TOPIC: Matter: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures I. Objectives

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Guimaras

TOPIC: Matter: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the learners must:
1. Determine the properties of solids, liquids and gases;
2. Explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases based on the particle nature of
Content The learners demonstrate an understanding the particle nature of matter basis for
standards explaining properties, physical changes and structure of substances and mixtures.
Performance The learners shall be able to present how water behaves in its different states within the
Standard water cycle.
Competency The learners should be able to explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases based on
the particle nature of matter.
Specific Learning At the end of the discussion, at least 85% of the learners should have:
Outcomes 1. Explained the properties of solid, liquid and gas based on the particle nature of
matter; and
2. Determined the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Code S8MT-IIIa-b-8
Time allotment 2 hours
II. Content
Integration English - Vocabulary
across learning
References Science and Technology III. NISMED.1997. pp. 55-64.,
Science and Technology I: Integrated Science Textbook for First Year. Villamil, Aurora M.,
Ed.D. 1998. pp. 46-47.,
Science and Technology I: Integrated Science Textbook. NISMED. 2012. pp. 80-81.
Science Process  Explaining
Skills  Determining
 Appreciating
 Developing
Values Focus  Shows interest in the topic;
 Willingness to learn new ideas and participate in the activities; and
 Appreciate the importance of the topic.
Tools and  Power point presentations
Materials  TV/LCD Projector
 Chalk board/ white board
 Video clips
Strategy/ies  Video presentation
 Group activities
III. Learning Teachers Activity Students Activity
a. Elicit “Good morning everyone!” “Good morning ma’am!”
“How are you today?” “We’re fine!”
“That’s great. Do you remember when you were in your
elementary your science teacher told you about matter?”

“Okay so, as far as you remember what is matter?” “Yes!”

“Very good. Now that is the basic concept that we know

about matter right?” “Matter is anything that
occupies space”
“Matter is anything that occupies space. Just like your
cellphone, your wallet, the table, the chair, your bottled
water and many more”

“In simple terms, matter is around you. Matter is a physical

substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit (in
physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass,
especially as distinct from energy”

“You also learned the different states of matter right?”

“And you also learned that there are three states of matter,
can you still remember what are these?”

“Very good. Technically, there are four states of matter. Can “Yes!”
you guess what is the fourth state of matter?”

“That’s right its plasma. Do you have any idea what is a “Solid, liquid and gas”

“None? Okay so plasma, is often called the fourth state of

matter, along with solid, liquid and gas. Just as liquid will “Plasma”
boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a
gas will from plasma – a soup of positively charged particles
or ions and negatively charged particles or electrons”

“Furthermore, we will not include plasma in our topic. We will

focus more only on the three states of matter which are the
solid, liquid and gas”
b. Engage “Our first topic for this quarter is about Matter, its elements,
(15 mins) compounds and mixtures”

“So at the end of this lesson, you must be able to:

1. Determine the properties of solids, liquids and gases;
2. Explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases
based on the particle nature of matter.”

“Now, in order for you to determine the properties of the

three states of matter, let us have our first activity which is
Matter Bingo”

“I have key words here that determines the properties of the

three states of matter”
“And here are the directions for this game:

Activity 1. S.L.G BINGO (Solid, Liquid, Gas BINGO)

1. Each student will be given a bingo card. Each bingo
card consists of three boxes per column per row, in
which the center is a free box.
2. From the key words given, each student will pick one
keyword to be put in one box of the bingo card. You
may put each keyword in any box you want. Take
note, one keyword only per box. The teacher will then
sign the bingo card for validation.
3. The teacher will ask some questions or say some
statements regarding the properties of the three state
of matter. The students will answer the questions and
if the answer is written on their bingo card they will
cross out the word or color the box.
4. In order to win, you must color all the boxes.
5. If completed, you must shout SLG BINGO.
6. The first three students to complete all the boxes will
get a reward and additional points. ENJOY!
(refer to the attached Bingo card)

“Do you understand the mechanics for this activity?” “Yes!”

