEM and XRD examinations of autoclaved samples with A/S ratio
1.2 confirmed this.


The research reported in this paper was carried out within the limits of the projects No. 4
T08 D 027 23 and No. 5 T12A 026 25 sponsored by Polish State Committee for
Scientific Research.
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Fig. 1—XRD patterns of synthetic slag glasses.

Fig. 2—XRD patterns of the pastes cured at 20°C. Notations: CASH = C-A-S-H; A =
aragonite (CaCO3), C = calcite (CaCO3), S = stratlingite (Ca2Al2SiO7×8H2O).
Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete 17

Fig. 3—XRD patterns of the AN3 pastes (cured at 20 °C and autoclaved). Notations:
C = calcite; A = aragonite; S = stratlingite (Ca2Al2SiO7×8H2O); Q = quartz;
T = tobermorite; G = gehlenite.

Fig.4—XRD patterns of the BN3 pastes (cured at 20°C and autoclaved).

Notations: C = calcite; A = aragonite; K = Ca8Al4O14CO2×24H2O; Q = quartz;
S = stratlingite (Ca2Al2SiO7×8H2O); N = zeolite A - (Na96Al96Si96O384×216H2O);
T = tobermorite.
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Fig. 5—SEM-EDS from slag glass paste A – typical microstructure of sample AN3
(magnification 1,000 and 3,500x).
Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete 19

Fig. 6—Microstructure of hydration products and EDS analyse of AN3 paste after
autoclaving (magnification 2,000x).
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Fig. 7—SEM-EDS from slag glass paste BN3 (curing at 20°C) – typical microstructure
(magnification 1,500x).
Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete 21

Fig. 8—Hydration products and EDS analyse of BN3 paste after autoclaving
(magnification 1,000 and 3,500x).
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Fig. 9—29SiNMR spectra for syntetic gehlenite glass A and paste AN3
(cured at 20°C and autoclaved).

Fig. 10—29SiNMR spectra for syntetic gehlenite glass B and paste BN3 (cured at 20 °C
and autoclaved).

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