Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheet (SBEDS)
Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheet (SBEDS)
Single-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Effects Design Spreadsheet (SBEDS)
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release;
distribution is unlimited.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
INTENDED USER Protective Design Center
SBEDS was developed for structural engineers who have solid
knowledge of structural engineering, dynamics, and blast Telephone:
effects. This tool is not for the non-engineer. SBEDS is suited Mr. Curt Betts, Chief, PDC 402-995-2376
for preliminary design or final design when used by a skilled
engineer. SBEDS will aid the engineer in design of the email: [email protected]
member, but the actual design of members and connections
is the full responsibility of the engineer. SIPRNet email: [email protected]
PDC public web page:
U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
Protective Design Center
This flier is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.