The Best Time To Learn Machine Learning Is NOW: A Complete Project List

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The document provides a comprehensive list of over 150 machine learning, data science and natural language processing project ideas that one can work on to learn and apply various machine learning concepts.

Some of the machine learning project ideas mentioned include time series analysis projects like COVID-19 prediction, stock price prediction etc. Other ideas include healthcare projects like heart disease prediction, skin cancer classification etc.

Some of the data science project ideas mentioned include analyzing YouTube trending videos, US household income, Forbes billionaires data, marketing campaign results etc.



A Complete Project List

Last Updated on - 14th July 2021
Module 1 : Machine Learning Master Pack( ML Bundle)

ML Project 1 - Time Series - Covid-19 Cases Predictions for Next 30 Days

ML Project 2 - Time Series - Stock Price Prediction using Linear Regression
ML Project 3 - Time Series - Earthquake Prediction Model
ML Project 4 - Time Series - Predict Migration
ML Project 5 - Time Series - Weather Prediction Model
ML Project 6 - Contact Tracing with Machine Learning
ML Project 7 - Covid-19 Telegram Bot with Python
ML Project 8 - Covid-19 Detection with Machine Learning
ML Project 9 - Covid-19 Death Rate Analysis with Machine Learning
ML Project 10 - HealthCare - Heart Disease Prediction
ML Project 11 - HealthCare - Skin Cancer Classification
ML Project 12 - HealthCare -Lung Segmentation
ML Project 13 - HealthCare -Predict Diabetes
ML Project 14 - Face Mask Detection using ML
ML Project 15 - Face Expression Identifier
ML Project 16 - Employee Turnover Prediction
ML Project 17 - Earthquake Prediction
ML Project 18 - Software Developer Salary Prediction.
ML Project 19 - Advanced Credit Card fraud Detection
ML Project 20 - Cotton Disease Prediction
ML Project 21 - NLP Disaster or Not Disaster
ML Project 22 - Outliers Detection
ML Project 23 - Titanic Dataset & Advanced Analysis.
ML Project 24 - Boston Housing Analysis
ML Project 25 - Pneumonia Classification
ML Project 26 - Gold Price Prediction.
ML Project 27 - Rain Fall Prediction
ML Project 28 - IPL First Inning Score Predictor.
ML Project 29 - Live Smile Detector
ML Project 30 - Spam Classifier
ML Project 31 - Student Performance Analysis
ML Project 32 - Text Summarization(Medium)
ML Project 33 - Time Series Forecasting
ML Project 34 - Time Series With LSTM
ML Project 35 - Indian Cricket Team Player's Next Match Performance Prediction.
ML Project 36 - Titanic Survival Prediction
ML Project 37 - Tracking of Covid-19 in Animals.
ML Project 38 - Traffic Sign Recognition
ML Project 39 - Wine Quality Prediction
ML Project 40 - XGBoost Algorithm(Detailed Modification)
ML Project 41 - Customer Segmentation
ML Project 42 - Breast Cancer Detection
ML Project 43 - Car And Pedestrian Tracker
ML Project 44 - Car Price Prediction
ML Project 45 - Cifar-10
ML Project 46 - Income Classification using ML
ML Project 47 - 50_startups Success Rate Prediction
ML Project 48 - Bigmart Sales Prediction Analysis
ML Project 49 - Wine Quality Prediction Analysis
ML Project 50 - Turkiye Student Evaluation Analysis
ML Project 51 - Traffic Forecast
ML Project 52 - Million Songs Dataset
ML Project 53 - Loan Prediction Analysis
ML Project 54 - Iris dataset analysis
ML Project 55 - Image to Text Conversion & Extraction
ML Project 56 - Face Detection (OpenCV)
ML Project 57 - Imdb sentiment review Analysis using ML
ML Project 58 - Boston Housing Prediction Analysis
ML Project 59 - Black Friday Sales Prediction Analysis
ML Project 60 - Bike Sharing Demand Analysis
ML Project 61 - Data Scientist's Salary Prediction
ML Project 62 - Diabetes Classification
ML Project 63 - Heart Disease Prediction
ML Project 64 - First Innings Score Prediction
ML Project 65 - Mall Customer Segmentation
ML Project 66 - Predicting Admission into UCLA
ML Project 67 - Predicting House Prices in Bengaluru
