God S Meditation Food Volume 2 Spiritword Net

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Volume 2

By Johann Melchizedek Peter

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved.

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Introduction 4

Meditations for Blessings, 5

Health and Prosperity

Meditations on Wisdom 22

Meditations on the Thought Life 25

Meditations on the Spirit Man 29

Meditations for Husbands 32

Meditations for Wives 34

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 3

The Meditation Scriptures in this booklet are a small portion taken from
my Meditation files. Altogether, there are sixteen hours worth of meditation
Scriptures in my files. The following extracts are from the general portion
that covers blessings, prosperity and healing. Reading them out loud should
take approximately one hour for a slow reader to half an hour for a fast
reader. I did one full year of Word fast from 1978 to 1979 where I read
nothing but the Word – no other books, no newspapers or TV or magazines.
During the midst of this Word saturation period, as I was reading the
Meditation Scriptures to myself, something supernatural came over me and
my mind was touched and transformed. The closest description I can find of
that experience was when Jesus touched the disciples and opened their
understanding that they might comprehend the Scriptures (Lk. 24:45). From
that day on, I saw and understood things in the Bible that I never understood

The extracted meditation Scriptures on health, healing and blessing are

especially meant for those who are in the professional life and business
people. There have been testimonies of those who require healing that have
been blessed, too. I have released these as there have been a lot of requests
for more Meditation Scriptures by those who have been using the Volume 1
of these series. I have added some expressions of my own in personalising
the Scriptures but they remain faithful to the general context of the verses.
They are exactly as I have used them during my one year of saturation in the
Word in 1978 to 1979 (as described in my book, ‘The Road to Glory’).

As wisdom is the key essential in all of this life, spiritual and natural
(Prov.3:13-24; 8:12-32), meditation Scriptures on wisdom has also been
added in this volume together with meditations to develop the spirit man
and the thought life. For those who are married or considering marriage, I
have added meditations for husbands and wives to strengthen their
marriages, especially in these last days when not only marriages amongst
unbelievers are failing but also those among Christians.

Be blessed in all areas of your natural life and spiritual life. May your
inner man grow stronger through these Scriptures, rooted and established in
the love of Christ.

God bless
Pastor Johann Melchizedek Peter

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 4


1. Gen. 1:28 I subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish of
the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every
living thing that moves upon the earth.
2. Gen. 1:27 I am created in God’s own image and likeness.
3. Gen. 5:22 I walk with God.
4. Gen. 6:8 I find grace in the eyes of the Lord.
5. Gen. 6:18 God has established His covenant with me and my
6. Gen. 9:2 The fear and the dread of me is upon every beast of
the earth and upon every fowl of the air and upon all
that moves upon the earth and upon all the fishes of
the sea; into my hand they are delivered.
7. Gen. 9:3 Every moving thing that lives is meat for me even as
the green herb has God given me all things.
8. Gen. 12:2-3 God makes me a great nation and He blesses me and
makes His Name great through me and I am a
blessing. God blesses those who bless me and curses
those that curse me and in me all the families of the
earth are blessed.
9. Gen. 13:2 I am rich in possessions, in finances and in all
material things.
10. Gen. 14:19 I am blessed of the Most High God possessor of
heaven and earth.
11. Gen. 15:1 God is my shield and my exceeding great reward.
12. Gen. 17:1-2 I walk before Almighty God and I am perfect. God
makes His covenant with me and multiplies me
13. Gen. 17:5 God's covenant is with me and I am a spiritual father
of many nations.
14. Gen. 17:6 God makes me exceedingly fruitful and makes
nations of me and spiritual kings come out of my
15. Gen. 18:17 God shows unto me all that He does.
16. Gen. 18:19 God knows me and I command my children and my
household after me and they keep the way of the
Lord; to do justice and judgement.
17. Gen. 21:6 God makes me to laugh and rejoice so that all that
hear will laugh and rejoice with me.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 5

18. Gen. 22:16-17 I obey the Lord and withhold nothing from Him and
God blesses me and multiplies me spiritually and all
my spiritual children and I possess the gate of God’s
19. Gen. 22:18 I always obey God’s voice.
20. Gen. 24:40 The Lord before whom I walk sends His angel with
me and prospers my way.
21. Gen. 26:5 I obey God’s voice and keep His charges, His
commandments, His statutes, and His laws.
22. Gen. 28:15 God is with me and keeps me in all places that I go
and brings me to His inheritance and will never leave
me but will perform and do all that He has spoken in
my life.
23. Gen. 32:28 I have power with God and with men and prevail.
24. Gen. 39:2 The Lord is with me and makes me a prosperous
25. Gen. 39:6 God makes me a godly person, well-favoured
attractive and fine looking.
26. Gen. 39:21 The Lord is with me and shows me mercy and gives
me favour in the sight of all men.
27. Gen. 39:23 The Lord is with me and in all which I do the Lord
makes it to prosper.
28. Exo. 15:2 The Lord is my strength and song and He is become
my salvation and I exalt Him.
29. Exo. 15:13 The Lord in His mercy has redeemed me; He has
guided me in His strength.
30. Exo. 15:26 I diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord my God
and do that which is right in His sight and give ear to
His commandments and keep all His statutes and
God allows none of the diseases upon me which He
allows in the world for God the Lord is my Healer.
31. Exo. 19:5 I obey God's voice and keep God’s covenant and I
am a special treasure unto God above all people; for
all the earth is the Lord’s.
32. Exo. 19:6 I am unto the Lord a priest and a holy nation.
33. Exo. 20:6 God shows mercy unto me because I love Him and
keep His commandments.
34. Exo. 23:20 God sends His angel before me and keeps me In His
way and brings me into the inheritance which He has
prepared for me.
35. Exo. 23:22 I obey God’s voice and do all that He speaks and
God is an enemy unto my enemies and an adversary
unto my adversaries.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 6

36. Exo. 23:25 I serve the Lord my God and He blesses my bread
and my water and takes sickness away from my
37. Exo. 23:26 I will fulfil the number of my days.
38. Exo. 23:27 God sends His fear before me and destroys all the
satanic forces which I confront and He makes them
flee in terror from me.
39. Deut. 7:13 The Lord loves me and blesses me and multiplies
40. Deut. 7:13-15 The Lord blesses my fruit and blesses me above all
people. The Lord takes away from my presence all
sickness and allows none of the diseases of the world
to come upon me but allows them upon all those that
hate me.
41. Deut 4:29 I seek the Lord my God with all my heart and with
all my soul and I do find Him.
42. Deut. 5:33 I walk in all the ways which the Lord my God has
commanded me and it is well with me and I prolong
my days in the inheritance which I possess in Christ.
43. Deut. 29:29 The secret things belong unto the Lord but these
revealed promises belong unto me and my wife and
my children forever.
44. Deut. 6:5 I love the Lord my God with all my heart and with
all my soul and with all my might.
45. Deut. 6:6-9 I treasure God's Word and keep them in my heart. I
teach them diligently unto my children and talk of
them when I sit in the house and when I walk by the
way and when I lie down and when I rise up. I bind
them for a sign upon my hand and they are as
frontlets between my eyes. I write them upon the
posts of my house and on the gates.
46. Deut. 28:1-14 I hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord my
God to observe and to do all His commandments
which He commands me and the Lord my God sets
me on high above all nations of the earth and all
these blessings come on me and overtake me as I
hearken unto the voice of the Lord my God. Blessed
am I in the city and blessed am I in the field. Blessed
is the fruit of my body and the fruit of my ground
which I sow the seed of God's Word. Blessed is the
flock of my sheep. Blessed is my financial and
physical life. Blessed am I in my coming in and
blessed am I in my going out. The Lord causes my
enemies that rise up against me to be smitten before
my face; they that come out against me one way flee

