G2 BTLED Acceptability of Vacuum Fried Squash Cucurbita Maxima Chips With Different Flavors. Final

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Acceptability of Vacuum Fried Squash (Cucurbita maxima) Chips with Different Flavors


Presented to the Faculty of the College of Teacher Education


San Jose Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree


Major in-Home Economics






December 2020

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Fried products have an important role in consumers’ diet because of its flavor and texture

that makes it appreciated by all age groups. Yet, it is hard to have a combined fried food with the

contemporary consumer trends that is healthier and low-fat products. The increasing demand for

healthy snack products with a good taste, texture, and appearance offers the opportunity to

design a fried product that has high healthy properties such as fruit and vegetable-based

products. In a study conducted by Fruit Treat India (2019), deep fried snacks have a big

complaint because they said that it is not very healthy because of the amount of fat they contain.

Since snacks is boiled in oil for a considerable amount of time in normal atmospheric pressure,

the fruit or the vegetable absorbs more oil and it loses some fruity flavor and nutritional essence

of fruit or vegetable during the process of boiling. That is why they recommend the use of

vacuum frying because the frying occurs in low pressure, therefore the vegetable or fruit can be

cooked in oil at a lower temperature compared to the snacks fried in normal pressure. The

vegetable or the fruit is put in an airtight vessel where oil is heated. The vessel is then

depressurized using a pump to generate near vacuum condition. Once the deep-frying is

complete, the vessel is again re-pressurized quickly. The oil required to remove the moisture

content from vegetable or the fruit is less. The frying method ensures that the fruit or the

vegetable retains its flavor and most of its nutrients. This makes vacuum fried chips healthier

than other types of chips. Vacuum frying technology makes the snack crispy and extremely tasty.

It requires no additives. A local consultant was tapped to provide expertise on cucurbits crop

production and production of other crops found in the farm such as squash, bitter gourd, tomato,

eggplant, bottle gourd, watermelon, sponge gourd, and cucumber.

Cucurbita maxima or squash has a components of nutrients that is valuable for human

diet, it shows not only antioxidant and anti-cancer effects but also hypoglycemic and anti-

inflammatory properties. It contains different varieties of vitamin A and contains nutritional

compounds that are good for human feeding; mineral salts like Potassium (K) Phosphorus (P)

Magnesium (Mg) Iron (Fe) and Selenium (Se) are the vitamins that we can get in squash. For

every Filipinos, eating squash will prevent anti-night blindness because it has good source of


The seed of squash has moderate quantity of unsaturated fatty acids and some minerals.

Pumpkin fruits are rich sources of vitamins C, E, B 6, K, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. In

addition, the mature seeds of the squash rich in oil and protein are one of the many healthy seed

snacks produced in the country (American Journal Food Science and Technology, 2018).

Vacuum is used to represent a volume of space where the pressure in the atmospheric

pressure is considerably less. The vacuum pressure is expressed in millimeters of column of

mercury, 760 millimeters of mercury is designated as 1 standard atmosphere in the

measurement system. Its operation is carried out below atmospheric pressure. The color

appearance, texture and product composition that renders fried products palatable to consumer is

being change by vacuum frying. This applied to different variety of food product such as snacks

and treats. The wide application of this technology is reported for fruits and vegetables. (Escarez

et.al 2018).

There are many existing studies about vacuum frying where they are developing

fried products from different crops but this study aims not just to develop a fried product with the

use of vacuum fryer but also to make products with different flavors. According to Philippines

Statistic Authority, squash is one of the major crops in Mindoro together with palay and onion. It

also has a relation to the researchers course Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education.

The researchers aim to retain the nutritional value thus improving the quality of squash from

post-harvesting through vacuum frying. It can also give additional knowledge and ideas to the

farmers, consumers and future researchers. This study can inspire them to establish their own


Statement of the Problem

Vacuum-fried food is like putting into a chamber with a vacuum function and cooking it in

there. A vacuum fryer cooked food using air pressure and hot oil, at a temperature that preserves

more of the oil’s nutrients. The results are crisp vegetables and fruits, which in some studies have

shown to retain more nutrients than conventional frying.

