Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Manor 2010

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1. Ammoniated mercury is also known as:A. calomel B. corrosive sublimate C. lunar caustic D. white precipitate
2. Rays which have no mass and no charge but of high energy and excellent penetrating power are called: A. alpha
B. beta C. gamma D. x-rays
3. Examples of antacids which cause “rebound” hyperacidity are: A. Mg(OH)2 & Al(OH)3 B. Na2CO3 & K2CO3
C. NaHCO3 & CaCO3 D. Na2S2O3 & MgSO4
4. Which anion evolves a gas with a fruity odor when treated with concentrated sulfuric acid and ethanol? A.BrO3
B.CH3COO C.ClO4 D. SO4-2
5. Which buffer system has been modified to include NaCl to make it isotonic with physiologic fluid: A.
Atkin&Pantin‟s buffer B. Feldman‟s buffer C. Gifford‟s buffer D. Sorensen’s Phosphate buffer
6. Which of the following sulfide is orange-red in color, insoluble in NH3 but soluble in excess (NH4)2S?
A.Al2S3 B. CdS C. MnS D. Sb2S3
7. “Artificial Air” is used therapeutically to alleviate difficulties in respiration. It contains: A. 60% oxygen
& 40% helium B. 20% oxygen & 80% helium C. 20% helium & 80% oxygen D. 40% helium & 60% oxygen
8. Which of the following is a mixture composed chiefly of potassium thiosulfate? A. Sublimed sulfur B.
Sulfurated potash C. Sulfur lac D. Washed sulfur
9. The energy required to removed an electron from a neutral atom is: A. Electrical energy B. Electron affinity
C.Ionization potential D. Kinetic energy
10. The following are elements which from basic anhydrides except: A. Ca B. Na C. Mg D. S
11. Simethicone-containing antacidscontain simethiconeas a/an: A. Antacid B. Antifoaming agent C. Flavorant
D. Protective
12. Which element is used as glucose tolerance factor? A. Cr B. Mg C. Mn D. Si
13. Which of the following element was the first element produced artificially? A. Pt B. Rn C. Ta
D. Te
14. Barium sulfate can be taken internally without causing any toxicity because: A. It can be neutralized GI fluids B. It
does not dissociate in the GIT C. It does not reach the GIT since it is a powerful emetic D. It is soluble in the
15. Acids have the following description EXCEPT: A. Liberates protons in solution B. Neutralized bases
C. Gives solutions with pH above 7 D. Gives sour taste
16. Which of the following is the drug of choice to combat systemic acidosis? A. K2CO3 B. KHCO3 C. Na2CO3
17. This metal, in the form of thin foil, is used as a protective for burn treatment due to its property of conserving fluids
and of stimulating tissue growth: A. Sn B. Al C. Zn D. Pd
18. Both iron and copper are found in which respiratory enzyme: A, trisinase B. cytochrome oxidase C. peroxide
D. oxidase
19. Plaster of paris is chemically: A. CaO B. CaSO4 C. CaSO4• 1 1/2H2O D. CaSO4•2 H2O E.
(CaSO4)•H2O F. (CaSO4)2•H2O
20. Gas/es considered officially as pharmaceutical inhalant: A. carbon dioxide B. nitrous oxide C. oxygen
D. a & b only E. all of the above
21. Also known as salt-forming group of elements are the: A. alkali metals B. alkaline earth metals C. chalcogens
D. coinage metals E. halogens
22. The major side effect from the use of barium sulfate suspension as radiopaque is: A. constipation B. diarrhea
C. dizziness D. vomiting
23. The aluminum silicate possesses antidiarrheal property: A. attapulgite B. bentonite C. calamine D.
kaolin E. pumice
24. Fehling‟s & Benedict‟s reagent, used to determine the presence of reducing sugar contain which salt: A. CaSO4
B. NiSO4 C. CuSO4 D. MgSO4 E. SrSO4
25. Substance added to glass to improve its coefficient of expansion: A. B B. K C. MnO2 D. Pb
26. Which vitamin enhances physiological utilization of calcium in the body? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B12 C.
