AIA CAD Layer Guidelines: 4.0 Appendix A - List of Discipline Designators, Major and Minor Groups, and Status Fields

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AIA CAD Layer Guidelines

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0.0 Introduction
0.1 Overview
0.2 A Brief History of the CAD Layer Guidelines

1.0 Layer Name Format

1.1 Hierarchy of Data Fields
1.2 Before You Begin
1.3 Discipline Designator, Level 1
1.4 Discipline Designator, Level 2
1.5 Major Group
1.6 Minor Group
1.7 Status (Phase)

2.0 Drawing View Layer List

2.1 Drawing View Field Codes
2.2 Drawing View Layer Names

3.0 Annotation Layer List

3.1 Annotation Field Codes
3.2 Annotation Layer Names

4.0 Appendix A - List of Discipline Designators, Major and Minor Groups, and Status Fields
4.1 Discipline Designators
4.2 Major Groups
4.3 Minor Groups
4.4 Status Fields

5.0 Appendix B - Common Layer Lists by Discipline

5.1 Architectural Layer List
5.2 Civil Layer List
5.3 Contractor/Shop Drawing Layer List
5.4 Electrical Layer List
5.5 Distributed Energy Layer List
5.6 Equipment Layer List
5.7 Fire Protection Layer List
5.8 General Layer List
5.9 Geotechnical Layer List
5.10 Hazardous Materials Layer List
5.11 Interiors Layer List
5.12 Landscape Layer List
5.13 Mechanical Layer List
5.14 Operations Layer List
5.15 Plumbing Layer List
5.16 Process Layer List
5.17 Resource Layer List
5.18 Structural Layer List
5.19 Survey/Mapping Layer List
5.20 Telecommunications Layer List
5.21 Other Disciplines Layer List

6.0 Appendix C - Complying with NCS and ISO 13567

6.1 Overview
6.2 Field Codes
6.3 Field Codes and Language
6.4 ISO 13567 Conformance
6.5 Field Names and Definitions
6.6 "Discipline Designator" vs. "Agent Responsible"
6.7 "Agent Responsible" and Professional Liability
6.8 "Discipline Designator" and the Building Life Cycle
6.9 "Discipline Designator" and ISO 13567 Conformance
6.10 Field Code Restrictions
6.11 NCS and ISO 13567 Implementation Options
6.12 NCS and ISO 13567 Implementation Guidelines

0.0 Introduction

Virtually all vector-based CAD systems support the concept of layers. This function allows building design
information to be organized in a systematic fashion, facilitates the visual display of the information on a computer
screen, and allows the information to be efficiently converted to the conventional print media of drawings. Efficient
use of layers can reduce document preparation time and improve document coordination. Organizing data by layers
allows a single CAD file to contain a wealth of information about a building or facility. By turning selected layers on
or off, data can be created, reviewed and edited according to a hierarchy that simulates the physical organization of
building systems, the relative position of building elements, or the sequence of construction.


The American Institute of Architects (AIA) published the first edition of CAD Layer Guidelines in 1990. The early
success of the first edition and rapidly evolving technology resulted in the second edition being published in 1997.
The most significant change between the first and second editions was the elimination of the "short" layer name
format and the adoption of the long layer name format as a single standard. The second edition also included
additional layer field codes for remodeling projects, added new discipline designations for interiors,
telecommunications, and other disciplines, and improved the method of organizing drawing annotation.

In July 1997, the AIA agreed to incorporate CAD Layer Guidelines into the emerging United States National CAD
Standard® (NCS), a project of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). The AIA and NIBS were joined in
that effort by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and what is now known as the CADD/GIS Technology
Center of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. CSI and CADD/GIS Technology Center agreed to incorporate their
own publications, the Uniform Drawing System and the Plotting Guidelines, respectively, into the NCS. These four
constituent publishers, as they came to be known, were joined by a number of building design and construction
industry organizations in developing and publishing the NCS.

In March 1999, the U.S. National CAD Standard Project Committee (NCS Project Committee) formally accepted
CAD Layer Guidelines, Second Edition (with minor amendments) as a constituent document of the NCS Version 1.0,
published in July 1999. The NCS Project Committee immediately set to work on publication of Version 2.0, which
was published in 2002.

Considerable confusion resulted from the lack of "alignment" between the "Second Edition" of CAD Layer Guidelines
and "Version 1.0" of the NCS. Because CAD Layer Guidelines, Second Edition was published before, and later
incorporated into, the NCS Version 1.0, this could not be avoided. With publication of the NCS Version 2.0, this
problem was corrected by giving the constituent document an entirely new name. For the first time, "AIA" became
part of the title of the publication, and the numbered "editions" were abandoned. As a result, this publication became
known as AIA CAD Layer Guidelines: U.S. National CAD Standard - Version 2.0. Subsequent editions of the NCS
adopted the same nomenclature.

1.0 Layer Name Format


The layer name format is organized as a hierarchy. This arrangement allows users to select from a number of
options for naming layers according to the level of detailed information desired. Layer names consist of distinct data
fields separated from one another by dashes. A detailed list of abbreviations, or field codes, is prescribed to define
the content of layers. Most field codes are mnemonic English abbreviations of construction terminology that are easy
to remember.

There are four defined layer name data fields: Discipline Designator, Major Group, two Minor Groups, and
Status. The Discipline Designator and Major Group fields are mandatory. The Minor Group and Status fields are
optional. Each data field is separated from adjacent fields by a dash ("-") for clarity.

The complete NCS layer name format, showing the Discipline Designator, the Major Group, two Minor Groups,
and the Status fields.

A I - W A L L - F U L L - D I M S - N


The NCS allows you to select from a number of format options for creating layer names. It is recommended that you
select the options that you wish to use for layer names on a given project, and then apply the resulting format
consistently for all layer names on that project.

NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, the layer name
format and length must be the same for all layers on a given project. See CLG Appendix C - Complying with NCS
and ISO 13567, CLG section 6.0 for information about ISO conformance. Δ


The Discipline Designator denotes the category of subject matter A typical layer name showing the required data fields
contained on the specified layer. The Discipline Designator is a two- only.
character field. The first character is the discipline character, and
the second character is an optional modifier. The Discipline Note that only the mandatory discipline character is
Designator is described in greater detail in UDS Section 1.3. For a shown, creating a Level 1 Discipline Designator.
complete list of Discipline Designators see CLG Appendix A -
Discipline Designators, CLG section 4.1 and UDS Appendix A - A - W A L L
Discipline Designators, UDS section 1.6.


A Architectural
B Geotechnical
C Civil
D Process
E Electrical
F Fire Protection
G General
H Hazardous Materials
I Interiors
L Landscape
M Mechanical
O Operations
P Plumbing
Q Equipment
R Resource
S Structural
T Telecommunications
V Survey / Mapping
W Distributed Energy
X Other Disciplines
Z Contractor / Shop Drawings


The optional second character is used to further define the discipline character. As an example, the Level 2
Discipline Designators for Architectural are shown:

Designator Description A typical layer name showing the required data fields

A Architectural Note that the mandatory Level 1 discipline character is

supplemented by the optional discipline modifier to
AD Architectural Demolition
create a Level 2 Discipline Designator.
AE Architectural Elements
A D - W A L L
AF Architectural Finishes
AG Architectural Graphics
AI Architectural Interiors
AS Architectural Site
AJ User Defined
AK User Defined
For a complete list of Discipline Designators see CLG Appendix A - List of Discipline Designators, Major and Minor
Groups, and Status Fields, CLG section 4.1 and UDS Appendix A - Discipline Designators, UDS section 1.6.


The major group is a four-character field that identifies a major A typical layer name showing the required data fields
building system. The prescribed Major Group field codes (four- only. The mandatory Major Group field is highlighted:
character abbreviations) shown on the Layer List are logically
grouped with specific discipline designators. However, any Major A - W A L L
Group may be combined with any prescribed Discipline Designator,
provided that the definition of the Major Group remains unchanged.
Therefore, any reasonable combination of the prescribed Discipline Designators and Major Groups is permitted.

NOTE: The NCS recognizes that there will be instances where user-defined Major Group field codes will be
required. The NCS set of Major Group field codes is not intended to be all inclusive. There will be instances when
project specific Major Groups will need to be created. In these cases Major Group field codes are allowed, however,
they must contain four alphabetic and/or numeric characters and/or "~", and must be fully documented on the NCS
Compliance Disclosure Statement for the project or identified as project specific in the standard supplement in which
they are used.

NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, the use of the
Major Group "ANNO" is not permitted. See CLG Appendix C - Complying with NCS and ISO 13567, CLG section 6.0
for information about ISO conformance. Δ


This is an optional, four-character field to further define the Major A typical layer name showing one optional Minor Group
Groups. For example, A-WALL-FULL denotes Architectural, Wall, field:
Full-height. A second minor group may be used for still further
delineation of the data contained on a layer. For example, A-WALL- A - W A L L - F U L L
FULL TEXT indicates Architectural, Wall, Full-height, Text.
A typical layer name showing two optional Minor Group
The prescribed Minor Group field codes (four-character fields:
abbreviations) shown on the Layer List are logically grouped with
specific Major Groups. However, any Minor Group may be used to A - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T
modify any Major Group, provided that the definition of the Minor
Group remains unchanged. Therefore, any reasonable combination
of the prescribed Major and Minor Groups is permitted.

NOTE: User-defined Minor Group field codes are permitted. They must contain four alphabetic and/or numeric
characters and/or "~", and must be fully documented on the NCS Compliance Disclosure Statement for the project
on which they are used.

NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, the use of certain
Minor Group field codes is restricted. See CLG Appendix C - Complying with NCS and ISO 13567, CLG section 6.0
for information about ISO conformance. Δ


The status field is an optional single-character field that A typical layer name showing the location of the optional
distinguishes the data contained on the layer according to the status Status field:
of the work or the construction phase. The prescribed field codes for
this field are as follows: A - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N


A Abandoned
D Existing to demolish
E Existing to remain
F Future work
M Items to be moved
N New work
T Temporary work
X Not in contract
1-9 Phase numbers

NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, this field may be
used to denote either "Status" OR "Phase," but not BOTH. See CLG Appendix C - Complying with NCS and ISO
13567, CLG section 6.0 for information about ISO conformance. Δ

2.0 Drawing View Layer List


The Drawing View field codes are specialized codes for layers that are organized primarily by drawing type, rather
than by major building system. The field codes DETL, ELEV, and SECT may also be used as Minor Group field
codes to modify a major building system.

For data sets that are organized by drawing type, an optional alphanumeric Minor Group field code, ANNN, is
prescribed to further distinguish drawings within a single CAD file. This Minor Group may be used ONLY to modify
the prescribed Drawing View Major Groups; it may not be used to modify any other Major Group. The format of
ANNN is also prescribed. It must consist of a single alphabetic character followed by a three-digit number between
001 and 999. The definition of ANNN is not prescribed; it must be defined by the user. The definition must be
documented on the NCS Compliance Disclosure Statement for the project on which it is used.

The Minor Group field codes IDEN, MBND, MCUT, OTLN, and PATT may be used to modify any Major or Minor
Group in the Layer List. The definitions of these prescribed field codes cannot be changed. See CLG Sections 1.5
and 1.6 for rules and options governing the use of field codes.


Layer Name Description

□□-DETL Detail
□□-ELEV Elevation
□□-SECT Section
Drawing View Major Group: optional number (A = letter, NNN = number
between 001 and 999)
□□-□□□□-ANNN-IDEN Drawing View Major Group: optional number: identification tags
□□-□□□□-ANNN-MBND Drawing View Major Group: optional number: material beyond cut
□□-□□□□-ANNN-MCUT Drawing View Major Group: optional number: material cut by the view
□□-□□□□-ANNN-OTLN Drawing View Major Group: optional number: outline
Drawing View Major Group: optional number: textures and hatch
3.0 Annotation Layer List


Annotation consists of text, dimensions, notes, sheet borders, detail references and other elements on CAD
drawings that do not represent physical aspects of a building. Use of the Major Group ANNO allows all annotation to
be placed in a defined group of layers.

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Minor Group field codes for annotation. These
Minor Groups may be used to modify any Major or Minor Group in the Layer List. See CLG Sections 1.5 and
1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor Group field codes.


Layer Name Description

□□-ANNO Annotation
□□-□□□□-BRNG Bearings and distance labels (survey coordinates)
□□-□□□□-DIMS Dimensions
□□-□□□□-IDEN Identification tags
□□-□□□□-KEYN Keynotes
□□-□□□□-LABL Labels
□□-□□□□-LEGN Legends, symbol keys
□□-□□□□-LOGO Company logo
□□-□□□□-MARK Markers, break marks, leaders
□□-□□□□-MATC Match lines
□□-□□□□-NOTE Notes
□□-□□□□-NPLT Non-plotting graphic information
□□-□□□□-PROS Date/Time/File name stamp
□□-□□□□-RDME Read-me layer (not plotted)
□□-□□□□-REDL Redlines
□□-□□□□-REFR Reference, external files
□□-□□□□-REVC Revision clouds
□□-□□□□-REVS Revision indicators and text
□□-□□□□-SCHD Schedules
□□-□□□□-STMP Professional stamps
□□-□□□□-SYMB Reference symbols
□□-□□□□-TABL Data tables
□□-□□□□-TEXT Text
□□-□□□□-TITL Drawing or detail titles
□□-□□□□-TTLB Border and title block

4.0 Appendix A - List of Discipline Designators, Major

and Minor Groups, and Status Fields
The CLG states that "any Major Group may be combined with any prescribed Discipline Designator, provided that
the definition of the Major Group remains unchanged" and "any Minor Group may be used to modify any Major
Group, provided that the definition of the Minor Group remains unchanged." Therefore the following alphabetical list
of all Discipline Designators, Major and Minor Groups, and Status Fields regardless of discipline has been compiled
for easy reference.
• 4.1 Discipline Designators • 4.3 Minor Groups
• 4.2 Major Groups • 4.4 Status Fields


Designator Description

A Architectural
AD Architectural Demolition
AE Architectural Elements
AF Architectural Finishes
AG Architectural Graphics
AI Architectural Interiors
AJ User Defined
AK User Defined
AS Architectural Site
B Geotechnical
BJ User Defined
BK User Defined
C Civil
CD Civil Demolition
CG Civil Grading
CI Civil Improvements
CJ User Defined
CK User Defined
CN Civil Nodes
CP Civil Paving
CS Civil Site
CT Civil Transportation
CU Civil Utilities
D Process
DA Process Airs
DC Process Chemicals
DD Process Demolition
DE Process Electrical
DG Process Gases
DI Process Instrumentation
DJ User Defined
DK User Defined
DL Process Liquids
DM Process HPM Gases
DO Process Oils
DP Process Piping
DQ Process Equipment
DR Process Drains and Reclaims
DS Process Site
DV Process Vacuum
DW Process Waters
DX Process Exhaust
DY Process Slurry
E Electrical
ED Electrical Demolition
EI Electrical Instrumentation
EJ User Defined
EK User Defined
EL Electrical Lighting
EP Electrical Power
ES Electrical Site
ET Electrical Telecommunications
EY Electrical Auxiliary Systems
F Fire Protection
FA Fire Detection and Alarm
FJ User Defined
FK User Defined
FX Fire Suppression
G General
GC General Contractual
GI General Informational
GJ User Defined
GK User Defined
GR General Resource
H Hazardous Materials
HA Hazardous Materials Asbestos
HC Hazardous Materials Chemicals
HJ User Defined
HK User Defined
HL Hazardous Materials Lead
HP Hazardous Materials PCB
HR Hazardous Materials Refrigerants
I Interior
ID Interior Demolition
IF Interior Furnishings
IG Interior Graphics
IJ User Defined
IK User Defined
IN Interior Design
L Landscape
LD Landscape Demolition
LG Landscape Grading
LI Landscape Irrigation
LJ User Defined
LK User Defined
LL Landscape Lighting
LP Landscape Planting
LR Landscape Relocation
LS Landscape Site
M Mechanical
MD Mechanical Demolition
MH Mechanical HVAC
MI Mechanical Instrumentation
MJ User Defined
MK User Defined
MP Mechanical Piping
MS Mechanical Site
O Operations
OJ User Defined
OK User Defined
P Plumbing
PD Plumbing Demolition
PJ User Defined
PK User Defined
PL Plumbing
PP Plumbing Piping
PQ Plumbing Equipment
PS Plumbing Site
Q Equipment
QA Equipment Athletic
QB Equipment Bank
QC Equipment Dry Cleaning
QD Equipment Detention
QE Equipment Educational
QF Equipment Food service
QH Equipment Hospital
QJ User Defined
QK User Defined
QL Equipment Laboratory
QM Equipment Maintenance
QP Equipment Parking Lot
QR Equipment Retail
QS Equipment Site
QT Equipment Theatrical
QV Equipment Video / Photographic
QY Equipment Security
R Resource
RA Resource Architectural
RC Resource Civil
RE Resource Electrical
RJ User Defined
RK User Defined
RM Resource Mechanical
RR Resource Real Estate
RS Resource Structural
S Structural
SB Structural Substructure
SD Structural Demolition
SF Structural Framing
SJ User Defined
SK User Defined
SS Structural Site
T Telecommunications
TA Telecommunications Audio Visual
TC Telecommunications Clock and Program
TI Telecommunications Intercom
TJ User Defined
TK User Defined
TM Telecommunications Monitoring
TN Telecommunications Data Networks
TT Telecommunications Telephone
TY Telecommunications Security
V Survey / Mapping
VA Survey / Mapping Aerial
VC Survey / Mapping Computated Points
VF Survey / Mapping Field
VI Survey / Mapping Digital
VJ User Defined
VK User Defined
VN Survey / Mapping Node Points
VS Survey / Mapping Staked Points
VU Survey / Mapping Combined Utilities
W Distributed Energy
WC Distributed Energy Civil
WD Distributed Energy Demolition
WI Distributed Energy Interconnection
WJ User Defined
WK User Defined
WP Distributed Energy Power
WS Distributed Energy Structural
WT Distributed Energy Telecommunications
WY Distributed Energy Auxiliary Systems
X Other Disciplines
XJ User Defined
XK User Defined
Z Contractor/Shop Drawings
ZJ User Defined
ZK User Defined