Thus, this study will be conducted to determine the Acceptability of Vacuum Fried Squash

(Cucurbita maxima) chips with different flavors, specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What is the level of acceptability of vacuum fried squash with different flavors using;

a. treatment 1-control

b. treatment 2- 75g squash and 25g flavorings; and

c. treatment 3-50g squash and 50g flavorings?

2. Is there a significant difference of vacuum fried squash in terms of;

a. taste

b. texture

c. color; and

3. Is there a significant difference of vacuum fried squash in terms of general acceptability?

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the acceptability of Vacuum Fried Squash with different

flavors. Specifically, this study will aim to:

1. determine the level of acceptability on the quality attributes of vacuum-fried squash

with different flavors using treatments 1 to 3.

2. determine the significant difference in terms of color, taste and texture.

3. determine the significant difference in terms of general acceptability.


There is no significant difference on the acceptability of vacuum fried squash with

different flavors using treatments 1 to 3 in terms of taste, color, texture and general


Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine the acceptability of vacuum Fried Squash

(Cucurbita maxima) chips with different flavors. This study will help to know the benefits of

vacuum fried squash when an increase of the production happens, and if there is no alternative

post-harvest handling activity being done to address the existing problem. Likewise, this study

will provide information that would benefit the following:

Farmers. The result of this study will help the farmers because it increases the demand

of squash and so the farmers will plant more to sell their crops to the consumers.

Consumer. This study has a great help to the consumer because they will be educated

about the benefits of the product that the researchers will be producing.

Student Researchers. The result of this study will help the researchers to foster the

critical thinking and analytical skills through hands-on learning about crops production. It will

also expand their knowledge and understanding to their chosen field outside the classroom.

Future Researchers, The result of this study will greatly help them, because it will

serve as their guide to their future studies and it will give them knowledge about the research

that they will be conducting.

Research Institution like Occidental Mindoro State College. This study will give

opportunity to take part in different intervention for this sector. In addition, the institution could

also give technical advice on the vacuum frying technology and program that will help improve

the production of squash and post-harvest activity in the province and the country as a whole.

Concerned Organizations, like the Department of Agriculture and Department of

Science and Technology. This study will provide background information on the

commercialization of the technology and formulate plans and programs in this kind of activity.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be limited only to determine the acceptability of vacuum fried squash

with different flavors in terms of taste, color, texture and general acceptability. This will be

conducted at Occidental Mindoro State College Food Processing Center (FPC) College of

Agriculture, Murtha Campus, and sensory evaluation will be done at the OMSC- San Jose

Campus TLE 1 laboratory, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, S.Y. 2020-2021.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is illustrated in the paradigm below.


*Squash *Product
*Vacuum fryer *Vacuum Fried
*Production *Sensory squash chips with
Evaluation different flavors


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework in the Product Development of Squash Chips with Different


The conceptual framework of this study is illustrated in the paradigm depicted in figure 1.

(Input-process-output system). The input consists of the main ingredients of the product that is

squash and vacuum fryer which is the machine to be used for the production and on how it will

be prepared and the treatment to be used in preparing the product. The process consists of the

reformulation of the product to maintain the nutritional value of squash, the sensory evaluation

will also be done in terms of color, texture, taste and general acceptability. The output is the

product, which is the Squash Chips with Different Flavors.

Operational Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study and for more precise understanding about the words used,

the following terms are hereby defined:

Cooling a process which involves reducing the temperature of the squash, from one

processing temperature to another required temperature.

Deoiling any technique where the oil is being removed or reduced from the squash on

making chips.

Oil heating this process involves transfer of heat and mass. The process of heating oil in

a high level hot temperature and usually done when frying chips squash.

Packaging also called product’s pretty face. The processed of covering a fried chips

squash using plastics bags and other packaging materials.

Peeling is a processed of removing skin of the squash for the improvements of

appearance. To remove inedible part from a raw material.

Refrigerating is a processed of keeping the squash in a cold temperature, usually in a


Slicing is to cut squash into thin and same pieces. Squash, as well as cheese, bread and

other ingredients can be sliced.

Vacuum fryer a food processing equipment used for deep-frying of squash.

