One Sheet Rules v1.1

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ONE SHEET RULES Each level of armor grants +2 to Armor Defense and takes

up 2 inventory slots.
the HD of the monsters. If there is no opponent with HD to
contend with then base difficulty is 12.
One player, the Referee (Ref), runs the game. The rest of the Thieves tools are needed to pick locks or disarm traps. If the Ref decides circumstances are in your favor, you have
players control adventurers in a world where magic works Advantage. If the situation is against you, you have
and monsters exist. These are Player Characters or PCs. A spellbook contains an individual spell which you can cast
Disadvantage. Advantage lets you roll an additional dice and
Characters controlled by the Ref are called Non Player once a day. To do so, you must hold it in both hands and be
pick the best result. Disadvantage makes you roll an
Characters (NPCs). able to read it aloud. Your INT must be at least equal to the
additional dice and pick the worst result. Advantage and
level of the spell. Unless otherwise stated all spells have a
Disadvantage on the same roll cancel each other out.
Character Creation range of Near. If the spell affects a monster you must make
an INT roll against 10 + the monsters HD for it to take Players make all the die rolls. When a player attacks they use
Assign 3 points to your stats in any way you see fit.
effect. Here are some spells to get you started (level in the appropriate stat. When they defend in combat, they use
Strength (STR): Used for melee attacks and saves requiring brackets): their Armor Defense or DEX whichever is higher against
physical power and toughness. physical attacks. They use their INT against magical attacks.
Sleep (1). Puts up to 4 HD of monsters to sleep for INT
Dexterity (DEX): Used for ranged attacks, dodging, rounds. In combat a successful attack with a light weapon does d6
climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc. damage, a medium weapon does d8 damage. Heavy weapons
Heal (1). Range touch. Heals d8 HP of damage.
do d10. Improvised weapons do d4. Monsters do 1 + HD
Intelligence (INT): Used for magical attacks and resisting
Light (1). Object shines like a torch for 1 hour per INT damage. When your hit points reach zero, you die.
magical effects, tracking, navigating, searching for secret
doors, and recalling lore. You heal d8 points of damage per night of rest or per ration
Invisibility (2) Become invisible for 1 min per INT point or eaten.
Hit Points (HP): Roll 3d3 to find out how many HP you
until you attack.
have. Hit Dice (HD) are a measure of a monster’s strength. Each
Fireball (3) 1d6 damage per INT point to d4 near targets. HD grants 4 Hit Points or a d8 if the Ref prefers to roll them.
Choose a Talent, something your character is so good at they
get Advantage. Greatsword Expert would give you Anna gives her new PC Cornelius STR 3 Dex 0 and INT 0. He is Cornelius fights a 1 HD orc and a 2 HD ghoul. Anna rolls 14 for
advantage when rolling to hit with a two handed sword. a close combat scrapper so she gives him a two-handed sword and initiative and goes first. Cornelius strikes at the orc, adding his
Burglar would give you advantage when climbing or moving two levels of armor for +4 Armor Defense and chooses STR to the d20 roll. His greatsword Talent lets Anna roll two d20
stealthily. Talents should not be too broad, applying to one Greatsword expert for his Talent. and pick the best. The total is 17. The orc is a 1 HD creature so
or two things at most. The Ref has final say on whether a Cornelius only needed 11 to hit. Anna rolls 5 for damage and the
Talent is acceptable. Doing Stuff orc dies. The Ghoul now attacks. Anna rolls a d20 to defend,
At the start of combat, roll a d20. If the result is 11+ the adding Cornelius’s armor of +4 for a total of 9. Our hero needed
You get inventory slots equal to your 10 + STR. For each
players go first, otherwise the monsters do. 12 and thus takes three points of damage. The ghoul has
item you exceed this limit, 1 is added to the difficulty of all
paralysing venom. Cornelius needs to make a 12+ STR roll or be
STR and DEX tests. There are 4 abstract ranges; Close : 0 - 5ft, Near : 5 - 60ft, paralysed as well as taking 3 damage.
Choose 3 items of Gear from this list: A Weapon, A Level of Far : 60 - 120ft, Distant : 120+ft.
Armor, Rations, Torches, 50 ft Rope, 10 ft Pole, Flint & Steel, On their Turn a character can move somewhere Near and Advancement
A Spellbook, Thieves Tools. Unless otherwise stated each perform an action at any stage of the move. If they take no After a successful adventure, roll a d20 for a stat of your
item takes up 1 inventory slot as does 100 coins. action, they can move somewhere Far instead. Anything choice. If you roll higher than 10 + the current stat then the
Weapons come in three classes, light (e.g., daggers, beyond Far is Distant and takes 3+ moves to get to. stat increases by 1. If your stat increases your HP also go up
shortbows), medium (e.g., broadswords, longbows) and by 1d3. Two successful advances are equivalent to roughly
When the outcome of an action is uncertain roll a d20 and
heavy (e.g., greatswords, crossbows). These take up 1, 2 and 3 one level in other old school games.
add the relevant stat. If the total equals or exceeds the
inventory slots respectively. Difficulty, you succeed. Difficulty is normally equal to 10 +
CREDITS & NOTES Adapting monsters from other OSR sources is easy too. You
can use them as they are written if you wish. The hardest
part is adjusting descending armor class and that’s not too
action. He made multiple saving throws against paralysis
and slaughtered the undead, saving his companion’s sorry
asses in the process while being reduced to near zero Hit
One Sheet Rules is intended to be a simple introduction to
difficult. Just subtract the AC from 19 (or 20) if that’s your Points.
Old School RPGs and can easily be played with nine year
THACO and that’s the target number you need to hit.
olds and younger. (I know because I playtested it with my Under such circumstances, awarding the achievement
youngest son.) You can use it with most all OSR adventures ghoulslayer and giving advantage on all future saving throws
and sourcebooks.
One Sheet Rules started life as a mashup of two of my
EXTRAS and to hit rolls against ghouls seems fair.