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 7

before me seven ways. The Lord commands the
blessing upon me in my storehouses and in all that I
set my hand into. The Lord blesses my inheritance in
Christ. The Lord establishes me a holy person unto
Himself as I keep His commandments and walk in
His ways. All the people of the earth see that I am
called by the Name of the Lord and they are afraid
of me. The Lord makes me plenteous in goods. The
fruit of my body is healthy physically and
spiritually. The Lord opens unto me His good
treasure, the heaven to give the rain of blessing unto
my inheritance in Christ in His season. He blesses
all the works of my hand. I lend unto many nations
and I do not borrow. The Lord makes me the head
and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath as I
hearken unto the commandments of the Lord to
observe and to do them. I do not go aside from any
of God’s Word to the right or to the left but I always
walk in His Words.
47. Jos. 1:8 God's Word does not depart out of my mouth and I
meditate day and night to observe to do according to
all that is written and I make my way prosperous and
I have good success.
48. Jos. 23:14 Not one thing has failed of all the good things which
the Lord speaks concerning me; all are come to pass
and not one thing has failed.
49. 1 Sam. 1:11 I am given unto God all the days of my life.
50. 2 Sam. 7:9 The Lord is with me wherever I go and has
made His Name great in me.
51. 2 Sam. 8:6 The Lord preserves me wherever I go.
52. Ps. 1:2-3 I delight in the law of the Lord and I meditate on it
day and night and I am like a tree planted by the
rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season;
my leaves never wither whatsoever I do always
53. Ps. 3:3 The Lord is my shield, my glory and the lifter of my
54. Ps. 4:3-5 The Lord has set me apart and has made me godly
for Himself. The Lord hears when I call unto Him. I
stand in awe and sin not. I offer sacrifices of
righteousness and put my trust in the Lord.
55. Ps. 4:8 I always sleep in peace for the Lord makes me dwell
in safety.
56. Ps. 5:1 The Lord gives ear to my words and considers my

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 8

57. Ps. 5:3 God hears my voice every morning. I direct my
prayers and thoughts unto the Lord and look upon
58. Ps. 5:12 The Lord defends me and compasses with favour as
with a shield.
59. Ps. 8:6 The Lord has made me to have dominion over the
works of His hands; He has put all things under my
60. Ps. 9:1 I show forth all of God's marvellous works.
61. Ps. 16:5 The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and
of my cup and He maintains my lot.
62. Ps. 16:7 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my
reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
63. Ps. 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; I shall not be
moved because He is at my right hand.
64. Ps. 16:11 The Lord shows me the path of life. I dwell in God's
presence and have fullness of joy and I have
pleasures forevermore at His right hand.
65. Ps. 17:8 I am as the apple of God’s eye and He hides me
under the shadow of His wings.
66. Ps. 17:15 I behold God’s face in righteousness; I am satisfied
for I awake with God’s likeness.
67. Ps. 19:14 The words of my mouth and the meditation of my
heart are acceptable in God’s sight.
68. Ps. 23: 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I do not want or lack any
good thing.
69. Ps. 23:5 God anoints my head with oil and my cup runs over.
70. Ps. 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy follow me all the days of
my life.
71. Ps. 24:3-5 I ascend unto God’s holy hill and stand in His holy
place. Because I have clean hands and a pure heart, I
receive blessings from the Lord and righteousness
from the God of my salvation.
72. Ps. 25:2-5 I wait upon the Lord and I am not ashamed for my
enemies can never triumph over me. The Lord shows
me His way and teaches me His paths. The Lord
leads me in His truth and teaches me for He is the
God of my salvation and I wait on Him all the day.
73. Ps. 25:9 The Lord guides me in judgement and teaches me
His way because I am meek.
74. Ps. 25:10 I keep God's Words and commandments and all the
paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto me.
75. Ps. 25:13 My soul dwells in ease and my seed inherits the

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 9

76. Ps. 25:14 The secret of the Lord is with me for I fear the Lord
and He shows me His covenant.
77. Ps. 25:15 My eyes are ever towards the Lord.
78. Ps. 25:21 Integrity and uprightness preserve me for I wait
upon the Lord.
79. Ps. 26:1 I never slide because I walk in integrity and trust
the Lord.
80. Ps. 26:2-3 The Lord examines me, proves me, tries my reins
and my heart for His loving kindness is before my
eyes and I walk in His truth.
81. Ps. 26:8 I love the habitation of God's house and the place
where God’s honour dwells.
82. Ps. 26:12 My foot stands in an even place and in the
congregations will I bless the Lord.
83. Ps. 27:1 The Lord is my light, my salvation and the strength
of my life.
84. Ps. 27:4 The one thing I have desired and seek after and
have received is to dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the
Lord and to inquire in His temple.
85. Ps. 27:14 I wait on the Lord, I am of good courage and He
strengthens me.
86. Ps. 30:2 The Lord has healed me. I have perfect eyesight. I
have perfect health.
87. Ps. 30:6 In my prosperity I am not moved for I stand in
88. Ps. 34:9-10 I fear the Lord and have no want. I seek the Lord
and do not want any good thing.
89. Ps. 34:20 God keeps my bones and not one of them is broken.
90. Ps. 35:18 I give thanks to God in the great congregation; I
praise Him among many people.
91. Ps. 35:27 The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of me, His
92. Ps. 36:8-9 I am abundantly satisfied with the fatness of God's
house and I drink of the river of His pleasure for
God is the fountain of my life.
93. Ps. 37:3 I trust in the Lord and do good and verily I am fed.
94. Ps. 37:4-5 I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the
desires of my heart. I commit my way unto the
Lord, I trust in Him and He brings it to pass.
95. Ps. 37:9-11 I wait upon the Lord and I inherit the earth and
delight myself in the abundance of peace because I
am meek.
96. Ps. 37:23 My steps are ordered by the Lord and I delight in
His way.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 10

