Plumbing System Case Study

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Water is vital to the functioning of each and every single cell.

Water is the source of life and destroyer of life.

Water is the major conveyance of diseases (cholera, typhoid, infectious hepatitis and amoebiasis) and
related diseases resulting from poor water supply (parasitic diseases)

(Pictures relating to this)

*The Philippines is endowed with abundant water resources. However the resources differs spatially
(space) and temporally (time).

Our water resources

 97% of our raw water supply come from Angat Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan, the rest come from
Laguna Lake and deepwells.

Distribution Water system for a town

- Treated water use is distributed through a network system of underground pipes, pumps and
other control, maintenance and safety devices.
- Water pressure is required for efficient water distribution system thus depending on the water
source, location and other local conditions, the water may be distribute in following ways:

1. Gravity system- The water source is at the sufficient height and this is the most
reliable and economical way of system of water distribution
2. Pumping system- the treated water is directly pumped in the distribution main
without storing or storage.
4. Combined gravity and pumping system- Water is pumped and stored in an
elevated distribution reservoir that is efficient and reliable system.
Water supply

This is a provision to deliver water to consumer with appropriate quality, quantity and pressure by
public utilities, commercial organizations, and community or by individuals usually by a system of pumps
and pipes.

Distribution system for a building

Water is conveyed from the streets mains to the individual building, and then to the taps and other
fixtures. The supply from the main line to the individual is made through the house service connection

Consist of two type:

1. Communication pipe
-The pipe that runs from the municipal distribution mains to the boundary of the premises.
2. Supply pipe
-The pipe that runs inside the premises is called as supply pipe or consumers’ pipe.
System of Supply

Direct supply system (Upward distribution)

- Supply of water is directly given to various floors with required pressure from sufficient hours.
- Useful for the building not more than two floors and separate connections to be provided for
domestic and non-domestic requirement.

Indirect Water supply system (Downward distribution)

- Water is directly pumped to the overhead storage tank and from there the water is supplied to
different floors by gravity.
- Water is stored in the underground tank and from there the water is pumped to the overhead
tank and it supplies the different floors by gravity.

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