Vitamin C D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin E
27. Goiter is caused by the lack of ____________ in the body. A. Calcium B. Iodine C. Potassium
D. Sodium
28. Salts of these metal ion are used as mood stabilizer in psychiatry: A. Calcium B. Iridium C. Lithium D.
29. The element present in hemoglobin which plays an important role in oxygen transport: A. Ca B. Mg C.Fe
30. Besides activated charcoal and tannic acid, the other component of universal antidote is: A.MgCl2 B. MgCO3
C. Mg(OH)2 D. MgO E. Mg3(PO4)2
31. In the form of its salt, this ion is essential to life being the structural basis of skeleton, and also an important
factor in blood coagulation: A. Ca B. Mg C.K D. Zn
32. This element is present in insulin: A. Co B. Cu C. Fe D. Mg E. Zn
33. Oxygen and ozone are: A. Allotropes B. Isobars C. Isotopes D. Polymorphs
34. Softest mineral known: A. Bentonite B. Calamine C. Kaolin D. Silica E. Talc
35. A 10 volume hydrogen peroxide is equivalent to ________% H2O2: A.3% B.9% C.20% D. 30%
36. Mineral chameleon is the synonym of this powerful oxidizing agent: A. Manganese Dioxide B. Potassium Nitrate
C. Potassium Permanganate D. Sodium Iodide
37. This ion is used very effectively as astringent, protective and antiperspirant: A. Al B. Mg C. Cu D. Zn
38. Strong iodine solution contains Kl for the purpose of: A. preservation B. reducing agent C. preventing
precipitation D. none of the above
39. Prepared chalk or precipitated chalk is chemically known as: A. CaCO3 B. Ca3(PO4)2 C. MgCO3 D.
40. Rochelle salt, used as a cathartic and also as sequestering agent, is chemically: A. KHC4H4O6 B.
41. A metal which is unaffected by body fluidsand attaches itself to bones, is now used in surgical repairs of bones,
nerves and muscles: A. aluminum B. iron C. tantalum D. tin
42. Blue vitriol, an effective astringent and emetic is chemically: A. CaCl2 B. Cu(C2H3O2)2 C.
CuSO4.5H O D. FeSO4.7H2O
43. All of the following ions are present in the intracellular fluid except: A. K+ B. Na+ C. Mg2+ D.
44. Bordeaux mixture contains what salt? A. cupric sulfate B. magnesium sulfate C. selenium sulfide
D. silver nitrate
45. Calomel is: A. Hg2Cl2 B. HgCl2 C. SnF2 D. ZnCl2
46. Amalgams are alloys of: A. iron B. copper C. mercury D. zinc
47. The most electronegative element in the periodic table is: A. chlorine B. fluorine C. oxygen D.
48. White vitriol is referred to: A. CuSO4 5H2O B. H2SO4 C. FeSO4 10H2O D. ZnSO47H2O
49. Saltpeter, a meat preservative, is the synonym for: A. KNO2 B. KNO3 C. NaNO2 D.NaNO3
50. Most abundant and essential of all elements: A. hydrogen B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. silicon
51. The following are aluminum salts except: A. alum B. borax C.kaolin D. pumice
52. Electrolitereplenisher in dehydration A. sodium iodide B. potassium iodide C. sodium bromide D.
sodium sulfate
53. Cream of tartar is: A. potassium bitartrate B. potassium chloride C. sodium bitartrate D.
sodium carbonate
54. Employed topically as astringent and protectant in ointment: A. CdO B. HgO C. HgS D. ZnO
55. A substance which takes up water or moisture but does not dissolve is: A. dehydrating agent B. deliquescent
C. efflorescent D. hygroscopic
56. Ammonia is used as: A. anesthetic B. expectorant C. respiratory depressant D. respiratory
57. To kill microorganism in inanimate objects we simply used: A. antiseptic B. corrosive C. disinfectant
D. sterilization
58. Laughing gas is a: A. general anesthetic B. caustic C. disinfectant D. local anesthetic
59. Increases osmotic load of the GIT: A. bulk-forming laxative B. emollient laxative C. saline
cathartic D. stimulant laxative
60. Inert gas with anesthetic properties: A. argon B. helium C.krypton D. neon
61. The ion that gives a turnbulls‟ blue precipitate with potassium ferricyanide: A. ferrous B. ferric C.
cobalt D. nickel
62. It forms white precipitate with HCl but blackens upon addition of ammonium hydroxide: A. cupric B. mercurous
C. plumbous D. silver
63. The ion that gives a purple solution with sodium bismuthate: A. cobalt B. ferrous C. ferric D.
64. Which of the following is a negative of hydrous magnesium silicate: A. talc B. pumice C. kaolin D.
65. The ion that gives a purssian blue precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide: A. ferric B. ferrous C.
cobalt D. nickel
66. The mechanism of action in the use of carbon as anti-diarrhea is: A. absorption B. absorption C. precipitation
D. oxidation
67. Physiologically inert substance added to the main component of the tablet so it will be convenient to swallow are
termed as: A. diluents B. lubricant C. surfactants D. thickening agent
68. Some of the uses of astringent are: A. anti-perspirant B. caustic C. styptic D. all of these
69. Best radiopharmaceutical agent for bone imaging: A. Tc99m IDA B. Tc99m albumin colloid C. Tc99m ferpentate
D. Tc99m etidronate
70. All of the following are mechanism of anti-microbial action, except: A. oxidation B. halogenations C.
hydrolysis D. precipitation
71. The ion that gives a white precipitate with HCl which is soluble in excess ammonium hydroxide but reprecipitated
upon addition of nitric acid: A. silver B. plumbous C. mercurous D. cupric
72. The ion that gives positive results to rinmann‟s green test: A. aluminum B. chromium C. manganese D. zinc
73. According to this law, the rate of the reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrate of the reactants to the
power of its coefficient in a balanced equation: A. Law of Conservation of Mass B. Law of Definite
Proportion C. Law of Mass Action D. Le Chatelier‟s Principle
74. An agent that loses one or more electrons in a redox reaction: A. oxidizing agent B. reducing agent
C. catalyst D. inhibitor
75. Nickel ion in solution is colored: A. colorless B. blue C. green D. yellow
76. Describes a process or reaction that absorbs heat: A. endothermic B. exothermic C.
miscible D. immiscible
77. Aluminon reagent is chemically known as: A. aluminum salt of carboxylic acid B. aluminum salt of
aurintricarboxylic acid C. aluminum salt of tricarboxylic acid D. none of the above
