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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Implementation of Health Monitoring using Verilog

Adithi L1, Ranjith S2, Santhosh PV3, Deepthi KC4
Dept. of ECE, Global academy of Technology (vtu), Karnataka, India
Abstract - As of late, wellbeing has gotten a mainstream that high level of diabetes hazard can be credited to
subject. Having a decent and sound way of life alongside abundance weight [3].
a decent body viewed as one of the boundaries for good
wellbeing. For assessing our body status, BMI (body mass BMI is utilized as valuable occupants level
index), BFP (muscle versus fat ratio), BMD (basal proportion of overweight and weight. It is normal
metabolic rate), RMF (relative fat mass), BMR (basal strategy for both genders and for all ages. The BMI
metabolic rate) can be utilized a marker. In this paper, marker gauges the extent of body weight to the square
we have structured BMI, BFP, BMD, RMF, BMR utilizing of body tallness of a person. As indicated by the BMI
fundamental boundaries like stature, weight, age, sexual esteem, individuals can tell whether they are under-
orientation, abdomen circuit and so forth. BMI shows weight, legitimate weight, over-weight or hefty, and
that the individuals' hold up is straightforwardly perceive how much their weight leaves from the perfect
load for their tallness. BMI has been utilized to order
connected to build, BFP demonstrates the fat rate in the
too thin and fat [4] and utilized along with material
body, BMD shows the minerals present in the body, RFM
action to analyze constant vitality deficiency. Likewise,
is viewed as obviously superior to BMI as it doesn't BMI has been applied in adolescence and pubescence
demonstrate about the fat mass, BMR shows the (normalized by age and sex) to characterize hunger and
digestion pace of the body when the body is perfect corpulence [5]. BPF can be determined utilizing BMI.
mode. All the above-mentioned parameters are designed BFP of an individual is entire mass of fat isolated by
in Verilog language (RTL code) and it has been whole weight, duplicated by 100. Muscle versus fat
stimulated using XILINX 14.7 ISE. incorporates indispensable full and capacity cadaver
fat. Basic muscle versus fat is required to keep up life
Key Words: Health, BMI, BMR, BFP, BMD, RFM, and conceptive capacity. A direct condition portrayed as
Verilog, IOT. RFM was proposed by Woolcott and Bergman. RFM is
estimation of overweight or weight in people that
1. INTRODUCTION requires just computations dependent on the
proportion of stature and midriff estimations.
The wellbeing awareness has become an expanding Furthermore, fat mass was determined utilizing two
focus with current individuals. Being excessively anthropometric estimations: tallness and abdomen
overweight or too slim shows up as an issue of boundary. In view of its straightforwardness and viable
appearance as well as wellbeing [1]. Overweight and introduction than BMI, RFM could be used in
weight are characterized as sporadic or unnecessary fat consistently clinical practice as an undeniable limit in
assembling in the body that may debilitate the assessing the body association [5].
wellbeing. Overwhelming and heftiness are considered There is an astounding job in restoring the
as one of the significant hazard factors for significance of utilizing (BMR) to anticipate human
noncontagious sicknesses, for example, cardiovascular vitality request. The term 'basal' was utilized to decide
maladies that are one of the principle driving reason for between the vitality expended while performing
death, diabetes, musculoskeletal clutters, and some physical action and being very still. BMR speaks to the
cancer [2]. The nearness of overweight and corpulence joining of irrelevant measure of the considerable
suggests unfriendly metabolic consequences for number of tissues in the body under stable state
circulatory strain, cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin condition. It is normally communicated as oxygen
opposition. Ailments, for example, metabolic condition utilization per unit body size. BMR is the everyday pace
diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular ailment, non-alcoholic of vitality digestion person needs to keep up so as to
steatohepatitis (fattyliver), gallbladder ailment, defend the uprightness of indispensable organs of the
gastroesophageal reflux, obstructive rest apnea, body.
regenerative framework issue, numerous diseases, and
osteoarthritis just as social and mental issues are Capacity BMR relies upon body synthesis is
related with weight. Numerous investigations indicated given as far as without fat mass (FFM) and fat mass
(FM) and on sexual orientation, age, physical

