Karen Garner: Loveland Police Department Blue Team Report

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4/14/2021 Incident Summary

Love~and Police Department

Use Of Force Report

Incident Entered By: Officer Austin Hopp - 242

Assigned Investigator: [Incident pending assignment]

~ncident Detai~s

Date Received Date of Occurrence Time of Occurrence

6/26/2020 6/26/2020 16:28

Record ID # Incident/Case Number PSU Number

2383 2020-004373 UOF 2020-26

Date/Time Entered

6/26/2020 23:40

~ncident Summary

Suspect was contacted as a subject of a shoplifting call from the east Walmart. Upon contact the suspect
attempted to flee the scene and was placed onto the ground to safely detain her. The suspect fought against
officers continuously and several controlling holds had to be used. The suspect sustained minor lacerations to
her wrists from the handcuffs and a small laceration to her chin. Photos were taken of the suspect and
uploaded to the case file as well as this blue team report. The suspect was asked several times if she wanted
medical attention and she either would not answer or start talking about something else and never asked for
medical attention. Once at LCJ the suspect complained of shoulder pain and the jail nurse determined she
had a possible shoulder injury. It’s unknown when the shoulder injury was caused due to the length of her
struggle against officers as well as her continuously try to escape her restraints in booking.

~ncident Location

¯ 2600 Mountain Lion DRIVE, Loveland, CO 80537 - Location of Occurrence: Inside City Limits - Precinct: Dist

Use of Force Specific ~nforrnation

Reason for Use of Force Service Being Rendered

Effecting Arrest Arrest

Weather Condition Lighting Condition Distance to Citizen

Overcast Light 0 to 1 foot

Citizen Injured Citizen Taken to Hospital Citizen Arrested

Yes No Yes

More than 1 Citizen Involved


Citizen’s Build Citizen’s Height

Small 5’0" to 5’3"

Employee Assessment of Citizen Condition During Incident

Mentally unstable

Employee(s) Injured Employee(s) Taken to Hospital

No No

Reportingl~nvo~ved Citizen information

Karen A Garner

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o 0
Yo... 115

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000023
411412021 Incident Summary
D6B: 12/30/1946 Race: White Ethnicity: Gender: Female

¯ 3060 Mountain Lion DRIVE, Suite/Apt: 306, Loveland, CO 80537
¯ 3060 Mountain Lion DRIVE, Suite/Apt: 306, Loveland, CO 80537

Citizen was homeless at time of their involvement: [No Response]

Citizen exhibited limited or no English language proficiency: [No Response]

Citizen’s primary language: [No Response]

Citizen’s sexual orientation if known: [No Response]

Citizen’s gender expression if known: [No Response]

Citizen was experiencing mental crisis (Employee Assessment: [No Response]

Citizen was experiencing mental crisis (Self Reported): [No Response]

Citizen was armed at the time of incident: [No Response]

¯ Suspect - Arrested

Types of Resistance Citizen Used Against Employee(s)

¯ Defensive Resistance

Injuries sustained by this citizen

Injury Regions Injury Locations

Bodily Injury 1, D, F 1, 2, 3

asiapro/BlueTeamlUnrestricted/IncidentReport.aspx, x=FKWb4Wy23reQUe19FDFsxmKnGRM6WPTEFmltEzs Yo2bnjkslDTA8Glt4 oYo2bOLoLanMXf3 o~... 2/5

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000024
4/14/2021 Incident Summary

Cl~arges against this Citizen


~nvo~ved Employees

Officer Austin Hopp -DSN: 242

Assignment at time of incident; Title: Officer Operations/Patrol

Video Footage: Yes

¯ Arresting Officer

Force used bv this employee against the citizen

¯ Arrest Control - Was force effective: Yes

Force Used Effective? Regions Points of contact

Arrest Control Yes 4, 6, C, E 1, 2, 3, 4

lrnjuries sustained by this officer

Injury Regions Injury Locations

No injuries noted or visible

Officer Daria Jalali - DSN: 219

Assignment at time of incident: Title: Police Officer Special Operations/Community Resource Unit

asiapro/BlueTeam/Unrestdcted/InddentReport.aspx, x=FKWb4Wy23reQUelgFDFsxmKnGRM6WPT~FmltEzs ~2bnjkslDTASGlt4 ~2bOLoLanMXfg ~/~... 3/5

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000025
4/14/2021 Incident Summary

Video Footage: Yes

¯ Arresting Officer

Force used by this employee against the citizen

¯ Arrest Control - Was force effective: Yes

Force Used Effective? Regions Points of contact

Arrest Control Yes 4, 6, C, F 1, 2, 3,4

Injuries sustained by this officer

Injury Regions Injury Locations

No =njuries noted or visible

No tasks to show

Running Sheet Entries

No running sheet entries to show

asiapr~/B~ueTeam~Unrestricted/~ncidentRep~rtaspx?x=FKWb4Wy23reQUe~9FDFsxmKnGRM6WPTEFm~tEzs%2bnjks1DTA8G1t4%2b~L~LanM~f3%~~~ 415

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000026
4/14/2021 Incident Summary

Date Attached Attachment Description Attachment Type
6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
!6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
i6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
:6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
6/26/2020 SusPect Injury JPG
6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
6/26/2020 Suspect Injury JPG
8/7/2020 Officer Hopp’s Narrative doc

Assignment History

Chain of Command History

Assigned Investigator Signature Line

[Incident pending assignment]

as~apr~BiueTeam~nrestricted~ncidentRep~rt.aspx?x=FKwb4wy23reQUe~9FDFsxmKnGRM6w~TEFm~tEzs o%2bnjks1DTA8Glt4 ogo2bOLoLanMXf3 oY.... 515

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000027
Page: 1

BiueTeam chain routinss

Jun 26, 2020 00:00: Sent from Officer Austin Hopp [242] to Metzler Iii, Philip L Sergeant [067]


For your review.