78. The ion that produces an intense blue colored solution with an excess ammonia and reddish brown precipitate with
potassium ferrocyanide: A. cuprous B. cupric C. cadmium D.zinc
79. The ion that gives positive result to Thenard‟s blue test: A. aluminum B. chromium C. manganese D. zinc
80. The ion that gives yellow precipitate with NaOH and scarlet red precipitate with an excess Kl: A. mercurous
B. mercuric C. plumbous D. bismuth
81. The following can cause a shift of equilibrium except: A. catalyst B. concentration C. pressure
D. temperature
82. They are called the “soluble group”; A. alkali metals B. alkaline earth metals C.
aluminum-iron group D. silver group
83. In the cationanalysis,group I ions are often called: A. insoluble chloride group B. soluble chloride group
C. soluble sulfide group D. insoluble sulfide group
84. In semi-micro procedure, the process of filtration is replaced by the used of: A. vacuum B. centrifuge
C. Buchner funnel D. all of the above
85. It shows a similar properties to that of sodium and potassium: A. ammonium B. barium C. calcium
D. magnesium
86. A state which the rate of forward and reversed reactions are the same: A. chemical equilibrium
B. equilibrium C. bond length D. bond orde
87. A rule that states that when a stress is applied to a system in equilibrium shifts to relieve the stress: A. Law of Mass
Action B. Le Chatelier’s Principle C. Law of Conservation of Mass D. Law of Definite
88. Produces a blood red coloration with thiocyanate ion and a blue precipitate with hexacyanoferrate(II): A. ferric
B. calcium C. magnesium D. cobalt
89. A measures of a solution‟s acid strength, the negative common log of the [H3O+]: A. pH B. pOH C. Ka D. Kb
90. The isotopes used in the determination of the volume of red blood cells and total blood volume: A. Cr-51
B. Co-58 C. Fe-59 D. Ra-226
91. The amphotheric property of this compound prevents systemic alkalosis: A. Al(OH)3 B. Ca(OH)2
C. Mg(OH)2 D. Pb(OH)2
92. Radiopharmaceutical agent for thyroid function A. sodium iodide 1-131 B. Tc-99m-Entidronate
C. Tc-99m- Phytate D. Tc-99
93. A substance that shows strong conductivity property and a high degree of ionization: A. Strong electrolyte B. Non-
electrolyte C. weak electrolyte D. buffer
94. The chemical properties of the elements depend upon the extent to which their electrons are: A. replaced B.
completed C. lost D. redistributed
95. It gives the spatial orientation of the electron cloud with respect to the three areas in space: A. Spin
quantum number B. Magnetic quantum number C. Principal quantum number D. Azimuthal
96. An acid which is a proton donor yield a: A. base B. salt C. conjugate base D. conjugate
97. Substances that absorb moisture from the atmosphere and dissolve in it is said to be: A. deliquescent B.
efflorescent C. hydrolysis D. none of the above
98. This compound when mixed with the hemoglobin of the blood, results in asphyxia death: A. carbon dioxide
B. carbon monoxide C. nitrogen oxide D. sulfur dioxide
99. The following are oxidizing agents, except: A. K2Cr2O7 B. Na2C2O4 C. I2 D. KMnO4
100. The sum of the number of protons and neutrons of an atom: A. atomic weight B. isotopes C. atomic
number D. mass number
101. All are iodine-containing preparations, except: A. Betadine B. Iodine Tincture C. Formol D.
Lugol‟s solution
102. The ______of any liquid is the temperature at which the liquid phase and the solid phase are in equilibrium under a
pressure of one atmosphere: A. vapor pressure B. freezing point C. evaporating point D. boiling point
103. Epsom salt is synonymous to: A. Magnesium sulfate B. Calcium sulfate C. Cadmium sulfate
D. Zinc sulfate
104. A preparation made by incorporating a solution of lead subacetate with an ointment base consisting of wool fat,
white wax, white petroleum and camphor: A. white lead B. Goulard’s cerate C. sugar of lead
D. Goulard‟s extract
105. The smallest particle of matter which enters into a chemical combination A. molecule B. element
C. atom D. compound
106. Halogen used as a common water disinfectant A. iodine B. bromine C. fluorine D. chlorine
107. Transfer of solvent molecules thru a semi permeable membrane: A. diffusion B. distillation C. osmosis
D. condensation
108. Weight of a solute in a given quantity of water is known as _______ of solution: A. concentration B.
weight C. volume D. volume
109. The chloride of this metal is an astringent, antiperspirant and deodorant: A. Mn B. Ga C.Al D. Ca
110. Copper imparts a characteristic ________ color to a nonluminous flame A. emerald green B. scarlet
C. blue D. golden yellow
111. Weak electrolytes are: A. unstable solution B. strong conductor of electricity C. poor conductors of
electricity D. non-conductors of electricity
112. Examples of protective from inorganic compounds except: A. Kaolin B. Calamine C. Zinc oxide
D. Glycerol
113. Laughing gas is _______ preparation A. sedative B. anesthetic C. protective D.
114. Heavy water is: A. H2O2 B. D2O C. T3O D. H2O
115. Element common to all acids: A. oxygen B. hydrogen C. chlorine D. all of the above
116. For treatment of mental ailments: A. Li2CO3 B.Na2CO3 C. CaCO3 D. K2CO3
117. Cinnabar is chemically: A. Li2CO3 B.HgS C. Zn D. ZnSO4
118. Oxides of typically non-metallic elements are: A. neutral B. basic C. acidic D. amphoteric
119. The law that expresses the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature of gases in the equation,PV =
nRT, where n = no. of moles of gas and R is constant which is the same for all gases that behave ideally is known as:
A. Gay-Lussac‟s Law B. Boyle‟s Law C. Charles „ Law D. Ideal Gas Law
120. Most active of metallic elements: A. alkali metals B. oxidizing agent C. base metals
D. solubilizing agents
121. Attractive forces created by the polarizability of molecules and are exerted when two uncharged atoms approach very
closely: A. carbon bond B. Protein binding C. Van der Waals forces D. covalent bond
