Essay (Effect of Drug Abuse)

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What is DRUG?
Drugs are chemical compounds that affect the mind and body. The exact
effects vary among individuals and also depend on the drug, dosage, and delivery
method. Using any drug, even in moderation or according to a medical
prescription, can have short – term effects or physical effect and long – term
Drug abuse or substance abuse refers to the use of certain chemicals for the
purpose of creating pleasurable effects on the brain. There are over 190 million
drug users around the world and the problem has been increasing at alarming rates,
especially among young adults under the age of 30, many young adults are now in
acts of abusing drugs in wrong way without been concern about the effect it has to
their health, career and life. Apart from the long term damage to the body drug
abuse causes, drug addicts who use needles are also at risk of contracting HIV and
hepatitis B and C infections.
Drug abuse, also known as Drug addiction is defined as chronic, relapsing
brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite its
harmful consequences. The initial decision of drug taking is voluntary but repeated
uses leads to its addiction. Addiction of any form is dangerous. What is even more
worse is that mostly young children and youth are hit by this storm. Most illicit use
of drugs starts at the age of 16-17 years of age. It starts with merely smoking of
cigarettes and gradually drowns the person into the trap of drug abuse. Stress,
anxiety, peer pressure, poverty are some of the main causes of drug abuse.As is
well said –“it is never too late”. Therefore, we all need to focus strictly on this
important matter now. Government should set targets to reduce the drug-abuse
It should ensure that efficient preventive measure are been taken. At our
individual level we should contribute effectively in eradicating this problem.
Besides, it is a major responsibility on parents to talk to their children and shape up
their minds positively.
They should not pressurize them academically and socially so much that
they fall into this menace. Parental control including a healthy home environment
is a must for controlling drug addiction. Parents, the guiding light must teach their
children to feel empathy and compassion for others.
Drug Abuse is one of the banes of modern society. It has hit all regions and
all sections of our society. It is found in rural and urban areas, among poor and the
rich, among the men and women, among young or old. But it is most
overwhelmingly practiced by young boys and girls especially in hostels and in
almost all educational and technical institutions. Thus drug abuse is there in almost
all the countries of the world. Day by day alcohol is becoming increasingly
available and is used widely. Addiction has become really a curse upon human
beings. It affects not only the drug addicts but also others directly or indirectly. For
common people, it is a weakness of character. A moral theologian may see it as a
matter of vice while as sociologists see it as a social problem. It is considered sin
by religious people and as a crime by law enforcement groups. The psychiatrist can
describe it as a personality disorder problem. The alcoholics anonymous groups
and the treatment centres call them patients and alcoholism is handled as a disease.

Drug abuse is also known as substance abuse, and can be defined as a

patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or
with methods which are harmful to them or others. And when an individual
persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of
the substance, substance dependence may be diagnosed. Thus compulsive and
repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and results in
withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped.. Drugs are chemical
Pharmaceutical preparation or a naturally occurring substance used primarily
to bring about a change in the existing process or state (physiological,
psychological or biochemical) can be called a drug. In other words, any chemical
that alters the physical or mental functioning of an individual is a drug. Drugs, by
interaction change the biochemical systems of the body.
If a drug alters sensory perceptions, mood, thought process, feelings or
behaviour it is known as a psychoactive drug. Pharmacology is that branch of
science, which investigates drug actions.Certain drugs are legally permitted and at
the same time others are illegal. Alcohol and tobacco are legally permitted as
certain drugs for medication.
However, medically used drugs can also be abused. It can be used too much,
too long, too often, with wrong combinations etc. As a result, tolerance and
dependency is produced illegal drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, etc. are detrimental to
both body and mind. These drugs are taken for reasons other than medical, in an
amount, strength, frequency manner that damages the physical or mental
functioning of an individual and is called as 'Drug abuse'. Its use leads to addiction,
which develops tolerance and dependence while others cause both physical and
psychological dependence.
Drugs of abuse are usually psychoactive drugs that are used by people for
various different reasons which may include:
 Curiosity and peer pressure, especially among school children and young
 The use of prescription drugs that were originally intended to target pain
relief may have turned into recreational use and become addictive.
 Chemicals may be used as part of religious practices or rituals.
 As a means of obtaining creative inspiration.
 Depressions has a result of failure, job loss, marriage breakup.
 High stress level.
 Poverty.
 Poor family upbringing.
Now a days different classification systems of drugs exist. Broadly speaking
it can be divided into two major groups –
 Legal drugs
 Illegal drugs