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6951
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

movement, and wholesome status [6]. BMR has better consequences of FM% dictated by every one of
regularly been the principle main focus in the the body piece strategies contrasted with BMI. The
investigations on the extension and treatment of
formula is given by, RFM = 64 – [20 x
fullness. Their impacts of weight and BMI on body
mineral thickness in people. A BMD test estimates (tallness/midsection circuit) both in meters] + (12 x
amount of calcium and other sort of minerals are in a sex). Sex is characterized as 0 for male and 1 for
zone of your bone. In this venture, we attempt to female. This can likewise be deciphered as RFM
discover the connection between BMI, BMR, BMD, BFP, (female)=64-[20 x (height/abdomen circumference)],
RFM regarding weight, stature, sex, age and we attempt
and for male=72-[20 x (height/abdomen
to discover the precision rate between the relations.
circumference)]. This outside endorsement showed
2. LITERATURE SURVEY that the display of the RFM condition used in this
examination to measure FM% was more solid than BMI
BMI is considered to be the important part of health [5]. Vitality consumption is a determinant of vitality
monitoring. BMI measures the portion of the body by balance and a body structure. Consequently, BMR is
using weight and height parameter. Though BMI value, likewise mostly center around the investigations and
people can predict about the size of the body in terms advancement of treatment of Obesity. It mostly relies
of underweight, normal weight, Overweight or obesity. upon the mass and digestion pace of the tissues and
Because of its simplicity, BMI is widely used for organs. So BMR can be gotten with some precision by
decades [1]. BMI is used as a popular measuring tool. knowing the body structure. Sex was a huge
BPF also depends on BMI. And BFP varies in terms of determinant of BMR in stout kids and young people [6].
age and gender. BMI, age and gender were taken as BMD can be estimated by utilizing a few procedures.
independent variable and body fat as dependent BMD connotes the bones mass and through that we can
variable. BMI was noted to increase in young people, become acquainted with how much calcium lack may
remain constant in middle age, decrease in old people. be there which thusly can distinguish osteoporosis [7].
The mean difference between BFP was also increased A significant strategy utilized are through x-beam. The
with age where as female gain more weight than male bone mineral thickness and bone mineral substance
when they become old [2]. BMI don't recognize body estimation depends on double vitality x-beam
slender mass and muscle versus fat mass. Like absorptiometry [8].
individuals can have high BMI and have low fat mass
and the other way around. The reason for stoutness is 3. METHODOLOGY
worried to be the new way of life here the work
The methodology explains about the flow of the
connected with PCs prompting less in physical action.
Breathing trouble is normal for individuals who are fat. proposed work. The overall implementation is based
on the flow chart shown below. The flow diagram
BMI disadvantage is that it doesn't reflect muscle to fat
ratio dispersion (focal trunk versus hips and thighs) explains how BMI, BMR, BMD, BFP, RMF are related
to the formula. Based on the formula design is created
which is related with metabolic aggravations and
cardiovascular dangers. [3]. The expression "Basal"
was utilized to recognize the vitality utilized like
performing work and when stayed perfect. It was
typically communicated as warmth creation or vitality
devoured by the body BMR is a pace of vitality
digestion an individual need to support so as to keep
up the uprightness of essential capacities every day [4].
RFM was proposed by Woolcott and Bergman This
condition generally computes FM% utilizing dual
boundaries tallness and abdomen boundary. RFM gives

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6952
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table -1: BMI-Chart

Category BMI Range

<18kg Under weight

b/w 18kg-25kg Normal weight

over 25kg Over weight

Fig-1: flow diagram of methodology

B} BMR: The vitality required while resting in a calm
4. PROPOSED WORK situation when the stomach related framework is idle is
characterized as BMR. In such a condition, vitality will
Health monitoring system can help people to be utilized distinctly to maintain fundamental organs,
undergo the study of their individual bodies/ gain which incorporate the heart, lungs, kidneys, sensory
knowledge about the basic concepts of health system, digestion tracts, liver, lungs, sex organs,
monitoring. When we think about health the first muscles, and skin. Mifflin-St Jear equation:
thought comes to our mind is pulse rate, blood BMR =10W+6.25H-5A+5 //for men
pressure, body temperature. But these parameters
cannot be calculated by using basic concepts like height, BMR= 10W+6.25H-5A-161 //for women
weight, age etc. Basic concepts of health monitoring can Where w: body weight, H: body
be considered to be BMI, BMI, BMD, BFP, RFM and these height, A: age F: body fat
parameters can be calculated using height, weight, age, percentage
A} BMI: BMI is determined dependent on tallness and
weight that holds great to grown-up people. It is widely
utilized as generally useful pointer of whether an
individual has a sound weight and for their stature.
solely, the worth acquired from the gauge of BMI is
utilized to characterize whether an individual is thin,
ordinary weight, stout, or hefty relying upon what go
the worth falls between. These scopes of BMI fluctuate
dependent on variables, for example, stature, weight
and are here and there additionally partitioned into
subcategories, for example, seriously underweight or
seriously stout. Being stout or thin can have significant
wellbeing impacts, so while BMI is a blemished
proportion of sound weight, it is a helpful pointer of
whether any advantageous testing or activity is
Chart -1: percentage of BMR
Metric BMI=weight(kg)/[height(m)]2
Imperial BMI=702*weight(ibs)/[height(inchs)]2 C} BMD: A BMD test estimates amount of calcium
and other kind of minerals are in a region of your bone.
A BMD test is can give a preview of your bone
wellbeing. The test can distinguish osteoporosis,

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6953
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

discover your hazard for breaks (broken bones), and

Athletes 6-13% 14-20%
decide your reaction to osteoporosis recuperating.