122. This element is poisonous even in free metal form: A. magnesium B. silver C.
aluminum D. mercury
123. These are salts of chlorine except: A. salt peter B. rock salt C. bleaching powder D. calomel
124. Benzalkonium chloride is a germicidal surfactant which is rendered inactive in the presence of: A. organic acid
B. gram negative organism C. soaps (anion agents) D. inorganic salts
125. It is the gas liberated upon the action of water on acids or metals whenever phosphorus is present as contaminant:
A. hydrogen sulfide B. methane C. phosphine D. carbon tetrachloride E. formaldehyde
126. The technique used to detect the presence of trace amounts of metal contaminants: A. mass spectroscopy
B. atomic absorption spectroscopy C. NMR spectrophotometry D. UV-visible spectrophotometry
127. Dimercaprol (BAL) acts as an antidote by a process called: A. oxidation B. reduction C. chelation D.
absorption E. adsorption
128. A solution made up of a weak base and its salt which resist changes in pH is called: A. buffer solution
B. isotonic solution C. neutral solution D. normal solution
129. Calcium absorption and distribution are under a complex hormonal control of: A. parathyroid hormone
B. calcitonin C. thyrocalcitonin D. all of the above
130. Potassium supplements are administered in all of the following manners except: A. IV infusion B. rapid IV
injection C. elixir p.o. D. effervescent salts E. slow release of p.o
131. After oral administration, the greatest amount of iron absorption occurs in the: A. duodenum B. stomach
C. sigmoid portion of the large intestine D. ascending portion of the large intestine
***C132. Copper imparts a characteristics _______ color to a nonluminous flame: A. blue B. scarlet
133. A specific antidote for the treatment of poisoning due to oral ingestion of silver nitrate would be the oral
administration of: A. KMnO4 solution B. vegetable oil C. acetic acid solution D. normal saline
E. sodium bicarbonate
134. The following will react with water to form basic solution: A. sulfur trioxide B. ammonia C. nitrogen
dioxide D. carbon dioxide
135. An ion that often shows expectorant action is: A.iodide B. phosphate C. fluoride D. iodate
E. perchlorate
136. Which of the following reduces iodine? A. iodide B. phosphate C. fluoride D. iodate E.
137. Radioisotopes decay: A. at the same rate B. randomly C. rapidly D. slowly E. only when
138. Lugol‟s solution contains this element as its active component: A. fluorine B. chlorine C. bromine
D. iodine E. potassium
139. The composition of aqua regia is: A. 3HCl and HNO3 B. 2HNO3 and 2HCl C. 2HNO3 and 1HCl D.
1HNO3 and 2H2SO4
140. Index of protective power of colloids: A. zigmondy B. nuggets C. dolomite D. none of the above
141. This halogen is employed in the prevention of dental caries: A. chlorine B. bromine C. iodine D.
142. Burrows solution is also known as: A. aluminum acetate solution B. lead acetate C. sodium borate
D. none of the given choices
143. Densest element in the periodic table: A. rubefacient B. Pb C. Pd D. Os
144. This instrument used to measure sodium and potassium in quantitatively: A. polarimeter B.
spectrophotometer C. refractometer D. flame photometer
145. Hard water does not lather with soap, this is due to: A. K B. Al and O C. Mg and Ca D. Zn and Pb
146. The acid found in the stomach is: A. lactic B. acetic C. hydrochloric D. citric
147. Occurs when either the salts of various organic acids or organic substituted ammonium salts are addedto aqueous
solutions of non-electrlytes: A. clathrate formation B. salting out C. solid-and-solid complex D. salting in
148. The major physiological ions include the following except for: A. sodium B. potassium C. manganese
D. phosphorus E. calcium
149. The following are photometric method of analysis, except: A. turbidimetry B. spectrophotometry
C. chromatography D. flame photometry
150. Science that deals with the methods of extracting the metal from their ores: A. thermochemistry B. mineralogy
C.electrochemistry D. metallurgy
151. Universal antidote includes: A. sodium bicarbonate B. activated charcoal C. magnesium
hydroxide D. none of the above
152. Sulfate of this metal is an emetic: A. calcium B. gold C. copper D. silver
153. A homogenous molecular dispersion of two or more substances: A. suspension B. emulsion C. gel D.
154. Group of elements which is considered to be the most reactive of all metallic elements: A. Group O B.
Group I-A C. Group I-B D. Group II
155. A powerful reducing agent used in medicinal preparation: A. oxygen B. hydrogen peroxide C. nitrogen
D. hypophosporus acid
156. Irritative phenomenon to the skin and mucusmembrane exhibited by rashes and headaches when excessive amount
of iodine is administered: A. Hyperiodism B. Iodism C. Hypoiodism D. any of the given
E. none of the above
157. Salts are formed as a result of the reaction between except: A. Inorganic acid and as inorganic base B.
water and a metal C. water and non-metallic element D. an organic acid and an inorganic base
158. Epsom salt is used as: A. antiphlogistic B. anticonvulsant C. cathartic D. any of these
159. The following are official combinations of electrolyte infusion except: A. Oral Electrolyte Solution B.
Lactated Ringer‟s Injection C. Ringer‟s Injection USP XX D. Dextrose 5% Injection
