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1 An entity shall measure initially a financial liability not designated at fair value through profit loss at
a Fair value
b Fair value plus directly attributable transaction costs
c Fair value minus directly attributable transaction costs
d Face amount
2 Transaction costs directly attributable to the issue of a financial liability include all of the following,
a Fees and commissions paid to agents
b Levies by regulatory agencies
c Transfer taxes and duties
d Financing costs
3 The initial fair value of a financial liability is defined as the
a Amount for which a liability is paid
b Amount for which a liability is paid in an orderly transaction
c Amount for which a liability is paid between market participants
d Amount for which a liability is paid in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the date of measurement
4 After initial recognition, an entity shall measure a financial liability at
I. Amortized cost using the effective interest method
II. Fair value through profit or loss
a I only
b II only
c Either I or II
d Neither I nor II
5 Which of the following statements is true in relation to the fair value option of measuring a financial
I. At initial recognition, an entity may irrevocably designate a financial liability at fair value
through profit or loss.
II. The financial liability is measured at every year-end and any changes in fair value are recognized
in profit or loss.
III. The interest expense on the financial liability is recognized using the effective interest rate.
a I and II only
b I and III only
c II and III only
d I, II and III
6 The conceptually appropriate method of measuring a liability is to
a Discount the amount of expected cash outflows that are necessary to liquidate the
liability using the market rate of interest at the date the liability was initially incurred.
b Discount the amount of expected cash outflows that are necessary to liquidate the
liability using the market rate of interest at the date of the financial statements
c Record as liability the amount of cash that would be required to pay the liability in the
ordinary course of business on the date of the financial statements
d Record the liability the amount of cash actually received when a liability was incurred
7 For a liability to exist
a A past transaction or even must have occurred
b The exact amount must be known
c The identity of the party owed must be known
d An obligation to pay cash in the future must exist
8 Which of the following represents a liability?
a The obligation to pay for goods that an entity expects to order from suppliers next year
b The obligation to provide goods that customers have ordered and paid for during the
current year
c The obligation to pay interest on a five-year not payable that was issued the last day of
the current year
d The obligation to distribute an entity’s own shares next year as a result of a stock
dividend declared near the end of the current year
9 Which of the following does not meet the definition of a liability?
a The signing of a three-year employment contract at a fixed annual salary
b An obligation to provide goods or services in the future
c A note payable with no specified maturity date
d An obligation that is estimated in amount
10 Which of the following statements in relation to liabilities is not valid?
a Current liabilities shall not be offset against assets that are to be applied to their
b Unasserted claims are never accrued because to do so would require an entity to
implicitly admit liability
c Commitments to make future purchases shall be accrued if losses become probable and
if the amount is reasonably measurable.
d Estimated liabilities shall be accrued because these are known to exist and are only
uncertain as to amount.
11 It is a marketing scheme whereby an entity grants award credits to customers and the entity can
redeem the award credits in exchange for free or discounted goods or services
a Customer loyalty program
b Premium plans
c Marketing program
d Loyalty award
12 The award credits granted to customers under a customer loyalty program is often described as
a Points
b Awards
c Credits
d Royalty
13 The consideration allocated to the award credits is measured at
a Fair value of the award credits
b Carrying amount of goods to be received in exchange
c Fair value of the goods to be received in exchange
d The proportion of the fair value off the award credits relative to the total consideration
received from the initial sale of the goods.
14 Under a customer loyalty program, if the entity supplies the awards itself, the consideration
allocated to the award credits
a Shall be recognized as revenue immediately
b Shall not be accounted for as revenue separately
c Shall be recognized initially as deferred revenue and amortized as revenue over a
reasonable period not exceeding five years
d Shall be recognized initially as deferred revenue and subsequently recognized as
revenue upon the redemption of the award credits.
15 Under a customer loyalty program, if a third party supplies the award and the entity is collecting the
consideration for the award credits as principal in the transaction
a The entity shall not recognize revenue from the award credits
b The entity shall recognize initially a deferred revenue equal to the gross consideration
allocated to the award credits
c The entity shall recognize initially a deferred revenue equal to the difference between
the consideration for the award credits and the amount paid by the entity to the third
d The entity shall recognize immediately equal to the gross consideration allocated to
the award credits.