Legal drugs are those drugs which are manufactured, produced, bought and
sold within the confines of the law.
Drugs like aspirin cough syrups, laxatives, antacids, vitamins and certain
contraceptives etc. are legal drugs, which can be obtained without a prescription
from the physician. These non-prescription drugs are used for hunger control,
sedation, stimulation, dandruff, constipation, relief etc. and are produced and
marketed for billions of dollars throughout the world.
Drugs and medications dispensed by pharmacists on prescriptions given by
doctors and dentist are called prescription drugs. They include analgesics,
contraceptives, antibiotics, medicated shampoos, stimulants, sedatives,
antidepressants, anaesthetics etc.
At the same time many psychoactive prescription drugs like amphetamines,
barbiturates, narcotics etc. are abused to alter the state of consciousness and
sensitivity to pain etc. Huge quantities of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea are used,
abused and misused as social drugs. They are legally available psychoactive drugs.
Thus these are divided into 3 categories:
(a) Non-prescription drugs
(b) Prescription drugs
(c) Social drugs – nicotine, caffeine and alcohol
Illegal drugs are those, which are not used legally but are abused. Largely it
can be further divided into two according to its potentiality to produce high and
low dependence:
The amphetamines, cocaine, the depressants and the narcotics etc. produce
high dependency. Marijuana and other hallucinogens produces low dependency.
IllegaI drugs are varying in nature according to their ability to produce
clinical dependency. Heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturate etc. are strongly
dependence producing drugs. At the same time Marijuana, LSD, Psilocylin etc.
are weekly dependence producing drugs.
Classification of Addictive Drugs
Addictive Drugs are divided according to its nature, origin, mechanism of
action and effects. They are studied under various categories, viz.
 Narcotic Analgesics
In Greek, the prefix ‘narco’ means to deaden or to be numb. Analgesic
means 'pain killing' or 'pain relieving'. These drugs slow down a person and create
feelings of euphoria.
Dentists and doctors mostly prescribe these as painkillers. Codeine.
Morphine, Percodan etc. are important among them. Some illegal drugs like
Heroin and Brown sugar are narcotics.
Medically the term 'narcotic' signifies opium and opium derivatives or
synthetic products that have opium-like effects. They arc rather painkillers with
high addictive nature.
 Stimulants
Chemicals and drugs which temporarily stimulate mind and body and excite
or speed up the central nervous system, are called stimulants. Substances that
people take to attain extraordinary powers of' mind and body are called "pep" pills.
These are called "uppers" because they lift the person up from despair and
despondency and give them mental balance, exhilaration and a super sensual
feeling of happiness. Stimulants are available in the form of pills and are
prescribed by doctors.
But young men misuse them for getting a kind of intoxication and ecstasy
feeling. Commonly used stimulants are Nicotine and Caffeine. The active and
powerful stimulants are Cocaine and Amphetamines.
These cause stimulation of the brain, giving rise to alertness and increased
bursts of activity. A rapid heart rate, dilated pupils, raised blood pressure, nausea
or vomiting and behavioral changes such as agitation, and impaired judgment may
also result. In severe cases, there may be delusional psychosis which can occur
with the use of cocaine and amphetamines.
The younger generation is badly attracted to these drugs. 'They reach the
brain through blood and upset the nervous system.
 Depressants
Depressants at times called "downers", depress or slow down the functions
of mind and especially the central nervous system, the heart beat and respiration.
People resort to chemicals to have relaxation, calmness and proper sleep. These
cause depressions of the brain's faculties and examples include sleeping pills
(barbiturates) and heroin.
 Cannabis
Cannabis is the term, which refers to marijuana and other drugs, produced from
Indian limp-plant, cannabis sativa. It has been cultivated for centuries in different
parts of the world for its tough fibre of the stem, for the oil in its seed, and for its
psychoactive properties. More than 60 cannabinoids can he prepared from cannabis
 Hallucinogens
These cause hallucinations and an "out of this world" feeling of
dissociation from oneself. Hallucinogens may cause distorted sensory
perception, delusion, paranoia and even depression. Examples include
ecstasy, mescaline and LSD.
Examples of drug abused are:
1. Alcohol.
2. Tobacco.
3. Cocaine from coca.
4. Opium and opioids from poppy plants.
5. Hashish or marijuana from cannabis.
6. Synthetic drugs such as heroin, ecstasy and LSD.
7. Steroids.
8. Narcotics.
9. Inhalants.