Major Group Layer Name Description

ACCS Access
ACID Acid waste systems
AERI Aerial Survey
AFFF Aqueous film-forming foam system
AFLD Airfields
AIR~ Air
ALGN Alignment
ALRM Alarm system
ANNO Annotation
AUXL Auxiliary systems
BARR Barrier
BCST Broadcast related system (radio or TV)
BEAM Beams
BELL Bell system
BLDG Buildings and primary structures
BLIN Baseline
BNDY Political boundaries
BORE Borings
BRCG Bracing
BRDG Bridge
BRIN Brine systems
BRKL Break / fault lines
BRLN Building restriction line
BZNA Buffer zone area
CABL Cable systems
CATH Cathodic Protection System
CATV Cable television system
CCTV Closed-circuit television system
CEME Cemetery
CHAN Navigable channels
CHEM Chemical
CHIM Chimneys and stacks
CLNG Ceiling
CLOK Clock system
CMPA Compressed / processed air systems
CMPR Computer
CNDW Condenser water systems
CO2S CO2 system
CODE Code compliance plan
COLS Columns
COMM Communications
CONT Controls and instrumentation
CONV Conveying systems
CRPT Carpet / carpet tiles
CSWK Casework
CTRL Control points
CWTR Chilled water systems
DATA Data / LAN system
DETL Detail
DFLD Drain fields
DIAG Diagrams
DICT Dictation system
DOMW Domestic water systems
DOOR Doors
DRAN Drains
DRIV Driveways
DTCH Ditches or washes
DUAL Dual temperature systems
DUST Dust and fume collection systems
ELEC Electrical system, telecom plan
ELEV Elevation
ELHT Electric heat
EMCS Energy monitoring control system
ENER Energy management systems
EQPM Equipment
EROS Erosion and sediment control
ESMT Easements
EVAC Evacuation plan
EXHS Exhaust system
FENC Fences
FIRE Fire protection
FLHA Flood hazard area
FLOR Floor
FNDN Foundation
FNSH Finishes
FRAM Braced frame or moment frame
FSTN Fasteners and connections
FUEL Fuel systems
FUME Fume hood
FURN Furnishings
GAS~ Gas
GLAZ Glazing
GLYC Glycol systems
GRID Grids
GRLN Grade line
GRND Ground system
HALN Halon
HWTR Hot water heating system
HVAC HVAC systems
HYDR Hydraulic structure
IGAS Inert gas
INGR Ingrants
INST Instrumentation system
INTC Intercom / PA systems
IRRG Irrigation
JNTS Joints
JOIS Joists
LEGN Legend, symbols keys
LEVE Levee
LGAS Laboratory gas systems
LIQD Liquid
LITE Lighting
LNTL Lintels
LOCN Limits of construction
LTNG Lightning protection system
MACH Machine shop
MAJQ Major equipment
MDGS Medical gas systems
MILL Millwork
MINQ Minor equipment
MKUP Make-up air systems
MNTG Mounting system
MPIP Miscellaneous piping systems
NGAS Natural gas systems
NURS Nurse call system
OBST Obstructions
OIL~ Oil
OTGR Outgrants
PERC Perc testing
PGNG Paging system
PHON Telephone system
PIPE Piping
PLAN Key Plan (Floor Plan)
PLAT Platform
PLNT Plant and landscape material
POND Ponds
POWR Power
PRKG Parking lots
PROC Process systems
PROJ Projector system
PROP Property
PROT Fire protection system
PRTN Partitions
PVMD Photovoltaic modules
PVMT Pavement
RAIL Railroad
RAIR Relief air systems
RCOV Energy recovery systems
REFG Refrigeration systems
RIGG Rigging / automation systems
RIVR River
ROAD Roadways
RRAP Riprap
RUNW Runway
RWAY Right-of-way
SECT Section
SERT Security system
SGHT Sight distance
SITE Site features
SLUR Slurry
SMOK Smoke extraction systems
SOIL Soils
SOUN Sound system
SPCL Special systems
SPFX Entertainment special effects system
SPKL Sprinkler
SSWR Sanitary sewer
STEM Steam system
STIF Stiffener
STRM Storm sewer
STRS Stairs
SURV Survey
SWLK Sidewalks
TEST Test equipment
TINN Triangulated irregular network
TOPO Topographic feature
TRAL Trails or paths
TRAN Transmission system
TRUS Trusses
TVAN Television antenna system
TVVS Television and video system
UNID Unidentified site objects
UTIL Utilities
VACU Vacuum
VIDO Entertainment projection systems
WALL Walls
WATR Water supply
WETL Wetlands
WIND Wind powered
WWAY Waterway


Minor Group Layer Name Description

025Y 25-year mark

04FT Four feet high
050Y 50-year mark
06FT Six feet high
100Y 100-year mark
200Y 200-year mark
AA~~ Agitation air-system
ABLT Anchor bolts
ABOV Above
ABUT Abutment
ACCS Access
ACFU Fused ac
ACTL Aerial horizontal and vertical control points
ACNF Unfused ac
AGGR Exposed aggregate
AIR~ Air
ALOC Allocation
ALRM Alarm
ALUM Aluminum
AMEX Ammonia exhaust-system
AMW~ Ammonia waste-system
Optional number
(A = letter, NNN = number between 001 and 999)
ANNO Annotation
ANOD Sacrificial anode
AR~~ Argon-system
ARB~ Argon bulk-system
ARC~ Regenerative caustic-system
AREX Arsenic exhaust-system
ASPH Asphalt
BA~~ Breathable air-system
BAFL Baffle block and splash pad
BARR Barrier
BASN Stilling and settling basin
BBAC Battery backup
BEDS Perennial and annual beds
BENT Top of bent
BFW~ Boiler feed water-system
BKRS Breakers
BLBD Boiler blow down piping
BLDG Building points
BLIN Baseline
BMRK Benchmarks
BNDY Boundary
BOLD Bold lines
BORO Borough
BOT1 Bottom group 1
BOT2 Bottom group 2
BOTB Bottom of bank
BOTM Bottom
BOXD Mixing box, dual duct
BOXS Mixing box, single duct
BRCK Brick
BRDG Bridge
BRGX Bridging
BRKL Break lines
BRNG Bearings and distance labels
BROW Brush row points
BRSH Brush points
BUSH Bushes and shrubs
BUSS Bus duct
BUSW Busways
BUT~ Butane-system
BWTR Breakwater
C~~~ Caustic-system
CA~~ Compressed air-system
CABL Cable
CAIR Compressed air
CARS Cars and other vehicles
CATV Cable television
CAVI Cavity
CBOX Combiner box
CD~~ Condensate drain-system
CDA~ Clean dry air-system
CDFF Ceiling diffusers
CHIM Chimney
CIPR Culvert inlet protection
CIRC Circuits
CLAS Classifications
CLDA Cold air
CLG~ Chlorine gas-system
CLHD Ceiling heads
CLNG Ceiling
CLV~ Chlorine vacuum-system
CLW~ Concentrated lead waste-system
CMTL Corrugated metal
CMUW Concrete masonry unit
CMW~ Concentrated metals waste-system
CNDS Condensate piping
CNDT Diversionary/bypass conduit/culvert
CNMB Circuit numbers
CNTE Construction entrance
CNTJ Construction joint
CNTR Center
CNTY County
COAX Coax cable
COFF Coffer dam
CONC Concrete
CONI Coniferous trees
CONS Conservation
CORP Corporation
COVR Coverage
CPIP Cold water piping
CRIT Critical
CRKT Crickets
CSTG Construction/Grading
CSWK Casework
CTLA Controlled access
CTLJ Control joint
CTNR Container or planter
CUPW Copper plating waste-system
CURR Impress current
CURT Curtain
CURV Curve
CURW Copper rinse waste-system
CUSW Copper slurry waste-system
CV~~ Chemical vacuum-system
DACL De-Authorized channel limits, anchorages, etc.
DAM~ Dam
DASP Description attributes for survey points
DCFU Fused dc
DCNF Unfused dc
DDIV Drainage divides
DEPR Depression
DEV~ Developer-system
DEVC Devices
DFEE Disposed fee
DIAG Diagrams
DIMS Dimensions
DIR~ De-Ionized water return-system
DIRC DI reclaim-system
DIS~ De-Ionized water supply-system
DISC Discharge
DIWP DI polishing loop-system
DLPH Dolphin
DLW~ Dilute waste-system
DMPR Fire, smoke, volume damper
DOCK Decks, docks, floats, piers
DOOR Equipment doors
DRAN Drainage slope indications
DRIP Drip irrigation tubing
DRIV Driveway points
DRNS Drains
DSCO Disconnect switches
DTCH Ditches or washes
DUCT Ductwork
DVDK Diversion dike
DVDR Thin dividers
EASP Elevation attributes for survey points
EDGR Planting bed edger
EFAN Equipment with electric fans
EG~~ Ethylene glycol-system
EGW~ Ethylene glycol waste-system
ELEC Electrical
ELEV Elevation
EMER Emergency
ENCL Equipment enclosures
ENGR Engineering Information
EPDU Equipment with piping, ductwork and electricity
EPIP Equipment with piping and electricity
EQPM Equipment
EQUI Equipotential
ERTH Earth
ESMT Easement
EV~~ Equipment vacuum-system
EVGR Evergreen trees-broadleaf
EVTR Elevator cars and equipment
EWAT Edge of water
EXHS Exhaust air
EXPJ Expansion joint
EXTI Extinguishers
EXTR Exterior
FALT Fault/break lines
FDPL Flood plain
FDTA Field data
FEE~ Fee
FEED Feeders
FENC Fences
FEND Fender
FIBR Fiber optics cable
FILE File cabinets
FILL Fill and cover material
FINE Fine lines
FIRE Fire protection
FISH Fish ladder/passage
FIXD Fixed
FIXT Fixtures
FLDR Floor drains
FLNE Fire lane
FLOR Floor
FLOW Flowline
FLPL Flagpole
FLUM Flume
FLYS Fly station
FNSH Finishes
FORC Force main
FREE Freestanding
FRMG Framing
FTNG Footings
FTPT Area footprints
FULL Full-height
FURN Furnishings
FW~~ Fire water-system
GAGE Gauge
GCVR Ground cover
GENF General features
GGEP Gas general piping
GLAZ Glazing
GNDW Ground water
GPRP Gas process piping
GRAL Guard rail
GRBM Grade beams
GRIL Grilles
GRND Ground
GRTG Grating
GRVL Gravel
H2~~ Hydrogen-system
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide-system
HCDA High pressure clean dry air-system
HCL~ Hydrochloric acid-system
HDIR Hot DI return-system
HDIS Hot DI supply-system
HDLN Hidden line
HDRC Hot DI reclaim-system
HE~~ Helium-system
HEAD Door and window headers
HF~~ Hydrofluoric acid-system
HFW~ Hydrofluoric waste-system
HIDD Objects or lines hidden from view
HOLE Holes
HORZ Horizontal
HOSE Hoses
HOTA Hot air
HPDR High pH DI return-system
HPDS High pH DI supply-system
HPIP Hot water/high-pressure piping
HPN2 High purity nitrogen-system
HPO2 High purity oxygen-system
HRAL Handrails/guard rails
HRDW Hardware
HSSS Hollow structural steel
HTCH Hatch
HTEX Heat exhaust-system
HV~~ House vacuum-system
HVA~ Arsenic house vacuum-system
HVAC HVAC systems
HVPT Horizontal/vertical
HWAL Headwall
HYDT Hydrants and connections
IA~~ Instrument air-system
ICW~ Industrial city water-system
IDEN Identification tags
INEG Ingress/egress
INPR Inlet protection
INST Instrumentation
INTK Intake
INTR Interior
IPA~ Isopropyl alcohol-system
IW~~ Industrial waste-system
JACK Jacks
JAMB Door and window jambs
JBOX Junction box
JNTC Control joint
JNTE Expansion joint
KEYN Keynotes
LABL Labels
LADD Ladders and ladder assemblies
LATL Lateral line
LCHE Leak check helium-system
LDTA Laboratory data
LEAS Lease
LEGN Legend, symbol keys
LEVL Level changes
LFEE Disposed less than fee
LICN License
LIMI Limit of earthwork
LINE Lines
LINK Chain link
LMTA Limited access
LO~~ Lube oil-system
LOGO Company logo
LONG Longitudinal
LOWR Lower
LPG~ Liquid petroleum gas-system
LPIP Low-pressure piping
LQPG Liquid petroleum gas
LSCP Landscape
LTRL Lateral pipe
MAIN Mainline
MAJR Major
MARK Markers, break marks, leaders
MATC Match lines
MBND Material beyond cut
MCUT Material cut by the view
MEDM Medium lines
MESH Mesh or wire
METL Metal
MHOL Manhole
MINR Minor
MISC Miscellaneous
MKUP Make-up water
MLCH Mulches-organic and inorganic
MNTG Mounting system
MOOR Mooring
MOVE Movable
MPIP Medium-pressure piping
MRKG Pavement markings
MRKR Marker
MSNW Masonry
MULT Multi-conductor cable
MVNG Moving/Suspended
MW~~ Metals waste-system
N2~~ Nitrogen-system
N2O~ Nitrous oxide-system
NAID Navigation aids
NATL National
NFEE Non-fee
NG~~ Natural gas-system
NGAS Natural gas line
NITG Nitrogen
NOTE Notes
NOVR Non-overflow structure
NOXG Nitrous oxide
NPLT Non-plotting graphic information
NPW~ Non-potable water-system
NPWR Non-potable water reuse-system
NSBR Noise barrier
O2~~ Oxygen-system
OA~~ Outside air-system
OBJT Objects
OCCP Occupant or employee names
ODFF Other diffusers
OFA~ Oil-free air-system
OFST Offset zones
OGEP Oil general piping
OIW~ Organic industrial waste-system
OLW~ Organic liquid waste-system
OPNG Openings
OPNX Opening indication
OPRP Oil process piping
OSW~ Organic solvent waste-system
OTHD Other heads
OTLN Outline
OVHD Overhead
OXYG Pure O2
PA~~ Plant air-system
PADM Pad-mounted
PALM Palm trees
PANL Panels
PASP Point number attributes for survey points
PATT Texture or hatch patterns
PAVR Unit pavers
PCAP Pile caps
PCST Pre-cast concrete
PCWR Cooling water return-system
PCWS Cooling water supply-system
PENE Penetrations
PENS Penstock
PEQP Process equipment
PERI Perimeter
PERM Permanent
PHON Telephone line
PHOS Phosphoric acid-system
PHRC Phosphoric acid reclaim-system
PIER Drilled piers
PILE Piles
PIPE Piping
PLAY Play structures
PLNT Plants
PLYW Plywood
PMIT Permit
PNHS Penthouse
PNLS System panels
PNPT Panel points
POCC Point of common coupling
POI~ Point of interconnection
POLE Poles
POLM Pole-mounted
POND Retention pond
POOL Pools and spas
POST Posts
PPIP Process piping
PRCH Porch
PRCL Parcels
PRHT Partial-height
PRIM Primary
PRKG Parking
PRO~ Propane-system
PROF Profile
PROS Date/time/file name stamp
PROV Province
PRPT Parapet
PRVC Privacy
PSW~ Photo solvent waste-system
PV~~ Vacuum-system
PVMT Pavement
PW~~ Potable water-system
QTRS Quarter section
RAIS Raised
RAMP Accessible ramp
RATE Ratings
RBAR Reinforcing bar
RCON Reinforced concrete
RDFF Return air diffusers
RDGE Roof ridges
RDME Read-me layer (not plotted)
REDL Redlines
REFR Reference, external files
RER~ Solvent-system
RETN Return
REVC Revision clouds
REVS Revision indicators and text
RFDR Roof drains
RFEQ Rooftop equipment
RISR Risers
RO~~ Reverse osmosis water-system
ROAD Roadway
ROCK Large rocks and rock outcroppings
ROR~ Reverse osmosis reject water-system
RPIP Recirculation piping
RRAP Riprap
RSCH Sketch line round or oval duct
RSRV Reservation
RTWL Retaining wall
RWAY Right-of-way
SAIR Scavenge air
SATD Satillite dishes
SAUD Audio signal
SBCK Setback lines
SBST Substations
SCEX Scrubber exhaust-system
SCHD Schedules
SCOM Communications signal
SCTL Control signal
SDAT Data signal
SDD~ Scrubber duct drains-system
SDFF Supply diffusers
SDGA Digital audio signal
SDGV Digital video signal
SEAT Seating
SECD Secondary
SECT Section
SEED Seeding areas
SG~~ Specialty gas-system
SGHT Sight distance
SHAD Shadow area
SHEA Structural bearing or shear walls
SHLF Wall-mounted shelving
SIGN Signage
SILL Window sills
SILT Silt fence
SIZE Ductwork size
SKCH Sketch
SKLT Skylight
SLR~ Slurry return-system
SLS~ Slurry supply-system
SLVE Pipe sleeve
SLW~ Slurry waste-system
SMIC Microphone signal
SMOK Smoke detector/heat sensors
SOUN Soundings
SPCL Special/specialties
SPKL Sprinklers
SPLY Supply
SPOT Spot elevations
SPRT Sports fields
SPWR Power signal
SRFI RF signal
SRGB RGB and component video signal
SSCH Sketch line rectangular duct
SSLT Super silt fence
SSWR Sanitary sewer
SSYN Sync signal
STAN Stationing
STAT State
STBY Standby
STEL Steel
STEP Steps
STMP Professional stamp
STOR Storage
STRC Structures
STRM Storm Sewer
STRP Striping
STRS Stair treads
SUBA Cabinet sub-assemblies, drawer boxes
SUBD Subdivision (interior) lines
SUBS Sub-surface areas
SULF Sulfuric acid-system
SULR Sulfuric acid reclaim-system
SUPT Support
SURF Surface areas
SUSP Suspended elements
SVEX Solvent exhaust-system
SVID Video signal
SW~~ Solvent waste-system
SWAY Spillway
SWBD Switchboards
SWCH Switches
SWF~ Solvent waste flammable-system
SWLK Sidewalks
SWMT Storm water management
SWNF Solvent waste non-flammable-system
SXTS Sixteenth section
SYMB Reference symbols
TABL Data tables
TAKE Taking lines
TANK Storage tanks
TDIR Tempered DI return-system
TDIS Tempered DI supply-system
TEES Main tees
TEMP Temporary
TEST Test stations
THER Thermostats
TICK Tick marks
TITL Drawing or detail titles
TMAH TMAH-system
TOP~ Top
TOP1 Top group 1
TOP2 Top group 2
TOPB Top of bank
TOWR Towers
TPIT Test pits
TPTN Toilet partitions
TRAC Tract lines
TRAK Track
TRAL Trail or path
TRAV Transverse
TRAY Cabletray and wireways
TREE Trees
TROW Tree row
TSHP Town or township
TTLB Border and titleblock
TURF Lawn areas
TW~~ Tempered water-system
UCPT Under-carpet wiring
UCTR Under counter
UN2~ Utility nitrogen-system
UGND Underground
UPPR Upper
UPRW Ultra-pure recycle water-system
UPS~ Uninterruptible power supply
UPVD Unpaved surface
UPW~ Ultra-pure water-system
URAC Under-floor raceways
UTIL Utility lines
V~~~ Vent-system
VACU Vacuum
VALV Valves
VEGE Trees, shrubs, and other vegetation
VENR Veneer
VENT Vents
VERT Vertical
VIEW Triangulation view
VINE Vines
VN2~ Venturi nitrogen-system
VOID Void regions
W2XS Dimension lumber
WAR~ Weld argon-system
WATR Water supply
WDWK Architectural woodwork
WEIR Pool weir
WHIT White paint
WIRE Wiring
WKSF Worksurface
XFMR Transformers
XTRU Extrusion
YELO Yellow paint
ZONE Zoning