16 A retail store received cash and issued gift certificates that are redeemable in merchandise. How
would the deferred revenue account be affected by the redemption and nonredemption of
certificates, respectively?
a Decrease and No effect
b Decrease and Decrease
c No effect and No effect
d No effect and Decrease
17 A retail store received cash and issued a gift certificate that is redeemable in merchandise. When the
gift certificate was issued
a Deferred revenue account should be decreased
b Deferred revenue account should be increased
c Revenue account should be decreased
d Revenue account should be increased
18 Magazine subscriptions collected in advance are treated as
a A contra account to magazine subscriptions receivable
b Deferred revenue in the liability section
c Deferred revenue in the shareholders’ equity section
d Magazine subscription refund in the income statement in the period collected
19 When an entity received an advance payment for special order goods that are to be manufactured
and delivered within six months, the advance payment shall be reported as
a Deferred charge
b Contra asset account
c Current liability
d Noncurrent liability
20 An entity of a retailer of home appliances and offers a service contract on each appliance sold. The
entity sells appliances on installment contracts but all service contracts must be paid in full at the
time of sale. Collections received for service contracts shall be recorded as an increase in
a Deferred revenue account
b Sales contracts receivable valuation account
c Shareholders’ equity valuation account
d Service revenue account

21Liabilities are
a any accounts having credit balances after closing entries are made

b deferred credits that are recognized and measured in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles
c obligations to transfer ownership shares to other entities in the future
d obligations arising from past transactions and payable in assets or services in the future
22 Which of the following is a current liability?
a A long-term debt maturing currently, which is to be paid with cash in a sinking fund
b A long-term debt maturing currently, which is to be retired with proceeds from a new
debt issue
c A long-term debt maturing currently, which is to be converted into common stock
d None of these
23 Which of the following is true about accounts payable?
I. Accounts payable should not be reported at their present value
II. When accounts payable are recorded at the net amount, a Purchase Discounts account will be
III. When accounts payable are recorded at the gross amount, a Purchase Discounts Lost account
will be used
a I
b II
d Both II and III are true
24 Among the short-term obligations of Lance Company as of December 31, the balance sheet date, are
notes payable totaling $250,000 with the Madison National Bank. These are 90-day notes,
renewable for another 90-day period. These notes should be classified on the balance sheet of
Lance Company as
a current liabilities
b deferred charges
c long-term liabilities
d intermediate debt
25 Which of the following is not true about the discount on short-term notes payable?
a The Discount on Notes Payable account has a debit balance
b The Discount on Notes Payable account should be reported as an asset on the balance
c When there is a discount on a note payable, the effective interest rate is higher than the
stated discount rate
d All of these are true
26 Which of the following may be a current liability?
a Withheld Income Taxes
b Deposits Received from Customers
c Deferred Revenue
d All of these
27 Which of the following items is a current liability?
a Bonds (for which there is an adequate sinking fund properly classified as a long-term
investment) due in three months
b Bonds due in three years
c Bonds (for which there is an adequate appropriation of retained earnings) due in
eleven months
d Bonds to be refunded when due in eight months, there being no doubt about the
marketability of the refunding issue
28 Which of the following should not be included in the current liabilities section of the balance sheet?
a Trade notes payable
b Short-term zero-interest-bearing notes payable
c The discount on short-term notes payable
d All of these are included
29 Which of the following is a current liability?
a Preferred dividends in arrears
b A dividend payable in the form of additional shares of stock
c A cash dividend payable to preferred stockholders
d All of these
30 Stock dividends distributable should be classified on the
a income statement as an expense
b balance sheet as an asset
c balance sheet as a liability
d balance sheet as an item of stockholders' equity
31 Of the following items, the only one which should not be classified as a current liability is
a current maturities of long-term debt
b sales taxes payable
c short-term obligations expected to be refinanced
d unearned revenues
32 An account which would be classified as a current liability is
a dividends payable in the company's stock
b accounts payable—debit balances
c losses expected to be incurred within the next twelve months in excess of the company's
insurance coverage
d none of these
33 Which of the following is a characteristic of a current liability but not a long-term liability?
a Unavoidable obligation
b Present obligation that entails settlement by probable future transfer or use of cash,
goods, or services
c Liquidation is reasonably expected to require use of existing resources classified as