There are several different routes of administration for drugs of abuse
 Orally in the form of a pill
 Intravenously in the form of an injection
 By inhaling the substance in the form of smoke or via snorting the substance
so it is absorbed into the blood vessels of the nose.


Taking for example, an offspring of one parent with alcohol-related disorder is
seven to eight times more likely to become an alcoholic than is a peer without such
a parent. Some factors lead to drug been abused which are
 Biological factors may include:
 Genetic or biochemical abnormalities
 Nutritional deficiencies
 Endocrine imbalances, and allergic responses.
Addiction to drugs in today has played a vital role in increasing the rate of crime in
Nigeria and all over the world. Most armed rubbers people walking on the streets are
drug addicts and most of them did not have such habits before they went into drugs.
Even in police stations most of the people charged for doing crimes
are drug addicts. One factor that has also contributed to increase in the rate of drugs
is the availability of these drugs. Almost all the pharmacies in Nigeria are involved
in the distribution of drugs to who ever has the money. In a lecture given by Dr. Jega
who is the vice chancellor of Bayero University Kano on the 1st of December last
year (World Aids Day), he stated that most of the road accidents victims and
rehabilitation centre patients in Nigeria are all teenagers of ages 16-19, who all go
through problems of drug abuse. Also, in an article written by Ahmed Mohammed
titled ‘Drug abuse as seen in the University Department of Psychiatry, Kaduna,
Nigeria, in 1980-1984,” he stated  Old people who come across having weak eyes
are or certain disabilities are believed to be suffering from some of the effects of
drug abuse. Some other effects of drug abuse include pale skin, bags underneath
their eyes, poor academics and also memory loss. Marijuana and alcohol interfere
with motor control and are factors in many automobile accidents. In one way or
another, almost all drugs over stimulate the brain. It is not only when a person acts
strange that affects drug users.

There are also other effects of drug abuse which are:

