Room Air Conditioner v1.6

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The key takeaways are that the document provides a template for recording test procedures and results for measuring the energy consumption of room air conditioners according to industry standards.

The purpose of the document is to provide a template for recording test procedures, results, and other relevant information for measuring the energy efficiency of room air conditioners according to applicable industry standards and regulations.

The steps that need to be followed to complete the test procedure template are to fill in all required input cells in each tab as instructed, including the General Info & Test Results, Setup & Instrumentation, Settings, Recorded Data, Test Conditions, and other tabs.

Title Block

File Name:
Tab Name:
Version Number:
Latest Revision Date:

Reference Test Procedure

10 CFR 430 Subpart B Appendix F: Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Room Air

Table of Contents
General Info & Test Results
Setup & Instrumentation
Photo Adding
Recorded Data
Test Conditions Variations
Capacity Test
Standby Power Test
Uncertainty Data
General Test Comments
Report Sign-Off Block
EER Calculation
Uncertainty Calculations
Version Control

Blue tabs have cells requiring inputs
Provided data
Input cell
Calculated Value (auto-filled)

Instructions for Completing this Template

Follow the steps below, filling in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructed to complete. Us
cell is useful, but does not ensure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter all required inform
blue cells in the entire area bounded by yellow-shaded cells.

Important: Start with a clean (unused) template copy for each new report. Enter only data and information that
current test of that unit. All abbreviations and variable names should be consistent with the reference test proced


Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3a
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11

dix F: Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Room Air Conditioners [76 FR 1035, Jan. 6, 2011]

Instructions and summary of template contents
Lab information, product information and test results
Instrumentation requirements and space for sensor placement descriptions
Product and sensor placement photos
Space to input photos into the workbook (for Excel 2003 users only)
Unit control settings
Recorded data on test conditions
Input for test condition measurements
Measurement inputs and calculations for capacity test
Measurement inputs and calculations for standby test (if applicable)
Uncertainty data (if applicable)
Comments, clarifications, and documentation of discrepancies or other anomalies
Report review history
Automated calculations of EER measurement
Automated calculations of measurement uncertainty (if applicable)
Used for drop-down lists; summary of drop-down options
Report template revision history

g this Template
in all input cells (shaded light blue) in each tab you are instructed to complete. Using TAB to "hop" from input cell to input
ure that all input cells are reached. To guarantee that you enter all required information, you must visually scan for light
unded by yellow-shaded cells.

unused) template copy for each new report. Enter only data and information that are unique to the unit tested and the
breviations and variable names should be consistent with the reference test procedure.


General Info & Test Results

Setup & Instrumentation
Photos, if applicable
Photo Adding, if applicable (for Excel 2003 users only)
Recorded Data
Test Conditions Variations
Capacity Test
Standby Power Test
Uncertainty Data, if applicable
General Test Comments
Report Sign-off Block
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Lab Information
Lab Name: [Lab Name]
Lab Location: [Location of Lab]

Test Information
Date Test Started: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Date Test Finished: [MM/DD/YYYY]
Date of Last Calibration for Partition Wall [MM/DD/YYYY]
Is an Uncertainty Analysis needed for this test?
Are Photos needed for this test?
Is a Standby Test needed for this test?
Was the test performed according to DOE Test
Procedure, including relevant section of
1983 (RA 2009) and IEC 62301 (1st ed. June
2005) ?

Product Information
Manufacturer: (if applicable)
Brand: (if applicable)
Manufacturer Model Number: (if applicable)
Serial Number: (if applicable)
Date Manufactured:
Date Product Received:
Received by:
Condition as Received:

Product Characteristics
Rated Performance
Nameplate Capacity:
Nameplate EER:
Nameplate Input Voltage(s):

Product Description:
Has Louvers?
Reverse-cycle (Heat Pump Mode)?
Electric Resistance Heating?
Casement-only, Casement/Slider, or N/A?
Refrigerant Used (eg. R-22, R-410A)?
Back to Instructions tab

Figures of Merit for Tested Unit

Variable Measurement Uncertainty
Cooling Capacity
Electrical Power Input
Calculated EER
Annual Standby Energy Use

NOTE: Copy only; sign off is done in the Report Sign-Off Block tab
Test Report Sign-Off Block
We certify that the information and data in this report: (1) were obtained from the specific test unit
under test; (2) were obtained during the specific test being reported; (3) were not copied from any
other source, except where instructed to do so; and (4) were not altered or modified in any way.

Role Date
Test Completion [MM/DD/YYYY]

Template Population [MM/DD/YYYY]

Report Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY]
Report Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY]
Report Review by DOE [MM/DD/YYYY]

ed from the specific test unit

were not copied from any
or modified in any way.