Codes Description

A Abandoned
D Existing to demolish
E Existing to remain
F Future work
M Items to be moved
N New work
T Temporary work
X Not in contract
1 Phase number 1
2 Phase number 2
3 Phase number 3
4 Phase number 4
5 Phase number 5
6 Phase number 6
7 Phase number 7
8 Phase number 8
9 Phase number 9

5.0 Appendix B - Common Layer Lists by Discipline

The following lists of layers present the most commonly used layers for each discipline. The definitive list of
Discipline Designators, Major and Minor Groups, and Status Fields is in CLG Appendix A - List of Discipline
Designators, Major and Minor Groups, and Status Fields, CLG section 4.0.
• 5.1 Architectural Layer List • 5.12 Landscape Layer List
• 5.2 Civil Layer List • 5.13 Mechanical Layer List
• 5.3 Contractor/Shop Drawing Layer List • 5.14 Operations Layer List
• 5.4 Electrical Layer List • 5.15 Plumbing Layer List
• 5.5 Distributed Energy Layer List • 5.16 Process Layer List
• 5.6 Equipment Layer List • 5.17 Resource Layer List
• 5.7 Fire Protection Layer List • 5.18 Structural Layer List
• 5.8 General Layer List • 5.19 Survey/Mapping Layer List
• 5.9 Geotechnical Layer List • 5.20 Telecommunications Layer List
• 5.10 Hazardous Materials Layer List • 5.21 Other Disciplines Layer List
• 5.11 Interiors Layer List


Architectural Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Architectural Discipline Designators

Designator Description

A Architectural
AD Architectural Demolition
AE Architectural Elements
AF Architectural Finishes
AG Architectural Graphics
AI Architectural Interiors
AS Architectural Site
AJ User Defined
AK User Defined

Architectural Layer List

Layer Name Description

A□-AREA Area
A□-AREA-OCCP Area: occupant or employee names
A□-BARR Barrier
A□-BARR-AIR~ Barrier: air
A□-CLNG Ceiling
A□-CLNG-ACCS Ceiling: access
A□-CLNG-GRID Ceiling: grid
A□-CLNG-OPNG Ceiling: openings
A□-CLNG-SUSP Ceiling: suspended elements
A□-CLNG-TEES Ceiling: main tees
A□-COLS Columns
A□-CONV Conveying systems
A□-DOOR Doors
A□-DOOR-FULL Doors: full-height (swing and leaf)
A□-DOOR-PRHT Doors: partial-height (swing and leaf)
A□-EQPM Equipment
A□-EQPM-ACCS Equipment: access
A□-EQPM-FIXD Equipment: fixed
A□-EQPM-OVHD Equipment: overhead
A□-FLOR Floor
A□-FLOR-CSWK Floor: casework
A□-FLOR-EVTR Floor: elevator cars and equipment
A□-FLOR-FIXT Floor: fixtures (plumbing)
A□-FLOR-HRAL Floor: handrails/guard rails
A□-FLOR-LEVL Floor: level changes (ramps, pits, depressions)
A□-FLOR-OTLN Floor: outline
A□-FLOR-OVHD Floor: overhead
A□-FLOR-RAIS Floor: raised
A□-FLOR-RISR Floor: risers
A□-FLOR-SIGN Floor: signage
A□-FLOR-SPCL Floor: specialties (toilet room accessories, display cases)
A□-FLOR-STRS Floor: stair treads (escalators, ladders)
A□-FLOR-TPTN Floor: toilet partitions
A□-FLOR-WDWK Floor: architectural woodwork
A□-FURN Furnishings
A□-FURN-FILE Furnishings: file cabinets
A□-FURN-FIXD Furnishings: fixed
A□-FURN-FREE Furnishings: freestanding
A□-FURN-PLNT Furnishings: plants
A□-FURN-PNLS Furnishings: system panels
A□-FURN-SEAT Furnishings: seating
A□-FURN-STOR Furnishings: storage (component system)
A□-FURN-WKSF Furnishings: work surface (component system)
A□-GLAZ Glazing
A□-GLAZ-FULL Glazing: full-height
A□-GLAZ-PRHT Glazing: partial-height
A□-GLAZ-SILL Glazing: window sills
A□-HVAC HVAC systems
A□-HVAC-RDFF HVAC systems: return air diffusers
A□-HVAC-SDFF HVAC systems: supply diffusers
A□-LITE Lighting
A□-ROOF Roof
A□-ROOF-HRAL Roof: handrails/guard rails
A□-ROOF-LEVL Roof: level changes
A□-ROOF-OTLN Roof: outline
A□-ROOF-RISR Roof: risers
A□-ROOF-STRS Roof: stair treads (ladders)
A□-WALL Walls
A□-WALL-CAVI Walls: cavity
A□-WALL-CNTR Walls: center
A□-WALL-CURT Walls: curtain
A□-WALL-FIRE Walls: fire protection
A□-WALL-FULL Walls: full-height
A□-WALL-FULL-EXTR Walls: full-height: exterior
A□-WALL-FULL-INTR Walls: full-height: interior
A□-WALL-HEAD Walls: door and window headers
A□-WALL-JAMB Walls: door and window jambs
A□-WALL-MESH Walls: mesh or wire
A□-WALL-MOVE Walls: moveable
A□-WALL-PATT Walls: texture and hatch patterns
A□-WALL-PRHT Walls: partial-height


Civil Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

The Civil Discipline is defined as a project or a portion of a project that is usually contained within a single property

Civil Discipline Designators

Designator Description

C Civil
CD Civil Demolition
CG Civil Grading
CI Civil Improvements
CN Civil Nodes
CP Civil Paving
CS Civil Site
CT Civil Transportation
CU Civil Utilities
CJ User Defined
CK User Defined

Civil Layer List

Layer Name Description

C□-AFLD Airfields
C□-AFLD-ASPH Airfields: asphalt
C□-AFLD-CNTR Airfields: center
C□-AFLD-CONC Airfields: concrete
C□-AFLD-FLNE Airfields: fire lane
C□-AFLD-FLNE-MRKG Airfields: fire lane: pavement markings
C□-AFLD-FLNE-SIGN Airfields: fire lane: signage
C□-AFLD-GRVL Airfields: gravel
C□-AFLD-MRKG Airfields: pavement markings
C□-AFLD-SIGN Airfields: signage
C□-AFLD-STAN Airfields: stationing
C□-AFLD-WHIT Airfields: white paint
C□-AFLD-WHIT-TICK Airfields: white paint: tick marks
C□-AFLD-YELO Airfields: yellow paint
C□-AFLD-YELO-TICK Airfields: yellow paint: tick marks
C□-BLDG Buildings and primary structures
Buildings and primary structures: deck (attached, no roof
C□-BLDG-OTLN Buildings and primary structures: outline
C□-BLDG-OVHD Buildings and primary structures: overhead
Buildings and primary structures: porch (attached, roof
C□-BLIN Baseline
C□-BLIN-STAN Baseline: stationing
C□-BORE Borings
C□-BRDG Bridge
C□-BRDG-CNTJ Bridge: construction joint
C□-BRDG-CNTR Bridge: center
C□-BRDG-DECK Bridge: deck
C□-BRDG-EXPJ Bridge: expansion joint
C□-BRDG-FALT Bridge: fault/break line
C□-BRDG-HIDD Bridge: objects or lines hidden from view
C□-BRDG-OBJT Bridge: objects
C□-BRDG-OBJT-PRIM Bridge: objects: primary
C□-BRDG-OBJT-SECD Bridge: objects: secondary
C□-BRDG-RBAR Bridge: reinforcing bar
C□-CATV Cable television system
C□-CATV-OVHD Cable television system: overhead
C□-CATV-POLE Cable television system: pole
C□-CATV-UGND Cable television system: underground
C□-CEME Cemetery
C□-CHAN Navigable channels
C□-CHAN-BWTR Navigable channels: breakwater
C□-CHAN-CNTR Navigable channels: center
Navigable channels: de-authorized channel limits, anchorages,
C□-CHAN-DOCK Navigable channels: decks, docks, floats, piers
C□-CHAN-NAID Navigable channels: navigation aids
C□-COMM Communications
C□-COMM-OVHD Communications: overhead
C□-COMM-POLE Communications: pole
C□- COMM-UGND Communications: underground
C□-CTRL Control points
C□-CTR L-BMRK Control points: benchmarks
C□-CTRL-FLYS Control points: fly station
C□-CTRL-GRID Control points: grid
C□-CTRL-HORZ Control points: horizontal
C□-CTRL-HVPT Control points: horizontal/vertical
C□-CTRL-PNPT Control points: panel points
C□-CTRL-TRAV Control points: transverse
C□-CTRL-VERT Control points: vertical
C□-DFLD Drain fields
C□-DFLD-OTLN Drain fields: outline
C□-DFLD-PROF Drain fields: profile
C□-DRIV Driveways
C□-DRIV-ASPH Driveways: asphalt
C□-DRIV-CNTR Driveways: center
C□-DRIV-CONC Driveways: concrete
C□-DRIV-CURB Driveways: curb
C□-DRIV-CURB-BACK Driveways: curb: back
C□-DRIV-CURB-FACE Driveways: curb: face
C□-DRIV-FLNE Driveways: fire lane
C□-DRIV-FLNE-MRKG Driveways: fire lane: pavement markings
C□-DRIV-FLNE-SIGN Driveways: fire lane: signage
C□-DRIV-GRVL Driveways: gravel
C□-DRIV-MRKG Driveways: pavement markings
C□-DRIV-SIGN Driveways: signage
C□-DRI V-UPVD Driveways: unpaved surface
C□-DRIV-WHIT Driveways: white paint
C□-DRIV-WHIT-TICK Driveways: white paint: tick marks
C□-DRIV-YELO Driveways: yellow paint
C□-DRIV-YELO-TICK Driveways: yellow paint: tick marks
C□-DTCH Ditches or washes
C□-DTCH-BOTM Ditches or washes: bottom
C□-DTCH-CNTR Ditches or washes: center
C□-DTCH-EWAT Ditches or washes: edge of water
C□-DTCH-TOP~ Ditches or washes: top
C□-EROS Erosion and sediment control
C□-EROS-CIPR Erosion and sediment control: culvert inlet protection
C□-EROS-CNTE Erosion and sediment control: construction entrance
C□-EROS-DDIV Erosion and sediment control: drainage divides
C□-EROS-DVDK Erosion and sediment control: diversion dike
C□-EROS-INPR Erosion and sediment control: inlet protection
C□-EROS-SILT Erosion and sediment control: silt fence
C□-EROS-SSLT Erosion and sediment control: super silt fence
C□-ESMT Easements
C□-ESMT-ACCS Easements: access (pedestrian only; private access)
C□-ESMT-CATV Easements: utility - cable television system
C□-ESMT-CONS Easements: conservation
C□-ESMT-CSTG Easements: construction/grading
C□-ESMT-ELEC Easements: electrical
C□-ESMT-FDPL Easements: flood plain
C□-ESMT-INEG Easements: ingress/egress (vehicles; private access)
C□-ESMT-LSCP Easements: landscape
C□-ESMT-NGAS Easements: natural gas line
C□-ESMT-PHON Easements: telephone line
C□-ESMT-ROAD Easements: roadway
C□-ESMT-ROAD-PERM Easements: roadway: permanent
C□-ESMT-ROAD-TEMP Easements: roadway: temporary
C□-ESMT-RWAY Easements: right-of-way (public access)
C□-ESMT-SGHT Easements: sight distance
C□-ESMT-SSWR Easements: sanitary sewer
C□-ESMT-STRM Easements: storm sewer
C□-ESMT-SWMT Easements: storm water management
C□-ESMT-TRAL Easements: trail or path (public access)
C□-ESMT-UTIL Easements: utility lines
C□-ESMT-WATR Easements: water supply
C□-FENC Fences
C□-FENC-GRAL Fences: guard rail
C□-FENC-POST Fences: posts
C -FENC-STEL Fences: steel (barbed wire and/or chain link)
C□-FENC-WOOD Fences: wood
C□-FIRE Fire protection
C□-FIRE-HYDT Fire protection: hydrants and connections
C□-FIRE-PIPE Fire protection: piping
C□-FIRE-UGND Fire protection: underground
C□-FLHA Flood hazard area
C□-FLHA-025Y Flood hazard area: 25 year mark
C□-FLHA-050Y Flood hazard area: 50 year mark
C□-FLHA-100Y Flood hazard area: 100 year mark
C□-FLHA-200Y Flood hazard area: 200 year mark
C□-FUEL Fuel systems
C□-FUEL-EQPM Fuel systems: equipment (pumps, motors)
C□-FUEL-INST Fuel systems: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.)
C□-FUEL-MHOL Fuel systems: manhole
C□-FUEL-PIPE Fuel systems: piping
C□-FUEL-TANK Fuel systems: storage tanks
C□-FUEL-UGND Fuel systems: underground
C□-HYDR Hydraulic structure
C□-HYDR-BAFL Hydraulic structure: baffle block and splash pad
C□-HYDR-BASN Hydraulic structure: stilling and settling basins
C□-HYDR-CNDT Hydraulic structure: diversion/bypass conduits/culvers
C□-HYDR-COFF Hydraulic structure: coffer dam
C□-HYDR-DAM~ Hydraulic structure: dam
C□-HYDR-FISH Hydraulic structure: fish ladder/passage
C□-HYDR-FLUM Hydraulic structure: flume
C□-HYDR-INTK Hydraulic structure: intake
C□-HYDR-NOVR Hydraulic structure: non-overflow structure
C□-HYDR-PENS Hydraulic structure: penstock
C□-LOCN Limits of construction
C□-NGAS Natural gas systems
C□-NGAS-EQPM Natural gas systems: equipment (pumps, motors)
C□-NGAS-INST Natural gas systems: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.)
C□-NGAS-MHOL Natural gas systems: manhole
C□-NGAS-PIPE Natural gas systems: piping
C□-NGAS-TANK Natural gas systems: storage tanks
C□-NGAS-UGND Natural gas systems: underground
C□-PERC Perc testing
C□-PERC-HOLE Perc testing: holes
C□-POND Ponds
C□-POND-EDGE Ponds: edge
C□-POND-SWAY Ponds: spillway
C□-POND-TOPB Ponds: top of bank
C□-POWR Power
C□-POWR-FENC Power: fences
C□-POWR-INST Power: instrumentation (meters, transformers)
C□-POWR-MHOL Power: manhole
C□-POWR-OVHD Power: overhead
C□-POWR-POLE Power: pole
C□-POWR-STRC Power: structures
C□-POWR-UGND Power: underground
C□-PRKG Parking lots
C□-PRKG-ASPH Parking lots: asphalt
C□-PRKG-CARS Parking lots: cars and other vehicles
C□-PRKG-CONC Parking lots: concrete
C□-PRKG-CURB Parking lots: curb
C□-PRKG-CURB-BACK Parking lots: curb: back
C□-PRKG-CURB-FACE Parking lots: curb: face
C□-PRKG-DRAN Parking lots: drainage slope indications
C□-PRKG-FIXT Parking lots: fixtures (wheel stops, parking meters, etc.)
C□-PRKG-FLNE Parking lots: fire lane
C□-PRKG-FLNE-MRKG Parking lots: fire lane: pavement markings
C□-PRKG-FLNE-SIGN Parking lots: fire lane: signage
C□-PRKG-GRVL Parking lots: gravel
C□-PRKG-MRKG Parking lots: pavement markings
C□-PRKG-SIGN Parking lots: signage
C□-PRKG-STRP Parking lots: striping
C□-PRKG-UPVD Parking lots: unpaved surface
C□-PRKG-WHIT Parking lots: white paint
C□-PRKG-WHIT-TICK Parking lots: white paint: tick marks
C□-PRKG-YELO Parking lots: yellow paint
C□-PRKG-YELO-TICK Parking lots: yellow paint: tick marks
C□-PROP Property
C□-PROP-LINE Property: lines
C□-PROP-SBCK Property: setback lines
C□-PVMT Pavement
C□-PVMT-ASPH Pavement: asphalt
C□-PVMT-CONC Pavement: concrete
C□-PVMT-GRVL Pavement: gravel
C□-RAIL Railroad
C□-RAIL-CNTR Railroad: center
C□-RAIL-EQPM Railroad: equipment (gates, signals, etc.)
C□-RAIL-TRAK Railroad: track
C□-RIVR River
C□-RIVR-BOTM River: bottom
C□-RIVR-CNTR River: center
C□-RIVR-EDGE River: edge
C□-RIVR-TOPB River: top of bank
C□-ROAD Roadways
C□-ROAD-ASPH Roadways: asphalt
C□-ROAD-CNTR Roadways: center
C□-ROAD-CONC Roadways: concrete
C□-ROAD-CURB Roadways: curb
C□-ROAD-CURB-BACK Roadways: curb: back
C□-ROAD-CURB-FACE Roadways: curb: face
C□-ROAD-FLNE Roadways: fire lane
C□-ROAD-FLNE-MRKG Roadways: fire lane: pavement markings
C□-ROAD-FLNE-SIGN Roadways: fire lane: signage
C□-ROAD-GRVL Roadways: gravel
C□-ROAD-MRKG Roadways: pavement markings
C□-ROAD-PROF Roadways: profile
C□-ROAD-SIGN Roadways: signage
C□-ROAD-STAN Roadways: stationing
C□-ROAD-UPVD Roadways: unpaved surface
C□-ROAD-WHIT Roadways: white paint
C□-ROAD-WHIT-TICK Roadways: white paint: tick marks
C□-ROAD-YELO Roadways: yellow paint
C□-ROAD-YELO-TICK Roadways: yellow paint: tick marks
C□-RRAP Riprap
C□-SGHT Sight distance
C□-SGHT-PROF Sight distance: profile
C□-SOIL Soils
C□-SSWR Sanitary sewer
C□-SSWR-DIAG Sanitary sewer: diagrams
C□-SSWR-FORC Sanitary sewer: force main
C□-SSWR-LATL Sanitary sewer: lateral line
C□-SSWR-MHOL Sanitary sewer: manhole
C□-SSWR-PIPE Sanitary sewer: piping
C□-SSWR-PIPE-RCON Sanitary sewer: piping: reinforced concrete
C□-SSWR-PIPE-STEL Sanitary sewer: piping: steel
C□-SSWR-PROF Sanitary sewer: profile
C□-SSWR-STAN Sanitary sewer: stationing
C□-SSWR-STRC Sanitary sewer: structures
C□-SSWR-UGND Sanitary sewer: underground
C□-STEM Steam system
C□-STEM-INST Steam system: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.)
C□-STEM-MHOL Steam system: manhole
C□-STEM-PIPE Steam system: piping
C□-STEM-STRC Steam system: structures
C□-STEM-UGND Steam system: underground
C□-STRM Storm sewer
C□-STRM-CNTR Storm sewer: center
C□-STRM-DIAG Storm sewer: diagrams
C□-STRM-HWAL Storm sewer: headwall
C□-STRM-MHOL Storm sewer: manhole
C□-STRM-PIPE Storm sewer: piping
C□-STRM-PIPE-CMTL Storm sewer: piping: corrugated metal
C□-STRM-PIPE-RCON Storm sewer: piping: reinforced concrete
C□-STRM-PROF Storm sewer: profile
C□-STRM-STAN Storm sewer: stationing
C□-STRM-STRC Storm sewer: structures
C□-STRM-UGND Storm sewer: underground
C□-SWLK Sidewalks
C□-SWLK-ASPH Sidewalks: asphalt
C□-SWLK-CONC Sidewalks: concrete
C□-TINN Triangulated irregular network
C□-TINN-BNDY Triangulated irregular network: boundary
C□-TINN-FALT Triangulated irregular network: fault/break lines
C□-TINN-VIEW Triangulated irregular network: triangulation view
C□-TINN-VOID Triangulated irregular network: void regions
C□-TOPO Topographic feature
C□-TOPO-DEPR Topographic feature: depression
C□-TOPO-MAJR Topographic feature: major (contours)
C□-TOPO-MINR Topographic feature: minor (contours)
C□-TOPO-SPOT Topographic feature: spot elevations
C□-TOPO-TPIT Topographic feature: test pits
C□-TRAL Trails or paths
C□-TRAL-ASPH Trails or paths: asphalt
C□-TRAL-CONC Trails or paths: concrete
C□-TRAL-GRVL Trails or paths: gravel
C□-TRAL-MRKG Trails or paths: pavement markings
C□-TRAL-SIGN Trails or paths: signage
C□-TRAL-UPVD Trails or paths: unpaved surface
C□-WALL Walls
C□-WALL-CTLJ Walls: control joint
C□-WALL-NSBR Walls: noise barrier
C□-WALL-RTWL Walls: retaining wall
C□-WALL-SHEA Walls: structural bearing or shear walls
C□-WATR Water supply
C□-WATR-DIAG Water supply: diagrams
C□-WATR-INST Water supply: instrumentation (meters, valves, etc.)
C□-WATR-PIPE Water supply: piping
C□-WATR-PROF Water supply: profile
C□-WATR-STAN Water supply: stationing
C□-WATR-STRC Water supply: structures
C□-WATR-UGND Water supply: underground
C□-WATR-WELL Water supply: well
C□-WETL Wetlands
C□-WWAY Waterway
C□-WWAY-DLPH Waterway: dolphin
C□-WWAY-FEND Waterway: fender
C□-WWAY-MOOR Waterway: mooring


