Module No. and Title: Lesson No. and Title:: (Answer This)
Module No. and Title: Lesson No. and Title:: (Answer This)
Learning Outcomes:
Hello my dear students! Welcome to this chapter which tackles about the dark
side of the internet which comprises of firstly, the utopian and dystopian views of the
Internet, the two extremes of ideologies of a view, in this case the future of
innovations and technological advancements.
Secondly, media acceleration and information, the fast progression or the rise
of the internet in terms of exchanging information and the growing number of uses
that users can do with it. Thirdly, internet addiction and isolation, which talks about
the bad effects that internet can possibly cause to its users. A problem that may need
to be cured long term.
Lastly, selective exposure and political polarization that discusses the impact
that the internet can cause even to the country's political issues. This chapter focuses
on the dark side or the negative aspects of the internet. Keep Fighting! And Enjoy
What is Dystopia?
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, dystopia is an imagined world or
society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives. Dystopia is an
imperfect world, where everything goes the wrong way. It shows the nightmare of
having a doomed future filled with rebellion, wars, oppression, corruption, disasters -
the exact opposite of Utopia.
Here are several tips on how to avoid the negative effect of data smog:
1. Go on "data fast."
2. Try spending some time away from communication devices, television, and
the internet.
3. Make use of print media every once in a while.
4. Avoid sending or forwarding chain messages, or any other useless
information online.
5. Filter unwanted messages and/or emails.
Twitter has been one of the
most used social media platform by
the sports community. Twitter is an
arena where athletes could make
their fans' day by replying to them
from time to time. Where leagues
post updates about the latest games
for people who were not able to
watch them. Through this, we can
see barriers being broken when
athletes of different teams or even
of different sports "tweet" each
other online. This displays that the
sports community can be united.
Twitter has been an avenue for athletes to promote their brands, announce
their recent activities, and to update us of their own feelings which cannot be seen in
ordinary news or in print media
Athletes use this to "trash talk"
each other before big games, which
makes us, the fans and watchers, more
interested and hooked on the game.
Fans have also used twitter to scream
out their support and enjoyment, and
to vent out their frustrations about
games. Twitter makes the fans feel
like they can be close to their idols
and a part of the community.
Before, through
Instagram, we can see athletes
posting photographs of their
travels, games, their family. It
was already great because fans
can see what they have been up
to recently. But ever since the
introduction of Instagram
stories, where users can upload
series of 15 seconds long videos that will expire and be gone after 24 hours. This
feature made fans feel even closer to the game. Athletes post their daily rituals, daily
workout routines, foods, parties, and a lot of behindthe-scenes that other types of
media just cannot seem to get. Athletes posting e m b a r r a s s i n g m o m e n t s o f their
co-athletes, that makes supporters realize that their human too, they are not some
type of gods that we can never be in the same level with .
With these social media platforms, print media would cease to exist. Because of
the free access of twitter and such athletes, managements, andpromoters would make full
use of social media sites and news writers, reporters, and more would lose its purpose.
Also, since most athletes manage their own accounts, controversies are unavoidable. With
just one wrong click, or an impulsive spurt of emotion, they can be bashed, banned, and
other heavy repercussions for their actions.
Blogging was introduced in the Philippines early 1995 and started to grow during
2012 as a revolutionized medium of communication, and probably influence Philippine
1.Find out your forte in writing. Choose skills where you can excel and
compete. ,
2.Analyze your competition. Look for a topic or niche that you plan to blog
and list the top blogs. You may use Google to search for the niche or
3.Create a plan. Make a formal and detailed plan and be brave entrepreneur
who can take the risk.
4.Develop your blog. Register domain name and invest quality web host.
Develop professional and marketable blog.
This is an example of package:
a.Free 1 year .COM domain registration worth P600 (just add P1,000 to
register a .PH domain)
b.Free 1 year web hosting worth P6,001:I
c.Premium WordPress theme worth P5,000
d.Search engine optimized WordPress framework
e.HTML5 and mobile responsive blog
f.Google Analytics and Search Console Installation and more
5.Publish evergreen and engaging content. Unique and high content of
evergreen with organic traffic search engines.
6.Optimize your content for search engines. The quality content of search
engines must be high.
7.Promote your blog and content in social media. Create an account on
social media platforms like pages and profiles to build up your brand and
attract followers.
8.Monitor and analyze your blog's performance. Monitor the blog's
performance and other important information by installing Google
Analytics and Google Search Console.
9.Apply and implement available monetization schemes. Use AdSense
because of its popularity and easiest monetization scheme available for
10.Continue blogging and wait for your earnings. Be patient, consistent,
tough, competitive and expect a lot of hardships and challenges.
Vlogging also known as video blogging requires commitment, consistency to
build a habit from audience and set a series of videos that follow an individual's daily life.
The vlog lasts for about 5 minutes to 15 minutes and vlogger uses YouTube to consume
longer form, highly produced video content.
The most progressive athletes should look at investing in a video channel if they
wish to sustain relevance, stand out from the pack and build great opportunities off the
back to the channel's success. If an athlete is clear about his or her positioning, the video
medium is unquestionably the most important medium to build that brand in 2018.
The most popular vlogs are full of cinematic footage, impressive editing, engaging
characters, all of which combine to tell interesting, enjoyable, and addictive stories.
It is important to note the difference between vlogging and other social platform
video content such as Instagram or Snapchat Stories.