[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Set-Up (This table should include instrumentation, sensors, and all equipment used during testing)
Instrument Type Brand Model #
1. Sensor Placement

Describe placement of sensors used to measure ambient temperature:

If additional sensors were used, describe placement:

2. Description of method used to determine the measurement uncertainty of the following measurements:

Power (W)

Barometric Pressure

Enthalpy (Btu/lbs)

Condensed Water Vapor


Heat Leakage (Btu/hr)

Heat Leakage (Btu/hr)

3A. Installation Instructions for Louvered Units

NOTE: Only fill out this section when testing louvered units

Describe installation of room air conditioner in wall cavity, including insulation used and sealing methods. A
for installation of unit (including tilting of the unit, installation of insulating foam, positioning of the unit, etc)

3B. Installation Instructions for Non-Louvered Units

NOTE: Only fill out this section when testing non-louvered units

Please quote the relevant manufacturer instructions for installing this unit, as it pertains to this test. (May use
Include instructions on the use of the installation kit and selection and use of the wall sleeve and grille
Please include references, including page numbers.
Describe the TTW sleeve that was selected for this test, including manufacturer, model number, and dimensio
Also include information on the metal grille, and whether it was included with the cabinet or the unit.
Back to Instructions tab

uipment used during testing)

Sensor Location Accuracy Date of Last Calibration
nty of the following measurements:
ulation used and sealing methods. Also, include all manufacturer instructions
ng foam, positioning of the unit, etc)

t, as it pertains to this test. (May use a focused picture with instructions)

e of the wall sleeve and grille
cturer, model number, and dimensions. Please note if this sleeve was listed in the manufacturer's instructions.
d with the cabinet or the unit.
Deadline for Next Calibration
manufacturer's instructions.
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE! Back to Instructions tab
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

1. Picture of the nameplate showing model number and a picture showing serial number (may require 2 sepa

2. FTC EnergyGuide label (if present).

3. Picture of both inside and outside portions of test unit , once it is out of the package (include as many pic

4. Exact placement of all sensors on, in, or around the device (please label where unclear, take multiple pictu
5. Picture of room air conditioner as installed in final set-up (evaporator side)

6. Picture of room air conditioner as installed in final set-up (condenser side)

7. Picture showing the space around the room air conditioner on the indoor room side, to show clearance lim

8. Room air conditioner control panel or controls as set during test

9. [IF NEEDED] Picture of the sleeve and grille used to test unit, separate from test set-up
10. [IF NEEDED] Picture of test kit components (such as foam insulation) used with test set-up

11. [IF NEEDED] Picture showing how test kit components were applied in test set-up (take multiple if need
12. Photos of test unit from all sides

13. Additional Photos (if necessary)

Back to Instructions tab

al number (may require 2 separate photos)

package (include as many pictures as neccesary)

re unclear, take multiple pictures if neccesary)

om side, to show clearance limits
test set-up
with test set-up

t set-up (take multiple if needed, for example: front and back)

Title Block This tab is for users of Excel 2003 o
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE! Instructions: Input the required test
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012 Note
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY] • Any photos uploaded to
• DOE will not consider an
is for users of Excel 2003 only so that they may be able to easily upload photos to this template.

ns: Input the required test photos on this tab first, then transfer to the "Photos" tab

• Any photos uploaded to this tab MUST be transferred over to the "Photos" tab.
• DOE will not consider any photos that remain on this tab in its evaluation of the test report template.
Back to Instructions tab
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Room Air Conditioner Settings - Controls

Please include a description of how the settings were entered, specific to this particular test unit:

Electromechanical or
Electronic Controls?

Cooling Setting?
Fan Setting?
Temperature Setting?

Other settings (if neccesary) Extra Setting #1

--- Description
--- Setting

Additional Description
Describe settings used on the Room Air Conditioner for test, or reference picture of controls in 'Photos' Tab
Back to Instructions tab

cular test unit:

Extra Setting #2 Extra Setting #3

of controls in 'Photos' Tab

Extra Setting #3
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Data Inputs

Run-In Period
Date of Run-In [MM/DD/YYYY]
Length of Run-In Time (hr)

Test Conditions Summary - Test Chamber Devices

In Accordance with Section 6.1.6 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-83 (RA09)

Compliance with Equilibrium Requirements

Has chamber been at equilibrium for

the minimum 1 hour?

