Homebrew RF Siganl Generator Colpitts Fet Oscillator

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator

Colpitts FET Oscillator


V1 is 9.0 Volts dc

Purpose and Function

Create a signal which can be amplified for use in an RF frequency Generator.

Theory and Design

 I have lost the reference for this circuit
o But very similar to the Colpitts in the 2007 ARRL1
 C1-C2 and L1 form the Resonator circuit
 C3 provides coupling/ isolation to J1g
 Positive feedback is provide by the C2 J1d connection
 Many texts claim component selection is more black art than science using
calculations 2
 C1 –C2 were picked by available variable capacitors with typical ranges of 30-

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C3 was picked for best response
 Scope must be on 10x to keep from overloading

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C1, C2, and L1 determine the frequency
o Ceq 
1 1

C1 C 2
o C1,C2 represent a ganged variable capacitor =33 to110pf and c2=220 pF
 When C1, C2 = 33pf
 Ceqmin = 1/(1/33 +1/33)
 Ceqmin = 16.5 pf
 When C1, C2 = 68pf
 Ceqmax = 1/(1/68+1/68)
 Ceqmin = 34 pf

 Resonate Frequency F 0  3
2 LC
o L = 1 uH
o Fmax =
2 1.0uH *16.5pF
o Fmax = 39.2 Mhz
o Fmin =
2 1.0uH * 34pF
o Fmin = 27.3 Mhz

 By similar means we calculate for their values of L1

o L1 = 10 uH
 Fmax = 12.3 Mhz
 Fmin = 8.63 Mhz
o L1 = 100 uH
 Fmax = 3.92 Mhz
 Fmin = 2.73 Mhz

 The FET forms a classic Source follower
 Because there is little or no current into the Gate
o There is no voltage drop across R1
o Using Kirkoffs voltage law we get Vgs = - Vs = -Id Rs
 (Rs = R2)Vgs
Vgs 4
 Id  Idss (1 

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 Idss and Vp are dependent on the FET and can be found in the data
 Vp is between 8.0 and 0 Volts 5 I will use the average of
4.0 volts
 Idss is between 2.0 and 20.0 mA 5, I will use the average of
11.0 ma
 Vgs
o Vgs = needs to be less Vp to keep Id less than Idss
o Vgs and therefore Vs needs to be high enough to allow for sufficient
swing of the output signal
 I choose Vgs = -1.5 Volts for max swing

 Now we can compute Id  11ma (1 
o Id = 8.69 ma
 Rs = Vs/Id = 1.5V/7.78 = 192 ohms
 Vg = 0 by design
 Vd = 9V power supply
 NOTE: The R required to achieve Vgs = -1.5V in simulation was 3.3K
o So these calculations are off by an order of magnitude
o The model FET is not an exact match
o Looking at the Data sheet 5 we see a large variance for Vgs and Idss. This
and Reference 6 show that it is very difficult to calculate the biases for
and FET with any degree of certainty

 I was not able to calculate the amplitude of the output.

Harmonic Noise
 I was not able to calculate the Harmonic noise of the output.

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator


 Simulations were over optimistic about magnitude and the ability to oscillate than
a real circuit until the C1-C3 were made non- ideal by adding 10ohm series
resistance, however this is then to pessimistic!

 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => 36.8 Mhz


 Series1

 Series2











0.0 10.000M 20.000M 30.000M 40.000M 50.000M 60.000M 70.000M 80.000M 90.000M 100.000M

 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => 36.8 Mhz

 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 1uh => 26.6 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => 11.6 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 10uh => 8.34 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => 3.75 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 100uh => 2.54 Mhz

 Vd = 9.0
 Vg = 0.0
 Vs = 1.5

 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => 2.0 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 1uh => 0.4 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => 11.0 Vp-p (Clipping)
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 10uh => 5.6 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => 11.0 Vp-p (Clipping)

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 100uh => 11.0 Vp-p (Clipping)

Harmonic Noise
 The values below are Vdb to the nearest peak in the frequency domain
(harmonic distortion)
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => -24.5 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 1uh => -29.5 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => -25.8 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 10uh => -22.6 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => -28.0 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 100uh => -28.0 db

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
Real Circuit
 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => 27.8 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 1uh => 25.0 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => 10.9 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 10uh => 7.14 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => 3.50 Mhz
 C1, C2 = 68pf , L1 = 100uh => 2.34 Mhz

 I failed to measure these.