97. Ps. 37:34 I wait upon the Lord and keep His way and He
exalts me in my inheritance in Christ.
98. Ps. 40:4 I am blessed because I make the Lord my trust. I do
not respect the proud or turn aside to lies.
99. Ps. 40:5 God does many wonderful works with me and His
thoughts are towards me and in me.
100. Ps. 40:8 I delight to do God’s will; His law is within my
101. Ps. 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps round about me for
I fear Him and God delivers me.
102. Ps. 35:1, 5, 6 The angel of the Lord fights against those who
fights against me. The angel of the Lord chases
them. The angel of the Lord persecutes them.
103. Ps. 43:3, 5 God sends His light and His truth to lead me unto
His holy hill and to His tabernacle. I praise the
Lord my God for He is the health of my
104. Ps. 45:17 I make the Lord's Name to be remembered in all
generations and all the people shall praise God
105. Ps. 46:10-11 I am still and know that God is the Lord and He is
exalted among the heathen and in the earth. The
Lord of hosts is with me and is my refuge.
106. Ps. 49:3 My mouth speaks of wisdom and the meditation of
my heart is of understanding.
107. Ps. 49:15, 9 God redeems my soul from the power of the grave
and I live forever for I have eternal life in Christ.
108. Ps. 50:23 I offer praise unto God and glorify Him; I order my
conversation aright and God shows me His
109. Ps. 52:8 I am like a green olive tree in the house of God and
I bear much fruit; I trust in the mercy of God for
ever and ever.
110. Ps. 58:11 I am righteous and I receive a reward from God.
111. Ps. 62:5 My soul waits upon the Lord for my expectation is
only from Him.
112. Ps. 63:2 I see God's power and glory.
113. Ps. 63:5 My soul is satisfied with marrow and fatness and
my mouth praise God with joyful lips.
114. Ps. 63:6 I remember God upon my bed and meditate on
115. Ps. 65:4 I am blessed for God has chosen and has caused me
to approach Him. I dwell in God’s courts and am
satisfied with the goodness of God’s house even of
God's holy temple.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 11

116. Ps. 65:11 God crowns my years with goodness and my paths
drop fatness.
117. Ps. 66:18 I do not regard iniquity in my heart and God hears
my prayers.
118. Ps. 67:2 God has made His way known unto me and His
saving health unto all nations.
119. Ps. 68:19 God loads me daily with benefits.
120. Ps. 68:35 God gives strength and power unto me.
121. Ps. 72:7 I am righteous and I flourish.
122. Ps. 73:28 It is good for me to draw near to God; I have put
my trust in the Lord God and I declare all His
123. Ps. 77:6 I call to remembrance the Lord at night; I commune
with my own heart; my spirit meditates and makes
diligent search.
124. Ps. 77:11-12 I remember the works of the Lord and His wonders
of old. I meditate upon all of His works and talk of
His doings.
125. Ps. 78:72 God feeds me according to the integrity of my
126. Ps. 89:16 I rejoice in the Lord’s Name all the day and in His
righteousness I am exalted.
127. Ps. 89:20-21 God has anointed me with His holy oil. He has
established me with His hand and His arm has
strengthened me.
128. Ps. 90:12 God teaches me to number my days and I apply my
heart unto wisdom.
129. Ps. 90:14 God satisfies me early with His mercy; I will
rejoice and be glad all my days.
130. Ps. 90:16 God’s work and glory appear unto me.
131. Ps. 90:17 The beauty of the Lord my God is upon me and He
establishes the work of my hands.
132. Ps. 91 I dwell in the secret place of the most High and
abide under the shadow of the Almighty God. The
Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He is my God
and in Him do I trust. Surely He has delivered me
from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome
pestilence. He covers me with His feathers and
under His wings I do trust. His truth is my shield
and buckler. I am not afraid of the terror by night
nor the arrow that flies by day nor for the pestilence
that walks in darkness nor for the destruction that
wastes at noonday. A thousand shall fall at my side
and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not
come nigh me. My eyes behold and see the reward

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 12

of the wicked because I have made the Lord my
refuge even the most High God my habitation.
There shall no evil befall me neither shall any
plague come near my dwelling for the Lord gives
His angel charge over me to keep me in all my
ways. They will bear me up in their hands lest I
dash my foot against a stone. I tread upon the lion
and adder. The young lion and the dragon I trample
under feet. I trample Satan and all his demonic
forces under my feet. I crush all their power over
those I preach the Gospel to and break the chains of
captivity and set the people free and loosed into the
kingdom of God.
133. Ps. 91:14-16 I set my love upon God and He has delivered me.
He sets me on high His own right hand because I
have known His Name. I call upon God and He
answers me, He is with me in trouble. He delivers
me and honours me. God satisfies me with long life
and shows me His salvation in all His glory and
134. Ps. 97:10 I love the Lord and I hate evil.
135. Ps. 101:2, 6 I behave myself in a perfect way that is wisely. I
walk within my house with a perfect heart and I
serve God.
136. Ps. 103:3-4 My soul blesses the Lord and does not forget His
benefits for God forgives all my iniquities and
heals all my diseases and redeems my life from
137. Ps.103:5 God satisfies my mouth with good things so that
My youth is renewed like the eagles.
138. Ps. 104:4 The Lord makes me His minister a flaming fire.
139. Ps. 105:37 God brings me out of the world with silver and
gold; there is not a feeble person in my family.
140. Ps. 107:20 God has sent His Word and has healed me. I have
perfect eyesight and I have perfect health.
141. Ps. 107:21-22 I praise the Lord for His goodness and for His
wonderful works unto the children of men. I
sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving and declare
His works with rejoicing.
142. Ps. 112: 1 I am blessed of the Lord for I fear Him, I delight
greatly in His commandments.
143. Ps. 112:2 My seed shall be mighty upon the earth. My
physical children are mighty upon the earth. My
spiritual children are mighty upon the earth. All my
generation is blessed of the Lord.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 13

144. Ps. 112:3 Wealth and riches are in my house. God's
righteousness in me endures forever.
145. Ps. 112:4-5 Wherever I go the light of God in me lights up all
darkness. I am gracious, full of compassion and
righteous. I lend to those in need and show favour,
I guide all my affairs by the Spirit of God with
146. Ps. 112:6-8 I shall not be moved for I abide in Christ forever. I
am righteous and in everlasting remembrance. I am
not afraid of evil tidings. My heart is fixed in
trusting the Lord. My heart is established; I am not
afraid and I see God's desire upon enemies.
147. Ps. 112:9 I have dispersed. I have given to the poor. God’s
righteousness in me endures forever. My horn is
exalted with honour.
148. Ps. 116:1-2 I love the Lord. I call upon Him as long as 1 live.
149. Ps. 116:6-7 The Lord preserves me because I am simple and He
has dealt bountifully with me.
150. Ps. 116:9 I walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
151. Ps. 116:13 I take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name
of the Lord.
152. Ps. 116:15 I am precious in the sight of the Lord.
153. Ps. 116:16-17 I am the servant of the Lord and I offer to Him the
sacrifice of thanksgiving.
154. Ps. 118:17 I shall not die but live and declare the works of the
155. Ps. 118:24-25 This is the day which the Lord has made; I will
rejoice and be glad in it. The Lord heals me and
sends me prosperity.
156. Ps. 119:1-2 I am blessed because I walk in the law of the Lord.
I am blessed because I keep His testimonies. I am
blessed because I seek Him with my whole heart.
157. Ps. 119:4-6 I keep His precepts and statutes diligently. I have
respect up to all His commandments.
158. Ps. 119:9-16 I have cleansed my way by taking heed thereto
according to His Word. I hide His Word in my
heart. I meditate on His precepts. I will never
forget His Word.
159. Ps. 119:18 My eyes are opened and I behold wondrous things
out of His Word.
160. Ps. 119:25 God quickens me according to His Word.
161. Ps. 119:28 God strengthens me according to His Word.
162. Ps. 119:46 I speak of His testimonies before kings and am not