Damn, I still have column and a half to fill on this side of the
favourite Old School games, Ben Milton’s Knave and David
Black’s The Black Hack. When I heard about the One Page
RPG Gamejam 2021, I wondered whether I could squeeze a
page and my obsessive/compulsive nature is offended by all
the white space so I am going to reinstate the Usage Dice
rule and add the rules for Achievements. One Sheet Rules was written by William King and is
complete set of OSR rules down to one page. I think I
released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
managed it but a few things had to go–six stats were cut to
three, bestiaries and spell lists went right out the window Usage Dice International License: You are free to share and adapt this
and I had to drop the Usage Dice mechanic from the Black material for any purpose, including commercially, as long as
Usage Dice. Consumable resources such as arrows and you give attribution.
Hack which I really like.
torches have a usage dice. These work in a chain that runs
Levels had already gone. I run a lot of open table games and from d12 at the highest to d4 at the lowest. Whenever you
I hate book-keeping. I loved the Black Hack’s stat gain roll
mechanism. It reminded me of first edition Runequest from
roll a 1 or a 2 on the usage dice it drops down an increment
to the next lowest dice size-- a d10 becomes a d8, a d8 FREE STUFF
my early days of gaming back in the 70s. Using this meant a becomes a d6 and so on. If the roll comes up on a d4 the
simple die roll at the end of the session, maybe a Get One Sheet Magic and Monsters which does contain a
resource is totally consumed. A usage die is written in the
modification to the character sheet and advancement was bestiary and spell lists by subscribing to One Sheet Review,
format uX where X is the dice size--u6 means d6 and so on.
done. my free monthly mailing list dedicated to One Sheet Rules
Quivers (u10)--if you are using a missile weapon such as a
What constitutes a successful adventure? Up to you. In my bow or a crossbow, you have a d10 usage dice. Roll after each
campaigns, it just means surviving the dungeon trip and
coming back with treasure. If you have different ideas, go
combat in which the weapon is used.
Torches (u6)--make a usage roll every hour the torch is lit.
for it.
I am a recovering game developer who worked on
If you want to put levels back in, it’s easy enough. Just start
the players with d8 HP and have them gain a level and a d8
Achievements Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Warhammer 40K back in
the early 90s . I am the creator of Gotrek & Felix, the author
There will be times when a character does something so
HP every two successful advances. Or substitute XP for gold of Space Wolf and the World of Warcraft novel Illidan. I also
awesome that their deeds cry out to be recognized. When a
or milestones or any other system you like. If you hate write Appendix N style fantasy novels such as the Kormak
PC pulls off some particularly spectacular feat, the GM
random stat gain let players gain +1 to two stats when they Saga and the Dragon Bond cycle available at most online
should award them an achievement. It will normally take the
gain a level, Or, if you are not using levels, let them gain +1 ebook retailers. I would be very happy if you bought one!
form of advantage on a specific type of roll connected to
to a stat at the end of a succesful adventure, though this Thanks for reading this far. All the best,
what they did. It’s hard to quantify what qualifies for an
obviously speeds up advancement considerably. achievement, but you will know it when you see it. Bill King, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2021..
It’s easy to adapt spells from published OSR works. Just For example, during a playtest, Peter’s character single-
scale the spells from INT instead of level and you’re good. handedly fought off a small army of ghouls while the rest of
the players ran away, hid, were paralyzed or otherwise out of

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