160. Antidote for Wilson‟s disease: A. deferoxaminemesylate B. penicillamine C. dimercaprol
D. physostigmine
161. Which of the following group O elements is recovered from the radioactive decay of radium: A. helium
B. radon C. krypton D. argon
162. Nitrogen: A. respirable air B. mephitic air
*163. An organic compound A. indicator B. catalyst C. buffers tablets
164. Sodium citrate: A. germicidal B. solubilizer of iodine C. reduce blood clotting time D. acidifier
165. These ions are cathartic in action EXCEPT: A. phosphate B. Sulfate C. tartrate D. acetate
E. magnesium
166. Chemical name of green vitriol: A. Copper Sulfate B. Magnesium Sulfate C. Sodium Sulfate D.
Ferrous Sulfate E. none of the above
167. Chemical name of Caustic soda: A. Potassium Hydroxide B. Magnesium Hydroxide C.
Calcium Hydroxide D. Sodium Hydroxide E. none of the above
168. Commercial preparation of Simethicone containing antacids: A. Di-gel B. Mylanta C. Simeco
D. A and C only E. all of the above
169. Official water used for the extemporaneous compounding of the parenterals for either IV or IM injection is: A.
water for injection B. bacteriostatic water for injection C. sterile water for injection D. none of these
170. An aqueous solution of this acid will color turmeric paper brownish red: A. sulfuric acid B. hydrochloric
acid C. nitric acid D. boric acid
171. Which of the following is a coinage metal: A. barium B. magnesium C. copper D. strontium
172. Gas responsible for the oxidative changes in fats, paints and oil: A. oxygen B. carbon monoxide C.
carbon dioxide D. hydrogen
173. Reasons for controlling pH within certain specified limits are: A. chemically stability B. solubility of the drug
C. patient‟s comfort D. A and C only E. all of the above
174. Chemical name of China Clay: A. Lead acetate B. Copper sulfate C. Magnesium Tricilicate
D. Kaolin E. none of the above
175. Pharmaceutic aid is used to displace air to increase the shelf life of an oxidizable product: A. oxygen B.
carbon dioxide C. helium D. nitrous oxide E. nitrogen
176. A measure of the acidity of a solution: A. pOH B. pH C. buffer D. density
177. Preparation used for brain scanning to determine the presence and location of neo-plastic A. Gold Au 198
Injection B. Chlormerodrin Hg 197 Injection C. TechnitiumTc 99 Injection D. Sodium Phospate P 32
178. Tartar emetic A. syphilis B. schistosomiasis C. scabicide D. all of these
179. It is used as an inhalant in all pathological conditions accompanied by cyanosis and dyspnea: A. oxygen B.
carbon dioxide C. helium D. nitrous oxide E. nitrogen
180. Produced by filling of an orbital by an electron which is not removed from its atom but is held mutually or “shared”
by 2 atoms concerned: A. coordinate bond B. chemical bonds C. hydrogen bond D. covalent
181. Which of the following elements imparts a characteristics violet color to non-luminous flame: A. sodium
B. ferric C. potassium D. copper
182. General term referring to vitreous material: A. plastic B. tin C. vitriol D. glass
E.none of the above
183. The syllable “bi” in sodium bicarbonate and sodium biphosphate indicates that they are: A. acid salts B.
compounds composed of two elements C. neutral salts D. basic salts
184. They are chemical compounds containing elements of high atomic numbers which will stop the passage of x-rays:
A. roentgen rays B. radiopaque contrast media C. radiopharmaceuticals D. isotopes
185. Brand name of Al(OH)3 A. amphogel B. phosphagel C. alum D. all of these
186. Are compounds which have the capability of functioning chemically as reducing agents: A. antioxidants B.
buffers C. preservatives D. both a and c E. none of the above
187. They are preparations containing radioisotopes which are used internally for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes:
A. radiopharmaceuticals B. roentgen rays C. radiopaque contrast media D. isotopes
188. Which of the following ions is colored blue in solution: A. cupric B. cuprous C. ferric
D. ferrous
189. The formation of dental caries is distributed to the action of acids, mostly __________ , obtained from oral bacterial
metabolism of dietary carbohydrates: A. narcotic acid B. citric acid C. lactic acid D. malic acid
190. When to much fluoride is present in the tissue fluid, it can develop condition known as “dental fluorosis” which is
also known as: A. mottled teeth B. mottled enamel C. mottled dentin D. dental caries
191. Compound responsible for pink color of calamine USP 24: A. Talc B. Zinc oxide C. zinc stearate D.
Ferric oxide E. FD and C Red
192. It is administered in an ice-cold condition to lessen its disagreeable bitter taste; parenterally used as an
anticonvulsant: A. Rochelle salt B. Epsom salt C. Glauber‟s salt D. Purgative lemonade
193. Pharmaceutical ingredient of Calamine USP 24: A. Talc B. Zinc Oxide C. Zinc Stearate D. Ferric Oxide
194. Which of the following are the examples of covalent bonds? A. The bonds that hold water molecules together B. The
bonds that hold the two strands of a double-stranded DNA molecules together C. Peptide bonds and glycoside bond
D. The bonds that hold Na and Cl together in molecules of table salt
195. The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of a weak acid of the type, HAH+ + A+, would be: A. [A+][HA]
B. [HA][A+]/[HA+] C. [HA]/[H+][A+] D. [H+][A+] E. [H+][A+]/[HA]
196. An anti-microbial used in the preparation of white lotion: A. ammoniated mercury B. sublimed sulfur C.
precipitated sulfur D. sulfurated potash E. selenium sulfide
197. The cation/s that cause/s this group of antacids to have constipating property: A. Al+3 B. Mg+2 C. Ca+2 D. a
and c E. none of them
198. An antacid with a very rapid onset of action but relatively short duration; can cause belching and flatulence due to
the production of gas: A. magnesium hydroxide B. aluminum hydroxide C. sodium bicarbonate D. calcium
199. It is the bases of smelling salts and occasionally used as leavening agent hence the name of “Baker‟s Ammonia”:
A. Ammonium Carbonate B. Aromatic Spt of Ammonia C. Ammonium Chloride D. Ammonium
Hydroxide E. All of them
200. An anti-microbial agent that may be used to disinfect drinking water in 3 drops per quart; will kill amoeba and
bacteria in 15mins: A. Potassium permanganate B. Sodium hypochlorite C. Iodine D.