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 14

163. Ps. 119:62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto the Lord
because of His righteous judgements.
164. Ps. 119:63 I am companion of all those who fear Him and of
those who keep His precepts.
165. Ps. 119:65 The Lord has dealt well with me, His servant,
according to His Word.
166. Ps. 119:72 The Word of God is better to me than thousands of
gold and silver.
167. Ps. 119:97 I love the law of the Lord and it is my meditation
all the day.
168. Ps. 119:98 God through His commandments has made me
wiser than my enemies.
169. Ps. 119:99 My meditation is on God's testimonies and I have
more understanding than all my teachers.
170. Ps. 119:100 I keep God's precepts and I understand more than
the ancients.
171. Ps. 119:130 The entrance of God's Word gives me light and
understanding because I am simple.
172. Ps. 121:2-4 My help comes from the Lord who made the
heavens and the earth. The Lord will not suffer my
foot to be moved; God who keeps me neither
slumbers nor sleeps.
173. Ps. 121:5-6 The Lord is my keeper. The Lord is my shade
upon my right hand. The sun shall not smite me by
day nor the moon by night.
174. Ps. 121:7-8 The Lord preserves me from all evil. The Lord
preserves my soul. The Lord preserves my going
out and my coming in forever.
175. Ps. 124:8 My help is in the Name of the Lord who made
heaven and earth.
176. Ps.125:1-4 I trust in the Lord and I am as Mount Zion which
cannot be removed but abides forever. As the
mountains are round about Jerusalem so is the
Lord round about me, my wife, my children and
my ministry forever and God even God do good
unto me as I am good and upright in heart.
177. Ps. 131:2 I have behaved and quieted myself as a child that
is weaned of his mother; my soul is even as a
weaned child.
178. Ps. 133:1-3 It is good and pleasant for I, by God's grace, do
bring my brethren to dwell together in unity. It is
the precious ointment upon my head that runs
down to my neck and to the ends of my garment.
The Lord commands the blessing upon me and the
whole family of God even life forevermore.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 15

179. Ps. 134:1-2 I bless the Lord. I stand by night in the house of
the Lord. I lift up my hands in the sanctuary and
bless the Lord.
180. Ps. 135:5 I know that the Lord is great above all Gods.
181. Ps. 136:1 I give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His
mercy endures forever.
182. Ps. 138:1,2,8 I praise God with my whole heart. I praise His
Name for His lovingkindness and for His truth; for
He has magnified His Word above all His Name.
The Lord perfects that which concerns me.
183. Ps. 139:1-3 The Lord has searched me and has known me. He
knows my down sitting and my uprising. He
understands my thoughts afar off. He compasses
my thoughts, my paths, my lying down and is
acquainted with all my ways. Everywhere I go the
presence of the Lord is there.
184. Ps. 139:14 I praise God for I am fearfully and wonderfully
185. Ps. 139:17 God's thoughts are very precious unto me.
186. Ps. 139:23 God searches me and knows my heart. God tries
me and knows my thoughts.
187. Ps. 140:13 I am upright and I dwell in God's presence.
188. Ps. 142:5 The Lord is my refuge and my portion in the land
of the living.
189. Ps. 142:7 The righteous compasses me about for God deals
bountifully with me.
190. Ps. 143:8 The Lord causes me to hear His lovingkindness in
the morning for I trust in Him.
191. Ps. 143:10 The Lord teaches me to do His will for He is my
192. Ps. 144:1 God is my strength. He teaches my hands to war
and my fingers to fight.
193. Ps. 144:2 God is my goodness my fortress, my high tower,
my deliverer and my shield.
194. Ps. 144:12 My spiritual sons are as plants grown up in their
youth and my spiritual daughters are as
cornerstones polished after the similitude of a
195. Ps. 145:2, 19, I bless the Lord everyday. He fulfils all my desires
20 for I fear Him. The Lord preserves me for I love
196. Prov. 2:2,5 I incline my ear unto wisdom; I apply my heart to
understanding and I understand the fear of the
Lord and find the knowledge of God for God gives
me wisdom.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 16

197. Prov. 2:10-11 Wisdom enters into my heart and the knowledge of
God is pleasant unto my soul. Discretion in the
Lord preserves me and the understanding in the
Lord keeps me.
198. Prov. 3:1-2 My heart keeps God's commandments length of
days, long life and peace are added unto me.
199. Prov. 3:3-4 I bind mercy and truth upon my neck. I write
God’s laws upon the table of my heart. I find
favour and good understanding in the sight of God
and men.
200. Prov. 3:5-6 I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not
unto my own understanding. In all my ways I
acknowledge Him and He directs my paths.
201. Prov. 3:7-8 I am not wise in my own eyes; I fear the Lord and
depart from evil. The fear of the Lord is health
unto my navel and marrow to my bones.
202. Prov. 3: 9-10 I honour the Lord with my substance and with the
firstfruits of my increase and my barns are filled
with plenty.
203. Prov. 3:18 God is a tree of life unto me for I lay hold upon
His wisdom.
204. Prov.3:21,19,20 I do not let God's wisdom and understanding
depart from my eyes for by wisdom He founded
the earth and by understanding He established the
heavens; by His knowledge the depths are broken
up and the clouds drop down dew.
205. Prov. 3:21-22 I keep God’s discretion and sound wisdom and
they are life to my soul and grace to my neck.
206. Prov. 3:24 I am not afraid; my sleep is sweet when I lie down.
207. Prov. 3:26 The Lord is my confidence.
208. Prov. 3:33 The Lord blesses my habitation for I am just
before Him.
209. Prov. 4:10 I hear and receive God's sayings and the years of
my life are many.
210. Prov. 4:18 My path is as the shining light that shines more
and more unto the perfect day.
211. Prov. 4:20-22 I attend unto God's Word. I incline my ears unto
His sayings. I do not let them depart from my eyes.
I keep them in the midst of my heart. For the Word
of God is life unto me and health to all my flesh.
212. Prov. 4:23 I keep my heart with all diligence for out of it
flows the issues of life.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 17