Recorded Data
From ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-83 (RA09), Table 2

Electrical Input Measurement

Applied Voltage to test unit - V
Frequency - Hz
Line current - Amps
Power Input - Watts
Power Factor - percent
Fan speed - rpm

Pressure Measurements Measurement

Barometric Pressure - in. Hg

Water Measurements Measurement

Water quantity evaporated in
humidifier - lb/h
Temperature of humidifier water
entering room-side compartment or
in humidifier tank - F

Cooling water flow rate through

outdoor-side compartment,
reconditioning coil - lb/h

Temperature of cooling water

entering outdoor-side compartment,
reconditioning coil - F

Temperature of cooling water leaving

outdoor-side compartment,
reconditioning coil - F
Temperature of condensed water
leaving outdoor-side compartment - F

Airflow Measurements Measurement

Volume of airflow through measuring

nozzle of separating partition
flowmeter, including direction, in or
out of room - cfm

Static air pressure difference across

separating partition of calorimeter
compartments - in. H2O

Air Temperatures Measurement

Wet-bulb temperature of air leaving
room side of air conditioner

Dry-bulb temperature of air

surrounding inner compartments of
balanced ambient calorimeter - F

Wet-bulb temperature of air

surrounding inner compartments of
balanced ambient calorimeter - F

Notes/Comments: (Please clarify any pertinent details, unusual events, etc.)

Back to Instructions tab

-83 (RA09)


in. Hg









in. H2O




Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Data Inputs

Product Information (if applicable)

Test # :
Report # :
Indoor Unit Model Number:
Indoor Unit Serial Number:
Outdoor Unit Model Number:
Outdoor Unit Serial Number:
Rated Cooling Capacity : 0

Test Conditions (from raw data)

Measurement Min

Room Air Dry Bulb

Room Air Wet Bulb
Outside Air Dry Bulb
Outside Air Wet Bulb

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-83 (RA09) - Table

Variation of Arithmetric
Reading Average from Rating

Dry-Bulb Temperature 0.5

Wet-Bulb Temperature 0.3
Voltage 1.0%
Cooling Capacity Measurements Standard Test Conditions
Reading Value
Room Air Dry Bulb (deg F) 80
Room Air Wet Bulb (deg F) 67
Outside Air Dry Bulb (deg F) 95
Outside Air Wet Bulb (deg F) 75
Unit Voltage at 60 Hz (V) 115
Back to Instructions tab

Not Compliant with Standard

Compliant with Standard

Absolute Variation
Max Average Unit
Average Variation Range Variation
80 0 °F
67 0 °F
95 0 °F
75 0 °F
100.00% 0.00% V

dard 16-83 (RA09) - Table 1

Maximum Variation of
individual 10 min.
readings from rating

1.0 °F
0.6 °F
2.0% V
ndard Test Conditions
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Data Inputs

Capacity Calculation
In Accordance with Section 6.2 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-1983 (RA09)

Capacity Calculation - Room Side

From ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-83 (RA09), Section 6.2.1
S Er







Notable temperatures, as noted in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-69

Capacity Calculation - Outdoor Side

From ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-83 (RA09), Section 6.2.2

S Eo







Notable temperatures, as noted in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-69

n 6.2 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-1983 (RA09)

oom Side
ndard 16-83 (RA09), Section 6.2.1
Sum of all power input to room-side compartment, W.
Enthalpy of water or steam supplied to maintain humidity, Btu/lb
(kJ/kg). If no water is introduced during the test, hw1 is taken at the
temperature of the water in the humidifier tank of the reconditioning

Enthalpy of condensed moisture leaving the roomside compartment,

Btu/lb (kJ/kg). Since transfer of condensed moisture from room-side to
outdoor-side compartment usually takes place within the air conditioner,
with consequent difficulty in measuring its temperature, the temperature
of the condensate may be assumed to be at the measured wet-bulb
temperature of the air leaving the air conditioner.

Water vapor condensed by air conditioner. This is measured by

reconditioning equipment as the amount of water evaporated into room-
side compartment to maintain required humidity, lb/h (kg/s).

Heat leakage into room-side compartment through separating partition

between room-side and outdoorside compartments, as determined from
calibrating test, Btu/h (W).

Heat leakage into room-side compartment through walls, floor, and

ceiling (but not including the separating partition) as determined from
calibrating test, Btu/h (W).
Net total cooling effect as determined on room-side compartment, Btu/h
Net latent cooling effect, Btu/h (W)
Net sensible cooling effect, Btu/h

oted in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-69

Was water introduced during the test to maintain humidity?
IF NO: What was the temperature of the water in the humidifer tank?