Hydrogen E. All of them
201. Used as respiratory stimulant by inhaling the vapors: A. Ammonium Carbonate B. Aromatic Spt of
Ammonia C. Ammonium Chloride D. Ammonium Hydroxide E. All of them
202. A compound added to some antacids to serve as defoaming agent to prevent flatulence: A.simethicone B.
magaldrate C. alginic acid D. sodium bicarbonate
203. The molarity of a solution is: A. The number of moles of solute per liter of solution B. The number of solute
dissolved in kg solvent C. The number of equivalent weights per liter of solution D. The number of moles of solvent per
kg of solution E. The weight in g of solute per 100mL of a solution
204. The form of water most commonly used as solvent during the manufacture of parenterals is: A. Bacteriostatic water
for injection USP B. Deionized water C. Distilled water D. Sterile water for injection USP E.
Water for injection
205. This is used to describe the approximate measure of the size of the electron cloud: A. principal quantum number
B. azimuthal quantum number C. magnetic quantum number D. spin quantum number E. all of
the above
206. If the ion product is less than Ksp, the solution is: A. saturated B. unsaturated C. supersaturated D.
concentrated E. diluted
207. Which of the following acid/conjugate base pairs would function best as a buffer at physiological pH? A.
lactic acid/ lactate ion, -pKa=3.86 B. carbonic acid/ bicarbonate ion, -pKa=6.37 C. bicarbonate ion/carbonate
ion, -pKa=10.25 D. dihydrogen phosphate/ monohydrogen phosphate ion, -pKa=6.86 E. acetic acid/ acetate
ion, -pKa-4.76
208. A type or structure of complex where the interactant is a surfactant, a molecule possessing both a non-polar and a
polar portion: A. self-associated aggregate B. micelle C. inclusion complex D. inclusion complex
209. The method of preparation must be indicated on labels for: A. bacteriostatic water for inhection, USP B. Milk
of magnesia C. Sterile water for injection, USP D. Purified water, USPE. Water for injection, USP
210. Conformation of organic molecules is most commonly determined by which of the following analytical method?
A. nuclear magnetic resonance B. optical rotation C. pKa determination D. biological assay
E. mass spectrophotometry
211. Which of the following is an example of triprotic acid? A. acetic acid B. carbonic acidC. sulfuric acid D.
phosphoric acid E. sulfuric acid
212. Elements that are found as diatomic molecules include all except: A. oxygen B. fluorine C. potassium
D. iodine E. hydrogen
213. The Henderson-Hasselbach equation allows us to: A. Calculate the pKa of an acid from the pH of a solution of an
acid B. Calculate the p of the solution of an acid from the pHa of the acid C. Calculate the molar ration of an acid
from the pKa of its conjugate base D. Calculate the molar ration of an acid and its conjugate base from the pKa
of the acid and the pH of the solution of the acid E. calculate the pH of the solution of a base from the pKa of its
conjugate acid
214. Atoms in which two outermost electron shells are incomplete refer to: A. noble or inert gases B.
representative elements C. transition elements D. lanthanide series E. actinide series
215. If HCl is added to water until the solution contains 1x10-4 mole/L of the H+ ion, the concentration of OH+ ions is: A.
1 x 10-14 mole/L B. 1 x 10-4 mole/L C. 1 x 10-11 mole/L D. 1 x 10-6 mole/L E. 1 x 10-10 mole/L
216. The following are properties of soft bases. Which does not belong to these bases? A. with low electronegatives
B. have empty low-lying orbitals C. easily oxidized D. with high polarizabilities E. none
of the above
217. It is equal to the product of the ionic concentrations (in moles per liter of saturated solution), with each concentration
raised to the power indicated by the number of ions in the formula: A. Ksp B. Ke C. Kw D. Ki E. any of the
218. The degree of dissociation of acids is often expressed in terms of pKa, pKa then is: A. directly measure by titration
of the acid with sodium hydroxide B. calculated by determining the acid‟s buffer capacity C. directly determined
by conductivity measurement D. the natural log of the acid‟s dissociation constant E. the reciprocal log of the
dissociation constant
219. The solubility of a chemical in a given solvent is influenced by many factors. Which of the following
physicochemical constants may not be useful in predicting the solubility of a chemical? A. pH of a solution B.