213. Prov. 6: 20-22 I keep God's commandments and bind them
continually upon my heart and tie them upon my
neck. When I go, it leads me; when I sleep, it
keeps me; when I awake, it talks with me.
214. Prov. 7:1-3 I keep God's Word and lay up His commandments
with me. I keep His commandments and live. His
law is as the apple of my eye. I bind them upon my
fingers; I write them upon the table of my heart.
215. Prov. 8:13 I fear the Lord and I hate evil.
216. Prov. 8:21 I love the Lord and He causes me to inherit
substance and He fills up my treasures.
217. Prov. 10:3-4 The Lord will not suffer my soul to famish for I
am righteous before Him in Christ. He makes my
hand to be rich for I am diligent.
218. Prov. 11:11 By my blessing the whole city is exalted.
219. Prov. 11:16, 18, I am strong in the Lord and retain riches. I sow
27 righteousness and have a sure reward. I diligently
seek good and I procure favour.
220. Prov. 12:2 I am good in Christ and I obtain favour in the
221. Prov. 12:14 I am satisfied with good by the fruit of my mouth.
222. Prov. 13:22 The wealth of the sinner is laid up for me for I am
just in Christ.
223. Prov. 13:25 I eat to my satisfaction for I am righteous in Christ.
224. Prov. 14:23-24 In all my labours, I have profit. My crown for
exercising the wisdom of God in this world is
225. Prov. 14:27, 30 I fear the Lord and I am a fountain of life. I have a
sound spirit and it is the life of all my flesh.
226. Prov. 14:34 Righteousness prevails over my country and it
exalts my country.
227. Prov. 17:22 My heart is merry and it does good like a
228. Prov. 18:10 The Name of the Lord is my strong tower; I walk
in it and am safe.
229. Prov. 21:3 I do justice and judgement and it is more
acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
230. Prov. 21:5, 8 I am diligent in Christ and my thoughts tend only
towards plenteousness. I am pure in heart and my
work is right in the sight of God.
231. Prov. 21:21 I follow after righteousness and mercy and find
life, righteousness and honour.
232. Prov. 22:4 By humility and fear of the Lord, I have riches,
honour and life.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 18

233. Prov. 22:9 I have a bountiful eye and am blessed for I give
bread to the poor.
234. Prov. 22:11 I love pureness of heart and because of the grace of
my lips even the king is my friend.
235. Prov. 22:29 I am diligent in the business of the Lord and I stand
before kings.
236. Prov. 24:13-14 The knowledge and the wisdom of God is honey
and honeycomb to my soul, I have found them and
they are great rewards to me.
237. Is. 1:19 I am willing and obedient and I eat the good of the
238. Is. 4:2 I am a beautiful and glorious branch of the Lord.
239. Is. 4:5 The Lord creates upon me a cloud and smoke of
glory daily and the shining of a flaming fire by
night. The g1ory of the Lord is my defence.
240. Is. 6:1 I see the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted
up and His train and glory fills the temple.
241. Is. 26:3-4 God keeps me in perfect peace for my mind is
stayed on Him. I trust in the Lord forever.
242. Is. 26:12 The Lord ordains peace unto me for He has
wrought all my works in me.
243. Is. 27:3 The Lord keeps and waters me every moment. He
keeps me day and night.
244. Is. 28:5-6 The Lord of hosts is a crown of glory and a diadem
of beauty unto me. He is a spirit of judgement to
me as I sit in judgement. He is strength to me as I
turn the battle to the gate.
245. Is. 28:9 The Lord teaches me knowledge and makes me to
understand doctrine.
246. Is. 30:15 I rest in the Lord. I have strength and confidence in
quietness in the Lord.
247. Is. 30:20-21 My eyes see God who alone is my teacher. My ears
hear a word of the Lord saying, “This is the way,
walk in it, " when I turn to the right and when I turn
to the left.
248. Is. 35:1-2 I rejoice and blossom as a rose abundantly. I rejoice
even with joy and singing. The glory and the
excellency of the Lord is given unto me.
249. Is. 35:5-7 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. The eyes of the
blind are opened. The ears of the deaf are unstopped.
The lame men leap as a hart. The tongue of the dumb
sing. Waters break out in the wilderness and streams in
the desert. The parched ground becomes a pool and the
thirsty land springs of water. The Spirit of the Lord is
poured out upon all flesh.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 19

250. Is. 35:10 Songs and everlasting joy is upon my head. I have
obtained joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing have
fled away.
251. Is. 40:3-5 I prepare the way of the Lord. I make straight in the
desert a highway for my God. Every valley is
exalted; every mountain is brought low. The
crooked is made straight and the rough ways are
made smooth. The glory of the Lord is revealed and
all flesh sees it together.
252. Is. 40:29 The Lord gives me power and increases strength
upon me.
253. Is. 40:31 I wait upon the Lord and He renews my strength. I
mount up with wings as an eagle. I run and am not
weary; I walk and am not faint.
254. Is. 41:2,5 The Lord has raised me, a righteous man from the
east. He calls me and gives the nations before me.
He has made me to rule over kings. He gave them
as dust to my sword, the Sword of the Spirit. The
isles saw it and feared. The ends of the earth are
afraid and they draw near and worship God.
255. Is. 41:8-13 I am the servant of God, God has chosen and
strengthened me, He helps me and upholds me with
His right hand of righteousness. All that incensed
against me are ashamed and confounded. They are
as nothing. They that strive with me perish. They
that war against me are as nothing and as a thing of
nought. For the Lord upholds my right hand and
helps me.
256. Is. 41:15-16 God makes me a new sharp threshing instrument
having teeth. I thresh the mountains and beat them
small. I make the hills as chaff. I fan them, the
wind carries them away and the whirlwind scatters
them. I rejoice in the Lord and glory in the Holy
One of Israel.
257. Is. 48:17-19 The Lord teaches me to profit. He leads me by the
way that I should go. My peace is as the river and
my righteousness as the waves of the sea. My
spiritual children are as the sand of the sea.
258. Is. 54:2-3 I enlarge the place of my tent. I stretch the curtains
of my habitation. I spare not; I lengthen the cords;
I strengthen the stakes. I break forth on the right
hand and on the left. I inherit the Gentiles.
259. Is. 54:13 Great is the peace of my children for they are
taught of the Lord.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 20

260. Is. 54:14 I am far from oppression and terror for they can
never come near me.
261. Is. 54:17 No weapon that is formed against me can prosper.
Every tongue that rises against me in judgement
God condemns. For this is my heritage as I am a
servant of God and my righteousness is of the Lord.
262. Is. 56:1-2 I keep judgement and do justice for my salvation is
come and my righteousness is revealed. I keep the
Sabbath, the rest of Christ and am blessed.
263. Is. 56:5 God gives me an everlasting name that shall not be
cut off.
264. Is. 56:6 I join myself to the Lord to serve Him, to love Him
and His Name, to be His servant and to take hold of
His covenant.
265. Is. 56:7 The Lord brings me to His holy mountain and
makes me joyful in His house of prayer and my
sacrifices are accepted by God.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 21