Reviewed by Serseant Philip L Metz[er lii [067] on Au~ 08, 2020 at 00:14

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

I have reviewed a[[ associated reports, photos and body worn camera
video with this case in my review. I that this arrest and subsequent use
of force was within policy and the minor force that was used was
reasonable and appropriate for the situation. The Officers involved
were not injured and the suspect received minor scrapes from bein8
taken to the ~round and cuffed. There was no damage to any city
property durin8 this arrest. I have attached Officer Hopp’s report and
photos of the suspect were submitted with the Blue Team. This Blue
Team is approved.

CC(s) of this routin~ were sent to the fo[[owins:

Lieutenant Richard B Arnold [042]

Lieutenant Jan S Burreson [083]

Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003]

Business Serv Technician Conny Hii~lenfe[d [789]

Lieutenant Benjamin D Hurt [084]

Lieutenant Jeffrey T Py[e [163]

Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033]

Deputy Chief Eric Stewart [002]

Chief Of Police Robert L Ticer [01]

Serseant Amy D Wheeler [186]

Au8 08, 2020 00:14: Sent from Sergeant Philip L Metz[er Iii [067] to Shaffer,
Robert C Lieutenant [033]


see attached review.

Reviewed by Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033] on Au8 10, 2020 at 10:45

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000028
Page: 2

I concur with MSgt Metzter’s assessments and findings, but I question

why there isn’t BWC footage of the arrest and struggle. Otherwise,
there is no further action or investigation necessary.

Au~ 10, 2020 I0:45: Sent from Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033] to Butler, Ray
Assistant Chief [003]


For your review.

Reviewed by Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003] on Au~110, 2020 at 11:20

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

I have reviewed the BWC, the report and photographs. The use of force
was necessary, reasonable and within policy.

No further action.

Au~ 10, 2020 11:20: Sent from Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003] to Wheeler, Amy D
Sergeant [186]


The use of force was necessary, reasonable and within policy.

Reviewed by Sergeant Amy D Wheeler [186] on Sep 09, 2020 at 10:42

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

Closed, within policy

CC(s) of this routin~ were sent to the following:

Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003]

Business Serv Technician Conny Hi[~enfe[d [789]

Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033]

Sergeant Philip L Metz[er lii [067]

Officer Austin Hopp [242]

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000029
Page: 1

B[ueTeam chain routines

Jun 26, 2020 00:00: Sent from Officer Austin Hopp [242] to Metz[er lii, Philip L Serseant [067]


For your review.

Reviewed by Serseant Philip L Metz[er Iii [067] on Au8 08, 2020 at 00:14

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

I have reviewed a[[ associated reports, photos and body worn camera
video with this case in my review. I that this arrest and subsequent use
of force was within policy and the minor force that was used was
reasonable and appropriate for the situation. The Officers involved
were not injured and the suspect received minor scrapes from bein8
taken to the 8round and cuffed. There was no damase to any city
property durin8 this arrest. I have attached Officer Hopp’s report and
photos of the suspect were submitted with the Blue Team. This Blue
Team is approved.

CC(s) of this routin~ were sent to the following:

Lieutenant Richard B Arnold [042]

Lieutenant Jan S Burreson [083]

Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003]

Business Serv Technician Conny Hit~enfe[d [789]

Lieutenant Benjamin D Hurt [084]

Lieutenant Jeffrey T Py[e [163]

Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033]

Deputy Chief Eric Stewart [002]

Chief Of Potice Robert L Ticer [01]

Sergeant Amy D Wheeler [186]

Au8 08, 2020 00:14: Sent from Sergeant Philip L Metz[er lii [067] to Shaffer,
Robert C Lieutenant [033]


see attached review.

Reviewed by Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033] on Au8 10, 2020 at 10:,15

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000030
Page: 2

I concur with MSgt Metz[er’s assessments and findings, but I question

why there isn’t BWC footage of the arrest and struggle. Otherwise,
there is no further action or investigation necessary.

Aug 10, 2020 10:45: Sent from Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033] to Buffer, Ray
Assistant Chief [003]


For your review.

Reviewed by Assistant Chief Ray Buffer [003] on Aug 10, 2020 at 11:20

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

I have reviewed the BWC, the report and photographs. The use of force
was necessary, reasonable and within policy.

No further action.

Aug 10, 2020 11:20: Sent from Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003] to Wheeler, Amy D
Sergeant [186]


The use of force was necessary, reasonable and within policy.

Reviewed by Sergeant Amy D Wheeler [186] on Sep 09, 2020 at 10:42

Decision: Approved

Reviewer comment:

Closed, within policy

CC(s) of this routing were sent to the following:

Assistant Chief Ray Butler [003]

Business Serv Technician Conny Hi[genfe[d [789]

Lieutenant Robert C Shaffer [033]

Sergeant Philip L Metz[er lii [067]

Officer Austin Hopp [242]

Subject To Protective Order Garner.Loveland 000031

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