1. The short – term effect or Physical Effects.
2. The long – term effect or Emotional effects.
Using any drug, even in moderation or according to a medical prescription, can
have short-term effects.
For instance, consuming one or two servings of alcohol can lead to mild
intoxication. A person may feel relaxed, uninhibited, or sleepy due to the large
intake of alcohol taken.
Nicotine from cigarettes and other tobacco products raises blood pressure
and increases alertness.
Using a prescription opioid as a doctor has instructed helps relieve
moderate-to-severe pain, but opioids can also cause drowsiness, shallow breathing,
and constipation.
Abusing a drug, or misusing a prescription medication, can produce other
short-term and physical effects, such as:
 Changes in appetite.
 Sleeplessness or insomnia.
 Increased heart rate.
 Slurred speech.
 Changes in cognitive ability.
 A temporary sense of euphoria.
 Loss of coordination.
Drug abuse can affect aspects of a person’s life beyond their physical health.
People with substance use disorder, for example, may experience:
 An inability to cease using a drug.
 Relationship problems.
 Poor work or academic performance.
 Difficulty maintaining personal hygiene.
 Noticeable changes in appearance, such as extreme weight loss.
 Increased impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors.
 Loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities.
Drug abuse, especially over an extended period, can have numerous long-term
health effects.
Chronic drug use can alter a person’s brain structure and function, resulting
in long-term psychological and emotional effects, such as:
 Depression.
 Anxiety.
 Panic disorders.
 Increased aggression.
 Paranoia.
 Hallucinations.
Long-term drug use can also affect a person’s memory, learning, and
The long-term physical effects of drug use vary depending on the type of
drug and the duration of use. However, experts have linked chronic drug use with
the following health conditions:
Cardiovascular disease
 Stimulants, such as cocaine and methamphetamines, can damage the heart
and blood vessels.
The long-term use of these drugs can lead to coronary artery disease,
arrhythmia, and heart attack.
Respiratory problems
 Drugs that people smoke or inhale can damage the respiratory system and
lead to chronic respiratory infections and diseases.
 Opioids slow a person’s breathing by binding to specific receptors in the
central nervous system that regulate respiration. By depressing a person’s
respiration, these drugs can lead to slow breathing or heavy snoring.
 A person may stop breathing entirely if they take a large dose of an opioid or
take it alongside other drugs, such as sleep aids or alcohol.
Kidney damage
The kidneys filter excess minerals and waste products from the blood. Heroin,
ketamine, and synthetic cannabinoids can cause kidney damage or kidney failure.
When drug is abused it damages the kidney, when there is too much drug
intake it causes blockage of some minerals and harmful waste product ought to be
taken out to remain and the kidney gets damage.
Liver disease
 Chronic drug and alcohol use can damage the liver cells, leading to
inflammation, scarring, and even liver failure and stoppage of the function of
lungs in the body.
 Taking too much of a drug or taking multiple drugs together can result in an
overdose in which leads to drug been abused when mixture of different types
of drugs and taken in the wrong prescription or more than the way it ought
to be used then it leads to drug overdose and drug been abused.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drug
overdose caused 67,367 deaths from a Trusted Source in the United States in
2018. Opioids contributed to nearly 70% of these deaths.
Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction
Addiction to any drug may include these general characteristics:
 Feeling that one needs the drug on a regular basis to have fun, relax or deal
with your problems;
 Giving up familiar activities such as sports, homework, or hobbies;
 Sudden changes in work or school attendance and quality of work or grades;
 Doing things one normally wouldn’t do to obtain drugs, such as frequently
borrowing money or stealing items from employer, home or school;
 Taking uncharacteristic risks, such as driving under the influence or sexually
risky behaviour;
Anger outbursts, acting irresponsibly and overall attitude change;
Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming;
Wearing sunglasses and/or long sleeve shirts frequently or at inappropriate times;
No longer spending time with friends who don't use drugs and/or associating with
known users;
Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviours such as frequent trips to storage
rooms, restroom, basement, etc;
 Needing to use more of the drug of choice to achieve the same effects;
 Talking about drugs all the time and pressuring others to use with him;
 Feeling exhausted, depressed, hopeless, or suicidal.
Risk Factors for Drug Abuse
Certain factors predispose teenagers to drug abuse. These include
• Family history of substance abuse,
 History of depression and low self-esteem,
 Feelings of not fitting in, and dropping out of the mainstream.
A smoking habit has likewise been correlated with substance abuse. Teens who
smoke are eight times more likely to use marijuana, and twenty-two times more
likely to use cocaine.
Warning Signs a Teenager has Problem of Drug Abuse
 Physical Signs: Fatigue, repeated health complaints, red and glazed eyes,
lasting cough.
 Emotional Signs: Personality change, sudden mood changes, irritability,
irresponsible behavior, poor judgment, general lack of interest.
 Family Dynamics: Starting arguments, negative attitude, breaking rules,
withdrawing from family, secretiveness.
 School Behaviours’: Decreased interest, negative attitude, drop in grades,
many absences, truancy, and discipline problems.
 Social Problems: New friends, problems with the law, changes to less
conventional styles in dress and music, sudden disregard in physical
appearance and requests for money that are out of the ordinary.
Implications of Drug Abuse
 Risk to personal safety (danger of death or injury by overdose, accident or
 Damage to health (including brain damage, liver failure, mental problems
 Legal consequences (risk of imprisonment, fines and criminal record).
 Destructive behaviour (harm to self, family and friends).
Drug dependency is also a common cause of financial problems and difficulties at
work or school.
 People may lie or steal in order to continue using the drug, as a result, and
may lose the trust of their friends and family.
 They may feel shame and guilt, due to repeated failures in trying to control
their drug intake.
Various preventive measures for drug abuse are as follows:
 Teaching and awareness programs
 Resist peer pressure
 Manage stress and anxiety
 Increase taxes on addictive materials like cigarettes
 Campaigns to appeal youth against it
 Control on OTC medication
 Role of parents is imperative
Various ways to help drug addicts would include following:
 Easy and affordable access to Rehabilitation centres
 Employment opportunities
 Widespread education
 Entertainment avenues
 Mandatory physical fitness classes in the schools and colleges
 Individual contribution in the society to spread awareness about drug-abuse