ML Project 68 - Advandced Hyperparameter Tunning
ML Project 69 - House Price Prediction Detailed Analysis
ML Project 70 - (HealthCare) Heart Disease Prediction
ML Project 71 - Sentiment Analysis
ML Project 72 - Clustering - Mall Customer Segmentation
ML Project 73 - Clustering - KMeans Clustering for Imaginary Analysis.
ML Project 74 - China GDP Estimation
ML Project 75 - Clustering -Turkiye Student Evaluation Analysis
ML Project 76 - SMS Spam Detection Analysis
ML Project 77 - Text Summarization using Word Frequency
ML Project 78 - California Housing
ML Project 79 - Ad Demand Forecast
ML Project 80 - Article Recording System.
ML Project 81 - Autoencoder for customer churn
ML Project 82 - Bayesian Logistic Regression Bank marketing
ML Project 83 - Bayesian Statistics Python_PyMC3_ArviZ
ML Project 84 - BOW TFIDF XGboost Update
ML Project 85 - Autoencoder For Bank Employee Retention.
ML Project 86 - (Conceptual) machine learning spaCy
ML Project 87 - Mercari Price Suggestion Lightgbm
ML Project 88 - Modeling House Price with Regularized Linear Model _ XGboost
ML Project 89 - (Conceptual) Nhanes Confidence Intervals
ML Project 90 - (Conceptual) Nhanes hypothesis testing
ML Project 91 - (Conceptual) Practical Statistics House Demand Analysis.
ML Project 92 - Price Elasticity of Demand Analysis
ML Project 93 - Promotional Time Series
ML Project 94 - (Conceptual)PySpark Advance Algorithms Practice
ML Project 95 - Recommender Systems
ML Project 96 - (Conceptual) Regression Diagnostics
ML Project 97 - Seattle Hotels Recommender
ML Project 98 - Solving A Simple Classification Problem with Python
ML Project 99 - Beef analysis
ML Project 100 - (Conceptual) Supervised Learning Part 1
ML Project 101 - (Conceptual) Supervised Learning Part 2
ML Project 102 - (Conceptual) Text Classification Keras
ML Project 103 - Text Classification keras consumer complaints
ML Project 104 - Time Series Forecastings
ML Project 105 - TPOT Mercedes
ML Project 106 - Weather Data Classification using Decision Trees
ML Project 107 - Weather Data Clustering using k
ML Project 108 - (Conceptual) Working with Databases
ML Project 109 - (Conceptual) Xgboost_bow_tfidf
ML Project 110 - Building Recommanded system in hour
ML Project 111 - Building Recommender system with surpise
ML Project 112 - CLV _non_contractual
ML Project 113 - CLV_online_Retail
ML Project 114 - Collaborative Filtering Model with TensorFlow
ML Project 115 - Consumer_complaints
ML Project 116 - Customer_Segmentation_Online_Retail
ML Project 117 - Customer_Segmentation_Whosale
ML Project 118 - Employee_Turnover
ML Project 119 - Granger Causality Test
ML Project 120 - H2O Higgs Boson.ipynb
ML Project 121 - Logistic Regression balanced
ML Project 122 - LSTM Time Series Power Consumption
ML Project 123 - Machine Learning for Diabetes
ML Project 124 - Movies Recommendation system
ML Project 125 - Language Translation Model using ML
ML Project 126 - U.S. Gasoline and Diesel Retail Prices 1995
ML Project 127 - Twitter Sentiment Analysis
ML Project 128 - Image_Caption_Project
ML Project 129 - 3-Way Sentiment Analysis for Tweets
ML Project 130 - 911 Calls - Exploratory Analysis.
ML Project 131 - 2016 General Election Poll Analysis
ML Project 132 - Cross Language Information Retrieval
ML Project 133 - Digit Recognition Model
ML Project 134 - Stock Market Analysis for Tech Stocks
ML Project 135 - Time Series - Indian Nifty Next 25 day Performance Prediction.
ML Project 136 - Introvert & Extrovert People Clustering based on Social media activity.
ML Project 137 - Image to Text Conversion & Extraction
ML Project 138 - Autoencoder Fashion MNIST
ML Project 139 - Movie Recommendation Engine
ML Project 140 - Spam Email Classification
ML Project 141 - Traffic Sign Recognizer
ML Project 142 - 2021 Forbes 100 Billionaires Wealth Spending Analysis.
ML Project 142 to 153 - Conceptual Case Study & Analysis (Clustering, Associate Rule Learning
& Classification)
50+ DEEP
Module 2 : Machine Learning Master Pack( ML Bundle)