Contractor/Shop Drawing Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Contractor/Shop Drawing Discipline Designators

Designator Description

Z Contractor/Shop Drawings
ZJ User Defined
ZK User Defined

Contractor/Shop Drawing Layer List

Layer Name Description

No layer names have been prescribed for this discipline.


Electrical Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Designator Description

ED Electrical Demolition
EI Electrical Instrumentation
EL Electrical Lighting
EP Electrical Power
ES Electrical Site
ET Electrical Telecommunications
EY Electrical Auxiliary Systems
EJ User Defined
EK User Defined

Electrical Layer List

Layer Name Description

E□-ALRM Alarm system

E□-AREA Area
E□-AREA-OFST Area: offset zones
E□-AREA-SHAD Area: shade zones
E□-AUXL Auxiliary systems
E□-BELL Bell system
E□-CABL Cable systems
E□-CABL-COAX Cable systems: coax cable
E□-CABL-FIBR Cable systems: fiber optics cable
E□-CABL-MULT Cable systems: multi-conductor cable
E□-CABL-TRAY Cable systems: cabletray and wireways
E□-CATH Cathodic protection system
E□-CATH-ANOD Cathodic protection system: sacrificial anode
E□-CATH-CURR Cathodic protection system: impress current
E□-CATH-TEST Cathodic protection system: test stations
E□-CCTV Closed-circuit television system
E□-CLOK Clock system
E□-CLOK-CIRC Clock system: circuits
E□-CLOK-CLNG Clock system: ceiling
E□-CLOK-CNMB Clock system: circuit number
E□-CLOK-EQPM Clock system: equipment
E□-CLOK-FLOR Clock system: floor
E□-CLOK-WALL Clock system: wall
E□-COMM Communications
E□-COMM-CIRC Communications: circuits
E□-COMM-CLNG Communications: ceiling
E□-COMM-CNMB Communications: circuit number
E□-COMM-EQPM Communications: equipment
E□-COMM-WALL Communications: wall
E□-CONT Controls and instrumentation
E□-CONT DEVC Controls and instrumentation: devices
E□-CONT-WIRE Controls and instrumentation: wiring
E□-DATA Data/LAN system
E□-DATA-CIRC Data/LAN system: circuits
E□-DATA-CLNG Data/LAN system: ceiling
E□-DATA-CNMB Data/LAN system: circuit number
E□-DATA-EQPM Data/LAN system: equipment
E□-DATA-FLOR Data/LAN system: floor
E□-DATA-WALL Data/LAN system: wall
E□-DIAG Diagrams
E□-DIAG-BKRS Diagrams: breakers
E□-DIAG-BUSS Diagrams: bus duct
E□-DIAG-ENCL Diagrams: equipment enclosures
E□-DIAG-EQPM Diagrams: equipment
E□-DIAG-FEED Diagrams: feeders
E□-DIAG-FLOR Diagrams: floor
E□-DIAG-GRND Diagrams: ground
E□-DIAG-SWCH Diagrams: switches
E□-DIAG-XFMR Diagrams: transformers
E□-DICT Dictation system
E□-DICT-CIRC Dictation system: circuits
E□-DICT-CLNG Dictation system: ceiling
E□-DICT-CNMB Dictation system: circuit number
E□-DICT-EQPM Dictation system: equipment
E□-DICT-WALL Dictation system: wall
E□-FIRE Fire protection
E□-FIRE-BARR Fire protection: barrier
E□-FIRE-CIRC Fire protection: circuits
E□-FIRE-CLNG Fire protection: ceiling
E□-FIRE-CNMB Fire protection: circuit number
E□-FIRE-EQPM Fire protection: equipment
E□-FIRE-WALL Fire protection: wall
E□-GRND Ground system
E□-GRND-CIRC Ground system: circuits
E□-GRND-CLNG Ground system: ceiling
E□-GRND-CNMB Ground system: circuit number
E□-GRND-DIAG Ground system: diagrams
E□-GRND-EQPM Ground system: equipment
E□-GRND-EQUI Ground system: equipotential
E□-GRND-WALL Ground system: wall
E□-INST Instrumentation system
E□-INST-CIRC Instrumentation system: circuits
E□-INST-CLNG Instrumentation system: ceiling
E□-INST-CNMB Instrumentation system: circuit number
E□-INST-EQPM Instrumentation system: equipment
E□-INST-WALL Instrumentation system: wall
E□-INTC Intercom/PA systems
E□-LITE Lighting
E□-LITE-CIRC Lighting: circuits
E□-LITE-CIRC-CRIT Lighting: circuits: critical
E□-LITE-CIRC-EMER Lighting: circuits: emergency
E□-LITE-CLNG Lighting: ceiling
E□-LITE-CLNG-CRIT Lighting: ceiling: critical
E□-LITE-CLNG-EMER Lighting: ceiling: emergency
E□-LITE-CLNG-EXIT Lighting: ceiling: exit
E□-LITE-CNMB Lighting: circuit number
E□-LITE-CNMB-CRIT Lighting: circuit number: critical
E□-LITE-CNMB-EMER Lighting: circuit number: emergency
E□-LITE-EMER Lighting: emergency
E□-LITE-EQPM Lighting: equipment
E□-LITE-EQPM-CRIT Lighting: equipment: critical
E□-LITE-EQPM-EMER Lighting: equipment: emergency
E□-LITE-EXIT Lighting: exit
E□-LITE-EXTR Lighting: exterior
E□-LITE-FLOR Lighting: floor
E□-LITE-JBOX Lighting: junction box
E□-LITE-OTLN Lighting: outline
E□-LITE-ROOF Lighting: roof
E□-LITE-SPCL Lighting: special
E□-LITE-SWCH Lighting: switches
E□-LITE-SWCH-CRIT Lighting: switches: critical
E□-LITE-SWCH-EMER Lighting: switches: emergency
E□-LITE-WALL Lighting: wall
E□-LITE-WALL-CRIT Lighting: wall: critical
E□-LITE-WALL-EMER Lighting: wall: emergency
E□-LITE-WALL-EXIT Lighting: wall: exit
E□-LTNG Lightning protection system
E□-LTNG-CIRC Lightning protection system: circuits
E□-LTNG-CLNG Lightning protection system: ceiling
E□-LTNG-CNMB Lightning protection system: circuit number
E□-LTNG-EQPM Lightning protection system: equipment
E□-LTNG-WALL Lightning protection system: wall
E□-MNTG Mounting system
E□-NURS Nurse call system
E□-NURS-CIRC Nurse call system: circuits
E□-NURS-CLNG Nurse call system: ceiling
E□-NURS-CNMB Nurse call system: circuit number
E□-NURS-EQPM Nurse call system: equipment
E□-NURS-FLOR Nurse call system: floor
E□-NURS-WALL Nurse call system: wall
E□-OBST Obstructions
E□-PGNG Paging system
E□-POWR Power
E□-POWR-BUSW Power: busways
E□-POWR-CABL Power: cable systems
E□-POWR-CBOX Power: combiner box
E□-POWR-CBOX-FTPT Power: combiner box: area footprints
E□-POWR-CIRC Power: circuits
E□-POWR-CIRC-CRIT Power: circuits: critical
E□-POWR-CLNG Power: ceiling
E□-POWR-CLNG-CRIT Power: ceiling: critical
E□-POWR-CNDT Power: conduit
E□-POWR-CNMB Power: circuit number
E□-POWR-CNMB-CRIT Power: circuit number: critical
E□-POWR-DEVC Power: devices
E□-POWR-DSCO Power: disconnect switches
E□-POWR-DSCO-ACFU Power: disconnect switches: fused ac
E□-POWR-DSCO-ACNF Power: disconnect switches: unfused ac
E□-POWR-DSCO-DCFU Power: disconnect switches: fused dc
E□-POWR-DSCO-DCNF Power: disconnect switches: unfused dc
E□-POWR-EQPM Power: equipment
E□-POWR-EQPM-CRIT Power: equipment: critical
E□-POWR-EXTR Power: exterior
E□-POWR-FEED Power: feeders
E□-POWR-FLOR Power: floor
E□-POWR-FLOR-CRIT Power: floor: critical
E□-POWR-JBOX Power: junction box
E□-POWR-PANL Power: panels
E□-POWR-POCC Power: point of common coupling
E□-POWR-POI~ Power: point of interconnection
E□-POWR-ROOF Power: roof
E□-POWR-SWBD Power: switchboards
E□-POWR-UCPT Power: under-carpet wiring
E□-POWR-URAC Power: underfloor raceways
E□-POWR-WALL Power: wall
E□-POWR-WALL-CRIT Power: wall: critical
E□-POWR-XFMR-PADM Power: transformers: pad-mounted
E□-POWR-XFMR-POLM Power: transformers: pole-mounted
E□-PVMD Photovoltaic modules
E□-SITE Site features
E□-SITE-OVHD Site features: overhead
E□-SITE-POLE Site features: pole
E□-SITE-UGND Site features: underground
E□-SOUN Sound system
E□-UTIL Utilities


Distributed Energy Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Distributed Energy Discipline Designators

Designator Description

W Distributed Energy
WC Distributed Energy Civil
WD Distributed Energy Demolition
WI Distributed Energy Interconnection
WP Distributed Energy Power
WS Distributed Energy Structural
WT Distributed Energy Telecommunications
WY Distributed Energy Auxiliary Systems
WJ User Defined
WK User Defined

Distributed Energy Layer List

Layer Name Description

No layer names have been prescribed for this discipline.


Equipment Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Equipment Discipline Designators

Designator Description

Q Equipment
QA Equipment Athletic
QB Equipment Bank
QC Equipment Dry Cleaning
QD Equipment Detention
QE Equipment Educational
QF Equipment Food Service
QH Equipment Hospital
QL Equipment Laboratory
QM Equipment Maintenance
QP Equipment Parking Lot
QR Equipment Retail
QS Equipment Site
QT Equipment Theatrical
QV Equipment Video/Photographic
QY Equipment Security
QJ User Defined
QK User Defined

Equipment Layer List

Layer Name Description

Q□-CMPR Computer
Q□-CSWK Casework
Q□-CSWK-DVDR Casework: thin dividers
Q□-CSWK-EDGE Casework: edge
Q□-CSWK-ELEV Casework: elevation
Q□-CSWK-FIXT Casework: fixtures (plumbing/service)
Q□-CSWK-FRMG Casework: structural framing
Q□-CSWK-FULL Casework: full-height (cabinets/lockers)
Q□-CSWK-GLAZ Casework: glazing
Q□-CSWK-GRND Casework: ground
Q□-CSWK-HRDW Casework: hardware
Q□-CSWK-LOWR Casework: lower (cabinets)
Q□-CSWK-PATT Casework: texture and hatch patterns
Q□-CSWK-SHLF Casework: wall mounted shelving
Q□-CSWK-SUBA Casework: cabinet sub-assemblies, drawer boxes
Q□-CSWK-UCTR Casework: undercounter (cabinets-for layout)
Q□-CSWK-UPPR Casework: upper (cabinets)
Q□-CSWK-WKSF Casework: work surface
Q□-ELEV Elevation
Q□-ELEV-EQPM Elevation: equipment
Q□-ELEV-FIXT Elevation: fixtures (plumbing/service)
Q□-ELEV-GLAZ Elevation: glazing
Q□-ELEV-HRDW Elevation: hardware
Q□-ELEV-OVHD Elevation: overhead
Q□-ELEV-PATT Elevation: texture and hatch patterns
Q□-ELEV-STRC Elevation: structures (support components)
Q□-EXHS Exhaust system
Q□-MAJQ Major equipment
Q□-MAJQ-ACCS Major equipment: access
Q□-MAJQ-ENGR Major equipment: engineering information
Q□-MAJQ-FIXD Major equipment: fixed
Q□-MAJQ-MOVE Major equipment: movable
Q□-MAJQ-MVNG Major equipment: moving or suspended
Q□-MAJQ-OVHD Major equipment: overhead
Q□-MAJQ-PATT Major equipment: texture and hatch patterns
Q□-MAJQ-UCTR Major equipment: undercounter
Q□-MINQ Minor equipment
Q□-POWR Power
Q□-SPCL Special
Q□-SPCL-ACCS Special: access
Q□-SPCL-ENGR Special: engineering information
Q□-SPCL-FIXD Special: fixed
Q□-SPCL-MOVE Special: movable
Q□-SPCL-MVNG Special: moving or suspended
Q□-SPCL-OVHD Special: overhead
Q□-SPCL-PATT Special: texture and hatch patterns
Q□-SPCL-UCTR Special: undercounter


Fire Protection Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Fire Protection Discipline Designators

Designator Description

F Fire Protection
FA Fire Detection and Alarm
FX Fire Suppression
FJ User Defined
FK User Defined