dielectric constant C. pKa of the chemical D. solubility parameters E. solubility parameters
220. Which of the following glass types does not contain soda lime? A. Type I B. Type II C. Type III
D. Type IV or NP E. all of the above
221. The shrinkage occurring between the mixture of alcohol and purified water is primarily due to: A. van der
waals forces B. covalent bonding C. hydrogen bonding D. ionic bonding E. temperature changes
222. calculate pH of a 0.08F solution of HCN, Ka is 7.2 x 10-10: A. 5.12 B. 6.00 C. 7.60 D. 7.26 E. none of the above
223. A disease found in Japan caused by drinking water contaminated with cadmium: A. Minamata disease B. Itai-
itai disease C. Crohn‟s disease D. Addison‟s disease E. none of the above
224. Which of the following is not a factor in influencing equilibrium of a chemical reaction? A. nature of the reactant
B. changes in pressure C. temperature changes D. concentration changes E. none of the above
225. It contains iron in solution or in suspension and are characterized by a ferruginous taste: A. Carbonated water
B. chalybeate water C. saline water D, Lithia water E. siliceous water
226. Which of the following glass types makes use of water attack test type?: A. Type I B. Type II C. Type
III D. Type IV or NP E. none of the above
227. This refers to an electrically neutral unit formed when two or more atoms are joined together by covalent bond:
A. ion B. molecule C. compound D. element E. mixture
228. Which of the following is not an action of sulfur? A. cathartic B. parasiticide C. fumigation D. depilatories
E. Reye’s syndrome
229. This compound is primarily used in the preparation of Vleminck‟s solution: A. sublimed sulfur B. milk of
sulfur C. zinc oxide D. lithium carbonate E. chlorine dioxide
230. Iron sorbitex is a chemical complex of: A. iron B. sorbitol C. citric acid D. dextrin E. all of the
231. The following are constituents of Ladd‟s paste, except: A. aluminum powder B. liquid petrolatum C. zinc
oxide D. silver nitrate E. none of the above
232. Which of the following is not an indication of hyphosphatemia: A. hypervitaminosis D B. hyperparathyroidism
C. lack of phosphate reabsorption D. all of the above E. none of the above
233. This formula can be determined given the percent composition by mass of the compound: A. molecular formula
B. structural formula C. empirical formula D. electronic formula
234. The unit for molar mass of carbon-12 is: A. mole B. gram C. atomic mass unit D.
235. If enthalpy is positive, the reaction is: A. exothermic B. endothermic C. spontaneous
D. reversible
236. The color of the flame produced by lithium:A. yellow green B. crimson red C. brick red D. violet
237. Hyperphosphatemia may be found in: A. hypoparathyroidism B. rickets C. hyperparathyroidism
D. possible long term use of aluminum hydroxide gel antacid E. all of the above
238. It is an official antidote for phosphorus poisoning: A. blue vitriol B. white vitriol C. green vitriol D. oil vitriol
E. all of the above
239. Which of the following elements acts as catalysts for the storage and release of iron? A. chromium B. copper
C. magnesium D. iodine E. manganese
240. Which of the following minerals is important in the antioxidant capabilities of vitamin E? A. iron B. zinc C.
chromium D. selenium E. silicon
241. In a REDOX reaction, the oxidizing agent: A. is oxidized B. losses electrons C. is reduced D. increased in
oxidation state
242. Radioactive substances are characterized by: A. unstable nucleus B. emitting radiation C. low proton-
neuron ratio D. all of the above
243. The rate of decay of radioactive substance is expressed in terms of: A. half-life B. angstrom C. curie D. amu
244. Crystallization in supersaturated solution may be induced by: A. stirring the solution B. seeding C. scratching
the inside wall of the test tube D. all of the above
245. Different nuclides having the same mass number: A. isotopes B. isotones C. isomer D. isobars
246. Principle which states that it is impossible to accurately determine simultaneously the position and motion of an
electron: A. Pauli‟s exclusion principle B. Aufbau principle C. Heisenberg uncertainty principle D.
Planck‟s exclusion principle
247. Which is not a colligative property? A. freezing point depression B. boiling point elevation C.
vapor pressure lowering D. melting point
248. When orbitals are of the same energy, electrons distribute themselves one to each orbital before pairing according to:
A. Aufbau principle B. Pauli‟s principle C. Hund’s rule D. building principle
249. The following underlined elements has +5 oxidation state, EXCEPT: A. IF5 B. H2SbO4 C. Bi(NO3)3
D. Na2Sn4O6
250. If one mole of oxygen molecule weighs 32 grams, how many molecules are present in one mole of O2? A. 8 B. 16
C. 32 D. 6.02 x 1023
251. A reducing agent: A. gains electrons B. decrease in oxidation number C. is reduced D. is oxidized
252. Anode is an electrode: A. where oxidation takes place B. where reduction takes place C. where displacement
takes place D. where decomposition takes place
A. Pauli‟s exclusion principle B. Planck‟s exclusion principle C. Hund‟s rule D. Aufbau principle
254. These are physical properties except: A. malleability of metals B.volatility of alcohols C.
oxidation of iron D. solubility of sugar
255. A system in which two opposing reactions are proceeding at the same rate: A. chemical equilibrium B.
chemical reaction C. chemical constant D. chemical kinetics
256. Going across a period from left to right and from bottom to top a group in the periodic table, which of the following
periodicity laws decrease? A. electron affinity B. electronegativity C. ionization energy D. atomic size
257. The most abundant metal and the third most abundant element in the earth‟s crust: A. sodium B. aluminum
C. carbon D. carbon
258. Which of the following is a polyatomic molecule and a compound? A. O2 B. CO2 C. CO2 D. CO3-2
259. Which of the following statements is true of a S M HA, a weak acid at equilibrium: A.
260. Which of the following body fluids is least acidic? A. gastric juice=pH 1.2 B. urine=pH 5.5C. saliva=pH 6.5
D. tears=pH 7.4
261. What is the effect of adding NH4Cl to a solution of NH4OH? A. increased [OH-] conc. B.
decreased [OH-] conc. C. decreased NH4OH conc. D. conc. Of NH4OH remains the same