DL Project 1 - (HealthCare)Pnemonia Detection

DL Project 2 - Advanced rsnet50
DL Project 3 - Cat Vs Dog
DL Project 4 - Keep Babies Safe
DL Project 5 - (HealthCare)Covid-19 Drug Recovery using Deep Learning
DL Project 6 - Face, Gender & Ethincity recognizer model
DL Project 7 - Happy house Predictor model
DL Project 8 - (HealthCare)Brain MRI Segmentation modling
DL Project 9 - Parkension Post Estimation using deep learning
DL Project 10 - (HealthCare)Diabetic Retinopathy project
DL Project 11 - Arabic character recognization using deep learning
DL Project 12 - Face Mask Detection
DL Project 13 - (HealthCare)Brain Tumor Recognization using Deep Learning
DL Project 14 - Image Walking or Running
DL Project 15 - 1957 All Space Missions
DL Project 16 - 1 Million Suduku Solver using neural nets
DL Project 17 - Electric Car Temperature Predictor using Deep Learning
DL Project 18 - Hourly energy demand generation and weather
DL Project 19 - Caffe Face Detector (OpenCV Pre
DL Project 20 - Calculate Concrete Strength
DL Project 21 - Stock Market Prediction
DL Project 22 - Indian Startup data Analysis
DL Project 23 - Earthquack Prediction model
DL Project 24 - Amazon Stock Price Deep Analysis
DL Project 25 - Indentifying Dance Form Using Deep Learning
DL Project 26 - Glass or No Glass Detector Model using DL
DL Project 27 - Fingerprint Recognizer Model using DL
DL Project 28 - World Currency Coin Detector Model using DL
DL Project 29 - News Category Prediction using DL
DL Project 30 - Lego Brick Code Problem
DL Project 31 - Sheep Breed Classification using CNN DL
DL Project 32 - Campus Recruitment Success rate analysis
DL Project 33 - Bank Marketing
DL Project 34 - Landmark Detection Model
DL Project 35 - Pokemon Generation Clustering
DL Project 36 - Cat & Dog Voice Recognizer Model
DL Project 37 - Indian News HeadLine Predictor
DL Project 38 - Bottle or Cans Classifier using DL
DL Project 39 - (HealthCare)Skin Cancer Recognizer using DL
DL Project 40 - Image Colorization using Deep Learning
DL Project 41 - Amazon Alexa Review Sentiment Analysis
DL Project 42 - Build ChatBot using Neural Network
DL Project 43 - Cactus or Not Cactus Ariel Image Recognizer
DL Project 44 - Build Clothing Prediction Flask Web App
DL Project 45 - Build Sentiment Analysis Flask Web App
DL Project 46 - Customer Segmentation using RFM and KMeans Models
DL Project 47 - Chatbot With Deep Learning
DL Project 48 - (HealthCare)COVID-19 Lungs CT Scan Result Recognizer.
DL Project 49 - Movies Title Prediction
DL Project 50 - Advanced Churn Modeling
DL Project 51 - (HealthCare) Disease Prediction Model
DL Project 52 - IMDB Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning
50+ DATA
Module 3 : Machine Learning Master Pack( ML Bundle)