Washing is the removal of dirt or debris in squash that can cause illness like foodborne

illness, but does not kill all the germs.



This chapter presents the reviewed conceptual literature and research that are relevant to the

present study. These were gathered to enrich the research framework of the experiment.

The Squash and its production and Nutritional Value

Squash can usually grow even in the home gardens, but in some places, other crops

like corns and sugarcane intercrop it. Ilocos Region, Cagayan valley and southern Tagalog are

the places where the squash is commercially cultivated. While in the province of Davao, Leyte,

Nueva Ecija and Batangas is the province who produces semi-commercial scale of squash. In

addition, in year 2009, squash production in the Philippines, got the ranked 16 in the worlds

production, it reaches the value of of $43,441 at the volume of 247,759 metric tons (BAS 2009).

Like the other variety of cucurbits, Squash also contains important vitamins and minerals just

like vitamin A which is essential for human feeding that’s why it considered as the framer’s cash

crops in the country. Squash has very good industrial potential and high demand in the market

because it can be used in different manufactured products such as ketchups, baby food, noodles,

and confectionary and may others.

Cucurbita moschata duch, squash or also known “kalabasa” is a creeping crop that

belongs to Cucurbitaceae family (O’ Brien, 2009). It is considered as one of the most regular and

commonly grown among the variety of cucurbits because it is a good source of Vitamin A

comparable to the degree of its yellow color; it also contains Vitamin C, calcium, iron and

phosphorus. It can reach a length of 4 meters and produce more of flowers a year that has yellow

deep orange color while the leaves have a rounded heart shaped. (Grolier Encyclopedia of

Knowledge, 2002)

Squash contains a small quantity of calories and phytochemicals namely Coumarins and

Flavonoids. While summer Squash according to some study, is rich in beta-Carotene and alpha

carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and crpyptoxanthin. It is also having antioxidants, which give your

eyes protection against age-related molecular degeneration and cataracts. Most of the valuable

antioxidants are found in skin seeds of the squash and it is worth leaving for skin intact.

Food Composition Table (FCT)

According to the US Department of agriculture EuroFIR, the determination of what is in

the food and the critical bridge between nutrition, health promotion, disease prevention, and food

production is called food composition.

According to the US Department of agriculture EuroFIR, the determination of what is in

the food and the critical bridge between nutrition, health promotion, disease prevention, and food

production is called food composition. Dietary guidance has a huge impact on food production,

commerce, research and development and policy settings. The usable database from the

compilation of data is requisite to the development of the said guidance. It probably describes the

history of food composition, relevant in developing data base and tables, and the role of rational

and regional authorities. US Department of Agriculture and EuroFIR and International

organization is one of its examples. In line with these, food and Agriculture Organization Food

composition tables have an introductory text. The documentation of the database may be

available online or hard copy. These will provide the reader the rationale they needed in the

future. This was consolidated by the researchers in selecting the food items that are included.

Values are given in the range of nutrients and other components. Modes of expression adopted

and the analytical methods that were used to obtain the values are included in the definition of

the constituents. Commonly, the values will be derived by a combination of analytical values

measured particularly for the compilation and others obtained from the literature, including other

databases, and the text will document the sources.

Importance of Post-Harvest Handling Technology

According to Jean Ekobo (2018), in the article entitled importance of using Post-

harvest technology and products, Post harvesting is referred to process of handling crops right

after harvesting it. Plant’s Deterioration or the spoilage begins when the crop is taken from its

Mother plant or being separated to the ground. Post-harvesting plays a vital role in production of

crops because it determines its quality. Crops can be sold as fresh consumption if turned out to

be in the good condition after harvesting. However, it would be considering as a raw ingredient

for processed food products if it turned out damaged.

The preservation, quality control, processing, storage and distribution purpose of post

harvesting will be conducted by the help of Post-harvesting technologies. It is the combination of

process or techniques and inter-disciplinary science that will surely make the product to meet the

food national needs of the consumer.

Some study also shows that post harvesting prevents Post harvest losses; by the help of

this the value of agricultural product will increase. Aside from that the nutrients that the crop has,

will properly conserved which supports in the poverty issues of the economy as it brings

employment opportunities for the locals.