262. Which hydroxide is not amphoteric? A. Al(OH)3 B. Zn(OH)2 C. Cr(OH)3 D. Mn(OH)2
263. Which of the following is not yellow? A. CdS B. Ag2CrO4 C. Ag3PO4 D. Ag3AsO3
264. Nessler‟s reagent is used to identify A. K+ B. NH4+ C. Na+ D. Al3+
265. Used in the treatment of cystitis with methenamine: A. sodium phosphate B. sodium sulfate C. sodium
biphosphate D. sodium bicarbonate
266. Prolonged use of silver nitrate may lead to this undesirable discoloration of the skin: A. argyria B. silverism
C. Wilson‟s disease D. hydrargism
267. This ion produces violet color to the non-luminous flame: A. calcium B. sodium C. barium D.
268. Radioisotopes can be produced from the following except: A. nuclear pile B. cyclotron C. x-ray machine
D. radioisotope cow
269. The radiopharmaceutical which is used as a diagnostic aid to determine blood plasma volume and cardiac output:
A. Chlormerodrin Hg 197 B. Iodine 131 Serum Albumin [Human] C. Sodium chromate 51 D. Gold 198
270. Which of the following salts has a pH>7? A. Na2SO4 B. NH4CH3COO C. CaC2O4 D. C2H5NHCl
271. Oxidation is a half-reaction: A. that involves a gain of electrons B. that involves a loss of electrons
C. takes place in the cathode D. where element decreases in oxidation no.
272. The ionization constant of the strongest acid is A. HA Ka=7.2 x 10-4 B. HB Ka= 8.5 x 10-8 C. HC Ka= 7.5
x 10-5 D. HD Ka= 6.5 x 10-10
273. Used for kidney imaging or determining renal function: A. Technecium 99m-phytate B. Technecium 99
Heptagluconate C. Technecium 99 HIDA D. Technecium 99 Etidronate
274. The following oxides are acidic with water except: A. Cl2O7 B. N2O3 C. FeO D. SO2
275. A mixture containing 30% ZnS and 70% BaS: A. hausemonite B. braunite C. copperas D.
276. Sb+ in the presence of HCl gives a violet precipitate with this pink dye: A. dimethyl glyoxime B. p-
nitrobenzene azoresorcinol C. aluminum reagent D. rhodamine B
277. Method of sterilizing sodium bicarbonate for parenteral use: A. autoclaving B. heating in an open vessel & re-
saturating with sterile CO2 C. bacteriological filtration D. all of the above
278. The following are non-systemic antacids except: A. aluminum hydroxide B. sodium bicarbonate C. dihydroxy
aluminum sodium carbonate D. calcium carbonate
279. NH4Cl is contraindicated in patients with: A. diabetes mellitus B. diabetes insipidus C. impaired hepatic
function D. alkalosis
280. The radiopharmaceutical used for the hepatobiliarystudies : A. sodium iodophippurate 1-131 B. Tc-99m DTPA
C. Tc-99m ascorbic acid complex D. Tc-99m-HIDA
281. The indicator used for the USP limit test for arsenic: A. methyl orange B. silver sulfadiazine C.
erlochrome black D. Ag diethyldithiocarbamate
282. Povidone- Iodine, a water soluble, non-toxic, non-staining and a slow releasing antiseptic is a complex of iodine
with: A. EDTA B. Silver C. Potassium D. Polyvinyl pyrrolidone
283. Zinc deficiency characterized by thickened scaly inflamed skin is known as: A. seborrheic dermatitis B.
parakeratosis C. skin ulcer D. none of the above
284. Primary HCO3- excess: A. metabolic acidosis B. metabolic alkalosis C. respiratory acidosis D. respiratory
285. Dehydration and decreased renal blood flow are conditions of: A. hyperchloremia B. hypochloremia
C. hyperkalemia D. hypokalemia
286. The following are respiratory stimulants except: A. soda lime B. carbon dioxide C. ammonium
carbonate D. aromatic ammonia spirit
287. Anemia due to decreased blood formation can be caused by deficiencies of key materials: A. cobalamin B. folic
acid C. pyridoxine D. all
288. Used as wet dressing for persons suffering from third degree burns: A. H2O2 B. NaOl C. AgNO3
D. KMnO4
289. A dentrifice which contains formalin and reduces the sensitivity of teeth to heat and cold: A. Sensodyne B.
pumice C. thermodent D. none of the above
290. A halogen characterized as a dark, reddish brown, fuming liquid with suffocating odor: A. bromine B.
iodine C. chlorine D. fluorine
291. Tartar emetic, known to be an effective antischistosomal agent is: A. KHC4H4O6 B. KSbOC4H4O6
C. NaKC4H4O6 D. KHC4H4O6
292. Use of sodium bisulfite: A. protective B. cleansing agent C. dentrifice D. anti-oxidant
293. Slaked lime is: A. CaO B. CaSO4 C. CaCO3 D. Ca(OH)2
294. Mechanism of antibacterial action of potassium permanganate solutions: A. protein precipitation B. astringent
C. halogenation D. oxidation
295. He discovered oxygen and called it empyreal air: A. Priestly B. Beckerel C. Scheele D. Cavendish
296. MgNH4PO4 is the only __________ phosphate: A. yellow B. orange C. white D. blue
297. White precipitate is also known as: A. calomel B. ammoniated mercury C. calcium oxide D. zinc
298. It acts as antacid in small doses, and as a laxative in large doses: A. magnesium B. manganese C. aluminum
D. iron E. copper
299. This compound is used as carbon dioxide absorber: A. ammonium carbonate B. potassium iodide
C. barium hydroxide D. soda lime
300. The radiopharmceutical that is used for kidney imaging or determining renal function: A. I-131-NaI B. I-
131-Human Serum Albumin C. Te-99m-Heptagluconate D. Te-99m-Phytate

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