Was the temperature of the condensate assumed to be at the measured

wet-blub temperature of the air leaving the air conditioner?
--> Please note this temperature

Outdoor Side
ndard 16-83 (RA09), Section 6.2.2
Heat removed by cooling coil in outdoor-side compartment, Btu/h (W)
Sum of all power input to any equipment, such as reheaters, circulating
fans, etc., in outdoor-side compartment, watts (W)
Total power input to air conditioner, watts (W)
Enthalpy of condensed moisture leaving the roomside compartment, as
defined in 6.2.1, Btu/lb (kJ/kg)

Enthalpy of condensate removed by air-treating coil in outdoor-side

compartment reconditioning equipment, taken at the temperature at
which the condensate leaves the compartment, Btu/lb (kJ/kg)
Water vapor condensed by air conditioner, as defined in 6.2.1, lb/h (kg/s)

Heat leakage out of outdoor-side compartment through separating

partition between room-side and outdoor-side compartments, as
determined from calibrating test, Btu/h (W) (this quantity will be
numerically equal to qlp used in Equation 1 if and only if the area of
separating partition exposed to the outdoor side is equal to the area
exposed to the roomside compartment)
Heat leakage out of outdoor side (but not including the separating
partition), as determined from calibrating test, Btu/h (W).

Net total cooling

Adjusted net totaleffect as determined
cooling on outdoor-side,
effect as determined Btu/h (W).
on outdoor-side, Btu/h

oted in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-69

What is the temperature at which the condensate leaves the
Back to Instructions tab

Measurement Unit






0 Btu/h
0 Btu/h
0 Btu/h



Measurement Unit


0 Watts



0 lb/h



0 Btu/h
0 Btu/h

Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Data Inputs

Standby and Off Mode Power Tests

In Accordance with IEC 62301

Test Room Conditions - IEC 62301, 4.2

Room airflow < .5 m/s

Ambient Temperature
OA Ventilation Damper Closed (if available)

Power Supply - IEC 62301, 4.3-4.4


Wattmeter - IEC 62301. 4.5


Test Measurements - IEC 62301 5.3

Inactive Mode
Inactive Mode?
Name of Mode

Did the power stabilize?

Average Inactive Mode Power (PIA)

Off Mode
Off Mode?
Name of Mode
Did the power stabilize?
Average Off Mode Power (POFF)

Annual Hours

Inactive Mode Hours (SIA)

Off Mode Hours (SOFF)

Standby Mode and Off Mode Annual Energy Consumption (ETSO)


Inactive Mode Power (Watts)
Off Mode Power (Watts)
K Conversion Factor (kWh/Wh)
Annual Hours Inactive Mode
Annual Hours Off Mode
Back to Instructions tab

Measurement Units Requirement

m/s Yes
73.4 +/- 9 deg F (23 +/- 5
°F degC)
- Yes

V Nameplate
Hz Nameplate

Watt From Sec. 4.5

% From Sec. 4.5

- -
- -
If NO, which approach in
- IEC 5.3.2 was used :
Watts -

- -
- -
If NO, which approach in
- IEC 5.3.2 was used :
Watts -

See Sec. 5.3 of Appendix F

Test Procedure
See Sec. 5.3 of Appendix F
Test Procedure

ergy Consumption (ETSO) Measurement Unit

ETSO 0 kWh

PIA 0 Watts
POFF 0 Watts
k 0.001 -
SIA 0 hrs
SOFF 0 hrs
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE! Back to Instructions tab
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Data Inputs

Uncertainty Data
Tab Sec
Recorded Data Electrical Input

Recorded Data Pressure Measurement

Capacity Calculations Room Side

Capacity Calculations Room Side
Capacity Calculations Room Side
Capacity Calculations Room Side
Capacity Calculations Room Side
Capacity Calculations Room Side

Standby Power Test Inactive Mode

Standby Power Test Off Mode

Additional Inputs for Uncertainty Calculations

Tab Sec

Capacity Calculations Room Side

Reference Reference

EER Calculation -

Standby Power Test Annual Hours

Standby Power Test Annual Hours

Standby Power Test Reference

k to Instructions tab

Section Input Measurement Uncertainty

trical Input Power Input - watts 0
(BP) Barometric
Pressure - in. Hg
sure Measurement (kPa) 0

m Side S Er 0
m Side hw1 0
m Side hw2 0
m Side wr 0
m Side qlp 0
m Side qlr 0

Average Inactive
tive Mode Mode Power (PIA) 0

Average Off Mode

Mode Power (POFF) 0

Section Input Measurement

qrt - net roomside
m Side 0
cooling effect
SP - Standard
rence 29.92
NCC - Adjusted net
coolding capacity
Inactive Mode Hours
ual Hours 0
Off Mode Hours
ual Hours 0
rence k Converstion Factor 0.001

in. Hg



Title Block
File Name: #VALUE! Back to Instructions tab
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