current assets or create other current liabilities
d Transaction or other event creating the liability has already occurred
34 Which of the following is not considered a part of the definition of a liability?
a Unavoidable obligation
b Transaction or other event creating the liability has already occurred
c Present obligation that entails settlement by probable future transfer or use of cash,
goods, or services
d Liquidation is reasonably expected to require use of existing resources classified as
current assets or create other current liabilities
35 Why is the liability section of the balance sheet of primary importance to bankers?
a To evaluate the entity's credit quality
b To assist in understanding the entity's liquidity
c To better understand sources of repayment
d To evaluate operating efficiency
36 What is the relationship between current liabilities and a company's operating cycle?
a Liquidation of current liabilities is reasonably expected within the company's operating
cycle (or one year if less)
b Current liabilities are the result of operating transactions
c Current liabilities can't exceed the amount incurred in one operating cycle
d There is no relationship between the two
37 What is the relationship between present value and the concept of a liability?
a Present values are used to measure certain liabilities
b Present values are not used to measure liabilities
c Present values are used to measure all liabilities
d Present values are only used to measure long-term liabilities
38 What is a discount as it relates to zero-interest-bearing notes payable?
a The discount represents the lender's costs to underwrite the note
b The discount represents the credit quality of the borrower
c The discount represents the cost of borrowing
d The discount represents the allowance for uncollectible amounts
39 Where is debt callable by the creditor reported on the debtor's financial statements?
a Long-term liability
b Current liability if the creditor intends to call the debt within the year, otherwise a long-
term liability
c Current liability if it is probable that creditor will call the debt within the year, otherwise
a long-term liability
d Current liability
40 Which of the following is not a condition necessary to exclude a short-term obligation from current
a Intend to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis
b Obligation must be due with one year
c Demonstrate the ability to complete the refinancing
d Subsequently refinance the obligation on a long-term basis
41 Which of the following does not demonstrate evidence regarding the ability to consummate a
refinancing of short-term debt?
a Management indicated that they are going to refinance the obligation
b Actually refinance the obligation
c Have capacity under existing financing agreements that can be used to refinance the
d Enter into a financing agreement that clearly permits the entity to refinance the
42 A company has not declared a dividend on its cumulative preferred stock for the past three years.
What is the required accounting treatment or disclosure in this situation?
a Record a liability for cumulative amount of preferred stock dividends not declared
b Disclose the amount of the dividends in arrears
c Record a liability for the current year's dividends only
d No disclosure or recognition is required
43 Which of the following situations may give rise to unearned revenue?
a Providing trade credit to customers
b Selling inventory
c Selling magazine subscriptions
d Providing manufacturer warranties
44 Which of the following statements is correct?
a A company may exclude a short-term obligation from current liabilities if the firm
intends to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis.
b A company may exclude a short-term obligation from current liabilities if the firm can
demonstrate an ability to consummate a refinancing.
c A company may exclude a short-term obligation from current liabilities if it is paid off
after the balance sheet date and subsequently replaced by long-term debt before the
balance sheet is issued
d None of these
45 The ability to consummate the refinancing of a short-term obligation may be demon- strated by
a actually refinancing the obligation by issuing a long-term obligation after the date of the
balance sheet but before it is issued
b entering into a financing agreement that permits the enterprise to refinance the debt on
a long-term basis
c actually refinancing the obligation by issuing equity securities after the date of the
balance sheet but before it is issued
d all of these
46 Which of the following statements is false?
a A company may exclude a short-term obligation from current liabilities if the firm
intends to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis and demonstrates an ability to
complete the refinancing
b Cash dividends should be recorded as a liability when they are declared by the board of
c Under the cash basis method, warranty costs are charged to expense as they are paid
d FICA taxes withheld from employees' payroll checks should never be recorded as a
liability since the employer will eventually remit the amounts withheld to the
appropriate taxing authority
47 Which of the following is not a correct statement about sales taxes?
a Sales taxes are an expense of the seller
b Many companies record sales taxes in the sales account
c If sales taxes are included in the sales account, the first step to find the amount of sales
taxes is to divide sales by 1 plus the sales tax rate
d All of these are true
48 If a short-term obligation is excluded from current liabilities because of refinancing, the footnote to
the financial statements describing this event should include all of the following information except
a a general description of the financing arrangement
b the terms of the new obligation incurred or to be incurred
c the terms of any equity security issued or to be issued
d the number of financing institutions that refused to refinance the debt, if any
49 In accounting for compensated absences, the difference between vested rights and accumulated
rights is
a vested rights are normally for a longer period of employment than are accumulated
b vested rights are not contingent upon an employee's future service
c vested rights are a legal and binding obligation on the company, whereas accumulated
rights expire at the end of the accounting period in which they arose
d vested rights carry a stipulated dollar amount that is owed to the employee;