Having an effective post-harvest technologies and products give the best quality and food

safety. For example, the temperature has a big impact on the rate of metabolism of the products,

lowering the temperature is the best solution to slower the metabolism of the harvested crops and

prolongs the shelf life.

Choosing safe organic formulas or disinfectants can defense the deterioration of plants

after harvest and can protect the product from harmful microorganisms. It can save a lot by

choosing natural way. Farmers won’t need to apply any chemicals to preserve the crops and also

it may reduce the health risk of consumers.

Vacuum Frying Technology

Vacuum frying is compared to atmospheric deep-fat frying, but it is more reasonably

because this is a new technology which uses lower pressure and temperature to improve the

quality attributes of food products. From 2012 to the present, and including some papers not

covered by two recent reviews, this work reviewed published research papers on vacuum fried

foods. Vacuum frying system, the vacuum frying process, product, process and optimization, oil

uptake, changes in the oil during vacuum frying, and packaging and shelf life of vacuum fried

foods are covered of the review. The higher the frying temperature, the shorter the frying time.

However, there was a wide range of vacuum pressures used ranging from 1.33 to 90 kPa with

more than half of the processes carried out at lower than 10 kPa. The vacuum fried products

processed comprised of fruits, vegetables, fish and wheat-based snacks. Most of the products

were not centrifuged after vacuum frying, so it would be expected to have higher oil content.

Those vacuum fried products that were centrifuged, were either carried out within the frying

chamber or outside it, using speeds of 140-1000 rpm for 2-10 minutes. There are studies that

recommend optimized conditions for a number of products including apple, apricot, carrot, grass

carp, gold and green kiwifruits, mushrooms, potato and shallots.

Products develop using Vacuum Frying Technology

In study of Da Silva et al., (2008), entitled Vacuum Frying of High-quality of Fruit and

Vegetable-based Snack, one of product that has been develop using vacuum frying technology

are sweet potato, green beans, ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango and blue potato were fried in a vacuum

frying process at a temperature of 120–130 ± 1°C. Before doing the process of frying, green

beans and mango slices were soaked in a 50% maltodextrine 0.15% citric acid solution. The

method used to fry the products is traditional (atmospheric pressure) fryer at 160–165 ± 1°C for

4 min. Member of the consumer panel consist of 30 persons rated the sensory quality of both

types of fried snacks using a 1–9 hedonic scale. To compare with traditional frying, oil content of

vacuum-fried sweet-potato chips and green beans lower for at least 24% and 16%, respectively.

Blue potato and mango chips had 6% and 5% more oil, respectively, then the traditional-fried

samples. Anthocyanin (mg/100 g d.b.) of vacuum-fried blue potato chips was 60% higher. Final

total carotenoids (mg/g d.b.) were higher by 18% for green beans, 19% for mango chips, and by

51% for sweet-potato chips. Sensory panelists overwhelmingly preferred (p < 0.05) the vacuum-

fried products for color, texture, taste, and overall quality. Results show that most of the products

under vacuum frying sustained their original colors when fried. While in the traditional-fried

products the excessive color was dark and scorched. These results support the applicability of

vacuum frying technology to provide high-quality fruit and vegetable snacks.

Process Description of Squash Chips

In according to study of Escarez et al. (2018), Through Vacuum Frying, squash chips

will retain the nutritional content of the food and it can be a healthy alternative way of reducing

the oil content. The DOST introduced the Vacuum frying technology and this study aimed to

adapt and develop the value-added product to squash chips.

In the study of Escarez et. al. (2018), Three batches of thinly sliced frozen squash

were fried under vacuum at 80°C for 20 minutes; 90°C for 15 minutes; and 100°C for 10

minutes. The vacuum fried squash were subjected to sensory evaluation in terms of color, taste,

texture and general acceptability using the 7-point Hedonic Scale by the selected panelists

(n=30) Escarez et al., (2018).