DS Project 1 - Twitter Sentiment Analysis

DS Project 2 - Credit Card Fraud Detection
DS Project 3 - Stok Prediction
DS Project 4 - Movie Recommendation System
DS Project 5 - Human Activity Recognition Using Neural Networks
DS Project 6 - Amazon Reviews for Sentiment Analysis
DS Project 7 - Customer Segmentation
DS Project 8 - Uber Drives London Customer Satisfaction Analysis.
DS Project 9 - Grocery Sales Forecast
DS Project 10 - Symptom Disease Sorting
DS Project 11 - General Election Poll Analysis
DS Project 12 - BigMart Sales Analysis
DS Project 13 - Covid-19 Latent Period Exploration
DS Project 14 - IPL Data Analysis
DS Project 15 - Forbes Heighest Paid Athletes Speding analysis.
DS Project 16 - Network Analysis using Deep Learning
DS Project 17 - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Tweets
DS Project 18 - Predict Star Types
DS Project 19 - Twitter Us Airline Sentiment Analysis
DS Project 20 - London based Hotel Revenue Analysis.
DS Project 21 - US Candy Production by Month
DS Project 22 - Air Quality Index Analysis
DS Project 23 - Employee Attrition
DS Project 24 - In Vehicle Coupon Recommendation
DS Project 25 - Market Basket Analysis using apriori Algorithm
DS Project 26 - Garbage Classification
DS Project 27 - Global Plastic Pollution Analysis
DS Project 28 - Covid-19 - Death Analysis
DS Project 29 - Covid-19 - India State Wise Analysis.
DS Project 30 - EDA Haberman(Titanic)
DS Project 31 - Predicting Diamond Prices
DS Project 32 - HealthCare - Patient's Cost Analysis
DS Project 33 - HealthCare - Analytics
DS Project 34 - HealthCare - Investment & Hospital Coast Analysis.
DS Project 35 - Women Entrepreneurship & Labor Force
DS Project 36 - HealthCare - Diseases Symptoms Prediction.
DS Project 37 - Income Predictive Modeling
DS Project 38 - Youtube Trending video Analysis
DS Project 39 - US Household Income Statistics
DS Project 40 - HealthCare - Covid-19 ICU Patients Analysis & Visualization
DS Project 41 - Disney Studio Income Analysis
DS Project 42 - Company Bankruptcy Prediction
DS Project 43 - Supermarket Sales Prediction
DS Project 44 - Mall Customer Segmentation Data
DS Project 45 - Forbes Billionaires 2021 Data Analysis
DS Project 46 - Marketing Campaign Result Prediction
DS Project 47 - Social Network Ads Result Analysis
DS Project 48 - The Economic Freedom Index
DS Project 49 - Tesla Car Price Prediction
DS Project 50 - Real Estate Price Prediction
DS Project 51 - 500 Richest People of 2021 Wealth Analysis
DS Project 52 - Who Life Expectancy Analysis
Module 4 : Machine Learning Master Pack( ML Bundle)

CV Project 1 - Real Time Angle Detector

CV Project 2 - Live Pose Detector
CV Project 3 - Live QR
CV Project 4 - Real Time Object Detection
CV Project 5 - Real Time Sudoku Solver
CV Project 6 - Real Time Click Recognizer
CV Project 7 - Live Image Cartoonifier
CV Project 8 - Live Car Detector
CV Project 9 - Blink Detection
CV Project 10 - Live Ball Tracking
CV Project 11 - Real Time Document Scanner
CV Project 12 - Real Time Face detector
CV Project 13 - Facial Landmarking
CV Project 14 - Real Time Finger Counter
CV Project 15 - Live HTM
CV Project 16 - Real Time Object Size detector
CV Project 17 - OMR Evaluator
CV Project 18 - Real Time Painter of Camera Screen
CV Project 19 - Gray Scale Converter
CV Project 20 - Real Time Image Finder
CV Project 21 - Real Time Volume Controller
20+ NLP
Module 5 : Machine Learning Master Pack( ML Bundle)

NLP Project 1 - Resume Screening

NLP Project 2 - Text Summarization
NLP Project 3 - Hate Speech Detection
NLP Project 4 - Keyword Research
NLP Project 5 - WhatsApp Group Chat Analysis
NLP Project 6 - Next Word prediction Model
NLP Project 7 - Fake News Detection Model
NLP Project 8 - NLP for WhatsApp chats
NLP Project 9 - Twitter Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 10 - SMS spam detection
NLP Project 11 - Movies Review Sentiments
NLP Project 12 - Named Entity Recognition
NLP Project 13 - Amazon Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 14 - Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 15 - Keyword Extraction
NLP Project 16 - Correct Spelling In Documents.
NLP Project 17 - Autocorrect Model
NLP Project 18 - Predict US election
NLP Project 19 - NLP for other languages
NLP Project 20 - Text classification
NLP Project 21 - Sentiment Analysis - Dow Jones (DJIA) Stock
using News Headlines
NLP Project 22 - - Sentiment Analysis - Restaurant Reviews
NLP Project 23 - - Spam SMS Classification
Notes :
We constantly update our machine learning developer pack. So by the time you
download this bundle you may find some variation in projects. By the time you
download new projects can also be there in the bundle but not mention in the
above list.
This list was last updated on 14th July 2021

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