accumulated rights do not represent monetary compensation
50 An employee's net (or take-home) pay is determined by gross earnings minus amounts for income
tax withholdings and the employee's
a portion of FICA taxes and unemployment taxes
b and employer's portion of FICA taxes, and unemployment taxes
c portion of FICA taxes, unemployment taxes, and any voluntary deductions
d portion of FICA taxes and any voluntary deductions
51 Which of these is not included in an employer's payroll tax expense?
a F.I.C.A. (social security) taxes
b Federal unemployment taxes
c State unemployment taxes
d Federal income taxes
52 Which of the following is a condition for accruing a liability for the cost of compensation for future
a The obligation relates to the rights that vest or accumulate
b Payment of the compensation is probable
c The obligation is attributable to employee services already performed
d All of these are conditions for the accrual
53 A liability for compensated absences such as vacations, for which it is expected that employees will
be paid, should
a be accrued during the period when the compensated time is expected to be used by
b be accrued during the period following vesting
c be accrued during the period when earned
d not be accrued unless a written contractual obligation exists
54 The amount of the liability for compensated absences should be based on
I. The current rates of pay in effect when employees earn the right to compensated absences.
II. The future rates of pay expected to be paid when employees use compensated time.
III. The present value of the amount expected to be paid in future periods.
a I
b II
d Either I or II is acceptable
55 What are compensated absences?
a Unpaid time off
b A form of healthcare
c Payroll deductions
d Paid time of
56 Which gives rise to the requirement to accrue a liability for the cost of compensated absences?
a Payment is probable
b Employee rights vest or accumulate
c Amount can be reasonably estimated
d All of the above
57 Under what conditions is an employer required to accrue a liability for sick pay?
a Sick pay benefits can be reasonably estimated
b Sick pay benefits vest
c Sick pay benefits equal 100% of the pay
d Sick pay benefits equal 100% of the pay
58 Which of the following taxes does not represent a common payroll deduction?
a Federal income taxes
b FICA taxes
c State unemployment taxes
d State income taxes
59 What is a contingency?
a An existing situation where certainty exists as to a gain or loss that will be resolved when
one or more future events occur or fail to occur
b An existing situation where uncertainty exists as to possible loss that will be resolved
when one or more future events occur
c An existing situation where uncertainty exists as to possible gain or loss that will not be
resolved in the foreseeable future
d An existing situation where uncertainty exists as to possible gain or loss that will be
resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur
60 When is a contingent liability recorded?
a When the amount can be reasonably estimated
b When the future events are probable to occur and the amount can be reasonably
c When the future events are probable to occur
d When the future events will possibly occur and the amount can be reasonably estimated
61 Which of the following is an example of a contingent liability?
a Obligations related to product warranties
b Possible receipt from a litigation settlement
c Pending court case with a probable favorable outcome
d Tax loss carryforwards
62 Which of the following terms is associated with recording a contingent liability?
a Possible
b Likely
c Remote
d Probable
63 Which of the following is the proper way to report a gain contingency?
a As an accrued amount
b As deferred revenue
c As an account receivable with additional disclosure explaining the nature of the
d As a disclosure only
64 Which of the following contingencies need not be disclosed in the financial statements or the notes
a Probable losses not reasonably estimable
b Environmental liabilities that cannot be reasonably estimated
c Guarantees of indebtedness of others
d All of these must be disclosed
65 Which of the following sets of conditions would give rise to the accrual of a contingency under
current generally accepted accounting principles?
