Week 2 Properties of Matter

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Subjec Year
Science  7A No. of Students B 2 G
t Group/Class:
If a topic duration/Sequence of lessons/Duration,
Date: 04-08Sep 2021 1/3
No. of lessons in the Topic:
Prepared by:
Name/Signature Safia
Transdisciplinary theme: N.A.
Unit: 1
Topic: Vocabulary for the unit
Central Idea: N.A.
Key Concepts: Systems
Volume mass density boiling point melting point
Key Words: Condense evaporate melt freeze

ATL Skills: Critical thinking

Learner Profiles: Inquirer
Lines of Methods of science and innovation can help improve purification systems
Inquiry/Statement of and techniques.
Essential What are the properties of matter? How much energy does it take to
Questions/Inquiry raise the temperature of a substance?
Questions: How much is too much?
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to use multiple sources to learn and teach other
students the meaning of a science vocabulary word.

Lesson links with

Students will be inquirer as they learn about the unit

Starter activity including
Date and learning objectives
recap of previous lesson:

Lesson Activities - Focus Inform students today they are going to learn vocabulary related to
of each activity: the unit to help them understand better
Display the image
Ask learners to write down what they think is the meaning of the
Now display the image

Let learners compare their answers to their answers.

Read the definition with the learners
Learners write down the definitions in their copybooks

Related Classwork
Homework: Learners use these words in a science sentence
Students: Include students
HA- Ali
names -LA Students/-HA
Differentiation Strategies
must be specified, include
students’ names –
Learners’ Profiles.
Content: NA As there is only one child
Assessment of Learning
Students are assessed as they use the words in sentences
Assessment for Learning
Informal Assessments- Ongoing through out the lesson

Resources used:
E-resources /IWB
Chart paper, etc. IWB, Survey form
Learning goal/outcome: Students can define the science vocabulary for the unit
Factual Knowledge:
Conceptual Knowledge:
Procedural Knowledge:

Self-Evaluation –
Remark/Teacher’s Notes –
In case if topic is not
completed otherwise
Lesson Plan Signed off by Head/Signature/Date: Head’s Overall Grade of Plan A (High) –
D (Low):
Subject Science  7A No. of Students B 2 G
If a topic duration/Sequence of lessons/Duration,
Date: 04-08Sep 2021 2/3
No. of lessons in the Topic:
Prepared by: Name/Signature
Transdisciplinary theme: N.A.
Unit: 1
Topic: Properties of matter
Central Idea: N.A.
Key Concepts: Systems
Key Words: Matter
ATL Skills: Critical Thinking
Learner Profiles: Inquirer
Lines of Inquiry/Statement of Methods of science and innovation can help improve purification systems and
Inquiry: techniques.
What are the properties of matter? How much energy does it take to
Essential Questions/Inquiry raise the temperature of a substance?
Questions: How much is too much?

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to identify the properties of matter and calculate
density of water.
Lesson links with
Students will be inquirer as they learn about the unit

Starter activity including Attendance.

recap of previous lesson: 3 Steps- Date, Subject, learning objective and homework
Lesson Activities - Focus of Ask learners to make a concept map of the vocabulary they learnt in the
each activity: previous lesson.
Learners explain their concept map
Display the power-point properties of matter
Explain the power-point slide
Explain what are physical properties
• A property of matter that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the matter.
• Physical properties identify matter.
• Examples include but are not limited to:
• Density Malleability Ductility
• Solubility State Thermal Conductivity
Explain what is density
• Amount of mass in a given volume
• A substance is always the same at a given pressure and
temperature regardless of the size of the sample of the substance.
• The density of one substance is usually different from that of
another substance.
• Density equals mass divided by volume.
• D=m/v
Learners practice calculating the density.

Related Classwork
Homework: Learners practice calculating density
Students: Include students
HA- Ali
names -LA Students/-HA
Differentiation Strategies
must be specified, include
students’ names – Learners’
Content: NA As there is only one child
Assessment of Learning Assess the students as they calculate the density
Assessment for Learning
Outcomes: Informal Assessments- Ongoing through out the lesson

Resources used:
E-resources /IWB /Projector/
Chart paper, etc. IWB , Copybooks
Learning goal/outcome:
Factual Knowledge:
Conceptual Knowledge:
Procedural Knowledge:
Students calculate the density of water
Self-Evaluation –
Remark/Teacher’s Notes – In
case if topic is not completed
Lesson Plan Signed off by Head/Signature/Date: Head’s Overall Grade of Plan A (High) – D
Subject Science  7A No. of Students B 2 G
If a topic duration/Sequence of lessons/Duration,
Date: 04-08Sep 2021 3/3
No. of lessons in the Topic:
Prepared by: Name/Signature
Transdisciplinary theme: N.A.
Unit: 1
Topic: Properties of matter ( Chemical )
Central Idea: N.A.
Key Concepts: Systems
Key Words: Matter
ATL Skills: Critical Thinking
Learner Profiles: Inquirer
Lines of Inquiry/Statement of Methods of science and innovation can help improve purification
Inquiry: systems and techniques.
Essential Questions/Inquiry
Questions: What are the different properties of matter?
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to identify the chemical properties of matter
Lesson links with
Students will be inquirer as they learn about the unit

Starter activity including recap Attendance.

of previous lesson: 3 Steps- Date, Subject, learning objective and homework
Lesson Activities - Focus of Ask students if there know of any properties of matter.
each activity: They brainstorm as a group.
Write down the responses of the students on the IWB
Explain to the students the experiments they are going to perform
Experiment 1
Before you are two cans—one is made from the material aluminum, the
other from steel—and a magnet. What evidence can you observe that
indicates which can is which? Also, write down why you think each
material was used to make each can (what are the properties of the
material that make it useful for that type of can?).

Experiment 2
Place a cup or container of salt (labeled C), a cup or container of oil
(labeled D), and a cup of water, as well as two clear plastic cups and
spoons for mixing.
Pour some water into each of the two cups. Mix a spoonful of material C
into the first cup. Using the other spoon, mix a spoonful of material D
into the second cup. Which of the materials dissolves in water? What do
you think material C is? What do you think material D is? What
properties informed your guess

Learners analyse their experiments and write in their copybooks about

their findings.

Related Classwork Homework:

Learners write about their experiment in their copybooks
Students: Include students
HA- Ali
names -LA Students/-HA
Differentiation Strategies must
be specified, include students’
names – Learners’ Profiles.
Content: NA As there is only one child
Summative Assessment (graded assessments to check whether
Assessment of Learning students have learnt the skills, content taught) They are formal in
Outcomes: nature.

Assessment for Learning

Outcomes: Informal Assessment- Ongoing trough out the week

Resources used:
E-resources /IWB /Projector/
Chart paper, etc. IWB, Copybooks
Learning goal/outcome:
Factual Knowledge:
Conceptual Knowledge:
Procedural Knowledge: Students can name the chemical properties of matter

Self-Evaluation –
Remark/Teacher’s Notes – In
case if topic is not completed
Lesson Plan Signed off by Head/Signature/Date: Head’s Overall Grade of Plan A (High)
– D (Low):

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