Loose-Tenon Options: Spend A Little, Spend A Lot: Three Great Ways To Make Loose-Tenon Joints
Loose-Tenon Options: Spend A Little, Spend A Lot: Three Great Ways To Make Loose-Tenon Joints
Loose-Tenon Options: Spend A Little, Spend A Lot: Three Great Ways To Make Loose-Tenon Joints
Loose-Tenon Options
Spend a little, spend a lot: three great ways to make loose-tenon joints.
By Jim Harrold
here’s little doubt that the
mortise-and-tenon joint is
one of the strongest joints
in woodworking. But it’s not always
the quickest or easiest to cut. There’s
an alternative that’s a lot easier to
make—the loose-tenon joint. This
joint can be made quickly with a
router, a cordless drill, or a high-speed
mortiser, and when it’s assembled
with modern adhesives, it’s plenty
strong for most projects.
With a traditional mortise-and-
tenon joint, you cut a mortise (a
slot) in one of the mating pieces
(for example, a table leg). Then you
cut away material from the end of
the other mating piece (the apron)
to create a tenon. The challenge lies
in getting the tenon to fit perfectly
in the mortise. Since you’re cutting
the mortise and the tenon with two
different tools and two different of the tenons (i.e., no math). And, While one saves time, another
setups, the possibility for a joint that finally, you can easily use loose tenons saves money. Hopefully, you’ll find
doesn’t quite fit together perfectly is with angled joints such as miters. one that best suits your needs and
always present. Here, we’ll cover three distinct budget. (See the Convenience-
On a loose-tenon joint, you cut approaches to cutting loose-tenon Plus Buying Guide on page 31 for
mortises in both pieces with the same joints. They all have their advantages. products mentioned.)
machine or jig and the same setup.Then
you cut a loose tenon (sort of a short Guidelines For Sizing Mortises
spline) to fit halfway into each piece. It’s
glued securely in place for a very strong WIDTH = Bit size =
face-grain-to-face-grain joint. 1
/3 the thickness of
One benefit of the loose tenon is the thinnest mating
the instant fit you get with little or no piece
additional handwork with a plane or LENGTH = 2/3
sanding block. Another benefit is that the width of the
by cutting the loose tenon narrower narrowest mating
than the mortises, you have a “fudge piece
factor” that helps you align pieces DEPTH = As deep
flush, even if you slightly miscut the as possible based
mortise length or location. A third on bit length, but
and very big benefit is that you cut all at least 1/16" deeper
of the workpieces to finished length than half the length
before cutting the joints. You don’t of the tenon
have to take into account the length
www.WoodcraftMagazine.com w o o d c r a f t m a g a z i n e 27
Joinery Made Simple
28 w o o d c r a f t m a g a z i n e A p r i l / M ay 2 0 0 9
Figure 2
Part Views
Position both the vertical and horizontal hairlines,
then toggle-clamp the workpiece in place and
tighten the knobs under the platform.
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Joinery Made Simple
30 w o o d c r a f t m a g a z i n e A p r i l / M ay 2 0 0 9
Four Assembly Tips
• Sand slight chamfers on the ends of loose tenons so they
insert more easily into the mortise.
• Dry-assemble your project to check that everything fits.
• Use a small brush to apply glue down into each mortise
and on the first 1/4" or so of the tenon.
• Make your tenons 1/8" narrower than needed. This creates
slight adjustability for a precision fit. That said, always
check that mating pieces are flush on the ends and edges
during clamp-up. H
Round over all four edges of your tenon stock on the router
advantage—the loose tenon is much larger and thicker table to match the mortise.
than a biscuit, providing greater face-grain-to-face-grain
gluing surface.
Layout is as quick and easy as a biscuit jointer. You can
work anywhere on the board, even on a mitered end as
shown in Photo G. Just hold your two mating workpieces
against one another and draw a pencil line across both
pieces where you want the matching mortises. Then set the
Domino Joiner for the desired depth and width. Secure the
workpiece with clamps or in a vise, line up a cursor on the
tool with your pencil line, and plunge.
Okay, what’s the downside? Well, other than the price I
($775), you’re limited to five different depth settings and
three different width settings. Also, you’ll need to work in Clamp a stopblock to your rip fence to prevent kickback
metric sizes. All of the bits, depth and width settings, and when cutting short tenons.
domino thicknesses are in millimeters. If you’ve worked in
millimeters, then it’s simple. If not, I’d recommend picking
up a ruler or tape measure with both metric and inch
Item WOODCRAFT # price
settings across from each other.
23/4 × 4" Vertical Handle Quick
1. Action Toggle Clamp 143934 $11.99
Making or buying Knob, Four Arm with 1/4"-20 × $2.50
loose tenons 2. 11/2" Stud (2 Needed) 27R15 each
After choosing a mortising approach, you’ll need to decide 3.
Knob, Four Arm with 1/4"-20
27R14 $2.50
Insert (4 Needed) each
on one of the options for obtaining loose tenons. These
include making your own to fit any size mortise, or buying 4. T-Nuts, 1/4"-20 (pack of 10) 130226 $2.50
pre-made tenons. Festool tenons are available in metric 5. Clear Acrylic Stock, 3/8 × 12 × 12" 16L71 $15.99
sizes for mortises cut with the Domino Joiner. JessEm sells 6.
CMT Upcut Spiral Bit, ¼" D, 1"
820268 $27.99
CL (1/4" SH)
tenons in two different lengths and three thicknesses (all in
JessEm Pocket Zip Slot Mortise
inch measurements) to match their bits. 7. Mill 149198 $99.99
To make your own loose tenons, start by planing some JessEm Zip Slot Mortise Mill
8. 149197 $249.99
scrap hardwood stock; aim for a slight friction fit in your test
9. Festool Domino Joiner DF 500Q 574258 $775.00
mortise. Rip off strips 1/8" narrower than the length of the
12" (300mm) Stainless Steel
mortise to allow some wiggle room during assembly. Next, 10. Cabinetmaker’s Rule 140656 $6.99
round over all four edges of the tenon stock to match the JessEm Zip Slot Tenons: /4 × 1 /4", #149206, 50/pack,
1 1
rounded ends of the mortises. Do this with a block plane, 11. $8.99; 3/8 × 11/4", #149207, 40/pack, $12.99; 1/2 × 13/8",
#149208, 30/pack, $14.99
sandpaper, or a router table and round-over bit as shown in
Festool Beech Dominos ($71.50 per pack): 5mm ×
Photo H. The final step is to cut the loose tenons to length 30mm, 1,800/pack, #493296; 6mm × 40mm, 1,140/pack,
with a miter gauge and auxiliary wood fence on the table saw 12. #493297; 8mm × 40mm, 780/pack, #493298; 8mm ×
50mm, 600/pack, #493299; 10mm × 50mm, 510/pack,
as shown in Photo I. To allow room for glue, cut them 1/8" #493300,
shorter than the combined depth of the two mortises. For Above items are available at Woodcraft stores, woodcraft.com or by calling
(800) 225-1153. Prices subject to change without notice.
more on assembly, see the tips above.
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