1. Exo. 28:3 God has filled me with the Spirit of wisdom and I
am wise hearted.
2. Exo. 31:3 God has filled me with the Spirit of God, in
wisdom and in understanding and in all knowledge
and in all manner of workmanship.
3. Exo. 36:1 The Lord has put His wisdom and understanding in
me to know how to work all manner of work for the
service of the sanctuary according to all which He
has commanded.
4. Deut. 4:6 I keep God’s commandments and do them for they
are my wisdom and my understanding.
5. Deut. 34:9 I am full of the Spirit of wisdom for God has laid
His hands on me.
6. Ps. 37:30 I am righteous in Christ and my mouth speaks
wisdom and my mouth talk of God’s judgment.
7. Ps. 51:6 God makes me to know wisdom in my inner man.
8. Ps. 90:12 God teaches me to number my days that I may
apply my heart to wisdom.
9. Ps. 111:10 I fear the Lord and this is the beginning of wisdom.
10. Ps. 136:5 I worship God who by wisdom made the heavens
and the earth.
11. Prov. 3:19 The Lord has founded the earth by His wisdom and
the heavens by His understanding.
12. Is. 11:2-3 The Spirit of the Lord rests upon me, the Spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel
and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear
of the Lord.
13. Is. 33:6 God’s wisdom and knowledge is the stability of my
times and the strength of my salvation. The fear of
the Lord is my treasure.
14. Dan. 1:4 I am without blemish and am well-favoured, and
skilful in all wisdom, possessing all knowledge and
understanding science.
15. Dan. 1:17 God gives me knowledge and skill in all learning
and wisdom, and I have understanding in all visions
and dreams.
16. Dan. 1:20 In all matters of wisdom and understanding that
kings inquire of me, they would find me ten times
better than all the wise men present in the world.
17. Dan. 2:20 All wisdom and might belongs unto the Lord.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 22

18. Dan. 2:21 God changes the times and the seasons, He
removes kings and sets up kings. God gives me
wisdom so that I am wise and knowledge so that I
know understanding.
19. Dan. 2:23 I thank and praise my God who has given me
wisdom and might and has made known unto me
all things.
20. Ps. 49:3 My mouth speaks wisdom and the meditation of
my heart is understanding.
21. Lk. 2:40 I grow and wax strong in spirit, filled with wisdom
and the grace of God is upon me.
22. Lk. 2:52 I increase in wisdom and in stature and in favour
with God and with men.
23. Lk. 21:15 God gives me a mouth of wisdom which all my
adversaries will not be able to gainsay nor resist.
24. Acts 6:3 I am a man of honest report, full of the Holy Spirit
and wisdom.
25. Acts 6:10 No one is able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit
by which I speak.
26. Acts 7:10 God delivers me out of all afflictions and gives me
favour and wisdom in the sight of God and men.
27. Acts 7:22 I am learned in all the wisdom of God and am
mighty in words and in deeds.
28. 1 Cor. 1:24 Christ is the power and wisdom of God unto me.
29. 1 Cor. 1:30 Jesus Christ is made unto me wisdom,
righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
30. 1 Cor. 2:6-7 I speak wisdom among them that are of full growth,
not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of
the world but I speak the wisdom of God in a
mystery, even the hidden mystery which God
ordained before the world unto our glory.
31. 1 Cor. 2:13 I speak not in words which men’s wisdom teaches
but which the Holy Spirit teaches comparing
spiritual things with spiritual for I have the mind of
32. Eph. 1:8 Christ has abounded toward me in all wisdom and
33. Eph. 1:17-20 My Heavenly Father gives me the Spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of
my understanding being opened and enlightened
that I know what is the hope of His calling, and
what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in
the saints is, and what is the exceeding greatness of
His power towards me who believes, according to
the working of His mighty power which He

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 23

wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the
dead and set Him in heavenly places.
34. Eph. 3:10 Now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly
places God makes known by me who am part of the
church of God the manifold wisdom of God.
35. Col. 1:9-11 I am filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all
wisdom and understanding that I do walk worthy of
the Lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every
good work and increasing in the knowledge of God,
strengthened with all might according to His
glorious power unto all patience and longsuffering
with joyfulness.
36. Col. 1:28 I preach warning every man and teaching every
man in all wisdom that I do present every man
perfect in Christ Jesus.
37. Col. 2:3 In Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and
knowledge. I am in Christ and I have all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
38. Col. 3:16 I let the word of God dwell richly in me in all
wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in
psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with
grace in my heart to the Lord.
39. Col. 4:5 I walk in wisdom toward them that are without
redeeming the time.
40. Jam. 3:13 I am wise and endued with knowledge and show
out of a good behaviour my works with meekness
of wisdom.
41. Jam. 3:17 I have the wisdom which is from above which is
pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and
without hypocrisy.
42. 2 Pet. 3:15 I write according to the wisdom of God given unto
43. Rev. 5:12 Jesus died, rose again and is worthy to receive
power and riches and wisdom and strength and
honour and glory and blessing.
44. Rev. 7:12 Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honour,
power and might be unto our God forever.
45. Rev. 13:18 I have the wisdom of God and have understanding
to count the number of the beast.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 24

1. Gen. 6:5 The imagination of the thoughts of my heart are
holy and good continually. Every one of my
thoughts and imaginations are holy and good.
2. Deut. 15:9 There is not a single evil thought in my heart.
3. 1 Chr. 28:9 I serve the Lord with a perfect heart and a willing
mind for the Lord searches all hearts, and
understands all the imaginations of the thoughts. I
seek the Lord and I find Him.
4. 1 Chr. 29:18 God fills my thoughts with His commandments and
keep them forever in the imaginations of the
thoughts of my heart. My heart is fixed toward
5. Ps. 10:4 God is not in all the thoughts of the wicked. God is
in all my thoughts.
6. Ps. 33:11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the
thoughts of His heart to all generations. God’s
thoughts stand forever within me and are precious
to me.
7. Ps. 40:5 Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works
which You have done and Your thoughts which are
toward me. I have an abundance of God’s thoughts
toward me.
8. Ps. 48:9 Everyday my thoughts are on God’s love.
9. Ps. 92:5 God’s works are great and His thoughts are deep.
10. Ps. 94:11 The Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are
1 Cor. 2:16 vanity. The Lord knows my thoughts. I think only
Phi. 2:5 the thoughts of Christ. I have the mind of Christ
and think only the humble thoughts of Christ.
11. Ps. 119:113 I hate vain thoughts but I love God’s law and let
my thoughts dwell upon God’s law.
12. Ps.139:2,17, God knows my sitting down and my rising up, and
23 understands my thoughts afar off. God’s thoughts
are precious towards me. The sum of all of God’s
thoughts towards me is vast and great. God
searches me and knows my heart; He tries me and
knows my thoughts.
13. Prov. 12:5 The thoughts of the righteous are right. I am
righteous in Christ and my thoughts are right.
14. Prov. 16:3 I commit my works to the Lord and my thoughts
are established.
15. Prov. 21:5 I am diligent in Christ and my thoughts tend
towards plenteousness.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 25