1.Build Brand: Athletes also often have difficulty changing fans' perception of
them by how they appear when playing their chosen sport.
2.Build Leverage: Athletes can build incredible leverage to support their
endorsers and engage advertisers in a more authentic way.
3.Build Relevance: Athletes can build a really authentic channel just the
way they like it, communicate who they really are and ensure long-term
Types of Online
1. Games - include excessive amount of time online playing online games and
gambling (like online poker). This is the type of addiction that is very rampant
nowadays, especially with the younger generation.
2. Cyber Sexual and Cyber Relationships - include obsession with online
dating, watching pornography, and cybersex.
3. Social Networking - include the over usage of social networking sites like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The user also feels the need to constantly
update his/her social media and to monitor different posts.
4. Net Compulsions - include addiction in online shopping or stock trading.
• Information - includes obsession with searching and collecting different
1. Gradual increase of time with the use of Internet just to feel satisfied.
2. The user uses Internet to cope with negative feelings and bad mood.
3. The user feels anxious, restless, irritable, or moody when they are not able to
go online.
4. The user is unable to minimize the use of Internet after multiple attempts.
5. The user loses track of time when online.
6. The user chooses to spend most of his/her time using the Internet over other
significant things in life like work, school, travel, relationships, and other more.
7. The user is willing to sacrifice or to lose job, relationship, opportunities to be
able to go online.
1. The user who might be shy in real life may feel secured with the feeling of
anonymity when using the Internet.
2. The user turns to Internet use to escape from problems.
3. The user uses the virtual world to connect with people to compensate
their lack of ability in real life communication
4. The feeling of having a quick access to everything persuades to use the
Internet more often than intended.
1.Family problems - the user does not spend time with his/her family which
leads to disagreements.
2.Mental health problems - creating another persona online may soon lead to
depression and anxiety if it is not used moderately.
3.Academic difficulty - significant decrease in the user's academic records.
4.Financial issues - internet addiction can be costly especially with online
gambling and online games.
5.Medical problems - spending too much time using the computer can be
the cause to complications in our health like severe headaches, body aches,
carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, and eating irregularities.
6.Work complications - this leads the user to neglect office works that may
lead to losing the user's job.
7.Unhealthy sleeping habits - internet addiction makes the user lose track of
time due to long durations or over use of the internet.
8.Socially awkward - frequent use of the internet takes away the time that
can be used to socialize and explore the world.
There are two ways to treat Internet addiction. First is self-help, which can
be used if the person thinks that the problem is not that serious, yet. If the user
thinks that he/she can still handle and correct themselves on their own. The second
is professional treatment, this involves a licensed psychologist or a councilor,
who can help the user in controlling their use of the internet.
For the self-help treatment, these are several steps to help in treating mild
internet addiction:
Professional Treatment
Therapies are already being made available for internet addiction since it is
becoming very rampant today because of the accessibility of internet use. One of
the most common therapies is the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment
which includes the exploration of the person's usage pattern. Then after analyzing
the usage pattern, they can give a strict schedule of the time limitation in using the
internet. This can help in force altering the usage pattern of the user. Support
groups are also encouraged to help the user in feeling motivated to improve.
Residential Inpatient Internet Addiction Treatments Centers are also
available. Having a healthy environment can often help in speeding up progress
and there are nurses or helpers that can help in supervising and guiding the user. In
worst case scenarios-, prescription and over-the-counter medications are taken into
consideration to further help the treatment. Although currently, there are still no
over-the-counter medications known to directly assist internet addictions.
Emotional Isolation
It is a state of unable and unwilling to share emotions with anyone. It
occurs due to social isolation and isolated emotionally because of social network.
From 19 up to 32 years old found frequent social media users and got the
higher levels of perceived social isolation with three times as likely to feel isolated
as the least frequent users. The use of social media as a result may be harmful or
feel isolated.
There are negative and positive sides in using selective exposure in the
internet age. For the negative side, readers should not avoid information
contradicting their current view. Instead, the reader should learn to read
information to educate themselves without the need to change their opinions
because selectively reading information that only coincides with a reader's belief
can cause for the reader to miss •out on important facts. For the positive side,
readers should learn what to believe or what not to believe when reading
information online. This way, readers could stay away from "fake news" and from
spreading it. According to Facebook's estimate no more than 3% of its users are
fake accounts and 6% to 10% of it are duplicate accounts. The numbers may seem
small in percentage but when translated into the number of accounts, that would be
a whopping 270 million Facebook accounts that are fraudulent. There are
circumstances where a user should carefully choose what to see, read, or listen to
avoid unwanted happenings.
What is Political Polarization?
According to DiMaggio, Evans, Bryson (1996), "Polarization is both a state
and a process. Polarization as a state refers to the extent to which opinions on an
issue are opposed in relation to some theoretical maximum. Polarization as a
process refers to the increase in such opposition over time."
The internet has become a significant aspect when it comes to voting and
other political issues. But do the readers really seek for the better option or are
they just selectively looking for information that can strengthen their faith in their
choices? This is how selective exposure affects political polarization. People try to
prove their views as blinded as they can be, which creates two very contradicting
oppositions that strongly reinforce political polarization.
Application: (ANSWER THIS)
2. Instagram
3. Blog
4. Vlogging
1. What is your ideal Utopia in the Era of Technology?
Causes of Internet
Effect on Internet
Congratulations! You did a great job for this lesson! You can now proceed to the next