In this study of Escarez et al the possibility of producing squash chips by vacuum

frying is a new method to produce fruits snacks was considered. By the use of laboratory scale

vacuum frying apparatus, it studies the interactions and optimization of process parameters on

vacuum frying pumpkin slices. The results of this study suggest that vacuum frying at 84.53°C,

pressure of 40 mbar for 18 minutes might produce pumpkin chips with acceptable quality. The

composition of raw and processed pumpkin in the optimum conditions were determined and

compared with each other. It was found that 60% of water content was exited from pumpkin

slices during vacuum frying and around 20% oil absorbed to fried slices. Sensory evaluation of

the final product was considered to determine the result of the study. The results of sensory

evaluation for customer acceptance implied that in terms of the evaluated factors, most of the

panelists considered pumpkin chips desirable. Also, the results of sensory evaluation showed that

panelists choose color of pumpkin chips as the finest factor of this product.

Foreign Literature

According to Banerjee S. et al., (2017) Vacuum-frying process is successfully adopted

for processing different fruits like apple, pineapple, grapes, banana, guava, mango, peach, etc.

and vegetables like sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, and carrots into food chips. In their

conclusion they found out that when vacuum frying process is used it has a good potential to be

applied for the development of snacks from fruits and vegetable, and with better qualities with

the benefits in health.

There is a need for some preliminary operation before conducting it such as blanching,

freezing, pre-drying etc. This preliminary operations play role in moisture removal, product

yield, final product, moisture content, fat content of the product and fat distribution in the final

product. Initial plant set up investment for vacuum frying is much higher compared to

convention deep frying plant. The challenge is the availability of vacuum fryer for small capacity

operation, through large capacity plants are available.

Adopting in vacuum frying process becomes a challenge for the small level players, like

entrepreneurs and small-scale industries. All in all Vacuum frying technology have added

advantages over conventional frying. Vacuum frying process is achievable at lower temperature

than conventional frying and minimizes formation of acrylamide, which is a harmful thermal

reaction product. Reducing lipid content in the final product, because of lower oil intake during

vacuum frying process and higher rate of moisture evaporation are the advantages of the process,

including sensorial and textural properties of vacuum fried products.

Local Literature

Using vacuum fryer in vegetables is a healthy alternative way of reducing oil content

while retaining the nutritional content of food. Escares L. et Al. (2018). It offers natural taste

while enjoying the crunchy bite of the product. According to Escares L. et Al. (2018) In their

study in titled Acceptability of Vacuum fried squash using three process, the three batches of

vacuum fried squash of varying time and temperature were successfully prepared. The results of

sensory evaluation revealed acceptable quality attributes in terms of color, taste, texture and

general acceptability. The product which was subjected to the third process schedule was

evaluated discreetly acceptable in terms of the color, taste and general acceptability. The result of

the sensory evaluation states that the potential customers will liked very much its texture due to

its crispiness which made it more appealing. The vacuum fried squash is nutritious snack that

gives natural taste while enjoying the crunchiness of it.



This chapter presents the materials that will be used in the experiment, the methods that

will be employed in the data collection, and the statistical tools that will be used in the analysis

and interpretation.

Research Design

This study will be using experimental method of research to determine the effect of

vacuum frying in squash chips with different flavors which will be evaluated in terms of taste,

color, texture and general acceptability.


The following materials, tools, equipment, ingredients, will be used in the conduct of the


Table 1. Materials that will be used in the experiment.

Ingredients Quantity Unit of measurements

Squash 1big pc.

Sugar 1 kl.
Oil 2 bottles
Cheese powder 1 pack
Garlic powder 1 pack

Basin 3 pc.

Collander 3 pc.

Knife 3 pc.

Chopping board 3 pc.

Stand-up pouch



Vacuum fryer


1. Materials

Squash were purchased directly from the farmers in Rizal, Occidental Mindoro. Cooking

oil, sugar, cheese and garlic powder was purchased in Department store in San Jose, Occidental

Mindoro. Freshly-thin cut squash were weighed and packed in zip lock plastic bags and stored at

zero degrees Celsius (0⁰C) prior to use.

2. Preparation of Squash

Washed the young squash and cut thinly using a kitchen knife. Freshly-cut squash were

packed and refrigerated for two days until it become frozen in -30⁰C.

