Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity Worksheet

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Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity Worksheet

Directions: Read each section and complete the subsequent questions. Turn in the completed worksheet at
the end of the class period.

Limiting Factors
When living conditions in an area are good, a population will generally grow. But eventually some
environmental factor will cause the population to stop growing. A limiting factor is an environmental factor
that causes a population to decrease. Some limiting factors for populations are food and water, space, and
weather conditions.

1. Every population has _________________________________.

2. What is a limiting factor? (answer in a complete sentence by restating the question)

3. List the types of limiting factors below (use the limiting factors to label the headings of the
following sections):
Limiting factors:




4. Are the limiting factors abiotic or biotic factors? Explain why. (answer in complete sentences)

Organisms require food and water to survive. Since there isn’t always an endless amount of food and water,
they are limiting factors. Suppose a bear must eat 10 fish a day to survive. The river nearby provides about
100 fish a day without harming the fish population. Five bears could easily live in this area because they
would only need 50 fish total. But if there were 15 bears they would not all survive because there would not
be enough food. No matter how much shelter and water there was, the population would not get larger than
10 bears for any extended period of time.

1. How can food and water limit population growth?

2. Is food a limiting factor for plants? Why or Why not?

Space is another limiting factor for populations. Seagulls, for example, come to nest on rocky shores. But the
nesting shores get very crowded. If a pair does not find room to nest, they will not be able to add any
offspring to the seagull population. So nesting space on the shore is a limiting factor for seagulls. If there
were more nesting space, more seagulls would be able to nest, and the population would increase.

Space is also a limiting factor for plants. The amount of space in which a plant grows determines whether the
plant can get the sunlight, water, and soil nutrients it needs. For example, many small plants sprout each year
in a forest. But as they grow, the roots of those that are too close together run out of space and some of the
plants will die. Branches from other trees may block the sunlight the small plants need. Some of the small
plants might die, limiting the size of that plant population.

1. Space can be a limiting factor because animals may not be able to ______________ to have offspring, and so a
population would decrease.

2. Is space a limiting factor for plant populations? Name two ways:



Weather conditions such as temperature and the amount of rainfall can also limit population growth. A cold
front that comes in late spring can kill the offspring of many species of organisms, including plants, birds and
mammals. A hurricane or flood can wash away nests and burrows. Such unusual events can have long-lasting
effects on population size.

1. What is one weather condition that can limit the growth of a population?

2. How might a sudden cold front limit population growth of newborn offspring? (answer in a complete
sentence by restating the question)

Limiting factors: How can it limit a population?



Carrying Capacity
The largest population an area can support with its resources (i.e. food, water, land) is called its carrying
capacity (capacity=amount). If we refer back to the limiting factor of food and water, where the bears each
need 10 fish a day to survive and the nearby river can only supply 100 fish per day, the carrying capacity of
the bear’s habitat would be 10 bears (any more than that would require more fish than the river could
provide and the bears would starve). A population usually stays near its carrying capacity because of the
limiting factors of a habitat.

As a population first begins to grow, it will typically exhibit exponential growth, and it will continue growing
until the population overshoots the carrying capacity. The population will then run out of resources and
decline rapidly until it can recover and stabilize around the carrying capacity. Rabbit populations exhibited
this behavior when they were first introduced into Australia in the mid1800s. At first, their numbers
increased rapidly because they had plenty of vegetation to eat and no predators. The rabbits quickly ate the
land bare and their population crashed as they starved to death. However, over time, the vegetation
recovered, and the rabbit population increased again. The population continues to increase and decrease, but
less dramatically.

1. What is carrying capacity? (answer in a complete sentence by restating the question)

2. How are limiting factors related to carrying capacity? (answer in a complete sentence by restating the

3. Label each of the blanks on the graph with the following stages of a population responding to the carrying
capacity of the ecosystem with the following terms: 1) exponential growth; 2) population overshoot; 3)
population decline; 4) population recovery and stabilization; and 5) carrying capacity.

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