16. Eccl. 10:20 I do not curse anyone at all even in my thoughts.
My thoughts are always pure and holy towards
everyone. I think good thoughts towards everyone.
17. Is. 26:3 God keeps me in perfect peace for my mind is
stayed on God.
18. Is. 55:7-9 Let the wicked forsake his ways and the
unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return
unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him.
God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways
are not our ways. As the heavens are higher than
the earth, so are His ways higher than man’s ways
and His thoughts higher than man’s thoughts;
therefore I let God’s thoughts dwell permanently in
my mind and let His ways become my ways.
19. Is. 65:2 I walk in God’s ways and follow after God’s
20. Is. 66:18 God knows my works and my thoughts. God
gathers all nations and tongues together and they
see God’s glory.
21. Jer. 6:19 God brings good upon me, even the fruit of my
good and holy thoughts because I hearken unto
God’s Word and to God’s laws.
22. Jer. 29:11 God’s thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace.
23. Dan. 2:29-30 I know the thoughts of God and the thoughts of
God are revealed to me.
24. Amos 4:13 God who forms the mountains and creates the wind
declares unto me His thoughts.
25. Micah 4:12 I know the thoughts of the Lord and understand
His counsel.
26. Matt. 6:25 I take no thought for my life, what I shall eat or
what I shall drink or what I shall wear. For life is
more than food and the body more than raiment.
27. Matt. 6:27-33 By taking thought of this life a man cannot add
even one cubit to his stature. I seek first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the
things of this life are added unto me.
28. Matt. 6:34 I do not take any thought for tomorrow for the
morrow shall take thought for the things itself.
29. Matt.9:4; Jesus knows the thoughts of man. I know the
12:25 thoughts of man.
30. Matt. 10:19 I take no thought what or how I shall speak for it is
given to me by the Holy Spirit what I shall speak in
that hour.
31. Matt. 15:19 All thoughts proceed out of the heart.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 26

32. Matt. 22:37 I love the Lord my God with all heart, with all my
soul, with all mind and with all my strength.
33. Lk. 2:35 The thoughts of many hearts are revealed by Jesus,
The thoughts of many hearts are revealed to me by
the Holy Spirit.
34. Lk. 5:22 Jesus perceived the thoughts of those who talk to
Him. I perceive the thoughts of those who talk to
35. Lk. 6:8 Jesus perceived the thoughts of those around Him. I
know the thoughts of those around me.
36. Lk. 9:47 Jesus perceive the thoughts of the hearts of those
around Him. I perceive the thoughts of the hearts of
those around me.
37. Lk. 11:17 Jesus knew the thoughts of those who confront
Him. I know the thoughts of those who confront
38. Lk. 24:38 Jesus perceives the thoughts that arise out of the
disciple’s hearts. I perceive the thoughts that arise
out of the hearts of the people of God.
39. Rom. 7:25 With the mind I serve the law of God.
40. Rom. 8:5-6 I am after the Spirit and do mind the things of the
Spirit. I am spiritually minded and have life and
41. Rom. 11:34 I know the mind of the Lord for I have the mind of
Christ. (1 Cor. 2:16).
42. Rom. 12:2 I am not conformed to the world but I am
transformed by the renewing of my mind that I may
prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect
will of God.
43. 1 Cor. 2:16 I have the mind and thoughts of Christ.
44. 2 Cor. 10:5 I cast down imaginations and every high thing that
exalts itself against the knowledge of God and
bring every thought to the obedience of Christ.
45. Eph. 4:23 I am renewed in the spirit of my mind.
46. Phil. 2:5 I let the humble mind of Christ be in me.
47. Phil. 4:6-7 By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I let
all my requests be made known to God and the
peace of God which surpasses all understanding
garrisons my heart and my mind.
48. Phil. 4:8 I think of those things which are true, honest, just,
pure, lovely, and of good report. Those things
which have virtue and praise, I think on these

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 27

49. Col. 3:2 I set my mind on the things which are above and
not on the things below. I set my mind on the
things of God.
50. Heb. 4:12 The Word of God is living and powerful, and
sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to
the dividing asunder of my soul and my spirit and
of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of my heart.
51. Heb. 8:10 God puts His laws in my mind and write them upon
my heart. He is my God and I am His.
52. Heb. 10:16 God puts His laws in my heart and writes them
upon my mind.
53. 2 Tim. 1:7 God has given me the Spirit of power, love and of a
sound mind.
54. 1 Pet. 1:13 I gird up the loins of my mind.
55. 1 Pet. 4:1 I arm myself with the mind of Christ.
56. 2 Pet. 3:2 I am mindful of the words of God spoken by the
servants of God.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 28


1. Exo. 35:21 My heart is stirred up and my spirit is made willing

and I serve God.
2. 2 Chr. 36:22 The Lord stirs up my spirit to do His work.
3. Job 10:12 The Lord has granted me life and favour and His
visitation has preserve my spirit.
4. Job 32:8 I am a spirit being and the inspiration of the
Almighty gives me understanding.
5. Ps. 31:5 I commit my spirit into the Lord’s hands.
6. Ps. 32:2 I am blessed because there is no guile in my spirit.
7. Ps. 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto me because I am of a humble
heart and has saved me because I have a contrite
8. Ps. 51:10 The Lord has created in me a clean heart and has
renewed a right spirit within me.
9. Ps. 51:17 My broken and contrite heart and spirit are a
pleasing sacrifice to the Lord.
10. Prov. 11:13 I am faithful in spirit.
11. Prov. 16:19 I am humble in spirit.
12. Prov. 16:32 I am ruled by my spirit through God’s Spirit.
13. Prov. 17:27 I am understanding and have an excellent spirit.
14. Prov. 20:27 My spirit is the candle of the Lord who searches all
the inward parts of my heart.
15. Prov. 29:23 Honour upholds me as I am humble in spirit.
16. Eccl. 7:8 I am patient in spirit.
17. Is. 26:9 I seek the Lord early with my spirit within me.
18. Is. 57:15 God dwells in me for I am of a humble and contrite
19. Is. 66:2 God looks and delights in me for I am of a humble
and contrite spirit and I tremble at His Word.
20. Ezk. 11:19 The Lord has put a new spirit within me.
21. Hag. 1:14 The Lord has stirred up my spirit and I do the work
of the Lord.
22. Zech. 12:10 The Lord has poured upon me the Spirit of grace
and supplication.
23. Mk. 2:8 I have immediate perception in my spirit
concerning all things.
24. Lk. 1:47 My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.
25. Lk. 2:40 I waxed strong in spirit, filled with all wisdom and
the grace of God is upon me.
26. Lk. 10:21 I rejoice in my spirit and thank my Father, the Lord
of heaven and earth for His revelations unto me.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 29