Fitness 14-17% 21-24%

Table -2: BMD Chart for Females:

Female Weight Bone Mass Weight Average 18-24% 25-31%

Obese 25%+ 32%+

<50kg 1.95kg

E} RFM: It is a straightforward recipe for the

b/w 50kg-75kg 2.40kg estimation of overweight or corpulence in people that
requires just a figuring dependent on a proportion of
stature and midriff estimations. High muscle to fat ratio
over 75kg 2.95kg
is connected with expanded dangers of denied
wellbeing and untimely fleetingness. RFM is a
straightforward anthropometric technique that is
professed to be more advantageous than BFP and more
Male Weight Bone Mass Weight exact than the customary BMI. The extent of the
patient's tallness and abdomen estimation, both in
<65kg 2.65kg meters, is increased by 20 sooner than being deducted
from a number (appeared in intense beneath) that
modifies for contrasts in sexual orientation and
b/w 65kg-95kg 3.29kg

over 95kg 3.69kg  RFM for grown-up guys: 64 – 20 ×

(tallness/abdomen circumference)

Table -3: BMD Chart for males  RFM for grown-up females: 76 – 20 × (tallness/
abdomen circumference)

D} BFP: It is determined by isolating the complete  Even however for the most part approved on
load of the fat separated by the body weight. Each database of somewhere in the range of 12,000
individual needs to have a specific amount of grown-ups, RFM has not yet been assessed in
fundamental fat. The basic fat percent shifts colossally investigations of enormous populaces to
among ladies and men. underneath is an outline of distinguish ordinary or anomalous RFM
muscle versus fat percent go for ladies and men
according to corpulence related medical issues
BFP= (1.20 * BMI) + (0.23 * Age) – (10.8 * S) – 5.4
S = 1 for male and 0 for female. BMI = Body Mass
Index, Age= Age in years.
Table -4: BFP Chart:

Description Male Female

Essential fat 2-5% 10-13%

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6954
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Chart -2: RFM data chart

The parameters mentioned above are designed and

implemented using VERILOG language. The code is
constructed using the formula mentioned above along Fig 2: Verilog flow of proposed work
the specified chart. The RTL code and test bench are
verified for certain values. The Verilog code written 5. RTL SCHEMATIC:
here is synthesizable one and certain testcases are
verified. The RTL code and test bench are verified for Variable "a" is utilized to determine the sexual
certain values. The Verilog code written here is orientation, on the off chance that a=0, at that point it is
synthesizable one and certain test bench is verified. female or, in all likelihood it is viewed as male. The
input is taken as 8-bit, where w[7:0]=weight of the
body(kg),h[7:0]=height in cm , [7:0]age= age of the
individual in number, waist[7:0]=waist of the
periphery. Along these lines yield got is additionally 8-
bit,where [7:0] BMI=(w/h), [7:0] BFP=( (1.20 * BMI)+
(0.23 * Age) − (10.8 * S) − 5.4)). [7:0] RFM=(for male:64
– 20 × (tallness/abdomen circumference), for female:76
– 20 × (tallness/abdomen circumference)BMD is
planned distinctly from the weight boundary from the
predefined diagram.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6955
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

generally changing readings and that regularly vary

from the standard techniques for fat estimations.