Forms of Drug Abuse and Their Effects

Ph.D. Research Scholar
School of Education and Behavioural Science
University of Kashmir
[email protected]
Addiction doesn’t only destroy the addict
but kills the family, kids & the one who tried to help!
Drug abuse, also known as Drug addiction is defined as chronic, relapsing brain
disease that is
characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite its harmful
consequences. The initial
decision of drug taking is voluntary but repeated uses leads to its addiction.
Addiction of any
form is dangerous. What is even more worse is that mostly young children and
youth are hit by
this storm. Most illicit use of drugs starts at the age of 16-17 years of age. It starts
with merely
smoking of cigarettes and gradually drowns the person into the trap of drug
abuse. Stress,
anxiety, peer pressure, poverty are some of the main causes of drug abuse.As is
well said –“it is
never too late”. Therefore, we all need to focus strictly on this
important matter now.
Government should set targets to reduce the drug-abuse levels. It should ensure
that efficient
preventive measure are been taken. At our individual level we should contribute
effectively in
eradicating this problem. Besides, it is a major responsibility on parents to talk to
their children
and shape up their minds positively. They should not pressurize them academically
and socially
so much that they fall into this menace. Parental control including a healthy home
environment is
a must for controlling drug addiction. Parents, the guiding light must teach their
children to feel
empathy and compassion for others
Forms of Drug Abuse and Their Effects
Ph.D. Research Scholar
School of Education and Behavioural Science
University of Kashmir
[email protected]
Addiction doesn’t only destroy the addict
but kills the family, kids & the one who tried to help!
Drug abuse, also known as Drug addiction is defined as chronic, relapsing brain
disease that is
characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite its harmful
consequences. The initial
decision of drug taking is voluntary but repeated uses leads to its addiction.
Addiction of any
form is dangerous. What is even more worse is that mostly young children and
youth are hit by
this storm. Most illicit use of drugs starts at the age of 16-17 years of age. It starts
with merely
smoking of cigarettes and gradually drowns the person into the trap of drug
abuse. Stress,
anxiety, peer pressure, poverty are some of the main causes of drug abuse.As is
well said –“it is
never too late”. Therefore, we all need to focus strictly on this
important matter now.
Government should set targets to reduce the drug-abuse levels. It should ensure
that efficient
preventive measure are been taken. At our individual level we should contribute
effectively in
eradicating this problem. Besides, it is a major responsibility on parents to talk to
their children
and shape up their minds positively. They should not pressurize them academically
and socially
so much that they fall into this menace. Parental control including a healthy home
environment is
a must for controlling drug addiction. Parents, the guiding light must teach their
children to feel
empathy and compassion for others
Forms of Drug Abuse and Their Effects
Ph.D. Research Scholar
School of Education and Behavioural Science
University of Kashmir
[email protected]
Addiction doesn’t only destroy the addict
but kills the family, kids & the one who tried to help!
Drug abuse, also known as Drug addiction is defined as chronic, relapsing brain
disease that is
characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite its harmful
consequences. The initial
decision of drug taking is voluntary but repeated uses leads to its addiction.
Addiction of any
form is dangerous. What is even more worse is that mostly young children and
youth are hit by
this storm. Most illicit use of drugs starts at the age of 16-17 years of age. It starts
with merely
smoking of cigarettes and gradually drowns the person into the trap of drug
abuse. Stress,
anxiety, peer pressure, poverty are some of the main causes of drug abuse.As is
well said –“it is
never too late”. Therefore, we all need to focus strictly on this
important matter now.
Government should set targets to reduce the drug-abuse levels. It should ensure
that efficient
preventive measure are been taken. At our individual level we should contribute
effectively in
eradicating this problem. Besides, it is a major responsibility on parents to talk to
their children
and shape up their minds positively. They should not pressurize them academically
and socially
so much that they fall into this menace. Parental control including a healthy home
environment is
a must for controlling drug addiction. Parents, the guiding light must teach their
children to feel
empathy and compassion for others
In conclusion: Drug abuse has been a major problem in Nigeria as a country,
because a lot of people especially youths are victims of drug abuse in the society
and has caused a lot of problem to the nations, like death, accident, e.t.c and has
also affected the nation at large and with this competition it must stop drug been
abused in the nation at large thanks.

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