3. Vacuum frying

About two bottles of cooking oil were placed into a vacuum fryer. Three batches of ½

kilogram of frozen young squash were fried under vacuum fryer. After frying, the fried squash

were centrifuged using vacuum fryer spinner to remove excess frying oil in the squash and add

flavorings to it. Vacuum fried squash were packed and stored at room temperature before


4. Sensory Evaluation

The vacuum fried squash were subjected to sensory evaluation by selected panelist.

Numerical score sheet were provided to rate the color, taste, texture, and general acceptability of

vacuum fried squash using the 7-point hedonic scale.

Research Site

This study will be conducted at Occidental Mindoro State College Food Processing

Center at the OMSC College of Agriculture, Murtha Campus, Murtha, San Jose Occidental

Mindoro during the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Figure 2. Location map of the research site.

Experimental Lay-out

Trials Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

1 control 75g. squash,25g 50g squash,50g
flavorings flavorings
2 Control 75g. squash,25g 50g squash,50g
flavorings flavorings
3 Control 75g. squash,25g 50g squash,50g
flavorings flavorings

There will be three series of sensory evaluation and replication of the same assessment

that will be conducted to the panel to find out the acceptability of vacuum fried squash with

different flavors in first treatment we will just control the amount of squash and flavorings and

on the second treatment, we use 75g. Squash, 25g flavorings and in last treatment we use 50g

squash,50g flavorings in terms of color, texture, taste and general acceptability.

Unit of Analysis/Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the college students and instructors of the College

of Teacher Education of Occidental Mindoro State College for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

100 respondents will be randomly selected.

Research Instrument

According to the Department of Food Science (Cornell University) sensory evaluation

provides precise and accurate measurements because the data are collected from human beings.

Also according to Food processing and Technology sensory evaluation food quality is essential

to food industry in order to routinely monitor food quality and to ensure that foods being

produced are acceptable to the customers.

Therefore the purpose of it is to correlate with sensory test to give a reliable index of food


The hybrid rating scale is the instrument that will be used in evaluating and measuring

the appearance, color, taste, and texture of the product:

7-point hedonic scale

Score Interpretation

7 Like very much

6 Like moderately
5 Like slightly
4 Neither like or dislike
3 Dislike slightly
2 Dislike moderately
1 Dislike very much

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather information, with the use of score cards the study will be conducted with

purposively 100 selected members of the college students and instructors of at the College of
Teacher’s Education, Occidental Mindoro State College, San Jose Campus . Each evaluator will

be given one score card. The vacuum fried squash with two different flavors (cheese and garlic)

were laid out in separate plates but packaged with the same stand-up pouch. Only the researchers

and their adviser knew which plate contains the cheese or garlic flavor. This is to avoid any

biases from the evaluators because prior knowledge tends to make people have bias or


The evaluators were asked to rate the sensory qualities of the product using the Hybrid

Rating Scale by checking the appropriate number. The same scorecards were immediately

retrieved after the evaluation and the data will be tabulated and analyzed statistically using CRD

(Complete Randomized Design).

Prior to data gathering, the following activities will be undertaken.

1. Formal letter of request and necessary permit will be secured by the researchers from

the office of the College Dean.

2. The researchers will conduct the sensory evaluation at the TLE laboratory room of

Occidental Mindoro State College-San Jose Campus.

3. The samples will be served in the plate/styro food pack. Only the researchers and

their adviser know what are the flavors contain in the panel plates.

4. The evaluators will assess the finished product per treatment. Three samples such as

(T1= Control), (T2=75g squash and 25g flavorings), (T3 =50g squash and 50g

flavorings) will be evaluated by each panel per session.

5. Score sheet will be provided to every evaluator where he or she writes the evaluation

ratings for the four quality indicators such as color, texture, taste and general

acceptability. The treatments will be assessed in three replications of the experiment.

After scoring, the score sheets will be retrieved by the researchers.

6. Data gathered will be tabulated and interpreted using statisctical treatment.

Data Analysis

The researcher will used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in analyzing data,

because it is the most appropriate statistical method that will be used.

Complete Randomized Design (CRD) will use 5% level of significance. To describe the

quality of squash chips, the researcher uses the weighted mean. Further, analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) will used to test the null hypothesis. Mean comparison, using least significant

difference (LSD), will be performed to identify the best treatment level.


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