Fire Protection Layer List

Layer Name Description

F□-AFFF Aqueous film-forming foam system
F□-AFFF-EQPM Aqueous film-forming foam system: equipment
F□-AFFF-PIPE Aqueous film-forming foam system: piping
F□-CO2S CO2 system
F□-CO2S-EQPM CO2 system: equipment
F□-CO2S-PIPE CO2 system: piping
F□-HALN Halon
F□-HALN-EQPM Halon: equipment
F□-HALN-PIPE Halon: piping
F□-IGAS Inert gas
F□-IGAS-EQPM Inert gas: equipment
F□-IGAS-PIPE Inert gas: piping
F□-PROT Fire protection system
F□-PROT-ALRM Fire protection system: alarm
F□-PROT-EQPM Fire protection system: equipment
F□-PROT-EXTI Fire protection system: extinguishers
F□-PROT-HOSE Fire protection system: hoses
F□-PROT-HYDT Fire protection: hydrants and connections
F□-PROT-RATE Fire protection system: ratings
F□-PROT-RATE-DOOR Fire protection system: ratings: doors
F□-PROT-RATE-WALL Fire protection system: ratings: wall
F□-PROT-SMOK Fire protection system: smoke detector/heat sensors
F□-SPKL Sprinkler
F□-SPKL-C LHD Sprinkler: ceiling heads
F□-SPKL-E QPM Sprinkler: equipment
F□-SPKL-O THD Sprinkler: other heads
F□-SPKL-PI PE Sprinkler: piping


General Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

General Discipline Designators

Designator Description

G General
GC General Contractual
GI General Informational
GR General Resource
GJ User Defined
GK User Defined

General Layer List

Layer Name Description

G□-ACCS Access
G□-CODE Code compliance plan
G□-EVAC Evacuation plan
G□-FIRE Fire protection plan
G□-PLAN Key plan (floor plan)
G□-SITE Key plan (site features)


Geotechnical Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Geotechnical Discipline Designators

Designator Description

B Geotechnical
BJ User Defined
BK User Defined

Geotechnical Layer List

Layer Name Description

B□-BORE Borings
B□-BORE-FDTA Borings: field data
B□-BORE-HOLE Borings: holes (perc)
B□-BORE-LDTA Borings: laboratory data
Detail: optional number
(A = letter, NNN = number between 001 and 999)
B□-DETL-ANNN-CONC Detail: optional number: concrete
B□-DETL-ANNN-ERTH Detail: optional number: earth
B□-DETL-ANNN-FDTA Detail: optional number: field data
B□-DETL-ANNN-FILL Detail: optional number: fill and cover material
B□-DETL-ANNN-GENF Detail: optional number: general features
B□-DETL-ANNN-GNDW Detail: optional number: ground water
B□-DETL-ANNN-LDTA Detail: optional number: laboratory data
B□-DETL-ANNN-PVMT Detail: optional number: pavement
B□-DETL-ANNN-SPCL Detail: optional number: special
B□-DETL-ANNN-STRM Detail: optional number: storm sewer
B□-DETL-ANNN-SUBS Detail: optional number: sub-surface areas
B□-DETL-ANNN-SURF Detail: optional number: surface areas


Hazardous Materials Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Hazardous Materials Discipline Designators

Designator Description

H Hazardous Materials
HA Hazardous Materials Asbestos
HC Hazardous Materials Chemicals
HL Hazardous Materials Lead
HP Hazardous Materials PCB
HR Hazardous Materials Refrigerants
HJ User Defined
HK User Defined

Hazardous Materials Layer List

Layer Name Description

H□-PLAN Key plan (floor plan)

H□-SITE Key plan (site features)


Interiors Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Interiors Discipline Designators

Designator Description

I Interior
ID Interior Demolition
IF Interior Furnishings
IG Interior Graphics
IN Interior Design
IJ User Defined
IK User Defined

Interiors Layer List

Layer Name Description

I□-AREA Area
I□-AREA-OCCP Area: occupant or employee names
I□-CLNG Ceiling
I□-CLNG-ACCS Ceiling: access
I□-CLNG-OPNG Ceiling: openings
I□-CLNG-SUSP Ceiling: suspended elements
I□-CLNG-TEES Ceiling: main tees
I□-COLS Columns
I□-CRPT Carpet/carpet tile
I□-CSWK Casework
I□-DOOR Doors
I□-DOOR-FULL Doors: full-height
I□-DOOR-PRHT Doors: partial-height
I□-EQPM Equipment
I□-EQPM-ACCS Equipment: access
I□-EQPM-FIXD Equipment: fixed
I□-EQPM-OVHD Equipment: overhead
I□-EQPM-STOR Equipment: storage
I□-FLOR Floor
I□-FLOR-EVTR Floor: elevator cars and equipment
I□-FLOR-FIXT Floor: fixtures (plumbing)
I□-FLOR-HRAL Floor: handrails/guard rails
I□-FLOR-LEVL Floor: level changes (ramps, pits, depressions)
I□-FLOR-OTLN Floor: outline
I□-FLOR-OVHD Floor: overhead
I□-FLOR-RAIS Floor: raised
I□-FLOR-RISR Floor: risers
I□-FLOR-SIGN Floor: signage
Floor: architectural specialties (toilet room accessories, display
I□-FLOR-STRS Floor: stair treads (escalators, ladders)
I□-FLOR-TPTN Floor: toilet partitions
I□-FLOR-WDWK Floor: architectural woodwork
I□-FNSH Finishes
I□-FURN Furnishings
I□-FURN-FILE Furnishings: file cabinets
I□-FURN-FREE Furnishings: freestanding
I□-FURN-PLNT Furnishings: plants
I□-FURN-PNLS Furnishings: system panels
I□-FURN-SEAT Furnishings: seating
I□-FURN-STOR Furnishings: storage (component system)
I□-FURN-WKSF Furnishings: work surface (component system)
I□-GLAZ Glazing
I□-GLAZ-FULL Glazing: full-height
I□-GLAZ-PRHT Glazing: partial-height
I□-GLAZ-SILL Glazing: window sills
I□-HVAC HVAC systems
I□-HVAC-RDFF HVAC systems: return air diffusers
I□-HVAC-SDFF HVAC systems: supply diffusers
I□-MILL Millwork
I□-PRTN Partitions
I□-PRTN-FIRE Partitions: fire protection
I□-PRTN-FULL Partitions: full-height
I□-PRTN-HEAD Partitions: door and window headers
I□-PRTN-JAMB Partitions: door and window jambs
I□-PRTN-MOVE Partitions: moveable
I□-PRTN-PRHT Partitions: partial-height
I□-TILE Tile


Landscape Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Landscape Discipline Designators

Designator Description

L Landscape
LD Landscape Demolition
LG Landscape Grading
LI Landscape Irrigation
LL Landscape Lighting
LP Landscape Planting
LR Landscape Relocation
LS Landscape Site
LJ User Defined
LK User Defined

Landscape Layer List

Layer Name Description

L□-FENC Fences
L□-FENC-LINK Fences: chain link
L□-FENC-LINK-04FT Fences: chain link: four feet high
L□-FENC-LINK-06FT Fences chain link: six feet high
L□-FENC-PRVC Fences: privacy
L□-FENC-WOOD Fences: wood
L□-IRRG Irrigation
L□-IRRG-COVR Irrigation: coverage
L□-IRRG-DRIP Irrigation: drip irrigation tubing
L□-IRRG-EQPM Irrigation: equipment (pumps, valves, and controllers)
L□-IRRG-LTRL Irrigation: lateral pipe
L□-IRRG-MAIN Irrigation: mainline
L□-IRRG-PIPE Irrigation: piping
L□-IRRG-SLVE Irrigation: pipe sleeve
L□-IRRG-SPKL Irrigation: sprinklers (rotors, heads)
L□-IRRG-VALV Irrigation: valves
L□-PLNT Plant and landscape material
L□-PLNT-BEDS Plant and landscape material: perennial and annual beds
L□-PLNT-BUSH Plant and landscape material: bushes and shrubs
L□-PLNT-CONI Plant and landscape material: coniferous trees
L□-PLNT-CTNR Plant and landscape material: container or planter
L□-PLNT-EDGR Plant and landscape material: planting bed edger
L□-PLNT-EVGR Plant and landscape material: evergreen trees - broadleaf
L□-PLNT-GCVR Plant and landscape material: ground cover
L□-PLNT-MLCH Plant and landscape material: mulches - organic and inorganic
L□-PLNT-PALM Plant and landscape material: palm trees
L□-PLNT-PLNT Plant and landscape material: plants
L□-PLNT-SEED Plant and landscape material: seeding areas
L□-PLNT-SHAD Plant and landscape material: shadow area
L□-PLNT-TREE Plant and landscape material: trees
L□-PLNT-TURF Plant and landscape material: lawn areas
L□-PLNT-VINE Plant and landscape material: vines
L□-PVMT Pavement
L□-PVMT-ASPH Pavement: asphalt
L□-PVMT-BRCK Pavement: brick
L□-PVMT-CONC Pavement: concrete
L□-PVMT-CONC-AGGR Pavement: concrete: exposed aggregate
L□-PVMT-GRVL Pavement: gravel
L□-PVMT-JNTC Pavement: control joint
L□-PVMT-JNTE Pavement: expansion joint (for concrete only)
L□-PVMT-PAVR Pavement: unit pavers
L□-PVMT-RAMP Pavement: accessible ramp
L□-PVMT-STRS Pavement: stair treads
L□-SITE Site features
L□-SITE-BRDG Site features: bridge (pedestrian)
L□-SITE-CURB Site features: curb
L□-SITE-CURB-BACK Site features: curb: back
L□-SITE-CURB-FACE Site features: curb: face
L□-SITE-DECK Site features: deck (wood, typ.)
L□-SITE-FURN Site features: furnishings
L□-SITE-PLAY Site features: play structures
L□-SITE-PLAY-EQPM Site features: play structures: equipment
L□-SITE-PLAY-ZONE Site features: play structures: zoning
L□-SITE-POOL Site features: pools and spas
L□-SITE-POOL-BACK Site features: pools and spas: back of pool wall
L□-SITE-POOL-FACE Site features: pools and spas: face of pool wall
L□-SITE-PRKG Site features: parking
L□-SITE-PRKG-STRP Site features : parking: striping
L□-SITE-ROAD Site features: edge of roadway line
L□-SITE-ROCK Site features: large rocks and rock outcroppings
L□-SITE-RRAP Site features: riprap
L□-SITE-RTWL Site features: retaining wall
L□-SITE-SPRT Site features: sports fields
L□-SITE-SPRT-EQPM Site features: sports fields: equipment
L□-SITE-SPRT-PERI Site features: sports fields: perimeter
L□-SITE-STEP Site features: steps
L□-SITE-SWLK Site features: sidewalks and steps
L□-SITE-TRAL Site features: trail or path
L□-SITE-TRAL-ASPH Site features: trail or path: asphalt
L□-SITE-TRAL-CONC Site features: trail or path: concrete
L□-SITE-TRAL-GRVL Site features: trail or path: gravel
L□-SITE-WALL Site features: walls
L□-SITE-WEIR Site features: pool weir
L□-TOPO Topographic feature
L□-TOPO-LIMI Topographic feature: limit of earthwork
L□-TOPO-SPOT Topographic feature: spot elevations


Mechanical Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Mechanical Discipline Designators

Designator Description

M Mechanical
MD Mechanical Demolition
MH Mechanical HVAC
MI Mechanical Instrumentation
MP Mechanical Piping
MS Mechanical Site
MJ User Defined
MK User Defined

Mechanical Layer List

Layer Name Description

M□-BRIN Brine systems
M□-BRIN-EQPM Brine systems: equipment
M□-BRIN-PIPE Brine systems: piping
M□-CHIM Chimneys and stacks
M□-CMPA Compressed/processed air systems
M□-CMPA-EQPM Compressed/processed air systems: equipment
M□-CMPA-PEQP Compressed/processed air systems: process equipment
M□-CMPA-PIPE Compressed/processed air systems: piping
M□-CMPA-PPIP Compressed/processed air systems: process piping
M□-CNDW Condenser water systems
M□-CNDW-EQPM Condenser water systems: equipment
M□-CNDW-PIPE Condenser water systems: piping
M□-CNDW-RETN Condenser water systems: return
M□-CNDW-RETN-PIPE Condenser water systems: return: piping
M□-CNDW-RETN-SKCH Condenser water systems: return: sketch
M□-CNDW-SPLY Condenser water systems: supply
M□-CNDW-SPLY-PIPE Condenser water systems: supply: piping
M□-CNDW-SPLY-SKCH Condenser water systems: supply: sketch
M□-CONT Controls and instrumentation
M□-CONT-THER Controls and instrumentation: thermostats
M□-CONT-WIRE Controls and instrumentation: wiring (low voltage)
M□-CWTR Chilled water systems
M□-CWTR-CNDS Chilled water systems: condensate piping
M□-CWTR-EQPM Chilled water systems: equipment
M□-CWTR-PIPE Chilled water systems: piping
M□-CWTR-RETN Chilled water systems: return
M□-CWTR-RETN-PIPE Chilled water systems: return: piping
M□-CWTR-RETN-SKCH Chilled water systems: return: sketch
M□-CWTR-SPLY Chilled water systems: supply
M□-CWTR-SPLY-PIPE Chilled water systems: supply: piping
M□-CWTR-SPLY-SKCH Chilled water systems: supply: sketch
M□-DOMW Domestic water systems
M□-DOMW-MKUP Domestic water systems: make-up water
M□-DUAL Dual temperature systems
M□-DUAL-RETN Dual temperature systems: return
M□-DUAL-RETN-PIPE Dual temperature systems: return: piping
M□-DUAL-RETN-SKCH Dual temperature systems: return: sketch
M□-DUAL-SPLY Dual temperature systems: supply
M□-DUAL-SPLY-PIPE Dual temperature systems: supply: piping
M□-DUAL-SPLY-SKCH Dual temperature systems: supply: sketch
M□-DUST Dust and fume collection systems
M□-DUST-DUCT Dust and fume collection systems: ductwork
M□-DUST-DUCT-CNTR Dust and fume collection systems: ductwork: center
M□-DUST-EQPM Dust and fume collection systems: equipment
M□-ELHT Electric heat
M□-ELHT-EQPM Electric heat: equipment
M□-ENER Energy management systems
M□-ENER-EQPM Energy management systems: equipment
M□-ENER-WIRE Energy management systems: wiring
M□-EXHS Exhaust system
M□-EXHS-CDFF Exhaust system: ceiling diffusers
M□-EXHS-DUCT Exhaust system: ductwork
M□-EXHS-DUCT-CNTR Exhaust system: ductwork: center
M□-EXHS-EQPM Exhaust system: equipment
M□-EXHS-RFEQ Exhaust system: rooftop equipment
M□-FLOR Floor
M□-FLOR-PENE Floor: penetrations
M□-FUEL Fuel systems
M□-FUEL-EQPM Fuel systems: equipment
M□-FUEL-GGEP Fuel systems: gas general piping
M□-FUEL-GGEP-HPIP Fuel systems: gas general piping: high pressure piping
M□-FUEL-GGEP-LPIP Fuel systems: gas general piping: low-pressure piping
M□-FUEL-GGEP-LQPG Fuel systems: gas general piping: liquid petroleum gas
M□-FUEL-GGEP-MPIP Fuel systems: gas general piping: medium-pressure piping
M□-FUEL-GPRP Fuel systems: gas process piping
M□-FUEL-OPRP Fuel systems: oil process piping
M□-FUEL-OGEP Fuel systems: oil general piping
M□-FUEL-OGEP-DISC Fuel systems: oil general piping: discharge
M□-FUEL-OGEP-FLLW Fuel systems: oil general piping: flow
M□-FUEL-OGEP-GAGE Fuel systems: oil general piping: gauge
M□-FUEL-OGEP-RETN Fuel systems: oil general piping: return
M□-FUEL-OGEP-SPLY Fuel systems: oil general piping: supply
M□-FUEL-OGEP-VENT Fuel systems: oil general piping: vents
M□-FUME Fume hood
M□-FUME-DUCT Fume hood: ductwork
M□-FUME-EQPM Fume hood: equipment
M□-GLYC Glycol systems
M□-GLYC-RETN Glycol systems: return
M□-GLYC-RETN-PIPE Glycol systems: return: piping
M□-GLYC-RETN-SKCH Glycol systems: return: sketch
M□-GLYC-SPLY Glycol systems: supply
M□-GLYC-SPLY-PIPE Glycol systems: supply: piping
M□-GLYC-SPLY-SKCH Glycol systems: supply: sketch
M□-HVAC HVAC systems
M□-HVAC-BOXD HVAC systems: mixing box, dual duct
M□-HVAC-BOXS HVAC systems: mixing box, single duct
M□-HVAC-CDFF HVAC systems: ceiling diffusers
M□-HVAC-CLDA HVAC systems: cold air
M□-HVAC-CLDA-DUCT HVAC systems: cold air: ductwork
M□-HVAC-CLDA-EQPM HVAC systems: cold air: equipment
M□-HVAC-CLDA-RSCH HVAC systems: cold air: sketch line round or oval duct
M□-HVAC-CLDA-SECT HVAC systems: cold air: section
M□-HVAC-CLDA-SIZE HVAC systems: cold air: ductwork size
M□-HVAC-CLDA-SSCH HVAC systems: cold air: sketch line rectangular duct
M□-HVAC-DMPR HVAC systems: fire, smoke, volume damper
M□-HVAC-DOOR HVAC systems: equipment doors
M□-HVAC-EFAN HVAC systems: equipment with electric fans
M□-HVAC-EPDU HVAC systems: equipment with piping, ductwork and electricity
M□-HVAC-EPIP HVAC systems: equipment with piping and electricity
M□-HVAC-EQPM HVAC systems: equipment
M□-HVAC-EXHS HVAC systems: exhaust air
M□-HVAC-EXHS-DUCT HVAC systems: exhaust air: ductwork
M□-HVAC-EXHS-EQPM HVAC systems: exhaust air: equipment
M□-HVAC-EXHS-GRIL HVAC systems: exhaust air: grilles
M□-HVAC-EXHS-RSCH HVAC systems: exhaust air: sketch line round or oval duct
M□-HVAC-EXHS-SECT HVAC systems: exhaust air: section
M□-HVAC-EXHS-SIZE HVAC systems: exhaust air: ductwork size
M□-HVAC-EXHS-SSCH HVAC systems: exhaust air: sketch line rectangular duct
M□-HVAC-HOTA HVAC systems: hot air
M□-HVAC-HOTA-DUCT HVAC systems: hot air: ductwork
M□-HVAC-HOTA-EQPM HVAC systems: hot air: equipment
M□-HVAC-HOTA-RSCH HVAC systems: hot air: sketch line round or oval duct
M□-HVAC-HOTA-SECT HVAC systems: hot air: section
M□-HVAC-HOTA-SIZE HVAC systems: hot air: ductwork size
M□-HVAC-HOTA-SSCH HVAC systems: hot air: sketch line rectangular duct
M□-HVAC-ODFF HVAC systems: other diffusers
M□-HVAC-PIPE HVAC systems: piping
M□-HVAC-RDFF HVAC systems: return air diffusers
M□-HVAC-RETN HVAC systems: return
M□-HVAC-RETN-CNTR HVAC systems: return: center
M□-HVAC-RETN-EQPM HVAC systems: return: equipment
M□-HVAC-RETN-RSCH HVAC systems: return: sketch line round or oval duct
M□-HVAC-RETN-SECT HVAC systems: return: section
M□-HVAC-RETN-SIZE HVAC systems: return: ductwork size
M□-HVAC-RETN-SSCH HVAC systems: return: sketch line rectangular duct
M□-HVAC-SDFF HVAC systems: supply diffusers
M□-HVAC-SPLY HVAC systems: supply
M□-HVAC-SPLY-CNTR HVAC systems: supply: center
M□-HVAC-SPLY-EQPM HVAC systems: supply: equipment
M□-HVAC-SPLY-RSCH HVAC systems: supply: sketch line round or oval duct
M□-HVAC-SPLY-SECT HVAC systems: supply: section
M□-HVAC-SPLY-SIZE HVAC systems: supply: ductwork size
M□-HVAC-SPLY-SSCH HVAC systems: supply: sketch line rectangular duct
M□-HWTR Hot water heating system
M□-HWTR-EQPM Hot water heating system: equipment
M□-HWTR-PIPE Hot water heating system: piping
M□-HWTR-RETN Hot water heating system: return
M□-HWTR-RETN-PIPE Hot water heating system: return: piping
M□-HWTR-RETN: SKCH Hot water heating system: return: sketch
M□-HWTR-SPLY Hot water heating system: supply
M□-HWTR-SPLY-PIPE Hot water heating system: supply: piping
M□-HWTR-SPLY-SKCH Hot water heating system: supply: sketch
M□-LGAS Laboratory gas systems
M□-LGAS-EQPM Laboratory gas systems: equipment
M□-LGAS-PIPE Laboratory gas systems: piping
M□-MACH Machine shop
M□-MDGS Medical gas systems
M□-MDGS-CAIR Medical gas systems: compressed air
M□-MDGS-EQPM Medical gas systems: equipment
M□-MDGS-NITG Medical gas systems: nitrogen
M□-MDGS-NOXG Medical gas systems: nitrous oxide
M□-MDGS-OXYG Medical gas systems: pure O2
M□-MDGS-PIPE Medical gas systems: piping
M□-MDGS-SAIR Medical gas systems: scavenge air
M□-MDGS-VACU Medical gas systems: vacuum
M□-MKUP Make-up air systems
M□-MKUP-CDFF Make-up air systems: ceiling diffusers
M□-MKUP-DUCT Make-up air systems: ductwork
M□-MKUP-EQPM Make-up air systems: equipment
M□-MPIP Miscellaneous piping systems
M□-MPIP-PIPE Miscellaneous piping systems: piping
M□-NGAS Natural gas systems
M□-NGAS-EQPM Natural gas systems: equipment
M□-NGAS-PIPE Natural gas systems: piping
M□-PROC Process systems
M□-PROC-EQPM Process systems: equipment
M□-PROC-PIPE Process systems: piping
M□-RAIR Relief air systems
M□-RCOV Energy recovery systems
M□-RCOV-EQPM Energy recovery systems: equipment
M□-RCOV-PIPE Energy recovery systems: piping
M□-REFG Refrigeration systems
M□-REFG-DISC Refrigeration systems: discharge
M□-REFG-EQPM Refrigeration systems: equipment
M□-REFG-PIPE Refrigeration systems: piping
M□-REFG-RETN Refrigeration systems: return
M□-REFG-SPLY Refrigeration systems: supply
M□-ROOF Roof
M□-ROOF-PENE Roof: penetrations
M□-SMOK Smoke extraction systems
M□-SMOK-CDFF Smoke extraction systems: ceiling diffusers
M□-SMOK-DUCT Smoke extraction systems: ductwork
M□-SMOK-EQPM Smoke extraction systems: equipment
M□-SPCL Special systems
M□-SPCL-EQPM Special systems: equipment
M□-SPCL-PIPE Special systems: piping
M□-STEM Steam system
M□-STEM-BLBD Steam system: boiler blow down piping
M□-STEM-BLBD-PIPE Steam system: boiler blow down piping: piping
M□-STEM-CNDS Steam system: condensate piping
M□-STEM-CNDS-SKCH Steam system: condensate piping: sketch
M□-STEM-EQPM Steam system: equipment
M□-STEM-HPIP Steam system: high-pressure piping
M□-STEM-HPIP-SKCH Steam system: high-pressure piping: sketch
M□-STEM-LPIP Steam system: low-pressure piping
M□-STEM-LPIP-SKCH Steam system: low-pressure piping: sketch
M□-STEM-MPIP Steam system: medium-pressure piping
M□-STEM-MPIP-SKCH Steam system: medium-pressure piping: sketch
M□-TEST Test equipment
M□-WALL Wall
M□-WALL-PENE Wall: penetrations