Fig 4: output waveform

Table -5: RTL Analysis

Logical utilization Used Utilization

Number of 4 input LUT 19 1%

Number of occupied slices 10 1%

Number of Slices 10 100%

containing only related
Fig 3: RTL schematic logic

Number of Slices 0 0%
containing unrelated logic
The BMI is a valuable estimation for the vast majority Number of bonded IOBs 33 19%
more than 18, and can assist with getting to if
individuals are overweight or hefty. Yet, BMI may not Average Fanout of Non- 2.82
generally be precise. From the got outcomes, we state it Clock Nets
is roughly exact up to 95%. The primary issue of BMI is
that it doesn't recognize fat mass and non-fat mass. For
the count of BMR Mifflin-St Jear recipe is utilized. These 7. CONCLUSION
equations give a rough number of calories your body
The BMI has been utilized extensively in
consumes during physical movement. There is edge of
epidemiological and logical examinations to arrange
around 10% mistake. Also, the ongoing examination
overheavy and weight. The regular World Health
has indicated that your stature and midriff boundary is
Organization (WHO) portrayal for body weight status
placed into an equation and the subsequent number is
is underweight (<18 kg/m 2 ), ordinary weight (18.5–
regally equivalent to BFP which is viewed as RFM. One
24 kg/m 2 ), overweight (25–30 kg/m 2 ), and
of the principle issues with muscle versus fat scales is
stoutness (>30 kg/m 2 ).BMI downside is that it
that they frequently erroneous Studies have discovered
doesn't reflect muscle to fat ratio circulation (focal
that distinctive muscle to fat ratio scales produce
trunk versus hips and thighs) which is related with
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6956
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

metabolic unsettling influences and cardiovascular 3) Maali Said Mohammed, Sandra Sendra, Jaime Lloret
risks[2].The RFM is structured and determined and Ignacio Bosch.
utilizing just two boundaries for example (tallness and 4) CJK Henry School of Biological and Molecular
abdomen circumference).It is Costless and furthermore Sciences, Oxford Brookes University.
5) Alan E. Guzmán-León,Ana G. Velarde , Milca Vidal-
Superior to BMI for prognostic purposes Cheap and it
Salas , Lucıa G. Urquijo-Ruiz , Luz A. Caraveo-
doesn't require unique gear. BFP is like RFM yet for
Gutiérrez , Mauro E. Valencia.
computing we need age, weight of the body, stature in 6) Stefano Lazzer, Giorgio Bedogni , Claudio L.
cm. Having a sound BFP give preferred position, for Lafortuna , Nicoletta Marazzi , Carlo Busti ,Raffaela
example, temperature rule, impartial hormone levels, Galli , Alessandra De Col, Fiorenza Agosti and
upgraded conceptive wellbeing. BMD is significant as it Alessandro Sartorio.
is utilized to gauge the mineral in bones particularly 7) An image processing algorithm to estimate bone
calcium. From this we can become acquainted with mineral density using digital X-ray images Shiyana
about the individuals who are in danger for Sherief Khan; Archana S. Jayan ; Sharmila
osteoporosis, particularly for more seasoned grown-
8) Development of bone mineral density and bone
ups. BMR is the regularly pace of vitality digestion an
mineral content measurements system using a dual
individual need to keep up so as to guard the energy x-ray "Y. Promworn ; C. Pintavirooj
respectability of basic capacities. In ordinary free-living 9) Smart health monitoring system using IoT based
people, the measure of vitality gave by their eating smart fitness mirror Amgad Muneer1, Suliman
routine must conceal the requests of basal digestion in Mohamed Fati2, Saddam Fuddah3.
addition to advantageous sums required for the 10) Internet of Thing Based Health Care Monitoring
physical development related with essential System, Shreyaasha Chaudhury, Debasmita Paul.
11) IOT Based Smart Health Monitoring Alert Device, K
substantial needs, and notwithstanding those forced by
Hari Kishore, K.V.Surendra Nath, K V N Hari
the physical work associated with calling, in taking part Krishna, D.Pavan Kumar, V.Manikanta, Fazal Noor
in social co-operations and in recreation exercises. Basha.
12) A Survey on Wearable Sensor-Based Systems for
8. FUTURE WORK Health Monitoring and Prognosis Alexandros
Pantelopoulos and Nikolaos G. Bourbakis.
The future work of this task can be further improving 13) Healthcare monitoring system based on IoT,
the idea by including bp, beat rate and ascertaining the Krishna C S, Nalini Sampath.
internal heat level by utilizing sensors and connecting 14) An IoT based Patient Health Monitoring System
this over all idea to IOT by interfacing it to cloud. At 1D. Shiva Rama Krishnan, 2Subhash Chand Gupta,
that point the significant point will be to comprehend 3Tanupriyam Choudhury
and get the yield continuously condition with precision
by means of IOT. The way toward putting away
information can be utilized from numerous points of
view, for example, anticipating the sicknesses,
dissecting and so forth.


1) Chih-Hua Tai Daw-Tung Lin "A Framework for

Healthcare Everywhere:16th IEEE International
Conference on Mobile Data Management.
2) Chathuranga Ranasinghe, Prasanna Gamage ,
Prasad Katulanda , Nalinda Andraweera, Sithira
Thilakarathne and Praveen Tharanga.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6957

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