 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => 3.0 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 1uh => 4.0 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => 8.0 Vp-p (Clipping)
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 10uh => 9.0 Vp-p
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => 9.0 Vp-p (Clipping)
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 100uh => 10.0 Vp-p (Clipping)

Harmonic Noise
 The values below are Vdb to the nearest peak in the frequency domain
(harmonic distortion)
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh => -14 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 1uh => -14 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh => -15 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 10uh => -20 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh => -12 db
 C1, C2, C1 = 110pf , L1 = 100uh => -30 db

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C1, C2 = 68pf L1 = 1uh
o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

 C1, C2 = 68pf L1 = 10uh

o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C1, C2 = 68pf L1 = 100uh
o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

 C1, C2 = 33pf L1 = 1uh

o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 C1, C2 = 33pf L1 = 10uh
o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

 C1, C2 = 33pf L1 = 100uh

o Top trace is Vosc
o Bottom trace is FFT(Vosc)

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 Comparison is at best reasonable
o I attribute the decreased frequency in simulation to the capacitance of the
other components
o I attribute the decreased frequency in the real circuit to the capacitance of
the set up (used a prototype board)

Real-Measured Simulation Calculated

Frequency in Mhz
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh 27.8 36.8 39.2
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 1uh 25.0 26.6 27.3
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh 10.9 11.6 12.3
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 10uh 7.14 8.34 8.63
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh 3.50 3.75 3.92
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 100uh 2.34 2.54 2.73

Amplitude Vp-p
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh 3.0 2.0 N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 1uh 4.0 0.4 N/A
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh 8.0 11.0 clipping N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 10uh 9.0 8.5 N/A
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh 9.0 11.0 clipping N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 100uh 10.0 11.0 clipping N/A

Harmonic Noise db
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 1uh -14 -24.8 N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 1uh -14 -29.5 N/A
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 10uh -15 -25.8 N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 10uh -20 -22.6 N/A
C1, C2 = 33pf , L1 = 100uh -12 -28 N/A
C1, C2 = 86pf , L1 = 100uh -30 -28 N/A

Ve N/A 9.0 9.0

Vb N/A 0.0 0.0
Ve N/A 1.5 1.5

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
This proved to my satisfaction that I wanted to use an FET in the Oscillator
instead of a BJT because of the lower Harmonic Noise

When I discovered that the frame of the gang capacitor was had to be
isolated from ground ans that it suffered frequency changes even when
touching an insulated knob I dropped the Colpitts in favor of the Hartley

1. UNKNOWN, The ARRL Handbook For Radio Communications, (ARRL 2007)
p10.13, (Figure 10.12 A).
2. Harris, Frank, Crystal Sets to Sideband, (2006 Rev10),
http://www.qsl.net/k3pd/chap10.pdf p3 online, accessed 2008.
3. Horowitz, Paul and Hill, Winfield, The Art Of Electronics Second Edition,
(Cambridge University Press 1989) Section 1.22 Resonate Circuits and Active
Filters p41.
4. Experimental Methods in RF Design Wes Hayward et al First Edition p 2.6 Fig
5. UNKNOWN, MPF102 N-Channel RF Amplifier, (FAIRCHILD 2004),
http://www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/MP%2FMPF102.pdf, online, accessed 2008.
6. Horowitz, Paul and Hill, Winfield, The Art Of Electronics Second Edition,
(Cambridge University Press 1989) Section 3.05 Manufacturing Spread of FET
Characteristics, p122-127.