Operations Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Operations Discipline Designators

Designator Description

O Operations
OJ User Defined
OK User Defined

Operations Layer List

Layer Name Description

No layer names have been prescribed for this discipline.


Plumbing Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Plumbing Discipline Designators

Designator Description

P Plumbing
PD Plumbing Demolition
PL Plumbing
PP Plumbing Piping
PQ Plumbing Equipment
PS Plumbing Site
PJ User Defined
PK User Defined
Plumbing Layer List

Layer Name Description

P□-ACID Acid waste systems

P□-ACID-EQPM Acid waste systems: equipment
P□-ACID-PIPE Acid waste systems: piping
P□-ACID-VENT Acid waste systems: vents
P□-DOMW Domestic water systems
P□-DOMW-CPIP Domestic water systems: cold water piping
P□-DOMW-EQPM Domestic water systems: equipment
P□-DOMW-HPIP Domestic water systems: hot water piping
P□-DOMW-RISR Domestic water systems: risers
P□-DOMW-RPIP Domestic water systems: recirculation piping
P□-FLOR Floor
P□-FLOR-PENE Floor: penetrations
P□-MDGS Medical gas systems
P□-MDGS-CAIR Medical gas systems: compressed air
P□-MDGS-EQPM Medical gas systems: equipment
P□-MDGS-NITG Medical gas systems: nitrogen
P□-MDGS-NOXG Medical gas systems: nitrous oxide
P□-MDGS-OXYG Medical gas systems: pure O2
P□-MDGS-PIPE Medical gas systems: piping
P□-MDGS-SAIR Medical gas systems: scavenge air
P□-MDGS-VACU Medical gas systems: vacuum
P□-ROOF Roof
P□-ROOF-PENE Roof: penetrations
P□-SSWR Sanitary sewer
P□-SSWR-EQPM Sanitary sewer: equipment
P□-SSWR-FIXT Sanitary sewer: fixtures
P□-SSWR-FLDR Sanitary sewer: floor drains
P□-SSWR-PIPE Sanitary sewer: piping
P□-SSWR-RISR Sanitary sewer: risers
P□-SSWR-VENT Sanitary sewer: vents
P□-STRM Storm sewer
P□-STRM-PIPE Storm sewer: piping
P□-STRM-RFDR Storm sewer: roof drains
P□-STRM-RISR Storm sewer: risers
P□-WALL Wall
P□-WALL-PENE Wall: penetrations

Process Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Process Discipline Designators

Designator Description

D Process
DA Process Airs
DC Process Chemicals
DD Process Demolition
DE Process Electrical
DG Process Gases
DI Process Instrumentation
DL Process Liquids
DM Process HPM Gases
DO Process Oils
DP Process Piping
DQ Process Equipment
DR Process Drains and Reclaims
DS Process Site
DV Process Vacuum
DW Process Waters
DX Process Exhaust
DY Process Slurry
DJ User Defined
DK User Defined

Process Layer List

Layer Name Description

D□-AIR~-AA~~ Air: agitation air - system

D□-AIR~-BA~~ Air: breathable air - system
D□-AIR~-CA~~ Air: compressed air - system
D□-AIR~-CDA~ Air: clean dry air - system
D□-AIR~-HCDA Air: high pressure clean dry air - system
D□-AIR~-IA~~ Air: instrument air - system
D□-AIR~-OA~~ Air: outside air - system
D□-AIR~-OFA~ Air: oil free air - system
D□-AIR~-PA~~ Air: plant air - system
D□-AIR~-V~~~ Air: vent - system
D□-CHEM-ARC~ Chemical: regenerative caustic - system
D□-CHEM-C~~~ Chemical: caustic - system
D□-CHEM-DEV~ Chemical: developer - system
D□-CHEM-EG~~ Chemical: ethylene glycol - system
D□-CHEM-H2O2 Chemical: hydrogen peroxide - system
D□-CHEM-HCL~ Chemical: hydrochloric acid - system
D□-CHEM-HF~~ Chemical: hydrofluoric acid - system
D□-CHEM-IPA~ Chemical: isopropyl alcohol - system
D□-CHEM-PHOS Chemical: phosphoric acid - system
D□-CHEM-RER~ Chemical: solvent - system
D□-CHEM-SULF Chemical: sulfuric acid - system
D□-CHEM-TMAH Chemical: tmah - system
D□-DETL-BOLD Detail: bold lines
D□-DETL-FINE Detail: fine lines
D□-DETL-MEDM Detail: medium lines
D□-DRAN-AMW~ Drains: ammonia waste - system
D□-DRAN-CD~~ Drains: condensate drain - system
D□-DRAN-CLW~ Drains: concentrated lead waste - system
D□-DRAN-CMW~ Drains: concentrated metals waste - system
D□-DRAN-CUPW Drains: copper plating waste - system
D□-DRAN-CURW Drains: copper rinse waste - system
D□-DRAN-CUSW Drains: copper slurry waste - system
D□-DRAN-DIRC Drains: DI reclaim - system
D□-DRAN-DLW~ Drains: dilute waste - system
D□-DRAN-EGW~ Drains: ethylene glycol waste - system
D□-DRAN-HFW~ Drains: hydrofluoric waste - system
D□-DRAN-IW~~ Drains: industrial waste - system
D□-DRAN-MW~~ Drains: metals waste - system
D□-DRAN-NPWR Drains: non-potable water reuse - system
D□-DRAN-OIW~ Drains: organic industrial waste - system
D□-DRAN-OLW~ Drains: organic liquid waste - system
D□-DRAN-OSW~ Drains: organic solvent waste - system
D□-DRAN-PHRC Drains: phosphoric acid reclaim - system
D□-DRAN-PSW~ Drains: photo solvent waste - system
D□-DRAN-SDD~ Drains: scrubber duct drains - system
D□-DRAN-SLW~ Drains: slurry waste - system
D□-DRAN-SULF Drains: sulfuric acid - system
D□-DRAN-SULR Drains: sulfuric acid reclaim - system
D□-DRAN-SW~~ Drains: solvent waste - system
D□-DRAN-SWF~ Drains: solvent waste flammable - system
D□-DRAN-SWNF Drains: solvent waste non-flammable - system
D□-EXHS-AMEX Exhaust: ammonia exhaust - system
D□-EXHS-AREX Exhaust: arsenic exhaust - system
D□-EXHS-HTEX Exhaust: heat exhaust - system
D□-EXHS-SCEX Exhaust: scrubber exhaust - system
D□-EXHS-SVEX Exhaust: solvent exhaust - system
D□-GAS~-AR~~ Gas: argon - system
D□-GAS~-ARB~ Gas: argon bulk - system
D□-GAS~-BUT~ Gas: butane - system
D□-GAS~-CLG~ Gas: chlorine gas - system
D□-GAS~-H2~~ Gas: hydrogen - system
D□-GAS~-HE~~ Gas: helium - system
D□-GAS~-HPN2 Gas: high purity nitrogen - system
D□-GAS~-HPO2 Gas: high purity oxygen - system
D□-GAS~-LCHE Gas: leak check helium - system
D□-GAS~-N2~~ Gas: nitrogen - system
D□-GAS~-N2O~ Gas: nitrous oxide - system
D□-GAS~-NG~~ Gas: natural gas - system
D□-GAS~-O2~~ Gas: oxygen - system
D□-GAS~-PRO~ Gas: propane - system
D□-GAS~-SG~~ Gas: specialty gas - system
D□-GAS~-UN2~ Gas: utility nitrogen - system
D□-GAS~-VN2~ Gas: venturi nitrogen - system
D□-GAS~-WAR~ Gas: weld argon - system
D□-LIQD-LPG~ Liquid: liquid petroleum gas - system
D□-OIL~-LO~~ Oil: lube oil - system
D□-PIPE Piping
D□-PIPE-CNTR Piping: center
D□-PIPE-EQPM Piping: equipment
D□-PIPE-HDLN Piping: hidden line
D□-PIPE-MISC Piping: miscellaneous
D□-PIPE-PATT Piping: texture and hatch patterns
D□-PIPE-UGND Piping: underground
D□-SLUR-SLR~ Slurry: slurry return - system
D□-SLUR-SLS~ Slurry: slurry supply - system
D□-VACU-CLV~ Vacuum: chlorine vacuum - system
D□-VACU-CV~~ Vacuum: chemical vacuum - system
D□-VACU-EV~~ Vacuum: equipment vacuum - system
D□-VACU-HV~~ Vacuum: house vacuum - system
D□-VACU-HVA~ Vacuum: arsenic house vacuum - system
D□-VACU-PV~~ Vacuum: vacuum - system
D□-WATR-BFW~ Water: boiler feed water - system
D□-WATR-DIR~ Water: deionized water return - system
D□-WATR-DIS~ Water: deionized water supply - system
D□-WATR-DIWP Water: DI polishing loop - system
D□-WATR-FW~~ Water: fire water - system
D□-WATR-HDIR Water: hot DI return - system
D□-WATR-HDIS Water: hot DI supply - system
D□-WATR-HDRC Water: hot DI reclaim - system
D□-WATR-HPDR Water: high pH DI return - system
D□-WATR-HPDS Water: high pH DI supply - system
D□-WATR-ICW~ Water: industrial city water - system
D□-WATR-NPW~ Water: non-potable water - system
D□-WATR-PCWR Water: cooling water return - system
D□-WATR-PCWS Water: cooling water supply - system
D□-WATR-PW~~ Water: potable water - system
D□-WATR-RO~~ Water: reverse osmosis water - system
D□-WATR-ROR~ Water: reverse osmosis reject water - system
D□-WATR-TDIR Water: tempered DI return - system
D□-WATR-TDIS Water: tempered DI supply - system
D□-WATR-TW~~ Water: tempered water - system
D□-WATR-UPRW Water: ultra pure recycle water - system
D□-WATR-UPW~ Water: ultra pure water - system


Resource Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Resource Discipline Designators

Designator Description

R Resource
RA Resource Architectural
RC Resource Civil
RE Resource Electrical
RM Resource Mechanical
RR Resource Real Esate
RS Resource Structural
RJ User Defined
RK User Defined

Resource Layer List

ayer Name Description

R□-INGR Ingrants
R□-INGR-ESMT Ingrants: easement
R□-INGR-LEAS Ingrants: lease
R□-INGR- LICN Ingrants: license
R□-INGR-PMIT Ingrants: permit
R□-INGR-RSRV Ingrants: reservation
R□-LAND Land
R□-LAND-ALOC Land: allocation
R□-LAND-CLAS Land: classification
R□-OTGR Outgrants
R□-OTGR-LEAS Outgrants: lease
R□-OTGR-LICN Outgrants: license
R□-OTGR-PMIT Outgrants: permit
R□-OTGR-RSRV Outgrants: reservation
R□-PROP Property
R□-PROP-PRCL Property: parcels
R□-PROP-TAKE Property: taking lines
R□-PROP-TAKE-ELEV Property: taking lines: elevations
R□-PROP-TRAC Property: tract lines
R□-PROP-TRAC-DFEE Property: tract lines: disposed fee
R□-PROP-TRAC-FEE~ Property: tract lines: fee
R□-PROP-TRAC-LFEE Property: tract lines: disposed less than fee
R□-PROP-TRAC-NFEE Property: tract lines: non-fee


Structural Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.
Structural Discipline Designators

Designator Description

S Structural
SB Structural Substructure
SD Structural Demolition
SF Structural Framing
SS Structural Site
SJ User Defined
SK User Defined

