Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheet (SBEDS)

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Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects

Design Spreadsheet (SBEDS)

The Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design
Spreadsheet (SBEDS) is an Excel© based tool for the design
and analysis of structural components subjected to dynamic
loads, such as airblast from explosives, using single-degree-
of-freedom (SDOF) methodology. SBEDS is based on UFC 3-
340-01 and UFC 3-340-02, but draws on other sources where
improved methodologies are available.

The user can select from a library of common component

types, then enter parameters related to the component
geometry, support conditions, material properties and loading.
Based on these inputs SBEDS will calculate the SDOF
properties and dynamic response o the component. SBEDS
can also generate Pressure-impulse (P-i) curves of the
component for use in assessments or preliminary designs.

The component library includes masonry, concrete, steel,

aluminum, cold-formed, and wood members. The user can
select standard component shapes and materials using drop-
down menus, or can manually input the component section
and material properties. Dropdown menus are used to specify
support conditions, load distribution, and modes of response
(i.e. flexural, compression membrane and tension membrane).
In addition to common structural components, SBEDS can
also evaluate the dynamic response of a general SDOF

Static and dynamic axial loads, either uniformly distributed or

concentrated, are accommodated for many components.
Loads can be input by the user directly or using pressure-time
history files, or can be calculated by SBEDS based on a user-
specified explosive and standoff.

Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
INTENDED USER Protective Design Center
SBEDS was developed for structural engineers who have solid
knowledge of structural engineering, dynamics, and blast Telephone:
effects. This tool is not for the non-engineer. SBEDS is suited Mr. Curt Betts, Chief, PDC 402-995-2376
for preliminary design or final design when used by a skilled
engineer. SBEDS will aid the engineer in design of the email: [email protected]
member, but the actual design of members and connections
is the full responsibility of the engineer. SIPRNet email: [email protected]

PDC public web page:

PDC CAC-enabled web page:
SBEDS is under the Software tab

U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
Protective Design Center
This flier is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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