27. Jn. 4:23 I worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the
Father seeks such to worship Him.
28. Jn. 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits
nothing, the words that I speak, they are Spirit and
they are life.
29. Acts 6:10 No one is able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit
by which I speak.
30. Acts 18:5 I am pressed in the spirit to testify of Jesus Christ.
31. Acts 18:25 I am instructed in the way of the Lord; being
fervent in the Spirit, I speak and teach diligently the
things of the Lord.
32. Acts 19:21 I purpose in the Spirit to go where God wants me to
33. Acts 24:16 I exercise myself to always have a good
conscience, void of offence toward God and toward
34. Rom. 1:9 God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in
the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ.
35. Rom. 7:6 I serve in the newness of the Spirit.
36. Rom. 8:9 I am not in the flesh but in the Spirit.
37. Rom. 8:13 I mortify through the Spirit the deeds of the body
and I live.
38. Rom. 12:11 I am not slothful in business; I am fervent in spirit,
serving the Lord.
39. 1 Cor. 5:3-4 I can be absent in the body but present in the spirit
with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to discern
and to minister.
40. 1 Cor. 6:20 I glorify God in my body and in my spirit which are
41. 1 Cor. 7:34 I am holy both in body and in spirit.
42. 1 Cor. 14:2 I speak mysteries in the spirit unto God.
43. 1 Cor. 14:15 I will pray with the spirit and I will sing with the
44. 1 Cor. 14:16 I bless and give thanks with the spirit.
45. 1 Cor. 16:18 My spirit is refreshed by the fellowship of the body
of Christ.
46. 2 Cor. 4:13 I have the Spirit of faith, I believe therefore I speak.
47. 2 Cor. 4:16 My spirit is renewed day by day.
48. Gal. 5:16 I walk in the Spirit and do not fulfil the lust of the
49. Gal. 5:22-23 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness and temperance.
50. Gal. 5:25 I live in the Spirit and I walk in the Spirit.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 30

51. Gal. 6:1 I bring forth restoration in the Spirit of meekness.
52. Gal. 6:8 I sow to the Spirit and reap of the Spirit life
53. Gal. 6:18 The grace of my Lord Jesus Christ is with my
54. Eph. 4:23-24 I am renewed in the spirit of my mind and I have
put on the new man, which is created after God in
righteousness and true holiness.
55. Eph. 5:9-10 For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and
righteousness and truth, proving what is acceptable
unto the Lord.
56. Phil. 3:3 I worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ
Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.
57. Col. 1:8 My love in the Spirit is declared unto others.
58. Col. 2:5 I can be absent in the flesh yet I can be with my
spiritual brethren in the spirit, rejoicing and
beholding their order and their steadfastness of
faith in Christ.
59. 1 Thess. 5:23 My whole spirit, soul and body is preserved
blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
60. 2 Thess. 2:2 I can never be shaken in mind, in spirit or in word.
61. 2 Tim. 1:7 For God has not given me the spirit of fear but He
has given me the Spirit of power and of love and of
a sound mind.
62. 1 Pet. 3:3-4 My adorning is not of the outward man but it is the
hidden man of the heart, in that which is not
corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet
spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price.
63. 1 Pet. 4:6 I live according to God in the Spirit.
64. 1 Jn. 3:21 My heart does not condemn me and I have
confidence toward God.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 31


1. Eph. 5:25 I love my wife even as Christ loved the Church and
gave Himself for it.
2. Eph. 5:28 I love my wife as my own body. When I love my
wife, I love myself. I love my wife as myself.
3. 1 Pet. 3:7 I dwell with my wife with understanding, being
thoughtful and aware of her needs. I give honour
unto my wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as
being heirs together of the grace of life, so that my
prayers are not hindered.
4. Eccl. 9:9 I live joyfully with my wife whom I love all the
days of my life. My wife whom the Lord has given
me is my best reward down here for all my earthly
5. Prov. 5:18-19 I rejoice with the wife of my youth. She is a loving
deer and a graceful doe. I let her breasts satisfy me
at all times and I am always enraptured with her
6. Prov. 18:22 I have found my wife and I have found a good
thing. I have obtained favour of the Lord. My wife
is a blessing to me from the Lord.
7. Prov. 19:14 I have a prudent wife from the Lord, I have an
understanding wife from the Lord.
8. 1 Cor. 7:3-4 I render unto my wife the affection due to her. The
wife does not have authority over her body but the
husband; and likewise also the husband does not
have authority over his own body but the wife. I
give to my wife all that are her rights as a married
9. 1 Cor. 7:5 I do not deprive my wife of her rights, except it be
with consent for a time that I and my wife may give
ourselves to prayer and fasting; and come together
again so that Satan does not tempt me for my lack
of self-control.
10. 1 Cor. 7:14 I am a believer in Christ and my wife and children
are sanctified by me.
11. Matt. 19:6 What God has joined together, no one must put
asunder. God has joined my wife and I together and
I let no one put this union asunder.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 32

12. Prov. 31:10-31 I have a virtuous wife and her price is far above
rubies. My heart safely trusts in her and she
satisfies all my needs. She does me good all the
days of my life. She works willingly with her
hands. She rises up early and ministers to the whole
household. She girds herself with strength and
strengthens her arms. She is energetic and hard
working. She is a woman who fears the Lord.
13. Prov. 12:4 My virtuous wife is my crown.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 33


1. Prov. 12:4 I am a virtuous woman and I am the crown of my

2. Matt. 19:6 What God has joined together, no one must put
asunder. God has put my husband and I together
and I let no one put this union asunder.
3. 1 Cor. 7:3-4 I render unto my husband the affection due to him.
The wife does not have authority over her own
body but the husband; and likewise also the
husband does not have authority over his own body
but the wife. I give to my husband all that are his
rights as a married man.
4. 1 Cor. 7:5 I do not deprive my husband of his rights, except
with consent for a time that I and my husband may
give ourselves to prayer and fasting; and come
together again, so that Satan does not tempt me for
my lack of self control.
5. 1 Cor. 7:14 I am a believer in Christ and my husband and
children are sanctified by me.
6. Eph. 5:22-24 I submit myself unto my husband as unto the Lord.
My husband is my head even as Christ is the head
of the Church. As the Church is subject to Christ,
so do I subject to my husband in everything.
7. Eph. 5:31 I have left my father and mother, and I am joined to
my husband and we are one flesh together.
8. Eph. 5:33 I love, respect, reverence and adore my husband.
9. Heb. 13:4 My marriage to my husband is honourable, and our
marriage bed is undefiled in the sight of God.
10. Gen. 2:23; My desire is towards my husband, I give pleasure
3:16 towards him. I am the bone of his bones and the
flesh of his flesh.
11. Titus 2:4-5 I love my husband and I love my children. I am
discreet, chaste and a good homemaker. I am
obedient to my husband that the Word of God be
not blasphemed.
12. 1 Pet. 3:1 I am submissive to my husband and when he is
disobedient to the Word of God, he is won over by
my behaviour. My Christlike behaviour towards
him win him over without the use of any spoken

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 34

13. 1 Pet. 3:3-4 My adorning is not the outward adorning of
plaiting of hair, the wearing of gold or the wearing
of apparel but it is the adorning of the hidden man
of the heart – the adorning of a meek and quiet
spirit which is very precious in the sight of God.

© Copyright 2014 Johann Melchizedek Peter. All rights reserved. 35

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