a Amount of loss is reasonably estimable and event occurs infrequently
b Amount of loss is reasonably estimable and occurrence of event is probable
c Event is unusual in nature and occurrence of event is probable
d Event is unusual in nature and event occurs infrequently
66 Jeff Beck is a farmer who owns land which borders on the right-of-way of the Northern Railroad. On
August 10, 2012, due to the admitted negligence of the Railroad, hay on the farm was set on fire and
burned. Beck had had a dispute with the Railroad for several years concerning the ownership of a
small parcel of land. The representative of the Railroad has offered to assign any rights which the
Railroad may have in the land to Beck in exchange for a release of his right to reimbursement for the
loss he has sustained from the fire. Beck appears inclined to accept the Railroad's offer. The
Railroad's 2012 financial statements should include the following related to the incident:
a recognition of a loss and creation of a liability for the value of the land
b recognition of a loss only
c creation of a liability only
d disclosure in note form only
67 A contingency can be accrued when
a it is certain that funds are available to settle the disputed amount
b an asset may have been impaired
c the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated and it is probable that an asset
has been impaired or a liability incurred
d it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability incurred even though the
amount of the loss cannot be reasonably estimated
68 A contingent liability
a definitely exists as a liability but its amount and due date are indeterminable
b is accrued even though not reasonably estimated
c is not disclosed in the financial statements
d is the result of a loss contingency
69 To record an asset retirement obligation (ARO), the cost associated with the ARO is
a expensed
b included in the carrying amount of the related long-lived asset
c included in a separate account
d none of these
70 A company is legally obligated for the costs associated with the retirement of a long-lived asset
a only when it hires another party to perform the retirement activities
b only if it performs the activities with its own workforce and equipment
c whether it hires another party to perform the retirement activities or performs the
activities itself
d when it is probable the asset will be retired
71 Assume that a manufacturing corporation has (1) good quality control, (2) a one-year operating
cycle, (3) a relatively stable pattern of annual sales, and (4) a continuing policy of guaranteeing new
products against defects for three years that has resulted in material but rather stable warranty
repair and replacement costs. Any liability for the warranty
a should be reported as long-term
b should be reported as current
c should be reported as part current and part long-term
d need not be disclosed
72 Ortiz Corporation, a manufacturer of household paints, is preparing annual financial statements at
December 31, 2012. Because of a recently proven health hazard in one of its paints, the government
has clearly indicated its intention of having Ortiz recall all cans of this paint sold in the last six
months. The management of Ortiz estimates that this recall would cost $800,000. What accounting
recognition, if any, should be accorded this situation?
a No recognition
b Note disclosure only
c Operating expense of $800,000 and liability of $800,000
d Appropriation of retained earnings of $800,000
73 Information available prior to the issuance of the financial statements indicates that it is probable that,
at the date of the financial statements, a liability has been incurred for obligations related to product
warranties. The amount of the loss involved can be reasonably estimated. Based on the above facts,
an estimated loss contingency should be
a accrued
b disclosed but not accrued
c neither accrued nor disclosed
d classified as an appropriation of retained earnings
74 Espinosa Co. has a loss contingency to accrue. The loss amount can only be reasonably estimated
within a range of outcomes. No single amount within the range is a better estimate than any other
amount. The amount of loss accrual should be
a zero
b the minimum of the range
c the mean of the range
d the maximum of the range
75 Dean Company becomes aware of a lawsuit after the date of the financial statements, but before
they are issued. A loss and related liability should be reported in the financial statements if the
amount can be reasonably estimated, an unfavorable outcome is highly probable, and
a the Dean Company admits guilt
b the court will decide the case within one year
c the damages appear to be material
d the cause for action occurred during the accounting period covered by the financial
76 Use of the accrual method in accounting for product warranty costs
a is required for federal income tax purposes
b is frequently justified on the basis of expediency when warranty costs are immaterial
c finds the expense account being charged when the seller performs in compliance with
the warranty
d represents accepted practice and should be used whenever the warranty is an integral
and inseparable part of the sale
77 Which of the following best describes the accrual method of accounting for warranty costs?
a Expensed when paid
b Expensed when warranty claims are certain
c Expensed based on estimate in year of sale
d Expensed when incurred
78 Which of the following best describes the cash-basis method of accounting for warranty costs?
a Expensed based on estimate in year of sale
b Expensed when liability is accrued
c Expensed when warranty claims are certain
d Expensed when incurred
79 Which of the following is a characteristic of the expense warranty approach, but not the sales
warranty approach?
a Estimated liability under warranties
b Warranty expense
c Unearned warranty revenue
d Warranty revenue
80 An electronics store is running a promotion where for every video game purchased, the customer
receives a coupon upon checkout to purchase a second game at a 50% discount. The coupons expire
in one year. The store normally recognized a gross profit margin of 40% of the selling price on video
games. How would the store account for a purchase using the discount coupon?
