Daniel, Marcus, Hansel: Hyattsville, MD, 20782

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Office of the Registrar


This form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least 6 weeks before the examination and before the
established deadline dates

Date: _________________
Daniel, Marcus, Hansel
____________________________________________________ 115468023
Print Full Name (Last, First, Middle) Student University ID Number (UID)

6210 Belcrest Rd, Apt. 1407

__________________________________________ _____________________
Address Graduate Program Code

Hyattsville, MD, 20782

__________________________________________ M.A. in Music Education
Degree Sought: ________________________
City, State, Zip

(301) 335 5703

__________________________________________ [email protected]
(Area Code) Telephone Email Address

Title of Thesis or Dissertation:

Jazz Education in India: A Case Study

Are Human Subjects involved in the research? ___

✔ Yes ___ No (If yes, please attach a copy of the approval from University Institutional Review Board [IRB])

Are vertebrate species (birds, mammals, fish, etc.) involved in this research? ___ Yes ___
✔ No (If yes, please attach the UMCP Animal Care and Use Committee (UMCP-
ACUC) form, showing protocol number and approval date)

Is recombinant DNA/RNA involved in this research? ___ Yes ___No

✔ (If yes, please attach a copy of the approval from the UM Institutional Biosafety Committee).

Publication of a thesis or dissertation (in part or entirely) may compromise certain intellectual property rights. Contact the Office of Technology Commercialization
(www.otc.umd.edu) if you envision eventual commercialization of your work.

Expected Oral Examination Date__________________________ (Please note that an oral examination may not be held until the Office of the Registrar approves the
recommended committee.)

List all nominees on the table provided on the reverse of this form.

✔ New Committee ___ Revised Committee?

Is this a ___

✔ No (If yes, please explain using a separate sheet. If the candidate failed before the
If this is a revised committee, did the original committee ever meet? ___ Yes ___
original committee, please attach a letter of explanation from the Director of Graduate Studies.)
________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Advisor (Print Name then Sign) Date Telephone Extension/Email Address
______________________________________________ ______________________________________
Director of Graduate Program (Print Name then Sign) Date Telephone Extension/Email Address
__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
For the Registrar or Designee Date

Note: Nomination for Graduate Faculty Members is available online at https://gradschool.umd.edu/forms

Please return this form to: The Office of the Registrar

1113 Mitchell Building ● University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5121
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 301-314-9568
Revised 10/2019
Nominated Committee:

Name and Rank (or Title) Program/Department/Place of Employment Registrar

Use Only
Kenneth Elpus Music Education/ UMD
Michael Hewitt Music Education/ UMD
Yo-Jung Han Music Education/ UMD

Dean’s Representative (Doctoral Committees Only):

Is the Dean’s Representative a voting committee ____ Yes ____ No

The Master’s Thesis Examination Committee:
• Minimum of three voting members of the Graduate Faculty, including two Full Members.
• Chair should be the student’s advisor and a Full Member of the Graduate Faculty.
• Faculty that leave UMD (except Emeriti) remain as Graduate Faculty for one year, after which they can be nominated as Special Members.
The Doctoral Defense Committee:
• Ph.D. Committees require a minimum of five voting members of the Graduate Faculty, including three Full Members.
• Doctoral Capstone Examining Committee (e.g., Ed.D., Au.D.) require a minimum of five voting members of Graduate Faculty, including
threeFull Members or Associate Members (two of these three must be Full Members.)
• A committee chair should be the student’s advisor. A Ph.D. Committee Chair must be a Full Member of the Graduate Faculty. IN the case
of Doctoral Capstone Examining Committees, an Associate Member can serve as chair under certain circumstances. Requests for a co-
chairs must be approved by the Graduate School.
• Each committee needs a Dean’s Representative as a voting or non-voting member. The Dean’s Representative should have a research
interest related to that of the student. The Dean’s Representative must be a tenured member of the Graduate Faculty and must be from
another tenure home than the student’s program and from another tenure home than the primary chair or co-chair.
Graduate Faculty Categories:
• Full Members are UMD faculty that are tenured or on the tenure-track.
Full Members that leave UMD (except Emeriti) remain Full Members for one year. They can then be nominated as a Special Member.
Full, Emeriti Members who separate from the university remain Full Members for five years and are eligible for re-nonomination.
• Associate Members are those who hold non-tenure-stream faculty postions at UMD.
• Special Members are qualified scholars outside UMD. They can be nominated for a renewable five-year membership term.
• Graduate Teaching Members are individuals whose primary duty is teaching

Prerogatives of Membership by Category:

Full Members of the Graduate Faculty are eligible to teach graduate-level courses; serve on program graduate committees; direct Master's thesis research and chair
Master's thesis examining committees; direct doctoral dissertation research and chair doctoral dissertation examining committees; and vote for and serve on the
Graduate Council and its committees.

Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty are eligible to teach graduate-level courses, serve on graduate program committees, direct Master's thesis research, and
chair master's thesis examining committees. They can also co-direct doctoral dissertation research and co-chair dissertation examining committees, but they cannot
direct doctoral dissertation research or chair dissertation examining committees.

Graduate Teaching Members of the Graduate Faculty are eligible to teach graduate-level courses. Graduate Teaching Members cannot serve as thesis/dissertation
advisors nor direct, co-direct, or serve on thesis and dissertation committees.

Special Members of the Graduate Faculty are eligible to serve on program graduate committees and co-direct Master's thesis research, but may not direct or co-direct
doctoral dissertation research or chair Master's Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation Examination Committees.
*** For the most up-to-date policy information, visit https://academiccatalog.umd.edu/graduate/policies/ ***

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