Structural Layer List

Layer Name Description

S□-ALGN Alignment
S□-BEAM Beams
S□-BEAM-ALUM Beams: aluminum
S□-BEAM-CONC Beams: concrete
S□-BEAM-STEL Beams: steel
S□-BEAM-WOOD Beams: wood
S□-BRCG Bracing
S□-BRCG-ALUM Bracing: aluminum
S□-BRCG-ALUM-HORZ Bracing: aluminum: horizontal
S□-BRCG-ALUM-VERT Bracing: aluminum: vertical
S□-BRCG-METL Bracing: metal
S□-BRCG-STEL Bracing: steel
S□-BRCG-STEL-HORZ Bracing: steel: horizontal
S□-BRCG-STEL-VERT Bracing: steel: vertical
S□-BRCG-WOOD Bracing: wood
S□-BRCG-WOOD-HORZ Bracing: wood: horizontal
S□-BRCG-WOOD-VERT Bracing: wood: vertical
S□-COLS Columns
S□-COLS-ABLT Columns: anchor bolts
S□-COLS-ALUM Columns: aluminum
S□-COLS-CONC Columns: concrete
S□-COLS-STEL Columns: steel
S□-COLS-WOOD Columns: wood
S□-DECK Deck
S□-DECK-FLOR Deck: floor
S□-DECK-FLOR-OPNG Deck: floor: openings
S□-DECK-ROOF Deck: roof
S□-DECK-ROOF-OPNG Deck: roof: openings
S□-DETL Detail
S□-DETL-HSSS Detail: hollow structural steel
S□-DETL-PLYW Detail: plywood
S□-DETL-W2XS Detail: dimension lumber
S□-FNDN Foundation
S□-FNDN-FTNG Foundation: footings
S□-FNDN-GRBM Foundation: grade beams
S□-FNDN-PCAP Foundation: pile caps
S□-FNDN-PIER Foundation: drilled piers
S□-FNDN-PILE Foundation: piles
S□-FNDN-RBAR Foundation: reinforcing bar
S□-FNDN-RBAR-BOT1 Foundation: reinforcing bar: bottom group 1
S□-FNDN-RBAR-BOT2 Foundation: reinforcing bar: bottom group 2
S□-FNDN-RBAR-TOP1 Foundation: reinforcing bar: top group 1
S□-FNDN-RBAR-TOP2 Foundation: reinforcing bar: top group 2
S□-FRAM Braced frame or moment frame
S□-FSTN Fasteners and connections
S□-GATE Gate
S□-GRID Grids
S□-GRID-EXTR Grids: exterior
S□-GRID-INTR Grids: interior
S□-GRLN Grade line
S□-GRLN-SURF Grade line: surface areas
S□-GRTG Grating
S□-GRTG-OVHD Grating: overhead
S□-HYDR Hydraulic structure
S□-JNTS Joints
S□-JNTS-CNTJ Joints: construction joint
S□-JNTS-CTLJ Joints: control joint
S□-JNTS-EXPJ Joints: expansion joint
S□-JOIS Joists
S□-JOIS-BRGX Joists: bridging
S□-LNTL Lintels
S□-PADS Pads
S□-PADS-EQPM Pads: equipment
S□-PLAT Platform
S□-PLAT-FRMG Platform: framing
S□-PLAT-GRTG Platform: grating
S□-SIGN Sign
S□-SIGN-BOUY Sign: bouy
S□-SIGN-FRMG Sign: framing
S□-SIGN-GAGE Sign: gauge (staff)
S□-SIGN-TEXT Sign: signage text
S□-SIGN-XTRU Sign: extrusion
S□-SLAB Slab
S□-SLAB-CONC Slab: concrete
S□-SLAB-EDGE Slab: edge
S□-SLAB-OPNG Slab: openings (and depressions)
S□-SLAB-OPNX Slab: opening indication ("x")
S□-SLAB-STEL Slab: steel
S□-SLAB-WOOD Slab: wood
S□-STIF Stiffener
S□-STIF-LONG Stiffener: longitudinal
S□-STIF-TRAV Stiffener: transverse
S□-STRS Stairs
S□-STRS-LADD Stairs: ladders & ladder assemblies
S□-TRUS Trusses
S□-WALL Walls
S□-WALL-ABOV Walls: above
S□-WALL-CMUW Walls: concrete masonry unit
S□-WALL-CONC Walls: concrete
S□-WALL-MSNW Walls: masonry
S□-WALL-PCST Walls: pre-cast concrete
S□-WALL-SHEA Walls: structural bearing or shear walls
S□-WALL-STEL Walls: steel stud
S□-WALL-VENR Walls: veneer
S□-WALL-WOOD Walls: wood


Survey/Mapping Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Survey/Mapping Discipline Designators

Designator Description
V Survey/Mapping
VA Survey/Mapping Aerial
VC Survey/Mapping Computated Points
VF Survey/Mapping Field
VI Survey/Mapping Digital
VN Survey/Mapping Node Points
VS Survey/Mapping Staked Points
VU Survey/Mapping Combined Utilities
VJ User Defined
VK User Defined

Survey/Mapping Layer List

Layer Name Description

V□-BLDG Buildings and primary structures

Buildings and primary structures: deck (attached, no roof
V□-BLDG-OTLN Buildings and primary structures: outline
V□-BLDG-OVHD Buildings and primary structures: overhead
Buildings and primary structures: porch (attached, roof
V□-BNDY Political boundaries
V□-BNDY-BORO Political boundaries: borough
V□-BNDY-CITY Political boundaries: city
V□-BNDY-CNTY Political boundaries: county
V□-BNDY-CORP Political boundaries: corporation
V□-BNDY-NATL Political boundaries: national
V□-BNDY-PROV Political boundaries: province
V□-BNDY-STAT Political boundaries: state
V□-BNDY-TSHP Political boundaries: town or township
V□-BNDY-ZONE Political boundaries: zoning
V□-BORE Borings
V□-BRDG Bridge
V□-BRDG-BENT Bridge: top of bent
V□-BRDG-CNTR Bridge: center
V□-BRDG-CTLJ Bridge: control joint
V□-BRDG-DECK Bridge: deck
V□-BRDG-GRAL Bridge: guard rail
V□-BRKL Break/fault lines
V□-BRKL-BOTB Break/fault lines: bottom of bank
V□-BRKL-FLOW Break/fault lines: flowline (lowest point of ditch)
V□-BRKL-TOPB Break/fault lines: top of bank
V□-BRLN Building restriction line
V□-BZNA Buffer zone area
V□-CHAN Navigable channels
V□-CHAN-BWTR Navigable channels: breakwater
V□-CHAN-CNTR Navigable channels: center
Navigable channels: de-authorized channel limits, anchorages,
V□-CHAN-DOCK Navigable channels: decks, docks, floats, piers
V□-CHAN-NAID Navigable channels: navigation aids
V□-COMM Communications
V□-COMM-MHOL Communications: manhole
V□-COMM-OVHD Communications: overhead
V□-COMM-POLE Communications: pole
V□-COMM-UGND Communications: underground
V□-CTRL Control points
V□-CTRL-BMRK Control points: benchmarks
V□-CTRL-FLYS Control points: fly station
V□-CTRL-GRID Control points: grid
V□-CTRL-HORZ Control points: horizontal
V□-CTRL-HVPT Control points: horizontal/vertical
V□-CTRL-PNPT Control points: panel points
V□-CTRL-TRAV Control points: transverse
V□-CTRL-VERT Control points: vertical
V□-DRIV Driveways
V□-DRIV-ASPH Driveways: asphalt
V□-DRIV-CNTR Driveways: center
V□-DRIV-CONC Driveways: concrete
V□-DRIV-CURB Driveways: curb
V□-DRIV-FLNE Driveways: fire lane
V□-DRIV-GRVL Driveways: gravel
V□-DRIV-MRKG Driveways: pavement markings
V□-DRIV-UPVD Driveways: unpaved surface
V□-DTCH Ditches or washes
V□-DTCH-BOTM Ditches or washes: bottom
V□-DTCH-CNTR Ditches or washes: center
V□-DTCH-EWAT Ditches or washes: edge of water
V□-DTCH-TOP~ Ditches or washes: top
V□-ESMT Easements
V□-ESMT-ACCS Easements: access (pedestrian only; private access)
V□-ESMT-CATV Easements: cable television system
V□-ESMT-CONS Easements: conservation
V□-ESMT-CSTG Easements: construction/grading
V□-ESMT-ELEC Easements: electrical
V□-ESMT-FDPL Easements: flood plain
V□-ESMT-INEG Easements: ingress/egress (vehicles; private access)
V□-ESMT-LSCP Easements: landscape
V□-ESMT-NGAS Easements: natural gas line
V□-ESMT-PHON Easements: telephone line
V□-ESMT-ROAD Easements: roadway
V□-ESMT-ROAD-PERM Easements: roadway: permanent
V□-ESMT-ROAD-TEMP Easements: roadway: temporary
V□-ESMT-RWAY Easements: right-of-way (public access)
V□-ESMT-SGHT Easements: sight distance
V□-ESMT-SSWR Easements: sanitary sewer
V□-ESMT-STRM Easements: storm sewer
V□-ESMT-SWMT Easements: storm water management
V□-ESMT-TRAL Easements: trail or path (public access)
V□-ESMT-UTIL Easements: utility lines
V□-ESMT-WATR Easements: water supply
V□-FLHA Flood hazard area
V□-FUEL Fuel systems
V□-FUEL-MHOL Fuel systems: manhole
V□-FUEL-PIPE Fuel systems: piping
V□-FUEL-TANK Fuel systems: storage tanks
V□-FUEL-UGND Fuel systems: underground
V□-NGAS Natural gas systems
V□-NGAS-MHOL Natural gas systems: manhole
V□-NGAS-PIPE Natural gas systems: piping
V□-NGAS-TANK Natural gas systems: storage tanks
V□-NGAS-UGND Natural gas systems: underground
V□-NODE Node
V□-NODE-ABUT Node: abutment
V□-NODE-ACTL Node: aerial horizontal and vertical control points
V□-NODE-BLDG Node: building points
V□-NODE-BLIN Node: baseline
V□-NODE-BRDG Node: bridge survey points
Node: break lines, spot elev. points and lines for creation of
break lines as top of bank
V□-NODE-BROW Node: brush row points
V□-NODE-BRSH Node: brush points
V□-NODE-CABL Node: underground cable systems
V□-NODE-CURB Node: curb
V□-NODE-DASP Node: description attributes for survey points
V□-NODE-DECK Node: deck
V□-NODE-DRIV Node: driveway
V□-NODE-EASP Node: elevation attributes for survey points
V□-NODE-EXPJ Node: expansion joint
V□-NODE-GRND Node: ground
V□-NODE-MHOL Node: manhole
V□-NODE-MRKG Node: pavement markings (yellow/white stripes)
V□-NODE-NGAS Node: natural gas line
V□-NODE-PASP Node: point number attributes for survey points
V□-NODE-PIPE Node: piping (driveway/roadway culverts)
V□-NODE-POLE Node: pole (power, telephone, etc.)
V□-NODE-PVMT Node: pavement
V□-NODE-SIGN Node: signage
V□-NODE-SSWR Node: sanitary sewer
V□-NODE-STRM Node: storm sewer
V□-NODE-SWLK Node: sidewalks
V□-NODE-TREE Node: tree
V□-NODE-TROW Node: tree row
V□-NODE-WATR Node: water supply
V□-POWR Power
V□-POWR-FENC Power: fences
V□-POWR-INST Power: instrumentation (meters, transformers)
V□-POWR-MHOL Power: manhole
V□-POWR-OVHD Power: overhead
V□-POWR-POLE Power: pole
V□-POWR-STRC Power: structures
V□-POWR-UGND Power: underground
V□-PRKG Parking lots
V□-PRKG-ASPH Parking lots: asphalt
V□-PRKG-CNTR Parking lots: center
V□-PRKG-CONC Parking lots: concrete
V□-PRKG-CURB Parking lots: curb
V□-PRKG-DRAN Parking lots: drainage slope indications
V□-PRKG-FLNE Parking lots: fire lane
V□-PRKG-GRVL Parking lots: gravel
V□-PRKG-MRKG Parking lots: pavement markings
V□-PRKG-STRP Parking lots: striping
V□-PRKG-UPVD Parking lots: unpaved surface
V□-PROP Property
V□-PROP-LINE Property: lines
V□-PROP-QTRS Property: quarter section
V□-PROP-RSRV Property: reservation
V□-PROP-SBCK Property: setback lines
V□-PROP-SECT Property: section
V□-PROP-SUBD Property: subdivision (interior) lines
V□-PROP-SXTS Property: sixteenth section
V□-PVMT Pavement
V□-PVMT-ASPH Pavement: asphalt
V□-PVMT-CONC Pavement: concrete
V□-PVMT-GRVL Pavement: gravel
V□-RAIL Railroad
V□-RAIL-CNTR Railroad: center
V□-RAIL-EQPM Railroad: equipment (gates, signals, etc.)
V□-RAIL-TRAK Railroad: track
V□-RIVR River
V□-RIVR-BOTM River: bottom
V□-RIVR-CNTR River: center
V□-RIVR-EDGE River: edge
V□-RIVR-TOPB River: top of bank
V□-ROAD Roadways
V□-ROAD-ASPH Roadways: asphalt
V□-ROAD-CNTR Roadways: center
V□-ROAD-CONC Roadways: concrete
V□-ROAD-CURB Roadways: curb
V□-ROAD-FLNE Roadways: fire lane
V□-ROAD-GRVL Roadways: gravel
V□-ROAD-MRKG Roadways: pavement markings
V□-ROAD-UPVD Roadways: unpaved surface
V□-RRAP Riprap
V□-RWAY Right-of-way
V□-RWAY-CNTR Right-of-way: center
V□-RWAY-CTLA Right-of-way: controlled access
V□-RWAY-LINE Right-of-way: lines
V□-RWAY-LMTA Right-of-way: limited access
V□-RWAY-MRKR Right-of-way: marker
V□-RWAY-STAN Right-of-way: stationing
V□-SITE Site features
V□-SITE-EWAT Site features: edge of water
V□-SITE-FENC Site features: fences
V□-SITE-ROCK Site features: large rocks and rock outcroppings
V□-SITE-RTWL Site features: retaining wall
V□-SITE-SIGN Site features: signage
V□-SITE-VEGE Site features: trees, shrubs, and other vegetation
V□-SSWR Sanitary sewer
V□-SSWR-MHOL Sanitary sewer: manhole
V□-SSWR-PIPE Sanitary sewer: piping
V□-SSWR-STRC Sanitary sewer: structures
V□-SSWR-UGND Sanitary sewer: underground
V□-STEM Steam system
V□-STEM-INST Steam system: instrumentation (meters, valves, pumps)
V□-STEM-MHOL Steam system: manhole
V□-STEM-PIPE Steam system: piping
V□-STEM-STRC Steam system: structures
V□-STEM-UGND Steam system: underground
V□-STRM Storm sewer
V□-STRM-DTCH Storm sewer: ditches or washes
V□-STRM-MHOL Storm sewer: manhole
V□-STRM-PIPE Storm sewer: piping
V□-STRM-POND Storm sewer: retention pond
V□-STRM-STRC Storm sewer: structures
V□-STRM-UGND Storm sewer: underground
V□-SURV Survey
V□-SURV-DATA Survey: data
V□-SWLK Sidewalks
V□-SWLK-ASPH Sidewalks: asphalt
V□-SWLK-CONC Sidewalks: concrete
V□-TOPO Topographic feature
V□-TOPO-EWAT Topographic feature: edge of water
V□-TOPO-GRID Topographic feature: grid
V□-TOPO-MAJR Topographic feature: major (contours)
V□-TOPO-MINR Topographic feature: minor (contours)
V□-TOPO-SOUN Topographic feature: soundings
V□-TOPO-SPOT Topographic feature: spot elevations
V□-UNID Unidentified site objects
V□-UNID-CABL Unidentified site objects: cable systems
V□-UNID-PIPE Unidentified site objects: piping
V□-UNID-TANK Unidentified site objects: storage tanks
V□-UNID-UTIL Unidentified site objects: utility lines
V□-UNID-UTIL-OVHD Unidentified site objects: utility lines: overhead
V□-UNID-UTIL-UGND Unidentified site objects: utility lines: underground
V□-WATR Water supply
V□-WATR-INST Water supply: instrumentation (meters, valves, pumps)
V□-WATR-MHOL Water supply: manhole
V□-WATR-PIPE Water supply: piping
V□-WATR-STRC Water supply: structures
V□-WATR-UGND Water supply: underground


Telecommunications Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Telecommunications Discipline Designators

Designator Description

T Telecommunications
TA Audio Visual
TC Clock and Program
TI Intercom
TM Monitoring
TN Data Networks
TT Telephone
TY Security
TJ User Defined
TK User Defined

Telecommunications Layer List

ayer Name Description

T□-ALRM Alarm system

T□-BCST Broadcast-related system (radio or TV)
T□-BELL Bell system
T□-CABL Cable systems
T□-CABL-COAX Cable systems: coax cable
T□-CABL-FIBR Cable systems: fiber optics cable
T□-CABL-MULT Cable systems: multi-conductor cable
T□-CABL-TRAY Cable systems: cable tray and wireways
T□-CATV Cable television system
T□-CCTV Closed-circuit television system
T□-CLOK Clock system
T□-CLOK-CIRC Clock system: circuits
T□-CLOK-CLNG Clock system: ceiling
T□-CLOK-CNMB Clock system: circuit number
T□-CLOK-EQPM Clock system: equipment
T□-CLOK-FLOR Clock system: floor
T□-CLOK-WALL Clock system: wall
T□-COMM Communications
T□-COMM-CIRC Communications: circuits
T□-COMM-CLNG Communications: ceiling
T□-COMM-CNMB Communications: circuit number
T□-COMM-EQPM Communications: equipment
T□-COMM-FLOR Communications: floor
T□-COMM-WALL Communications: wall
T□-CONT Controls and instrumentation
T□-CONT-DEVC Controls and instrumentation: devices
T□-CONT-WIRE Controls and instrumentation: wiring
T□-DATA Data/LAN system
T□-DATA-CIRC Data/LAN system: circuits
T□-DATA-CLNG Data/LAN system: ceiling
T□-DATA-CNMB Data/LAN system: circuit number
T□-DATA-EQPM Data/LAN system: equipment
T□-DATA-FLOR Data/LAN system: floor
T□-DATA-JACK Data/LAN system: jacks
T□-DATA-WALL Data/LAN system: wall
T□-DIAG Diagrams
T□-DIAG-ENCL Diagrams: equipment enclosures
T□-DIAG-EQPM Diagrams: equipment
T□-DIAG-GRND Diagrams: ground
T□-DICT Dictation system
T□-DICT-CIRC Dictation system: circuits
T□-DICT-CLNG Dictation system: ceiling
T□-DICT-CNMB Dictation system: circuit number
T□-DICT-EQPM Dictation system: equipment
T□-DICT-FLOR Dictation system: floor
T□-DICT-WALL Dictation system: wall
T□-ELEC Electrical system, telecom plan
T□-EMCS Energy monitoring control system
T□-FIRE Fire protection
T□-FIRE-CIRC Fire protection: circuits
T□-FIRE-CLNG Fire protection: ceiling
T□-FIRE-CNMB Fire protection: circuit number
T□-FIRE-EQPM Fire protection: equipment
T□-FIRE-FLOR Fire protection: floor
T□-FIRE-WALL Fire protection: wall
T□-INTC Intercom/PA systems
T□-NURS Nurse call system
T□-NURS-CIRC Nurse call system: circuits
T□-NURS-CLNG Nurse call system: ceiling
T□-NURS-CNMB Nurse call system: circuit number
T□-NURS-EQPM Nurse call system: equipment
T□-NURS-FLOR Nurse call system: floor
T□-NURS-WALL Nurse call system: wall
T□-PGNG Paging system
T□-PHON Telephone system
T□-PHON-JACK Telephone system: jacks
T□-PROJ Projector system
T□-SERT Security system
T□-SERT-CIRC Security system: circuits
T□-SERT-CLNG Security system: ceiling
T□-SERT-CNMB Security system: circuit number
T□-SERT-EQPM Security system: equipment
T□-SERT-FLOR Security system: floor
T□-SERT-WALL Security system: wall
T□-SOUN Sound system
T□-TRAN Transmission system (RF and microwave)
T□-TVAN Television antenna system
T□-TVAN-CIRC Television antenna system: circuits
T□-TVAN-CLNG Television antenna system: ceiling
T□-TVAN-CNMB Television antenna system: circuit number
T□-TVAN-EQPM Television antenna system: equipment
T□-TVAN-FLOR Television antenna system: floor
T□-TVAN-WALL Television antenna system: wall
T□-TVVS Television and video systems
T□-TVVS-SAUD Television and video systems: audio signal
T□-TVVS-SCOM Television and video systems: communications sIgnal
T□-TVVS-SCTL Television and video systems: control signal
T□-TVVS-SDAT Television and video systems: data signal
T□-TVVS-SDGA Television and video systems: digital audio signal
T□-TVVS-SDGV Television and video systems: digital video signal
T□-TVVS-SMIC Television and video systems: microphone signal
T□-TVVS-SPWR Television and video systems: power signal
T□-TVVS-SRFI Television and video systems: RF signal
Television and video systems: RGB and component video
T□-TVVS-SSYN Television and video systems: sync signal
T□-TVVS-SVID Television and video systems: video signal


Other Disciplines Field Codes

The Layer Names shown below provide examples for the use of Major and Minor Group field codes for this
discipline. See CLG Sections 1.5 and 1.6 for complete rules and options governing the use of Major and Minor
Group field codes.