a The reduction in sales price attributed to the coupon is recognized as premium expense
b The diference between the cost of the video game and the cash received is recognized
as premium expense
c Premium expense is not recognized
d The difference between the cost of the video game and the selling price prior to the
coupon is recognized as premium expense
81 What condition is necessary to recognize an asset retirement obligation?
a Company has an existing legal obligation and can reasonably estimate the amount of
the liability
b Company can reasonably estimate the amount of the liability
c Company has an existing legal obligation
d Obligation event has occurred
82 Which of the following are not factors that are considered when evaluating whether or not to record
a liability for pending litigation?
a Time period in which the underlying cause of action occurred
b The type of litigation involved
c The probability of an unfavorable outcome
d The ability to make a reasonable estimate of the amount of the loss
83 How do you determine the acid-test ratio?
a The sum of cash and short-term investments divided by short-term debt
b Current assets divided by current liabilities
c Current assets divided by short-term debt
d The sum of cash, short-term investments and net receivables divided by current
84 What does the current ratio inform you about a company?
a The extent of slow-moving inventories
b The efficient use of assets
c The company's liquidity
d The company's profitability
85 Which of the following is not acceptable treatment for the presentation of current liabilities?
a Listing current liabilities in order of maturity
b Listing current liabilities according to amount
c Ofsetting current liabilities against assets that are to be applied to their liquidation
d Showing current liabilities immediately below current assets to obtain a presentation of
working capital
86 The ratio of current assets to current liabilities is called the
a current ratio
b acid-test ratio
c current asset turnover ratio
d current liability turnover ratio
87 Accrued liabilities are disclosed in financial statements by
a a footnote to the statements
b showing the amount among the liabilities but not extending it to the liability total
c an appropriation of retained earnings
d appropriately classifying them as regular liabilities in the balance sheet
88 The numerator of the acid-test ratio consists of
a total current assets
b cash and marketable securities
c cash and net receivables
d cash, marketable securities, and net receivables
89 Each of the following are included in both the current ratio and the acid-test ratio except
a cash
b short-term investments
c net receivables
d inventory
90 Which of the following is a characteristic of a current liability but not a noncurrent liability?
a Unavoidable obligation
b Present obligation that entails settlement by probably future transfer of cash, goods or
c Settlement is expected within the normal operating cycle or within 12 months,
whichever is longer
d The obligating event creating the liability has already occurred
91 A contingent liability is a
I. Possible obligation that arises from past event and whose existence will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the
control of the entity
II. Present obligation that arises from past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and the amount of the
obligation can be measured reliably
a I only
b II only
c Both I and II
d Neither I and II
92 Which of the following statements in a relation to a contingent liability is true
I. An obligation as a result of the entity creating a valid expectation that it will discharge its
responsibilities is a contingent liability
a I only
b II only
c Both I and II
d Neither I nor II
93 Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning a contingent liability
a A contingent liability is not recognized in the financial statements
b A contingent liability is disclosed only
c If the contingent liability is remote, no disclosure is required
d A contingent liability is both probable and measurable
94 It is a possible asset that arises from past event and whose existence will be confirmed only by the
occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control
of the entity.
a Contingent asset
b Other asset
c Suspense account
d Current asset
95 Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning a contingent asset?
a A contingent asset is not recognized in the financial statements because this may result
to recognition of income that my never be realized
b When the realization of income is virtually certain, the related asset is no longer
contingent asset and its recognition is appropriate
c A contingent asset is only disclosed when the occurrence of the future event is
possible or remote.
d The related gain arising from the contingent asset is recognized usually when it is

96 The likelihood that the future event will or will not occur can be expressed by a range of outcomes.
Which range means that future event occurring is very slight?
a Probable
b Reasonably possible
c Certain
d Remote
97 An entity did not record an accrual for a present obligation but disclose the nature of the obligation
and the range of the loss. How likely is the loss?
a Remote
b Reasonably possible
c Probable
d Certain
98 A present obligation that is probable and for which the amount can be reliable measured shall
a Not be accrued but shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements
b Be accrued by debiting an appropriated retained earnings account and crediting a
liability account
c Be accrued by debiting an expense account and crediting an appropriated retained
earnings account
d Be accrued by debiting an expense account and crediting a liability account
99 An item that is not a contingent liability is
a Premium ofer to customers for labels or box tops
b Accommodation endorsement on customer note
c Additional compensation that may be payable on a dispute now being arbitrated
d Pending lawsuit
100 Which of the following is the proper accounting treatment of a contingent asset?
a An accrued account
b Deferred earnings
c An account receivable with an additional disclosure explaining the nature of the
d A disclosure only

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