1. Overall Test Comments

Please describe any unusual events or issues that occurred during this test

Please note whether this test was run more than once, and why

2. Test Unit Discrepancies

Please note any features about the test unit that required special modification of the test set-up

3. Additional Comments
Please provide any further comments about this test that should be noted
If any pictures would help describe and enhance these comments, please include them in the 'Photos' Tab unde
nstructions tab
m in the 'Photos' Tab under 9) Additional Photos
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Test Report Sign-Off Block

By signing in the space below, we certify that the information and data in this report: (1) were obtained from th
test; (2) were obtained during the specific test being reported; (3) were not copied from any other source, except
and (4) were not altered or modified in any way.

Role Date
Test Completion [MM/DD/YYYY]
Template Population [MM/DD/YYYY]
Report Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY]
Report Review by Test Lab [MM/DD/YYYY]
Report Review by DOE [MM/DD/YYYY]
Back to Instructions tab

report: (1) were obtained from the specific test unit under
ied from any other source, except where instructed to do so;

[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
[Test Lab Name]
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

EER Calculation
In Accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-1983 (RA09)

Capacity Calculation - Room Side

From 10 CFR Appendix F to Subpart B of Part 430

Net total cooling effect as determined on room-side

compartment, Btu/h
Net total cooling effect as determined on outdoor-
side, Btu/h (W).

Agreement Check: Does the room-side and outdoor-side

capacity agree to within 4%?

Difference between room-side and outdoor-side capacities

Electrical Power Input
Non-Adjusted EER

ASHRAE Standard 16-1983 (RA 2009) Pressure Adjustment

Measured Barometric Pressure

Measured Deviation from Standard Pressure
Upward adjustment of capacity measurements
Adjusted net total cooling effect as determined on
room-side compartment, Btu/h (W).
Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)
Measurement Units

0 Btu/h



0 W
#DIV/0! (Btu/h)/W

Measurement Units
0 in. Hg
29.92 in. Hg
23.936 %

#DIV/0! (Btu/h)/W
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Measurement Uncertainty Calculations

Electrical Power Input On-Test

Uncertainty Calculations
Upower 0

No calculation is needed
Cooling Capacity

Uncertainty Calculations
Uqrt 0

qrt - net cooling effect of room side - from "Capacity Calculations"

qrt = 3.41* SER + (hw1-hw2)*wr + qlp + qlr

Partial Derivatives Uncertainty - from "Uncertainty Da

dqrt/dSER 3.41 SER
dqrt/dhw1 0 wr hw1
dqrt/dhw2 0 (-)wr hw2
dqrt/wr 0 hw1-hw2 wr
dqrt/dqlp 1 qlp
dqrt/dqlr 1 qlr

NCC - Adjusted Net Cooling Capacity - from Capacity Calculations

NCC = qrt*(1+.008*(SP-BP))

Partial Derivatives Uncertainty

dNCC/dqrt 1.23936 1+.008*SP -.008*BP qrt
dNCC/dBP 0 (-).008qrt BP

if BP<SP, normal uncertainty calc

if BP>SP, Uncertainty = Uqrt

Uncertainty Calculations

EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio from "EER C

EER = NCC/Power

Uncertainty - from "Uncertainty Data" Partial Derivatives

0 dEER/dPower

0 from above
0 from "Uncertainty Data" tab
ty Calculations

fficiency Ratio from "EER Calculation"

Partial Derivatives Uncertainty - from this tab

#DIV/0! 1/Power NCC 0
#DIV/0! (-)NCC/Power^2 Power 0
Annual Standby Energy Use

Uncertainty Calculations

ETSO - Energy Total of Standby and Off Settings from "Standby Power Test"


Partial Derivatives Uncertainty - from "Uncertainty Data"

m "Uncertainty Data"
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Yes_no Annual_Hours

Yes 0
No 2557.5
Uncertainty_Y_N tag controls uncertainty conditional formatting
Photos_Y_N tag controls photos conditional formatting
Standby_Y_N tag controls standby test conditional formatting
Electronic A_B
Electromechanical A
Electronic B
Title Block
File Name: #VALUE!
Tab Name: #VALUE!
Version Number: 1.6
Latest Revision Date: 10/10/2012
Test Completion Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Revisions List
Version Date
0.1 4/27/2011
0.2 5/5/2011
0.3 5/19/2011
0.4 5/27/2011
1.0 6/2/2011
1.1 5/11/2012
1.2 5/18/2012
1.3 5/18/2012
1.4 6/1/2012
1.5 7/15/2012
1.6 10/10/2012

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