Other Disciplines Discipline Designators

Designator Description

X Other Disciplines
XJ User Defined
XK User Defined

Other Disciplines Layer List

Layer Name Description

X□-RIGG Other discipline: entertainment rigging/automation systems

X□-SPFX Other discipline: entertainment special effects system
X□-VIDO Other discipline: entertainment projection systems

6.0 Appendix C - Complying with NCS and ISO 13567

The International Standards Organization (ISO) is the only
recognized international body promulgating standards in the area of
electronic building design data. ISO Standard 13567, Organization
and Naming of Layers for CAD, can be purchased at The complete document is in three parts:
13567-1, 13567-2, and 13567-3.

While the United States National CAD Standard® (NCS) and ISO
13567 differ somewhat in their approach to standards for CAD
layers, they are alike in several important respects. Both standards
specify the names of the data fields that make up a typical layer
name, define the field names, specify which fields are mandatory
(required) and which fields are optional, specify the number of
characters in each field, and specify the order in which the fields are
to appear.

When one compares the NCS and ISO layer formats shown above,
the question immediately arises whether it is possible to produce
electronic building design documents that conform to both the NCS
and ISO 13567. The answer is a qualified "yes."

Both standards provide several options for naming layers. The

range of options allows either standard to meet the needs of diverse
users and projects. By carefully choosing from among the available
NCS options for naming CAD layers, and by establishing and
adhering to the guidelines at the end of this Commentary,
documents can be produced that are in full conformance with the
NCS and in conceptual conformance with ISO 13567 for the naming of CAD layers (an acceptable alternative to ISO
default conformance). Adoption of the approach outlined herein could arguably reduce the effort required to produce
documents in conformance with ISO 13567 by eliminating the ISO-mandated task of prescribing valid field codes for
each project.


The NCS and ISO 13567 differ in one important respect. The NCS
prescribes the valid alpha-numeric field codes that can appear in TWO STANDARDS OR ONE?
each data field, and the definitions of the field codes (e.g., EQPM =
• The NCS offers users an opportunity to comply
equipment). Users of ISO 13567 must determine, for each project,
with both U.S. and ISO CAD standards. By
the valid field codes for that project and their definitions. ISO 13567
adhering to the guidelines in this commentary,
users are required to document this information in a metadata file
summarized in ten (10) steps on the last page,
known as a layer naming system definition file that must accompany
the NCS becomes a "country-specific"
the project data files. In its simplest form, this is nothing more than a
implementation of the ISO CAD Standard.
tab-delimited text file.
• For design firms doing international work, using
There are valid reasons for both approaches. The prescriptive the NCS can simplify the ISO-mandated task of
approach of the NCS relieves users of the task of developing and preparing the layer naming system definition file
documenting field codes for every project. However, in order to that must accompany the project data files on
accommodate all possible users, the list of prescribed NCS field every project.
codes must be comprehensive. By not prescribing field codes, ISO
13567 allows the ISO layer format to be applied uniformly without having to define all possible field codes in


By not prescribing field codes, ISO 13567 also allows the ISO layer format to be applied uniformly without regard to
language. Users may, if they wish, develop codes endowed with language-specific meaning. Citing our earlier
example, English users might use the field code "EQPM" to represent the [major building] element "equipment,"
while users in another language group might use another field code that has similar mnemonic association to the
word for "equipment" in that language.
While the field codes themselves might differ, the category of information contained in any given field is defined by
the standard, facilitating translation of the actual content. In practice, ISO 13567 users tend to favor numeric codes
to define the content of data fields. This eliminates any need to "translate" the field codes themselves. If, for
example, the field code "720" is prescribed to mean "equipment," then only the definition, and not the code itself,
would need to be translated. This eliminates the need for "translating" the actual file or layer name.


CAD data sets that adhere to ISO 13567 with respect to field Default ISO Layer Format
names, field length, field definition and field order (as shown at (Mandatory Fields)
right), and that are accompanied by the required layer naming
system definition file, are defined by ISO to be in default A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
conformance with the ISO standard.
Agent Responsible
ISO 13567 anticipates that groups of users or national standards
bodies might not only wish to prescribe a list of valid field codes (as A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
the NCS has done), but might also wish to vary from the specified [Building] Element
ISO layer format. 13567-3 is explicitly designed "to allow national
standards bodies (or projects where agreement is reached between
A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
the parties) to implement layer naming conventions which satisfy
the requirements of the [ISO] standard while using alternative and Presentation
more convenient layer naming structures and codes."
(Optional Fields)
To permit this, ISO 13567-3 establishes rules for modifying the layer
format itself. As with the field codes, users are required to fully A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
document layer format modifications in the layer naming system
definition file. CAD data sets that adhere to these rules are defined
by ISO as being in conceptual conformance with the ISO standard,
A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
an approved alternative to default conformance.
The rules for conceptual conformance specify that the mandatory
data fields must always be used, but the order of all fields in the
A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
layer name (both mandatory and optional), the number of optional
fields used, and the number of characters in each field can vary Phase
from the default ISO layer format. Additionally, the names of the
fields can differ from the names specified, as long as the conceptual A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
definition of each field conforms to the ISO standard. All Projection
modifications to the default layer format must be applied uniformly
throughout the project. Layer names must all be of the same length,
A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C
use the same set of mandatory and optional fields in the same
order, and have the same number of characters per field. Scale

These rules allow data sets created in conceptual conformance with A 1 B 2 1 0 _ D _ N B 1 0 1 3 1 F R C

ISO 13567 to be mapped to the ISO 13567 default layer format.
Work Package
However, ISO does not require users to actually "map" or otherwise
convert the data into the default layer format.


Though the specified field names in the NCS layer format differ from the specified field names in the ISO layer
format, the definitions of the field names are conceptually the same (with one important exception, discussed in the
next paragraph below). This allows NCS-compliant data to meet the principal ISO 13567 criterion for conceptual
conformance. The Field Name Comparison Table at right highlights additional rules that must be followed to create
data that is in conformance with both the NCS and ISO 13567.


The conceptual definitions of these corresponding field names in Field Name Comparison Table
the NCS and ISO 13567 differ sufficiently to merit detailed
NCS Field Name ISO Field Name
discussion. The definition for Discipline Designator is defined in
NCS as "the category of subject matter contained in the file or layer Discipline Designator Agent Responsible
designated." In other words, if the information contained is
Major & Minor Groups Element
"structural," the file or layer name will begin with the Discipline
Designator "S," regardless of who created the data. Annotation Minor Group* Presentation
Status** Status
ISO 13567 defines Agent Responsible as "the construction
specialist responsible for the data." Regrettably, ISO 13567 does (none) Sector
not further define the terms "construction specialist" and Status (Phase)** Phase
"responsible for."
Dwg. View Minor Group*** Projection
"Construction specialist" could be interpreted to mean "design (none) Scale
professional," "design drafter," or even "skilled tradesperson or
(none) Work Package
contractor." Though the text of ISO 13567 does not define which of
these individuals is the "agent responsible," one can reasonably
* ISO compliance requires that the last NCS Minor Group field be
infer from the sample layer naming system definition file shown in
reserved for annotation.
Annex A of ISO 13567-3 that "construction specialist" is defined as
** ISO compliance requires that this field be reserved for status OR project
the design professional. phase, but not both; duplicate use of the field is not permitted.
*** ISO compliance requires that Drawing View field names not appear in
6.7 "AGENT RESPONSIBLE" AND the same fields as Major or Minor Group fields that define major building
PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY elements. If both annotation and drawing view are to be included in any
layer names, one Minor Group Field must be reserved for Annotation and
Identifying the design professional as the "construction specialist" the other for Drawing View.
still allows considerable room for interpretation of the definition for
"agent responsible." It could be interpreted to mean either "design professional who is professionally liable for the
information by virtue of professional licensure and role on the project," or, alternatively, "design professional who is
professionally liable for the information by virtue of having signed and sealed the document in question." An
example is a lighting plan prepared under the supervision of, and signed and sealed by, the architect. Should the
field code for this drawing file or layer name be "E" or "A?" If the field code is "E," is the Electrical Engineer still the
designated "Agent Responsible," and therefore professionally liable for data created by others not under his/her

The burden of professional liability borne by design professionals is generally less in other countries than it is in the
U.S. Perhaps for this reason, the issue of defining agent responsible more precisely with respect to professional
liability did not arise when this field name was defined by ISO 13567.

In the U.S., however, use of the imprecise ISO definition for agent responsible might possibly expose design
professionals to professional liability for data over which they had no oversight.


The NCS definition for the field Discipline Designator was agreed-upon following considerable debate by the NCS
Project Committee, and with the full understanding that it differed from the conceptual definition of the corresponding
ISO 13567 field Agent Responsible. In addition to the liability issues cited above, it was the consensus of the Project
Committee that the ability to identify the data by subject matter throughout the life-cycle of a building facility was
ultimately more important than the identity of the person or persons who originally created the data.


The difference in the conceptual definitions of Discipline Designator and Agent Responsible would seem to be an
insurmountable obstacle to creating data in conformance with both the NCS and ISO 13567. This is not necessarily
true. In most cases, the content of the fields Discipline Designator and Agent Responsible are one and the same,
regardless of the definition. For example, if the subject matter contained in the drawing file or layer is "mechanical
systems," the mechanical engineer is likely to be the design professional under whose supervision the data was
Users who wish to produce data that is in conformance with the NCS and in conceptual conformance with ISO
13567 can do so by establishing a rule for their projects that data will be created only under the supervision of the
design professional typically responsible for the subject matter. In this way, the conceptual definition for the data
field can be BOTH "category of subject matter contained in the file or layer designated" AND "construction specialist
responsible for the data." Implementation of this rule can help reduce the risk of professional liability by minimizing
the likelihood of conflicts that might arise when different elements of the same building system are designed by more
than one design professional.


A key principal of the ISO 13567 layer format is that each data field can be used to define only one category of data.
Duplicate use of a field is prohibited. This ensures that data sets in conceptual conformance can be readily mapped
to the ISO default layer format. Adherence to this provision requires NCS users to restrict their use of certain NCS
field codes.

The NCS allows "ANNO" to be used as a Major Group, which allows all annotation to be placed in a defined group
of layers. This results in a duplicate use of the Major Group field. The corresponding field in ISO, "Element," is
reserved for major building elements. Therefore, the field code "ANNO" cannot be used at all CLG Figure 6.10-1.
However, the prescribed annotation Minor Group field codes (TEXT, DIMS, etc.) can be used to modify any
preceding Major/Minor Group, provided that the field in which they appear is reserved for annotation field codes.

If Drawing View field codes are used CLG Figure 6.10-2, the Minor Group field in which they appear must likewise
exclude any other field codes.

If the Status field is used CLG Figure 6.10-3, the allowable field codes must be restricted to the specified letters (to
correspond to the ISO field "Status") or to the specified numbers (to correspond to the ISO field "Phase") but not

U.S. NCS Field Code Restrictions

(for conceptual conformance to ISO 13567)

The field code "ANNO" may NOT be used, because "annotation" is not a major building "element:"

A I - A N N O - T E X T - N
Major Group (Element)

The Annotation Minor Group field codes MAY be used, provided the field is reserved for these codes. Two allowable formats are shown:

A I - W A L L - T E X T - N
(Presentation) Annotation

A I - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N
(Presentation) Annotation

CLG Figure 6.10-1 - Annotation Field Codes

Two allowable formats for Drawing View field codes:

A I - W A L L - E L E V - N
(Projection) Drawing View

A I - W A L L - F U L L - E L E V - N
(Projection) Drawing View
CLG Figure 6.10-2 - Drawing View Field Codes

Two allowable formats for Status field codes.

A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - N
(Status) Status

A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
(Phase) Status

CLG Figure 6.10-3 - "Status" Field Codes


The examples shown here illustrate two possible NCS layer formats Example NCS Layer Formats
that are in conceptual conformance with ISO 13567. Note that ISO (in conceptual confomance to ISO 13567)
13567 does not use dashes as field delimiters. For purposes of ISO
conformance, the dashes in the NCS layer format are defined as an A I - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N
additional character of the field preceding it.
Level 2 Discipline Designator (Agent Responsible)
CLG Figure 6.11-1 shows the optional two-character NCS Level 2
Discipline Designator; together with the dash that follows it, this field A I - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N
is defined as three (3) characters in length. A Major and one Minor Major, Minor Group (Element)
Group are defined as corresponding to the ISO field [Building]
"Element." The field is ten (10) characters in length. The second
A I - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N
Minor Group is reserved for Annotation field codes, corresponds to
the ISO field "Presentation," and is five (5) characters in length. The (Presentation) Annotation
final field is Status, which corresponds to the ISO field of the same
name, and is one (1) character in length. A I - W A L L - F U L L - T E X T - N

CLG Figure 6.11-2 shows the NCS required Level 1 Discipline (Status) Status
Designator only, and is defined as two (2) characters in length. The
CLG Figure 6.11-1
Major Group is defined as corresponding to the ISO field [Building]
"Element," and is five (5) characters in length. The first Minor Group
A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
is reserved for Drawing View field codes, corresponds to the ISO
field "Projection," and is five (5) characters in length. The second Level 1 Discipline Designator (Agent Responsible)
Minor Group is reserved for Annotation field codes, corresponds to
the ISO field "Presentation," and is five (5) characters in length. The A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
final field is reserved for Phase field codes, corresponds to the ISO
Major Group (Element)
field "Phase," and is one (1) character in length.

Note that for ISO conformance, the total length of the layer name A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
must be the same for all layers on a given project. Layer names that Drawing View (Projection)
do not require a certain field, such as "Annotation," must use
placeholders (usually dashes or underscores) to maintain the length
A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
of the layer name and the relative position of the fields.
(Presentation) Annotation
While the ISO 13567 rules for conceptual conformance allow the
fields to appear in any order, this is not permitted by the NCS. A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - 2
The fields must be in the order of Discipline Designator, Major
(Phase) Status
Group, Minor Group 1, Minor Group 2, Status. If a Minor Group field
is used to modify the "building element" shown in the Major Group,
CLG Figure 6.11-2
that Minor Group must appear immediately following the Major


The information in this Commentary is summarized in the following steps for preparing documents with layer names
in conformance with the NCS and in conceptual conformance with ISO 13567. While these guidelines are intended
to aid NCS users, adherence to these rules in some form would be required by ISO 13567 whether or not the NCS
layer format were used.
1. Require that all documents be prepared only under the supervision of the design professional typically
responsible for the subject matter contained in the documents.
2. Do not use the field code "ANNO" in any layer name.
3. Determine whether the Discipline Designator will be one character (Level 1) or two characters (Level 2) in
4. Determine whether the "building element" will consist of a Major Group only, or of a Major Group and one Minor
5. Determine whether a Minor Group is to be reserved for Drawing View field codes, and fix its position in the
sequence of fields.
6. Determine whether a Minor Group is to be reserved for
Annotation field codes, and fix its position in the sequence of Required Use of Placeholders
fields. (for conceptual conformance to ISO 13567)
Layers in which reserved field codes are not used must
7. Note that only two Minor Groups are available. Of the three have placeholders in the reserved fields.
options described in 4, 5, and 6 above, only two can be
exercised on a given project. A - W A L L - E L E V - _ _ _ _ - N
8. Determine whether to include the Status field in the layer name
and whether to use the specified letters to denote "Status," or A - W A L L - E L E V - T E X T - N
the specified numbers to denote "Phase."
9. For layer names in which one or more fields are not required, CLG Figure 6.12-1
use placeholders (dashes or underscores) to maintain consistent layer name length and the relative positions of
fields. Refer to CLG Figure 6.12-1.
10. Prepare a layer naming system definition file in accordance with ISO 13567-3 that defines the selected layer
format for the project.

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