Preface: Goal of This Book
Preface: Goal of This Book
Preface: Goal of This Book
EXCEL is the most popular spreadsheet for scientific, engineering and technical
applications because of its powerful features and universal availability. EXCEL is
a complete spreadsheet application that lets you analyze, organize, interpret, and
present data quickly and easily.
Engineering and science require imagination, insight, reasoning, and
calculation. They mutually reinforce each other, so if you can get help with one
of these things you have more than a 25 percent advantage at the start. This book
will help you with the easiest one, calculation. The other three are up to you.
Goal of this book
The goal of this book is to help you with numerical calculation and data analysis.
Calculation is easier than imagination, insight, and reasoning, but calculation is
not always easy to accomplish and it is often tedious. This is a “how to” book
intended to give you some of the survival skills that you need to get you through.
However, there are many advanced topics that you will have to learn later.
This book is designed to fit in a backpack. It should be used interactively
with your notebook or desktop PC. Turn your computer on and insert the CD.
Explore EXCEL and the workbooks on the CD as you read the chapters.
• I hear, I forget.
• I see, I remember.
• I do, I understand.
What’s inside?
• 90 example workbooks on the CD, grouped by their chapters.
• Simple, straightforward explanations in text and graphics. All graphics
in the chapters are in the workbooks on the CD, where they are
displayed in color.
• How to do structured, efficient, documented workbook composition
with data entry cells, summary results and statistics cells, and
commented cells.
• Tips and tricks for using EXCEL for engineering and scientific
• Pedagogical strategies to assist beginners.
• Emphasis on graphical presentation of data in standard technical
• Web site for updates to the text and CD.
• Links to the Internet. Appendix 2 and the Bibliography are on the CD
in HTML for access with your web browser.
• Clear explanations and comparisons of numerical differentiation
methods and simple numerical integration techniques.
• Thorough treatment of Analysis ToolPak features useful in
• Exercises to apply skills learned in each chapter.
• Applications of EXCEL’s matrix operations.
• Using EXCEL to import, analyze, and export data to a word processor.
• Inserting an active worksheet in a word processor.
• Including video clips and screen cam clips in a worksheet.
• Using EXCEL for automatic data acquisition and control of local and
remote experiments.
• Using EXCEL with popular student lab hardware and software.
• Acquiring experimental data in EXCEL through the serial or parallel
port without a data acquisition board.
• Acquiring experimental data in EXCEL through a USB port.
• A tutorial on using the Fast Fourier Transform in EXCEL.
• A tutorial on engineering and scientific applications of the Fast Fourier
Transform using EXCEL’s functions and operators.
What’s new in the Second Edition
! More workbooks to demonstrate EXCEL’s features.
! Frequently-asked questions (FAQs) with answers.
! More examples from across engineering and scientific disciplines.
Preface ix
More exercises for each chapter are in folders on the CD. When you finish
this book you will have a set of skills that will probably last you throughout your
career, because future versions of EXCEL will build on these basics.
Advanced mathematics programs also work with EXCEL. For example,
MATLAB ( has EXCEL LINK and EXCEL BUILDER for creating
MATLAB-based add-ins for EXCEL. MATHEMATICA ( has
component for data I/O with EXCEL. Waterloo MAPLE ( has
an EXCEL add-in.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance, guidance, and patience of the
people at John Wiley & Sons. In alphabetical order, my thanks go to Mary Beth
Bohman, Monique Calello, Jack Drucker, editor Joseph P. Hayton, Katherine
Hepburn, Mary Moran, Kenneth Santor, Eric Shivak, and Lisa Van Horn.
For the First Edition I am also pleased to acknowledge the assistance of
Professors William Beckwith (Clemson University), Melanie Bengtson (North
Dakota State University), Daniel A. Gulino (Ohio University) and Georg F.
Mauer (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) in reviewing the manuscript.
For the Second Edition I would like to thank Dr. Roy Fitzgerald López
Carrera, Professor Darrell G. Fontane (Colorado State University), Dr. Calvin
Johnson, Professor Patrick J. Jordan (University of Canterbury, New Zealand),
Professor J. C. Simonis (University of Texas-San Antonio), Professor Garry W.
Warren (University of Alabama), and at John Wiley & Sons, Simon Durkin,
Bonnie Kubat and Angie Vennerstrom. Again, special thanks go to editor Joseph
P. Hayton.
I am very grateful for the suggestions, comments, and encouragement from
xii Preface
Dr. Lawrence Edward Bloch, Dr. Robert Dressler, Professor Donald T. Haynie
(Louisiana Tech University), Curt Lorenc, and Janis Walters. Thanks also go to
Dr. Daniel H. Fylstra of Frontline Systems ( for permission to
include the Solver tutorials on the CD, National Instruments (,
PASCO Scientific (, and Vernier Software (
If engineers would read the manual, the world would be a better place.
Andrew S. Grove
CEO, Intel Corporation, 1999