Guiding Principle

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Name: Mariel B.

Title/Code: NCM120L (3684)

Identify the following and give its guiding principles in corresponding to emergency
and disaster.

1. UNISDR ( United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)

It aims to promote common understanding and common usage of disaster risk reduction concepts
and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioner and the public.
o Disaster management, which has traditionally been handled by emergency services
in a reactive manner
o Risk management, which is done in a proactive manner.
o Recognize how our actions affect the risk of creation.


The Hyogo framework is a global blueprint for disaster risk reduction efforts during the next decade.
Its goal is to substantially reduce disaster losses by 2015 in lives, and in the social, economic, and
environmental assets of communities and countries. The framework offers guiding principle,
priorities for action and practical means for achieving disaster resilience for vulnerable communities.

o Ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and local priority with a strong
institutional basis for implementation
o Identify, asses an monitor disaster risks and enhancing early warning
o Use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience
at all levels
o Reduce the underlying risk factors
o Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels

3. HRVA ( Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Analysis)

Is one of the important and integral parts for disaster risk reduction that used to help a community
make risk-based choices to address vulnerabilities, mitigate hazards and prepare for response to,
recovery from, a range of hazard event. The HRVA:

o provides a comparison of risks that may possibly exist within a community across the
full spectrum of hazards, categorized into natural,technological, and conflict-related
o Enhances the understanding of the relative risks posed to the community by each
hazard, as well as enables the community to prioritize risk management and
emergency preparedness activities in relation to those hazards that poses the greatest

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