“Each of you has one bingo card already. Now, you have to
pick your keywords and write them in any box you want and
afterwards bring your bingo card to me to be signed”

1. Rigid
2. Coke
3. Incompressible
4. Salt
5. Not all rigid
6. Has definite shape, volume and size
7. Density
8. Fluidity
9. Diesel
10. Smoke
11. Take shape
12. Packed closely
13. Liquid
14. Very weak bonds
15. Far apart

1. It is the ratio of mass per unit volume. Solid has
greater of it compared to liquid and gas. (density)
2. It is the ability to flow. Liquids and gases are
classified to this characteristic. (fluidity)
3. Compared to liquid and gases, the forces between the
particles in a solid are strong enough that the
particles cannot move freely, as a result solid has a
_________. (definite shape volume and size)
4. Example of solid came from liquid materials. (salt)
5. Example of liquid that can be turned to energy by
vehicles. (diesel)
6. Example of gas that can be white in color and can be
human made. (Smoke)
7. A property of solid that is deficient in flexibility. (rigid)
8. A property of solid that cannot be compressed of
incapable of compression compared to gas.
9. A property of gas where compared to solid it can
flexible and can take shape and volume. (Not all rigid)
10. Example of liquid that has price in the market. (Coke)
11. Unlike solids, liquids and gases when put in container
it takes the ________ of the container. (Take shape)
12. Solid particles are ________ that makes its particles
not to move freely. (packed closely)
13. When a solid is heated above its melting point, it
becomes _______ because the pressure is higher
than the triple point of the substance. (liquid)
14. These property of gas is important for them to move
freely and quickly. (very weak bonds)
15. The particles of gases are ______ from each other
that makes it compressible and take shape. (Far
c. Explore Discussion of concepts related to the topic
(10 mins)
“Very good every one, what new words have you The learners will share their
encountered from our activity?” insights about the new
words and concepts that
they encountered in the
“It seems like everyone is curious about a lot of things.
Everything you shared will be discussed and your questions
and inquiry answered later”
d. Explain “Select a representative from your group who will present Each group’s representative
(15 mins) and discuss the result of your activity. Likewise, your will discuss the result of
representative will present their answers to the guide their activity, and present
questions. their answers to the guide
After each presentation, other groups may ask one questions.
follow-up question regarding your work as to why you come
up with those result.”

e. Elaborate Whole Class Lecture. The teacher will discuss the topic The students listen, answer
(55 mins) further through a power point presentation. to questions and participate
in class discussion.
After the discussion, the teacher will give an activity.
Activity 2: Getting to know each matter!
The teacher will flash pictures on the screen. The students Students answer may vary.
will classify whether it is an element, a compound or mixture,
identify its state (solid, liquid or gas) and explain its
 This is an example
of element and it is
1. in solid state. It is an
element with an
atomic number 79.
It is a dense lustrous
yellow precious
metal that is high in

 Water is a
compound and liquid
in state. It is made
up of elements
Hydrogen and
oxygen and a vital
nutrient to the life of
every cell.


Vegetable salad is an
example of mixtures
(heterogeneous mixture)
and it is in solid state. It is
composed of various
vegetables cut in different
shapes and sizes.
f. Evaluate The students will answer the following worksheet
(15 mins) Vocabulary
Contracts Expands
Kinetic molecular theory
Move around quickly
Slide past each other
State of matter
Use the terms in the vocabulary box to fill in the
blanks for the following nine questions. You will
not need to use every term.

1) _______________ is the amount of matter that makes

up something.

2) _______________ is the amount of space that a

material takes up.

3) Anything that has mass and volume is called


4) When you add energy to matter, the particles move

and the matter_______________.

5) Particles in a solid are packed so close together they

can only ____________.

6) Particles in a liquid can _______________

7) Particles in a gas can _______________
8) When you remove energy from particles they move
and the matter_______________

9) This explains how particles act when their spacing

and movement change.

10) Match each Term on the left with the best

Descriptor on the right. Each Descriptor may be
used only once

Term Descriptor

Mass A. Anything that has mass and volume

Solid B. Amount of space an object takes up

Gas C. Amount of matter in an object

D. E F
. .


g. Extend “Please review our lessons for today and don’t forget to
(5 mins) answer your homework at home”


Use your knowledge of the kinetic molecular theory to

explain the following statements:
1. Solids have a definite shape because
2. Liquids and gases flow because
3. Ice cubes form in the freezer because
4. Ice cream melts quickly on a hot day because
5. Gases do not have a definite shape because

Thank you everyone, goodbye class.

IV. Remarks:
Mastery Level /30 students passed the evaluation
Instructional Proceed to the next lesson or reteach

Prepared by:



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Course Facilitator
Name: Date:
Grade and section: Score:

S.L.G BINGO (Solid, Liquid, Gas BINGO)


Teacher’s signature:

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