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

Before I dropped the Colpitts oscillator I did addition design on the

other stages of a RF frequency Generator. Less comprehensive
documentation on these experiments is recorded below.

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator


Theory and Design

 Connecting a 50 dummy load to the output of the capacitor drops the output to
 Of course the 50ohms greatly effects the 3.3K Rd resistor so we pick a 159pF
coupling capacitor (159 pf = 50 ohms at 20 Mhz), but this still gives little or no
 So finally we try a common drain FET as a buffer, this should provide high input
impedance and a gain just under 1

 Coupling
o DC
Vout = .200mVp-p and Vosc has also dropped to just above this
o Coupling capacitor
 150 pF (50 ohms at 20 Mhz) 350mVp-p

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
 15-1500pf no real difference
 Output load
o 50 Ohm with “matching” Cap at 159 pf
 drops output to 90 mVp-p which is small but better than un-
buffered circuit
 J2d input is still 300mVp-p so this suggests impedance of
cap is to large
 Increasing C5 by 2 orders of magnitude has no effect
o 50 Ohm with “matching” Cap at 159 pf
 drops output to 90 mVp-p which is near ½ of J2d so this is a good

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator
Theory and Design
 Would like a higher amplitude and ability to adjust the amplitude so need to and
amplifier section
 Choose common emitter for high power gain
 Start with previous design

 Min output is at vcc*re/re+rc

 Gain = rc/re

 Imax = vb-.7/re
o Assume 1ma and vcc/2 => re = 4.5K
 Assume gain = 3 => Rc = 13.5K
 The calculate Rbias to get vcc + .7
 However max Ic = vcc/(re + re)

 Gain ~ rc/re
 Icmax = vcc/rc+re

 Start with previous design
Add 50 ohm load dies so add emitter follower, can we loose fet drain follower

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

What I learned from this design

 The JFET oscillator is less noisy than an equivalent BJT oscillator. As shown
below the energy of the 1st harmonic is – 17dbV for the BJT and –12dbV for the
JFET design.

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator


C1, C2 = 68pf L1 = 1uh

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

 At higher frequencies it is necessary to model the series resistance of

capacitors for better fidelity between real life and simulation

 Coupling Capacitors also affect the upper bandwidth of the previous stage. I
usually model my coupling capacitors as the input to a stage only. As expected
the higher value of the coupling capacitor the lower the lower cutoff frequency is.
However as demonstrated below the coupling capacitor into the next stage also
affects the upper cutoff frequency.
o Unloaded amplifier and response

o Loaded amplifier C2 is to small

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

o Loaded amplifier with larger C2 has flatter response

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2008 All rights Reserved
HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

 Next Stage Transistors have significant loading to high frequency signals. It

seems that this is due to the BC depletion capacitance can greatly effect the upper
frequency limit of a previous stage (as well as the current stage see below)
o Unloaded amplifier

o Loaded with a second stage with decreased band width

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

o Loaded with capacitor equal to Capacitance BC note similar bandwidth to

adding Q2

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

o Increased Re and Rc regains bandwidth Note however it is not possible to

get the same bandwidth on the 2nd stage amp with the smaller RC and Re

o Putting an emitter follower between the stages nearly brings back

bandwidth but slope of cutoff is higher

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HomeBrew RF Siganl Generator
Colpitts FET Oscillator

 The value of Ce to counter the roll off of an amplifier at higher frequencies.

 It appears that the most important transistor spice parameter for high
frequency is cjc. This is the BC depleation capacitance discussed above! And
found by replacing each spice parameter in a model one by one and noting the
difference in frequency response.

 Gang capacitors use the frame as a common node. Therefore this common
node would have to be the node connected to R1 above. This means that the
frame would have to be insulated from ground, but even with an insulated knob
touching the knob would allow the capacitance of my body to change the output
frequency. Therefore I dropped the Colpitts design in favor of a Hartley

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